Newspaper Page Text
novir QrM. A. Jeskijcs is a coni!i3;t3 fori. --portion to the oiUceof ShcrilT of Yazoo cu, :y u he next election. - We are authorised to announce E. G. IIinry, Es-j.,"5 of Madison county, a candidate for Circuit Judge of tho Fifth Judicial District, at tha next election. ' ' . .: . ' ' - We are authorized to announce Jamcs IT. Beli. as a candite for re-election .to the .office of Probate Clerk, at the next election. - - We are authorized to announce A. II.IIAxdy of lladisonas a candidate for Judo cf the Hih Court of Errors and Appeals, for the first Districtcounties: Hinds, Warren, Washing ton, Bolivar, Ilaukin, Scott, Newton, Lauder dale, Kemper, Neshoba, Leake, 3Iadison,Yazoo, Holmes, Sun9over, Attala, Winston, Noxubee, and Issaquena. Weare authorized .to announce Geo. W. Doughartt, as a candidate for Probate Judge of Yazoo county, at the next election. ! ' We are authorized to aunounce William May as a candidate for county Treasurer, at the next election. We are authoiDd to announce Mo-roan L. Fitch as a candidate for Circuit Judge of the Fifth Judicial District, at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce E. Was- bos as a candidate for Circuit Clerk of Yazoo county, at the next election, Dorr as a candidate for District Attorney of the Fifth Judicial District, at the ensuing election. ' " ' We are authorized to announce F. W. Quack- esboss as a candidate for Probate Judge of Yazoo countv. at the next election. ) XVe authorized to annouce George B .' Wilkisson as a candidate for Circuit Clerk, t the next election. ; - - ; :'- : i We are authorized to announce J. B. Deasos as a candidate for Circuit Clerk, at the next election. , ire are authorized to announce Peter B. Cook aa a candidate for county Treasurer, at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce S. M. PniLLrps as a candidate for Circuit Clerk, at the next election. We are authorized to announce" Besj. F. Adams as a candidate for Assessor, at the next election. ' IFe aro authorized to announce S. G. Cham bsrs as a candidate for Circuit Clerk, at the next election. ' TVe are authorized to announce Jas. Tharp as a candidate for county ' Treasurer, at the next election. We are authorized to annaunce Jo. Sherard as a candidate for Assessor, at the next elec- lion. ; T We are autliorized to announce R. M AVixn as a candidate for county Treasurer,, si. me next election. nurmwest quarter oi section b, xownsuip ix, We are authorized to annaunce Vsi. ll J range 1, cast; west half,' northeast quarter Wkenk as a candidate for Assessor, at the section 25. towship 13, range 1, west; west next election." v half, northwest quarter of section 34; town- (KTWe are authorized to announce alexJ "P H ranSe 2 westI northeast quarter Smith, as a candidate for county Treasurer, at Action 20, northeast quarter of section 21, tlie next election-. j and south west quarter of southwest quarter OCT We are authorized to announce Joshua ' f ec,tj" T21 township 13, range 1, east, south T. RtrssEtx, Jr., as a candidate for Circuit balfof Lot 41 in Benton; northeast quarter Clerk, at the next election. ... , f " . , of northeast quarter of section 23. township TVe are authorised to announce Joh.h P. i 12, range, cast Xots 359 384 in Y"azoo Street, as a candidat3 for county Treasurer, city; half interest in west half and west half at the next election' j of northeast quarter and west half of south- $3r We are authorised to announce James east quarter, of section 30, township 13, Peret, as a candidate for Circuit Clerk, at the range 1, west, and northwest quarter of sec next election. : r j tion 31, township 13, range 1, west; cast We are authorised to announce