OCR Interpretation

The Jersey City news. (Jersey City [N.J.]) 1889-1906, July 28, 1902, LAST EDITION, Image 6

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-‘-1_.. IN .._
It isitlie bargain counter that does the
rushing business these days. Every nr- j
tide of'dress, from paste diamond tiaras
to shoelaces is mnrked down to the low
est possible figure, but the odd and most
interesting fact in the psychology of ■
shopping is that nothing brings such J
swarms of women in from the country
retreats as news of a sacrifice sale of j
No matter what happens, the thought
of something new and inexpensive in ;
neckwear sways the feminine mind as ;
oratory excited the Romans of old. With i
the thermometer sit ninety-four degrees i
in the shade the women hustled up from
the country the other morning and storm
ed a counter in pique four-in-hands, much
after the fashion in which the Rough
Riders took San Juan Hill.
It is true, they were very catchy ties,
of the broad Ascot and straight, long
golf stock order, and they were blue,
brown, black and white, grass green and
pongee yellow, and lots of them were
smartly emhroideVed on their tips with
suitable sporting devices. Mixed with the
piaue ties were some watered silk, in
blaek and the nc-w and popular Irish
green. ✓ \
These have been brought forward with
a view to introducing again the use of
the stiff, white, starched, turnover shirt
collar. Evidently their mission is ab*ut
to be accomplished, for the tics them
selves are neat and beguiling little trifles
and can be only worn when drawn into
four-in-band knots under crisp white
linen standing collars that turn over in
the fashion now so popular with men.
The very absorbing interest in this
sterner sort of neck dressing arises, no
doubt, from the attention nine-tenths of
country dwelling femininity is giving to
her muscle.
It is no longer the pretty and sporty
thing for the golfer and her out-of
doorsey likes to roll up her sleeves, cast
off her hat and knot a bandanna about
her neck when the games waxes fast
and furious, or the ontomobile threatens
the lives of the wayside citizen.
The American woman is far too in
^‘SXinctively neat and grace loving to abide
the semi-professional slouch in dress
more than one summer. This season it
is orthodox to make a complete toilet
for any sport you please and keep that
toilet in order, though rcords fall.
The cravat maker often finds himself
in a dilemma. There must be new
^styles in cravats, but, he must ntfvcr
make anything too “fussy” for the links
for the proper sort of golf girl demands
things like her brother, yet they must
not be too "mannish,” either, and so
take away her feminine individuality.
Stocks must be severe, conventional, but
withal particularly adapted to the fair
wearer. But neckwear for the links
nevertheless is charming this year.
Distinguishing styles are stocks of
linen and silk, with ends falling below
the bust, and the longer, narrower tie
which is worn with a standing collar
and tied in a tiny bow at the throat,
allowing the two long-narrow ends to
1 fall nearly to the waist. A smart cra
vat to be worn with a linen golf suit
is of bright red linen edged with white.
This is worn as an ascot. Another to
be worn with the same kind of outfit is
a dainty pale green linen, the ends of
which are crossed once at the throat
and allowed to fall freely. Butterfly
bows are good form. too.
The most amazing amount of pure in
ventive talent has been lavished on the
belts of the hour. The Gibson belt, like
the girl and the shirtwaist of that spec
ies, arose and raged furiously for one
short hour, but already the vogue of that
genus of cincture is done for.
What ail women desire is, in the morn
ing, a belt of the goods that in color and
feature will match the skirt or shirt that
Is worn. Consequently the manufactur
er has responded to the need, and we
have our choice of the smartset white
pique, colered linen and pongee belts, and
every one has a double ringed brass, sil- j
ver or nickel buckle.
All the above mentioned stitched
bands are easily detachable from the
buckles, and can be sent to the wash
woman, and though the greater number
of these are exceedingly narrow, there
are belt to be had as wide as you please
and of silk. Black and white moire are
among the very choice girdles, but one of
the most tempting novelties in the shops
just now are extremely coquettish cinc
tures for muslin frocks called corsage
bouquet bands.
The strap that circles the waist is rib
bon, moire or satin taffeta, as you may
please, and this is shaped wide in the
back or as a conventional straight band.
