OCR Interpretation

Southern planter. (Woodville, Miss.) 1832-1832, June 16, 1832, Image 2

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065672/1832-06-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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pfa Ég ym- i m " ii i i ii im »
v(<»o tAur for two inoaltt,) moat, « part
i bjtpfed®; lift hmWwtb'
: «» melj*, & l-efore the true
after the ekiiLha s gone out
» oftimÄtll [o hi* 'uéakfaai aim diïiBj|-»^ûd w hji
»w-wurt tjlis child eiinerlhia? V»o wqHHHHhxup
a" SgttlL. ; ^P?le"y?gjKgP
It by tu* m«uut*çtôf«Jni!i# If, Wo 9jy» 3 *Wë£*n
HOI çmptto with Ahne, ufhflt«n hour
■fstetn is adopted. JT-tha» hp*W «ro <*Wu,
ltr '^ e, ^^in«out of Now England
; ^
tiren mJRbode Island «Äoet o„e half of the »M»
1 >*'«-Vd^ri*«d'.m a ftnM meoWm,
<sf the tnpan« Ip learn even the fiTStMidtitatik ofedS
net«,». Wo coal* point out to bim many of ef
e««s, from«* to thirty TCkts^hocan neither ro«i
W , ecan *i>ua btm females who have
t ld cnr,«,,eal ptuitihmem udloted on them
Yet),,sir; who have ijad a hoard split over
tlanr heads by « he« nie,» monster in lltu sliapo
Ofsn nverger of afCnUou Mill I'irujiu. All ill.*
Hon. Senator might see. n"'t»tü)*l«ndiMg the
rfport of the* RboAs iftsad Di.tnC .Commits,
written by* gt ntleman who .«tens that the opera
tires employed mu. sboutihe mills say« twenty
«rn-per cent, on lbs W>nuntor%ge. p,d them.
Iftho v'eroftbat report had an, tgd tU might
• , r'' w ® n, r- fl » c P er «|''r 7 »h'' 0 W»hinkb,mm^
■tsketii but uhcasn the; f dé save it, we remark ^^no
Ikrther on thst dp.nt, Mjhe writer rtngbt thmk
... »nwiMtjJfe that we did not believe s
word ofsaid^eporl m that particular.
- w ■ ' ' -
. TTIi: COMirr OF 1718. . •
The com*t which is looked fi.r in June, snd
*4 prapheta have cal
planet of ours, is not
5B fclch 'he people
H ïi 7 WU, V j' "*T* I
the Thames, very rationally concludmgKbat
the couflagrttion took place lh*M wowld be
xmjmn^rra^ Tor more ibinflve y.ar^ m
Mis wife thsfjt was his Ihtontion to reawmo
arMr jd, a le?, * CliMlb '? , 'u*! ,i ' li !!!?' ,lli
S^WWt'g m» d « preparations for a ball at her home,
comcfaptieired, «nd beforo noon thu belief was
univerwiifhllt the dry of jpdgment was at hand.
Early in ,he mornfng 183 clngyrnsn were ferried
overtol.amkpth, to peHtip*i»h'e Arrhh'shep that
» sUnrt prayer might lie, permed sed Ordered thêre
being none in the ehufch servie« for soch sn occa
! lion 'Three lunM» of honor homed iheir e.4Jet
ti.ms ofliovela and piny», «nd In great haa'c order-'
id frira «h<iftk*eHer f.q eaqli bf them, « Bible, ani
. Tayfor'stliily Living and Dying. The run upon
bank wasyirodtgtoos, all Imida were omploy
fcdftom mnnting fill nighiin discounting notv,
and lifhrlijig out specie. CR Thursday the comet
Jisd iqerq|«tng In jbrt, amt more than erven thou
"kund kept nistrreaee, vrretrgMy «muri«*, in the
presence nf the numerous congregatnna ofthecily.
To c/ow*Jhé Whole, Kir Oilberr H««thcoie, head '
it director of the B-ink, issued his order»' to all th*
fire ooownerm fmodim, «enpfining to Aeep
« good lonlr out, and h*>fl a pattiOular eye to tho m
Bank of Englsnd."--^. r^Cmet^ttaHm, t
f - „ .