N. H.Ltjse, half, northwest quarter of section G, town as a candidate for the See of Circuit Clerk, ship 12 range 2, east, at the next election. ;:y T ": :'1: - - Also one-half interest in the fallowing des , We are authorised to announce TV. II. Man-"' cribed lands, to-wit: East half of southwest tttJM, as a candidate for Assessor, at the next quarter section 19, township, 8, range 3, west; election. - - " .' ; - '' " . " - 1 "' ' . '' ' ' YAZOO Clfr PillCJS CtrSSS,T CuRKEuTED WEEKLY BY LINK k HAREISJK. . .. ARTICLES. Apples, green,- - " dried, Bagging Ky. . - " , , Inida, Bale Rope, -' -Twine, " -Beef, mesa, - " primet cargo-, . Bacon, hams, do sides, " do - shoulders, - Butter, Goshen,- - do Country, Beans, white, ColTee, Havana green, do Rio, t FROM bbl. none bs'i 4 50 yd 10 yd 6 lb 8 - lb;20 . bbl! 18 00 TO 2j 19 00 12 14 11 30 bbl bbl U, lb 10 none 12 . 9 lb -8 lb none lb25 bbli none lb 14 lb 12J lb 40 i lb 15 - Can ;s, sperm, 45 do . tallow,- do - star, ' Cheese, American, Cider, . 7 . , Cigars, Spanish, - - do American, Corn, in the ear, do sack, do meal, -. : -Flour, super bl. Louis do Ohio, Hay. - - ' Lard, . Molasses, ; ' ; Nails, -Oat - r Oil, srerm, - d3 li":;a?d, ; -""' Pork , - - . . do , do Cu. " O, , - ' do chime - do bulk, hog round, Potatoes, , -Rice, " -Sugar, brown, -do- oaf, do crushed, Salt, fine, . - - ' do coarse, - ".- -Tobacco, -Tar, , - - t Whiskey, best, lb'25 lb; bbl I 1 y 10 40 12 00 00 00 hi 16 00 . - m 6 bushjoO - bush50 . bush; 75 ' oblj G - bbl! 5 00 00 50 6 50 none JSri ot 14 33 8 2 CO 1 50 20 . 18 00 8 50 - gal 32 7 50 . 1 50 1 25 18 00 16 00 none 8 8 00 1 i0 14 11 bush gal -gal bbl, bbl bbl ' bbl bib - bl lb lb lb 8 0 2 00 7 8J 15 15 ' 2 50 - : m - 50 1 25 lb sack sack 2 2 10 1 23 25 00 00 lb gai common, 25 3 e'L.: large as-c .:atof w " - . X 1 1 L J k . If J. O.'V, ALLACL, i..i.-.- " ""! f .;r, will leave Y.'.zoo city on Wednesday, .o 15th day of Juno instant, direct lor Lousviiie. Yazoo city, June 3.,'u2. " 47-2t jpcyTir wis - -M w " wm .c? f . 2)j3ia"3S33933 EIS3iSIlA!uir3 AND COTTON FACTORS, - No 0, Commmeecul Place, . Xew Orleans,- ' (successor to yu. p. SWlsEY,") . " -. . - VlCKSBURCS, MtS3. A GENT FOR SWINEY, GREEN & CO, Cotton Factors &. Commission Merchants, New Orleans, La., will make advances in cash and supplies, on consignments to G. & co. - June 3, 1853. 47-tf. . , GAIXVIIY, jic3 ass raamsiaa msewiixt. F"fcEALER in Lime, Cement, Plaster Paris Pitch, Rosin and Plastering hair, , PRODUCE 'AND GROCERIES. Depot for the Vicksburg manufactured Soap worth 2 i to 5 i cents per pound. And for L. Lindsey is co's Vicksburg Rectified Whiskey, i and for James Spratt's lightning rods, i " , ington street, Vicksburg, June 3, '53. 47-6 m. NOTICE. IT HAVE left my Books and Papers with Mr. G. M. Powell, who will act as may agent during my absence. , N. W. ELLIS. ' Yazoo city, June 3, '53. 47-2 m. Administrator's Sale Y virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Yazoo county, I will, as ad ministrator of the estate of P. M. Ferguson, deceased, on , Moudny, the 20th day of Junct inst , - before the Court House door m Yazoo city, within the hours prescribed by law, expose 1 to sale to the highest bidder, on a credit ot twelve m-nth$, the following described lands ( lying in Yazoo county, to-wit: One third interest in east half southwest quarter and southeast of southeast sect. 10, Town. 9, Range 3, west; lots X, 2 and 3 of section 27, - township 13, range 2, west; northeast quar- ter of north west quarter of section 23, town ship 12, range 1, west; northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 22, township 12, , range 1 , westwest half northeast quarter ! of section 6, township 12, range 