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lodge-hughes SMJS .HIRED yjpQE WANTS TO GO BACK TO the old HAGUE TRIBUNAL. SCHEME HAS FAILED ONCE r _ 'Method of Selecting Judges, Which Caused Dissolution, Is Provided for in the League Court, Hughes and Root Contend. Washington.—The United States ■ (or many years has been in favor of tie establishment of an international 't»urt for the adjudication-of disputes totween nations by tlie application of international law.. A world court, known as the perma nent court of international justice, has been established uptfer- the term? of the League of Nations covenant. The (juestfcm-.iu this country is whether it Ji the.sprt, of..,court the United States 1 bis advocated and, if not, whether it ii a tribtina'1 worthy of our support with reservations. 1 Secretary of State Hughes main tains that it is essentially the world , jourt which Secretary of State Root Instructed the American delegation to the second Hague conference in 1907 to advocate and that we need not fol low its relations to the league if we adopt reservations proclaiming that our participation in the tribunal im plies no "entanglement” in the league. Oonolnr T .Thrl fTp fRpnilhliP.fl.11 1 MflSSfl.- i ■ chusetts. majority leader of the Sen ate and chairman of the foreign rela tions committee, is equally positive that the court falls short of the tri bunal the United States has favored. He would not have us join this court Utfess it should he completely '•di vorced" from the league, and he thinks it would he much better to "go back to the old project and found a new and all inclusive world court on the second Hague conference • plan.’’ . . . . ■The first Hague conference created the permanent court of arbitration which was improved by the sacomh conference and is, still 'functioning. Secretary Root, iitTfrever, desired a further step to be taken, Instructing the American delegates to the 1907 conference. “It should he your effort to bring about in the second conference a de | relopment of the Hague tribunal into a permanent tribunal composed of Judges who are judicial officers and nothing else, who are paid adequate eateries; who have no other occupa tion, and who will devote their en tire time, to the trial and decision of International courses by jtvlicial meth ods and under a sense of judicial re sponsibility. These judges should be okj oeieuieu iruiii me uuieicut tries that the different systems ot law and procedure and the principal languages sliall be fairly represent ed. The court should be of such dig nity, consideration and rank that the lest ami ablest jurists will accept ap pointment to it. aud that the whole world will have absolute confidence in Its judgments.” The conference planned a court but the project- failed because the nations could not agree on a method of se , lectins the judges. The big nations objected to election by a majority be cause they were outnumbered by the Idle countries. The latter were un willing to accord the big countries. Totes proportionate, to their import ance. The League of Nations covenant Provided for the creation of a world court, and the council of the league assembled a commission of jurists at the Hague , who devised the SGheme 'of organization of the triounai. It was provided that the candidates for He judges should be nominated by He national groups In the Hague per manent court of arbitration, though members of the league, which, are not members of the Hague tribunal might nominate candidates directly. From the list of candidates so nom inated the judges are chosen by the council and assembly of the league Toting separately. A candidate receiv ing a majority in both the council And die aseinbly is elected. The constitution of the court was embodied by the jurists in a statute Which was amended in Important par ticulars by the league council and then Adopted by members of the league. The jurisdictfon of tlie' court extends *o all cases which nations agree to •“limit to it. Acceptance of compul •ory jurisdiction of legal disputes was j““de optional with the nations sign ing the protocol. The big nations •hied at compulsory jurisdiction, only “ sni?ll nations accepting it. Deranged by Earache. Los Angeles.—Mrs. Adelaide Ma ®ola Hughes, wife Major Rupert "“glies. author and motion picture dbecior, took her life by hanging Jfhiie mentally deranged from the in **n8e pain of ear ache. Boy Pulled Trigger. Koine, (la.—Mrs. Beulah Brauton, *• “• country school teacher, was ‘bed by Rufus Nichols, eight, play hg with a pistol his father had ‘"'’KM as a Christmas present for the Woman, fiS I - BOTH PARTIES ARE PLEASED DEMOCRATS GLAD HE RETIRED FROM PRESIDENTIAL RACE Figure Ford’s Strong Demand for Coolidge Re-election Will Gar. ner Many Votes—Coolidga Action on Shoals. Washington.