Newspaper Page Text
7 .-1.' f- i I i ' i ... m iii i, Mfe.4- m.1m 1 AiJ - t -I. wjLw mm By, irs; Harriet JY.:Prcwbtt.'j.'' ; YAZOO IT.L.f . . l.'l7,'RTo.'' t:30;; ' - tl'V ; - i . . . v . ' t .- - . . . - - - . ' f. . , . , , ' ( ' - . mil t ' " ' f , , . 1 I at THE YAZOO CITY WHIG HE t Charles is now thoroughly,-fin-' ; ' ed and reopened in a style far supe- v rior in every respect to any oilier establish- .la ment in MUissippi, or probably in the whole Southern country.!- ' " ' ' ' r '. It comprises an area of fifty by one hun dred, feet, and contains" a Billiard Saloon, t wo bowling illeys, Restaurat '.-and' other ZJ&ZuLlt and necessary.fix.ures. Especial ript or they ur ba inserted , care; will be observed in furnishing the bar - li FRINTLD AND:t?ffBLIU.0-KVt'.BY FBIDAlf, cr airs, in nui cr n. prcwetTi s OS JEFFCSON STEEET. ! p Ttu Wmo will b? furninhed to iibscrjb at TUie Dollar-, pnr annum in advance, or t'our w paid witnia & inoath.- Fiv Dollars at llie end ofthe ear. -- ' ; VavKartisHTS willbs in settee the rate of $1 00 fleraiaare forthe nrgt insertion ana ou cent iar eacu . . a. . . t - I uniiUnlinRllnHfttW we) tnereaiwr hb r hi,tiiiu( y4 , lie u-jtnber of iniertiona hntnirvin if tha nanilSCri ft orbid. iii chafed according.. ; , invaribly, with the choicest wines,-liquors,. For forty 'toea Mitss, renewanio v vinu.0, , , , to contract A llien for eai thaa oe year-and payable, ttie market aUordS half yearly in aivance. " ..ivi.J The.secluded location, capacious arransre fc --"Krwi- A - ' T V n li II P 4 : jTabIc'"I0llss Spiritual Jlnul- Haynden was invited to visit the house cf QlJ U iiUU'v -, - - fcstatiQKS J:i Esislaui. : .: '0me friends of mine, the host lein- a Pro- - 1 . . f .The;; London, correspondent of IhePhila- fessorof one of our Universities; the author ; 1 r delphia Register, under a recent date writes of a mathematical textbook so widely known . ., . J .... ... ' .... 1 -v. :, I . , . ; .. i . .. . iV : ;xrf.:.v;'i::s'; thus: - T!ic rattle ;..;- iL:at rcl. Here is a sweet teaching - poincna that will Ftrike a chord in many a ' ? ::rt. It is a gem worthy of a more rir:.:sr.e.t ci..:hct than -a- J- - - - -- p that I must refrain from mentioning its title; a rsvv?papcr column. ; "The King of Prussia; has suceeded in oncssed the mathematician of this coantrrnrara alone iFir.y char 'cr r.r.; i01"' vwuiiB-wuic uu juuiurjr uji u jmu mis gentlemen; l Know was tnorougniy , aiiu me miamgnt hour ia r-r; , uown ins private apartments; and since this convinced of the genuineness of the pheno- And the fagot's crack and the clod' dull tick fact has got out, people begin to hope that inena. The novelist" Bui xveri is a firm be- 'Are the only sounds I hear; FRIDAY, JUNE 124, 1053. the friendly visiting now going on atSchon- Hevery and has just written to Mrs. Il.sta- And vcrmy soal in Its solituJe, iend of his has become a L c , 01 lad?CS3g i brunn, and other royal dwellings maybe de- tjnr ihat a friend l- Ladies'' Ridixo SinEWAvsJ. Tho ' WoW voted to the consideradon of topics less dan- , onTiw n.Vann.n taKT.mrin ' or llCart antl crcs arc fu!1 when I think ious &rransre-i r ti,a intmrlnnin e ;,i; i..s serous to the Dence of Eurone however thev -s"it U J Ul aw i.Dttediat - bualaaaa. and ail .dwrtiaameiit. ment,ana COmomea aa vantages Ot this estaD- - V.