EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS | ADOPTED IN OKLAHOMA All Year School and System of Credits For Pupils’ Outside Activities. The plan of keeping the public schools open throughout the calendar year Is to be put in practice for the first time in the United States at Ardmore, Okla. The experiment is at the suggestion of School Superintendent Richards, who advanced the idea two years ago. The eight year course under the present system of education in this country can be completed in six years under the new plan; the four year high school Course can thus be completed in three. The course of study now being used in the Ardmore schools was mapped out by Superintendent Richards with the idea in mind of the all year school, including the plan of promoting the pupils every three months. This policy is meeting with success and has cut in half the number of pupils who fail to pass at the end of a term. Under this system when a pupil fails it is for only three months, and this encourages those who fail to go to work and make up their studies to pass at the end of the school year. The school children of Ardmore will not be obliged to attend during the summer, but a corps of teachers will continue through the entire year, and Superintendent Richards is confident that there will be a good percentage of pupils who will want, to attend and thus finish their schooling earlier. Another educational novelty that Ok lahoma proposes is what might be call ed the twenty-four hour a day school which is in vogue at Arapahoe. This is the result of the establishment of a system of scholastic credits by Super intendent Campbell. All home duties, cultural and social work, home study, outside labor, record for punctuality, attention to health, deportment ani participation in organized play get credits that count on the school record, as well as all sorts of service for the parents, Indoor or other. Cultural and social credits include reading magazines, books, etc., prac ticing on the piano or organ, glee club work, girls’ club work and boy scouts’ work. Under health credits are given for sleep, amounting to not less than eight hours a day In a well ventilated room; baths at least twice a week, care of teeth, hands, nails, face, hair and cloth ing. It is possible for a student to earn 1,500 to 1,800 credits a month outside the regular credits. For every 500 of these outside credits 5 per cent is add ed to the branch of study in which the student has the lowest grades. Well Named. - -J Baker—Why do you call your glorlotjg new apartment house “The Diogeneo’T Barker—It’s built for people who live In tubs.—Life. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. Tin ISM You Han Afwan Bought Boar* th. Agnahn ' QJ mother, You Should Know that the care of your little one’s constitutional habits during childhood, is your first and greatest duty. You should know that the prompt and proper breaking up of the costive tendency to which most children are prone, may save your child from af ter-years of digestive misery. That trusted remedy of many mothers, Mother Bray's Snot Powders (or Children, Used by mothers for 22 years, gives the little one exactly the digestive assistance needed. rnese powders are pleasant to take and easy for parents to give. There is no harmful purgative ac tion. When your child i feverish, with bad stomach, or fretful and constipated, ori has symptoms of worms, these powdefs never fail. Price 25c. at your Druggist. Trade Mark. Don't accept iny substitute You should ask for Mother Grey’s Sweet Powders FOR CHILDREN. COMMUUS placing orders with us in the morning on the way from ferry or tube will find them ready for delivery in the afternoon. Garden Seeds Roses, Dahlias, etc. Bulbs and Roots Vegetable Plants Lawn Grass Seed BURNETT BROS., SEEDSMEN, 98 Chambers St, bet. B’way & Church St HtW VOWS CITY PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. 60c. and fl.c5 at Draggista___ LIVE INCIDENTS < FRQMVERA CRUZ Soldiers’ Fun and Frolic In the Old Mexican Town. BASEBALL FOLLOWS FLAIL Americans Conquered City Easily, but Are Helpless In the Face of Dusky Little Native Bootblacks, Who Call Them “Meester” and Charge Them What They Please. Teeming with human Interest Is a story from William G. Shepherd to the New York Evening Sun picturing our troops at play in Vera Cruz. Mr. Shep herd says: The first tiling you see in Vera Cru* these days is the American flag flying over the Terminal hotel, and you find the wide corridors Ailed with hurrying officers and bluejackets. You sally forth Into the town. First you cross the ten acre field which lies between the American consulate and the water front. There