In front the ends join a little to one side,
and there a .canning shower bow of nar
row silk or satin, ribbon is fastened.
. The foundation of the bow is a rose
of ribbon loops; from this drop ends of
uneven lengths, and from the ends are.
finished with wee chiffon or ribbon flow
ers. Some of these shower Bows are
quite modest in proportions, while others,
for use with evening gowns, are exceed
ingly elaborate, the cascades of chiffon
poises falling nearly to the knee, with
such modest dittle suit as that displayed
in an accompanying sketch.
Automobile junketings have suggested
one of the greatest comforts for all man
ner of outings. This is the refrigerator
basket, zinc .lined, holding ice and drink
t ' • >
ables bottled which need that cooling.
Fancy the pull-up in speed of the sixty
horse powers while coektails and cobblers
are brewed and quaffed by the thirsty,
dust-laden guests, making hundreds of
miles at one stretch.
These baskets come in two sizes, the
larger at ijUi.To, the smaller ones at
$4.30. Theyare convenient for the golf
field, for fishing 6ml many other sports,
as well as a source of joy to the demo
cratic pieknicker whose basket carrying
is part of the day’s pleasure in anticipa
tion. These baskets are made of the
strongest willow and painted a golden
. * .
New York has been climbing roofwnrd
for several years, and in time it may
assume the appearance of an oriental
city, with flat roofs furnished with
couches and awnings, says the "Wom
an’s Home oCmpanion.” At present
roof-life is largely confined to the lower
part of town. Most of the great office
buildings have quarters on the top floor
for the janitor and his family. These
on some part of the roof, and the thrifty
janitor finds it the easiest thing in the
world to turn the ugh’ expanse of brick
and painted tin into a bower of beauty
ami green leaves. It is some trouble to
carry up the boxes of earth, but a sim
ple matter to plant the seeds and water
the vines, and a millionaire might envy
the lofty garden when the hot August
evenings are withering the air. There
are a number of roof-gardn restaurants
in New York; roof playgrounds multiply
every year, and several new apartment
houses advertise their roofs as special
inducements. Iloof theatres are among
the established institutions of the city.
. * «
Worn London comes the parasol with
the inside profusely draped and trimmed.
The spokes are entirely covered, some
times with silk of a contrasting shade to
tin-outside, sometimes with chiffon finely
shined, and real lace is even employed.
The flower petalled parasol is one of
the daintiest things produced. The in
side is formed of pink and white silk
put on in flower petal shape and out
lined by narrow black lace braid.
The parasols from Paris are not near
ly so flounced and frivolous as those
from London. The straight outline of
the edge is almost uniformly preserved.
A beauty is one which has a white taf
feta foundation covered with chiffon
tucked iu diamonds, which have a tiny
sil.er spangle studding each corner.
. * .
One of the new revelations in die way
of trimming is the use of woolen lace in
tints of white or color to match the gown.
It appears in various forms of insertings
and for yokes', and entire coats with a
taffeta lining. It is said to resemble the
old-fashioned Yale lace and certainly has
followed close on the earze for wool em
This tendency to favor the heavier
laces was shown in the early spring
when trimmings and entire waists of
heavy antique laces were shown as nov
elties in dress trimmings and accepted
by fashionable women. The dressma
kers, who turn out the smartest, most ex
clusive styles in gowns are desidedly in
favor of the heavy laces.
* * .
A nogelty in hand coverings this sea
son is lisle thread glove with portrait
tops. The glove ds usually a white one
and the portrait appears near the edge
of the glove top, leaving a margin of
white. The photographing is well done
and the effect is odd but attractive.
* * * I
A smart madras shirt has the sides
of the front cut in deep scallops, instead
of the usual straight edge. Three of.these
scallops are on the left of the front and
two on the right. When the waist is fas
tened the point of one scallop fits into
the hollow of the other.
9 * *
The way most women are violating
this rule just now makes one long either
for the collars to be exiled or the women
and their standard of cleanliness to be
. • .
Madagascar grass cloth cushions,
round and square ,are to be had fbr pi
azza and hammock use, and cost 50
cents each. They are filled with a ma
terial warranted not to mat.
. * . '
^ . * .