-a : a " -V mav menace the hithprtn iindiKnnterl twir o: u.- 1 I -Pnt nr, rnf t v f,tha 1 t-;,u.illrt .irwl iu iiu"iauu is niuiuuicu iu Auua ui ' '7 t r" : uivu uuusCi air 11 tines Asuuaiii utts h.isu 1 7 o"--v iiwi.ii; , ; 10 : do do tT5"ALL JOB VVOItIL LIVERY." Of the little boy that died, went one niht to my futbe rent home to the dear ones all, And softly the door of the hall. ' uc . nlAnti-rnrt . ' - ' iJohemia. consort of Richard IL She ,tf.wviu measr..-.woma oe; omy '-Meaioas w , Sn h innr W nn nf llie trnth nf thfl por rVr iiwrfble, 5Lo.ti-.AoD4' I ,Ta:h business will, be conducted by the was ..(according to Stow), that originally ! Woie the names oS the European journals manifestations, and people of equal respec- A"4 J ?It?X opened the garden' gate,: iu - - oo -00 . . " - - . most compete us anu cenuemaniv men, ana shnwi-ii vnmon r tlii nnnntrv t,w uiut, uusuy qcecupiea wun ine auesuon 01 0i.;t:. ..n.i- tK:.-.ii,. vr- v" v "- . da ' do do - 1 Is : 5 ao s xu W . ' . - - ., . w . . . - , , "r" - ..w. w. w.. .v.uu. "v. , i.uhiii hig bvuavauiii L4 mil 1U iucii buuc- 1 r . . . . . mitst np. paid korohde. i "r " uuiiutu vwvuwwu-w. rrrsifni an a .nniAn anf . iti.r laoie-movincr: ana 10 crive - an idea ot tne t- r - i -i ; .t. ru.v -h mc yr ' - - i i - I - - - 4 ..uv. wwu . bl.l vuw I uv I lUIIIII I1UC i " - t . - B1UU. J.11 laLk IL IS IllJW . H.S I I'll 1 Al KL.L1 III II1H t-lt . . . . meru a general patronage. - !iniwL,te!,!(.w;a ' A mass of statements now cominrr but from the k .v. - -:r. - - . wsseime' Mcn 6liS E1ed, xazoocity; tfeoruary 4, IU53. U-tt. . " : "7 , , , t . . . "'"""'b U1 l"c lcltc tuf IC,3ul,,o-wF"-" And her head fell torian, enumerating tne new lasnions or V4'V"01" "",vs' "UWJLl u 4U"B "jpua- Tf I .. J ' r . . 1 .1 ..T't tI. V If. IS flmilllf tn CO flit. amavomnn . W-T.-. " m'-mrm-- ' 7 r. b. TURTET B. FAKTON. . ' . , . , ; VlCKSBUBO, MlS3. '( Stressors to T. V: Wheeler d' Co.) JiJtliN vKUAl II.. Ru.!irrl '' ftPftnrt' -rfirm". nWrM. ,t.;i. We. It is amusinL' to see the amazement ' iPhUosojjhandMithemailcoJ Instrument- nobje ja(Iie8 tlien usej hi,rll heads and i every body is in; and also to notice that nine- Miiker and Importer , Female Influence and Energy. I have noticed, says Washington Irving, on my neck, and ehc v. crt i or the little toy that died- - ; . corsets, and robes with long .trains, and tenths of lhose wbo aro getting out their that a married man falling into misfortune on side saddles on their horses, bp the C- .i . ...i . 1. L ' . I . 1 ui.cFunuu we juujewa- wina-up wun is mo're apt to retrievers situation in the quoting in English, French, German, or the world than a single one'.chieflv baSe hi. I shall miss hiin when the flowers come In tho garden where he played, ' ' '; I shall miss him more by tjie Cre-side, " When the flowers have all decayed. ' And the horse he u? ed to ride; I . '. A LWAYS keep on hamTthe 1 arrest variety No. 79.'; NASSAU 'STREET, New York . nn1 SJitlwoiTrtf.o Tnctmimonto rtfi.i.s-i,!liM:f!iirnrt in Vicksbim. .TransitrXieirelsrCompas'sesritc.i of the" 'example of the respectable Queen Anna heir stock U qual .in richness, cheapness and most approved tsonctibn. made tb orderralso, daughter of the King of Bavaria, who first original Italian the ever memorable wordsoJ are softened and relieved bv domes extent to anv in-th southwest New. Orleans complete sets of rhilosophical Apparatus for . . 