are the brown tents of infantrymen and the pastured horses of officers. In one corner of the lot soldiers are tossing a baseball. In the streets that skirt the field the flags of different nations float over two story business houses as if to say, "This isn’t a Mexican house; don’t shoot at it!" Follow Baseball Scores Closely. Here are some of the other thing* you see as you walk along the street A group of our boys reading a notice pasted on the wall of the cable office, and you discover that it’s a cabled re port of the baseball games of the day In far away American cities. Baseball follows the flag. A street car loaded with unshaved, begrimed American soldiers; they’ve been out on the advance line in the sandhills, and they’re on their way to the beach, where they’ll stack their rifles within easy reach, strip down to their under drawers and plunge Into the cool surf with yells of delight. Here you are at the plaza. Every Mexican city or town has in its very center a square park, crisscrossed by gravel walks and centered by a band stand, which is called the plaza. Here in the late afternoon and early evening the Mexicans gather to listen to the town band. It Is the custom for the senoritas, accompanied by their chaperons, to walk in one direction about the park and for the lads to walk in the other and to flirt with their eyes as they pass. Now you're in the very heart of Vera Cruz, and it will keep your eyes busy to catch all the sights. Mexican Bootblacks Reap Harvest. There’s a yell, and a company of khaki clad infantrymen swing Into the square. They are army boys, part of the thousands who have arrived to re lieve the navy of the duty of policing /he city. Soldiers ride by, singly and In pairs, on rangy, mangy Mexican ponies which they have picked up goodness only knows where. There’s ft quarrel at a table near you. Two shoeshlning boys are demanding 50 centavos for shining the shoes and riding leggings of a couple of Infantry men, and the latter think the price Is too high. The infantrymen can’t talk Spanish, and the only English word the dusky little shoe shiners know Is “meester." These American soldiers may have con quered Vera Cruz, but they can’t con quer the bootblacks. By this time evening ts falling. The tropic sunshine has disappeared; a cool breeze Is blowing In from the Mex ican gulf. Three thousand persons or more fill the plaza—soldiers, white clad men and women, brown Mexican beau ties In white and browner Mexican men In sombreros. The electric tights blaze out among the tropical trees. The wigwag men on the roof are using blinking electric lights now in stead of their flags. On a balcony stands a little Mexican girl waving her arms In Imitation of them, it’s a trick she has learned since the “gringos” came. It’s almost bedtime for her and her grown folks, too, because the city Is under martial law, and “taps” sound at 9 o’clock. Soon the streets will be deserted and the houses dark. The only footfalls on the pavements will be those of guards or of belated newspaper correspond ents working their way from sentry to sentry down to the cable office. Out in the sand hills in a circle that reaches miles beyond the town American sol dier boys are keeping their vigils. 12:30 IS HALF PAST JOHN. A Family Face For Each Hour on This Man’s Watch Dial. S. Wood McClave of Grantwood, N. J., whe, with Mrs. McClave. is at his summer home, State Line Farm, at Colebrook, Conn., tells time by the faces of his family. In place of numerals on the dial of his new watch appear pictures of him self and Mrs. McClave and their ten children. Hour 1 is S. Wood McClave, Jr.; hour 2, Roscoe McClave; hour 3, Mrs. McClave; hour 4, Mildred Me Clave; hour 5, Ormonde McClave; hour 6, Ella Louise McClave; hour 7, Clarice McClave; hour 8, Duncan McClave; hour 9, Mr. McClave; hour 10, Mrs. Florence Holtbauseu; hour 11, Mar guerite McClave, and hour 12, John McClure I NOT A COWARD AT VERA CRUZ Wounded Sailors Laud Boys Who Fell Fighting. ■JOKED IN THICK OF BATTLE. Schumacher of the Florida Died After Jests About the “Greasers’ Greased Bullets”—Returned Heroes Tell of Summary Execution of Thirty Mexi can Snipers With One Volley. Tales of the tragic two days when suilors and marines dodged througty the streets of Vera Cruz targets for the bullets of hidden snipers were told by the sixty-two wounded who arrived at the New York navy yard on the hospi tal ship Solace and were taken to the naval hospital. Of the wounded men in the hospital three had legs amputated, two lost arms and others are so wounded that their fighting days are over. In their story of the taking of Vera Cruz they told of soft nosed bullets that mangled