YAZOO ' CITYj :JL2E) FRIDAY, JUNE';17,;185a '
y r.lrs. Harriet IV. Prewctt.
77liblty 176;
T 1 2 . Thi.AVata will be famished to mbtcrib
'i at Ts.ie D.illar per annum in advance, or Four
' ot pail .viU.ni a (noma. ni iu-
'. 'car. - ' ' : . - ' . i '.
Voveiirtsisrs will ba Inserted at the rate ot ft 00
fcrsitiare f 'riha firal insertion ami au cen. w
!ve-it horeaar ten line r Iea,"n8tituling asquara,
ha amber of Insertion required, maat be marked on
heuirsn "f the manuscript, or they will be Inserted
II orbid. inlctiargea accoraingiy.
. l'etrly Advertising.
For fortv nnes orless, renewable at pleasure. MJ0
No contract ".ken for iea than one year and payable
hilf yearly in advance. . , . ' .
Til priri!o?e of annual adveriueraia limited to their
o; i nmadiat business, and ail adverti-raent f r the
b jefit of ther persona, sent in oy mew,
or by tiie square -
Toressional .idvertlpements.
! . Tfor fMines or leas, not alterable, 3 months. $3 00
. do ... do, do 6 do IS 00.--
19 do do do 11 do 20 00
v Lives v. : . ; .o..- - -' ;
; , v icksbuho, miss.
: '(Successors to T. B. Wheeler dV Co.) '
a T.WA YS kceD on hand the largest variety
iilof Dry Goods, Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps,
'their stock is equal in richness, cheapness and
extent to any in the southwest New Orleans
hot excepted.
fnov 10-tf.
I ' !!BIBI7jr illLIlajiijUJ n5JJ
23 ftstiSjUiiS.
his House, and will be
illing to make liberal
continue to shin to this
i, r-niAxr unA wjiHintr tn make liberal
v, nanroa nn ronsiornments to them, and ,
wni sis., furnish olantation suDplies, &c.4
Yazoo city, Oct S, 1S52.
TE, the undersigoed, have formed a part
. V nerslup for the purpose of transacting a
General Produce, Grocery and LLuor
'- ; - Business. 1 ,
We will keep constantly on hand a general as
sortment of Family; Groceries, Wines, Bran
dies, Hardware, Cutlery, and Quaensware,which
wo will sell very low.
city, Dec 24, '52. . 24-tf
TISTOLS Revolvin?Se!f-cocking and oth-
er superior "quality Pistols for sale by
Yazoo city. Dec 2G51. S. H. VIUSON
TT 1. . I . I, l.,rt-i
BEST Camphene manutactured weekly, for
sale, wholesale and retail at 75 cents per
" gallon
Always in nanu, uauip.icnc Unt"'
iy an! Wi.ks. nov 13 A GENELLA
a t I T w. I. a n I -- trv rSt I t I m
Particular Notice. "
THE tidies will please call and examine
my Stock of Dress Goods, consisting in
part of . ';'?' -v - -; '
Sites- d'Laine, Be rages, Persian Cloths,
Jlfinos. Alpa as, Ginghame, Swiss,
ja:kdnet. Bared Muslins, etc., &c.
all of which I selected with great care and am
determined to sell at very reduced prices on a
credit; and for cash, as cheap as any nouse in
the city. , rt ; v ;
Whether voa intend to purchase or not, I
ter you intena to purcnase or not, t
yu a wof1' cordia invitation to call
at my stock. Don t delay. a
- mi , "
extend to
uua j ' 7 -
rfn-i Irts-iir- at m V
W . vv . " u uii o u .m , .
6ifri Ot the iiaie.
T HAVE just received and opened my splen
dlt tSAkS f Genl1?mn'? Fail1 ai?d Jf
CLOTHING, comprising every variety of style
and quality. Gentlemen wishing anything in
i . T- ro BMrfj . fill
tne smpt oi ooai, rauw, JiAin,,
do well to call and examine for themselves,
pnees to suit the purchaser. N W HOBSON. .
