I 1 I iVodncsday, Dec. 22, 1S69. We learn from tlic Journal that there arc j,315 white, ami 4,020 colored chiMren in the county of New Hanover. We understand Dr. Hawkins contemplates limning n night train over the Raleigh and it&stun Road, with sleeping cars attached, it an early day. A white man, name unknown, was run ver by the 4 o'clock train, on the Wilming ton road, at Marlcboro', and killed. The Str says he could not be identified, being granger. The Wilmington Star relates the particu lars of a recent difficulty between Mr. Owen Holmes of Brunswick, and two rhis hands in which one of the hands was badly wound icd. Weapons used, sticks. The stockholders of the "Raleigh Na tional Bank of North Carolina," will bear in mind to attend a meeting of their Com pany at their Banking house on the second Tuesday in January, 1870. See notice. llis Excellcncy.Gov. Holden, has ordered . 4 social term ot Edgccorulic Superior Court, t0 commence on the 3rd Monday in January, .TO, at which time civil cases only, will be tried. Judge E. W. Jones to preside. North Carolina Conference. The se cond session of the North Carolina Confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will be held in the town of High Point, com mencing January 6, 1870, Bishop James prc sidng. Better Stat where you are Known. The Observer says on Tuesdays the ticket agent of the C. C. & A. Railroad, at Charlotte sold sixty through ticket? to Memphis, mostly to persons who propose to emigrate to the South and West. Labor in Demand South Wc notice Vviat there are several gentlemen from Ala loaia and other points South, in oui State jiioking for laborers and mechanics. Price :ir mechanics 50 per month for common Saborers $20, with expenses paid to place of destination. It is represented that cotton grows to bet ter advantage, in every respect, out in Vene zuela, than any other portion of the earth. .VIowing that to lie so, then there is another lict, they have the largest snakes, and the most ferocious " varmints" not excepting Africa and so, we'll stay in North Carolina. The Salisbury Examiner says "as the train from the East started from Salisbury for Charlotte on the evening of the 13th a col ored nurse having forgotten a baby's cap, went back to get it, and it attempting to ;ct upon the cars just as they were moving off. when losing her balance she fell between thenars and was run over, and her arm cut tut The President of the North Carolina Rail road informs ns that within a week or two he will have on his road two elegant Sleep ing Cars for the accommodation of the trav ing public. Charlotte Democrat. Major Smith knows how to run the ma chine. The N. C. Road, under the nianage aent of Major Smith, has done well, with 'cc most flattering prospects for the future. Mr. T. C. Evans, of the Hillsboro" Record er jnnonnces an arrangement, whereby C. N. 5 Evans, Esq., of the Milton Chronicle is to dp edit the Beeorder, and the paper is to lie enlarged and improved. Evans, junior, is sow off making the necessary prepara tions for the improvement Strong team snd we wish you, financially, heavy returns for your labor. Let the people now act. It remains :ow for the people to petition the Postmas vr General and have restored to them the mil routes which have been discontinued lor so many years. We trust, therefore, that they w ill at once hold meetings and get up petitions, suggest suitable persons for post master and mail carrier, and forward at once to either of our Representatives in Congress, and we shall forthwith have all 'he mail facilities we desire. Lose no time in making the move. Incendiarism in Columbus County. Tie Wilmington Star "regrets to learn from Sheriff Richardson, of Columbus coun ty, that incendiaries have commenced their 'fevilish work in that county. At a place known as " Pine Log," two miles from Wliitcville, on Friday night last, the stables 'i Messrs. Rockwell & Spivcy were burned ;hc ground, together with four fine mules, Vt ot harness, a barrel of pork, a sack of c?e, and other goods; also about fifty -Mids of corn. On the same night the 'tirn of Mr. E. C. Watkins, located near the ilive stables, together with it i contents, as entirely consumed." The boys and girls- the father and the mother all are interested in the gaitiesand festivities of the Ciiristm s holiday. As in "Men times, the ancient customs will again to repeated this year many a little foot fill go to lied bare, while diminutive stock -'ajs will hang on the mantle, near the fire place, to receive presents at the hands of "tinia-C'laus. Now it would be cruel not to M the stockings and gladden the expec tant little sleepers, and we sujiposc every Vy and mama think precisely as we do n'l if they do, Thicm's is the place to get tin very things so much needed. The as s, r!iiint of notions is tempting mid pleas- Ti c (jlaerrcr gets off the following piece f wholesome advice in the right time tli the close of the old year. It is worthy "furious consideration, and we commend it "ur readers for its entire truthfulness: ' .rt home mechanics home mills i ii or home merchants home press .irlisHiM home everything, and : -. h near possible, in order to do ;-t in supporting and aiding in build ''ir everyday neighlxir, place, .oun- i ii v. Also, patronize those who lil i ir mechanics and those who ft n"" " 1 -'A .rou our paper to keep their busi i"1' ,. ,-: V people It shows business il'SS ... ... -. J'liHtiul .pint it means to live 't live. When you find the latter kind isness men you find men who will 11- ...... l,u.bmw in lwth s of the trade instead of one. Try it, friends, and see if we arc not in the main lit. VoRicri-Ti RAi.. The New lork Weekly n,une is a Farmer's paper. Its Agricultu- Dcnartment, valuable always, containing it does full reports of the American In- ite Farmers' Club, and articles written its columns by the most eminent Agri 'irists of America, is aliout to Lc enrich iv other attractive features in a Horti- ;ral Department, which w ill comprise J n igemeiit of small Tanns, fruits ana ve- lc culture, and how to make them pay. ". a veterinary department, for which f. J.i mi's Law, Veterinary Surgeon in null I'hivcrsity. Ns Ixcn engaged to an- r iiiestions concerning diseases of cattle, Hf, sheen and other domestic animals, '"' prescribe remedies through the columns the week); Tribune. See advertisement 11 -"other column. 1da2w THE LEGISLATURE. Ia the Senate, Thursday, Dec. 10, '09 : UNFINISHED EDSIKESS Being a bill to charter tbc Planter's Railroad Company through the counties of Onslow and Duplin on the 2nd reading. Passed. A bill making appropriations for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum, passed its second reading. A bill to provide for the support of the Insane Asylum for the next fiscal year, passed its third reeding. A bifl to repeal an act amendatory ot an act incorporating the Western N. C. Railroad. And all acts amendatory thereof ratified Feb ruary, 1855, passed its third reading:. The following message from the Governor was transmitted from the House lor the cousidera. tion of the Senate. Executive Department, 1 Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 10. ' To the Honorable the General Assembly of North Carolina. Allow me respectfully to call your attention to the necessity there exists for such amend ments to the militia law as will enable the exec utive to repel violence and disorder in certain localities in this State and to protect the persons of citizens, their lives and their property. Since my last annual message, dated Novem ber 16th, 1869, numerous outrages of the most flagrant character have been committed on peace ful and law-abiding citizens by persons masked and armed and who have thus far escaped the civil law. I have adopted each measures as were in my power to ferret out and bring to justice all breakers of the law without relerence to their color orto what political party or parlies, and I am satisfied that the Judges and Solicitors in the various circuits have been prompt and ener getic in the discharge of their duties. Notwithstanding this, the outrages referred to seem to be rather on the increase in certain lo calities in so much that many good citizens are in a constant state of tear, and society in said localities is in a deplorable condition It is for your honorable body to apply the remedy to so strengthen the arm ol the Execu tive as to enable him to repress these outrages and restore peace and order. I have confidence in your wisdom and your regard lor law and in the disposition which I lcel there exists in every member oi your honorable body to adopt such in!a?Dre ,? wiU sPeedy P an end to the evils complained of. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, with great ""Pect, W. W. Holden Governor. Mr. Shoflner moved lliat the rules be suspend ed in order that he might introduce a bill of which no no notice had been givn, and that it 30 P Nays ll flnaI paSSaSU- AKreed t(- eas The bill read as follows : an act to secure tub betteb 1'Rotection of life and fboi'ebtt. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That the Governor is hereby authorized and empowered whenever in his judgment the civil authorities in any county are unable to protect its citizens in the enjoyment ol life and property, to declare such counties in a state ot insurrection and to call into active service the militia of the Stale to such an extent ns may become necessary to repress such insurrection. Sec. 2. That the Governor is hereby author ized and empowered to request the President of the United States to suspend the writ ol habeas corpus in any county or counties declared under authority of this act to be in a state of insur rection, and to afford such assistance as in his judgment may be necessary to enforce obedience to law. - i r Bee. 3. That upon motion of the solicitor of a District it shall be the duty of the Judge tlieroi to remove the trial of any person indicted lor mordcr, conspiracy, and in violation of an act ratified the ltli day of April, ISO'.), from the county where such ollencc may have been com mitted to such other vuunty as the solicitor may designate. Sec. 4. That the expense's attending the call ing of the militia into active service as herein provided shall be paid by the Treasurer of the State upon the warrant of the Governor and it shall be the duty of the Commissioners of the county declared to be in u State of insurrection and where such service was rendered to reim burse within one year the Treasurer ol the State the expenses thus paid; Provided, That whenever a person or persons shall have been convicted of a violation ot the act mentioned in section 3 of the act said expenses ol the niililia shall be taxed on the bill of costs against the person or per sons convicted, and when collected the same shall be paid into the Treasury of such county. Sec. 5. That all laws or clauses ot laws in con flict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 0. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Mr. Sbotlner said he iutrodnced the bill on the imperative demand aud earnest declarations of his constitucnts.on the representations of men of the highest respectability and undoubted veracity in his county. The thrcatenings, the conspiracies, and the many violations ol law and order, called for such a course as the only one left to secure the blessings of liberty in the security of life and property. He even had been threatened with violence, and perhaps death, tor the introduction of this bill, but he would stand firmly in his pos ition to do the bidding ot his constituents, and it was his unbounded duty to do so. The biil passed by the following vote. Yeas Messrs. Bellamy, Brogden, Blythc Burns, Cook, Cherry, Eppes.JForkncr, Galloway, Hayes, Harrington, Hyman, Jones ot Colnuibus, Jones of Wake, Lassiter. Legg, Long, Martin dale, Moore of Carteret, Moore of Yaucev, Kich ardson, Shoflner, Stephens, Sweet, Wrlker, Win stead 20. Nats Messrs. Bcall, Bceman, Graham. 'jones of Mecklenburg, Lindsav, Mclchor, Murphy, Respass, Robuins, Scott, Wilson 11. On motion the Senate adjourned until seven o'clock. , EVENING SESSION. CALENDAR. House bill in favor of the Sheriff of Cumber, land county, allowing him until the first Mon day in February iu 1S70 to make his return of taxes to the county Treasurer. Passed its 2nd reading. A bill in favor of Nathaniel R. Jones, Sheriff of Warren county, allowing him to the first day ot March to collect taxes. Mr. Richardson moved to insert the Heme ol J. W. Patterson, of Moore county. Mr. Lindsay moved to insert C. 8. Alfred tax collector of Rockingham county. Adopted. Mr. Blythe moved to insert the Sheriff of Henderson aud Trunsvlvania counties. Adopt ed. Mr. Sweet moved to amend by inserting the 8hcriff of Craven county. Adopted. Mr. Beall moved to insert the sheriff of Csld well county. Adopted. Mr. Colgrove moved to insert the Sheriff ol Burke and Pitt counties. Mr. Hyman called for the previous question The bill, as amended, passed its several read ings. The Senate adjourned. In the House, Thursday, Dec. 1G : Received a message from the Governor, asking attention to the necessity oi so amending the militia law, as to give the Governor the necessa ry power to suppress the commission of out rages in certain counties of the State. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Seymour moved that there be printed 0 additional copies for the use of each member of the General Assembly. Carried. Mr. Wilkie called up the bill to require County Commissioners to meet but once u month. The Judiciary committee reported a substi tute for the bill, which substitute declared that the County Commissioners 6hall not draw per diem and mileage for more than .... days per annum, and that the Township Trustees shall not draw pay for more than... .days per year. Mr. Vestal moved to fill the blankB with the number 15. . j ' J . ... : Mr. Franklin moved to insert 50. Mr. Reynolds moved to insert 24. Mr. Proctor moved to lay the whole matter ou the table. Lost, yeas 21, nays 54. Mr. French moved to insert 30. Mr. Franklia moved to postpone the consider ation of the bill till the fourth Monday in Jan uary, 1870. Lost; Mr. Morris moved to fill the blank with 20. The previous question being called,and ordered, the vote was taken on the several motions, com mencing with the one for the largest number, resulting in the rejection of all but that of Mr. Reynolds, which was to fill the blanks with 24. Mr. Candler moved to strike out in the sub stitute the word "mileage." Mr. Price moved to lay the amendment on the table. Lost, yeas 5, nays 73. Mr. Vest moved to refer the bill to the com mittee on Salaries and Fees. Lost. : Mr. Candler's amendment was adopted, L e., to strike out the word "mileage.'' Mr. Williams of Harnett moved to reconsider the vote by which the number "24" was insert ted in the blanks. Lost. - " i. Mr. Eagles moved to indefinitely postpone the bill. Lost. Mr. Franklin moved to postpone the bill till the 15th of January, 1S70. Lost, Mr. Vest moved to except from the provisions of the substitute the County of Forsythe. Mr. Eagles moved as an amendment to except the County of New Hanover. Accepted. Mr. Franklin moved to except the County ot Wake. Accepted. Mr. Blair moved to except the Countv of Ran dolph. Accepted. Mr. Kinney moved to except the County ot Davidson. Accepted. Mr. Peck moved to except the County of Edgecombe. Accepted. Mr. Seymour called the previous question. Sustained. The motion of Mr. Vest (which included the Counties accepted by him) was lost. The substitute of the Judiciary Committee, as amended, was adopted. The bill pawed it3 second rcadlng.and was put uiKin its third reading. Mr. Seymour ollered a substitute, embody ing the ideas advanced by Mr. Pearson. The substitute proposed that "in the counties which pav a combined Stale and county tax amounting to"15.000 and under, the Commissioners shall not te' entitled to receive per diem tor more than is days; those paying over $15,000 and under 25,000, the Commissioners fo be entitled to not more than 24 days per diem; those paying over 5,000 and under S40.000, the Commissioners to be entitled to not more than SO days' per diem; and those pay:ng over $40,000, the Commission ers to be entitled to not more than 40 days' per diem. No mileage allowed. Mr. Smith, of Alleghany, moved to strike ont In the substitute "18 days" aud insert "15 days." Lost. Mr. Durham moved to ttiikc out "15 days" and insert "20 days." . Mr. Smith, of Alleghany, moved to amend the substitute by declaring that In thoso counties which paid (8,000 and under, the commissioners shall not receive per diem for more than 15 days. The motion prevailed, and was incorporated in the substitute. . ' ' ' f Mr. Seymour called the previous question. Sustained. The substitute was adopted, and the bill pass ed third reading. On motion of Mr. 8eymour, the rales were suspended, and the resolution providing lor holding evening sessions this week, was rescin ded. Mr. Pearson called up the bill to extend the corporate limits ol the town of Goldsboro'. Mr. feruith of Waync,moved that the bill be in definitely postponed. He favored the motion in some remarks. Mr. Pearson addressed the House against the adoption of the motion. He urged as n reason why tbc bill should be passed tbat a majority ol tbc people of Goldsboro', and of the people pro posed to be annexed to that town, denirca it. : Mr. Seymour urged the passage ol I he bill. Mr. Pearson called the previous question. Sus tained. The motion to indefinitely postpone the bill was lost, Yeas 27, nays 40. Tha bill then passed its third reading. ' ' Mr. Sweat moved to reconsider the vote by which the HouBe on yesterday tabled the bill to fix the fees of County Treasurers. Pending the consideration of tho motion, the House adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o'clock. , ' i ' In the Senate, Friday, Dec. 17, 1869. TUB CALENDAR. i A bill to Incorporate the Planters Railroad Company ou its 2nd reading. Mr. Forkner moved that the further consider ation of the bill be postponed until the 12th day of January, 1870, and be made the special order for 12 o'clock. Agreed to. A resolution that the rules of the Sanate be so amended that bills can be introduced without giving previous notice of the same. Mr. Bobbins uioved lliat the further consider ation