horribly, of shots that seemed to come from nowhere, of quick reprisals. Some recounted how thirty snipers, taken firing on the Red Cross attendants who tried to minister to the wounded, after a trial of twen ty minutes were executed with one volley against a stone wall. George P. Kinsman of the Vermont told of picking a sniper out and shar ing him with a mate who also had marked him for death. Lost a Leg, but Had Revenge. “They got my leg,” said Kinsman “but I’ve got one satisfaction that I’L carry the rest of my life. We had lain in the dirty boat yard all morning after rushing the boathouse and clearing it out. A shot came from the boathouse, and we knew the ‘spiggoty’ gang was back again, sniping. We had started to rush the boathouse when I saw one of them crawling along with his rifle. Lee saw him, too, and we agreed to kill him together. “Each of us drew a bead on him. He was heading for a stone house when I said to Lee: “ ‘We'll let the rat think he’s safe. We’ll let him get as far aa the house, and just when he thinks the danger is over we’ll give it to him.’ -“And that’s the way we did. “A minute afterward he started an other rush on the boathouse, and I got a shot in the leg at the ankle. Lee got it in the calf of the leg, and we lay while the rest of the battalion made a sieve out of the boathouse. Those bul lets are mean to use on a man; they don’t give you a chance once they spread.” August Ebel of the Utah, who was shot three times through the shoulders, said: “We were advancing on the acade my when I got a bullet in the shoulder that knocked me down. I was figuring that I had to get out of danger and was crawling along when a Red Cross man came up to me. While he was trying to get me on a stretcher I was shot twice more by some one who had me marked and wanted to finish me. The Red Cross man was shot in the heel. Afterward I found out that the boys discovered eight men doing the sniping in a house opposite and killed them all.” Shot Thrice and Joked About It. Edward Schwartz of New York, who belonged to the gun crew commanded by John Schumacher, the Brooklyn lad who was killed, wouldn't say a word about the wound in his shoulder. All he would talk of was of how Schu macher died, an example to his com rades. “John Schumacher was one of the finest men on the Florida,” said Schwartz before he went tc the hos pital. “It was hard foi the ri»t of us to restrain ourselves wlieYi he was kill ed, but orders are orders, and we had to treat the Mexicans in a way we didn’t like very much. “He was hit three times, and each time he smiled, even when a bullet thudded into him and dropped him in his tracks. He looked up at his friends as they stood around him, grinned and said: “ ‘These greasers make the bullets slippery with their own grease, I guess, they hit so hard.’ “An hour later he was dead. But he is only one. They all died that way— not a coward in the lot.” C. L. Doyle, messenger for Captain Rush of the Florida and in charge of the landing party, went through a hail of bullets, which riddled his canteen, but did not wound him. Doyle was beside Captain Rush when the firing from the Naval academy became dead ly. He was detailed to take a message to the Prairie asking her commander to open up with his big guns. The messenger got to the launch, although he was fired upon. He delivered his message, and while he was returning to shore the Prairie’s guns began to illence the Mexicans. Will Tango In Town's Main Street. On July 4 the town of Beaunnmt. Tex., is to inclose its entire main street, which is called Broadway, and is to locate several bands at intervals so that the street may be turned into a tango dancing floor. In addition there will be illuminations and fire works. A BIRD CENSUS j THIS SUMMER I Are Existing Laws Increasing or Diminishing Numbers? IT WILL ANSWER QUESTION Department of Agriculture, Asking Co operation of Bird Lovers Throughout the United States, Makes Announce ment of Information Desired and How to Obtain It. A census of nil the birds of the United States Is suggested for this summer, and the department of agri culture is inviting bird lovers through out the country to co-operate in tak ing it. The object is to determine how j many pairs of birds of each species i breed within definite areas. By com paring these figures with those of sub sequent censuses it will be possible to ascertain whether the present state and federal laws are effective and game and insectivorous birds increas ing or diminishing in numbers. Vol untary observers are relied upon to furnish most of the desired data to (the department. As a beginning the department ha* asked about 200 correspondents throughout