4 . , . , Galiloe. "i7wr si muove'" while thp mnn '- j - . .r -,, . 3 , Bxeaiw.auy wuw iSii Pnii.. , introduced the custom into this kingdom: ;Udllloci; i'Hr J mwne. wn,ie lie more tiC endearments, and self-resnect, are fcpn not esw.j)it;u. J . .t r. t ... n -...?. . r t .m . . i : . .. . e . t . i discurs ve v mint fid dimlv psnrmnr .i:: . ... , . . . .. . : . -. - . -a nA71 rt n a r.v, U- -'.ir; 'AJ'fc.sit iwach, asnier oi tor oeiore women ,oi every rank roue as . T " " vb wy. nnuinu mat aimougn ail aDroacl be - wt tne little boy that died, v ft I n f Ta vV 1 h'i AllliJ lb ';"' Road, Vicksburjr.'wiH receive ' and forward' or-' : . t .u :n..:.. UmmitabiuUiea of vossibulUiea ilauehincr out .j u..L!i:..;. .i: r. I 1 - ; s . .. . , u j w - ,..'.,.!,, . - . , . . i. . , uicu. in mc ucfiutiiui iiiuau itii ve uiciuic -o uoittucai nuu iiuuiiuauuu. vgl mere is kihi ! t i. f. !.. . . . but: ma iirim s rrr nrrnm . 1 r i"i. ...... ' . her playmates about tli dopr; . $: watcEthe children iVth'cir sporta,' , - cash advances on consiVnraenta to them and AVines, Frmttc. I have made arrangements v r domestic manufactunnor and agricultural ar- utl a ,iflM, f ..... Unir ,h,,-rl::A,f with an Imnortino" House in New OrIean3 awc: vii uis uiioy;uuiuoNMuu.iueays uu . .. ,T .. . ...v uvovuvu uinusiuu iui huui oi in- ' vul'b'Vui'i F tuiw, f which enablesme by order, to be always pre her steed. That the lad v should have been -M I have often had occasion to .That's dimpled and laughing eyed pared for both wholesale and retail customers, j! i?. . . e i ? i . - lound seriousness. I have on hand choice brands of Claret Mine. ciea nuingmtuu .erame .as.wou m.gut, . . a. i L i t. f e . i f.i : .which I can sell at as low prices as can be pur- it suites us, cave oeen inierrea, wunout - ftVW Vlfrrnns-',"","" flera tprinrtrumenW.- OV dt'02:- !- - , . . . . . . fntn Kniiitatinn nnnn Ptr.rm1tAn . ctatna ii . . ...... . "f - ; ssi CSli312:2. I UST received per steamer Afton, from New 0 naucer s canterbury riignms, ototnaru " "r - J a imie woria oi love at Home,- or which he With r continue to ship to this House, an! will be : Orleans, (selected Iry myself) a full supply of appears to have committed an anachronism - a orur or macftmery are to I3 a monarch; whereas a single man is apt And I'll ahvavs-readvafid wi lrnff to make liberal the cheapest t amily Urocenes. Also, Brandies, :n ia lnt net fi.mfll-tioi..-. reyoiuiiuuwe iuiae our meas vi art, auu our t0 run to waste anrl Kplf.npo-Wt. n f,11 A f will alsj furnish plantation supplies, &c. ' . 5 P.'ODONNELL. . Yazoo city, Oct 8, 1852. " - ' 13-tf. WE, the undersigned, have formed a part-, hership for the purpose of transacting a General Product, Grocery and Liquor ' - 1 1 - Business.- ; V ' We will keepconstantly on hand a general as eortmcnt of Family Groceries, IFines, Bran dies, Hardware, Cutlery, and Q,ueeasware,whic4i we will sell very low. . - T. T. HIGGINBOTIIAM, . ' O. VV. HENDERSON. Yazoo city, Dec 24, '52. 