. . ; sign of the Eagle. .
In addition to the above, I have received the ;
handsomest assortment of Boys, and Childrens
Clothing ever opened in this city, and unsur
nasseJ lor cheapness. Send the Juveniles to
r-i. nnKR i BOOKS t ! A lanre assortment''
UiJ of Historical, Biographical, Poetical,Mis-
cellaneou3&; Fictitious works just arrived fresh
from the northern press. C. T, Mjikji ,
- ;r a ifi inr 2 sl -
.j. eAMV..
FOR boys JOE and MARCH, fume soaps, Books, Stationary, &,c, all of
or $50 for either. - Joe is full six which they otTer at unusually low prices. Mer
high,very stout and well made chanl3 Physicians, Planters and others will
ui4b,um picttsoui. i-n. wun.
gpoken to. March is six feet high
, , .rather spare, ,aud has a downcast
countenance. j Lieti on aaturaay
nWht in compfiiy? They were purchased in
re w Orleans -about" the first of February, and
will, nerhapij he dressed - in their jackets and
V-;,J. A' KLEIN. -
Vict 1 23, 1853. . - ; . 44-Gt. t
j 1 I ' I
; rAoo err
nr WING .purchased the property , recently
-.-'occupied by the Commercial Bank of Man-
Chester. I am' again prepared to accommodate
r-v friends and tne .raveumg puouc, ana em-1
trace this opportunity ot teuaenng to them my :
fUe?f thanks for their fortr.-r liberal patron-'
ity ot tendering to them my :
their furmr liberal patron-1
r-- and alio for their Ki" i t.rb-arance eince
t'vi f--3. i;N :iTort or extern 3 t:.J.l La want-i
r.- ' - t-.v r- fi m':-? ',';".r3 IT-rtel. in everv
- -i.rr.jTf t!;3l "t hotels in tV? State. '
"7 K
rr.i C!.rri:.s in thpi
IIE St Charles is now ' thoroughly fin-'"'-ed
and reopened in a style far supe
rior in every respect to any oilier establish
ment in Mtsissippi, or probably in the whole
Southern country. . V
It comprises an area of fifty by one bun- Canton stage will meet no detention at Cam
dred feet, and contains a Billiard Saloon, den, as there will be a hack always ready to
wo bowling Alleys, Restaurat' and other convey them to the Spring distance 5 miles. .
convenient and necessary figures.' Especial ' Jan 3, 53 43-3m G. COATES. Manager.
care will be observed in furnishing the bar
invaribly with the choicest wines, liquors,
fec, and the restaurat with all the luxuries
the market affords. . - -. . y
The secluded location, capacious nrranPV
ment,and combined ad vantages of thiscslab-
lishment, render it eminently adesireable ana
pleasant resort. , '
The business will be conducted by the
most comm tent and frentlemanlv Wn. and
no exertion will be omitted calculated to
r ------ j r
merit a general patronage.
Yazoo city, February 4, 1853. .30-tf.
Philosophical and Mathematical Instrument
Maker and Importer.
No. 79. NASSAU STREET, New York
ENGINEER'S and Surveyor's Instruments,
most approved construction, made to order: also,
complete sets of Philosophical Apparatus for
Schools, Colleges, &c ' s
MR .Hfr T A mfo Rm rrr ObqKiop rtf I? nil
Road, Vicksburg, will receive and forward or-
fders for inrtruments. . , Nov 5, '52 17 tf
L I US 4 received per steamer Alton, from New
Orleans, (selected by myself) a full supply 0f
the cheapest Family Groceries. Also, Brandies,
the cheanest Familv
Wines, Fruits. &c. I V ive made arranarements
with an Importms House in New Orleans,
vhich enables me by order, to be always pre t
pared for both wholesale and retail customers.
I have on hand choice brands of Claret IVine.
which I can sell at as low prices as can be pur-
chased in New Orleans. Give me a call.