Mottoes in bright letters adorn the
mission furniture and with sometimes a
parody upon old sayings. One over a
big mirror, a truism surely enough,
reads, “All mankind loves a looking
• * •
For cleaning steel cutlery, have in a
box some finely sifted ashes; rub lightly
each time after using, and you will have
little trouble in keeping them bright.
* * *
■Pretty white leather belts seen in some
of the smartest shops are hand painted,
some with white daisiesin the natural
colors, some in forget-me-nots, and a
black belt which is equally interesting,
is painted in red clover.
* * *
Oil is the best thing for cleaning zinc.
Put a few drops on a cloth and rub the
zinc well. . J '
* ■* »
Skirts show. and more .vertical
lines, and an
ness about the
Wash Dresses Taking the Place
of Shirt Waists.
How the New Golf Shirts Are Made.
Mercerized £ottons In Great Vogue,
Some of the Changes In Sleeves nnd
The shirt waist this year has given
way to a number of charming wash
dresses. These little gowns are made
without lining and are trimmed with
many tucks and figures of lace. The
favorite materials are glace linen,
dainty cotton can- as and pique.
Pique is a stiff material and requires
to be softened, so the waist should
be daintily bloused and trimmed with
lace insertion from which the under
material has been cut away. Pique and
white glace linen dresses are some
times made on the “frocks and frills”
style, with a full box plaited coat not
reaching to the waist line in the back,
but drooping in two becoming points
in front.
v Cotton canvases or etamines are
very handsome trimmed with coarse
ecru lace and made up over white or
contrasting shades of lining.
A simple summer gown is shown in
the sketch. The material is white \
glace linen, and it is trimmed with
bands of blue and white linen. The
blouse opens over a front of tucked
batiste. The wide collar is edged with
the blue and white linen and fastens
with a bow in front. The skirt is pret
tily trimmed with three gored ruffles
headed by a strapping of the blue and
white goods.
Delaine Wash Blouses.
Never was there a better material
than delaine for wash blouses and
skirts for country wear, because it does
not shrink, while nearly all flannels do
a1 little. Delaine is an excellent substi
tute for flannel, especially in hot
There are some smart little coats
and skirts made in delaine, but they
ate not things to be attempted by the
amateur. The coat must be made by
a first class tailor or dressmaker. The
short sack has taken the place of the
.. - ■ ■ - . —-—
bolero and will continue to look charm
ing until cheap sales have made it too
Golf skirts are worn longer than ev
er and now barely escape the ground
by an inch or, so. As a consequence
they are ra»d£ of lighter materials,
and the new are laid in wide tucks
stitched ; do- until within a few
toches of the ttom.
The cut shows a bathing suit which
is made of deep red brllliantine and
trimmed with cream White bands and
black braid. The suit opens down the
front with pearl buttons.
The jaunty little hat is of plaid silk
lined with rubber.
Sew Cotton Gowns.
Nowadays the cotton gown is with
out reproach and figures at quite smart
functions, for the mercerized effects
make it look like silk unless closely
scrutinized. Cotton canvas with em
broidered spots in white or color has
quite the appearance of wool veiling,
and when mounted over a taffeta silk
foundation and trimmed with lace It Is
quite suitable for a garden party or an
equally dressy occasion.
Organdie muslin this season is as
near perfect as it can be. The muslin
is clear and silky, and dainty blossoms
and figurings in pale tints form the pat
terns. Designs composed of sprays of
green foliage on a white ground make
up most admirably over a pale blue
foundation when trimmed with square
medallions of transparent lace show
ing glimpses of the silk underskirt.
China and tussore silks much tucked
and incrusted with many lace appliques
are fashionable in ecru. Pure white i
gowns of china silk are now all the j
rage—in fact, they are a trifle over
A pretty chiffon blouse for semi
dressy wear is here shown. The mate
rial is black chiffon shirred over a j
glace silk foundation. The yoke is of |
cream lace. The satin ribbons on the
-sleeves and body fasten with bows and
tiny rhinestone buckles.
Flounces Still In Favor.
There are few important changes in
the cut of gowns. Godet flounces are
still in favor for skirts, but mostly
graduate from narrow fronts to a
deeply trained back. All thin textures
are much flounced, and the three tier
skirt is much worn in silk and wool
materials or in the very thin cloth ;
and woolens of the summer season.