of the resolution be postponed until after recess. Agreed to. A resolution in relation to Penitentiary bonds. Resolved, That the Public Treasurer be in structed to make no payments of coupons of bonds issued lor Penitentiary site. Passed. . A bill to allow enterers of vacant lands further time to obtain grants from the State. Mr. Forkner moved a suspension of the rules In order to put the bill on its passage. Agreed to. The bill passed its several readings. Mr. Sweet rose to a question of privilege and desired to call the attention of the Senate to an article which appeared in this morning's Senti nel, purporting to be copied from the Winston SaUiiiel, a Democratic sheet, tbat probably was never known ont ol the village in which it was published. As far as he was concerned he never heard ot the existence of such a journal before, and presumed tbat uo other Senator on the floor did. Mr. Sweet read the article alluded to in which be was represented as misleading the people and knowingly misrepresenting everything in regard to the tenure ot office ot the General Assembly, aud that Judge Tourgce and Mr. lleaton corrob orated this assertion. Mr. Sweet said he would deal with these ma licious slanders in as quiet a temper as possible. In regard to Judge Tourgce as represented to have made this assertion, be believed it to be a base and heinous lie, because he was intimately acquainted with Judge Tourgce lor several years and be believed him to be a gentleman of strict veracity. As to the truth ot what he would say in reference to this qusetion he would refer them to the Senator from Orange (Mr. Graham) and the Senator from Forsyth" (Mr. Forkner) who were both members ot the Convention. If there was one quality he endeavored to cultivate above aLother it was thestraight forward, manly way of reaching results ; and if Judge Tourgee made use ot the allegation represented in this article, he would have uttered an unfounded, base falsehood, but he was confident the Judge never made use of any such expression. Mr. Sweet read part of the article in relation to Judge Tourgee preparing a section stating that the Legislature should hold over lour years and four months, and where Mr. Sweet is repre sented as going behind the Speakers desk and drawing up the present section bo as to mislead the people as to their meaning. Mr. Sweet said this was another glaring lalsc u od, which the Senators from Forsythe and Orange could sustain. The General Assembly bad not been elected at the time and neither Sweet nor Tourgce ever went bebiud the Speak ers desk to consult on any proposition whatever he would have no reason to call attention to this matter now but could not remain sileut. Sueh silence would be taken as an admission of the con cctness of this statement. Ho would write to Judge Tourgce in regard to this matter, and then if the questiou should require it, be would have more to say on the subject What he had said on this question of privilege he supposed would not satisly the Raleigh ff whose editor he believed was totally iueapa ble of appreciating an honest aud disinterested motive, but. it would be amply sufficient for those who were acquainted with his character, politically and socially, but then persons who were unacquainted with him might believe such statements, and for that reason ho occupied the attention of the Senate. He should write to Judge Tourgce and Mr. lleaton, enclosing them the article, and then, il it was deem necessary ou receipt of their replies he should have more to say. In conclusion, he would say that it was not till after the Convention adjourned that the con flict in this respect canie upon his attention, when he glanced over it and no mau could have a deeper and more sincere regret because of the conflict discovered in this section. The Senator Irom Orange, whose political sympathies arc such as to incline altogether the other way would corroborate his statement. Mr. Forkner said he was a member of the Com mittee to which the Senator had referred, and as far as bis knowledge extended every word utter ed by him (Mr. Sweet) in vindication of his character iu this matter was absolutely true ; but he believed if .Mr. Sweet would examine the re cords of Forsythe County, he would feel tbat he is uot as much slandered" as he supposes be is at the present time. Mr. Graham said the state of the Senator from Craven is correct, and he would state, if there was' anything wroug about this matter, he did not believe t he Senator from Craven had anything to do with it. According to his recollection there never was any discussion as to the term of office or the Legislature, nor was there anything said abont the Legislature holding ovef four years. If there was ever such a thing as fraud contempla ted or designed, he was positively certain that the gentleman (Mr. Sweet) bad no participation in it. Senate bill to enlarge the powers of County Commissioners passed its second reading. A bill to provide a system ol public instruc tion passed. A message was received from the House trans mitting a bill which passed that body extending the corporate limits ot the town of Goldsboro'. A bill to amend an act authorizing the forma tion of corporations for manufacturing, mining, mechanical, chemical, and other purposes passed its 2d reaeing. A bill to ailow pav to jurors and witnesses in certain cases. Mr. Blythc said it was a matter of justice to allow juror and witness, summoned before mag istrates, some compensation. He could not see any reason why they should not receive if sum moned to appear ou magistrates court equally with other summonB before other courts. The same principle would apply to both. It gentle men imagined $1.50 as too large a sum he was willing to amend the bill by inserting tl, but certainly if they were compelled to serve as ju rors or give evidence in magistrates' courts they should be paid for it. Mr. Shoflner differed from the Senator from Yadkin (Mr. Blythe.) In the first place there was no necessity for such a provision, as a matter of course, people in general were and outrht to be willing to assist their neighbors by evidence aud otherwise to settle their little diffi culties. As the law now stands all good respect able men arc willing to be put to any amount ot trouble to settle the affairs of their neighbors and to facilitate the administration of justice. But if a law of this kind passed giving a (1.50 to every person summoned in these courts the result would be deplorable and would only de feat the ends of jus'ice and law instead of pro moting them. Men would be in attendance every day (who did not much care how they gave their testimony) to fill these positions Dot for the pur pose of serving impartially ir. the administra tion of justice, but merely for their own special use, and to thwart the speedy vindications of the law. He would therefore move that the bill be postponed indefinitely. Agreed to. The bill to incorporate the Franconia Manu facturing Company in the county of Duplin fail ed to pass on its second reading. No quorum voting. The Senate then adjourned. In the House, Friday, Dec. IT, I860. Mr. Seymour moved for a call of the roll, it was evident that Democratic members had ab sented themselves for the purpose ot preventing , the attendance ot a quorum. The roll was called, and 02 Representatives an swered to their names a quorum. Mr. Wilkie favored a suspension of further proceedings under the call. Mr. Seymour thought it impracticable to trans act business with only 02 members. ' Mr. French moved that tbe Doorkeeper be In structed to search for the a bs-en tecs, take them Into custody, and bring them before the bar of ,theHousc; and in the' meantime, thatnomcm ber be permitted to leave the Hall except by consent of the Speaker. Carried. ' The attendance of a quorum having been se cured, on motion ol Mr. Leary further proceed ings under the call were dispensed with. 1 Resumed consideration of the resolution in relation to defaulting sheriffs. ' Mr. Justice moved that the eonsiderat'on be postponed until thu second Tnesday in January 1870. Carried. Mr. Hodgin, on the part of the Finance Com mittee reported unfavorably to the resolution in favor of the Sheriff of Chatham county. . Received sundry messages from the Senate in forming the House of its action on several bills aud resolutions. Mr. Wilson introduced a bill to authorize the Commissioners of Burke County to levy a special tax. Laid over. i Mr. Seymour called up the Senate bill "to so cure the better protection of file an 1 property." He thought there were grave objections to the bill ; but regarded its passage as necessary to the protection ol life, us the civil law seemed to bu wholly insulllcicnt for that purpose. He would Rave the discussion mostly to the opponents ol the measure, und gave hwov for that puryosc. No objection being made" to the passage of the bill, a vote ou the second reading ol the same was ns follows: Yeas Messrs. rAshworth, Banner, Barnett, Blair, Carson, Carev, Cawthoni, Cherry, Dixon, Downing, Eagles, Forkner, Foster, Franklin, French, Gahagan, Graham, Hilliard, Hodgin, Hoffman, Hudgings, Justus, of Henderson, Justice, of Rutherford, Krlly of Mooie, Kinney. Leary, Mayo, McCanless, Morrill, Mor ris, l-ck, Pou, Price, Ragland, lien trow, Rey nolds, 8eymiur, Sinclair, Stevens, Vestal, Vest, Waldrop, Williamson, Wilson, and Wiswall 40. I Nays Messrs. Ames and Ellington. No quorum voting. Mr. Seymour moved that there be a call of the House. He said lliat he lound it difficult to say anythingnbout the proceedings of the Democrats iu this matter. Ho. entertained kindly feelings towards many of them personally. He proposed to tkke no advantage ol thcin. lie desired to allow them to discuss this bill, to amend II if tbey could offer reasonable amendments. They refuse to consider it, and seek to defeat it by not voting. It was charged, aud he believed with truth, that there are portions of this State where 11-. and properly were uot safe, where laws can net lie enforced, where grand juries dared not iiulict. where witnesses dared not testify, where pllty juries dared not convict. Tbat the enforce lufcutof Hie laws was Impossible. He desired to pass a bill to remedy ibis evil The Democrats refuse to consider it, or to offer asnbstitule. Let tlil-m take uion themselves the responsibility. If the time comes when men, despairing ol re dress from law. redress their own wrongs; if; whenever an innocent man of one party is' shot down, on innocent man on the other side is shot down in retaliation ; if the worst formot civil war, a guerrilla strug gle prevails, aud men are to be daily shot down Irom behind fences and trees in numbers as they have hcrctolore..tnr;n ahdt don la individual cases. He charged the responsibility ul It all and otall beside that may ensue upon the gen tlemen who, knowing what ta being dour, will consent to no remedy. He desired the Republi can members to do what tbey could to pass thu act and 11 by factious opposition it fall, to let the onus rest where It justly belonged. He hop ed the call of tbe House would be carried out. Tbc motion then prevailed. ' ' - The roll was called, and the following mem bers answered to their names : Messrs. Speaker, Ames, Ashworth, Banner, Barnett, Blair, Boddie, Carson, Carey, Caw thorn, Cherry, Crawford, Dixon, Downing, Durham, Eagles, Ellington, Ferrebee, Fork ner, Foster, Franklin, French, Gahagan, Gil bert, Graham, Guntcr, Harris of Franklin, Hinnant, Hodgin, Homey, Hudgings, Jarvis, Justus, of Henderson, Justice ol Rutherford, Kelly of Moore, Kinney, Leary, Long, ot Chatham, Mayo, McCanless, Mendenhall, Mor rill, Morris, Nicholson, Pearson, Peck, Pou, Proctor, Ragland, Renfrow, Reynolds, Sey mour, Sinclair, Simonds, Snipes, Stevens, Vestal, Vest, Waldrop, White, Williams ot Sampson, Williamson, Wilson, Wiswall 64. Mr. French moved tbat further proceedings under the call b dispensed with. Mr. Sinclair called the attention of the Demo cratic members to the condition of affairs in the Stale of tbemurders, whippings, and other out rages, and warned them of tbe result of their conduct in relusing to vote on this measure. Tbey might go outside of tbe bar of this House, and thus defeat tbe bill for want of a quorum, but in the meantime, if any outrages were com mitted, similar to those mentioned, and murder was met with murder, and whipping with whip ping, Ac , the blame would be entirely on them. Mr. 8cymour moved that the door be locked, and that no members be allowed to leave with out the permission of the Speaker. Carried. Mr. French moved that the Doorkeeper be in structed to bring absentees before tbe House; and that in the exercise of this duty, he be au thorized to employ such assistance as was neces sary. Carried. The roll was called, and 66 members answered to their names. Mr. Frencn offered tbe following : Ordered, Tbat tbe Doorkeeper be and be is hereby instructed to place a sufficient number of Pages around the House to prevent members from going outside of tbe bar of tbe House dur ing tbe present call ot the House. Mr. Durham objected, saying that its adoption was a virtual amendment to tbe rules. The objection was sustained by the Chair. Mr. Sinclair said be wanted the bill passed for the protection of Democrats in bis county. Re publicans were able to take care of themselves. Renben King was murdered; Messrs. Peacock & McCallum's store was robbed and their still burnt; John Taylor was robbed and his still burnt ; Wm. Sellers was robbed and James H. McQueen was robbed. All these men were Dem ocrats in Robeson county. Now when a bill came np which would protect Democrats in that county in the future, the Democratic members relnse to vote by retiring beyond the bar ot the House, thereby defeating tbe bill, and relusing succour to men of their own party. Messrs. Sweat and Leary thought it useless to attempt to pass the bill, and desired that the House would proceed to other business. Mr. Pou hoped that the House would goon with tbe bill. He contended that under the Con stitution it was not necessary that 61 votes should be cast in order to pass a bill. The Con stitution said "neither House shall proceed upon public business unless a majority of all tbc mem bers are present" He contended tbat if a ma jority was present as was the case to-day a majority of that number could pass a bill. He believed tbat the Constitution did not sustain the idea that 61 votes 6houid be cast in order to carry a bill. Mr. Jarvis was willing to protect lilcand prop erty, but tbought the passage of the bill would have a contrary effect. Mr. Eagles addressed tbe House, and urged the passage nf some measure that would protect the colored nice in the enjoyment of their lives and liberties. Mr. Seymour moved to dispense with lurthcr proceedings under the call. Carried. Mr. Wiikic appealed to the Democrats to vote. The bill would secure tbc protection ol Demo crats living in certain portions of the Eastern part ot the State. Mr. Seymour called the previous .'question on on the passage of the bill on its second reading. Ordered. Tbe bill then passed its second reading by the following vote : Yeas. Mr. Speaker, Messrs. Ashworth, Ban ner, Barnett, Blair, Carson, Carey, Cawthorn, Cherry, Crawlord, Dixon, Downing, Eagles, Forkner, Foster, Franklin, French, Gahagan, Graban, Hinnant, Hodgin, Hoffman, Hudgings, Justus of H., Justice ot R., Kelly of Moore, Kinney, Leary, Long of Chatham, Mayo, Mc Canless, Moring, Morrill, Morris, Pearson, Peck, Pon, Price, Proctor, Ragland, Renfrow, Reynolds, Seymour, Sinclair, Simonds, Stevens, Sweat, Vestal, Vest, Waldrop, Wilkie, William son, Wilson, Wiswall. 54 Nays Messrs. Ames, Guntcr, Harris, of Franklin, Homey, Mendenhall, Snipes, White, Williams of Sampson 8. Mr. Ames retired without the bar of the House on tbe third reading of the bill, thus de feating its passage. He thought the passage ot the bill would have a contrary effect to tbat in tended. The following is the vote on the third read ing: Yeas Messrs. 8pcaker, Ashworth, Banner, Barnett, Blair, Carson, Carey, Cawthorn, Cherry Crawford, Dixon, Downing, Eagles, Forkner.Fos ter.Franklin, French, Gahagan, Graham, Hinnant, Hodgin. Hoffman, Hudgings, Justus of Hender son, Justice of Rutherford, Kelly of Moore, Kinney, Leary, Long of Chatham. Mayo, McCan less, Moring, Morrill, Morris, Pearson, Peek, Pou, Price, Proctor, Ragland, Renfrow, Rey nolds, Seymour, Sinclair, Simonds, Stevens, Sweat, Vestal, Vest, Waldrop, Williamson, Wilson and Wiswall 54. Nays Messrs. Ellington, Guntcr, Homey, Mendenhall, Snipes and White 6. There being but 60 votes, no qurum voted. Mr. Seymour moved that the consideration of the bill on its third reading he postponed until Thursday, January 13th, 1870. Carried. On motion of Mr. French, tbe House then ad journed until Monday morning, cext, 5 o'clock. In the Senate, Satfrrday, Dec. 18, 18C9 : NOTICES OF BILLS. Mr. Forkner, a bill to change tbe time of holding court in the 8th judicial district. Re ferred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Stephens, to fill the office or township clerk when vacancies occur. Referred to the Ju diciary Committee. Mr. Jones of Mecklenburg, a bill to incorpo rate the Georgetown and Charlotte Railroad Company. Referred to the Committee on Cor porations. Mr. Forkner moved that the Secretary of tbc 8enatc be directed to furnish the Judges of tbe Supreme Court with copies of the resolutions which passed the General Assembly asking their opinion as to the term of office of the same. Agreed to. THE CALENDAR. A resolution in favor of James P. Grady, Sher iff of Harnett County, allowing him until the 15th day of February, 1870, to settle with the Public Treasurer. Mr. Forkner moved its postponement until after receSB. Agreed to. The following bills passed their 2nd reading. A bill to Incorporate the Elizabeth City and Norfolk Railroad Company. A bill to incorporate tbc Southern Copper Company A bill to repeal chapter 240 of the laws of 18(5S-'69 authorizing the Commissioners ot Chat ham county to levy a special tax. A bill to incorporate tbe Rock 8pring Camp Ground in Rutberlord countv. A bill to incorporate the Edgecombe Lodge of jaasons, numoerzro. A biil to incorporate tbc Randlcman manufac turing company. A bill to incorporate the Wilson Collegiate Seminary for young ladies. A bill in relation to obstruction in Lumber River in the county Robeson A bill to amend an act concerning the power and duties of State officers as far as regards tbe office of Superintendent ot Public Works. A bill to incorporate the Mechanics Loan As sociation. A bill to incorporate the Boydton and Ridge way Turnpike Comp tny. A bill to make tbe Yadkin river through Wilkes county a lawfnt fence. A bilt to amend an act to prevent the obstruc tion of fish in Little river. A biil for the relief of the several Sheriffs of the State. A bill amending an act prohibiting the sale of spmtous liquors on the western north Carolina railroad. On motion the Senate adjourned to Monday at o:.w, a. ja. In the Senate, Monday, Dec. SO, 1869. The President ratified the following : A bill to allow enterers of vacant lands fur ther time to obtain grants from the State: A bill providing for tbe support of the insane Asylum lor tue next nscai year ; A joint resolution concerning pensions of sol diers of the war of 1812 : A bill to extend tbe corporate limits of the town of Goldsboro'; A bill making an appropriation for tbe support of Ibe Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Ordered tbat a message be sent to the House Inlorming mat body of tbe readiness of the Sen ate to execute the joint resolution in regard to tbe taking of a recess, and asking concurrence in tiiesamc. . Received a message from the House annonn cing concurrence in tbe foregoing, when the senare aojoumeu. .. In the House, Monday, Dec. 22. Mr. White on the part of the Enrolling Com" mittcc, reported the following bills correctly en rolled, to which tneSpeakcr affixed his signature; and sent them to the Senate, viz: An act providing for the support of the Insane Asyiuin. Resolutions concerning pensions of the sol diers of the war of 1812. An act to extend the corporate limits of the town ot Goldsboro. An a?t making an appropriation for the sup port of the Deal and Dumb and Blind Asylum. The Speaker gave notice, that because the cal endar as it now stood, contained many bills il legibly written, with reports of committees, &c, In order to prepare it properly lor use at the re assembling in January, be should order its en grossment: and ask of tbe House hereafter sueh farther appointment as may be deemed necessary for tho purpose of maintaining it, a.id tbe other affairs of the desk, in the best condition for cor rect and thorough legislation. Knocking the Bottom ont of a Well. A man was lately arrested in Kansas city, Mo., for trespass on a neighbor's well. ' He tapped it on anc side, but tbe owner caught him at it. As sunn tw lie got out of court, alter paying his fine, hit dug into tbe aide of the man's lot, about ten feet below the well, and then tapped it from the bottom. But somebody who w as drawing water from the top discoven d a ray of light through the holo when the plug was . out, and the man is again in jail. It is now supposed he has been the prune mover in other acts of a similar nature, several influential citizens having had their wells mysteriously drained, and fears arc entertained that thu offender will be lynched, POLITICAL. The Moutanti Legislature is without u quorum. -: , There are 210 papers in Iowa, of which 14? are Republican, ,' The public debt was diminished $3,800,- 000 in November, .i - The Coiumittc on Kcconstroctinn had a meeting on tho admission of Virginia yes terday. . ,., ,, ... , , ., J : I The Tennessee Senate has passed the bill abolishing the State Guard and the Gov ernor's staff. . . t The advocates of removal of the Capitol from Washington have, already organized lor a raid on congress. The President's Message was transmitted by the Atlantic Cable and published in Lon don on Tuesday morning. The Hon. J. S. Gullady, member of Con gress from Kentucky, spoke in Frank- tort on Wednesday night in favor ot repu diation. . A case was argued in the U. 8. Supreme Court on Tuesday, which involves the right of Congress to tax the production in the hands of producers. The California Legislature met yesterday. The new members were sworn in, and ad journed till this morning. Both Houses held caucuses last night. Mr. Burlingarae has received intelligence that the Chinese American treaty has been ratified by tbe Pekin government and the attested copy despatched by special messen ger to Washington. The House Judiciary Committee has in structed General Butler to report to the House a bill tor the repeal ot the Tenure of Office act. It is believed the bill will pass the House with little opposition. Speaker Blaine is not in favor of a Reci procity Treaty with the British Provinces. He thinks, if the Provincials desire to have our markets free to their products, tliuy con best secure that by annexation. Resolutions were adopted in the House yesterday, relative to reducing the expenses of obsequies of Congressmen, the exemption of the Quakers under the income tax, and the rights ot America in connection with the French cable. President Grant's nicss tgc was received in Havana with very diverse expressions of feelings, ot course. The Spaniards rejoice, and look upon it ns a harbinger of peace and prosperity, while sympathizers with the insurgents are proportionately cast down. The Tennessee House has adopted a reso lution to adjourn on the 22nd inst., to the 1st of January next, and passed on a first reading a bill providing for the funding of the State debt due and uccruing between this and 1875, together with the notes of the Bank of Tennessee. The Census bill was proceeded with in Committee of the Whole House yesterday. The proviso to the fourth section, that in cities comprising more than one Congres sional District, one superintendent might be appointed to do the whole work, was struck out. An amendment was adopted providing lor the collection of much valua ble commercial and social statistical infor mation, as also another imposing a fine ot $3000 on any corporation refusing or neg lecting to give required information. The Governor ot California sent his mes sage to the Legislature yesterday. He con gratulates the people on the prosperity of the State, commends the school system, re gards an efficient militia as indispensable to the enforcement of the laws and public order, recommends State aid in promoting imigration from Europe, says the State has the power to prohibit Chinese imigration, and advocates a thorough geological survey of the State. The debt is $4,008,000. B'lls were introduced in the House yes terday for the transfer of the Philadelphia Navy Yard to League Island ; to annul the coasting trade laws; to divide the State of Michigan into three judicial districts; to establish a uniform rule of naturalization ; making it incumbent on pension agents to make out the semi-annual papers for pen sioners, and to administer the oath with out fees ; to give farmers and gardners im munity from the produce brokers' tux, and to provide for the sale of all coin in the Treasury save that required for tlic pny mcnt of interest. INDUSTRIAL. Robert E. Lee has written a very hand some letter on Peabody's death. James Mace, the English pugilist, has ac cepted a challcng from Tom Allen. S. G. Dougherty is a fellow who lost $200,000 in one day on Erie and then pru dently died. Speaking of Admiral Stewart, the Scran ton Democrat says that "he was the oldest naval officer in the army." The Augusta Constitutional calls Beecher "the saintly corporosity of Ossawattomie Brown's ordinance officer." Westminster, Vt., with a population of l,7UU persons, taKcs twelve hundred daily, weekly, and monthly periodicals. Gen. Ames, the military commander oi Mississippi, is a native of Maine, a graduate of West Point in 1861, and unmarried. Susan B. Anthony nursed a baby the other day in the cars, in a manner which brought tears to every eye, the baby's in cluded. There have been two thousand five hun dred new buildings erected in Chicago dur ing the past year at an expense of $10,000, 000. A man in Chester county, Pa., has been fined for allowing obnoxious weeds to grow on his farm,- to the damage of his neigh bors. Sugar-making is about over in Louisiana. The yield has been generally small, in some instances barely realizing more than a halt crop. The tide of emigration irom the South to Arkansas ami Texas through Memphis is constantly increasing, i lie most go to 1 exas. Loose cattle about the railroad station in Houston, Texas, eat more cotton titan their heads are worth. A few days ago a number ol bares ot cotton were eaten perfectly ho! low. The Berlin (Wisconsin) Courant estimates the shipments ot wheat irom that section in October at nearly 80,000 bushels. There were seven hundred and seven thousand pounds of freight received. A Dnluth correspondent of the St. Paul Pioneer says : "When I came here last spring an Indian trail was used as road and sidewalk, and five or six houses comprised the town. JNow, sidewalks, elegant rest dences, and first-class stores greet you on every corner. The telegraph carriers use the pulsations ot fans and New lork, and the hills resound and re-echo the whistle of the locomotive." Indiana Divorce How They are Ob tained. We have heard of a case that occurred not many years ago in this county. A wid ow woman held property which she might transfer while she remained single, but which, according to her husband's will, she could not dispose ot it sue married again. and in, the course of time she desired to transfer the property left by her first hus band. This, of course, she could not do, the provisions of her first husband's will in hibiting her. Ileie was a quandary. A lawyer of this city was consulted. He "set things up" for the wife and her hus- Intnd. She went home, told her husband what advice the lawyer had given her, and he thought it "3ust the very thing. ' And what, reader, do you suppose that advice was! Mmply tins : The husband and wife were to quarrel and nglit every day, and this was to be done in the presence ot tbe children of the wife, who were well-grown, and they were made to believe the quarrelling and fighting were genuine, instead of feigned. The programme was carried out to the letter, and then the husband applied for a divorce. He seta lorth "incompatibility in his complaint. the wife admitted it, and the children swore to it. Judge Bicknell granted the divorce. Tho same day she transferred the property as she desired to do, the next day tbe di vorced couple were remarried. Such is one of the phases of the divorce practice. New Albany (Ina.) vommereiai. 1 A Canadian postmaster had a keg of dam asred nowder. and one night thought he would see if it was good . lor . anything by throwing a lump into the fire. The lump jumped back into the keg, and the building was without a roof in a very short time. FOREIGN. It 13 confidently believed in Madrid that President Grant intends to seize Cuba.,-.;' .. , ... i ' All the conditions of the Sultan's ultima tum have been accepted by tbe Khedive of Egypt. . - v Several cities of France were illuminated in honor of the opening of the Ecumenical Council. . i , , A majority of French and many German bishops will resist a declaration of Papal in fallibility. , ; , . .. . .. . - . . if Tf-JP-c ' Lord Clarendon will soon reopen negotia tion with tbe United States for the settle ment of the Alabama claims. Alexander of Russia has conferred the Grand Cross of St George1 on the King of Prussia in token of the cordial relations be tween the countries. - ' Mr. Burlingame, tho Chief ot the Chinese Embassy, has received information that the treaty made by him with the United States Mas been ratified by the Chinese Govern ment. Traupman, the Pantin murderer, is trying a new trick by endeavoring to bewilder the fansian authorities by making the most ex traordinary and irreconcilable confessions of guilt Forcade's recent speech in the French Corps Legislatiff is commended by the semi official journals, which state that the con templated change in the Ministry cannot now take place. The Anti-Papal Congress in Naples yes terday had a very large representation of Italian delegates. Garribaldi, Victor Hu go and other leading radicals sent letters of excuse for non-attendance. In the Spanish Cortes lately, it wss inti mated by the Minister of State that Spain would be protected at alt hazards against any measures adopted by the Ecumenical Council hostile to her interests. Letters have fallen into the hands of the Spanish authorities at Havana, in which General Gnicourla demands from the resi dents of Havana sums of money varying from $2000 to $10,000, to be sent in care of the American Consul at Nassau. The Museum of the Louvre in Paris has just bought a group in ivory representing Venus bound by Cupid, for the sum ol $7,000. It was originally presented by Louis XIV to the Chinese Ambassador, and was taken by a soldier at: the sack of the Burner Palace, who sold it for $20. The King of Prussia, by a special decree. has ordered that hereafter the birthday of Martin Luther, the great German reformer the 10th of November shall be considered and celebrated as a thanksgiving day, by all me i'ro.st!int Churches ot the Prussian monarchy. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Carmichoel was stabbed to death by his brother-in-law, Wm. Crawford, in Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday. A San Francisco youth ate so much the other day that he couldn't breathe, and thus strangled to death. Joseph Fisher, of Keysport Pa., fell face downward into a mudholc, while drunk. on Wednesday last, and was smothered to death. An English steamer, while raising an an chor in the harlror of Vera Cruz, snapped the anchor chain, and three sailors were kill ed and seven wounded. Jame Galloway shot and instantly killed his partner, Michael Conn, in 176 William street, Federal Hill, Baltimore, yesterday, because tic bad slandered his wife. The rotary blcatchcr in the paper mill of Mr. Black at Marseilles, Illinois, exploded on Monday, entirely demolishing the building, and killing two and wounding 15 women and seven men. An Indiana man, of an enquiring turn of mind, put one end of a gun barrel into the nrc, and looked down the muzzle to sec it it was loaded. A coroner's jury decided that it was. A man named James Gould was suffoca ted in New York last Thursday, by pulling his hat so tightly over his face that he could not get it off. An inquest was held and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts. A man at Mitchell, Ind., who bad a law suit decided against him, came up with the judge nicely. He got drunk and laid down on the railroad track, and the cars kindly reversed the decision by cutting him np into hash. Wm. Hurd got drunk at Sonoma, Cal., last week, and spoke to his friend Wm. Hud son thus: "I wish, Will., you would cut my throat." Will, immediately borrowed a knife and accommodated his friend, who was buned next day. The Blackfect Indians, who are very nu merous in Montana Territory, have left their reservation, organized war parties, and rob bing and murdering the white people and evidently need a little vigorous attention from Phil. Sheridan. At Philadelphia, on Friday afternoon. Thomas Hastin, residing on Simcs street struck his wife in the head with a hatchet, and then cut bis throat, while laboring un dcr a temporary fit of insauity. Hastin is in a critical condition. While the relatives of W. H. Woodward, job printer at St Louis, were celebrating his tin wedding, at nis residence r nday even ing, an infant child of a married sister was smothered in a cradle, it is supposed, by one ot the guests laying his overcoat on it, unin tcnttonully. MISCELLANEOUS. One of the latest fashions for ladies is a small leather belt worn about the waist, to which is attached a small shopping uag. Sealskin waistcoats are very much sought after this winter, and In consequence the price ot fur skin has advanced more than 25 per cent. . Seven companies of infantry are now in the barracks at Omaha. The report that troops were to oe forwarded to Utah is un true, as no trouble is apprehended there. A poor fellow in San Francisco, unable to get work, wrote a note stating that he was going to "make application for a place as firemen to the devil," and took arsenic. Enjoy the blessings of this dav, if God sends them, and the evils bear patiently and sweet ly. a or tins day only is ours; we are dead to yesterday, and are not born to-morrow. 'I will have order !" shontcd the captain of a schooner to his refractory cook. "If you don't cook the dinner, I'll do it mv self. I will have discipline on board this 'ere vessel . A barber drowned himself off Westminis ter bridge the other day, leaving a note, which said: "I have suffered from liver complaint for 40 years.. Can you wonder I am not a godly man : ' Two rival belles met at a balL "How well you look under candle light!" avniDininfl nnn wila a eiMco -n thn nnnlln ,Aviniuivu uubf iHii u on irfo vii bills vauuti "Ami how charming you look in the dark,' answered the other. Worship founded on the vastness of crca tion, on great spaces and large numbers, measures not tbe greatness of God, but the narrowness of human vision and the feeble ness of human bodies. The "Alexandria limp" is the latest eccen tricity of fashion. It is produced by wear ing a very high heeled boot on one foot, and a flat heeled boot on the other. The young iaay waaaics auout line a goose. A charming girl of Boston, is about es tablishing a female barber shop. Ten sylphs arc being put through a tuitonary course of lather for the opening. A sweet shave will cost twenty -five cents, and a se raphic chain poon 30 cents. A Pacific slope editor had the impudence to say that a man named bmith broke down telegraphic poles. He was waited upon by ait tue smiths witiun ntty miles, ami told to retract bis assertion or point out tbe Huiilh altuded to. , . "Why don't you get married?" said young lady tbe other day to a bachelor friend. "I have been trying for the last ten years to find someone who would be silly enough to have me," was the reply. I guess yoa bav'nt been up our way," was the insinuating re joinder. In London, Canada, when a man changes his mind about niurrving a girl to whom be. j has been exposed, she goes and sets fire tq I i. : .. l... .1 : & nn ..f !,.. IHB UUIII aim 1 1 11 11.1. a .aeo v. vn.v ddiuig is in tho courts there now, the evideoce against the girl being her footprints in the jATEST BT TELEGBArH. .T..v- ! WASHINGTON 'i ,:, CoagresstoMl. WASHnerov, Dec Id Senate adjourned at half-past one o'clock after passing the Georgia bill. ! Vote stood 40 to ft. The only changes made are tbe adoption ot the 15th amendment as preliminary to restoration, and the retention of seats fay those who claim that they served the Confederacy under duress. , The title of the bill was amended to "pro mote " instead oi " perfect the reeoustractlon ot Georgia," Thu tha arguments (bowed 'the giving farther license to Congrats tn controlling Gaala'a actios at a State,, ' ' -" : Tbe Reconstruct io Committee It hearing an immense amount of evidence regarding local politics and the coaduct of the Virginia JadrJ lary. There It no prospect pi any definite ac tion to-dsy. ' ' r . Wasbinotoh, Dec 18. Banking and Carrency Committee tend Sub-Committee to New York to Investigate tbe gold panic. - The Impeachment of Judge Trigg, of Tennes see, it probably lor alleged partiality against the Government ' Feconstrncf Ion Committee postponed the Vir ginia matter until after recess. . House considers the Georgia case Monday. No donbt it be rushed through nodcr the previous question. : - m . Mr. - - MARKETS. ! : v New York Liverpool Baltimore Wil- awiagtoa Cincinnati. Wilmington, Dee. 18. -Spirits Turpentine dull at 40. Rosin dulL Crude Tnrpentine ua cbanged. Tar shade lower at 2 to sa.05- Cot ton quiet .. .i Nbw Tobk, Dec' 18. Cotton dull and un changed. Bales of 1,000 bales at 85 for uplands. Flour unchanged. Wheat quiet and very firm. Corn unchanged. Whiskey lower sales of 630 bbla. Western at 05 to $1.03, elosing at 95. Fork heavy aud lower at SL75 to 132.30; new mess $32.25 to $32.50- Lard qnlet and heavy kettle 19 to Vi- Naval Stores dull- . , .., i The bank statement it anfavorablc The lost of the legal reserve nearly one million and a half Sterling 83 to 83. Gold 20 to 20. Gov. crnments heavy. Sixty two's 13 to 13). South eras steady. Georgia 8Ucs 82. 8tocks closed firm. Baltimore. Dec. 18 Cotton steady at 25. Flour quiet. Wheat firmer at- 35 to 40. Corn rmer. Provisions dull, nothing doing. N. C.'t old, 28V bid. Railroad Meeting at Dobson. Pursuant to the recommendation of a public meeting held at Mount Airy, which appointed delegates and other citizens of the county of burry, at Dobson, a public meeting was announced to take place in the Court House at 13 o'clock, on Tuesday, ICtli of November. A very largo crowd assem bled from all parts of tlie County. , John Banner, being appointed chairman. and A. C. Hampton, Secretary. The Honorable J. M. Cloud, being called on, explained the object of the meeting in favorable and impressive speech. When on motion, the chairman appointed the fol lowing named gentlemen, to prepare busi ness lor the consideration of the meeting to-wit : L F. Graves, L C. Gilmer, J. J. McMickle, R. R. Galloway, H. N. Wolff, John Hamlin, M. Y. Folgee, T. J. Williams, Vestal Hutch ins, Samuel Scott, H. M. Wnugh, A. C. Cock erham, James Abclls, Dr. N. A. Wolff and Joseph Hollinsworth. After announcement of the committee the meeting adjourned for half an hour. At the appointed time the meeting rcas scmbled, when the committee reported tbc following resolutions : , , 1. Kootcod, That we respectfully suggest to the President and Directors of the North Western North Carolina Railroad the pro priety of niemoralizuv" the Legislature to amend their charter so as to authorize the cation of the Mount Airy branch of tbe said road through the county of Yadkin, if under all the circumstances that route shall be deemed best 2. That we suggest, if it meets the appro val of the citizens of Yadkin, Wilkes, and tbe other counties directly interested in this matter, and the President and Directors of the Noith western North Carolina Rail road, that tbe charter of the Yadkin Valley branch of the said road be so amended as to remove the restrictions which require the said road to be located at any particular point along the line of the road. A. that we suggest that the charter of tbe Plaster Banks and Salt Works Railroad be bo amended as to remove the restrictions which require that said road be located at any designated point along the line of the Railroad between the terminal points. : The resolutions were discussed by Messrs. Joseph Dobson, McN. Waugh. and J. L. Macey, after which they were adopted al most unanimously. On motion tbe Secretary was requested to rurnish copies of tbe proceedings of the meeting for publication in the Sentinel and bTAKDAKD at Kaleign; the Sentinel at Win ston and Old Sbrth State at Salisbury. , JUIUX UAJNJNJKK, Cnairman. H. C. Hampton, Secretary. Marriages- Married, in the city of Richmond. Vs.. on tha 15th of December, bv Rev. Dr. Hoire. Mr. A. TV Taylob, of Kaleigk, . C, to Miss Ahnib V. Mcr abland, of Kichmond. Married, at the residence oi tbe bride's father by Rev. 8olomon Apple, on Tuesday night last, Mr. LoFTnt B. Scott, of Person connty, to Miss Bettii Smith. Married, in Wilmington, December 15th, 1869, by Bcv. J. C. Hiden, Mr. Gsoaoa Sloah to Miss Hannah L. Mitchell, daughter of B. 1. Mitch ell, Esq., all of Wilmington. Married, in Tliomasville, N. C, on Tuesday evening, December 14tb, by Rev. B. Craven, D. D., Rev. Jos. L. Keen, oi Wilmington, to Miss Georgia Hog as, of Tbomasville, N. C. Married in Milton, on Thursday Dec 9th, by J. L. Statcn, Esq., Mr. Jas. A. Hall to Mist America Smith, all ol Pittsylvania connty, Vs., and were married on the banks of Dan river. Married in Caswell county, on Tuesday Dec 7th, by Rev. 8. G. Mason, Mr. Thos. L. Lea to Miss 8ALLTJS Kino. Married in Charlotte, on Tuesday, Captain A. Bcrwell to Miss Ella Jenkins. Also, on the same day, Mr. Bdbt Gaston to Mist Mart E. Allison. Married in Person county, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 9th day of December, 19, by tbe Rev. J. E Montague, Mr. John L. Finch, of Hillsboro, N. C, to Miss Mattie D, D. daughter of John J. Ellison, Esq. Married in Hillsboro, on Wednesday last, Captain Woostib, o' Wilmington, to Mist Sue Nash, daughter of Henry K. Nash, Esq. i Married in Wilmington, on the 8th of Decem ber, by the Rev. H. L. Singleton, Captain A. A. Moselet to Mrs. Emma Nixon. ... ' : Married In Wilmington, on Monday night, at the residence of the officiating magistrate, by William H. Merrick, J. P., Mr. Ceables Mc Millan to Miss QtrjLLT Ash Lncus. . . Married, near this city, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 9th inst., by Rev. Wm. E. Pell, Mr. Jons C. Htlit to Miss Bettii Ah- Drews, daughter of Mr. R. M. Andrews. " Married, in Yadkin county, on the 28th ult by B. C. Myers, Esq., Mr. Henri Flehino to Miss Lou A. Vestal, daughter of Daniel Vestal, Deaths. Died, In Orange connty, on the 15th of Octo ber, Wiixiak Dlskih, In the 80th year of his sge. He was s devoted christian and a bright and exemplary member of the Baptist church for forty years. Died, 1b Rockingham coanty, on the 20th ult, Marcus C. Holderlt. ' ' Died, in Halilax coanty; N. C-, on the 11th lust., Charlie, son of Charles and Judith A. Elenor, in tbe 14th yearof bit age - : ' Dud, at Rocky Point, New Hanover co,, on the 15th ult., Mrs, Catharine, wif of , Sterling Al'en. t .norn, ih-T' ;l, -;!:... Died, in Ratlierfordtaa, oc Uw Morning of the 11th mat., Mrs. MannA, wtte f R. K. Wal la co ' ' -il . ,1 ..-!,. Died, In Wilmington, on tha 10th inst.. Mart Silva, aged 54. Died, at tha resideoae of hit father, in For sythe connty, N. 0 oa 'tht '27th alt., A. L. Gamble. 1 ' '-' .'.. .!- ' Where nc was raised, the companions of bit early life and all. who knew him, honored and loved him sincerely lor bis many excellencies, and especially for tbe puiity and gentleness o bit character. He died in hope of peace and happiness, S. G. H. NEtr-tosi ' teibune TBE CGEEif ) FiBMEKS PAPER! Tk rter tf tk THf, HOW B TBI TMS TO fITJBSCBnrC roft THE GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER, ii i it IT IS CHEAP BECAUSE ITS CIBCULATIOH IS LARGER THAN THAT OV AIT OTHIa NEWSPAPER. NOW 18 THE TIME TO FORM CLUBS The New-York Weekly Tntaae contains all tbe important Editorials published in the DAILY TRIBUNE, except those ot mere ly local Interest; alto Literary tad Beientilc In telligence ; Reviews of tbe most interesting tnd important Mew Booka ; letters' from par large eorpt of Correspondents ; latest aews received by Teh graph Irom all parts of tbe world ; a sum nary of all Important intelligence in this city and elsewhere ; a Synopsis of the Proceedings ol Congress and State Legislature when in session ; Foreign News .received by every ttoamer; Ex clusive Reports oi the Proceedings of the Farm ers' Club of the American Institute; Talks about Fruit ; Stock, Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods, and General Market Reports. ' ' - The Full Reports of the American Institute Farmers' Club, and the various Agricultural Re ports, in each number, are richly worth a year's subscription. HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. To keep pace wltb the growing interest in practical Horticulture, and to comply with fre quent appeals from all parts of the country for Information oi a practical character on the sub ject, we have engaged Mr. P. T. Quinn, who Is experienced in rural affaire, to write In a lucid ttyle t series of articles on the Management of Small Farms, Fruit and Vegetable Culture, and how to make them pay, giving general and spe cific directions from planting to the ultimate disposal of the crop. ' Oi late years there hat been a lucrative busi ness carried on by unprincipled men, in selling worthless and did plants under new names to tbe inexperienced ! THE TBI BUS E will bs always ready to guard the farmer againatany such impo sition that comes within our knowledge ' VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. To make THE TRIBUNE still more valuable to its agricultural readers, wo have engaged Prof. James Law, Veterinary Surgeon in Cornell Uni versity, to answer questions concerning diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, and other domestic animals, and to prescribe remedies. Answers and prescriptions will be given only through the columns of THE TRIBUNE. We are sure that this new feature in THE TRIBUNh will add largely to its readers, as all owners of animals are liable to need the information proffered. In quiries should be made at brief as possible, that tue questions, answers, ana presenpuons may be published together. In short, wc intend tbat THE TRIBUNE shall keep in the advance in all that concerns tbe Agricultural, Manufacturing, Mining, and other interests oi the country, and that lor variety and completeness, it shall remain altogether the most valuable, interesting, aud Instructive AEYYBrArEK . published . iu the world. ' . . It has beta iwcll observed that a careful read ing and study of the Farmers' Club Reports iu THE TRIBUNE alone will save a farmer hun dreds of dollars in his crop.; In addition to these. reports, we tni continue to print tneuest luinirs written on the subject of agriculture by Ameri can and foreign writers, and shall increase these features from year to year. At it la, uo prudent farmer can do without it. As a lesson to bi workmen alone, every farmer shonld place TH h) WEEKLY TRIBUNE upon his table every Sat urday evening. THIS ft the betl and chcavett varr in. the country. This is not said in a spirit m ooasuuincss. it nas laucn to new-lorn to cre ate the greatest newspapers of tbc country. Hern concentrate the commerce, the manufacture-. tbe mineral resources, tue agricultural wealtb ii the Republic Here all tbe news gathers, sod tbe patronage is so large that loiirnalists can at ford to mint it. This is the strength of THE TRIBUNE. We print tbe cheapest, and best ' edited weekly newspaper in the country. We nave an tnc advantages around us. we nave great Daily and Semi-Weekly editions. All the elaborate and Intricate machinery of our estab lishment perhaps the most complete in Ameri cais devoted to the purpose ot making THE tvttn.ti ikiblihb inc vest ana cheapest newspaper in the world. The result is that we have so systematized and expanded our resources that every copy of THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE contains at muctt matter as aduodecliuo volume. Think of it! For two dollars, the subscriber to THE TRIBUNE for one year buy at mwA read ing matter as though he filled a the' of hit library with fifty volumex, containing Ute yreatetU works in the language i uc lorcc ol cheapness can no further go. - THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE is the paper ol the people. Here the eager student may learn the last lessou oi science uere tue scnoiar may read reviews of the beat books. Here may bu lound correspondence Irom all parts ot the world, the observations of sincere and eifted mc who terve THE-TRIBUNE in almost every coautry. - i n 1K1BUHB m urona ou mucin or tu enor mous circulation and great cheapness. 1 1 has long been conceded tbat T IE WEEKLY TRIBUNE has the largest circulation of any newspaper in me country, for years we nave pnmea twice many papers, pet naps, aa an oi uieotuer weekly editions of tbc citv dailies combined. This is why we are enabled to do our work so tborougnir ana cheaply, t he larger our circu lation, tbe better paper we can make ' w hM an the practical sirgqcslionsF Many. Let every subscriber renew bis subscription, and UlgC UIO uciguuvm IU Ull vile euuiu. XI Si UIHIt cannot afford to pay two dollars, let him raise a clab, by inducing bis neighbors to subscribe, ana we snau tena uim s copy gratia lor ins trou ble. No newspaper to large tnd complete as THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE was ever before of fered at so low a price Even when our cur rency was at par with cold, bo such paper but THE TRIBUNE was offered at that price ; and iui, iruouic men cost us lar less than it now does. We have solved the problem of making the best and cheapeat newspaper in America. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS : One copy, one year, 52 issues t2 00 a copies, IV; IU copies, to on address. SI 50 each (and one extra copy) ; 10 copies, 0 names of subscribers, at one Ibs-t7tflri , $1 60 each (and one extra' copy) ; U0 copit , to one address, $125 each (and oneextii ' copy); 20 copies, to nMiee of subscribers, ot one net-Office, 1 85 eacj (and one exti copy); 50 copies, to one address, tl eacU (and one extra copy) ; 50 copies, to nam-. of subscribers, at one Post-0 flk-c, $1 10 cat n (and one extra copy.) The New-York Semi-Weekly Tribum is published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at. ! being printed twice a week, we can, of courr , print all that appears in our weekly edition, i -eluding everything on the subject of Agricultui , and can add much interesting and valuable mi - -ter, for which there Is not sufficient room in T II '. WEEKLY TRIBUNE. THE 8EMI WEEK I. V TRIBUNE alto gives, in tbe course of a m.-, three pr Four of the " BEST AUD LATEST P0PILIR NOVELS. by living authors. The cost of these alon , .( Dougnt in dook lorm, would be Irom tlx to eight dollars. Nowhere else can so much current in telligence and permanent literary matter be hud at so cheap a rate as in THE SEMl-WEEELi" TRIBUNE. . TERMS. OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Mail subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year, 104 nnmbera...f fii Mail subscribers, i copies, 1 year lot numbers. .. 7 ir i Mail subscribers, 6coplei, or over, foreach copy... 81m Persons remitting lor 10 copies (30 will racelve ai. extra copy (we year. Fsr $1(10 we will tend thirty-font copies and Tnc Din.v TBUHnrs. THE NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE ia publish"! every morning (Sunday except) at $10 per year ; $5 fur aix months. THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC. 1870. Price30ct". TRIBUNE ALMANAC REPRINT. 1838 1 1808. 3 vols. H:f bound. ffllO. RECOLLECTIONS OF A BUSY LIFE. By Horace Gbezlt.- .Various styles of buidhiff. Cloth. ' 83 SO, Library. 03 50. Hall Morocco. . ' ' HaU Calf, 5. Morocco Antique, 7. MARGARET FULLER'S WORKS. New Edition. ' ttvols. Cloth. tlO. PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT. Qtrraa. fjd. ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE. Warimq. New ' . Edition. Cloth, (1. DRAINING FOR HEALTH AND PROFIT. War dm. Cloth. (150. EARTH CLOSETS. How to make them. Wariho. cents. Sent free on receipt of price. . In making remittances for tabscrlptiont or books, always procure a draft on New-York, or a PostOffice lionet Order, if possible. Wbera neitaer of these can be procured, tend the money, but always is, a begih tebkd let'r The registration fee has been reduced to fifteen cents, and the present registration ByBUun una bm limnd br ttae postal authorities to be virtually an inuiuus ucuiecuou against losses Dy mau. Ait roal maeter are obliged to register letters whenever request ed to do so. - Terms, cash in advance. Address, ' , Tat Tbibitne, New-York. dec 18 GOS-dlwit Fresh Gardea, Flower, Frait, Herb,' Tree, Shrab and Evergreen Seeds, with directions for caltnre, prepaid by mail. The most complete and jadicioas assort meat in the country. Agents wanted. 25 Sorts of cither for $1.00; prepaid by mail. Also Small Fruits, Plants, Bulbs, all the new Po tatocs, prepaid by mail. 4 lbs. Early Rote Potato, prepaid, for $1.00. Conover's Colossal Asparagus, $3 per 100; C25 per 1000, prepaid. New hardy fragrant everbloomlng Japan Honey suckle, 50 cts. each, prepaid. True Cape Cod Cranberry, for upland or lowland culture, $1.00 per 100, prepaid, with directions. Priced Cata logue to any address, gratis ; also trado list. Seeds oa Commission. . - ' B. M. , WATSON. Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth. Mass. Established In 18411. dec 22 w4m . oi : ' ' THE ECTPf C9XPUT OF HOKTH CAEOLINaC A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of tbit Company will be held on . ' Wednesday, December 1st, 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the office of the Company, No. 10ON. Water St., Philadelphia, Pa., for the purpose of -considering tht prettnt condition and futaro prospects of the Company, and lor irencrni busi Beat parpwea. "- D. W. SLACK, ii av 8 it ; "-WW ww nArt A MOUTH GUARANTEED QVV no eapiUlj required sample and fall partiealart teat for 10c, Address C. STEVENS CO., Brooklyn, . r.