2, east; west; half southwest quarter and ? northeast quarter of southwest quarter section II, I township 12, range 2, east northeast quar- ter of northwest quarter section 27, town- ship 12, range 1; west; northeast quarter of southwest quarter of northwest quarter section y, township 9, range 2, wUst; east half of south east quarter section 15, township 9, range 4, ' west; west half, southwest quarter section' 6, (township 10, range l weat; northwest quarter of northwest, quarter of section 33, township 10, range 2,westjnorth half of west half, north east quarter and northwest quarter, southeast quarter section 20, township 10, range 2iwestj west half, northwest quarter section 32, town ship 10, range 2, west;" east half, southwest quarter section 2, township 10, range 3, west; half interest in west half, southwest quarter section 12, township 10, range 3, west; half in- terest in northeast 4 and oast half of southwest quarter section 13, township IQrange 3, west; half interest im northeast quarter of sectiou 17, township 12, range 1, west; northwest quarter less 50 acres and southwest quarter section 8, township 11, range 1, west; west hal north west quarter section 9, township 11, range 1, west; east half, northeast quarter section 14, township II, range 1 west; west half north west quarter, section 14, east half southeast quarter section 14, east half, northwest quarter of settion 23,towns&ipi 11, range 1, westjnorth west quarter of northeast quarter section . 3, township 11, range l west; west half of south west quarter, section T tevnship 11, range 2, west; east half, northeast quarter and wast half, northwest quarter and east half northwest quar ter section 21,ahd west half of northwest quar ter of sectida. 22, township II, range 2, west; west iialf southwest quarter section 1, township 12, range 1, east; whole of section 2, township 12, range 1, east; east .half northwest quarter section 6, township 12, range 2, east; east half northeastquarter section 31, township 13anga 2, east; lots 26,27, 30, 42 93, 94, 97 and -J93 ill Yazoo "city; lot 35 in Ber.foa; southeast quar ter arid east half of south, jst quarter section 24, township 12, range 2, east; east half north west quarter of "section 25, township 12, iahge east; southwest quarter ef southwest quarter of section 7,northeast quarter and northwest quar ter of northwest quarter section 18, the Gouth half of riortheast quarter and east half of south west quarter and Cast ha!f of northwest quar ter of section 19, southwestquarter and west half ol southeast uarter of section 20, north west quarter and 'northwest quarter of south west quarter of section 29, east half of north west quarter and northeast quarter of southeast .quarter section 30, townihip 12, range 3. east. Bond with approved security will be required of tha purchaser. II. A. JENKINS, Adrn'r ,, ' ' . - '-f P'T firm'-nn Artt : Yazoo tity, Juno 3, Tif TT -r f W VTlLLb? paM.Lr a Sir-, tf -Jr njifc .s t!:3 rc'. :3 D3, 01 WE JJC V.10 i '3 of V;Jl3 Z'. of irSportH, o n -9 Tr 3 ' 9. ;:i a kit; :.r c plate and th.3 Ci::;-j cf "L. J. iy- V W r f J -' CwT receive 1 1 UVAI'i CilAi .,L Cii,ii I '. J. 11. ANDnV3, M. A T$T 1 T '3 1 D. VIIOLESALU and RETAIL-Dll A tfiRrf In Drvffs, IJedkinm and ChenbaU, 'Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Gless andPtdty, WUUtlit lit 0 i i.tUH' Hk3,h,yifi Dye-Sturs" and GLisswarc, Fine "Perfumery, Soaps and Brushy, School Books.Stcel Pens, Quills and SCationary, Letter and Cap Paper, Medical and Miscellaneous Books. 