24-tf PISTOLS Revolving Seff-cocking and oth-. er superiofr quality Pistols for sale by . Yazoo city. Dde. 26, 5I. , S. Hi WILSON. mark the fortitude with which woman sus- 1 11 Iook t0 eee if it may not be ; The Independent Beige, for instance, winds taIns the most" overwhelming rev? ' nf The littlff boy that died. - chased in New Orleans. Give me a call. i D. TA3IBORINE. i Yazoo city, may 21, 1S52. ; 45-tf Attorneys nt Law, - - YAZ 0 O CITY, i January 7, 1853. 2G-tf. any historical research on the subject, from UP a T? l,ssue of tbe marveIs !t has : seftn , fortune: Those disasters which break down Ve shall go homo to bur Fathar' housed the poet's describing her as bavin- on Kcr D? aavls,nff readers "to stop laughing tbe spirit of man and prostrate hirri in. the To pur Father's house in'the'skies, feet "a pair of purres-sharpe." on the bubject; or, at least, if they must laugh, to remember that when Newton was OEfflSTSl. II. I.1YKEACE, Destist. Col. Benton on Nullification and comically humped on the nose by an apple, Office Appointments. ' from this comically sprang the, discovery Col. Benton is out in several letters to the of the laws which regulate the gravitation citizens of Springfield, Mo., who invited ofthe universe!" Another paper describes him to visit their town during his election- a table that has been made purposely totc;st ering tour.; The Colonel advocates warmly , these phenomena, and furnished with seats the "American Road to India," and says , fixed around its top, so that the experiment- FFICE on Main street, next door to R. M v the opposition to it in a measure comes from ors are raised entirely above the floor; and i"1VJZ W Hej-, . 'W Iheola -concern-table and OHice. , Yazoo city, Feb 11, '53. 31-tf. J "That detestable doctrine,which, if car- experimentors was soon rotating on its ax- " Znmf wt " ; r'C(I t0 th0 ''ove act' as General Jackson is; and whirling round the room to tire peV T-fcF.ST Camnhene manufactured weeklv, for t t MMnna in,.,! uu snowea in ms patriotic proclamation, has fcct conviction and indescribable amazement U sale, whofcsale and retad at 7o cents per either by not0 or- account, are requested Iono ueen a Dane an(1 a curse in our State, of all the spectators . and of .themselves ganon. ; r - -. s. . ; J.. . to call and Always on hand, Camphene Limps, i,hirn brthe .- . r int. - C!TI7T r J n?ys ana w icks. Vicksburg Caaiphcna Mann- lacoryv nov ln A. GSNELLA be obli lector for Yazoo city, February 11, 1853. 31-tf LUC IX A CORDIAL. Particular. JVotice. THE Ltdies will please call !&ad examine mv nf Dresa Goods.' consisting in part of Merinos. Aloacas. Ginahunte ' Swiss. I of the procreant functions and artificial bar Jackonet. Bared Muslins, dc, de., renness' Just received Am p all of which I selected with great care and am . T ' , J A ?' determined to sell at very reduced prices on a Y" W January 14, 18j3 27-tf settle lmraediatelv. , If not Closed It tOOk root amon? US in 1833. but onlv Armf W Rplrrinn innrnal dprlat-Pa that snmp SwrtSriM? S!"'KC'1 :"'en in PPsItbn ,0 " Pro" IWJdWrg students bcingemblcd in the ainter there, and navmg young p the time of the rejection of the Tyler-Texas read aloud Dr. Andres letter before refered annexation treaty; and '.the first Nashville to, determined forthwith to test the thing doz bottles Le Cordial de Lucina or