Rw) HaYs, DAtretes, &r.—The »iipreme dan
t It* in,0 . trwible
ftfinxa feere change tn the crafiinlogy. \S% take
• the Mowing paragraphs from different numbers of
ouv latest (He of fhlignan-'s Measeuger,
"Bright scarlet hats of the ordipary firm ap
I»ar to be destined to replace^ajlto he*ds of
_ l .,. 1 c,lome ri who Hbu notoriety more
easily attamqd by the éxtenor thon th« itltarwr fur- -
oimrv of their cranium*—tho oilskin hats, Vrhlcli
k*gjp been placed under «sentence of «rpjobatim,.
young ntfen covered with this Ä coif :
«re, werws«*, pmmeqadtdg yesterday in tho gar
dens of tho Luxembourg" -
yoting ugn to whom wc hire
as having .dopterl the rirficu
fancy of wsanng scarlet hats, weto pro
me J» ad| k« the Pi'»'» Royal yesterday morning,
»"d|t>y tbowngularty *f their sripea,ante, attractid
îhm ,l< ^ J ^Üî tT 0 J , ht eson 's «crowd, that
hZj^° b ^ " k ® tefi,e ° 'M' COfrW
• fk'^ men ^ f 'Z k Q' C,rICt h# " " rP d « ,crrtlined
ftr sa article tend,ng to rrf.ct.le the body of which
• they conatttute« Hfensclves the representative«,
The only ».ultlyr.heir vfeit. however, were a
*t r ^^ C Mitor's°lw^d t r n, ^t*^î e i by the
Itor* IwordTCoupled with theassur
tact th«t t hejrw ould alway» fipd him prepared to ef
tteet them wt^i weapon* of more power limn tlie,
,«nd uMopuntortherfhi, tatlmFigwoofvew
terday^lncfi pttee* tlim In a otillniore ridiculous
a * clc Ä ope of
w *lki n it in ihegal
■ hr, 0 ! the Patois Royal St*« he was tnsul.edby
Ä°.l!r.Xhi 1 Z i :fv^» Cd V W,,ic,,rnde ' li "
heparnei being conveyed ft^the guard-house
Thegsrden and |At-topid 0 Uveryffi,!!
■0#i» they w*ro o«< o^ht."
orn t;o«u me, which way did t%J*"d
• a V ' it
T nH^*x!Zi"r ^ i* V® 8 * nd ,ooe ~ ' L
-•ocn Acre. Luu> X««* they'rego»« t0
of laughter- véffinri
' k «LiAk
«T tk»M A<H *oon overtake herf
_JUfeUadgm, SsrPlorW«, u, s, Jr ' ' *
rek tishmd.thotr
ie ta-tming and
we meant lo
• which certain aatronomers a
cul«ted will art fire tor thi*
the firet inceodiiiy of ihe k
have Been tabght to dread,
The return efo comet wo» calculated for Wed
i" jiesduy, the 14ih of October, 1712. -Thiscalcu
latian was published, with the JVigbtful addition,
thet on Friday, following 'ho world would be de
I V fire. Of the effect tbia annunciation
the good people uf London, ilieGrntle
ttgp following account :—
in and about live city setz
had I
man's Magali
: "A nont
man's Mng izine gives tl
' "A number ef person*
j*ed all the har^s apd final » tjiey could lay hand*
on in '* a»«-..« " ■■ ,J - -v :
when the ciiuftagration took place there v
the moot «vftrty on flio water. Agrntleman
"BeveraLpf thi
idpmdy aiiaderf,
tiers forgotten ax
. ■ Tv '.„.-w
•Pit often'.
Torn frotik
m « row
nil tit'
I oltter we grow, ti.4 wMwwe
naiu«l U> |uppo»e, thïfthe
r ,'V
*•» *»>l .limy Pans with unuaual
uwlignit v, hot being confined. »*Jriolherrlties, r&
'»•« |>bor aoddi*«,h. 1 e. TbeMfnieier of Com
hji mtyfc had asked for a loan «ff 2U0.000 franc* to
carry i/ito«fftct measures of prwventron. ' A letter
.fTJStmSt ,h * t w®r ,b ' 457 * »?
à. K.4haf ctflj, fho »yraber/irncw C. 18 <* «vag 1,076,
and ofdftuil» 455, l»id <lio whole nnmbtf of new*
esheupto ICAIuck wa.ueflmaterf >t 1300. The
city find^dnaiiroed » mWuicholy dr. deserted aepect.
The Typhus wax at the lfo.pit.ie vUoM Diet
and Grot Cation. Atnongal the deâtlia aie rren
tinned, the Bertm do Mrmtville, M. Mussel P.thay,
Mm Barone« do V.rnngo, and ecvernl others. Bot
ef two ,«,h.ical .Ammeters, Mnne. I.-Sttp and Uf.v
«tto, were sec„ at any of thoJ-«nersls .dfdi.t«,g.ri,h
e.i arsons, so general was lbs panic. Ca^ftnr
PorTe, wee .jowly mcoybnng. • ,
. IVuniW of persons aliscked by chnlern at Psris,
snd wim died between the 8 »h'A)>ril, ot.enid-dsy,
u 9 t,l the 9lh Apni at the same hour-new case,,
«WO; death«, 385. 'I'otil of cases 49Î3, of
- p AH '„; April 13-Thc'numher nf nnW cases of
Ohbler.dur.no the 84 hours ending yes.«,day noon,
wa .e04: denVh. 317. TotalcV. from tlm be
ginning. 7560; d»a.l U 8913. The conyalescence
ol - M fftu>r c0ll „„ uw) , , ()e ne „, „f which was
»povad to the Departments 6 y lelcgrapluc romain
„étions. Among the victims of flio Cholera are
s uinutloncd M. Melville, Peer of Francs; the Mar
js do Croi , U(J fcc (itnm , CociU>ltqilf , N
lirnoisi, ibrmsr Hecretàhy of Stkte; the .eirhruicri
• I milt,I Phy.mtan, M.lßrrett., und M nrbruil,
Pf W jj en i of t| le Health tloinrulstiàn for tlm District'
„f Meph-rguil. The V.ce P,vident ofthe Cham.