Lace is employed on nearly all sum
mer gowns and is much threaded with
ribbon, even lace gowns being deco
rated in this style. Irish crochet lace
is very fashionable, although it is too
heavy for muslin gowns.
Sleeves are undoubtedly growing
larger, and this increase has encroach
ed well above the elbow, but -the new
est sleeves have only a small top piece
which fits the arm. The tight portion
is trimmed or bordered in some fash
ion, and the lower part is arranged in
quite a different style. The plain el
bow sleeve is no longer quite the.
thing. It must liaye a puff at the el-,
bow or a fall of lace in the shape of a
graduated ruffle.
A smart foulard gown for a girl is
here illustrated. The waist has a yoke
of tucked mousseline de soie and a
simulated bolero effect of tucking. Vel
vet ribbon is.apparently passed behind
the l>ox plaiffe of the Waist. The sleeves
are tucked and have full wrist puffs.
The skirt is plain, with the cse<*>tlon
of three ruffles, .....
-.. ... - ■!
' -J- -K- * ++ ❖
J By H. Phelps Whitme^rsh....
I + W *5* •{• W 4
All day the “brave westerlies,”
which for the past week had followed
close at the heels of the Dunbarton,
slowly waned. Evening found her with
her fine weather kites spread to the
dying breeze, sauntering along with the
sluggish, flame lit waves and barely
making four knots an hour. The wind
held at this throughout the first watch.
Then frijm the ocean rim ahead the
great pale moon rose languidly and
lighted a pathway of shining steel to
the east. The breeze freshened at
once, and the sleepy mate, roused by
the change, sniffed to windward and
whistled through ins teeth for more
of it.
So bright nnd clear was the night
that the thrifty Officer gave orders to
douse the sidelights. The lookout man
relaxed bis vigilance, and the watch on
deck sneaked into the .forecastle and
6tretehed themselves upon their chests.
Mr. Calker was none too strict with his
men, and, like most of their kind, they
took advantage of him.
It was getting' on for four bells in
the middle’ watch when the drowsy
silence of thp ship was broken by a
sharp, alarming cry.
“Vessel on the starboard bow! Hard
“Hard astarboard!” came in a half
shriek from the lookout.
With an oath the mate sprang to the
rail, ne began to give an order, but
the words died on his lips, for at that
moment a pyramid of ghostly canvas
blotted out the sky, a red beam and a
green one danced before his eyes, and
a hurtling mass of black hung over
There was a terrific crash. The Dun
barton stopped and shivered. Then,
with many a crunch and Tip and crack,
amid the splintering of spars, the rend
ing of canvas and the shouts of fright
ened men, the good ship shook off her
weighty adversary and again plunged
heavily on.
But at what a cost! Her mizzen top
gallant mast and yards were trailing
by the backstays alongside, her star
board mizzen rigging, chain plates and
rail had been wrenched away, her
crossjack was snapped at the crotch,
her spanker hung in tatters, and on
her quarter, cut clean to the water
line, was a yawning V shaped hole.
Her mate had been swept overboard
by the colliding vessel's jib bocm, and
her captain, though still in his bunk,
lay crushed anu insensible.
instantly the Dunbarton’s deck was
a scene of wildest confusion. “The
boats! The boats,!” rolled in a hoarse
chorus from forward, and a dozen
men hacked madly at the lashings,
while others knocked the chocks out,
cleared away the falls and dragged
their chests from the forecastle. Abaft
the terror stricken passengers, in scant
apparel, rushed helplessly from side to
side calling loudly for the captain.
The wheel spun round deserted, and
the crippled vessel, having come up in
the wind and been caught aback, wont
wallowing to leeward, at every lurch
shipping quantities of water through
her stoven side. The second mate, aft
er discovering the captain’s plight and
searching ineffectually for the chief
officer, awoke to a sense of responsi
bility and hurried to'take charge on
In vain he ordered, stormed and
yelled. Futilely he cursed; impotently
he besought. The men, frenzied by
fear, waved him back with fierce looks
and fiercer oaths. Catching at the arm
of the boatswain, a big Liverpool man.
he begged him to desist and help save
the ship. The man flung him off sav
agely, saying, “Go aft. you whelp, or
I’ll dash your Drams outr
Seeing that his efforts to control the
crew were useless, the second mate
went aft to the passengers. He found
them gathered in a little group before
the mizzen mast, old Mr. Armstrong
standing erect in' the center, with his
arm around his daughter.