Elixer Convention was then plotted to dissolve the for Shemselves. It so happened that there , jkra Persum 9'' the Union; and again in 1848, '40, when was no ftbie in the apartment they there- California was acquired, and since then it fore pounced upon a wooden rnannikip, has given rise to constant "Arnoldising" in jointed, which serves Uhe ryoung painter our State. In 1850 it manifested itself in sometimes as a model; and having placed opposition, to the admission of California this interesting effigy of humanity on its that California which is to us what the land hands and knees on the floor, '-formed the chain aroufid it: with , their hands upon it3 back, "willing," it to dance, with such ener- creditrand for cash, as cheap as any house in the-city." ' . ""'.. " ' ' ' . :--. ' - ; Whether vo j intend to purchase or not, I ... extend to you a mwt cor annotation to cd of OpMr was to the children of Israel, aadlotmylstock. . DorCt dday VX i;iy Fruits, &e. trdde of which has ;lreadv in N. W. HOBSON.T JVuts, &c., , . v anu me traao oi wnicn nas Mreaay in - ; sign of the Iagle; CLOTHING! CLOTHING 11 THAVE just received and opened my splen did stock of Gentlaraen's Fail and Wintei CLOTHING, com pr and quality. Gentl t ok.nt frkt tiw auitui vuuij a uuii ..v ...... quo. every UU wen tl can auu cauiiuc iui iitcmaciicn, l1 fUltS prices to suit the purchaser. N W HOBSON. . T" . - . - r a ' sisrn of the Eagle. " ' ALbU, In addition to.the above, I have received the Agents for the sale of Carolina Seed Peas And Agents for Vie "Amirican Chrystal -invigorated every branch of our industry, gy that it not only jerked about in the most Powder Company, and doubled the price of cattle among us surprising mannei, but at length got upon No. 37, Gavi t $ ,Nw Crin s. and w hich nullification would not only hve its feet, dealing' a shower of fitscufftn every " TTAVF! nlorjiiya rtn nnnA. Cimnrraa T nmnno l-tnt. nnt. rf thp TTninri. huf nnhrl h-n-tr. livpitinn ' nnrl : rhnsinor """o '-"'V l-'i?s. Walnuts. Cream JNuta. 1'ecana. Fil ifcrts. i r ..v t:l- -T i . .1 AmAr. ir d nr. nnirth nir n . ' . . ' . . 7 . '. . W ill US JU IUC UIC KCWI3U OUilUC" itUUUt illC IUUU1. IUC Cu,5... uaisens, AlmondSi r'raits in Juice and Brandy, - . , ;- tt .'-. , - . ,. . - vanetvot I'oreiirn and Domestic " o", "w "v-wu. w. its majjnetizers all dust seem to call forth all the energies of Wiere the "hope bf our soulshavo no .blight, the softer sex, and give much intrepidity 'onhrnken-ties;-; - and elevation to their . character, that at We 6U roan 00 banks of the jrlwrof . t .. " ' , . Peace, - - ,':.;..,. '.. ' .. --"'o And bathe in its blisaful tide)" can be more touching than to behold a soft And ona of the joys cf c,r 1 n and tender female who had been all weak- ; The little boy that tJ. ness and dependence, and alive to every r'jA.'; trivial roughnees, while treading the pros- Two ts IIeaveit.-''You have two childt porous path of life, suddeniy' rising into en," said I. 