3. BLANK BOOKS, SUPERIOR INKS, . PAPER HANGINGS, Prescriptions and orders will receive particular attention at all hours of the day and night. , AGENTS for all the valuable Family Medi cines in use. Bnyer3 will alwaysrfind here fresh and unadulterated Medicines. We are determined to sell as low as any establishment in New Orleans or elsswhere in the Southwest. april 22, 1853. 41-tf. WM. KNABE. HENRY GAEIILE. EDW. BETII3. Pisisios, Fine Wfclics, Silver-Ware and Jewelry. First Premium Grand ' qnd Square Piano Fortes. . KNABE GAEIILE & Co. Manufacturers, Nos. 4, 6, 8 and Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Maryland, would respectfully invite public at tention (and particularly those in want of 1 superior Pano Forte at a moderate price,) to the extensive assortment constantly on sale at their ware-rooms. . Our establishment is now the most extensive South, numbering over one hundred workmeu, with a well selected stock of seasoned materials, from which we afe man ufacturincr Piano Fortes combining the most valuable improvements known. Uur Iron framo Piano "Fortes, for which wo have received first premiums for three succes sive years, (Maryland Institute,) over those of Northern make, are particularly whorthy of at tention, being so arranged as to ' secure : great additional strength, without affecting the Tone, for which our Instruments have been so highly recommended by the best Professors and Ama teurs, throughout the country. A guarantee for five years will be given with ech instrument sold 1 by us, or by our agents, Downing &. iiloody of our maRe.witn privilege of exchange, at any time within six months from tha day of sale, if not perfectly satisfacto ry. For sale by DOWNING & MOODY, old stand, Washington at, Vicksburg. October 29, 1S52 16-ly NOTICE. AT a meeting of the Directors of tho Yazoo and Big Clack Plank RoadCompany, on the 9th inst; an election was ordered to be held at the Banking House of J. J Michie & Co.," on Saturday, tha 14th of May, next, under the inspaction of Messrs. R. M. Winn, J. W. Fuqua, C. T. Mann and Jas. Tharp, for eight Directors to serve said comoany for the term of twelve months. D. W. RANDOLPH. azoo city, april 15, '53. 40-5t. Ssc'ty. THE well-known superiority of the. a6i3js eJa.UES-iji2ES sftai2i?s Axes, has induced some manufacturers to stamp their, axes H. COLLINS," and such axes are frequently sold as my manufacture. -. . The GENUINE COLLINS AXES, which have been in ado under my direc'ion for more than twenty-five years, and which have sustain ed such an unrivalled reputation, are invariably stamped COLLINS & CO, HARTFORD. They are to be found at our Depot in the city of New York, and at the principal Hardware Stores in the large cities. SAM'L W. COLLINS. New York, april 15, '53. 40-ly. -RECEIVER'S SALE. BY virtue and in pursuance of a decree of the Middle District Chancery Court of the State of Mississippi, will, as Receiver in thp case of Stam, Powell et. al. vs. Wm. G. Rus sell et. al. expose to public sale to the highest bidder, in front of the Court House door in Yazoo city, on Moodayi the 2d day of ''May next, the Steam Mill situated about half a mile below Yazoo city, known as the Phcenix MAI, together with all the improvements and fixtures belonging thereto. " - " . -;; Terms -One-third ca9h, one-third in twelve month, and one-third in two years, secured by I lien on the. property. JAS. II. BELL, Yazoo. city, april 22, 52. 4I-2t. Receiver. - At tlicirNcw Banking House ' OPPOSITE WINN'S HOTEL, Dfscount Bl'lls of Exchange, Foreign and Domestic,and Uncurrcnt money. They Clieclt on New Orleans at all times, and during the winter and spring at par. Also on New York, and the principal cities at cur rent rates. ' 1 They receive Depositcs and pay out on check without charge, and allow interest on time deposites as agreed on. Make collections . and remit proceeds as di rected.. Buy and sell Land Warrants, county d State Scrip, &c, &e. J. J ilICHIE &COj Yazoo city, November 19, 1852. 