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A WEEKLY TN 'THE INTEREST -j I BELLEVILLE, 3V. J •9 V VOL. IV. NO. 25 OF INTEREST TO ALL EVERYTHING OF THE BEST *•, QUALITY. During next week, a special price will be given on all box- i es of Paper and Envelopes. Buy for future use at the low figure. This ofier is made to move the goods and make room for a different line. A Box ot 35c., paper for 30c. .« “ 30c..' ‘ “ 25 e. “ •• 25c., “ “ 20c. 1 “ ‘ “ 20c., “ 17c. All first class goods. NUMBER TWO. A line of the finest ‘Tooth Brushes ever offered in Belle ville at rock bottom prices. An extra good brush for 10c. Plenty of them for 5c. * Some for 35c Any quantity at prices be •s tween. Dont fail to see them. SPECIAL. Anyone troubled with Asth ma who will come to the store and ask, will receive a sample of Asthma Cure to try. Has been used for 20 years, and is perfectly harmless, ( t \ ■ " i *•* - V? #' ^. • ^ ( DON’T FORGET J that if you have your Prescrip tions made up ' at CLOVER PHARMACY, they will be just .ight. No worry, no won der no cause for complaint. Perfect satisfaction. CJL.OVKU PHARMACY* :13*-S WashiiiRton Avenue B«ll*vlUe,1Ke» tjereer. Jt k ... 1 «• at - THE MOTLEY CIRCUS. It Surpassed In Grandeur Anything oi Its Class, Within the Past » Century. It was a raw, blustering day that greeted the A utley Circus people, but it had no effect upon their ener gies in making the show one of the grandest events that this section has ever seen. Eatou Stone’s training ring was filled to overflowing with the cream of Nutley Society, as well as members of New York’s “400.” All the newspaper men for miles around were there. Eobinson’s famous circua band occupied a prominent place in the balcony, The interior was profusely decorated with flags and bunting, while fifty electric lamps cast a bright light upon the sawdntt ring below. At precisely e;ght o’clock the band struck up, and then came the Grand Entree, by lady and gentleatm riders of Nutley, as fnllnws • M." Xr A. Ward, Miss M. S^rosburgh, Mrs. A. H. Larkin, Miss L. B. Valentine, and Messrs. Guy A. Ward, W. S. Conduit, T. Wilkie Sattcrthwaite, A. G. Badger. Second on the programme came the acrobats, in ground and lofty tumbling, from the Orange and New York Athletic Clabs, and the Na tional Turnverin from Newark. The bareback riding and trapeze acts, by C. 0. Smith called forth much applause from the audience, while the antic3 and funny sayings of Mr. Fred Bunnells, clown, kept the merriment going. E. Loyal Field, with his wonder troupe of trained animals, which consisted of a monkey and a bear, made a hit. The intelligence of these animals was remarkable, and they performed many no* cl feats, for animals. • , 4 Master A. Stirratt, in his pony bin die act, was applauded continn iy, itis horsemanship was excel led, and'- excited the envy of bis |oung trends who were present. . Rice and Grant, in their hanc baUneirjSr and acrobatic feats, bore favorable comment. The introduction into the ring ot Eaton Stone, the famous rider and trainee, by Press Agent H C, Uun nel, created a stir. Mr Stone made a .short speech, in which he said that he was glad to appear at a benefit foi so good a cause ; thai he would like very much to take an active part, but owing to the fact that he could not find a horse to suit him, and his ripe old age. preventing him, the audience would have to forebear Y with him. Messrs. Ward and Berg, clowns, then entertained the audilQXJgjna. short sketch, entitled -“The Barbeh* The Roman Ladder Act, by Messrs. H. C. Marshall, L. M. Hoffman, A. S. Hoffman. R. E. Boiler, and J. E. Doldt, was exceptionally fine. The feats performed by these gentlemen are unsurpassed by any of their class in the business. Prof. M. J Donovan, Champion Middle Weight of the United States, and his pupil, Mr. Alpheus Geer, of Nutley, gave an exhibition of scien tific boxing in a friendly bout of of three rounds. The bareback riding of Mr. A. G. Badger, who appeared yi public for the first time, was worthy of a pro fessional debut; and Mr. Chas. Lovi bond, as clown, gave several of the citizens of Nutley a jab in a joking way. Mr. B. Stoll, in his acts with the rings, was well received. ‘ Annie Oakley, the queen of women rifle shots, gave a wonderful exhibi tion of her skill as a marksman. This lady has shot before the crowned heads of Europe, and for several years with Buffalo Bill. S. Marsh Young, in his tandem act with his horses Magic and Monte Carlo, made a hit. 1 •-*---* The boxingJil^B^pb, "Big Frank,” was iiffroduced by Mr Tom Tull&^fS engaged in a three-round bout. This was the novel feature of the show, and it was remarkable to see to what degree animals can be trained. This kangaroo* went at it in true pugilistic .style. The dashing Equestrian, Mr. Rbt. Whittaker, a rider of repute, in daring act3 of horsemanship,' drew forth abundance of applause. The perfoimance concluded with the exposure of circus riding. Mr. Conduit volunteered to be the vic tim. A harness was fastened around his waist and under his arms, to which a rope was attached. This rope passed through a block fastened to a swinging beam overhead, and the other end held by one of she clowns The rider then mounts and starts around the ring, .the beam overhead revolving also,.the rope is hauled taught until the'rider’s feet barely touch the horse's back, then lie begins some of the most jantastie antics ever witnessed. In this case, however, the beam overhead came in contact with a rope and stopped short. Mr. Conduit shot from the back of his tio»se into space, falliug back intQ. the., ling, but he was luckily not injured. This cbndl tided The mamig- ment& deseNfe tr*e higaest praise .or tne manner in which the a {fair wits .©lid'icted. We wish to thank friend II C. Putiner for the courtesies, extended to the “ Pre**,” and d.-o coniplimei'V him upon the success ot the circus, for which h« put forth so much energy. No doubt the circus with out Mi'. Banner woul l never have been so wed advtitisei or patron i«ed if t * ' - »£■: ‘-Pm per Ilecfi tnasK Mr. Miss Miss or 'low mornii took parted it wasj bered ! which' the r<* mg M the h" The h| to thei ab'out^ would had