The officer explained the situation
and advised- that they should them
selves launch one of the boats.
‘•Come on, then!” shouted Mr. Angus.
“If We’ve work to do, let us do it.”
Just at that time, however, a tall fig
ure clambered nimbly over the vessel's
side and stood among them. It w^as as
though he had come from the sea, for
he was dripping wet, and the nerve
shocked passengers peered at him ap
“Gentlemen,” spoke the newcomer in
a strong, calm tone, “the ship is in no
immediate danger, and by taking prop
er precautions she may yet be saved.”
“Who is this?” exclaimed the second
mate, stepping closer to the man. But
before his words were wholly finished
a ray of moonlight slanting under tho
foot of the main topsail lit up his face,
and several voices cried, “The stow
away!” N,
“This is no time for tomfoolery, Haw
kins!” cried the officers angrily. “If
you’re not mad, lend a hand to get this
boat off the skids.” '
The stowaway, without noticing this
remark, turned to the owner. “Mr.
Armstrong,” he said, “as there seems
to be no one else capable of restoring
j order, I will take it upon myself to do
Iso." ' Without waiting for a reply, he
[continued: “If you are a man, Mr. Qu
Itiam. you will tak^pthe wheel and keep
■the helm amidships unfil I get the
fc-ards braced. And you; MV. AnguB,”
|e continued, “will be of much service
«- with Mr. Swetirtg. ,vbu will secure
what lire a mis there are in the cabin
an<J protect the ladies.” ,
The next instant Hatrkins bounded
to the poop ladder and disappeared.
Then above the cries, the oaths and
the uproar of th*e deck there rose the
thunder of his mighty voice:
“All hands on the port braces!”
His tones commanded attention. The
men looked around to see who gave the
order, and one or two of them, by force
of habit, took a few steps across the
deck. At sight of the stowaway, how
ever, a shout, half snarl, half jeer,
k went up, and they fell back to their
Two of the boats were already along
side, and several of the hands were in
them, while the remainder were busy
lowering water, provisions and their
“dunnage.” '
“All hands on the port braces!” again
roared Hawkins.
The boatswain at this took a turn
with the fall he was holding and, draw
ing his sheathknife, sprang at the
stowaway. But the murderous on
slaught of the man was checked by a
blow—a blow that struck him squarely
on the chin and felled him in the scup
per. An ominous growl came from the
men, and from the shadow of the
house an iron belaying pin flew whiz
zing past the Hotspur’s head.
“Let’s settle the whelp and be done
with him,” said one man.
“Oh, let him atone,” answered the
carpenter, who appeared to be leader.
“Into the boats, boys! It’s time we
were out of this!”
Hawkins, seeing that they were ut
terly unmanageable and that a single
jl wild scramble for the inner one en
handed attack would be useless, chang
ed his tactics. Taking the opposite
side of the deck, he ran forward, div
ing first into the carpenter’s shop and
then into the boatswain’s locker. In a
few moments ho returned, staggering
under the weight of a grindstone and
an immense iron snatch block. lie de
posited both on the topgallant rail and,
leaping beside them, stood poised above
tte bumping, heaving boats that swung
at the vessel’s side.
“Below there!” he bawled. “There
are lines hanging over the side for
those who ,want to come aboard
The howl of derision that greeted
this information was quickly changed
to one of fury, then dismay, for at that
moment the grindstone was lifted high
above the undaunted stowaway’s head
and hurled crashing through the bot
tom of the outer boat. A wild scram
ble for tbe inner one ensued, but thaf,
too, was speedily rendered unsea
worthy by the fall of the ponderous
block. Amid the snorts, splashings
and curses of the outwitted crew both
boats filled rapidly and sank. A score
of bobbing heads, bellowing lustily,
blackened the starboard channels, and
twenty pairs of hands clawed at the
barnacles as the. vessel fell and rose.