'i have four,' was the repl 'r mental force, to be the comforter and sup- on earth, jtwo in heren'.1' s : ;t - porter of the husband under misfortunes, There spoke the mother! Still hers! only' abiding with unshrinking firmness the bit- gone before li Still remembered, loved, and' terest blast of adversity. As the vine which cherished by the dearth and .at the Board; " long twined its - graceful foliage, about the their places "not yet filled; even though their5 oak,. and has been lifted by it into sunshine, successors 'draw life from the same faithful', will, when the hardy, plant is rifted by the breast where theirdyinVjieads were pillow- thunderbolt, cling round it with its cares- ed.i. . ' - " - - sing tendrils, ' and -bind up its snattered ,'Two in heaven?". . - boughs; so,- too. it Js beautifully ordained . Safely housed from stern end; by Providence that woman, who is the brn- no sickness .ther; no .drooping hcad,ncr ; ament and dependant of man in hishappier fading eye, nor weary feet. ' By the 5 green ' hours, should be his stay and solace when pastajsejideilJby .lliaJjood-Shephcrd smitten with dire and sudden calamity, wind- linger the little bmbi cf. t' ? l.c;;vcJy Lid. ing herself into the ruffed Ireccs'scs of: Bis ; "Two in heaven?'! V , iy ",1 nature, tenderly , supporting his drooping head and binding up his broken heart. J . iSGovernor Brirham Yrounir. of Utah Territory, in his JJtssage to the Lcgislaturet of that territory, thinks that his people have been very much neglected by '."the "Govern ment at'Washington and that while Califor nia has received large appropriations of raon- ey, and the salaries of her Government bS cirs have been doubled, Utah has not had a students rushing out bordering upon dis- 5p'iny of the ' Government,"; funds, and ilqt tho last e sion this same treasonable doc- traction and slamming the door in the man- '' .. . , . . .... - , it v . i,. ;m her endeavors to make a great State out trine matiiiested itself in a clandestm9 op- nikm s faco who thereupon deprived ot h,? i0f the Territory at present under the exclu- position to Nebraska, because A t was free factitious energy, fell straightway upon his Bve contrrol of Mormons Jle readsagood" soil, and its creation into the territory would .back with a violent thump; The students lesson to the secessionists," and the aboli tionists of the North,- DcltaXi - ;! handsomest assortment of Boys and Chddren3 march 25, 1853.-" - 87-ly, C 1 st- K'infT orof nnnna.l Ir th! nltxr.' nA': imcnr. . u i . . .m , , , passed for cheapness. Send the Juveniles to 15W- aJl U ilHil ISOOii facilitate theopening ol tne great road irom having satisnea memseives, mrougn- inc v--- N W HOBSON. , ., jtOIC 'v -''" thf Missouri frontier; and in the like clan-, key-hole of the overthrow of their redoubt OSOOKSJ, BOOKS! ! A large "assortment ? -THOMPSON & (fOl 5 ' destine support of a southern sectional route, able adversary, at last venture! l back into v of, Htstoricai, biograph.caioeucains- vT7 HOLESALE and Retail Druggists have because it would be on slave soil, and ac- the room, and one. bolder than the rest, I celIaneous& J? ictiUpusjvprKsjust amyidjresn i V o i a. ' e w iv unA dirt, and with poor folks that's mtts from the northern press. . ...C.-T, Makx. Main Slreet nestMoorbove Messrs. Allen & commodate Southern States ,n preference to propose to secure he creatures hand r . andwm poorlo! s mu Earth less "attractive? ?.cmitvnearrr?, . Invisible cords, drawing ..the- maternal bu . upward.' ; "Still, small" voices, ever whisp-' ering come? to,.' spirits.'