i*, M fUuisr uUanrfrul Tim IV..I.HS. M
p u ^ (ä. uisrqtm, Ihe U»iiv nf M-irncy, sbn
in-biw of Marsliall Souit. ,.Ttm*Ci,ol«a wm tlsn
raging in Trove«, Nemours, Ibgoua.Reel, Pnteanx
and many v.Hig«« in'lho neiglrborlwod of Pans. «
'Mm lower class Stitt attribute^jtio poisnniug, and a
imagined .hat dm Chi»er. had no «xtijice
T (,0 Journal du|?Tv«mje-'-Te., rsmphor A
aj>pe<ir 'r nrvit f^ipuftsnt a r tidies M
sequo,,«, of the cholera. Cam
phof hss risen JOO |>er cent, wilbtn the Isst Week,
I 7 °0 etmy* h*ro l«en purchased for Pit», Rico,
, n „ n ^ uence 0 f «» 10 virtue n«tr%t«d toit, has
also Increase.) m price from 30 to 40 pm cen, '
Our market is full of activity, # d m.rch.'ndize of
almost every description is on iff rise."
■ ' * , _ .
rtiei \L ujftih P^btl. A*erttisr. May H
»... , , „r<wx
I....,»*. lb,
' '
'"Dixon's Frnsv, on fioc* Rrv xn.
"To the Militia of tkr State nf IllinuT) :
• "It becomes my duty again lo call on you for
your services in defence »f your country—the itate
irltot only invaded by tho hostile Indians, hut ma
nyof your citigens have been slain in battle. A
detachment 'of the mounted volunteers of about
«7« in numbeo, were overpowjued by tho hostile Fon
Indiana on Bycamore Creek, dlJfn, from this place For
»bout thirty mile^- and a cnnsideralilo number
were killer) .This is an act of hostility-which can
not he misconstrued. I am of opinion that the
Potlawaitmjes «nd Winnebagoes have joined the
Jio«U(e SecAnd all may bfltonsidmed as waging
war against the United Slat eg. - , . -
' "To siibr/lio them *nd drive them out of (he
State, will re-quire »forco Wat lea.t two thousand
mounted voluattatrs, ,n «id,lion jodRnse already
m the field. I have made the necessary reqniSi
tion on iho proper officers for *be above ntiml^-r of
mounted men—and have no doubt that the eili
xen soldiera of tho State will obey the cill of their
wnyi- Th, 'y win me *' «t 7 -° n IHin
"t*» lv e r j >9 compamrs of fill y men each on the o<
10tU or June next, to be arranged into a Brigade. .
Signed, ' JOHN KKjfNOiLDS," the
.ffiCom.-lnCfitcf, Illinois Militis. °f
May ?*, 1838.^ .
It isaaid flOy-two 0 fthe|n.untM volunteers
- wero musing—anr^apprehensions were entertuinod
"■ •*> tho safety of two keel boats, liaving 800 regte
I«r troops on btj»rd under (hecömnmnd of-General
Atkinson. .
To th« Mi tor of the LouUville Joiun»l.
. *A. Lewis, May I9rt. 1832. the
On jho morning oftho 18th iiiMivit, a respecta
hl« looking young msn was found dead in the yard
Ola house In this place, known by tlie-nimd-oftli« ,n
UWiorn. s He appeared to have been killed by a
8tab >» »he »high« innicterf wtthk knife, from which
h«" commuted by « (fmi.lumT,a'ï'„Zof
citizens exasperated a. tho occwrcuqe, arfjkbled
and tore down tlie Ihmiso, together «Hh Zncsmuf
fw building, connected wt.h ft after, which the
keo /fif , ( ?T d ; iDd featberml. By this ttme tho
iquitiflide of pbopfe was great, and, tiavmg« barrel „
ef whiskey, with -one, head out, « qumhar of them
alranlc very freely, One or two of owr iqoat réspfc ..