the country, who have pre viously rendered valuable service, to follow a general outline in supplying information. t Tin? correspondents have been advb ed that the census of the birds should be taken over some area that fairl. represents the average character o the country In the immediate neigh t borhood. The area selected shoul represent average farm conditions, bn without woodland; should be not les than forty acres (a quarter of a mil Square) and cot more than eight> acres and should include the farm buildings, shade trees, orchards, fields of plowed land and pasture. It Is de sired to take a census of the pairs of birds actually nesting within the se lected area. How to Take Bird Census. It Is practically Impossible to make this census on ilie scale of 4C-80 acres In a single day. A plan which has been used wllh advantage for several years Is to begin at daylight some morning the last of May or the first week in June and zigzag back and forth across tiUe area, counting the male birds of each species. Marly in fbe morning at that season every male bird should be in full song and easily counted. After the migration is over aiui the birds a.-e settled in their sum mer quarters it Is safe to consider that each mole represents a breeding pair. The final results of the census should he sent to the biological survey depart ment of agriculture, Washington, about June 30, accompanied by a statement of the boundaries of the selected area defined so explicitly that it will be pos sible twenty-five years hence to have the census repeated. The name of the present owner of the land should be given, together with a careful descrip tion of its character, including a state inent whether the area is dry upland or moist bottom laud, the number of acres in each of {he principal crops or In permanent meadow, pasture, or chard, swamp, roads, etc.; the kind of fencing used and whether there is much or little brush along any fences, roads or streams or in the permanent pasture. Second and Third Censuses. A second census desired is one of some isolated piece of woodland com prising from ten to twenty acres. In giving the results of this census the number and kinds of trees in the wood land should be stated as well as whether there is much or little under growth. Still a third census to be taken is that of some definite area—forty acres, for Instance—forming part of a much larger tract of timber, either deciduous or evergreen. While the number of birds on such a piece of land will be far less than on an equal area of mix ed farm land, their correct enumera tion will require considerably more care and time. The department also will be glad to have information concerning any changes noted in the bird life of an; locality, especially if the observations extend over any considerable number of years. In the past, under mixed game regu lations of various states, bird life has been decreasing. Now that the birds have been placed in charge of the de partment of agriculture definite and uniform measures are being taken to preserve them and increase their num ber. The new bird census and the censuses to follow will materially aid the department in its effort to presen e a valuable national resource, and the voluntary efforts of bird lovers In aid »f this movement will be appreciated. Charts of Canal and Its Approaches. The coast and geodetic survey of flee has issued a series of charts of the canal and its approaches. The gen eral chart of the Panama canal and Its approaches is on a scale of one one hundred and forty-six thousandths, or one-half inch to the nautical mile, and is In colors. The canal is colored dark blue and the ocean waters a light blue, while the region of the canal zone is colored a light pink tint and the ter ritory of Panama is given a pale buff But i In TnEfecuam CROWN PRINCE STUDIES WAR PLANS The exile of Dantzlc, Crown Prlncs Frederick William, Is back In Berlin, after two years at the head of his Death’s Head hussars. He comes to Berlin to study war plans and admlnlat tratlon under the guidance of the able soldiers of the general staff. He could not have come at a better time if ho really desires to work and leant. Preparations for increasing the army under the terms of last year's arma* ment bills are well under way, and tho staff is loaded with work of a highly practical executive nature. The crown prince will probably no^ stay at Berlin long. He will be in-r structed by past masters in strategy^ the mobilization of troops, in all thatt can be taught from maps at a dealt] Then he will be sent to some other regiment to take up again the prac] tical work of soldiering. By incllna| tion as well as training, young