-" ; ' ,Two in .heaven" ' '. , - . - V "MotherTof ingels! 'Walk 'softly! l.cly ' eyes watch they footsteps!, cherub .ann a bend to listen! Keep thy spirit free fieri t earth taint; so shalt thon "go t?i t1 m,'.' though they may not "return to thee," ;;v-4 .. - - ' : r - FAjjjfy Fers 'ox Bames akd IIatt Wag - b3.-"Baby carts cn narrow eUcw:.':.: t ':, awful bores '-especially to a ImrrlJ 1. ,.j , man' -::( ;. :" ..:t v4r';tbey?;- Suppose , you and a cc:!".!i -pair of blue eves, that vou wou! 1 ' ...'f Goon AVife. "She hadn't co icr .for vouTatricicnv tb win. were i-kt ii,- ' music; Sam, but shebad a capital cyo .'for t0rs "of that babvf I shouldn't Iare:'t- ch better. ..sfand vert neat, 'ou 'and call it "a i. ..... Barksdale.and have on hand and are receiving our own. . All this was ungrateful .and and feet in India-rubber, and then a large supply of fresh Drugs, Medieines,Chem treacherous to the State.' the animating experiment; , but as they repeat. $ ma? fiever. seed .as much v dirt in-nyjlveall very wen for LLcbrs to turn v. ij had house as a fly couldn't brush off with lh : cir ,. tl.esc Hub r:. - FOR boys JOE and MARCH, cals, Paints, Oils, Dye-Sturjs, Glassware, Per- . IIe says he i, a' candidate for United " all been more or less knocked, one having ngs. Boston gals may boast of their spin-1 plcJ cupids, but just wait . tiir their ' f f kJ? eit'T' t JdiS f 1Xc7theyo2e vti'p.N-SiMn Senator.' to save the State from nulli- even received so severe a, blow on the face nets and thiij-gy tars, and their cye-talian comesr g20 c-., the idnute. '.their r -black,has a pleasant look when " , . r,a"lf,s auu vw. rwm ncation, anu Kreouue, traitors wno sold UUU lb IV illVll 1 1JI I tot bV illVV U3 tt van spoken to.'March is sx feet high, HAVITT'S COIW MIL.1 - rather spare and has a downcast ; , : .,azo v.u countenance. - Liett on baturday night in company. They were purchased in , New Orleans about the first of February, and , j will, perhaps, be dressed in then jackets and pants. ', ? A. JL. iua nntuj.., , -:v-i ' J. A KLEIN. Vicksburg, April 23, 1853. - - 44-6L L .1 C'mplish some tunher good. He. also desires to He speaks the that he will carry the marks of It for a fort-; airs nu. uieir cais music, out give cie mitten VPaFV r 1 their ri;cl.:rs, ac- night,' this proposal was energetically over- tbeSal that has an eye for dirt she's the'strilt 0ff downtrc:t, r if tie C in ruled! And let it not be imagined that this SHI luu , , . r wealth owed then a pc:. ieal Vi Lt :i i ww. lirnry .' " ."- 3 . i j;. . ;,. the strongest terms of condemnation ol some seemingly "cock-and-bull" story is a hoax of President Pierce's ' appointments. The it is vouched for a all literal, so literal indeed '. 'Esaiss .asd UicrsTio. ihe qr.o:;:cn as trcll C3 YAZOO CITY, 1TIISS. my' friends and the travelling public and' eiu brace this opportunity of tendering to them my outer sheli cr conabein ,;;President, he says, was deceived by false that Professor Mettermayer, of the Heidel- "why printers did not succeed tto Vine rn KlistiPfl a pa mod brewers!" was thus answered: j "whose leys were never seen crossed un,der dissertation in defence and explanation of it! Pinters work for the head, and treersfr a gentleman's .table who were;, the scum- What however shall we say of the declara- the stomach, and where twenty men have :fand dregs of all parties who were, fugi- tibn in areccnt number of a journal of Dun- stomachs, but cne I .