—Henry Ford’s coining out for President Coolidge and his declaration that he “would never for a moment think of running against Coolidge for president on any ticket.” naturally produced a feeling of satis faction at the White House. The president promptly indited a message of thanks and appreciation to Detroit, while the sending of the telegram was admitted at the White House it was stated that it clSild be made public by Mr. Ford. Actually the White House has beenf aware of tfte’decision of -the automo bile manufacturer for a week, it was probably disclosed to the president by Mr. Ford when he visited him, hut no public notice could he taken of it un til the public annuuncement came from Detroit. At that time Burt Ca dy, chairman of the Republican state committee, pointed out that the call ing off of the third party convention that was to have met in Detroit to rum, mvciiit tutu, iuc muci would withdraw in favor of Mr. Cool idge. There are no mixed emotions os to the parking of the auto magnate’s boom for four years. Both the Demo crats and the Republicans hail it ar a relief, not as they explain, that he menaced their party in particular, but he' complicated an already involved situation .to a degree that seriously interferd with calculations. Now, the Democrats say, they will have the call on the Progressives in all the states where Ford was likely , f.O-get’ the electoral vote on a third ticket. The McAdoo boosters are par ticularly relieved for they, feared that Ford would gather a hunch of con vention delegates to the national con vention, that can now be counted for their candidate. •’ --Republicans took the view that while it was gratifying to the Cool idge supporters, the effect to the withdrawl was more clarifying to the general situation than helpful to any body in particular. Their basis for this thought that, the Independent field is now clear for Da Follette, whereas with Ford in the race, the domination of the'Wisconsin senator was certain only in his o\yn state, cither as a third part candidate or as a contender for delegates in the Republican convention. The Cooiidge people tried to figure that Ford's adherence to the* presi dent would annihilate Hiram John con’s chances, 1. . the tatter's friends say that while Ford as a candidate presented a formidable figure he could not deliver his strength to Cooiidge or anybody else. “It was not. unexpected,” was John son’s own statement. ”It lias :been known in Washington for some -time that Ford would support Mr. Cooi idge.” The same belief in the non-nego tiahle quality of.Fowl's followers was voiced by various Democrats. _ ANTI-SEMITIC RIOTS. ;Students Driven From Colleges by Fascisti. . .Paris*-—News o. riots between Jew ish and Roumanian students which have become s- bitter that Bucharest has assumed the'appearance ol a city in a state of war was smuggled . through to Paris by secret couriers. j Throughout Roumania the univfii si ties are in a state of open -anarch > ■iiid the government is expected to j lake the most stringent military meas- , ures immediately. . * , Orthodox, students last "Ci^■ 1 i i their demonstrations ommended then against the Semites in a most violent manner. Jewish students were pre sented from attending classes and wJTeven chased from umversUy towns liv the followers ot 1 rof. Cuza chief of the Christian Fascist , and “XtlVoSned «***»«•! the police and even authorities J6,""protection o The professors and instructor then refused to^omimie their lectures. • WANTS KIDDIES WARLIKE „ i \/„„ Seekt Even Against General von =etl'1 Pacifism at Christmastida Berlin.—General von SeeckC 0?r With pacific ideas" by "srrjrsxss - r , .,a wo used to do in ssb.% s. 4,000,000 Autos Is Output, Year 1923 Trade Experts Estimate Produc tion at Best in Industry’s History. New York.