Dripping like drowned rats, they one
by one hauled themselves up the slip
pery side and reached the deck.
Still the inexorable Hawkins stood
before them. This time, however, the
moon showed the glint of a revolver in
each of his hands, and behind him
stood the gentlemen passengers simi
larly armed.
“Men,” he said, addressing the sullen
crowd, “I hope that by this time you
have discovered that, though Captain
Pugley is disabled, the ship is not with
out a master. With or without au
thority I hare taken charge, and I in
tend to carry the ship into port. Now,
for the third time, I am going to give
you an order, and let me warn you
that the man who does not jump at
the word takes the consequences upon
his own shoulders, i All hands on the
port braces!” I
On the instant evfry man staged to
his station. Then or the right moment
the weather braces were let go and
overhauled, the order “Haul away!”
was given, and the yards swung for
ward, with their sails full. Braced up
on the starboard .tack, the Dunbarton
soon lifted the wound In her .aide clear
above the water line, and, Che sea con
tinuing smooth, the hands were set to
work at the pumps.
Day broke after the eventful night
with a clear sky and found the Dun
barton sailing steadily to the south
ward. The wind remaining west,' she
had no alternative. At about four bells
in the morning watch the second mate
reported that the pumps had sucked.
The hands then went below for coffee
and after a brief , spell were turned to
again by Hawkins to repair the breach
In the vessel's quarter. A new main
sail was taken from the sail locker,
and, stout lines being attached to the
clews and earrings, it was weighted ia
the center and dropped across the bow.
Keeping it spread as much as possible,
the sail was slid aft under the keel un
til it rested abreast the damaged part.
The port lines were then made fast
and the canvas hauled up on the star
board side until it completely covered
the jagged hole that so nearly caused
the Dunbarton’s destruction. The car
penter was now set to work shoring
up from inside, and before midday
things were tight enough to allow the j
vessel to be put on the other tack and i
headed for Cape Town.
When this was accomplished, Haw
kins reported to the owner.
“No, no, Hawkins,” said the old gen
tleman in reply to the stowaway’s sug
gestion that Mr. Outram should now
assume command, “since you have a
master’s certificate, for the remaindei j
of this voyage you must remain cap- !
tain. Poor Pugley is in a bad way,
I’m afraid. I shall send him home as
soon as we reach port. The saving of j
the ship and in all probability our lives
ns well are due to your manliness and
courage, and you will find that I am
not ungrateful, Hawkins.”
And now that the Dunbarton was
running back into warm water and
under the guidance of a man whose
force of character filled every soul
aboard with confidence the ship as
sumed a lively air, and all seemed well
On the evening of the seventh day
after the collision she dropped her an- ■
chor in Tabic bay. It was somewhat j
late for shore going, and the passengers
were satisfied to walk the deck for one
night more and after seventy days ot
water anticipate the pleasure of being
again on land.
Shoreward the lights of Cape Town
blinked and sparkled against the mass
ive wall-like base of Table mountain,
nnd the air was laden with the muffled
sounds of the city and the smell of
grass and earth. Out in the bay the
spars of many a noble ship rose heav
enward, and the great black hulls lay
like silent shadows. Occasionally a
boat plashed swiftly by or there came
a bar of some sailor song from a dis
tant forecastle head.
When the tinkling bells of the fleet
announced 10 o’clock, three figures only
were visible on the Dunbarton’s deck
One was the anchor watch pacing back
and forth abaft the galley; the other
two were Beatrice Armstrong and the
stowaway, who, seated on the whee
box grating, were deeply engaged U
conversation. He had been telling hei
a story, and as he neared the end he
paused and looked down at the fail
girl by his side. Her face was turned
away from him, and she was silent.
Perhaps she was counting the riding
lights in the harbor.
“But,” he we^t on, “the ambitton ot
this fellow' Munro was nqt to earn com
mand of a vessel nor to be rewarded
for a simple act of duty, nis aim from
first to last, from the time he threw
over his chances of advancement to the
time when fortune again gave him po
sition, war, to win the woman upon
whom ho had set his heart. Beatrice,”
he continued, taking her hand and
speaking low', “what hope is there fot
“None, I fear, for the Mr. Munro you
speak of,” she answered, “but if his
name be nawkins, then indeed is he
not only captain of the Dunbarton, but
my captain.”
***** Si
In the letter which Bob Munro sent
his friend Moroton he wrote: “It’s an
example of what I told you that day in
the park. There is no such word as
‘obstacle’ in a man’s dictionary."
Water cress should be soaked in salted
water before being used for sandwiches
or sent to table. rrhe most careful wash- ;
ing in water alone is not enough to ri.j
i it of all insect life.
Drinks Cold or Hot—An qid Friend
In a New Gnise.
As the heat increases there is less
desire for a hearty meal at midday,
and with some hot dish a cold drink
may be served, while cold dishes are v.^
accompanied by hot tea or cocoa.
Pineapple or strawberry lemonade is
greatly liked, the flavor being added
to the lemonade by mixing with it the
chopped or crushed fruit an hour or
more before serving and straining be
fore it is sent to the table. A few.
whole berries or a little diced pine
apple may then be added as a garnish.
Salads rank high in favor, for they
are nutritious, and at the same time
utilize many leftovers in an attractive
Cold meats should be freed from fat
and diced. Vegetables cooked in sauces
should be rinsed in boiling water, then
drained and dried. Both should be
marinated with a French dressing nnd
allowed to stand an hour or more if
possible before being mixed with
greens for the table. In planning
ahead a better potato salad will result
when French dressing is added to the
hot potatoes than where they are al
lowed to stand until cold. In place of
sliced raw onions, to which many ob
ject, a little onion juice may be added
to the dressing.
A hot luncheon dish, which is easily
prepared, is toast with cheese sauce.
The sauce is our old friend made with
one tablespoonful of butter, one table
spconful of flour and one cupful of
milk, but the amount of salt is re
duced to one quarter of a teaspoonful
and the pepper increased to one-third
of a teaspoonful. Just before taking
it from the fire there is added two
thirds of a cupful of grated or finely
chopped cheese, and after stirring for
a moment until the cheese begins to
melt the sauce is poured over toast
arranged on a hot platter. The grade
of cheese, mild or sharp, and the exact
amount used may be varied to suit
the tastes of the household.—Table
Talk. _
Handy Helps In Sowing.
There nre hooks and eyes fastened
on tape and sold by the yard which
when used on dress linings save the te
dious measuring of spaces and the
more tedious sewing on of the separate
hooks and eyes. There are tiny metal
•loops in black and in white which may
bo used in place of the handmade got
ton and silk ones wherever the ordina
ry eye of the hook would be In unpleas
ant evidence. There are the safety
hooks and eyes and there are the metal
fasteners to keep the placket openings
closed and little metal fasteners that
serv<i to hold refractory shoe and leg
ging buttons firmly In their places.
Finsponp: Novelties.
England was the pioneer in the craze
f6r pingpong. or table tennis, which is
now in full sway on this side of the
water, and English silversmiths pro
vide handsome scorebooks for the
game. They come in green and brown
crocodile, and in ^oyal red, green or
heliotrope crushed morocco, with cor
ners and title in raised silver. Ting
pong bats, cork faced, with silver
mounted handles, plain or chased in
cherub or Watteau designs, are among
other handsome noveltic.i. The silver
plated pingpong “picker up" solves the
problem of gathering the balls rapidly
and with ease.—Jewelers' Circular.
Children’s Picnic Turnovers.
Banbury turnovers will be hailed
with delight in the children’s picnic
luncheon. Make a filling of one cupful
of raisins chopped tir.e. the juice and
rind of one lemon, one large cracker
rolled tine or the sa»ie amount of
breadcrumbs, one cupful of sugar, oue
tablespoonful of melted butter and one
egg. Make the usual pie paste and cut
It into pieces three or four inches
square. Tut a tablespoonful or so of
the mixture in the center, l- ush the
edges with white of egg mixed with
water and fold.
Handsome two-burner lamps for the
study table have the metal standard and
oil tank all of a soft shade of green.
They are good lamps, finely made, and
look it.
Openwork stockings of fine silk are
worn with low shoes. Many new de
signs are to be seen,

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