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Image provided by: Mississippi Department of Archives and History
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G. W. Rayburn for Mayor. We are authorized to announce Mr. G. W. Rayburn in this issue of The Itemizer as a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor of the city of Water Valley. The record of Mr. Rayburn hus made duridg his incumbency as Mayor of the city of Water Valley, entitles his claims to the consid eration of our people. We hear of no mistakes he has made in the discharge of his official duties, but, rather, his record shows him to be worthy of the place he has occu pied. His past experience will simply better fit him in the future for the performance of the respon sible duties which will devolve upon him. Under his adminis tration the government of the city has run smoothly, and is being kept on the up-grade, and further time will but give him the oppor tunity to carry out the work he has inaugurated. He has proven him self worthy of the position he is now occupying. Death of Mrs. N. J. Landers. The numerous friends of Mrs. N. J. Landers, in our city, were shocked Monday morning to learn that, atter only a few hours illness, she died at her home in Grenada early that morning. Sunday night she retired feeling as well as usual but about 11 o’clock was stricken with paralysis from which she never rallied Mrs. Landers was a lady of ex cellent character, and much es teemed by the people of our city. She was a devoted member of the Baptist church and a thoroughly consecrated Christian. The remains were brought to our city for interment, the funeral taking place from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Gartee, conducted by her pastor, Rev. W J. Derrick, assisted by Rev. J. E, Hobson. She leaves four daughters and two sons to mourn the loss of a •devoted mother, with whom our people deeply sympathize. ---♦-— Mrs. J. M. Reese, who was culled to the bedside of her daugh ter, Mrs. R. R. Royal, in Durant, returned home last Friday, accom panied by her little grand daugh ter, Miss Dorothy Royal. We acknowledge the receipt of a card from Mr. Martin L. Buck announcing the marriage of ter, Miss Olive, to Mr. Heisser, both of Pres , on Sept. 8, 1910, at Heart church. Mr. Heisser of Mrs. Alice Heisser. t WILLIAMS & ASHFORD, % ^ CONTRACTING TINNERS AND PLUMBERS ^ t All kinds of Guttering, Ridge Roll, Valleys and Crest- ^ ^ ing. Best display of Plumbing Fixtures in the city. No ^ ^ job too large or too small t have our best attention. ^ $ Call and inspect our stock. ^ ♦ REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. ♦ \ Phone 220. 5 ct—a———————- - - - - of our city, and enlisted in CJucle Sum’s army from Memphis in 1907. Having served his time and received houorable discharge, he has located in Arizona. Mrs. Heisser is from a promi nent family of Prescott, and is popular and accomplished. The Itemizer extends Mr. and Mrs. Heisser hearty congratula tions and best wishes for a long and prosperous journey through life. The ladie of the Christian church will have an Ice Cream supper at City Park next Saturday night, Sept, 17th. The Water Valley; band will furnish music for the occasion. Every body invited. Prices 10 and 15 cents. H. B. Benson for Tax Collector Mr. II. B. Benson is announced in this issue of The Itemizer as a candidate for City Tax Collector, Water Valley has been Henry’s home from his childhood, and he is known to our people as one of our cleverest young men. and emi nently qualified for filling the po sition for which he is offering. He can count everyone his friend on account of his affable and ac commodating nature. If he should be elected he will make the city a careful and painstaking official. The responsibility of the office will be met by him, and the du ties faithfully discharged. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Atkinson returned Monday from a visit to Kosciusko, Newton and points in Louisiana, accompanied by Miss Pearl Atkinson, of Kosciusko. My regulur $5 per dozen Photos 1 for only $3.50 until Sept, 24th. Terry Studio. ' i Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby giveu that the contract for the erection of a build ing for occupancy by the Paupers an the County Poor House prop 3rty, near Coffeeville, Miss,, will be let at public out-cry to the low 3st responsible bidder, on the First Monday of October, 1910, at the south door of the court house, at. Water Valley, at 2 o’clock, p, m. Said work to be executed accord ing to plans and specifications ou file in the Chancery Clerk’s offices at Water Valley and Coffeeville. Bond to be given for the faithful performance of said contracts. The Board reserved the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board, this Sep tember fitli, 1910. Sam B. Hekkon, Clerk of Board. Messrs. William H. Metcalf and Biuford Rayburn left this week to ittend a session of Branhau & Hughes College in Spring Hill, renn. The following speakers will be present at the picnic in Wagner's pasture next Saturday to address he people: Superintendent V. R. lames, of Grenada County; Supt. Smith, of Lafayette County; Su jerintendent Johnson, of Panola dounty; Prof. J. W. Bell, of the University; Prof, George Hurst, )f the Training School of Oxford. The friends of Miss Claire Ever ;tte will be glad to learn she ia reproving after a several days’ serous attack of appendicitis. Miss Irene Pearce, of Dallas, L'exas, is in the city for a weeks’ dsitto her old friends, the guests >f Mrs. Mary F. Woods,