Ipble citixenaacted «. GnerULm*, ««tKr
whoop, ajjd proceeded ,0 tear down severS houses p«
ot« tin.iluj chaiacjoTwHh tfio first, but Vf a «^
privatehature, breaking- Jl thô fàZ
iurea. they wen. tdong" .^7
. The destruction of propèrly has lieen consider tlm
sblq, apd would, «0 doubt, liavchee« much greater,
hadjnot aheavy rain coÄce"j*h",vS
committed.-Tlm/dhi 00 t foiM^ffie-consequtü *
bficlf notHesVere tom tq Zr üiun.iarttu, ■' Z I
it is said timttwo respr%iablo fat,i.ltcsairc left liouee-'
l«s* ««dll» abject poverty. No doubt, if « finger
had been-poititwd tt t thedwk, it ivould have bttu
nlundere-l tfllr as
PïïSS- . f • - W n, _
' " From tire Bo.t.n Tr.aw.ipt: tue
' * "£■ Eo V' l *h j»»*-* 1 " ,! '"C r . '■,«•"1 thtfo yci-t viz:
commerce in
pv and -Cala haf; dwl 1G/XHV from tins Bight of 1
fen Thes^plocfce areah^d nAtli cf the lim-.'.'
♦ v
i. -'V,
I V\> find * file tibou-paragraph it» (he Unijed I
States Gazette. The Engfiali ».flicor ha* mistaken
r& the name of the pe.suu U> whom ho aljudcs m the
fimtpert. orrlMltl.aabrien.mspfinlSrvVefap.
to pen Jo know li>aj tlie factor'« name hr Franc.sco
reliid''Souza, having often serai jus signature.
* no1 a PortftP*». twr was he exiled fron.
Lisbon, yn account of his crimes, iic is a mulat
to, nr, to *|k*rIc mort accurately perliapt, wliat
would bo cell, d at Me. Orlelna «qîmlronn. . He
i. • naUfi of Bahia, (Brazil,) snd wont to the Afn
can Co«,, a, an eVr:vao f or copt.mV clerk or*
elam rosir I, titled out from tent port, twenty rear.
ago. W ^ ' 7
lie met With some difficulty 'wfcn he first Isnderl
there, dr> tod hi. vewe^ M VoLe boenrcred.bl,
informed, and for some lime, lived matnosa.b
jc;t cm, duioli amofigatthe negro tribe., until hfe it
, traded theat.cn.ior of jhe KTogof IhbomeyjStn
nrch of the sluve coast, with whom lie soon acqiur
<4 such influenre, .mine Irf I..» acquaintance with
the language and haminese oflhewhite Inders who
frequenter! the cou.t, Usât ho could induce him at
any l.me to rnake.^r. on .he nmghbtmng aafiona.
ln ordur to obtain prisoners who were sold as slaves.
His residence mal Wyd.b,(q,asil.hou|d I« called
Ajuda) in (he Bight of Benin, fleje generally
known and usutlly spoken of, es Sha Bl,4~a so
bnquet «ivenhlm by tUncgrnee, from his frequent
use of the Portuguese words Ju,Jo—(qmek, quick )
which they ,mmouncw*vcry''impurfwtlyr. lie has'
mot with many reverse, oi fortune, having i»ssn im
men«!, rath, and aj „mes my poor, ft,, peine
j*l traJe I«. been wfib tbn Spaniard, of , 1 m Island
of Cubs, from whom he ha. received incredible
**tms i.igold and silvor.—Ilia supplies flf Ttibacco
«nd Korn, come A exchange for Slav«, from th.
Ho is oxcCtdingly hospitable to strangers, who
find at h.s palace etcry luxury he can ^ocure for
'hi m which is partaken from tables artrtuiug under
« weight 6 f silver, yvhrlst ho himself fcad. the life of
a licrmit. Hu dwelling is furnished with most
rosily furniture, pmch.aed «pnwsly for him in the
Uniiml Stuuv,, hu?î„eacn,s a [,ui,cro„s evidence nf
exiravagahce, bed taste, and R4 of finery. 4 c '■
tributary to tho King^rom whom he derive« gnu
power hiitsntl, i u a Ärtäin qxlent, being supiome
»vA life and propnriy. NoyjilwrJFactor can estab
Hah Irnnself on the sleweuut, Alst he lives, and
no one dare oppose him. All the Slaves, ivory and
gold Jus, cr^d away from thence are bou^t of
Imp—in fact hedias e monopoly of the „ade, bod.
imootWsnd export He 1 » libcraLund honci.w-hu
deal, ng^ and . P . ardent and constant in In. attach- ,b
meals aT be is iinolsc dilh it, Ida animnaiues II»
™.mb. n ,n,,„™a„K^,r,.,, ; ,.b„,li„ TU
. vi rukltvil , » 1 , -
W UUUsllilifu
—wTpttT^TTNnrMTtfTm*^^ 9 *"
nLl ul>1 ' K/AI v lICKhl.
' —
OirThe ootmiyy subscribers to ,he Southern
Planter, will pleSWi lo call heroaftor, ut the printing r
office for Hier pa|»m, where tfce.e will always be
some peison found to deliver them '
Tiro Nashville Banner remarks that. General
Havue Hunstnr in nmmres. f, m q , llt , V, .
^Zn n l n. ed aZ , m ^
1 »» ajandidale tur the office of
'»iveriior ofthat stale; sud it isaaid, that Mr. Cal
houn id to aucceed Gehl. Ilayne in tho Senate
. __ ' »
A splendid festival was recently given, in honor
o< Oov. Hamilton of Sooth JÄarolm» .1 „1
. ' .,Z,i Wl " ch
the citizens ofQeorgm Ac Carolina, u. (b, nuoiU,
°f »wo thousand assembled on the bunks of 1 heir
tnirder, it ream, the beaqtiful Savannah, and en
tered into pledges ofim.lual support and co ooera
i„ ih. ,,, M i « .. 1 . _i r &
S f poUticwi reform—of op
P°" n R ,he Pagres» of consolidât ton and tiiewuc
evsive cncro,, cl.ruent, of .fc general government
upon the rights of the Stales.
« __
Annihrm Rernluiionarÿ iroetiv gowsf Died, on
the Is, June, a, h ,a r^tdence in Carelu a iffi
hravfc and venendiln r»— rirnuiu
- .... *° 1 MAS - L.VITER,
,n '**« Ü7tff year ol his sge. Gtu. Sumter's gal
l»M character', and gr-at public serv.cv during tlm a
bloody war of the revolution, is too well knhwu and
,den,,fit ' d "* hi ." or J H r our country, to render
:rÄ4 ta do ^
«M J. _
' 1 • üîl, A ° S 1 .
itfeur-f. Joteph j'ohn>on GerArd C BntnJon D.xnl p
„ « William* and Tkoma, II Pra^Ll ,V '
v r ', r
.. P*k ri.*.it«:N. k our napue ore before usa» can
F*"*' f ° r ,he hut you i.uve not giv
p« r?i! n ® t,,os ? ',' T J' 0 " 1 ' • eBll,n o'*t»i or déclara
'h«P'»Cples winch you mean to support,
8y rCg i K,, ' s 'h |ü *"">« of repro
tlm W .1^°^ ° fBnd
,, r „| P „ 1 epunty 4 W dhiifenu, are in fa
^ u"* ^ nl tiffin, or
* ? ft « S"' P ' t r , « »«
'r£±i* m, l , w , *"
I eJnK^^TËh^ 11'*
SofTL cmuiSf oifterpni judges fr«n
lr,-™,i,,U,!, l 1
• m,{ tl'caJiancery court [hi*
as a «operate com,, and giving to our circuit j,idge»*on
chAnccry J'.irisduiüiip, to try c.tuscs of llrl« Lind ,11
tue countivSrt wfeich they may Air.ginate? »
. 1 take thgso to bctlAgrcat objeot* lor which onr
viz: M" lh.de ind F.Zh'hau- ffi'clao'd'tZl'
SSSS 53 =S
♦ OF Tnr fgÆUfti»»
* . . • j?
* g * *.
ti f ;
1 * —™- *-- r rw -mr*
I t heTollowm' rtsny Infavour of acting judges
'.y - 1 bet* a pie, b etiiil to be from ike pea of a dis
,„U MP d ft*.« of this «ate
, ' , *«'' ,STie - n , C " 0 , ' n,Cd V ,,)Cr0 - rt . e -
I.YCUnOU3»No. C. {
TêthAuiikcm nf I Ft State of Mieiuetpvi.
. |,.Of eiwti.no jûpge* nv Til* Mtori.j*
f1 . , , ...
, 1 %*ftlV rfJwM l
£*£,•? n,n, '' 'ft *Judge ubMld bo
! J WH .*P* cl ?® d term ofyeara,! prcjreed next
« »«""« '> e ^pe*l.«cy of remVrmg the
J u ^W>aehpildefi<r«ee<<md term, <brupon this pit
«P» ,n ,u r rn «•"T of , ,hfl ^JW"<;ne«o ether pf the
'e* 1 " , '" W f ,rn * ,1| '' " '*' 11
to them buMn our
E Ä Tn TltlÄ' a°
llmm rtm ltgibje . ,f «* rhuowe judge from
'!*?* l ®" r '.
,,m11 prohahly take Imnf om tiro midst ./a ,,nU , l</J
*° ^rge endWeliye, that it may be of more value
^hilTiom" ?nL*llu?l°| l pi* r ct P lr * tl0 *
° rh '» ,er *i »f heshciuld be un-ler the neressgy of
^ , 0 #:
^ ^ * a ^ < n 111 ' ° hands, nnd it mn v re<|iitui
ÏÎL ' i
f 1 " ofj»ol<r.ng the office a «çeond
! I*'?' "WTTfo*'?,"*
" °' n
., ,. f? "0^*. < 0 '' m • >' 15 dopri'ing
1 »***«<»&
.. Jl^^i* l, ») ,l «hcc <> ourselves., 1Vo
.T. ^ I'"*® tf 1
± 1" V n .f ^ h,s
""a Ä 1 Z 0 ™ T " j rom ! x, ;t" t
ZZ o TTi Z, ,° | d '"', h ' r f ,h * d '. ,,,e *
*' •"
retain îrpossible hi. services: on ihe other hand it
rZ'nmm IjîlZin'i' i" 1 ^ Wl1 ' ^ST"? **"!'- 'T
g" ^ T ^r' , " ell * lh j?
[' ml ie the iheorctiralZi/nl'm ^ "r B |' ,r '
l' Z Jfl .1 V ^ ° n " rel f "1 ac
1 T, ■ A ' ,' r l '" r ^ r ' 1 P ,rt of lf m |r profession,
T" f ° rrU ^
ZZZ,, tZ Tour or six years,
anY.rtiZ. P™"' rn * ,n ! r5 '* r * I
, I ''rî'" P T «* eo W l, T;'»f
, u ,, r V ^ rir ' r| cnce, >y rende ringlhem iq
fijf ,' .1 Z ' W dl8 ' r,c, >J"»',^^|
V h " v * bcf . om ;. , 'm'nen, ) and af
^ ,h «y h »«'t f ''" lieconin perfect in « knowledge of
'IZïl P", hl,c «J^nnr,
Zu" a ,? f He »n imbecd. po icy-one by
whllch ,,,# P*>P'* »•>«• 4he state would bo greatly
,b * «®«". ' • .'
J' would seem llien, that g limited term for, and
JS*!» "•>»t* >" prindpU,
another opinion lo wit, that ifwe adopt diese
two principle« whothfr die judge»he dhosen by ihe
Legislature or by the people, there will, in either
cas« 1 . bo,nosmaH danger of making both a depend
cn ' and corrupt judiciary: ifthi* indoor! be true/R
follows,'that neither oLiheae modes, nor any mode
ification of cither of^sm, can he devised, ilSr
will lie entirely free from oh|nction: hence We must
weigh und compare ull arguments in favor of and
objoclkina loone, with «II the reasons for snd a
gainst,Ihe other rnod^and strike the balance in
favor of 'hat side whiWhas the greatest weight of
r ® n «un toils crefiit. _
J'heKrnnd .Irsuleratuaua any mode being ihe in
dependency of the iud;ciary, let usseehow faut wiU
be endangered by an electron before the people utd
w,lercin ' 1 ' 1 * mode will have the advan,age in that re
«pect ovçr an election by Ihe legislature ll cannui'
''•»^^ai-ihejudgi. J '«VaîlZea S
dependent of the poo,Ie, but especially msl »re <
viouqly to an election ; and that they will have-to
doflsome of their dignity and mix more fieeLy with
the populace; hut will iot Ihe same diminuiwn oc
cur - whni > electioneering with the Governor and
'he meml»rs oflhe senate? and rrtay they not 8
•'J»nce attendance" upon, and play the ayclhàffi b
.rmind these, lo a much higher nil/h of ôn
and with greater certainty of aucrcss than they
possibly could .arnve at, if theWattempled to brae
" r P "'** «rts upon 'he peoplef and for th« plain °
and simple reason, dial it fe easier to Hatter and
g ain overffirn tliau <rti tAoiaand men But thouelr
it is admitted that they Will bo less independent? f
the people before an eledon.-y " i tll'Thts make
them less so m their decuuön*a/>enW* utv.n the
Bencht there is no good reason^trToeueralT.re Z
wh y it abquld, but it may be' «rgttod llmre are par
" culw 1 ca «""n whiqB .1 would have,that eifectZs
if « judge were lo form a vury partial regard for un
individual, an influcntNI man, for instance one who
had warmly supported him in hi« election in such
a cuae, he might afterwards oo much Iwil his dw
P«n dcn co "P° n 'hat Irtend as tot-ho^- Ins decisions
ofcomn'.on'.Z^,'cou'ldZ SyÜid "by^S to
compatible with corruption and IS r
duty: thtty cannot 'hcmffim u li oxtsl at oZe.'n tl^
"'no brua.t, But fo" «rgmnentTake Z l
p " 8t '''»"t judgexpuld L operated upon byio^a ty
of friendship— would such an one «» that above.«,
forth, haTe more of an after influence- uimnldm*'
In* decision*, titan if anvollu-r lri«mt I 1 V" "! 0
wimo ûrtntUl seZ . m U « Z ' r '
endorsing his pa (air lendmi? Imn rilhi.vLT^ ^ 11
tating „„j ofhKnmS lÄ!^"
,udge be such .ZZtoui^a " f a -'
tnidfer to ^w.rd^<£££for McXJ? ^
*',«□*«., whj^ he
wards bazird tilt- loss of rraTiiuje,,) 1 Ur
preposterous ,0 ÎuwWthaSvT^eV *
»« contended «La- a t.Vlealg men' 1\ ""Z
».'Ä 4 S 2 »si 3 -jf*r iK . .
11'* 6 " 50 «heÿ; sueffi a thug Æ '°
tempted,bJt it ,s r „t |mwiu|«Zi, wer" h«G, Z , 1
succeed; for tl.« judge would be u 11 co ' lld
[hi* ré élection would not t° certa r lZ A T' ' mt
the gtioiL m ill ^ s -cerlamly dependent up
.1 wÄ[ £ Æ* •*'"»** h'Uuentiïl
vient to thc,.*vi c ,v. büî nÎ? ° l,,ro 8u!,s<,r;
upop a mainruv ul'rhnVZ " 0 d e P rnd <»t
fortnap T fh"' *°" W CtfefidtSfyS
^ilLthoji^ge stand upon a if * * U ? -^ rint » I
j? ^ jho'u-ßTsi-qiire? X ooref n r ?r d , ^ I <J
^ - ■* ^ - nor th^^o),tiiat
-*--- «
| montra of tfcc sciute arc un free to
dis- opinions pending a decision
genonl exciletm m ajjbe peuple .
wore etc,runs of bcfl| J, ^ ,
- «nuoh less difficulty find out wlm
'majority of them, th in the people'- J
!°'" y ," filw per 'l ,,, ' '«flUoucinp tl le d '
judgt* by an open and avowed ifrom,.«*
l or thrcil of punWlment, it h t, U i () fn '
bo they neve^.ld heasacinblH t!lhJ !*
next ,, loa,^ gooraaT and even d tb
the ^
pit- propping would doter them -ft,/ '
the XTwi* thtn nirhl.rly drwe w,d
'*' 11 eonstram the opinion of «judge wnulrf '
our- ^ 1
1 # no L .o circunmitcrd ure theÔT *'
from , mPlrU ,ra of the sonate, a irujority oUl
V-vd^inUmme to .b. iuZ ,i2 r i!7
l</J ilhi,.,SPlre lorn to dreido o 'accm *
o| run „ . » ' •
* And a, for thrrjqlÉ, corruptm - -, V'!?*
of , thereby 'Tmo a hi, cl.'ro J l ^
^qurS ^Ä be ^Ä
pogsiblacnrnipt oncmSn thoUovcrn !^5
' i nominal,on, and a maionivof^^
turu , confirmation 1 ' ^
tn ode, to qompare the elfec. of ,h- ,
°' n l*f p!«t ,ng thfe I* il y in oni,„„ 1 ,n n , M
er let us exMnine two fini inus^HHaJ
point, and 1 : we will sun Z th.tn'"^
1Vo .couiurreexpocied to be called unon ?
Senior! .oZîde"ha.nuZionT-t"^
mly for be «IZ î, iithS bï P ( n *
t wlwfth «„mCmntlL aZécallv ao^'L"?
community) to *, • l/ad the ^
right Ü, u *
it ■*_, Î !"I 1 ^ rr r """ trs ««ok? Or ,1
'T * «ogctie'tf *£Za mM.eTÎf, U "
j? eral irfte«t to be dZplZ ind I TS
'hat ixytli appointing powers would lie *•'- *!
ac sirons of sostaminn ihr- n. » ?*%*
j, j , |ft , elfclr d Inr I lie '
dormoua a, „ L J th Z vor ,V e n
"''J, nmmlue *
r * I nrcMion oT^ieZ^iona'-ii'lrerT" 10 "' 1 '-!^*
T;'»f ànd uwnlhisr^Zn-m.IdZJl'â^!'^
iq- jyjoihi,,^ y afreacly hear son e ^***^^P
>J"»',^^| ( , cry 0nt _u, T o whlfn /
af- ®nVy wo" d o. Muflul'.r
of '
.cwdhematZ'p? B °"
by modZî WrZii h R '*l
u i H,n ."' 0 ? l,lcT mod»?—We will stip|M„ e
SSäSffLSdf^SK thl"'* ",' e 'T''!!**
' he »uprcnio Uonch—*ay il^y not inhkei^
ta^KöÄZ 3 ÄI?bl" ,, S|l
Hecaiiso they ara too high minded and h«**
t 0 ""? lo prostrate tbe judicial character, bj
™ UlrR expression of dietr sentiments, orb
,hc y f re "f • different opinion from, the Go
*ru^I senate, liftiecthcir election: a state of tk
,h,s k,n <J, witliOut some adequate remedy i
V< ?* wou,d H R liable to occur at every p
CB * canvass for these ofiicer«: but Cnrtunstd
" n 9 ,ia . equally adapied , 0 the prevention
a Jauger in both ol lliese cases may he devin
in JÎ 18 1 , : "'•t «time conslilutiouul proviai«
of do P' ed » making tho penalty for prejudgiM
1 er hya candldalefor the judgeship, and iio{
h "' jüugment, no less than, a disqunl&ai
"W ofllce ' And in »ny event even if judge«
ec,(Hi 10 ho,d their offices during go->d btiqvw.
" woald b « » jvise P'Jicy to introduce suchii.1
'"«t» "»e constitution: upon the «dopt, on i
«f^ard,,here would Jeem ,o be but »»
< ' nc « l>«lweeu tlm two aupiwsed cases on tlx
° r 'J' d «|>eodency ; there la, however, a' ddfcw
,he facill, y »"k which th« safeguard m«y t«
cd . wlllc h. n-suUs in making it preferable
,be * |cc ;ionby the people and for Ihm
8 hhou 8 h the penalty for prejudging « cause
b « diwpial,fiction for Office, yet a judge"
^p!e 'o dcUre hiamnuiori befpretiTd
ly ««• ««"ßdetfiaUyfm the oar of one
,J ;* wr ? or - »Hon ho auuW not dare to run
° f Publishing it to the people. .*
9 w, «,,11 „ • ^ —J _
the samevev f J U,,| ' 0 '7 ln ^f/ ncond case
f mo h « »Hove stated, ni^
uM.I ilT^S,ÜT ,Un " ,,S ' ha * " A ' d
offlce J ami dZ i,Z e ' >r " monr 'f' ,r ; c "» nf L.
r ■ \ " must **. 8l '" lcd h 01 ®»® ••
compare thVLföffiör *" f ySfcijJÏ
3d^bvdxTSf!^ \S 'W ™'««k
term and t if ' ' n R P'"''*''' iniTie tmdJfc
ferenee in r.v w Ho r sm tl^re is a niantfr*
we will . r of 8 , 1 ' dc o , tun by the people .
Mowers would *^1"' both of the appej
qSvtion «ettlcd^Äv ï "f lui""*' '? ï'üj
to ta ,h N0W ' ,f '°^ "' C p<, ° ple " tr
If?, " '-y the people to dec,dr t. f*
if' 1 , 1 . vllldlt V of the new charter? It is noil*
SSJft W " uUl 1,0 hy «y*
ty- buf IiZcT'd ? ISt> of St l,sc * rl8,n * d "JJ
L! , 1 ' ™J«*r#bruig the w«i£
^ , 0 .fr flr JP ,,n '*'0 indgv, just ptf«*
0 hc t r i.cctsion, merr-bv cliangmg it and rend«
' dop ® nd t ! '" ? Could the people« mmiM
11 ° lf 'h'J decided against the*
^ "°t .Upper. .Item fer.rri
-' ,s « '"-#'le thaï even » doze. <H
W-''' T' M W ^ ure Jne-icalhem, and
^ ,he ? *
Ae audacity -10 How,, is 11 not very nap*
,he J ud « P8 "- dd b ^l their threat.I «
to ' l niifjht be d«»nc* ;J and in u * c ' i
<J U r te 'r^ ^ ^ -dB
th^^o),tiiat lie nqj-er would stop»until hectnw^p
upon »
and if
A 1
It Cl
cam -
one oppoael
•iorable state
te reduced k
' i
h '
. support and they if assttreu that***
lionestly done wjiht w<f thought wps our duly'
approbate our cooduet." On' tin- other hafè
examine thut yrtiglit of udlucnc« wliiij^i"^
, ' cage be exogeiseji by one or more brancl*
ttio Legislature: hero also tho Governor and"
to Stand
Ate, hol-lmg as it wore the future
jutlges in their; hands, may he said —
maiinsr wiih tiiem, in the rrlaiumsliipnfrnaslft'
servant: • They, ns a matter of courso, harijfi
sishxl and concur Ad in clrtftering tlie net*.»* 1
must ho of opifiion tliatfitkiught to be sus'" 8
and if the power oft re-appointing ds lodged *
tliofe, the Governor mlgli, sf-cfc a private lnti-r»«
with the judges, just previously to a 'décisif* '
if he found their opiniqps inclining against tbit*
m ght b)a rfflain of reasoning *•*
ice them tlmt*tlicy were i:t crnlr.'
tvimjd be hi,"illy iiiiiocoMU^^KJ®
ikr. hr tlm i tlvxxi- tr» b*'ar
I'W tins
' 0

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