-;un3. . ; lives from routed fields, or deserters from kirk .which assures us that a few dayssince . r- 1 !nlfidrU-rrivpn to thp rpbn!. tvhpn'thpv nh.' hvi in tfiA harbor havinrr occasion to tack, ' ' -A person ceetir a friend who h-dlats " "o o-:.r r.r J a. - - o . ... . , , , , v.. . - . . - . i ? the crew to save themselves tne troiiDie or wiw uuuvi u i. - i-.- - : V ' wnrkin-r the capstan formed tha chain round after his health, and was fisswercd. "C io," A little more thaa two years ago when jnf the deckarid had th asatisfaction "I am sorry yea Rrj co better," replied the trnHESE Mills are adaptel to the purpo-es tained thes- -ppointments." iX ol erindin mealhellinp: corn tr crush- ... ff AYING purchased the property recently wz corn and cob; J they are put at a price H3 . 1 l.l. - r7.: l rt " 1 M . ... .. ... If . 1 . i 1 .L .......... '. - , ..- , CU HSUl. kUC UVVB. iiui. occupiea oyine commercial pans or jjan-witninine means oi every piiiutr auu oiiit-r , llfcet; : T.e;.cti i,Vaati, . . . - ...... .v T Chester, I ara again prepared to - a'ccommddate ; who may. have use for them. " 7 T . V V after the expiration oi , niautes, to u.,..w .. , ... . . " ' iAn: increase :of .power, is gained by. tbe otateuouiu suuuiii w ies 11:3 compromise vessel turn itself r:atly r-r.d ic::ialy, rs ea in 'to-ror; tKnnrrft pnfthantmctt. m dc;iredci- t o Jt - ' enter the cl.e, tec their t'.J married f ui ter (to ALcm ballcs liavo lcrtj siaco Ci&" cd to be a novelty) hiuli in Lis sleeves :.t the "new fled jed U'.jr.'.. with-.wli;h t.l:.y baby's advent h - . " II; v. perfect !:r;ve been so as rot to 1 rrccirc rci vera recover to revolve be carried out as a law of the land. Mr. that a tr.r.n is the hcrA cf r t nay see window?, beads r .! ' " .:-.; ;:..:.m . 1 ........ s 4 1 . J , . rf r .1 - c . 4 . .. 1 p .1 f r . ... . - ' .- : . 1 . 1 !... l mwwwr meiT inner cone cr ot.rr, ia..r ua-- Brown now the most promir-nt Der-orratis Utj SlUV a " UfcVV V- OlUWb I li DldHValat 7l " v V , .......... the fire. - No eort or expels shall b a want- Jtup Is. bat a trifle, inoaiv Dart, to mass tan -3 iloto'.in everv tha - " ... ' atf depanr c- ; cf t!:eL:n' r.'Nin t'.'? tStatet it. 21. nil 2r. ' 27rtf. of iin: utility, Ti'etpr (si not exceedir r."2rp 1 1 h ' "5 pr. J durrMltv cf rliiAil. thfiv havi"; - r -i - - auci f-:!! raihf riven, 'very .' uarant? - ? :hen th cf I;."- T 1 ! ! a fa lr v ry any c :her rri'l r candidate for U. S caid, "Sa Lup rr.3 God! I tr.nce!" Brown c: 1 D:;is -1 1' ,!r iwllowtrs wcro for tr.Lir j r.rr., rection !!! - I must a!?o mention that the per- lilrin'-r the Ur'on jet r.a.v the:"1 r 1. Qui trim r "d e .. .... i ! i . . I . . V c:i enc tide, nr. I v.-ben ;nthel'. .r v; : rer"" jlr J, rrot r c.i !- ! in the , r -ii y r.ur.:Lcr yoix dy; not ,so C .. . : ciia , j f.'.'u -.i:1 ' is 1 ;rer from Di''.Ii c Jirars are fab i r r 1. . i:i t ,. . r w a ( cf a s.vcet t.i tl r its lw m tl. 1 t ..1 . . C a i i.v; - -3 HI j treason. e.:.d iC3 daily. 4 - - Last', .eek His.' liable to that abcraiaable vice.' ii" ! .1, T I