19-tf- Watcher, Jewelry and ZlXuslc. "NORTH SIDE OF MICHIE'S BANK, fTAS on -hand a complete assortment . of ' Watches, Jewelry and illysicALlssiRtr-J mests of all-kindi and description,, from-the very best manufactures. . Instruction Books for all Istrum?nts,and a go d assortment of Sheet ilusic for Piano and Guitar. fj5" Watches and Jewelry repaired and war ranted. Yazoo city, oct 29, 52. l6-tf VAN, LOON, PAXTON & CO,, Leve3 Stseet, .Vicksst'bs, 'Ifichlui, , Iron and Brass Founders, ' E N G.I N E A N D, 0 A R R BUILDERS, Gin and illll Work,4 and all kinds of Plan tation and Styambo-it work promptly -executed and fuliy guaranteed. ; February 10, 1833. 32-1 y. CL 1 t 1: Li. 100 D. c:: 1 r "3 t. ::ax; 'I A Ti It ta: - - : . ,t . : ' - j O o . o---r f frf j v. . 't w 4 Mia ! ' W la M " ' rffllffi unJcr.-' hns taken V.i ENTIRIJ ji nunago-ncnt and ar.troll of J-' and is now prepared to accommodate the public. . A new dining -room has been erected, the SLEEPING ROOMS plastered and fitted with new furnilureand BEDDING, and a complete renovation eHoeted. Ample Accotnmodaiions will he Provided for FIVE HUNDRED GUESTS; " and no more will bo received than canbo com fortably accommodated. For INVALIDS there caii be no more ad vantageous retreat. The-water U highly re commended by tha medical faculty, and the ivondcrful eures effected by its use almost sur pass belief Ample details of several astonishing cures may be obtained on application at the Well.; ; . . The term's will bd moderate, and no exertion Will be spared to make guests comfortable. The Vicksburg and Jackson and Raymond Railroad will convey passengers to Raymond, thence 3 miles to the Well, in W. II. Smith's line of New Four Horse Stages. The time of trip is less than 3 hours from Vicksburg. Through tickets , from Vicki burg to Cooper's Well can be obtained at the Railroad depot,' Vicksburg; price $2 20. Jan 21, '53. 23-tf JOHN THATCHER. W. R. Miles. II. B. Mates. Attorneys at Iau WILL give their joint attention to all busi ness intrusted to them in all tho courts held in ihe countias of Yazoo and Holmes. Office iu Wilson's Building, by the Telegraph Office, Yazoo city. Jan 7, 53, 26-ly VALUABLE LAND FOIt SALE. f WILL sell on low terms, 5G0 acre3 of land -" (situated above high water mark) on the Yazoo river, in Sunflower; county, Township 16, Range 2," west. For further information apply through R K Pickett or F. Bostick to the undersigned. . a. A. UAUNHTT. Yazoo city, Jan 21, '53 28-tf FOB SALI3 OR UUA l'. A GOOD and comfortable dwelling house with five rooms, a hall through the centre, kitchen servants room, store room, cistern and outhouses, situated in a pleasant neighborhood.' For further particulars apply at this office. February 1 1, 1853. , 313t. VU V UK3i 1 1 0 ot an improved M. pot Patent, just received and for sale at N. W,H0BSON'S,. sign of the Eagle. NOTICE, M LANE'S celebrated Vermifuge, a certain cure for worms, for sale by THOMPSONS- CO. VATCHi-S & JEUELhV. TTUST received and for sale, at reduced rri- y ces. a NEW SUPPLY of suncrior cualitv and stylo Watches j.nd Jewelry. Watches re paired and warranted as usual.. . 9 , a. II. VV lL.5Ui. Yazoo city, January H, 1353.. . 27-tf Virginia, Manunictnrcd Tobacco f R1IIE undersigned Agents,are receiving and il will4 be adding to their'' stock throughout tac season, fresh supplies of the most favorite Brands. We sell at invoice prices, and guar? antee all Tobacco sold by u3 to be fully. equal in quality to the sample. We beg leave to call the attention of the Merchants to our stock and request them to call an 1 examine when uiey visit our ciiy. 7 . - MACMURDO & IVARWICK, . 