. Yazoo city, may 31, 1852. 46-tf
53. S. B. 532 '
Attorneys at JLuw,
January 7, IG53. - 2G-tf.
, 4 FF1CE on Miin street, next door to R. M.
! x' Winn's Hotel. A hst of prices for any "
operation on the teeth can be consulted at the
Yazoo city, Fet 1 1 , '53. 3 1 tf.
kotxce! ivotich!
LL persons indebted to the subscriber,
n either by note or account, are requested
to call and settle immediately. If not closed j
oy toe ist ot juarcn next, ne wui necessarily
h obliffed to piace them in the hands of a cof
.1 l . 1 l
lector f ir settlement. CHAS. T. MANN.
Yazo city, February 11, 1853. " 31-tf
- -
n rA ffTlfTTVA ffrm
tf awaaojiaua ,x svr,
QQtAlUSSlQtt fafeGKAclTS
lup01.,ers of ForeiKU rriiits,
t . a
.And AaentS tor the 'Ammcail JhrVStalh
Powder Company,
No, 37, Gb viER Sr., Nw Orle s.
i,'.IIAXrE,alwayon hn&" 0rnZe8 JmonS
Fijs; Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Pecans,' F.lbtrtsi
Raisens, Almonds, Fraits in Juice and Brandy, f
I 1 T
ohu. every viiricty vk x orui"ju uuu xumesuu
Fruits. . ,
. m . . ' .
Agents tor tbe sale ot Carolina seed Feas.
march 25, 1853; 87-ly.
:.;'v:::;:':,'torc. .
1 llOMr HO N & CO.
i TTHOLESALE and Retail Druggists have
' T " removed to their new brick building on
Main Street, next door above Messrs. Allen &
Barks dale, and have on hand and are receiving
ja large supply of fresh Drugs, Medicines,Chem-
.!, Painta Oils ' Dve-Stnffi,- Glassware. Per-
find it tQ lhejr interest to srive us a call. I jt
Yazoo city, Jan 14, '53. 27-ly.
rnlHESE Mills are adapted to the purposes
i of srindingmeal.shellingcorn or crush-
ing corn and cob; they are put at a price
within the means of every planter and others
who may have usa for them.
ab jucrease-' pwer w gameu uj. m
outer tsneu orcsne rnaae 10 revoive
round the inner cm? cr L 'rr, th3 l-ttrr be-
... I I . - - 1 ' . 1 A t
ing ptavrnary. itie ccn rt tnin ar. 1 puitin
it up i; . :t a trill?, r-t cxc?eii
th3 r ri;rf..?'i : -r" S t!
n t
utility, cl.:ipr.:.i
re lhow
thsy '.-ii! t .. t'-3
I - .
. 1 1 V
ill L
f i
any Gt.aerrr.jil i:owi.i c.
duccJ, they htva i-:n
aud full ra'.i1!':;!;-
n rjivcr:.
Iv h f-r
6doz bottles Le Cordial de Lucina or Elixer uavu j. jonnson.M u, rroiessor oi unemis
of Love, the great remedv for prostrations ltl and Toxicology,
of the procreant fuuetions and artificial bar- Ellwood Harvey, M. p; Professor of the prin
renness.just received andforsale by j ciples and practice ol Medicine.
THOMP ON & co I Ililbern Darlington, m. c, Prof, of Surgery.
Yazoo city, January 14, 1853 27-tf lnn Preston, m, i, Pfessor of Physiology.
. MADISON countyMiss. .
TTILL be open for the reception of bornpanv
on'tho first of June. , Passenirers by the
- N. B. Prices at these Springs have been
' somewhat reduced from those of. last yean
, WILL pay the above reward for any infor-
m ion of th whprpaliniit- nf VVm. P-
B ji, who absconded trom Cooper's Well afew
d j since, without payin'r his board and bor-
rowing 25 00. : ,
-T. L. Smith also left, indebted for several
days board. JOHN THATCHER & CO,
t r.
June 1U ,
: - Notice.--
R will on Monday, the 25th day of July next,
a1 before the door of the CourtHouse in Ya-
0 ' ninety-nine years, the northeast quarter of
t ie southwest quarter of Section 16, Township
12, Kange 3, East. UJSO. V. WILKIN iSON,
June 10, '53. 43-7t.
iroDate Judge.
v V 1U tl Oli .
T HEREi' Y loraru ait peifons from.irad
' ing lor a note drawn by m- in f'av rot
vl. K. illan Inr lha tnm aI arc iro n i u .1, 1 ro
.me u ls ol J a uarv nex I am deter.
min-d not to pny. tht.Name.ule compelled
I "J i,MiurcmwiMiraii ior wmcu u a
! having eofiitl tailed,
! ' I J ; C. lcCORMlCIC.
' June 10 1853.
48 6;
1 WILL, as Ranger of Yazoo county, 6eil in
1 front of the Court House door in Yazoo city,
within the hours prescribed by law, for cash.
on Monday, the 20th mst.,the following strays,
viz: -v..-
Taken up by James M Pickett, a grey
Hor-j ten years old, near 16 hands high,
snod ail round, no raatks or bra ds perceiv
able; valued at $60 00. Alo, a brown bay
llorce 12 . years old, 16 hands high, some
small saddle marks, a email star in his fore
head and shod before; valued al $50 00.
Taken up by E, Ray, a red and white pid
ed Cow and calf, the cow marked with a
crop off the leit ear, three splits and under
halt' crop in the right; valued at $10 00.
iaken upbj vv , W, Wiles, a light brown
Mule, 15 hands high, about 15 years old.
heavy limbed and large head; a
appraised at
50 00.
J. A. STEVENS, Raneer.
Yazoo city, Tune 3, 1853. 58-3t.
Female Medical College
me a ' a
Ol I CllSlOy t Vclllltl
;, . e T . . ... T
qp"E next Course of Lectures in this In.
JJ. stitution will commence on Saturday
October 1', 1853, and continue five months
(2i week-) closing on the 25th of February,
1854. FACULTY.
arv t-kj ja
Jiu '.."i russeii, m. ij t roicenvr ui Aiiauiiiiy .
M k G. Kerr, m. d, Profepsor of Materia
.udica and General Therapeuties.
Martha H. Mowry, m. p, Professor of Obstet-
rics and Diseases ot Woman and chilJren.
Almira L.' Fowler, M. D, Demonstrator of Au
atomy and Chemistry.
Persnnn wishlno' further infnrmatinn as in
'terms, regulations, &c, or desirous of ireceiv-
jixl? copies of the Aunouncement,w1ll please
the Faculty; OAVI D J. JOH NSON, m . o
t ' 229 Arch street Philadelphia,
i,,nt in irh ' ah Km '
JUlie IU, IOOj. HO
appiy, personalty or oy letter, io ine ian ot
Successoiis to Nathan f artis &, Co. 4
Corner of Com . and M .azine Streets, ; ;
' New Oilean?
Offer for sale, at tbe lowest market prices, a 1
and carefully selected stork ot strictly '
French, English, German and Chemicals, Paints,
and Oils, Window Glass, Varru-hea, Dye Stuffs,
Prmmerv, Seapa, Brushes, Trueses, Flavoring
Extracts, pure Essential Oils, Druggi Glass
ware, Yeast, powder, Lemo 1 S)rup, Patent
. Me Jeines,Shakers' Herbs,Sursrical Instraments
j Together with every article generally comprised
in the stork of a Druggist or Physician, and every
article of Medicine wanted on a plantation, put
up in a neat and convenient style, all of which
have been selected with much personal care, and
purchased direct from' the manufacturers or their
agents, in ' thi country and Europe All their
powdered drugs are prepared from matevialcare
tally selected, and arc warranted strictly pure and
of rh best quality.
r irrangemeijts h ve been made with the manu
facturers of QUININE to be constantly supplied
from Zimmrs, jferman) PalJatier,. (Frencti) and
American; manufactures, which wul bo sold on
the most reasonable terms- ,
4 A?-nta for the. e rbrated LEXliNTGTO,MUS
'l .4RD. uperior to any n t e world. "
h v sr prep ved o fu nish dealers whit t' e
following genuine PATENT. -MKDIC1NES. by
the uross or dozen, at tbe proprietors' wholesale
prices; .-...,-..-
LyonV Kathairon, Dalley's Tain Extractor,
Jtfexicfn Mustang Liniment, B. V Fahncsiock's
Vermifuge, David Jayhe Family Jladiines, John
Cul 's 8a Esparilla, S. P. Townsend's L ir'apsrilla,
V"yodciah,a Chetry Expectorant, WooJ.uaa's Ex
tract Jamaica Gir.jer, Wo idAi-.an'a pa 11 kiliinsj
Liniment, Woodman's Purgative Tills C good's
Inaiaa Chotaoue, Minor's Ma"icl lever Cure
bmmons' Li'vpr . .c. i--:
ment, Grif. .V.- 1 tr ' T le-.'.'.c
Cut,,!-, tSin.iS U:cyf !
Pilli, 'vva.'sj Y.i.t i. .
tive r. . -tr! - - X " -r -
- ma .
Cray3 rtert Oiat-
"p?, Il'iLi'i t and
. i P f""", -'pencer'a
-v , : ..... s'Car-ii.a:
. S"1 . . , 4. t
A J . 3 Li- U.'. I. Ol
r rrll
, .
A Isaltuof Utc A Parody. -
What the iieart of the Young Woman sa'dfo
the Old Maid. '.' to
Tell me not in idle j'ingle, -"Marriage
isin empty dream!"
For the girl is dead that's single,
And girls tire not what they seem.
life is real, life is earnest!
. Single-blessedness a fib!
' Man thou art, to man returnest,"
Has been spoken of the rib.
Not enjoyment and not sorrow .
Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-mor.row
Find us nearer marriage day. . ;j
Life is long, and youth is fleeting.
And our hearts though light and gay,
Stiil, like pleasant drums, are beating '
Wedding marches all the way.'
, In the world's broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of life, . r
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
But a heroine a wife! ,
Trust no future, howe'er pleasant,'
Let the dead Pastburry its dead!
Act act to the living Present! - .
- Heart within and hope ahead! !
Lives of married folks remind us
We can live our lives as well, .
And, departing, leave behind us
Such examples as shall "tell.''
Such example, that another
Wasting time in idle sport, f ;
A forlorn, unmarried brother,
Seeing, shall take heart and court.
Let us, then, be up and doingj
With a heart on triumph set;
Still contriving, still pursuing
And each one a husband get!
Slcak Kindly.
In our daily intercourse with those wo
love in our family relations as husbands
and wives, parents .and children, brothers
and sisters a constant watchfulness ought
to be maintained clw our. words and ac
tions, in order tp-avmJ infliction: unneces
sary pain. ,IIow frequently does it occyjr
that a word unkindly spokerf to those we
once loved, but who have been since, remov
ed by the hand of death,' wilL haunt our
memory long afterward like an avenging
demon, causing .us poignant and vain re-
grets! 1 ears , alter the circumstance nas
passed out of ou minds and the mind of
the friend we have grieved or wronged, if
some sudden calamity befalls him, or some
.. ..... :....'..'. ...... ..
unexpected summons calls him away from
earth, and removes him from the scope cf
our ability to make redress, will tho awak
ened memory of the unkind act or word
cloud the melancholyj-eflections of our wak
ing hours, and even haunt our dreams. But
O ".. , .. ......
the most bitter and poignant reflections arise
when we have parted in unkindness-from
some one connected with us by the tenderst
ties; and then, no opportunity occurs to. ef
feet aTecohciliation, the person we have in-
iiru fnr n mnmiint nf limn In aclr anrl -Itnin
" ."M."tv"- VE w " :
forgiveness from that loved' one we have
wrongea duc, aiasi too latei too jaiei
The experiende of an acquaintance, 're-
lated by himself not Jong ago, illustrates !
i. -itJ' , . .. TT ,i
most forcibly the above position-; lie had
........ - " 1 .
k.. . 1
nr m. 1 1 .r. m f. . ....- AlVn . . : t a i . I. aw. n . A .
- - - -
several months, ana was on a visit ot a weeii
was a man of the most uncompromising in-
tegmy. auiu 6uci-u:u luug. tuuuu uu-;)f
esi prejuuice agaiu!-."ai nguh vr uiiustcui i
amusements.' '.'He had ", never, allowed his i
... . . .,
children, while under his control, to attend
dancing parties or shows, or to mingle in
the sports which most men regard as unob-r
jectionable, or, at leasynot altogether to be j
ftnTidemned. The ennsennence was: that t
the children, as is usual under similar cir
cumstances, weje fond of indulging' in the
interdicted- pleasures, and were apt, when
an opportunity did occur, to carry them tea
far. They felt that their father was rrompt
ed by a sincere conviction of, and desire
to dischargethe duties of a parent who
feels the weight of his responsibility to God
but they felt also that he was unnecessar
ily stringent in his interpretation of what
he considered right or wrong. . As a conse
quence, theydi J not l.e?.tr.!' when circum
stances favored it, to evade tl cir . f.iihei's
mandates rron t!e s'lbct, rrtd evn, wh-:n
c,""5 Id regret t!'e ir.c: 1
. .3 Vi
.'l .
.trol, (for I had just rcache my majority,)
and priding myself upon the idea that I
was now. master of my own actions, I.sig
niiied my intention to be present. . My fathi
er, as usual, forbade my attendance. I an
swered him in anger, stating that his au
thority over mo was henceforth ended; tliat
he L.vJ treated ir.c like a boy, and I bad
submitted like a boy until now; but since I
had reached the age at which the lavsr per
mitted me to think and act for myself, I
was determined to assert niy rights. T even
wens so tar, ana was so unjust 10 my lainer, gmeers are exposed, ns well as pcrscr.3 who
as to intimate that a 'desire existed on his j follow the seas: , - ,
part to lyrannize over.us, from 1; love of pa- We dftcii see vigorous1 yotinj "men seek
tejrnal authority. He was a man of strong ing, places - as".clerksv in "stores.. They all
and naturally irritable feelings, but his mc- ,hopc for (and generally 4xpect) some favor-
uves were always oi me purest ,Kinu; anu
"my conscience smote me as I uttered the
sentiment which my pride would not permit
me to recall. - - ;
An angry blush passed over his counte-
nance, at siicli art unusual reception of his
commands. but he checked himself instan-
taneously, and answered, with unusual mild -
ness, 'Charles,' t may have erred in many
points touching the government of my child -
ren, but I have endeavored to do ray duty
as a parent and as a man.- The time may
come irhen you will be sorry for what you
uttered to-dayl' -
, "And that lime did come mofe speedily
than even he anticipated. They were pro-
phe'tic words, and even at this late day.they
uauui me miu uicams. r .
"I went to the ball, but I did not enjoy
myself; I was jovial, and full of glee; my
associates thought me tn unusually good
spirits; but it was all feigned, and hollow-
hearted as asepulchre. '
Charles, the time may come when you
will be sorry for what you have uttered, to-
rlavf' rnnor in mv 9rs
It was near mormn.T - when - the narfv
broke , up. ahd I returned home, jaded in h "'Among the host of besiegers in thepu?
' . . K a 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 suit of place, was n Woman who ;was cx-
sp.nt, exhausted m physical energy, and tremely anxious, that her husband should bo
worn down with excitem.6. I went to bed, made postmaster in some country village
arid fell into' a,tfoubled sleep, which lasted
until near noon. .When I. arose, a dizzi -
.... .v
ness-aud pain in the head incapacitated me 1 8 uoo.r wiicr 11c cameout o is
, 1 . . te 1 --.ro0ra in themorningrshe intereepted him
from mental exertion; still I half resolved, lon his way l0 jj5s raea!;3. followed -bin
ere I left home, in tho, afternoon, to confess : to his meals; she followed h1m to lite luJg
my fault to my father. I met him at. the i'ngs at tight. "On one occassion she je
dinner table, but ho allusion was made by
either of us to. the incident of. the previous
da;nd when- we arose from the table, it
wos near the hour at which it wasnececs
sary for me to take the coach, I followed
my father into our little par lor,, whither he
. "V j,..., . . - . -
had gone as if desirous of affording me an
the coach was coming. .
. 'Ilave you nothing more to" say, Charles?'
he inquired. , . .
. V'Jib I answered, and we parted. - I
took the coach for the scene of my labors,
displeased and, angry rith myself, but now
penitent; and for a week succeeding was in
-' ' e 1 "j i " -
out of mv mind, when an exnress cama rti-
. ' . - . ' V . , i
nn r n" mv immediate attention at hcme.tor
h was slEtedl that triy father, in' a-et-c of
lorf0nt flnrM l.enlrh. hnA iWn sfr?-' . -i
, bvtin at)0DlectIc fit . ' - -
. ''Although still alive r hen the messenger
, V t hY j
tf rano mean ? ; It Ii r, .1 rtne tint arner.
IWW' .AW AW .AAV A .AW. A w w W
. . ....
survive. Then, indeed, I felt the full i
a. . , . . . .., .. -
of the ominous prediction. ihc time
Ar trt
' - h?$tcnc j , ,
&. x; tv anJ -e(. ny f , ,ier ,
. - x .
rciat cf d:.ith.
He never gave a:
fnk-r'i ot re.Tio-ri
titiAn . a v. n - o ni
'o ' v x 1
- e siriiif
;y ;;
trririt into t.:3 L.:r.i3 cf God,
amid the grief of a sorrowing bcu..hclJ, of '
whom mineosvas' inCr.itely the most Litter.
On-?, indeed, before my arrived, L2 rolled
:..!- If T I. 1 4
beir 7 answered 13 the negative, rebJ
' t 1.,
liibt v v v w w -.-f.
a T i? ' i r i i
ed upon tho llf.!; f.-Uurcs of cr.3 cf tho
ncss .tenured rzz
i I f '
4fcU,Uk -i ' -
tho;-3 cc!d Ka -cere
j -yf-'Iy t
the f'-i f ' '
j ' An liter. '
L-rortirg, v
opportunity to speais wun nim eione; oui a .man.Jieexclaimed;-'iIaJam L-y;-t
was ashamed to confess that I was wrong, 1 to bed, and if vou don't withdraw I '-.all
RnhPT must hid him frood-bt. as w wrs.iiarcy about yoUA Ihc r Jy
best cf fathers, whcoO every commni it, . ... , - , .
4 , - " , , .. , ..jccntnomm;;-tcr who rcsu.cd
was rajf duty t: Lave obeyed, (-r.i wh:.j, - It j,. . , , f r , ( ,
as a general thing, I did obey,) the thought! ".., T1! .' V
,' t i' rWE.S L'U. .1 a . . , ..
of the hst awt cf uisobeuicnco and un..'JL- r . ,
.......... , , .. . l r 1 t " i
..... . - 'in rrc: r .' ( .
r,3 t; -' J cf Lr v:: - - r.i - ...
:i : . . j lea i- ' ' ;
. . . : . i ? T . .
.1 U , t .v . w 1 " -f
... . riistalis of Aiiiri-icaii
V-M raPJ Mistake into tvlnch many
Americaa yoiitli. U, tliat hianul laLor is
notjionoralte: To le a merchant a lawyer,
a doctor, or sHipciaster; is, in their esteem,
much more hc'noiatlo that, it n U bo a me
chanic or n farmer. It canrict Le dented
that all thpsc oilier' occupation tcquire ex
ertion. The doctor ii oftrf.timcs- nuito as
Quito as
weary when his day's work is flo'nc, r tho
rFcr.a4 hlacksmitli cln le; but he is not
baif so sure of a quiet mglit's c hep as ther
are, and we all know to trhat hardships en-
jaoie uue, m ttie auairs ct lire, ivhich rill
lead them on to fortune. -2 ' -
Other men have accumulated vast sums
of .money in buying arid selling goods, why
not I? is the language they use. They ra-
(rely consider that but. a very small number
j of those who embark ever 'completcTtiic
1 voyage. -Where one succeeds,' ten, fiftyi
perhaps a hundred Cxi' "T ." -t " v.
1 Bu'an industrious, thri fty farmer seldom
j fails to secure for himself and family tho
j common comforU. of life, fhe'skilful and
'practical mechanic, too, is generally sure of
a remuneration for his labor, and with com-
mori prudence, he. can provide a competence
for the future." That princely fortnnes' 1 caa
'be heaped tip by haridling the p!oT7, tho
ijactt-piane, or ine sieagc, we uo not sayj
nor is it pretended that men arenas likely to
.acquire fame on the farm or at the work-
bench as in the lawyer's office.
STThe hard pressure for - appointment
to olUce tinder the New administration at
j asinngton, gives rise to some : amu.-ir';
linciicnts. The foil
lomn T 13 tuli cf v
- 1
She was most preserving in her solicitations,
" reason ami out 01 season. Jbhe 6lood at
1 it. c.i : .1 1 . 1 .
iraainea there unusually hate; tucrliovernor
!reaueste4 hef td , hmJ hntkhK Yirptm
ed. Al JengHi vcry gtnU.nicn: lut aff
'had gone, an 1 the Secretary had took cf bis
shoes. bun fche stood her grounu? qusira-
moved; Growiudespcratc the Seen fr.ry;
finally rose from his seat, and proceeded to
-tr!p 0ffhis coal;" thcnVlurning to the wo-
immediately retired from the room,"
X5TIf the Washington IJniou, 'the cen
tral organ of! the Democracy, is to I ? re
garded as a true e.xponant cf i 1 ii v ; f
the adiiiinisration, most cert Inly the P. a
dent and his Cabinet lmve teen most L;':
rously vascillating in regard to the qr." " :v
of the Mecilla Valley,' which Gov. i...: 1 T
Kew. Mexico announced .to rnzz .ly f
When Gov. Lane's rroclamatioa f.r-t mi,--
led m this. country, the Liuun r .1 i -
, i , ;
C W COraiO artlCiS WHICH C YCI V OC 7 '.
... - .-. . v r n t .
few days afterward?, the Urloa i
second elaborate article, avcrn""ft;
not intended .to be understood c. r'
Geri. Lane, und that his cour;
relher indefensible. , And no?,-
hr.i put forth a third c?;' ra 3
insisting, as' Jt . insisted nt
Gor. Lane s course has been i ; t
d m be sustah;eJ by t! , GwV.
An Edcimtrr.,,.; i:
every two rr threo davs cujLt
to keer a it rular onraa, c" 'i
.I,waTtt,"u 13 B"1V '
i. a i . i . .
aoie io aeep up- preptiiy wu;i
'shiftings and turr.ir.. V
a pity.- Lou. Jour.
;s Fr.ATrr. '
!e for- the
,ti Ji-
!ly consisting of an c; .1 m-n I
f 1
IUcaver - ind lu3 f ur
hr.rd "pets, wha hi
t rt n.ll'l.'lt i ..-At:. A 5 ' . T'i
. 1 1 A . i . . . 1 . '