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It ' ? ' i-.v' r . ... v .. . V - I '!-' For the Standard. Republican Convention at Gibsonvillc. According to previous notice, a portion of the citizens of Guilford and Alamance met at Gibsonville on the 11th inst., for the pur pose of nominating candidates to represent the 20tU Senatorial District in the next Leg islature of North Carolina. On motion of W. P. Heath, E)., D. Hod gin. Esq., of Guilford, was appointed chair man, and I). X. Sherwood was requested to act as secretarv. On motion of IX 0. Welker. Esq.. a com mute of seven three from Alamance and four from Guilford were appointed to nonr inate suitable candidates for the consideraj tion of the convention. The chairman ap pointed the following delegates on said com mittee: W. R. Albright, II. May, and R. Mebane, of Alamauce; aod D. C. "Welker, W. P. Heath, G. W. Ciapp, and H.E.Lewis, of Guilford. The following letter was read from Key. G. Wm. Welker and ordered to be printed with the proceedings of the convention : To the Delegate! from the -26th Senatorial District of North- Carolina, atsembUd at GQmmxiUe to nominate Candihtes tfc the Republican Ticket for tJie State Senate. Gextlemkn : I learn that my name has been suggested as u candidate to represent in part this District, ilcing pieced into the services of the people two years ago, it has been my expectation and determi nation not to allow my?elf to be a candi date again for any office. It U uot possible for me to perform what I conceive to bo my duty without subjecting mjself to odium and unnecessary hate and censure, which I would gladly avoid. My course has been open to the views of .all men. I do not presume to think that i have uot tried in a sphere new to me. You will certainly judge candidly and fairly of my lejzisia tive course, and uow be pleased to relieve me frum further service. I shall greatly prefer to retire to private life and confine myself to duties, the performance of which I cannot tonno. You w ill doubtless be able to select men to represent you in ibe Senate of the State tuat will be entirely acceptable to the people and receive their votes. As to my attachment to the .principles of the Ttcpub- lican party, tjiat remains entirely uncnangeci, and I am more than ever saris-tied that the salvation of our conntv depends cm its suc cess. Civil war wiil auaia light its dres all over the South, should the opposition party gain the ascendency, in my opinion. Hut my call lioin a quiet. niitMtria! life w as so unusual the present contest so vioient and unscrupulous my aversion to a puunc csui vass so great, that vou will excuse me Irom further serviecand lav your hands on a new man, better qnaliiicd aod more popular than mvsclf 3Iv course U too independent to work harmonious; v with any party, and you will see the propriety ot a ikcx man. Gentlemen, you rliay expect all the aid and support I can give your pew nomina tion, and ak you to relieve ma only from a public position. You have reason to be hopeful for your cause and your ticket pro vided yon bring out your ltd men. I feel deeply and truly grateful to the people of the 2Gtli District lor their vote given me two years ago. I have performed my duties so as to prove my gratitude. 'Now, wishing you the blessings of God, allow me to retire to privacy. I am tra'iv yours. WM. VYLLEER. Shaw's Mills, June, 10:h. The committee having retired for a short time reported as follows, which was unani mously approved by the convention : the following report: That we unanimously J We. the committee. DCS leave to mike recommend the names of Kev. G. Wm. W kerandJIaj. Wm. A. Smith, as the candi dates to represent us as Senators in this, the 26th Senatorial District of North Carolina. On motion, a committee of two from Guil ford, and two from Aiamance, were appoin ted to notify Messrs. Welker and Smith of their nomination, and request their appear ance. The chair appointed W. R. Albright and H. May. of Alamance, and G. H. Rooker und Coosby, of Guildford, Said com mittee. On motion, the secretary w as revested to furnish acopy of the above proceedings to the editor ot the Raleigh SUruhrd for pub lication, with a request tiiat the Greensboro'' HqmUicun copy the same. On motion, the convention adjourned, satisfied that, with united action, the nomi nees would be triumphantly elected. D. HODGLY. Chairman. D. N. Sukhw-oop, Secy. For the Standard. Eiercir-es at the University. The commencement exercises of 1870 in the University of North-Carolina passed off very pleasantly on the eta ana t'ta ot June. If the interest of the occasion should be estimated altogether tr the merit of the lit erary performances, ti;:.? commencement would rank among the most interesting of the long series of these annual festivals which for more than seventy years have brought together the lei rainy" and the beauty of North-Carolina. S onu tio tcjidoi Wheeler and Senator Abbott can think that this is an exaggerated estimate of their merit. Col. Wheeler's subject was '-the past, the present, and the future of North Carolina." It is sufficient to say that this honored and devoted son of North-Carolina has, for the last twenty years, been collecting materials for writing the history of his native State, and that his address was such as was to be expected from the intelligent historian and true North-Carolinian. Senator Abbott's subject was ''accurate scholarship." He was listened to for about an hour with profound interest, and it will lie conceded by all who heard or who may read his address, that it is a scholarly, logi cal, philosophical production. The following programme indicates the order of exercises on Wednesday : Music by the Fayetteville brass baud. Prayer by the Rev. S. S. Ashley. Address by Col. John H. Wheeler. ANKVAL DEcLA!lATtOS3. EijH O'clock, P.M. 1. "The Ruins of Time" By James T. Lyon, ol Granville. 2. "The Death of Lafayette" By Chas. J. Sugg, of Chapel Hill. 3. "America" By Wiitou V. Andrews, of Orange. 4. "Speech of Sergeant Buzluz" By Charles J. Dorland, of Concord. 5. "The Criminality of Dueling'1 By William P. Lyon, of Granville. These declamations were ail highly credi table to the young gentlemen w ho delivered them. When all have done Weil it is diffi cult to distinguish the best. The gesticula tion was easy, natural and graceful; the articulation clear and distinct. Perhaps the highest award o! merit in declamation is due to William P. Lyon, of Granville, and Wilton V. Andrews, of Orange. On Thursday the exercises were as fol lows: At 9 o'clock, A. M.. meeting of the Board of Trustees. At 11 o'clock, A. JL. au address by Sena tor J. C. Abbott. At 4 o'clock, P. M., Original Speeches by . the Studcnta: --- 1. "Enthusiasm" By Archie B. Holton, of Guildford. 2. "Intemperance" By John li. Pitts, of Catawba. 3. " Korth-Caroliiua" By John Q. A, Wood, of -Pasquotank. 4. "The Men for the Hour" By William C. Fields, of Guildford. 5. "Mirabeau" By Walter U. Guthrie, of Chapel Hill. 8. " Justice may Sleep, but never Dies" By John P. Overman, of Pasquotank, AXXUAL KEV011T. 7. "Eulogy on Washington" By Walter F. Pool, of Pasquotank. These original speeches by membeis of the Sophomore and Freshman Classes would have been creditable to a Eenior class. During the past collegiate year there was no class in the University higher than the Sophomore and Freshman Classes. They were all good ; several of them decidedly so. The speech of William C. Fields, of Alleghany, would have done honor to a graduating class in the best days of the University. At the close of these speeches CoL James F. Taylor, of Raleigh, delivered a brief but eloquent and impressive eulogy upon the lives and services ol the Hon. David L. Swain, and Drs. Phillips and Mitchell, and closed by reading an eulogy upon the death and burial of the latter. At 10 e'clock on Thursday Several mem bers ol the Historical Society of North Carolina mot in the University Library for the purpose ol reorganizing the Society by electing new officers. Prof. Alexander Mc Iver was elected temporary President, and, on taking the chair, briefly efpin4 he object Of the tiicctin:, On motion of James F.Tavlor. all persons who were then present in the meeting, and had not formerly been members of the So ciety, were unanimously elected members. R. W. Lassiter was elected temporary Clerk. Prof. D. S. Patrick moved that the Presi dent pro tern, appoint a committee ot three members to prepare and Teport permanent officers for the reorganization oi the Society, which motion was unanimously earned.- " The Chair appointed- Prot. D. . ratncKj Prof. James A. Martling and Col. James FontTaylor. i i : The committee retired and very soon re turned and reported for President, John Hill Wheeler the historian. ' For Vice-Presidents thirteen persons to be selected by the Society. For Secretary and Treasurer, Alex- anderMclver. :- . - i. The report of the committee was unani mously adopted. . i ' ' : CoL Wheeler on taking the chair made a few appropriate remarks, and the Society being thus reorganized, proceeded to elect Vice-Presidents and members. . ' 1 1 The following thirteen eentlemen were unanimously elected Vice-Presudents of the Society, to wit: Gov.W. W. Holden, Gov. H. T. Clark, Rev. Solomon Pool, President of the University, Col. William A. Moore, of Edenton; Nevus Mendenhall. ot Guilford; Hon. Wm. H. Battle. Ralek'h : Hon. Thomas L. Clingman, Asheviile: Dr. S.S.Satchwcll,- Jvew Hanover ; Wm. J. Yates, Charlotte , Rev. B. Craven D. D. President of Trinity College ; Rev. E. F. Rockwell, President of Concord Female College; Pulemon John, Elizabeth City, and Gov. D. 8. Reid. ' All the trustees of the University who are noli already members were unanimously elected regular members. - The following gentlemeu were unani mously elected honorary members, to wit: Hon. George Bancroft, the Historian, Hon. Alexander H. Stevens, Gen. ' D. H. Hill, Right Reverend Thos. Atkinson, D. D., Right Revcrcud Georse F. Pearce, Rev. Thos. H. Pritchard. Rev. Neill McKay. D. D., Hon. Thos. C. Fuller, Gen. R. B. Vance, Rev. George W. Purefov. Rev. George W. Welker, Rev. Brantly York. Hon. J. W. Holtlea and Hon. Lewis Hanes. Hon. S. S. Ashley. Gen. C. H. Brogden and Col. James F. Taylor were appointed a committee to procure irom the nest Legis lature an act to incorporate the Historical Society of North Carolina. On motion of Rev. Solomon Poo1 a vote ot thanks was unanimously given to Col. John H. Wheeler, the President of the So ciety, for the able and interesting address which he had delivered on the day before on the history of North Carolina, with a re quest that a copy be given to the Society tor publication. It was voted that the Secretary and Treasurer be instructed to collect the books, paper and other property of the Society, and deposit theui in the University library. It was voted that Rev. Solomon Pool, Monran Clapp, D. Patrick, James F. Tay lor and S. Ashley be appointed an execu tive committee to conduct the printing ana other executive business of ihe Society. Ex-Gov. Henry T. Clark was unanimously elected to deliver the next annual address before the Historical Society of North-Carolina at the next regular meeting, which will be held at the University on the day l.elore the commencement day ot 1871 The society then adjourned to meet on Wednesday of the commencement week of 1x71 iu the University library. This revival of the Historical Society of North-Carolina will be interesting to every North-Carolinian. The State has, just passed through au era ot it3 history which will be rich in facts for the future historian, philos opher, and statesman. These facts should be collected and preserved now by a society of men who aic proud of the history and honor of North-Carolina. There are also interesting and valuable historical facts and documents which have heretolore been collected lor the society by the patri otic and untiring labors of that noble and worthy son of North-Carolina. Hon. David L. Swain, which are liable to be scattered and lost unless collected and preserved by a revival ot the society, For the Standard. Republican District Convention. The delegates of the Republican party of the first Congressional District of North Carolina, assembled at the court house in the town of Plymouth at 1 1 o'clock P. M., on Thursday. June 2nd, 1S70. and were called to order by Lieut Jno. M. Foote, a member of the State Executive Committee, upon w hose motion, Col.L. F. Larkins, of Halifax, was elected temporary chairman. Col. Larkins on taking the chair returned his thanks to the convention in a few ap propriate remarks. Jno. T. Reynolds, of Northampton, was, on motion of Mr. W. T. J. Hayes, appointed temporary secretary. On motion of Mr. L. W. Booue. the fol lowing committee on credentials was ap pointed : L. W. Boone. Gates : A. P. Cherry, Camden ; Lieut, Jno. M. Foote. Washing ton ; Jno. T. Reynolds. Northampton : W. T. J. Mayes, Halifax ; Sam'l Corsan, Beau fort ; T. A. Sykes, Pasquotank. This committee reported the lolluwing list of delegates, representing every county in the District -. , Sml Corsan, J. 74. Williams. IkrtU Jno. W. Seesoms. Camden A. P. Cherry. Matehell Taylor. Chowan W. R. Uauguton, Richard Ciay tou. Currituck J). McD. Lindsey. Jas H. Fere'oee, W. T. Cobb. M. V. B. Gilbert. (iaUtL. W. Bone, Alonzo Grteue. A. G. Rountree. Halifax L. F. Larkins. Henry Uppes, Jno. A. Reid. B. A, Fianklin, W. t. J. Haves. Chas. Smith, George Weathers. Hertford 3. P. Reynolds. Btdelti. A. J. Glover. JIT'S-mV. Jno. W. Brown. Alfred Johnson, Lirke Williams, David Martin, John Watts, Jno. L. Knight. Merrick Gray, Augustus Johnson, John Whitley, Jos. J. Martin, A. C. Wcntz. iorthamptoii Sam'l N. Buxton. Jno. T. Reynolds, James Langford. Patjuotank Geo. D. Pool, T. A. Sykes, A. L. Jones, T. W. Cordozo, W. J. Munden, 5 Hugh Kale, Dr. I'. John, Chas. Guirkin. Perqtdmam K. R. Pendleton, E. C. Al- beitson, Slan Skinner, W. T. Overton, Jesse Armstrong, Win. White, Timothy Morgan. Tyrreli James Bowzer.Thos. Brickhouse Isam Owens, Win. K. Hammond, Eli Spruill Austin Alexander. Washington E. J. Johnson, Moses Wynne, Friley Jarvis, M. C, McNaniara. Lieut. J. M. Foote, Amos Peddilord, Geo. W. J. Jones, J. M. Bateman. Daniel Mizell, John Dil lon, Medicns D. Rieves, Harkless Gussom, Theophilus Ashe. On motiou of Col. D. McD. Lindsey, a committee ot sixteen, one for the District at large and one for each county, was appointed on permanent organization. This commit tee consisted ot D. McD. Lindsey, chairman ; Matchett Taylor, Camden : C. Guirkin, Pas quotank; K. R. Pendleton. Perquimans; Rich. Clayton, Chowan , Alonzo Greene, Ja3. H. Ferebec, Currituck ; Beuj. H. Frank linIalilas ; Sam'l N. Buxton, Northampton ; Jno. P. Reynolds, Hertford ; Jno. W. Scs soms, Bertie; Jno. Watts, Martin; J. M. Williams, Beaufort ; Dr. A, J. Glover, Hyde; M. C. McNnmara, Washington ; . Wm. K. Hammond, Tyrrell, Wm. F."Cobb, Dare. During the retirement of the committees, able speeches were made by by James Hea ton, Esq., Prof. T, W. Cardozo,Dr. P. John, Iljnry Eppcs, Esq., and others. The committee on permanent organiza tion made the following report, which was unanimously received : President, W. R. Haughton ; Vice-Presidents, Geo. R Weathers, Halifax; James Langford, Northampton : Jno. P. Reynolds, Herttord : Jno. W. Sessoms, Bertie ; J. J. Martin, Martin; Sam'l Corsan, Beaufort; Dr. A, J. Glover, nyde; W. F. Cobb, Dare; Eli Spruill, Tyrrell ; James H. Ferebee, Cur rituck; A. P.'CIicrry, Camden ; T. W. Car dozo, Pasquotank ; William Overton, Per quimans; L. W. Boone, Gates; Richard Clayton, Chowan; Lieut. J. M. Foote. Wash ington. Secretaries, Dr. P. John, W. T. J. Hayes, W. K. Moore, M. V. B. Gilbert. The President being conducted to the chair, returned his thanks to the Convention lor the honor conferred upon him, and re questing the Vice Presidents and Secretaries to take the seats assigned them, announced that the body being permanently organized, would proceed to the transaction of the business for which they had assembled. Dr. John moved that a committee on res olutions be appointed. Carried, when the chair designated the following as said com mittee, Dr. P. John, District at large, Chm'n., George Weathers, Halifax ; Jno. T. Rey nolds, Northampton : Jno. W. Sessouis, Bertie; Jno. P. Reynolds, Hertford; Jno. J. Martiu, Martin: Sam'l Corsan, Beaufort; Dr. A, J. Glover, Hyde; J. M. Bateman, Washington ; Thomas Brickhonse. Tyrrell ; Richard Clayton, Chowan ; A, G. Rountree, Gates ; Jesse Armstrong, Perquimans ; Hugh Kale, Pasquotank; Matt-hut Taylor, Cam den; James H. Ferebee, Currituck; Dr. Wm. F. Cobb, Dare. During the retirement of this committee, CoL Sykes, of PasiotanK, addressed the Convention, The chairman. Dr. John, prefacing the report of his committed with a few perti, nent remarks, read resolutions endorsing the platform recently laid down at Raleigh; ratitying the uomraatlon of Hon. a. F. rliil- lips, for i Attorney General: approyinu the course of Hon. Q. L. Cobb, nd pledging to roe nominee a nearly support, IM resolves were unanimously adopted. I The President announcini; that 'nomina tions were now iu order, i i !. ,( i.i Mr. Reynolds, of Northampton, in - aa eloquent speech, presented to the Conten tion, the name of Hon. Clinton L. Cobb, and paid that 'distinguished' gentleman a deserved oomph' meat. CoL Lark i a aeeonded Mr.' Reynolds' nomination. , (;,,ii " Mr. Batemaa, ot Washington, nominated Hon. Edmond W. Jones. This iceutleinait Deeded no eulogium; his Republicanism was well known, j ,;.,;'-t --. This nomination meetioK a second.. the Secretaries called the roll of counties, with the following result: '''"'" 'For m. Cobb: ttaiuax, 8; Horthimp tou, 2;,HerttorO, Bertie,' Uttea, .Chowan, Pasquotank, Camdea, Currituck, Tyrrell Hyde, Beaufort,' each 1 ; Perquimans, 4-5 ; Martin. 1-8 ; Washington, 3-1818 87-100. For Judge Jones : rerquimans, 1-5; Mar tin. 2 3 ;, .Washington, 1013 68 100V The nomination of Mr, Cobb. was4 made unanimous, and a committee cohslsting of Dr. John, J. T. Reynolds, T. A. Sykes, Lieut, J. M. Foote and L." F. Laf kin, w apimintod to wait on the nominee ana request bis presence in the Convention. Mr- Cobb, soon made his appearance, and, upon"leing introduced by the President, accepted the nomination in a brief but eloquent speech i At the conclusion ut .Mr. ,COUD s speecn, three cheers were, on motion of Mr. Hayes, given for the nommev. Cheers were also given for Gen. Phillips, for Senators Abbott and PooL' for Gov. Holden, and for he Republican party. .. .., :. ;. - . Messrs. James Ueutou, Boone, Hayes and R-ibinsou addressed the Convention. On motion, thanks were returned to the officers for discharge of duties, and to the citizens of Plymouth for the hospitable man ner in which they had entertained the dele gates to the Convention. The Secretaries were, on motion, directed to forward the proceedings to the Standard aud the North Carvliiiiam, with the request that they be published. 1 he President thanked (Tje Convention for making bis labor pleasant, uad -announced that! there would lie a mass meet ing at 4 o'clock, P. M. The Convention, as such, then adjourned. W. K, HAUOHTON, Pres't P. John, '1' W. T. J. Haves, W. Kklly Mookk, Secretaries; M. V. B. Gilbert, J ' At 4 o'clock, a mass meeting was held at the Courthouse Col. Lindsey, of Currituck, in the Chair, .. . ' Iu response to loud calls, Elder Boone and Mr. Solicitor Martin addressed the large number - there assembled. ' Mr. Boone's speech was to the point, while that of Mr. Martin was of . a character to stamp its author as a popular speaker of a high or der, i ' t For the Standard. Mb. Editor ri The Kuklux Conservatives held their meeting at Graham, yesterday, for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent the county in the Legislature, Ax. After much serious deliberation, a com mittee was appointed to draft resolutions, Jim Graham, Esq., (lawyer) chairiUMi. They retired to- deliberate. Another committee was appointed to recommend candidates. They retired. For three long hours the pa triotic candidates were kept in painful sus pense, there being forty-nine candidates for the various pusitious, all expecting to be nominated, each one with his speech of ac ceptance written out ready to read to the patriotic people. Some of them had not learned their " speech" as well as they wished, or feared they would make a blun der, and therefore were occasionally seen going around the corner of k certain house, pulling out a huge amount of foole-cap, and spelling over what' had been written by some friendly schoolmaster. At last the joyful announcement was made that the committee were coming. Looking down the street I saw about a dozen lung-faced fellows making their-way slowly to the Courthouse, their whole appearance un.rein accordance with that of a funeral proces sion than otherwise snd well might they look mournful, for whan they announced the names of tbecandidates selected, hisses were CSird all over the house, coming from the honest fanners, who were clearly cheated out oi the dominations by the liftie profes sional " ring " of Graham and .Company Shops. . Mr. Jim Graham made his report on reso lutions, after which he made a " huge' talk recommending them for adoption. He said : " Mr. Chairman and fellow sufferers ! I have the ijonor of reporting these resolu tions. They were considered by the "ring" of this town us the right sort to catch vote?. We wrote tbew several weeks ago and I am in hopes they will be "adopted. Yw, Mr. Chains no, -they nrt a gd ot of twulutioDa, especially the one oo " Brandy StUU. We are sufi'ering for them. Yes, Mr. Chairman and fellow sufferers, before we. came under me raws orifils bated government there were over three hundred Stillsin Alamance. When the old farmer came to town to trade, be put a bottle in his pocket to treat bis merchant and hia Uicyer with. You know, Mr. Chair man, that since this has been stopped the lamyert have suffered. Ob, for the good old times agnili. when we lawyer could get drunk on our farmer friends' liquor. " (An old farmer standing,by me said, " yea, you are mad because you have to bny your" own liquor.) But ''Jeemes" continued: yes.lellow-citi-zeos, there is another resolution in this plat form that must be adopted, and that is the one to educate the poor down troddtra ne gro. We must educate him. Wa must tax the land and educate btin. Yes sit, wo must not "play turkey" any longer. Dad made a big mistake when he went for a white man's party I fill tell yon an anecdote, to illustrate; once -Upon a time there was a big old gobler, wbo had many other turkeys under his control. ThiB old gobler (Gov. Graham) wanted no one bnt the turkeys (.whites) to rule, but after a severe struggle the turkey government was defeated. Now comes the point follow-cit izcns. An old buz zard (Gov. Bragg) who had ..ruled , in Con federate times came sailing along, and we took him in the place of did. He says the negro smells bad, bnt hu can stand that if you will only let ns feed on tho public ,as we once did. (Light applause from the nominees.) Yes. icllow-citizcns, we can now be called half turkey and half buzzard, or in other words turkey buzzard." (Great ap plause.) About this time the crowd became very much excited, and down the steps they went, when a Republican with much cool ness said, "that nothing was the matter, only one of the buzzards was drunk." James thanked tho Republican and proceeded "YeSvfellow-citizena, it is hard for me to play buzzard, and I know it if hard for any old Whig to play buzzard, but wa must do all we can, and play any part so we ant bug cessfuL" Here- lie broke completely down and stopped. (Silent applause.) , , The nominees were then announced : Dr. Moore for the Senate and a little lawyer for the House. Dr. Moore made a speech. He said " he loved the people much, but seven dollars per day mucker said " be was satis fied iu the House where he was before, and was surprised at hia promotion, but would serve them any where. ' Yea, fellow citizens, I love yon, I was borne here ; but I love the seven dollars per day iudter.n Here the " pill-man " stuck, and the pony horse took the stand. He said " he tlood on the Con servative Democratic Republican Buzzard platform, always ; had (very light applause) he had been accussed ut wanting the nom ination on the other side, no truth in it It is true he wanted und much desired to run ever since be became a lawyer, and he thought it rury wiee policy iu the farmers to nominate two of the " ting,1 a doctor aid a lawyer, to represent the people, (groans from the farmers und Democrats.) Here the young lawyer quit, (being a little deaf, we failed to hear tliq applause.) ; r ' A tew inoru short aud party speeches were made by the "small fry "and the. meeting closed. This county will go Republican by a large majority. . The Democrats, the old and tried Union Democrats, have been snowed under. Good men who had acted faithful to the country us commissioners and in other posi tions were thrown overboard by the meet ing. It seem that a farmer stood nnobauco. A great many Democrats will not vote the peace ticket if we" get good men as candi dates. ' '. . Yours truly. Alamance Co., Jane 18. " DAN." , A CbSiEUVWIVS-REPUBLICAK " Cakdi- datb fob Congress. H. H. Helper an nounced himself a candidate for, Congress from this district iq a public speech in the court bouse at Concord on Wednesday. Hp called himself politically a Conservative-Republican, whatever tbAf my taCWfoft (Hhmtf, - i , r- The Oatrate of Aaarew Bamooar. ' The following communication from Lt, Gov. Caldwell sets before ns,' in a graphic and touchingmanncr, some facts in connec tion with the; 'outrage recently perpetrated dj the Kuklux on the person of 'Andrew Ramsour. ' Read and ponder: '..'.'' .'Mb. Epitob : On last Wednesday, An drew i Ramsotur, of Catawba comity, came to this place,.- having .fled from . his own court; tit save his Ufa, 'He reported to me thai a band of disguised men, nutubeilng some thirty or forty, came to his house ou the, Monday aigbt previous between the hours of 11 and 13 o'clock,, aod took him from his house, made him take off his shirt, and gave him a most cruel aud brutal whip ping upou bis naked back.' I made him pnl off his shirt, so that I might with my own eyes see the evidence of the barbarous and inhuman treatment, Mr. J, Monroe Kincaid, a good citizen of our county, be ing present in my office at the time. We saw for ourselves that he had been most unmercifully whipped; he was lacerated with Stripes from ins shoulders to his hips. He could not have received less than from 75 to 100 lashes. His shirt was besmeared all over with blood. It was one' of the most ickenliig sight I ever infield, nd I do most earnestly pmy God tuat I, may uevcr behold such another. Poor Ramsour said he did uot know what to do. He had lett his home, his wife and his children be cause he feared his life would be . taken if he remained at home.,IIe jlicL.not know who to apply to for redress aud protection in his owu county, us it might be thai some ot the Justices and officers of the law be longed to the disguised band who.' bad so cruelly treated him. He said they were so disguised that he could not recognize the faces or pel sons of any of them, but that he could swear positively to the voiees ot two or three of them ; that he k'tew their oiees just as well as he knew their faces, and that be could not be mistaken. I advised him to go immediately to StatcsVille. aud to make such affidavit as he could truly make beloru Judge Mitchell, and ask for a bench warrant, so that the miserable desperadoes might be arrested und carried before tho Judge (or examination ; that I . felt sure the Judge would do-all hu could to kh down such lawlessness. I then wH'-y- -Ji;,rgo Mitchell in ltanlsours behalf, ti lling him the tale as Ramsour had told it bi uiv; iu forming him also that I had examined Ramsour's back, and had seen evidences of tne. truth of a portion ol his story. I also requested Judge Mitchell to look ut th laceratud back himself, aud be satisfied that soino nend in human shape had set the law and authority of the State at deliauce. and was inaugurating in our midst a reign of terror, destruction and death, and besought him to give all his aid and influence, as I felt sure he would, to bring the devils to justice, r learn that Judge Mitchell acted promptly in i he matter, humed his warrant Jbr those accused, and ordered them to be - brought before tiim at Chambers in States vide, on Tuesday, the 13th met, I do most sincerely trust that even handed justice will be meted Out to such as may be found to be guilty, and that no such outrage wih ever be again perpetrated in North Carolina. 1 Very respectfully, ! Tod R. Caldwhia. P. S. A colored man was also taken out by the same band of outlaws at the same time and place, and treated in like, as I have been informed by liauisour. I should have stated it ui the liody of my letter that Humsotir has the character of being a harmless, inoffensive citizen, aa in dustrious man. and a man of some proierty. His only offence, so lur as is known, was that he is a Republican. T. li. C. MorgantoP, N. C, June 15, 1H70. For the Standard. Republican JMeetius Chatham CouatT- A Republican meeting was held io Xcw hope Township June 4th 1870. for the pur pose of electing delegates to the couuty con vention which is to be held in Pittslxiro' at some lnture day, to nominate county officers and members lor the General Assembly. The meeting was called to order by Juuns B. Long who acted as chairman of the meet ing. W. P. Holt acted as secretary. In a few brief remarks Jas. B. Long explained the object of the meeting, and also spoke in de fence of the Republican party. The chairmau appointed a committee of three to draft resolutions for the meeting, to wit: Kelly Mitchell, Jerry Horton, and Thomas Burjeas, who, after retiring for a short time, report the iollowing resolutions : Reulud, 1st. Tuat we endorse the plat form aod principles of the Republican party. Snd. We endorse the administration of President Graet and Governor Hohlcu, to promote peace, prosperity, and good onl,-r in our-Stnte. 3rd. That we will support none but true and tried Republicans to rcpntenf us W the next General Aiocuibly aud for our county offices. 4th. Thut w-u request all otter townships ill Chutlbim coniuy tai l likewise. ' , ' Oth. TtaC wa lMmt. Clv Ml .ooolution of the Conservative meeting held iu Pitts boro' on the 17th of May as copied iu the Sentinel. : The above resolutions were le.ul and adop ted without a dissenting voice. - The following gentlemen were elected to go to the county convention: Joseph Wom ble, Peter Harris, ThomaB Burgess, Touey Womble, W. P. Holt, Uraurlison Evans, Jerry Horton, Willis Byrd,"Rid!t-y Bmyiw, Richard Eliis. aud George Maclin. Then, after some pointed aiid true re marks in defence ol loo Republican party, by the Hon. Kelly Mitchell, the Meeting ad journed. JAMES B. LONG, Chairman. W,P. Holt, Sec'y. .. . , Fur the StauUard. Letter from Chapel Hill. . Mk. Editor: It is somewhat amusing to look on the duiogs of the so-called Con servative or Democratic party of this county to see how the mighty have falien. They are now beginning to l rather courteous to the "scallawag and negro, they are rnnniug a double ticket, and in some instances tlicy run threoin thie county. Uow eager for offioo some of the old original seevsh will meet with the negro and hold him io close chat for an hour or more, and then part with him with tears in their eyes us large as goose eggs. The Republicans have no county ticket, and will not, but we have ouu of Orange's brightest jewels at our mast bead, and we intend to support him with all our strength at the August elcctiou (notwithstanding the charges of Now Hope ) I mean the Hou. S. F. Phillips, for he has shown himself to be one of the lirst stalestueii aud lawyers of North Carolina, aud he is looked ou a pure gold, the more you rub him the brighter he will shine, and when some of his would-be defamcrs are entirely forgotten, his name will shine in thejfoud reccollcction of the people of his native county. The Republicans uro going to stand by their nominees for Congress Madisou Haw kins aud James U. Harris, Esqi., and give them their full strength of the party, but after that we will look on at the county can didates as the woman did when her hiubaod and the bear were fighting, and have so choice Who may whip. The poor Kuklux will be without a job. They have been somewhat busy some weeks back, sol learn, visiting their jularkies to get them to per- fann nn thp iiinnn fur llu.iii. but ' llu rev- ereudbid "gentleman told thorn tCat "fiiey"1 came too oitco, ana lliey must hold on for a while, (and .they) like tho sun and the moon, when Joshua commanded thcln to be still, obeyed him for Ihe present,) si) yon can see that there is a complete organization. When the King of the Kuklux sends out a mandate the understrappers have U) olcy to the ery letter. Now all we have to reur is the ballot-box, fur Jesse Holmes snys at the radical-Democratic Nominating Conven tion which met iu Hillsboro' on the 2Ut ult, that while hu was mauling one of the dclegntes a letter fell from hfs hat, wheie be made a confession that he had been guilty of casting six votes where he was only en titled to two. So . we will try uud watch such voters in August next, and make Uiiu deal iu such a way that his conscience may not trouble him, and keep uncle Jesse Holmes off his poor carcass. All I have to say to the Republicans is to make a long pull, a strong pull, and a pul! altogether, aud the victory will be ours m August next. !'.- Been Water ; Orange County, June 13tb, 1870. " BuyiNO Geicsb. The keeper f a lxiard ing house was called upon by an itinerant poultry vender, with a request to purchase some geese. - Oh !" yes," said she. " have .yon got auy real tough old 6traugers? I have got some boalders that are great eaters, and 41 1 reckon I hava." said the vender," "I cab pick t'oeni out,"" and at it he went vigorously piling them up. ' Have you selected all the hard cases irun-oluds ?" said the buyer. " I am sure of it,"' said the. vender, " the rest are all goslims-.this year's brood. "Well then," said the buver, "I will take all the goslings, and laave the old, onw fur your itock to twle," nrirmimi n For the Sadard.:,-. Mr. Euitoh : In oommon with those of your readeis, with whom I have Conversed siuce tue appearance ixi your paper ot me 11th inst, I most cheerfully endorse your article in reference the tuklax,,iad the determination , of , the. Governor to punish and put them down.' I am glad that yon. speak by authority, when you say, the Gov ernor " intends td demand and to hate in demnity for the past ' and security for the future.!' .1 like: the ."ring of :the metaL" Forbearance has been .trampled upon, and mistakmi forenwardice. 2fov, iee know that peace and security will come to our beds' and Presides, and - the freedom of thought; of speech, and of action, Will lie enjoyed Witbi ont molestation. The Governor will be sus tained. He need, as we know he does not, fear no personal violence.' His friends, and the friendsof law and order, will protect him in the last extremity, in his efforts to-arrest the disturbers of our political and domestic quiet. , ' The "so'-csdled highest," 'when 'the heat becomes warm and" animated, wilt skulk from the grasp of the law, while their poor deluded followers the tools, wbo think it an honor to spill blood ut their calling, will be brought lordr; and made to suffer for tlii-lr ill-timed counsel.' Tl.- -s.-cilled highest They are the meu liu plat, and they aie the men who ought to swing for the death of Outlaw, John W. Stephens, Robin Jacobs,' and tlio' twoiity one ! hers Who have been inhumanly bhtcl ered. : Tho Governor's hand will be stroogllianed and upheld iu the tigliteous w-uk which he has defenuiued to prosecute. ' ", ! . .. i .- . ; Citizeh!'' ' ' rialeighi June 14, 1870 .... .! i: wf: " i . Ralkigh. June 10. 1870. Jf. C .-BrhJdeyBtq. Sheriff,,,' Uden- to.i.'Ar. C. : , . Deaii Sin Y'Husof the 7th instant re ceived.'; ' ' '"" ' ''. I think you can collect by distress at any time after you have, tinder section 211, given the tax payor.- a day fr paying their taxes, while you ae bound to receive Uses nt the' during beptcmber. . This last prnvinon does not picVeut you troiu collcc ting by ,orcc-.;ooner if you- think pJO)er, Seal ion 27 gives Vou fidl .power to do so. Fix a day in e.-.cii Township utter the second Monday ih July, aud advurtise sac'h day. Then ii any onedoes uot p;iy On that day, proceed to collect, by fli.tres or oilier wio, as yon always did. There, is n(r difficulty about it. The obligation to attend at the Court house in September is intcded for the con veuieuce of tax payers who have not paid sooner; but. as said before, you can collect it by distress sooner than September if you think proper. ' Very respectfully, ' ' I ' I). A. JEKKDfS, '..!' State Treasurer. ., Republican Mcetiu iu Rockingham. At a convention of the Republican parti of RockiDgham county, held at Wontworth, Saturday, June 11th, 1870, Henry Barnes called the hoasc to order.and J. W. Roberts w3 reonerttd to act as Secretary. The Chair explained the object of the convention, Ort motion the following gentlemen were appointed to attend the District Convention : Ool. H. M. Douglas. Thos. Raglaud, Gen. 8. A. Doug'as. B. F. Roberts. Dr. Plus. Hay, J. W. Roberta, Dr. TlnK Reyuolds. Anderson Cnuis, Geo. Evaus, Pli'llip Dal ton, M. S. Black. Turner Wall. Henry Barnes. Charles Williams. Richard Moy, W. R. Neat. W. F. Windsor. Z. Groom, .1. W. Foster, P. H. Price, John Cuder.lue, Gallant, Watt.-Koliert Gwjnn, O. L. Joues, It. Galloway, .Jason Ware. N. Nedl, O. .lolmsoti. Sterling Scale. Jnee Morgan, J It. Stephens. On motion thu following gentlemen were iippuifloVd the-County Executive- Oimmit tee: OiSi. Stephen A , Douglas. Thomas A. Raglalid, Charles Williams, John W. Poster, John M. Lindsay. John M. Lindsay, Esq.. was then called upon for a speech.' He responded iu a few brief cheering remutks. which were well re ceived. ' . . ' On motion of W. R. Neil, Esq., the Sec retary was ordered to furaisli the proceed ings to Ihe Raleigh SUmlurd, and request their publication. A motion was ina-lo to adjourn, , peuding which Gen. Douglas aunouueed a County Nomination Convention to be litltl ut Went wortiiMouday, July 4. 1970. HENRY BARNES, Cliiu'n. J. W. RoiiBKTs, Sec'y. Repubiican Meeting iu Rutherford. Mr. Editor: The Republicans of Rutl. crford county held their Nominating Con-, vention on Saturday last. Out hundred and thiit.y delegates wnc piewuit from the dif ferent towu.ihips, mid a larg-.- portion ( tlie lielioOPeuiis or the e.otuuy wvib present. A lame de'egation from Polk ami Cleavntoinet ...... nn-st-Ht. Tlw meeting was entirely l!...niou. ami Ihe f..ll.,wiu ticket-was nominated : For the Seonle John E. McFarluud. For III.' Hoii-w ol l-niinitative .lames M. .lustier. '' For Stieiin" Martin Walker. , For Register of Deeds Rufus J. Williams. ForTiea-uter-E!i McAiithor. For Coronet-.less-Seogjnn. F''rC'ommisioneis Rousiui Hiu rill.Saml. Biggerstnti'. EH Whiseiihiinf, . D. Hawkins, und Jonathan Hampton. The ticket js romposetl ot the rery beat men (hut the county affords. The ticket will be elected by a very lango majority. The people are opposed to WAR. and we. ill course opjiosed to the Kuklux Democracy. The Senatorial District will be redeemed. The Republicans are ihor.iughly organized and are determ:ned t carrv everything be fore them. . , A grand celebration nu J burlx-cue will bo held in Ruthorfbrdton o:i the 4th of July. Able speakurs will be present. Old Ruther ford will do her whole duty this time. , . t. REPCBtloAs. .lone 15th, 1870." ' , For the Slandard. Mr, Editor : I have been seriously afflic ted for a utimber of years. My family phy sician prescribed as 4 stimulant, pare ryo whiskey. This article is very tcarcc, and I have often been deceived with drugged stuff", unlit to drink. A friend of mi no hearing me complain that I could not get good whis key, recommended me to order a lot from Mr. Clement C. Curtis, of Graham, N. C. I did so, and received from him tiie tincst Furc rye whiskey that I have tasted for years, was so much pleased with it, that I took a trip to his dlsiillery to see how it was made. He lives iu one of the prettiest places iu North Caioliiia, lonuerly the residence of Chief .TuiticsRufQn. Everything connected with bis distillery is kept as uicc and Clean as a pin. He informed me that he made his whiskey in the same way that Jerry Holt. Esq., made bis, which was t celebrated in ils day. I was informed that his whiskey is becoming very popular with druggists and others who wish a pure article. I would ad vise everybody who needs a pine article to order it from Mr. Curtis. i Respectfully yodts, A FkiESD to Pph Ou Rye. N. C, Juue 18, 1870. What the Ettrick shcrherd said of his dog is going now the .rounds-it ' It is a gude sigu of. .dnwsU-t-iiaul'togii, ' wheu his luce gr.iw like his master's. Hector got sae like tai. afore he deed, that I remember, when I was owre lazy to gang like the kirtc, I used to send him to tak my place in tho pew, and the ministor never keut the differenee Indeed he ohec asked me neist dnv wh it I thocllt o' the sermon ; for lie saw me wnnilvrful aticutivc among a rather sleepc coiyregatiott. ' Hector aud me ricd arte amthcr sic a look tlullwas feared Mr. Patoa wn.l Hue iilfcervcd it : but he was a simple, primitive, uiisim(.-n:;ii:':iuld man a very Nathaniel wi: limit guilt, and jealouscd naetning; though imiiii Utcto and me was like U-spilt, and the lwg. ul'ter Ltuchin' in his sleeve fur mair nor hundred yards, could staunf nae l.tue'r, but was obliged to loup awa owre a hedge into a potawto field, pretending he scenied game." Scrofak Cared by Brandrstli's P1LI3. BrandrctU's Fills penetrate the -a bolti u..iss ol blouJ. cau.-hi the cipuisiou of Imparities, Tho body feels relieved frum a single doe ; wbat;thin niaj-ne ei''ected trrtin tweuly? lie continuing their use, the whole of the blood in time, tt couies pnriUed, and the body i eroii! i ueted Irom good material, anil a new lease of life teeured. . - 8ito Siso, March 85, lSa ' jfj Dear Sir: My duu-jbier A:lee, tbirteuu years old, tint1 been completely cared ol that herri'jlc lUscisc, Scrofula,, wliich !or yiarj rtn dcrcd lile a torment; afl-r all meUiehies 4111) many vliy-lciiins lia:l been tried, aad tailed, I eumuiencea sSvias her your vUls. She took them almost every iby for three months, cou stautly Improving. Ebc U? now eut'irely ro covered- Yours truly, ... v .0 DAXlEl Ll'TBER fliis, H. Bit9ihKW. i! iv!Jtwini i A PROCLAMATION, ' , tj (HU IJreUeatV tit 'CsTsntr f Itrtb- 1 unouuii I , . ,, Cxecative Departmeat, i . -, Ralrliia, Jane 6lh, 1670. W USBE AS, Iu January or February. 18, tbo bouse ol ilASiia. Blce, colored, la Uie county or Moore, was eulerau St atgM ny a hand oi dLurrised itian, knows as the Ku Klux Klan, and the wlie of tiie said; Bine, who was preguuit, aud Uve of the children were murder ed, aud the ho'ide with the bodies of the mar' hf red pefMB alonsaM was barned :. ' ' AUU WO BKUAS. OO tliSSWU Ol IMirwrj, loiv, Wi Jt-rr Outlaw, oolor.-d, a citlsea ot Alsaiauc WM.tsken from his hoaw In th towa of Ur bun by (UkKulwd persons known a tho Ka KUik, Hui bjugsd by the aeck anttl Ut was do4, ou a tnuur the Court Houm : Aud Waaasi,on Bsiarday (be 2Ut dny Of May, 1S70, Juh W. 8Tamss, white, Ststo rivixtur roin i!k1 (oaatyoi Caswell, was UlU aerea 10 oyeu aay-iiinv m me t-oorv uiihoh. thu vitliuru of Ifaueevville, bv oersoas unknowu,' sspposed to belong to the Ku Klux Klsa afure- ia: Ami yBltitEA. on the l;tlh of Mar. 1370, Itou'N i.tD, tutored, living near Leasbaitt, Caswcil ci.anlv, murjei jU at uiglit by a bsud ..f . . . L" . . 1. ! . 7 V .... . - . ... , Sci Vtuthei,, ftuui liicSit ut April, 1870, to tho lu.h ul lnv, iS'.i), u l tub touii tweuly-oue persons, nunc anU toiuixil, iu the aforesaid cui Biy ut tsswel!, were ructly whipped aud teoui'xud bv a baud or bauds oi me aforesaid Ku Jii'.ik .Jim: Auu V.'tLioiA.- daring liie week eiidiuu the Uiii ot May. lVi, u colurol nan in Ilia eouuiy of Litieolu wus tuken iroiu his bed at night au(l L 10 a true l) a bauu ol dlsguinuu pvrsous kuown as Uiu Ku KiuxKlan, wuile tillecu of ttiese deaioa- hi succession committed a rape on bis wile : . . . Aud WUiaitiB, about tbosuiue Uina, Iu nala it fcund at tiisoe aiau distruised. kuown as t!i'Ku K'nx Kud, mot a coljred womau in the uuik ol tae evciutig auu euminiitea a rape ou her body, aud alterwards stuck their knives In various parts of br body : . nun disguist'l, knuwn as the Ka Khtx Kltm, iu said eouuty, sliot u euloi-ofl uiau 011 Ihe nilMie bJ .'hwtiy, ami tiieu told LIui ibey bid bUothim tiiiongii mutaki tor saotbi-r oiured mah, tint laid liiai oa t; pi! j ol feuea mils and told lilm to cry for liclj,: And WnaitZAS.s eol'Ured tuau nsined i'uaviAK, ol uic County ol AUuiaueu, snpiiosed to bb liali ritled, having foowej two ol" tue Uislju'iscd murderers' of M'yalt Outlaw to their homes, uud having , sp-jken of tiio laet puliucly, suddeuly fliailiiearetl, and was iuaiid drawucU iuamill tiand wilii a twenty pound rock to bis Icet : And Wu3i.EA3, T. M. Buorrma, one of the Bf.naforfi hi Idb Geiierjl Astembly of this State fiom Uio counties u! Aauwueand (jnilonl, bas imAi ecuvifiind to snrnbee Uis property, auu, ui ave hi lie, to idi,ke bb escape from said coun ty ou aceoont 61 hit, opposition to the &a Klnx Kluh aloreasW), aud Lis tlcvotiou to tUo govern Eaent of the Cniud Slates : Aud "Wnaxiws, on tiie aotli of May, 1STO, a most Atioeious murder was coniuiitted by three disuusjJ uien on Nkill McLion and IU.nicL McLsOi), wiiito, of tuo (Juuaty of Oumueriand, aud tbrce oIIhis u( thu Iktuliy were wounded by taete Hsnstius : And WilttUiS. In diyerS other locuhties peaut Ms bare b-'en iiikuiied in their Imu-es put in "tear h:r llieir iites, whipped, seuunjfd, UiutiVsKtd, uiutllutcd abd mutueted by iienous (llv'i.ihi-d. mid known ut the llu Kiux K'uiu: Ani WircjteAb, retulialicu bas t-oimnniccd by I lie barniu of boras, stables, snd mills: And WuF.KEAi, Bl these evils are to be traced to the Ku Kloi Kln alorccaid. tbuuirli no aDOloirv etui be uSeretl for the retaliaiiun releired 10, tor it is equally ta be dvplured ami reprobated as a wick ed violation of the law; Bad upon due informs tion U beforeViuu, (ffbieb lutoiuiaUus baa But otcu lurjiislKO.) I hat bums, ur stables, or mills, or dweHiu'' bouses, have been burned by ibeen- diariesaicntioiiuig localities aud the persons to whom "the -said barns, or slablcs, or mills, or dwcllW houces bulongetl, rcwnnls will also be onerea tur tue arrest sua eonvicuuu 01 tue tu-crniiiStil-S aforesaid. NUW.UUUEFOUI:. I, WlLLUM W. lluLUEN, OuverabV ol ibe 6UM ot Korth Caroliiut. do iatue ti inv iiruelanialiOh, eftariuj a reward of VIVE KUNilKEU UOLLAKS for the arrect of eacu uf liu- luarukrers ol lue wile xuu emlureu of Daniel liiixe, of eaeu ol tiie ninrdercts ot Wyall outlaw, oteacb oi t:.e murtleix-rs o; Jobu W. titcrtasiis. of eeca of Hie uiurderers 01 Hobin Jm-oV.-, ,i eaeb ! tiie jniious who eomioi'.tud rape 011 till- borthv 11! Ibe colored wolueu r larrt'd u of tae'h of Ibe iwrsons wbu murdered Paryrr, hui1 of ae.h ul the ueions who tuur- den ii Netj) MeUMd null Uamel ilcLrtjod, ana rolibed Lue fuuiiiv of tha-said neill McLeod. to eelber wait sucl evidence as will lead to the coi.vieiMiU ii llu k.-i sun tbu3 arreted; those wbo ii:eu)ed, advitA-d or cCtuiMdled the couiuiiB siou of lUT'i ut ; . tbube wbo particititefi in tbe set or acts; or til'140 wbu causplred loeuueeal tbe bdilies ol tiie iiiDrticrvu, or aiaeu 111 tiie eon ceulrueitlnnt esi-npe of the felons : And t ntijolu vriu till oiiicem, eivit and mili tary, in ard iu urii.imr these and all utuei ollen' tiers to iiisiiee : aud esiiecialiy to discountenance. disscoiir.ige, aud repre.-s all urgauiisatiooii ot meu wbo ride ur walk al m 'ht in UuHOiisc. with arms in ibeir L-auiU. It lb a uiltdeni-.-iiior, thus to ges lKiruicd.aud 11 is ieluuv It luesu Ulsifuiseu Der- Mit: iii-i.'i o.- Injure i(-aceaOle citizens In their persons ur rii-ojioiiy. frre ut uur etty ot Kaleiirb, this -Oih day (L s.uf June, A. !., 18T0, and iu tbe Uitb year o: our liiuencuueuee. W. W. HOLDEN, Governor. By the Governor: W. K. I'i'cuAunsoN, Private Secretary. Special Notices. Read Some English Testimonials, GuEtmE's Sailoks' Home, i'nplsr Street, London, ui;lund, f I t.ilte tliia method of uiokiu kuown the ier- feel cure I obtuiued Irom the use of vonr valuable mr-l'thie, Ibe I'AFN KILLER. I was tlTKt! U irtfhal 1ft try It, ttud f.rvMrwO bvttl rf lr. ttvrnot. AiKHUoeanr. ... ' 1 bad bc:r bulk-ted three yearn with Neutuljla and violent pi-asms of the sUuucb, wh'.eh eiuiietl a coiictiiiit rejection of Mod. Tho doelurs at Wrstiujister .Hor;i!td piive up my case in de fiir. Thea I tried four FAIN KILLEK, which gsn ink iiuiuetliute relief iruui p.iia aud sick- nes; and I re-aiiiei luy uticnlb, and tun now nhle fj lollos- my usBa'.y occu'uition of sailor. One bolllc ciirtd nie. 1 Yourtt tespeetltilly, ' CHAKIE3 POWELL. Sin : I dtiirc to bear williu.? testimony to Uie wnuilerf'il ellicsicyof that American remedy call ed ?t.i Killer, which I believe bus lib equal in this country-. 1 have hero alllietctl Willi heart dfesasc, snd eoaid lind no relief tTil 1 fnt the P.uu Killer, which soou made 1 cure. I am quite willing to answer nay laq-iiiitliout my case. Yours, etc , KAMSI SILVERS, -, Dudley, (WurceeteivUirr,) England. , Gcntxbmes : I can with confidence recom mend jour excellent medicine, tbe Pain Killer, lor Rlieuiuutisui, lud'ezestiuu, and also Tooth ache, baviug proved ils efllcacy iu the above Complaints. i Yours, fce., REUBEN MITCHELL, . , ', Bridgcmau's Place, Bolton, GBKiuaMEs : I have Very great pleasare in rceonitnendtnir "your mediciiie, the Pain Killer. 1 was sufteriu-r severely a lew weeks sloes with Bronchitis, aud could c.trcely swallow any food, so inflamed was my Iliront. I was ad vised by a friend to try your Pain Killer, aud, after taking a few dose of 11, was completely cured. Yours respectfully, , . x. WILKINSOX, liolton, Eng. l'r S. I have recommended the medicine to 8eiml ui my li lends; aud, iu every instance, it bus bad. tbe desired effect. juue U 1m ' "A STANDARD KliJlKDY." Such au article Is " Or. Tobia' Venetian Lini ment," It baa stood before the public for S3 years, uud bas never fuiled giving satisfiictiuu in a siugle instance. Every drop uf tills valuable compound is mixed by Ur. Tobias himSelf, therefore it cati always be relied upon. It is warranted superior to suy olber for tbe cure of Curoitie liueaifiatUui, Toothache, Headache, Sore Throat, Voiuitiinr, Frosted .Feet, Mumps, Croup, Bums, .Culu, Sea Sickness, Insect Slings, Sj.KiiiiK, Cholera, Colic, Bpusuis, Dysentery, Briii.-cs, Colds,' Coughs,' Old Sores, Uwellinps, Paiiia'ln the Limbs, Back and Cheat. There Is no medicine In the World" that stauds mora on IU own melius tbaa the " Ventliou Llui medL" Tuoutaiiils of Ccrlifieates can be seen ot the Doctor's -ofilee', atlaitiiijr fo Us rare vir tuw' sioiu U- Mil Priwuidbt wntl gusrekocprrs Ibrhnghnut tbe; United Sbilei-. Price. SO cunte aud oue dollar per bottle lAXii, 10 Park lilacs. Sew York. may 13-dccwlm ETKNAIi VIGILANCE Is ihe Hicu u! Ilualth us well as of Liberty. Be ou your grniri ajfalu.-t puuouuus hair dyes. Cristadoro's Excelsior Hair Djre Is the only one that has stood the test of clnnii eal anulysis.' At If.e store ot the proprietor, 6 Adtor House, New York, may be seen tbe ccrti ilealu of that able auajy tical chemist, . , fHOFBSSOR CHILTON, . testifying that it contains no banuiul ingredient Ou tbe oiher huui, iu thu "Journal ol Chemis try" may he fouud thu statement that there are upwards of thirty poisonous hah dyes before the public. Cboo .e the only safe and sure one. CKISTADOKO'S UAili PUE8EBVATIVE, as a Dressing, acts like a charm on the hair after Dyeing;. Try lt. . may U-d&wl ' ! MANHOOD & WOMANHOOD. Essays for Youne, Uien, ou the passiunal attraction of the sexes, and the happiness of TatrE MajuIuob, wbeu perfect manhood and perfect womanhood unite to consecrate the union. Sent free, in aeulcd envelopes. Address HO WA1U ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia Pa. -M-dZia j ... WELL-PLACED LOVE. ' Essays for Young Men, on the happiness of well placed affecliou, lu early Uie, and the propriety ol early Marriage, as a protection j-iinrt the fea'ful. abuses and socul evils oi tbe jay.. Scut free, in scaled envelopes. Address, . 110 WAKR ASS0C?ATiQ', Box P.Pb'liadelphia, ?, M-ufcwly Ulscellaneons. f NEW YORK HOTEL," ; '731 BR0Atwiv D. 31. lULDRLTn k CO., PreprleUni, , i NEW Y01Z CITY, a - .!,...-, f.,V ' THIS UOTBL, 80 WIDELY ANlJ FAVOR ably knowa us the favorite resort ol (South- eruoiD WUlie BOJOWriM in mutu.,;, is- leased tors term-of years by Us present propric torsi sud is uow In proeas of thorough rcuova tion'. No expense will tJ sare-a to render it, as in ikya of yore, u luimaubte home for its patrons. - . , , , Tbe rraprletors, while teDdMiig their sincere thanks for tiie very liberal suiiiwrt ibey have re eel re Dec leave to uuntre tbrfu-. gnt-su), that in tbe jfuibre Ihe Hotel will retal lis former well caniwattlfcHkir - 'i. ..-l4 SB-ritooaSni w3ui , Preservation 1 Of the Sight . We have appointed Jir. H. M AIIl, Ell, Jeweller, trAXK' STllEKT, Raleigh, N O., dole Airebt In this vieiuity for the sale ol uut eelebratud porfreti-d SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, Tbe peculiar form of Lens with which the; are set, Ihe parity and hardness ot Ibe material, tbe beauty of finish, awl uot least , the Scientific : Ararat fits liica tkj are Qrm Reuder tbeiu altoeetbec tbe mott desirable. They assist ibe sight taint ia.-r:'K-.:l, l ao-c- a coutiuuousand tliiilinsr iinproVeinunt 11 the eyes, are especially .easy and -ilutahnl ui wen:, ejrd lust ft n-.:t luauy years without riijuiring 10 IV cuansed, so are the - , Jliupt-Ht as we ll as t J10 lem OAUTIOS. We never fuuiilv ur cntilny any pedlars. LAZARUS A? JUOKBIS, jtianuiaeiunii upticuns, ii..riioru, t run. doc Si 1 COS diba ly MANHOOD: Kow Lost ! Uow Restored I JuntpnUithed, in a sealed eneehiitd, Price, . x eeiJu. A l.ECTUKE ON TilK NATLTl'AL TKKAT MENT, und Radical Cure ot t,;nnniWrrhcu or teiiimal Wenaness, invoiuuiury r.inuisiuus, Bex- uul IKoililv. uud linoociiueuls lu Al.,ri!iu-o gen erally; Ncr,'OUbUU:i, Cousumptitiu. Lpilepy, and J! 11s; Menial aria rnyjieai incr.pacuv, re from Sell Abuse. Jt by lioisr. J. Ccv vkkkeix, ii. D., author ot the " tirccn Uuoh," en: ' A Boon to Tbonsands orsunerers.' 6entuuder seal, in a plain cuveli.iw, tuuny addrcss, punlvaiH. ou ruceiit of tlx (cms, or two ,.liimilii,ii !. I'W M .I.C Ki.1XRAr.C;.i n Bswtry, Sew Ysrk, Psst Oflce Bsx 4J8. Also, Dr. CulvcrwcU's "Marriage Guide," price as cenu. may oaswu HOLlOWAYS VEEM1FUGE CONFECTIONS. T Weill vear s -xi-rien-e bas Droved this the most popular remedy with Pliybiciucsr.uiit Pa rents lor tliose pests ot Childaood ft'Oi'.MtS. They are pleasant to take 'as.'t iilwav-, tttective iu exiiellini; ibe norms ana ioneitK tna -jyjum uu to it. normal coeiucn. uewat-j 01 cuui.ter- leits .aid Imitations. Tbe evnuiue have tue ti nature of the pioj.rietore ou Uic wr-pper ol' each .package. JOU-N'aTON. UOLLAWAY & CO VDES. Phila. No Cure! No Iu y . BtlSK ELL'S TKTTER 01 MM EST Will pos'.tively cop: t'tttr.r, Erysipelas. Salt Khuam. Baiber's Itct. l'iui3M-s, Blot -Ins and SI lurms of Skin Diseases. Vou. tore Eves and Eve LiiU, Dtcburxcs from the Ear, si.d old Sores, no matter of bow tuiiK suiuuinir, ur tbe money returned by tbe pn.-pnt'turs. . JOHNSTON, IIOLLOft'Ay COWDE.V. Phila. Sold SO cents per buz by all Drmrists. cent by mail lor U) cents. ' Consumptioa Positively Cu-'ed! VPHAIH'S FRESH HEAT CURE Will cure Iln;sculi, Condiiiiiptiou. ail Luiiij Di-. aHis uf lilood, ua .-ir-ji-liicu and bui d -jp Ihe sybtetn to Ils be'tLy i t.ndiriC i. This has been tested by Prol. TruSMxa la Two Tuousaad castas iu the hospital:; ul Faiis, in wiikh it cured nearly every casJ, a'i.1 in ibis country by tiie approbation of tlir PhytVieluu many bep'oiuss caes have bee a resiorea 10 health Oue bottle will prove its cfhVicncv. Bold at Sl.00 pur buttle, ur a'.x lor 45.00. mar 31 U eodly MA AM FOY'S COMlllNED Corset, Skirt Supnorter U Juitt tho tirtlcle MetMleA by every utuy who eousaltft ' HEALTH, C0UF0ET i STYLE. Teslimunliils in Its favor are constantly being received from all pans oi uic ,-ouniiv. Laily AyctiU wanted in every eoHiaii th the utiuea Male. HABMON, B&UiWlS ic tOY, Suit Manufacturers, Ntw HiVtN, Cosx marchSO , w tim. DR. GODUIN'S COM 1'OV i ! GENTIAN BITTERS Cure Chills and lever! Dyspepsia, Indhrcstiun Culic, Sick Stomach, Brunehilis, Astbiuu, Neurulxia, KbcuiuatisiH, t&c. JS"A UNIVERSAL TOXIC.J A sure, sale, anil reliable preventive uud cure for ail Malarial diseases, ami ol diseases reji;ir lug a general touic iuipressiuu. Prepared only by Dr. S. A. IL GODDIN, and lor sple everywhere. JAMES T. WIGGINS, (Successor to J. U. Baker & Co.) Proprietary Agent and Wholesale dealer iu Patent Medicines, Norfolk. Vinrlnia. . jy21 wiy THE LOCKVILLE Foundrv & Machine Shop. HAVING EMPLOYED A FIRST-CLASS Moulder mid Macblalol, 1 am prepired to du all kiuds of Caslinir. Especial attention paid to Mill Work, buth Grist and baw, snd repair ins Stationary Fnirlucs. Also, all kinus ot Ma chine wurk done at Uie cbeaput tales. My use of water power renders roe ca;mbls ot doing work cbuaper than can be done at any olber place in Ihe Slate. - Also, Plowa and Plow Casting, I will sell clieap by the wholesale and retail. Please address SILAS BUltNS, Lockvllle, Chatham Co., N. C. may 'J5 i wBl STATE OF SOUTH CAK0LISA, Carteret Cooutt. Suiierior Court, June 8lh, 1870. . William P. Mitchell, Admiuistratur t'ebinis uot, with the Will annexed, uf Joseph B. Outlaw, deceased, vs. the' Heirs at Law ot Joseph B. Outlaw. Petition fur Liceusu to sell lical Estate to pay debts. IT appearing to tbo Court, fruiu luu affidavit of the petitioner, that Joseph 8. Outlaw, one ot the defendants in this case, is a resident of tbe State ot Mississippi, it is therefore ordered that publication be made in the North Carolina Stan dard, a newspaper published iu the city of Kalcigb, unce a week fur f-ix weeks successively, uotilvinir the said defendant that ibis Petition bas been filed, and that he is summoned to sp- J unrituieuucc VI bICVICIKW KUd ttvun, n Court House lu Beaufort, within thirty days after the CTcniraiioii ut the time of publication pretteriLei' iu this order, and answer the petition ; Mid Ui take soliee flat it he . falls co apinairand answer within that tinto, the peUtiun will lie taken as confessed, and beard accordingly, jone 14-wtiw OAS. KUMLEY, a S. O. SALE OF THE EGYPT COAL MIKE. Jons Kcsslku, Junior, PIai:i:lir, vs. Tuz Dovit COMPIXT, Defill.laut AT THE CO CRT HOUSE IN PITT?W)KO, Clialiiiini eouuty, Horia C. rj in:', upon Tbureday, the Ssth day vl July, ic7o, b ; v trine of a Jirliuge vr.'.xa'LVU. to tae as Tiul-.-e. tic, by thu Esl I Company, aim ul-.o f a juduia -u; reu derod by bin Ltoi.o.-.A. W. Tcuj-.oi.j, dudc, vec, at Sjrfioif Term, ISJtt, ul Cbstliam hiijitiior Court, iii t:it: a'-uve liaiiuu cctiou, I snail ti--iie to puuiic sale to tiie b!:ifMt bitiacr t.ial wlua blu sud well known eslalu In Cbiirliain cuutity. Ntnlh Ciruliuu, known as thu Epvpt Coul Mine. Tiiua-i 510,000 piiyable at once in cu.-h, or iu boiiiiso! tie.- Company lu sueii iiol I.J:l.-;e secured ; the rcbitlue or t.e purchase ui-j-aey puyabiu at eixmuuliti, tie purcim-er giviufr uui'id' for the same with two approved ecreliet JOHN KESSLEK, Jk. juue 2 IJij wtiw BONE FLOli' dUl FLGIR. Cracked Bone, Bone Meal, Bon: Flour, und Flouted bone, iruarautced tu piodute same uliect at HALF COST ot Pcruviau Guano. Scud for circular. Address L1STK UGOTilEKS, , S w3ib Newark, N. J. Rare Chance to Ms hq ! WANTED Suuie onu in every City, Town, Village auU NcibbKrhouti thrtue;hoat the country, to eagagu ui a light aud jdeasant busiucbS, auiubic tor either aex. . Wubcs from $10 to 635 per Week. For particulars, address or call at the office of tho PRESS & FAKM PUBLISUINU CO., N'B. 1 Fnvetteville Streel. i Jiiho 15-hH wit Kaieiiih: N. (;, I j Irr and Burglsr I'roof. j ; J , , TMmiMiailisswy!'. I - WALES'S C ALTlOKXt A .,. ,., VXHSGiUl 3XTTBRS. Z Badrtds sf Tlnssaods 5-2? Bear testimony to their won - del ful Curitlve h'flects. THEY THUV AUK JiOT A VILE J ml Fancy Driak, J. ''ill Sl? j'nT Rl"?- W,li''ke,' tot Spir. on ttl flriltL-trt,MHa .....J ruiu. bnt a:c a Medxihe, made Iron ibe native Hocts and i-v. of Ca-ilorutj, free Iroaa "U Alcoholio- IS'.iiu-.iliiuts. Tary ara tho GuK.t i oLyuj-i'LKIJIKitadlJKkitlTrKJi PlUNCiri.S,-a ,ei-:'i;ii iiMiovaiir unl Invlzont torui the Svateoi. crrvlbv .ff '.1 n..u. mat ter, and restoring the btood to a lisslly Con di: Ion. So person can take these Bitter, me-? cording to directions, ud remain IouvubwoU. . C10 wiil be iveu forsu liKrunlifu case, fro viuiu? the bones ar not aestrovnd tnWnl poisons ur other oieetM. and the vilal orgaas wuted bvyudlie pulstof renslr. ' For Iaflamatorr and Ckroaie Kkeasaa UKm,audUoat,Dvspepsisi,iradliMtiB, w eiuuo, UTevM JIM neys, aad Bladder, tbeas 111 tiers bays bcea most accey ful. f.nva Dueteas are caasod by ViTi.tTiri JJlood, which is pswrally produced by der-n-femMit of the DtOBSTiva Oaotss. . F. ?ilS lSKASi:s,-BrapUous, Tet ter, bill t.keuui, blotclux, Spubi.PMiiijles. Pus tules, lioil.. Cbibaiiclef, Kiav'-W,urms, 6cald lleatl,hoieEes, Eifslnclus, Iich, Scurfs, Dig-. colorations ut the hkiu, ilumols und Dncaseii of theRkln, uf nhatcver utioiu ur nature, are liter ally du;i uj- a::d carried uut f fue &y,ttw In a short time bv the Mr. of these JUr. One bot tle iu such caecs will convince the most incredu lous uf their curative tfl'ccts. ... DYSPEPSIA or IKUU-ESTlOlf, Head. ache. Pain 111 the bhouldere, Coughs;-. TIsbtness of tha Chest, Dizziness,, ijuur Mt.iniirK itui of Dyirepjia, are r ured by these titttrs. CleaiuiB the Vniated BKwd whi-sever too And its impurities burlibx tlirouii the tku iPlo- Sics, Eruptions, ur bores; t-l.aose 11 when o nd it obstructed aiid slur-jclsh iu tbe veins eleanse it wliea it is foul, smi your feelings will tell you when. Kimi tiir bluod pare sad the heallb of the sysiut,. will bUoW. . PtN, X.V.UK, a-.d olb,.r tVo-uis, lurking in tbs systt m ut so many lL,u?an.lii, are iBoctaslly destroyed a:ul re:nuved. Pur lull dirteiiou.-.rtaJ carefully the clrenlar arouud icu bottle, pr'.nte,! hi lour liouriwee Ews'fea, Gcimuii, Fi!fli sd (panM. ' i. WALKit , Pioprictor, S3 & St Commerce Sireet, New York. n. :l McDonald a co , . Drn-gfeu, at-d cn. Afelits, BanFraiicitto, Califoraia, Si A 84Couiuierre t&- Sold by i;M DruxirMs and Dealta? ' ' may 17, 1STU. 114 THE SECtfilUMEOF 7 A H STEP 1 1 EHS Great History of the "rVsr is now ready. Agents wnied. Bend for circulars, with terms and a full description uf tbe work. Adc'ress National Puhi6b-n Co., Piiilalj.hia, Atiabta, 0s., ur St. Lou, Mo. ' msy i7,tf BOOK AENT8 WANTED in tboBoalh, .c-l?,?,lourn:KiTiiN YEAKS1N WAL BilvliET. tine tiri ut took . ort'.cre Ibe first day, another 75 in 4 Javs. .Endorsed by eminent ' men as Uie nius.t txaitfi-e. hitenwlimr ami in. stractive bw-k Iteued. Ir.o.'udea 13 jeans expe rience of tbe author. Piiled with iHustrsliuns. Extra tsims to ag-CiiU Sen'd lw i:irr,i1ar ti. WouTuiKBiuN, UesTii, &Co., Hartford, Conn. alia SrSsWnAT ARE pi Vj 1 , . w"5 rn, uoK-im i I tacks, Valiiltstion of tue Heart, Copious I)!u-bi.res uf Urtie, Pnln iu lbs resrlun of the Kidreve, aad a feuuarrd rtin r naiiiifti kvmr.iAin i : v. . GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS t 7.) to&iCO per month. We rwsnt to em . , y a s'wu ceni in every Cuut'ty in the 8. on c-aur-u&Mon or FBlarv'.to introduce our noiLl U:mnmed I4ntl . Whit Win Cluthei Viieif vvill ls hnnured yni. If rou wtii t ;;t:l':ijlu HUI TiltiA&aL I . mmt;ftadrcu K. &.UUilllOU., Mianfictttratt, 75 William St., Ji. Y.,or 16 UearboruSLbieagO, AGNTSp'SS:; relUbie Hal:tl v lXvk of l'.iu.iiy MedidDe, by Dr. ' Beard, of N. Y.. rin the Farmers' & Weebaaies' Mah'jal, I'll t-ut-. -a liook ot fixle sad flmsras tor work in: u:cn. E. II. Treat A Co., Pa)lltin, 86 Broadway, N. Y. mJ 17-tl PsTENT 0R6AKIC VI&WI ltd into thai St notparocptiM" rmuvtti nofitKM in ti head und enntee the i to Hear distinctly at ehvrch. Care nwnntril TiI la, m, rw acd beatucw sent rn. Dr. T. H. fl mUotOmmr, sw XsaX, ' I "HIS IS NO HL'MBCG ! or - By sendiu OO CXNT8t witli height, rolur of eyes and hair, yon will rtvuivc, by iciuMi mail, a conect pletareof your future and or vile, with name and date of niiiri ui-c. . dtliets W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. may 17 tt 4 tZl?WfV6L WANTED. For New iKXull 1 (3 Books. For Gnod Books. For tbe Best Selling Books lu the Mar. kct. Apply at once lor Circular uf terms, &t, to Cbittendex cs McKiKMrr, 1308 Chestnut St., Phils., Pa. may 17 ti BIG PAY ! $2,500 A YEAR By selUrtg tbe btt a&U chcsiiost BsVjrdtipodli la the wurla. for tte KOPIB. Revised. 1700 prltes, 500 Kbjr-aviucs. Any tec, male or female, cg?i do tills, without capital. Bend lor circulars V PAHMMKLGK U- Publishers, Pb.iatielphla,' Pa. . tl AGENTS WAl VED TO SELL THE " PENN LETTEB BOOK," tor Copying Letters MluxU Prea or Water. 1 1 Tbis Is tbe irentot time, labor, and ruoocy f.iviii iuveution of the e ; sad nona see ii, but to p-aibe Its Miiijiietf y and coutenitnet, at you liave ouly to place the letter under lbs copying leaf, and rub with the h?ni. Au agent bas only to show it properly, and it a 0i ittclf. Fries 18.00 and upwards. Adapted to every bad if buiinem, aud decs not liay mt with the first sale. Address F. (i AKtlEil' 4 CO., PbJlaaelplils,P. 1 Km r . Clennmun. Sehaol TtaOun. Umart Tm and Latliet unfitted to Comma for the Jftm Btok. "OUR FATHEK'8 HOUSE t H, The Unwritten T7ord.! By Dakikl Makcb, sntbor of tbe pophlar ultlftht Settes." This biaiAsr In vbocirht and Islunuure e'jowa ns tinioij riches sad beauties in thcGreat House, with Its Bleomln! fliwcrft.SiMrlmr Mrds, Wavhig jialnw, Kuil'mr e ouiK-WaaUhil boar, Suered iluuuluhjA, Uoilrfhtfui Klvers, Mhchl , oeeant, Thnuderiin; voices, BiitzimrbSavn ssnd vat universe with counties belbus la milliont of worlds, und rends to o In each tae Unwritten Word. Kose-linted paper, ornate euxrsriun and suiierb blbdiuir. Send for clrcularhi wblcb ' ie a full description aud uuiver.tsl rccoinmeads tiobi by lite prees, luinbstei-s url college profes sors, in the-uroil'nsi pijii,!e lmrnajrs. ZKIG LEK. MeCUUiXf i CO., 1 S.' SixUi Street, Pbila'lulphia, Piti , ; STATE Ot .M)MB CARoMM, ) . Wake Csssty. f J. W. Boorruis, Kxtteutor of Joseph Bathe n. W.lli-AOl HopnOB. Attscbmcut. IT appearics to tbe Court tliat William Huiisoa residen beyund tbe limits of it Ordcml, 'tLi-.t publlcatiua be usds Ml tbe Nurlb Curolina Unmount, s newtpupar publUb cd iu the city of liaieigli, N. C, for six weeal, , nu:ify ii:riaid acleuttaut to appear attbeomce ot tbe Superior Court Clerk, within tne saw si week, lu uu .tver aaid attachment, or Jadgutat will be entered ;iro evufouo. . Given under iny band and seal, at ofllfa' ' l. s,J iii the city of Italcigh, this tbe Snd day of May, A. D. lfcTO. J. N; BUNTING, Clara: : I may i wOw Sap'r Court of Was to. O If 1 1. 1 NC PAPER, This i: a hard, compact paicr, like-sn ordlnarf er, aad h talu rated witb tsr aad Used book cov o.i Uie oauitle ot Intmed buihuiifr, under tha .,s uuutr emuKies sou noon to keep out damp, cuid and beat, ti i TT on tbe inside, uot suturaled, insteadqf Platlerinn and laukes a warm aud cheap walL II ousts ouly Hum SS to U (aceordiaK lu sixe) to cover nZK?"':''1- ND DESCKIPTIY CIB CLLAliS c'ENT FKEB. Address W. F. Fitch, No. i NOKTII STREET. Balti-oro. . GBSfRAL AtRNT FOR THE 80CT1I-EA8J, , janel I-Wt SU ttMUri it II I dwaa.J 7T