18, Grayier st Npv Orleans. Refer to Lists & Harrison, Yacoo city, Mi. nov23, 1352. " . . 20-t5. O LD PORT and Maderia Winefor medica nurDoses". in store and for sale bv ' J r may 21, 1852. ; D. TAMBORINE. - : V- AND . 1 r- - I GENERAL FoaKBHISGVARE EGGiiS, CITY OF VICKSBURG, ML, W HAVE just returned froni my semi-annual visit to New York; and am now prepared to offer, upon 1 my usual favorable terms," to my friends and customersan unusually large arid elegautly selected Tstock" of : - " Sprinsrusid Suiasner Clotliiii, as well as every other article pertaining to the wardrobe of a gentleman. ' t Thankful for the- very generous patronage heretofore extended , to my esitablishment, sad determined 4 to leave no efibrt untried to merit its continuance, all orders will receive my usual prompt, faithful and undivided attention; april 15, 53. WM. H. STEVENS.. T HEREBY caution all persons not . to trade for a note given by,me to P.. Stevens, for eighty dollars, ($30) as the consideration for which said note was given ha3 entirely failed, and I am determined not to pay it unless com pelled by law. " JOHN M. DENNIS. -Yazoo city, April 15th "a." -40-6t.;: L , ROAD. fHE Books cf subscription to the Yazoo and " . Big Black Plank Road Company are now open at the Banking House of J. J. Michie & Co., to receive such subscriptions necessary to continue said road to, and across Big Black river. 4 D. W. RANDOLPH, Sec'ty Yazoi city, May 20, 1853.-' 45-tf THEj STATE OF MISSISSIPPI.) . Probate Cockt. . tr Yazoo Conirnr 'April 13,1852. To all persons interested in the Estate of John- , . . athan Ellison, dee'd -70U are hereby cited to be and app- r be- . fore the. Probate-Court of said cou...y, at the July Term, 1S53, thereof, then and there to shew. cause,, if . any you .can, why the nal account of Joseph T. Elhion, : itninistrator of said estate should not be allowed nd his letters surrendered, and'furth'er to do'and suSer Fuch things as shall he considered cad ordered ly cur said court in the premise ?. And it is farther on!?re tiit puliication cf tiiis citation tio m&uO in tie x&zoo City Wfc'i tcr the fpice of sixty day.?. V,'itr.::3, V . Iicz. Gzozcu. .Wil::::cs cf th' sth -.itc ... j. CC" 't A:ih 1 " '.1 r"3l- c f I cc r - . -n ne c t .nrd. ,3f roVw.l (I; . . 41-tf- 1 .5.,.:! ,- '-i .- , :j ;-y --.i r ' " j. - . - - ' , f V -POWELL & IIILLIARD, : r.lAlN STR CCT, Y AZOO CITY, Tdl., TrjfAVlNO taken in ad Jitlon to otr former ex tftisive Wanufactory, th eetaUUhment lately occupied byMr.'o. II. Prima, opposite our old stand, would respectfully inform tbe pub lie that we have nude extensive additions to cur stock ot both of our own and Noithern and Casfcrn manu factories. Coraptis ng Coaches, Cochr fBllinsc top Barouches and Cfiamotieen. Rockawsye, slid scat liuics of superior Ftylc, with extension tort, comljimnj tho convenipnee of L'arouchp or Hock- way. Also, roll up side top Bug-g-iep, (iiac, fn eat on, and open liugjies ot elrgant pattern lor single or double barney. Also, Ouy and Ciach Harness, Whips of all pattern.". Ridding Bridles, artingalca, Urialo bitd, Siirrup ironj Ladie' Gentlemen and Boya tiding Saddles of ill psttcrae of our own manufacture S-.iddlcbaqs and Spur alo, F1t Nets of all colon. Webbine for cad dleskiits, band-holdori nd fainish rtj goods of all kinds for addle and harness manufacture. Alio Oil Carpet, Brussels do.,nndcarno( frmja. Enamelled cloths of all color?, patent Dash snd Collar Leather. Hoffskias and Saddle Skirting, Enamelled top leather alao Enamelled Leather ror Linings, comprising all the colors used. Ulue and Drab broadcloths, damask of ail