—The manner In which the production and sale of automobiles is holding up at this season of the year has surprised even the most optimistic leaders In the Industry. When an out put of approximately 3,400,1100 cars In the lirst ten months of the current year was reported, predictions were made that the demand for 1023 lmd virtually been satislied and tliut a reduction in sales would not he surprising in the Closing months of the year. This pre dicted slump, however, has failed to materialize thus far, and while there has been some curtailment in produc tion schedules, the seasonal slack has been less pronounced titan in other years. The statement Is now mad* in the 'trade that “current automobile business is better than that for the corresponding period of any preceding year.. Both sales and production thus far thjs- fall have run 40 per cent ahead of a'yea i' ago, and the 11)22 au tumn season was an unusually active one.for-tlie trade.” To Establish New Mark. Due to the practical closing of the open-car season and the seasonal tak ing of inventory, some further curtail ment of production be expected for the remainder of the year, but de spite this it is expected that the indus try will establish u 4,000,000-car mark production record this year. Most of the leading manufacturers, it is point eu om, nave large untitled orders for closet* ears on rJlieir books, and this business, together with the orders placed by the Southern and Pacific coast territories for open cars, is ex pected to hold the average output for November and December close to the 300,000-car mark. If the 4,000,000-car mark is reached, it is interesting to recall that the highest estimate Tor 1023 output made by any producer .at the National Automobile show Inst' January called for a production of only 3,000,000 cars, or approximately 25 per cent less than the probable output for the year. The splendid showing, made by the Industry during 1022 and 1923, two rec ord-breaking years, has resulted in un usual prosperity for the manufacturers, the result being that they are virtually all in a strong financial position The Standard Daily Trade Service says: "Illustrative of this strong po sition of the Industry is the fact that although its output this year will he more than 50 per cent greater than last year, plant expansion has been pro vided for almost entirely from earn ings, and increased production is measurably due togreater manufactur ing efficiency. In the main, the motor car producing companies are financing from their own resources the greatest volume of business in their history, and, in spite of tills, are carrying cash balances larger than ever before. “Another favorable feature of the current situation is the strong position of the dealer branch of the Industry. Notwithstanding t he record-breaking volume of business placed by the deal ers with the manufacturers during the last ten months, stocks of new cars in retail merchandising channels are rela tively small. This means that the deal ers will have to place substantial or ders for spring models during the next four months. The used-car situation, though still unfavorable, gives evi dence of readjusting itself on a better basis. Used car losses suffered by dealers during the third quarter of 1923 amounted to $5.054,000, according to tlie National Automobile Dealers’ association, a reduction of 73% per cent ns compared with the second quarter. This indicates that the deal ers are less disposed to make unrea sonably high allowances on trade-ins. On October 1 last dealers had a stock of 399,600 used automobiles, compared with 430,000 on January 1. One Firm Plans 10,000 Cars Daily. “Meanwhile, the industry Is now turning Its attention to the 1924 pros pects. It is announced that one com pany is planning to produce an aver age of 10,000 cars a day on February 1, 1924. The present output of the com pany, -which lias been steadily iucreas Ing all year,"Is approximately.7,500 cub. a day, and the total to be turned out'If 1923 will approximate 2,000,000 ve hides. On the basis of 10,000 cars pet day, this company’s plants alone would turn out next year (if current plum are carried out) approximately 3,000, 000 cars and trucks. Another corpora tion Is planning to produce approxi mately 88,000 cars in January, 1924. This figure is only about 3,000 cars less than the output for October, .the best month In the history of the company. These two companies ure the leaders of the automobile Industry. Between them they sell more than 50 per cent of the total production of motorcars. In connection with the movement of prices, the review says that, “although automobiles prices are now at approxi mately the lowest levels ever reached, some further slight downward readjust ments early next year are probable. At least two of the leading manufacturers in the high-priced field are planning to make reductions, while a number of other producers In the medium-priced field are planning to bring out cars to sell under, or around $1,000. These moves will doubtlessly lead some of the companies already established In these fields to make price readjust ments.” Chicago Gets Largest Topaz. Chicago.—A giant -topaz sent to the Field museum from Brazil by Dr.