Fred] erlck William appears to be a thor] ough soldier. He may find himself] oume aay in a position wnere he will have to use his knowledge of the warj game. There are many reasons to be apprehensive of this, although tha horizon Is now fairly clear. War clouds roll up quickly In Europe. In thal formal phrase of democracy, Germany's relations with all otber powers arsi just now “correct" RECEIVER OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Mr. Walker W. Vick of New Jersey, general receiver of the Dominican cus toms for Uncle Sam, has just ren dered the sixth annual report of the receivership. A summary of the re port shows that big business at the Dominican capital showed some trepi dation when President Wilson brought about a change of administration of custom affairs in Santo Domingo. They feared the new broom might sweep too clean. As the new receivership administra tion gradually unfolded its purpose, however, there was a natural sub sidence of concern within business cir cles, and now the conclusion is in all realms of Dominican financial and commercial circles, that the right kind of sweeping has a salutary effect on the financial, as it does on the do mestic household, and that cobwebs of debatable precedents are not al ways conducive to forceful achieve ment. When what is known as the American-uominican convention of 1907 was created, the United Stateg accepted the responsibility of receiving all the customs duties; to pay g| definite proportion of the same each month to the Republic, and to apply all else In payment of interest on a $20,000,000 bonded debt and into a sinking fund for the discharge of -the principal. During the dlx yeart of "this Dominican receivership great progress hag been made toward the repayment of the principal of the $20,000,000 loan, thg customs receipts climbing from about $2,000,000 a year to an annual total cufc toms receipts for the calendar year 1913 of over $4,000,000, or, to be exact* $4,290,000. __ 1 i I AWARDED RED CROSS GOLD MEDAL A woman with white hair and wit!} the spirit of perennial youthfulnesa and enthusiasm shining from her facer has been awarded the Red Cross gold medal of merit by the central board ol} that organization. The woman thuq> honored is Miss Jane A. Delano. Pre^ ident Wilson made the award of that medal. In presenting Miss Delano^ to the president, Miss Mabel T. Board man, the active head of the Americao( Red Cross society, said of her: * “It is due to Miss Delano's devoted} and efficient labors that a splendid corps of over 4,000 of the best trained, nurses in the country have been eivj rolled in the Red Cross for active) service in time of war or disaster^ The people of the United States may! well be grateful for the unremuneratt ed and efficient work of this devoted) woman.’’ The practicability of the remark-) able organization effected by Miss Dm lano, whose official title is chairman] of the national committee on Red Cross nursing service, has many times beet* tested. Last spring, for Instance, during the Ohio flood, Miss Delano and heB coworkers were able to mobilize within a few hours’ time an efficient corpa} of trained nurses to assist in the relief work, and the Red Cross can at allj times secure through its 110 local committees on nursing service the numbaa of nurses required in disaster or war. The entire corps of Red Cross nurses represents a high professional stands ard, and has been made a nursing reserve for the army and navy. ^ OFFERED POST AT PRINCETON Alfred Noyes, the English poet, who Is In this country lecturing in the caase of world peace, has been asked to Join the faculty of Princeton uni versity, and It Is understood that he has agreed to accept. His election, It /» said, will be sanctioned by the trus tees at their meeting in April. The position which Mr. Noyes Is to fill, it Is said, is a visiting professor ship, with lectures on anodera English literature. It will begin about the middle of next February and extend through the second term of the uni versity, and, it Is understood, will con tinue in this way for several years, from February to June. Mr. Noyes is thirty-three years old, and has been writing poetry for more than 80 years. At the age of fourteen, he wrote his first epic, a production in rhymed verse of several thousand lines, describing allegorically the voy age through life as on a ship. This poem was not published. Five years later “The Symbolist was printed In the weekly supplement of the London1 Times. At that time he was in Exeter college, Oxford, achieving a reputation! far more through his prowess as an athlete, and especially pn the class crewj than aa a poet. . , ------A_;-, >