patterns ani colors, silk for festoon?, fringes for do-, ei.'k : cfid worsted Tufis, bolder taesels, broad and ctrrow Lace?, tufting buttons of all color?, tufdnsr find ba nd nailg. , Tacks of all siae?, bra? and d?ef knob?, jappanneff, brass ahd silver gUm frames Coach handles and Iock bolt cf alt site 9, safews do ,j Springs, Axel?, top props and capped; Nut, eastings of all kind. Alsso a good ftBSOf toac-tit f Blacksmith's tcole.Coaeb Varnish, Paint?, Leads &-c. wSUo Cugsry and Wagons hubs, turned tpokcfl and bent ahaits and rims, Guggy polos end bows, and coach poles. ,VVe also manufacture wegoni for four or two horses, Pedlar wagon, Drays, Or Wagons and Carts. Dray and wagon Harness, kept constantly on band Trace ( hiins, Collars, Bridles, Whips and all heavy articles used for such purposes, JfU cf which wc offer for sale oa reasonable terms for oBsa ur approvea crenit. rcraons wishing anyi minx in our nne, win una it to tseir interna it call and examine our ctock before purchcinj eltM where. , ' "Mepaiplos:; j " Of all kinds connected with our business, done with neatnem and despatch, and all erdere for new work thankfully received and satisfaction given. . spril 3, 1853. 4Z-ly, R. II.' MllVt ' cii Cb. ; : ' . Merchant Tailors, tl, ORAVIER STREET, NEW ORLEANS, . R1 ESPECTFULLY invite those who visit New Orleans and wish fashionable and well made clothing, to give them a cad be fore. leaving their orders elsewhere, as they pledge themselves that those who favor them with their patronage chail be perfectly satie fied. april lS, '53. 40-tf. South Western Book Store. 5G Grazier Street, Nets Orleans, ; H.D. McGINNIS, Successor ' to John Ball. COUNTRY Merchants and others wishing w Jjooks or stationery to sell again, are respectfully solicited to call and examine mjr large and valuable stocK, wntcn l am oiler ine verv low. ' A lare collection of Theological, istandard, Miscellaneous and School Books constantly on hand,; ' All the new. works of interest nub fished in this country, received as soon as issued from the press, april 15 1853-40if. ; , Fruits in Own Juice. QTRAWBERRIES, Peaches, Pears, Apri cots, &c, for sale bv ; D. Tamqorinr. LD Port and Maderie Vin on hand, and by . , D, Tamsorine. , v; Sparkling Champaigne 1 ; JUST received, 25 baskets La Cordon .Vort' hroiifl in ninla nil nnirt ftr maIa by Z. TA MBORINE. Tax Sale. ON Saturday, the 14th day of TJay next,as . Marshal and Tax ollector cf Yaoo city, I will sell at rublic auction, before the May or's Office, in Yazoo city, the following des cribed Lots' to pay , tho special; lax assessed upon saidXots for the paving in front of tho sametb-wit: Lot's 155 and 156, 114 front feet at 75c, $S5 50: Lot' 31, 157 front fcrt at 75c, 1 17 7b; Lot 242, 76i front feetat75c, $5730. . Said Lots will bs Fold to the bid der who - will take the smallest qnan.titv of the Lot and pay the assessment, Said Lois liave beenCheretotore sold but the terms not complied with. wf . J: P. S. WINN, march II, '52.3501, priee$ 10 Uit, Marshal. The above sale is postponed until Satur day the 25th day of June next. I. GL IIOLLINGSW ORTH, May 20, 1853. 45-Gt, - Citv Marshal. Plantation and UctcJl Dnitrmsts (Sacces?ors of. the late James S. Shaw,) CORNER C? ST. CHARLES . AND C0MMC5N' STR, UNDEU THE VERANDAH HOTl:, V ' " . NfT7 Orlpans. FD A VING purchased Vbc' above CslabJiTcnf, i. will hn nrpna'red frt furnish Plnr..-,r.. FistM. ciansAnl ! amtlies with Iresli and enuiro . - - - - -, - cinea, 3," v.'ikh by arrangement , with NoUb rn oca. Importers, &c, they are receiving aLaJBt Houf. wpeklt'hv ntf.iimpr ' Thev will truaranted t'-? puritv c-f every artu! sold by them, and tnaUe ood any dc2c!er:ryin q.'u'ity cf anyt-iinj v. Li ' i-.ay fail to iva sitig taction to purcbaQers. 