-QH ver C. Farrington, who Is on a gem hunting expedition for the museum, was measured by Dr. H. W. Nichols, associate curator. lie found the dl iSensions 9 Inches by 10 by 17.' it la believed to be the largest topaz In the world. “I judge that It weighs ht least 100 pounds,” said Doctor Nichols. I Two Oregon men have invented a compressed air apparatus, controlled by a simple lever in the * pilot house, for steSrlrig ships. Notorious Rum-Runner Is Caught ! . Is the Hritish schooner Tomato', Boldest of the rum-running vessels jnsr off the Atlantic coast, which was shelled and captured by two coast card cutters and brought to New York. Inserted is a portrait-of William V (Hull) McCoy, avowed and defiant liquor smuggler, who was caught, on board the Tomaka. MAN-EATING SAVAGE OF , - * • SAMOA FINALLY CAPTURED Overpowered by an Escaped prisoner and Taken to Naval Station at Tutuila. Paco Pago. American Samoa.—The P , tl » last of four wild mnn 'ToTsavu'es who escaped from the Island of New Hebrides in KM and anded on the Island of Tufuila on a raft ends the 30-year dread of the [and natives here for the man-eaters. T|ie wild man was captured by an es caped prisoner who, being tilled with remorse and ashamed again to face his feUow-nmn, said he.took to the lulls o Pago Pago where he had planned to commit suicide. While the escaped prisoner was mak 1„g preparations to carry out his suicid al intent lie was confronted by the Mack savage. The convict "got the drop” on the wild man, bound him and held him prisoner over night. '1 he next tiny the prisoner brought his savage captive to the 'Tiitulla naval station here, where'the two tn'nl; their stunt) in (lrantatic fashion untli'r trip Stars anti' Stripes. Samoans gailiercd.- but ap-. purently feared to attack :the Savage they laid hunted for many years. Robert Louis Stevenson,ta one of his books,’told of the escape, of four blugk recruited laborers from a German plan tation in New Hebrides. The men, Ste venson wrote, fled owing to their ill treatment, anti escaped to Tutuila on a raft. One was killed. The three remaining hideks haunted the bush not far from Pago Pago, to wards the eastern end of Tutuila, and were occasionally seen by hunters. In the year 1000 one was caught by a young Samoan chief, anti tlie captured savage said that one of the ottier two had tiled, leaving only one at large. This Is tlie man who lias Just been [ brought In. « 11,000 Women Reported As Missing During 1923 Travelers Aid Societies Declare Over 900 Girls Have Not Been Found. New York.—More than 11,000 girls and women were reported missing during 1922 by police headquarters in 33 American citles.(^tf«J approximate* ly 900 of them had nyt been located by December 31. * These figures were gathered by the National Association of Travelers Aid Societies of this city in an effort to estimate the number and types of per sons who drop out of sight each year. Reports from 37 cities, the associa tion said, gave a total of 31,(538 men, women and children who disappeared, about 2,500 of whom were not found. Seeking for people who disappear [ is a part of Travelers Aid service which protects Inexperienced travelers from harm hy giving advice and help tat railroad stations and steamship piers, according to John It. Shillady, general director of the National asso ciation. Works in 160 Cities. “Travelers Aid workers in 160 cities helped more than 2,000,000 persons last year,” lie snfd, "saving thousands of girls from being lured off by de 1 signing individuals in crowded sta tions. The service helped all travel ers, from mere information seekers to those in dire emergency.” Police reports show that in New York city, 2,446 girls and women Were reported missing in 1922, 1,652 of whom were girls under twenty-one years. Chicago recorded 1,549; Los Angeles, 1,020; Philadelphia, 1,000; St. Louis had 798; San Francisco, 471, and Detroit, 311. About 92 per cent of the missing were finally located— dead or alive—but the records show that many had undergone experiences worse than dentil. Large as these figures are, they rep resent only about one-half of the act ual number of those who actually dropped out of sight at some • time during the year, in the opinion of Capt. John H. Ayers, chief of the bu reau of missing persons, New York city. Fail to Report Disappearances. "People often fall to report disap pearing members of their family to us because they mistakenly fear we will bring publicity upon them, when that is (he last thing we want to do,” said Captain Ayers In a statement to the National association. “Many also drop out of sight who have no one sufficiently Interested to make a report. In our best judgment,. I we feel it fair to double • actual fig j tires, making a total- of 4,892 women I and girls in New Yftrk pity, of whom, i 3,304 wore under twenty-one, yettrs of. I age. If the same ratio-of disappear ance holds good for the United .Spites 'as applies to New York city' them we I can arrive hy at) urlthnv Htiaf com putation at the total for. the. United | States, which' will approximate 00,000 | girls wlro probably disappear an-, nually, . ' “Of course,, it understood that those are-not permanrSTf 'disap pearances, as a very large .pore cent are'aecoitnted for,Our record for last year was' US-per cent found.” I REGESl iSllN MM GREECE MONARfcH VIRTUALLY DEPOSEO. SAILS FOR ROUMANIA. IS ACCOMPANIED BY QUEEN Government Tells Diplomats King George’s Exile Is Only Tempo rary,” Pending Decision by National Assembly. Athens.—King George, in accord ance with his note to the government that- he would comply with its request to leave Greece, departed from the royal landing stage at Piraeus in a naval iaunch to the Daphne, which will carry him and his party" to "Rou mania. The king was accomplished .by Queen Elizabeth. .Only a small group of friends witnessed the departure of the monarchs. . ^ The official Gazette publishes a de cree appointing Admiral Couudourio tis, regent. He will take the fore,lhe cabinet. The' government has informed' the diplomatic representatives that the departure of the king and queen is only temporary pending settlement by the constituted assembly of the ques tion of the regime. PINKERTON ESTATE $1,2'JO,OQO. Most of His Morsy Goes to Two Daughters. *■ wri 114 ' a r>irt W»rtr»n left an estate valued at approximately $1, 200,000, according, to documents filed with his will in probate court. Except for two minor bequests the entire estate is left to his family. Surprise was expressed by some at the low estimate. It had been re ported that Mr. Pinkerton had an es tate of many millions. Many gifts made during his lifetime depleted Mr. Pinkerton's estate but it is expected that an inventory later will show a larger total value. Pinkerton's interest in the Pinker ton National Detective Agency is given, under certain conditions, to his nephew, Allan Pinkerton of Riverside. Cal. Under the will the nephew is in structed to pay one-fifth of the net income from the business to each of Mr. Pinkerton’s two daughters, Mrs Margaret Allen Pullman, widow of William. C. Pullman, and Mrs Isabelle J. Watkin’s wife of Joseph O. Wat kins, head of the Chicago Pinkerton office. The entire residuary estate is left in the will to be shared equally be tween Mrs. Pullman and Mrs. Wat kins. HELL’S KITCHEN HERO DEAD. — Rev. Robert Rein Victim of Unselfish W°rk for the Down and Out. New Lork.—Death closed -the pic turesque career of the Rev. .Robert Rein, street evangelist, widely known lor his practical work in the slums of New York. • He died iu the Brooklyn hospital for the insane, a victim of unselfish work for the down and out. His wife died last August, a short time after bath were found broken in health and al most starving. He was in his sev enties Before his conversion, the evangel ist was a bartender in the notorious 1 Hell's Kitchen district of the lower 1 West Side of Manhattan. During his | career he estimated ne had preached i i.o 1,000,0% people, mo-tly street au ! diences i For niau> years he labored among ! ilif> Indians- in Nebraska an Okl j homa.. WAR IMPENDS IN INDIA Threatens From Afghan Refusal to Punish Murderers of British. London.—The British army fp/ India "is■ stripping for'war” Foitbw*!Vig- the refusal of the Afghan government .10 punish murderers, who have' slain -several BritfsTt offiddre' recently on the northwest frontier, the British government sent a strong protect. At the same time all the whits? women moved from the frontier and from the legation at PosUawar. The, British forces on the frontier were strength ened. The Afghan army is,trained, apd of flee Ted tjy'Tlirlts, except the artillery and engineers- which are under com mand- of^a German, general and sev:. era! German"‘officers'. .. isptv -, f ly: ■ V^inpipeg, Man'.-A.ftyaheois CA’dieux was burfed'*u'ffiref St" drif-t""ctiiring a blizzard, but dug liTifiSbif out 24'hours .a ter and reached - horde. CARNARVON WJ DO . WW...DS. V—r-t-rr ... : t « ■ Countess Married to Col. Dennistoun, Former English Officer. London.—The Dowager Countess ot' Carnarvon, widow of the Karl of Car narvon, discoverer of the tomb ot Pharaoh Tutenkhamun, w-as married to I.ieut.-Coionel lan Onslow Den nistoun, formerly an officer of the Greradiet .Guards. The ceremony was -the presepce of a few friends. SAYS CONGRESS WILL PASS BONOS ... »• CONGRESSMAN GREEN ASSURES AMERICAN LEGION OF PASSAGE. * ESTIMATES OF COST GIVEN Overseas Veterans Get in Gash About Same as .‘IJLeft on This Sidj,” But Fare Better Otherwise. . Washington.—The mericaft Legion has been assured by Chairman Green of the- house ways 'and means com mittee that the bonus ' hill' will. :bo considered along with the tax revision measure, with the prospect that con gress will have an opportunity to yoje first ou the bonus, thus indjs#ting to the framers of the tax htj^jioy much revenue will be needed tg^Ket the payments to ex-serviceTnerj(^ Until the bonus Bill is disosed of the total expenses of the govempeut for the next fiscal yCar'can TfBt bo accurately estimated. Nor can con- , gress determine how the income tax t shall he revised until it knowB how much, jnoaex. has to be raised. Passage of . the bomuu by both, houses is at the moment' assured and the American Legion is cot&H<g£ ot adoption over a presidential vet'O. In . the face of these facts, and also with a majority of the ways and means committee itself favorable to the bonus, the situation now tufnS on what is the actual cost of the bdnus. There have been varying estimates and differences of opinion, due larg-ly to the" fact that they# . are ifiv.e -sep arate methods of payment and each veteran .is given the right to avail himself of any one, but only one, of the following plans: 1. Adjusted service pay. This plan is limited to veterans whose adjusted service credit is'not more than $50. A veteran who has served 100 days on this side of the Atlantic, lielng paid at the rate of $1 a day.'wou« have a credit of $100, but there would be subtracted from this the $60 paid him when he was discharged, so that the cash tiutlay would be $40. Those with longer service would not get more than $50 in cash, so the total cash payment is known definitely to he in the neighborhood of $16,000,000. Overseas veterans have a higgler cred it but the total cash Is about the same. Popular impression seems to be that the cash payments can not go higher than $16,000,000, but under the bill introduced by Senator Curtis of Kansas, which is tne American Legion measure, tne cash payments are limited. 2. Adjusted service certificates. This permits the veterans-to receive a paid-up insurance policyv payable at the end of 20 years.. To include veterans lo take this plan, a 25 per cent increase in amount of his ad justed service credit is given; that is he is paid on the same basis as if 1 he had served one-f'ourth more than he has actually been in service. An ■ interest payment of 4V per cent, eom t pounded annually for 20 years, is also > included, and if the veteran dies be f fore the* end of 20 years his family or estate gets the full value of the certificate. i 3. Vocation training is given a. the 1 expense of the government to an 1 amount equal to his adjusted service credit plus 40 per cent at the rate of $175 per day. 4. Starm or home -akl is, given for the purpose of enabling the veteran to make improvements o.u. city or suburban home or farm Qiy to pur chase, .the same. Aii. arij'ouht-*equal to his adjusted service credit-plus 25 per cent is given' t o those choosing tliis plan. ■ - . ■ 5. Land settlement is to X# arrang ed whereby preference is given vet eran. wivn puhTlh lands or Indian lands an opened t» cm tv The Am ubi t. jflll c-s the cost vnripi.s e or ■iie idea of 75.pi r eeiif raking the eer tlficate phi iA’V,- p«<r cent takinr Mi* farm, home and .ami eitlp’ueti! am and 2Vi PCS cent taking vuuUu * .follows’: Cartffica!' piah, $£864,909,481. Farm; home and 'land settlement. $412,425,000. r : Vocational training, $52,325,000. Cash, $16,000,000. Total, $3.845,629,481 This, of course. • i%,fot be spread over a period pit. 4£ ^'ears of which $1,136,741,670 wouljl’lie.paid from now to 1943 a if(f $2,7 OS .917.811 from 1943 to 1966. ... . ■If all the hx’-Vervfte men' took the certificate plan the legion estimate* the lotah errst: $4,486,145,975. ir.'aH. took vqc^tioijji training, the ,'ii^.wouid: he .,|2.Q9WIOO,000. If Ml took' the farm' ahtffioine - aid and land .settlement. Jitatp^the cost wnuid be •n’.833j»Wf.0<>95^ * - Amend War Risk Act. WashltKftoi+V^ -A-merfdments to the d ar risk act '.n^jfifehrjviTuld materially change .the tncsfafvof compensation to disabled veterbalt acre proposed In. a resolution hy jp$uht.or Shields- Dem ocrat, Tennessee Monument to*‘,Hugueno>ts. ■' Washington.—Erection at 'Fails Is land, S C. of an mdiiriog 4) ragmen* to mark the first Settlement ©flench Huguenots ill America is . proposed in a bill introduced by Senator Smith, Democrat, South Carolina