'J !r sfrk embrcccsefi fythirt . ually fcept Sn . rcs of t' o kind, and be eo! d ls Li!v as i.u Jic.ifj of -.-o i quality- ca" t puTcbased in iew Urse. .;":. ' Pereosj visiting our t;fy, arcs rc; j'-ttuLy lavttri to call nr.J. exuosi., i.ur t,i'jc! bpjore purcb&sS. J ftT" lnq'i!rn f jr tr.'? rr?n IVi L'reg . tore, Juaa 3, ltT3. ... . . 47-tf, ETTE'S cf . ' .hn ! tir - I Frcb iio. Cj-ir cf Yazo cj-irJT, e- th c " "it ..... J - - - - 'of LI. U. il" .'-v 3; ; :r- :. . ' . dehtsd t3 ,11 t-'.ite aro rc .-.en:.! t r . w . v . ... f .... . Jk .1 Uft . I 1.,' :.. , in 9 f U t t' ; t" t'.iay i a230 city ax co.i - ... a y -w . m . . t i t .-. 11 i 1 , si) UI..11 ! tt f'-urth'. a ih c ;.ch rnc :.tli ti 8 c'.-.cik t t . . . . ....... -. . . , . , .,fi- v. - , - ... V:.u iVvrnr; C.1.. ' J.-Il. prtt, V. UV -?:ts TntrrJI.T., ' ' Tin s ;Iet.i r.J.v; XJ i-i tioi.i.ic;svcj.i.;,i 11. iiotMfJ", Lcr, Xo c;'y, Au. I", l?;2. ' i. r3 MNTLV'.VJ I'll LodrTt. ::i.r. f.t . ; 'the 0 ? ? rr-ivw' uiu V JASi " " , tit, C W. J. nrr2r.n0, V. (i. -writ, IL.C If. A.Kf.T;uiLV,Trc. - ILII-trrs, Yr. G?cVy.. - ;f .. KO- 73 . CANAL QTRELT, ' ' - ' . " ,. t"twOr.u:iiss. ' epril 1, 13. . . , . . . 53ly. .. c;r-i?tr, tjios r. 4r.;Ltrr.; 1.. u. .xsrfso.v, sr r ' iiiiLti'iT, niLi.xi: & co.. No. il. Sr. CKAr,Lrs f r , CcB.vts cr G2Av;rr., ; . Az:ir crlcax.s. . aprjll. LS3. ; . S3-:ra. . coar.:ta5tau HO, i 13, C03IMON STRECT, ' NO. 8, CIIARTRES ST. c : Tj;r .0nixi:;3. a.d'arct. . . . vrx. coin v. AND GENT'S FURNISHING GdOD3 ' ' Or Every Yaridy. Txusks. CAr.rrx Sacs, Vaaxces, ; april 1, 1853. . ; ...47-1". S. J& Ght7i?IAlY A; Co., l. ' IMPORTERS, . . . ,-.3Yh.o!esal and Iietnil Dealersln ' HATS, CAPS AND STRAW. GOOBi?, No.- S3; Magazine Street, Corner of Gravler '' - New Orleass; A g3teral assortment of Pawama; CASirrA- cn?, Lcsiiozx and Palmixaf Hats," at thw lowest C83h prices, constantly oh band. OCT Manufacory No 181 IFatcr st. New York, . afrU I, o3, . . ... ; ,,33-Cm. 3. CSZlZIiZR. - CLAlBORSE, 8ZLLLZ. NO. 1C, Cnnalr.ud 15 'J. . ' T . " ' ..XEWAUlLlJIFaS. ' Between- the New.Cusfcni. House and thd December 10,1852.". " " . .' 22-lr- . no. 114 ST.ciirmujs amnrT, : " 'Corner of -Lafayette Square.) " -, april 1, 1853. i . , , .. C3-3m. - .. .i .. : m m i w i . - t a r. ' sl ! . .-r rr GOLD and SILVER LEVZE ArATCHo' " Of all Discr'rf'cn , ' ; A Oekeral A.:crTiiE5TOF nsr Jzttlwt ' of all styles and.latrst patprr.'. contfnth" received. Miver opoon?, ioik?, jvnivc?, Lsdles.GobUrts, &o.,c. Also. FINE TA BLE CUTLpRY, CASTORS 'and ether e ce?.ary table ware. , . - Cliinn, Glass nud Cncrr:sv.;n c- - -Fine gilt end plain C!!ir;, cut und rrrrs- ed GlasH oi &l kinds. Iron, liinnr. Cm n' and Crockery ware, together ' wiih a rri variety of Fine Far.?, v and r.pfnl srti,-; this -bueines, all cf bo sold positively at very reduced yrl -. One. door south of J. J.'Jichie cr'.- 2anking IL,u" " - S. II. WILJ" .'. ' Yr2oo city, '. .cembcr 24, 135?. 1 -1 1' "" AiriNB end jua receive i: BLACKSMITH- Ai;DrlVO0D fJJIIIE unders'jncd having teccrr.c prcprctrf of the oUstar. cfJ TPK.b:..:t, 1 - -prepsrs'lto do work c a'l .'.:: I, Loth vo: . iron, with proinrtne? Ei:i ; j f:r;z liberal share cf pair -::oi r.:;c:frd. T1 on JcCrrscn street, cpesitj t' 1 "rie'e ft"" ' : ,. 5 - .v." ' ... J' L. L i I. "- ' . Yaio3dfy,Ib !,';?. ... -CO"-- iWd-Ly Hon. lJoirJ t-f Iowa f,Lr.;J t:ut.l t'-- '. . February s. "w, fjr tulL.r; h trio.'; v; a 11 c h;ndred feet i i h.r , ' i- iWr; L. ,A- to HQOnnia 8 1 ?.? . en . ..:r. c.rcc," a Tree able to plan I f j f. :: ' ' - 1 by tho Ctref t cc: ' G. .... i OV,ELL, Jan C - i J 11 .H U1 ' I k-.ib t, c 1. Ia . ... i ( ... D. ta;;: