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How Life in Mars Goes On. In the case of the planet liars, and in the case of the planet Mars -alone, oar astronomers have really established the existence of a similarity of physical con dition, which gives us the strongest posi tive grounds for inferring that even such creatures as we now are could somehow make shift to live there, though, of course, not without a certain amount of preli minary discomfort while we were trying to acclimatize ourselves. Mr. Proctor's graphic account f these similarities, and his delightful chart of the planet's conti nents and waters, suggests to ub to discuss one or two of the known differences of condition, in their relation to the probable results upon the history and civilization of the Martialists. First, let us briefly say that the Mar tialista have a world less in area than one of our hemispheres to explore ; that, in spite of this, it has not much less land than the earth, a much less proportion of its surface being occupied with water than of our globe ; its seas are of the general type of tne Baltic and Mediterranean, for the most part narrow, straggling, inland seas ; jthe greatest seas are in the neighborhood of the cold south pole of Mars, which has a climate far severer than the north pole ; there is a world of perpetual snow at tach Martial pole, which can be seen to diminish as the summer returns to each hemisphere, and to increase again as winter comes back; and, in spite of the prepon derance of land, a vast deal of rain falls on Mars, especially in winter, clouds often hiding the configuration of the continents from our astronomers, and the suddenly dispersing, and leaving the continents clear again a clearing up which usually happens about the hour of noon-in Mars, just as our weather so often changes as the sun passes the meridian ; that the length of the Martial year is nearly twice as long as ours; and that the force of gravity on Mars is much less than half what it is with us, so that, as Mr. Proctor expresses it, fa Daniel Lambert on Mars would be able to leap easily to a height of five or six feet, and he could run faster than the best of our terrestrial athletes." The general result, then, of the tele scopical observations on Mars, and the de duced calculations, may be said to be : (1.) With certainty, that the' weight of objects of the same mass in Mars is much less than half what it is here, and that consequently there would be a far greater range of activity for creatures of the same size, that falls would be less dangerous, that the strain on walls or columns, or any other supports, would be much less ; and that, therefore, roofs, arches and struc tures of that kind might be easily set up on a much larger scale by creatures of equal skill with ourselves; but, on the other hand, that friction, which is more or less proportional to - pressure, and, fore, in the case of piles of stones, etc, to weight, would be far less than on the surface of the earth, so that any violent lateral disturbances, such as hurricanes, would exert a still greater ef fect than on our earth in destroying such structures, since there would be less solid ity and, therefore, less fractional resistance to overcome in overturning them. Again, the vastly diminished weight of given masses would give a very great advantage to all kinds of engines of draught Car riages, carts and railways would attain a vastly greater speed than on our earth, and the sledging on the snow-fields of Mars might be as swift as the wind. All these inferences are matters of certainty, so far as they go. But (2) there seems a very great proba bility that the atmosphere of Mars is re latively considerable denser than ours, since at a distance from the sun so much greater that the planet probably receives, directly, less than half the light and heat we receive. There seems no sign of any arctic severity, and clear evidence that the atmosphere holds vast quantises of watery vapr, even in winter, which points to a temperature much higher than our world would have if removed to the same dis tance from the sun, especially when one considers how much less water to supply vapor, and how much greater a propor tion ot iana man tne earth Mars contains. Again, the rapidity with which storms clear off from a big continent, and leave the outlines clearly marked after being all enveloped in mist before, seems to show the existence of very rapid currents of air; and this no doubt the greater inclination of the axis of Mars, giving a greater range to the northward and southward journeys of the sun, would promote. Putting these facts together, then, we 6hould infer that tne atmosphere of Mars is, in proportion, heavier than that cf the earth, and there fore a wanner envelope for the planet ; that its winds are more violent, and that the great difficulty of the architects of the planet is more likely to be the strengthen ing of their structures against lateral forces hurricanes, for instance than against me buiuu 01 gravity. ineir outer walls would hav,e to be comparatively much more solid ; their difficulty in rising broad arches and spacious roofs would be much less; and locomotion on Mars must be more easy and speedy, eeterit paribus, than wcumouou on eann. If this be so, we may see a fitness in the much larger proportion of land in the planet, and the comparative narrowness ana smauness ot the s as. Probably life in Mars is faster than it is here. It is very improbable that the civilization of the dif ferent continents there, is divided by peri ods extending over two thousand years. There is probably no one of the great con tinental tracts 01 aiars Known there as " the New World." If great migrations of conquering races have taken place on Mars, as on the earth, they have probably uruHi eacn otner iaster, Having a less surface to move over, less obstacles, per haps, in the way, and greater advantages in locomotion. We should not be sur prised, too, if the Martialists had got greatly ahead of us in resDect of n a vi rat ing the air. We know that the density of Ilia 1 1 J . . . . J puwcb, as wuuie, lit jess man inree fourths of tnat of our earth; so that it seems uaeiy inai me tissues of the body of a Martialist, which must be fed from the substance of the planet, are. on the whole, intrinsically lighter than those of man s ooay. But, u the Martialists' bodies are intrinsically lighter, and their atmos phere a good deal heavier than ours, aerial transit may be a very easy matter to them, and it is quite conceivable that their normal mode of locomotion may be through the air. Again, if we are right in supposing the currents of air in Mars to be of more than usual violence, while the solidifying force of friction which resists them is much smaller than here, it may be a reasonable inference that " natural selection" has al ready weeded out the loftier growing trees, which would stand less chance in encount ers with hurricanes than our own ; and it is not improbable that the tendency of the greater facilities for motion, and the great er velocity of life in Mars altogether, would be that all its animal inhabitants range wider for their food, and obtain less on a given area than on our earth. We should be disposed to conjecture that it is a world in which speed is greater and of more importance than even on the earth ; and, if so, it seems likely enough that the difficulty we have supposed as to the solidity of walls exposed to the atmos pheric currents of Mars is got over as the difficulty of building durable structures is generally got over in our own tropics, where earthquakes are so common by not building durable structures at all, but only very light and fragile ones a process which would, of course, be much easier where all the materials were lighter and all motion swifter than with us. In a word, it seems likely that the distinctive feature of life on Mars is velocity; that the creatures there live faster, move often er, undergo more change just as the planet itself passes through a far vaster orbit (though its orbital velocity is not quite so great as ours) in one of the Martial years. But that such a character istic would tend to quicken the progress of the mind and of discovery is doubtfuL With us civilization has never advanced rapidly till it had become tame and, so to say, plodding, and the excitements of local change, at least, had become few. But the great seasonal changes of Mars es pecially in the southern hemisphere, where the winter and summer are aggravated by the enormously increased distance of the sun at that period when his rays are least direct, and his nearness at that period when his rays are most direct contribute to confirm the impression we have drawn from other considerations that physically. at least, the lite tnere nas lar more oi rapid change in it than we can easily con ceive ; but whether that has developed or arrested the mental and moral progress of the Martialists is a question of which the elements are altogether too conjectural for serious discussion. London Spectator. . Home Politeness in Little Folks. " Tnrc wisdom, early eoneht and gained, -Id age will pive thee rest ; Oh, then improve the morn of life. To make iu evening blest." Parents, as soon as your little ones be gin to totter about, and speak, say lisping ly, " ma," and " pa," that very instant teach tliem courtesy, good manners, to use cor rect language, chaste, delicate, refined, avoiding everything vulgar, uncouth, clownish, indelicate or ungrammaticaL Even baby lips can be taught refinement, courtesy, politeness of manners, things delicate, tasteful, beautiful, heavenly the little words " please " and " thank you," when favors are conferred ; and far easier will they learn them than older children. What is termed baby -talk, when ad dressed to children old enough to under stand and mutate it, is detestable, ine parents must remember that when the child can comprehend one word its educa tion is begun. The mother, especially, is called to officiate as professor ot languages in the domestic; university. But who, in teaching a foreigner the English language, would say to him that until he becomes farther advanced he must call a horse a " horsey," and a dog a " bow-wow, and that for the present he will address his maternal parent as his "mudder?" This seems sufficiently ridiculous; but this is not all it would be unjiut to the learner ; it would teach him pronunciations which he must unlearn as laboriously as he learned them. You would, thus, in fact, double his task. The folly and in justice are the same when you teach a lit tle child to speak a distorted, mangled, burlesque language, of which it becomes ashamed when older, and tries to unlearn it Little folks should be taught correct language as early as possible ; not a slip ot tne tongue should pass witnout correc tion. We advise all young people to acquire in early lite the habit of using good lan guage, both in speaking and in writing, and to abandon forever the use of slang words and phrases, else the unfortunate victim of neglected education is very probably doomed to talk slang for life. The first infantile lisping should be marked with critical precision. Every thing vile, vulgar, clownish, impolite, un couth, un grammatical, immoral, and an slang phrases, should be sedulously avoid ed, and all things true, honest, just, pure, lovely, inculcated. All habits, once formed, are formed forever ! " Fill flret the bn-hel with the wheat. With wisdom food for souls to eat; Then chaff, the fiction of the day. Will find no place, and blow away." Parents, the habits formed now in the hearts of your ca'.spring will be life-long. It was a principle with the old Jesuits that if they might have the fiist seven years of a child's life, they cared not who had the after training. In teaching your children these little sweet courtesies of life, you must repeat over and over the same lessons for the first few years. It requires line upon line, and be not discouraged, even after seventy times repetition. - The reward will come at length, and you rejoice to see the little child you have taught so laboriously act ing voluntarily on principles you have in stilled, requiring no prompting or correc tion, for courtesy has become habit In no place is the distinction between the refined and the ill-bred more marked than at the table. If your children are not early taught politeness here, you must prepare yourselves and them for a thou sand mortifications in future life, and must look to see them regarded as annoying and disagreeable by those whose good-will you may most desire to secure. " A child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.' However humble your position in life. though your family gather about a table of pine instead ot mahogany, your children may and should be taught the same lesson of respectful behavior. It is a duty which uod requires ot you, and lie holds you re sponsible for every unchecked manifesta tion of disrespect or disobedience you al low in your presence. Let your children learn to sit quietly until all older than themselves are helped, and do not begin compromising with some little insurgent by a lump trom tne sugar-bowl, it you do, it will by no means be the " beginning of the end." As they advance in years, encourage them to join pleasantly, but al ways modestly, in the family conversation around the table. Let the meal time be one of the most cheerful and heavenly hours of the day. Come to the festive board with something good to communi cate, edifying, administering grace to those present that every thought, word and deed may be "apples of gold in pictures of silver." The table spread with heaven's choice bounties is the appropriate place to inculcate order, sobriety, courtesy, polite ness of manners, gentlemanly deportment, strict temperance in all things. 14 The family is a little book. The children are the leaves. The parents are the cover, that Protecting beauty gives." —"Apples of Gold." Teaching Cows Latin. I once taught my cows Latin. I don't mean that I taught them to read it, for it is very cUiiicult to teach a cow to read Latin or any of the dead languages a cow cares more for her cud than she does for all the classics put together. But if you begin early you can teach a cow, or a calf (it you can teach a calf anything, which I doubt), Latin as well as English. There were ten cows which I had to escort to and from pasture night and morning. To these cows I gave the names of the Koman numerals, beginning with Unus and Duo, and going up to Decern. Decern was, of course, the biggest cow of the party, or at least sue was tne ruler ot tne others, and had the place of honor in the Btables and everywhere else. I admire cows, and es pecially the exactness with which they de fine their social position. In this case, Decern could " lick " Novem, and Novem could " lick " Octo, and so on down to Unus, who couldn't lick anybody, but her own calf. I suppose I ought to have called the weakest cow Una instead of Unus, considering her sex ; but I didn't care much to teach the cows the declensions of adjectives, in which I was not very well up myself; and, besides, it would be of little use to a cow. .people who devote themselves too severely to the study of the classics are apt to become dried up : and you should never do anything to dry up a cow. Well, these ten cows knew their names after a while, a least they appeared to, and would take their places as I called them. At least if Octo attempted to get before Novem in going through the bars (I have heard people speak oft" pair of bars" when there were six or eight of them), or into the staple, the mat ter of precedence was settled then and there, and once settled there was no dispute about it afterward. Novem either put her horns into Octo's ribs, and Octo shambled to one side. or else the two locked horns and tried the game of push and gore, until one gave up. Nothing is stricter than the etiquette of a party of cows. There is nothing in royal courts equal to it ; rank is exactly settled. and the same individuals always have the precedence. You know that at Windsor Castle, if the royal three-ply silk stick should happen o get in front of the most royal doubie-and-twisted golden rod, when the court is going into dinner, something so dreadful wot Id happen that we don't dare to think of it It is certain that the soup would get cold while the golden rod was pitching the silver stick out of the castle window into the moat, and perhaps the island of Great Britain itself would split in two. But the people are very careful that it never shall happen, so we shall probably never know what the effect would be. Among cows, as I say, the question is settled in short order, and in a different manner from what it sometimes is in other society. It is said that in other society there is sometimes a great scramble for the first place for the leadership, as it is called, and that women, and men too, fight for what is called position ; and in order to be first they will injure their neighbors by telling stories about them and by backbiting, which is the meanest kind of biting there is, not excepting the bite of fleas. But in cow society there is nothing of this- detraction in order to secure the first place at the crib, or the further stall in the stable. If the ques tion arises, the cows turn in, horns and all, and settle it with one. square fight, and that ends it I have often admired this trait in coves. Charlei D. If arner, in Work ana flay. An Electric Joke. Some weeks ago, one of those illegiti mate sons of science, the vagrant electric men, opened out at Fourth and Market streets, with nis dial tor testing now mucn torture his voluntary victims could stand. To stimulate trade, he kept a standing offer to pay $ ) to whoever could stand as much electric fluid as his machine would furnish. One day, a boy presented him self and announced that he had come to win that to. The man handed him the " handles," and started the machine. The boy stood it wonderfully. The operator turned the crank faster, and asked the boy how it felt The boy said it did not feel at all. The man thought something must be the matter, and commenced an elaborate tightening up of the screws, and then commenced another scries of swift revolutions, which ought to have produced a current sufficient to kill the boy ; still he laughingly assured the fellow that he aid not exnerience the slightest sensation. Out of patience, the man demanded to see his hands, and then the secret was ex plained. The bov belonged to the tele graph ofHce, and had picked up one of the pieces of insulated wire now being put up inside the office, and had passed it up one sleeve of his coat around his shoulders, and down the other sleeve, and then un covered the ends of the wire in each band. Thus armed, he had gone to the electric man ; of course, the uncovered ends of the wire pressed against the me tallic handles, presented a better medium than the bov s bod v. and the current sim ply passed to them and along the insulated wire around the boy's body, without touch ing him. That " electrician was very mad, and all the more so as the crowd drawn together thought it a good joke, and took the boy's part The man was so laughed at that he left town. Scientific American. A Knowledge of Common Things. It is not a knowledge of abstruse and difficult questions that we need, so much as a familiarity with the every-day atlkirs ot me. The number ot persons who at tain to eminence by the extent of their in formation is necessarily small. Their heads tower above others, like peaks of mountains, and their names are in every person's mouth. They are the exceptions, and not the rule. It will be observed in studying the history of the world, that the great mass t people, who represent the valleys, have been raised by the pro gress of discovery and invention, until the common man has, at the present age, at tained a height that was formerly consid ered inaccessible, except to the scholars by profession. The man who excels must go vastly higher now than he was com pelled to do in the time of Plato and other philosophers, about whom our learned pundits tell such marvelous storiea In fact, Liebig says: "Our children have more accurate perception and understand ing of nature and natural phenomena than Plato had, and they can laugh at the mis takes made by Pliny." But there is no denying the tact that a knowledge of com mon things is sadly needed in every, com munity; and we must take care that chil dren of a future generation do not turn the laugh on us. We are led to these re flections by the occasional receipt" of let ters asking questions, the answers to which ought to be known to the veriest tvro in science. We are always glad to answer questions, and many of our correspondents favor us with valuable information, or start topics that lead to important investi gations. Now and then some one "asks question, very much as if he were to in quire if water commonly runs np hill, or something equally absurd. We receive specimens of minerals, such as quartz or rocs: crystal or leidspar, desiring an analysis to be made, and in quiring if they contain precious metal ? We are asked if a perpetual motion be possible t What are the con stituents of water? Can it be rendered combustible by being passed through iron grates? Does the air have any weight? Can water be compressed? And so on through a long list of questions, upon sub jects that ought to be common property with every one who has attended public scnooi. We think that teachers and professors commit the mistake of aiming their in struction too high. They take it for granted that ineir pupils Know more than they really do, and omit just the common things about which we are complaining that there is too much ignorance. If we begin at the top, and raise the roof of house, that does not help the foundation. It is better to see first to the cellar and basement, and build up strongly from the bottom ; we can then add to the structure as much as we please, and those who have the leisure and the means may go up as high as their inclinations lead them. Arithmetic must precede algebra, mineral ogy properly introduces geology, spelling goes before composition ; things ought to be taken in their natural order, and jump ing over the " Slough of Despond," or tunneliig the " Hill of Difficulty," will not no. What we want is evidently not so much an increase of knowledge as the universal dissemination of facts already known. All scientific men will bear testimony to this. If no new discovery were to be made for the next ten years, the world would not stand still, but would have time to take an account of stock, and to apply the many useful things that are now slumbering in the hands of the few who know about them. We say to our friends, the teachers and writers : Do not soar too high, but keep down to the level of the masses, and help us to a knowledge of common things actemijte American. A Sunbeam. The greatest of physical paradoxes is the sunbeam. It is the most potent and versatile force we have, and yet it behaves itself like the gentlest and most accommodating. Nothing can fall more softly or more silently upon the earth than the rays of our great luminary not even the feathery flakes of snow, which thread their way through the atmosphere as if they were too filmy to yield to the demands of gravity, use grosser things. The most delicate slip of gold-leaf, exposed as a target to the sun's shafts, is not stirred to the extent of a hair, though an infant's faintest breath would set it into tremulous motion. The tenderest of human organs the apple of the eye though pierced and buffeted each day by thousands of sunbeams, suffers no pain during the pro cess, but rejoices in their sweetness, and blesses the useful light Yet a few of those rays, insinuating themselves into a mass of iron, like the Britannia Tubular Bridge, will compel the closely-knit parti cles to separate, and will move the whole enormous fabric with as much ease as a giant would stir a straw. The play of those beams upon our sheets of water lifts up layer after layer into the atmosphere. and hoists whole rivers from their beds, only to drop them again in snows upon the hills, or in fattening showers upon the plains. Let but the air drink in a little more sunshine. at one p!ace than another, and out of it springs the tempest or the hurricane, which desolates a whole region in its lunatic wrath. The marvel is that a power which is capable of assuming such a diversity of forms, and of produc ing such stupendous results, should come to us in ro gentle, so peaceful and so un pretentious a guise. Brttuh Quarterly Eeviea. How We Go to Sleep. Thb immediate antecedents of sleep- as languor, a sensation of weight in the upper eyelids, partial temporary relaxation of certain muscles, as shown by the nod ding and dropping of the head upon the breast, comparative obtuseness to external impressions, yawning, etc. call for no special remark. The order in which the muscles lose their power is, however, de serving of a passing notice. The muscles which move the arms and legs usually be- come relaxed before those which support the head; and the latter before those which maintain the body in an erect posi tion. There are, however, many excep tions to this rule, as may be seen in church on a hot Sunday, when some of the con gregation are almost certain to be seen with their chins quietly resting on their chests, but yet quietly grasping their prayer-books. Moreover, iu relation to the special senses, that of sight is first lost, the closing of the eyelids setting up a bar rier Deiween tne It: una auu uid calci uoi world ; but independently of the eyelids if they have been removed by the sur geon, or cannot be closed through disease the light is still the first sense whose function is abolished. Some animals, as the hare, do not shut their eyes when asleeD: and in cases of somnambulism the eyes remain open, although the sense of bignt 18 Mill HI 1 tj ll'DU AUV, UlUU senses, as Dr. uammoco tens us, are not altogether abolished, but their acuteness is much lessened. Taste is'the first to dis appear, and then smell ; hearing follows; and touch is the most persistent of the senses. So, converoely, a person is most easily awakened by touch, next in order by sound, and men dj smeu. "Take Time by the Forelock." a a If there is any motto that should be al ways before the mind t f the farmer, from the first opening of the spring until the summer work is well under way, it is the one we have placed at the head of this article. A disregard of its teachings is the rock on which young farmers are most apt to split Older ones have learned its value by costly experience, or else have adopted "bad luck "as their excuse for their bad management The writer himself has paid full price for his education in this matter, and as he has mended his ways, he has seen his chances tor success materially brighten. The seasons in their ceaseless round wait for no man's convenience. Drouth, and early frost, stand waiting to shrivel the hopes, and to cut off the promise of all sluggards. Na'ure loves a bold farmer, and holds her best favors at the command of him " who sp aks first" The laws of order, too the rules of punctuality and system, which have so much to do with good farming insist on close observance, and punish the procrns tinator with an overwheuiing confusion. The only safe plan is to be beforehand with all work. Our seasons are never too long, and the enormous amount of work that must be crowded in between the haul ing out of the first load of manure, and the planting of the last seed, is enough to appall any man who does not know what constant and systematic worK win ac complish. As soon ss the land is dry enough to allow teams to go upon it with out injury, the manure which has not been hauled out during the winter, must be set going with all dispatch, and spread at once. There will be a material loss at this season from evaporation, and every rain that washes its soluble parts into the soil will add to its efficiency. It may safely be left to lie until the time for plowmg.comes. The plow, the harrow, and the seed, should follow in quick succession, and it should be the aim to get all hardy crops into the ground at the earliest possible moment Corn, of course, being a trop ical plant, should be delayed until the danger of frost is past The same is true of beans, and tender vegetables ; but po tatoes, grain, peas and grass-seed, cannot be planted too early, if only the land is enough settled to admit of good working ; aud these should all be out of the way by the time it is necessary to plow for corn. If they were all in, in the latitude of New York, by the middle of April, it would be better for the crops and much better for for the work that is to follow. Even lite potatoes which are to be left iu the ground until October are almost invaria bly better for early planting. Mangels need not be set out in the field until late in June, nor cabbages until even later, but the land should be plowed and harrowed in May, that repeated harrowing may kill the weeds as fast as they germinate ; and they should be planted in the seed-beds early enough to be ot full size when the setting-out time comes. Almost the only crop that is benefitted by delay is the carrot The seed of this germinates so slowly in cool weather that we have found it best to delay its planting until June 10th, when it will sprout in a few day a. But even for the carrot the land should be prepared in April, and should be harrowed once a wees: until planting time, nnn uus preparation its cultivation will be easv. Without it. the cost of weed ing will usually swamp the profit of the crop. By the time the car rots are in, and the corn has been once hoed, it will be time to commence haying but it is lust here that ninety-nine farmers out of a hundred are at fault They wait not only until the grass is in full blossom, but even until the seed is nearly ripe, whereas the first appearance of bloom over the whole field should be the signal for the commencement of mowing. It is now too well known to need further argu ment that not only is hay made from green grass much more valuable than that from a later cutting, but a second cutting of nearly equal value may be taken, and the land will sutler mucn less than from a single crop of dead-ripe grass. Of all the farmers who cut their grass too late, three-fourths probably do so because they know no better, and the other fourth be cause they are behindhand with their work. In farming, as in other industries, it is the early bird that catches the worm. Early, not only in the morning, but in the season as welL We entreat ail of our farmer-readers, therefore, to start at once with fresh vigor, and, in pursuance with well laid plans, to make a desperate effort to get everything done in time- rather too early than a moment too late. Give every crop that will bear early planting the ben efit of the full season ; it will be none too long at the best and the best preventive against drouth is well-developed roots (and this development takes time), while the only safeguard against early frosts is early harvesting. So, " take time by the forelock " in everything. Hearth and Mome. Farming in Norway. A correspondent of the Country Gen tleman, in an article on farming in Nor way, says : The amount of work necessary to raise and secure their scanty crops is vast ly greater than anything we are acquainted with. The fields are small and irregular in shape, so that labor is wasted in tilling them. There is so little warmth in the sunshine that they cannot make hay on the ground, and the green grass has to be hung up on racks to dry before it can be put away, and the grain is all tied in bun dles when first cut, and then strong stakes are set in the ground, and the bundles in pairs are hung on either side of those poles, pair after pair being put on until the pile is as high as a man can reach. In these grotesoue looking shocks the grain is allowed to stand until it is dry, when the men and women carry it on their backs to the barns. The Orchard. Tee soil Tor a new orchard ought to be thoroughly prepared before the trees are planted. If the land has been drained and deepened in the fall, it will be ready to receive the trees early in the spring. Sandy loam soils are best suited for an orchard ; for being situated on a porous sub-soil, they are naturally drained. In stiff, re tentive soils, draining is indispensable. Drains in orchards are liable to be ob structed by the fibrous roots of the trees entering the joints of the tiles, and filling the bore. Some drainers seal up the joiats with cement, and hold that by this means roots will be kept out of the drains, but that water will percolate through the tiles. Large tiles are better adapted 'for draining orchards than small ones, as they are lass liable to be obstructed by roots. Six inches in depth of gravel over the tiles will be found an effective means of keeping roots out of the drains. Wetter Bural t They have an eeoentric Judge in New York State. He has actually refused to accept the sum of f 2,500 for traveling ex penses, on the ground that he cannot help saving f 4,000 or $5,000 a year out of his present liberal salary. USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE. Ij von wish to keep your enemies from knowing any harm of you, don't let your friends know any. The use of wooden boxes and barrels as receptacles for ashes is said to be the cause of nearly one-third of all the fires which occur in American ciues. To cure scratches on horses, wash the legs with warm, strong soap suds, and then with beef brine. It is said that two applications will cure the worst case. To Make Furnitte Oil Take linseed oil, put it into a glazed pipkin with as much aikanet root as it will cover. Let it boil gently, and it will become of a strong red color; when cool, it will be fit for use. The Formidable Trio. Poverty, ig nominy and death are accounted the most formidable trio of mortal calamities. Let us counteract their influence by their only proper antidotes, occupation, virtue and religion. " The last word " is the most dangerous of infernal machines. Husband and wife should no more strive to get it than they would struggle to get possession of a lighted bomshelL Asa Baldwin. Chautauaua County. N. Y writes the Rural JVete Yorker that fifty years ago a very lousy cow of his ate ten or iweive odious, anu iu niteen hours at terwards the lice had disappeared. He has tried the same remedy many times since, with the same result in each case. Death to Lice. A correspondent writes to the American Farmer's Institute Club : " To kill lice, thoroughly wet them with alcohol ; this will Kill both nits and lice: thev will die as soon as the alcohol touches them, and become perfectly dried ud in a very short time. I his can be ap plied without any risk of injury at auy time, and Biddy says: 'It is the greatest thing ye ever heard tell of for the heads of the childer.-" Planting Forest trees. For the purpose of making tall, limbless trees val uable for timber, close planting is advisa ble say four by three feet apart. The larch is planted three leet apart eacn way in England ; in five and one-half years, one-half is cut for poles for hurUle-lence; and in ten years one-half of the remainder is cut for posts. The remaining trees, thus left six feet apart, are allowed to com plete their growth. Mearth ana Home. Horseradish for Animals. An ex change says : Horseradish is an excellent condiment to mix with the food of cows to give them an appetite, and make them sleek and thrifty. It should be fed freely to all animals that are not well, and it will be of great service to working oxen trou bled with heat If given to cows in doses of a pint a day. mixed with potatoes or bran, it will prevent or relieve the cows of the disease called caKe in the nag. i ew animals will refuse to eat it, and some will eat of it greedily, as much as a half peck at a tune. Grafting. It is an old idea that graft ing cannot be done after the leaves have started into growth. It often happens that during the busy spring season the farmer or fruit-grower cannot attend to the setting of all his cions before the trees begin their growth, and concludes that it is of no use to set grafts so late. Trees may be grafted when in full leaf if cions have been cut before the duus start, anu preserved in a dormant condition. In working the trees while vegetation is ac tive, care must be taken not to make bad wounds. We prefer some form of crown grafting to the usually practiced cleft- grafting. Hearth and Mome. Corn m Drought A correspondent of an Australian newspaper makes the following suggestions in relation to rais ing corn in time of drought At times the weather is so parching at the period when corn is coming into flower, that the pollen of the tassel is not in condition to fulfil its office, and many stalks are left barren. I am certain that barren corn re sults from scarcity of pollen, and it can be easily observed if the wea'her is dry when the corn comes into flower. To prevent mishaps of that kind, I would make every third row about a foot wider than usual, or about five feet wide, and when the corn is about a foot high, and has been hoed a second or third tune, I would plant seed in this wide row; plant it close, and if the pollen fails in the first planted corn, the second may come to the rescue, and make a crop, when otherwise there might be none. Best Milk—Producing Food. T. L. Hart, of Cornwall, Conn, has written an article for the Oermantown Tdfgraph, from which the following is ex tracted: There is no doubt a difference in the duality of milk in different cows, some being rich in caseine or cheese, and that of others in butter, yet, as a rule, the miia will be iu a great measure what it is made by the feed of the cow. The milk from the same cows may be varied by feed from 80, by the lactometer, up to 115 de grees, the highest number being the best and such as is produced by the heaviest feed. In a carefully tried experiment, which I made last winter, I found that heavy feed, such as corn, wheat, rye, shorts, fed to twelve cows, pound for pound, did not make as much milk as wheat bran, into nine quarts a day, and I have no doubt that for a time this would invariably be the result yet I should not dare to con tinue for any considerable length of time to teed my cows upon wheat bran- alone, as it would undoubtedly diminish the strength of the cow, and soon reduce her to a condition that she would be incapable of giving very much milk. 1 am now feeding to twelve cows two bushels of wheat bran mixed with one bushel of corn meal ground in the cob, with very satisfactory results. The milk is good, the strength or the animal is kept up, and a diminished amount of hay will keep the cow in a good thriving condition. I feed twice a day. It is yet an open question whether the feed should be fed dry or wet There is no doubt that in cold weather it would be much better if the water, which is required by cows in milk, could be warmed. If taken into the system while at a very low temperature the process of digestion will be retarded until the temperature of the water is raised to blood heat In warming this water digestion is not only retarded, but there will be a loss of a certain amount of food, which, like fuel, is consumed in keeping up the heat of the body ; and this accounts for the fact that a herd of cattle requires very much more food in extremely cold weather than they do in warm weather. It will be evident, therefore, that a large amount of food may be saved by warm stabling in cold weather and consequently a much greater secretion of milk is secured. The great mass of the community are no doubt ignorant in regard to the great dif ference in the quality of milk made by the different kinds of feed. Milk made from a cow fed upon turnips and buck wheat bran or buckwheat shorts is totally unfit for a young child or its mother, and there is no doubt but that the mortality among children is often cauted by im proper food of which the milk is made. The physician knows the importance of having the milk from a new milch cow assigned lor a young child; the why and wherefore very likely he does not know. He probably does not know that the milk from a farrow cow is one-third heavier and one-third richer in caseine than that from a new milch cow, and therefore not as well adapted to the wants of the child, nor does the mother understand that the cause of the child's illness is owing to some improper food eaten by the cow. If I was desirous of making a given amount of milk the best adapted to the greatest number of children, I would feed the cows on equal part 0n pounds) of oats, wheat bran, Indian corn and the best of hay and apples. Until we become accustomed to trying experiments, we shall not know for a cer tainy the quality of food that will, when fed to a lot of cows, produce the greatest amount of really good milk for a given amount of feed, nor shall we know whether the cutting of hay for our milch cows will pay the extra expense of labor in doing it Some of our milkmen who have tried cutting are of the opinion that it pays well for the trouble, and some con template steaming. Roots, especially carrots, increare the flow cf milk aud of the best quality, and tend to keep the cow in good health. Ap ples will increase the Quantity nearly -m mucn as turnips, aua ui mucn Detter quality. ' In making milk there is nothing more important than good early cut hay. With out this it may be doubted whether milk can bo made with profit Domestic Use of Aqua Ammonia. A " housekeeper" in the Michigan Farmer, snvi : For washing paint put a tablespoon! ul in a quart of moderately hot water, dip in a nannei ciotn, ana wuu uus merely wipe over the wood-work ; no scrubbing will be necessary. For taking grease spots from any fabric, use the am monia nearly pure, and men lay wnite blotting-paper over the spot and iron it lightly. In washing laces, put 13 drops in warm suds. To clean silver, mix two tea spoonfuls of ammonia in a quart of hot soap suds, put in your silver and wash it using an old nail brush or tooth brush for the purpose. For cleaning hair brushes, etc. sininlv shake the brushes up and down in a mixture of one teispoonful cf ammonia to one pint of hot water; when they are cleaned, rinse them in cold water and' stand them iu the win! or in a hot place to dry. For washing finger marks from looking glasses or windows, put a few drops of ammonia on a moist rag and make quick work of it If you wish your house plants to flourish, put a few drops of the spirits in every pint of water used in watering. A teaspoonful in a basin of cold water will add much to the reiresn- ing etk'Cts of a bath. Nothing is better than ammonia water for cleansingthehair. In every case, rinse off the ammonia with pure water. Aoua ammonia should be purchased by the pound or half pound, as druggists ask an extortionate price per ounce. A Great Business House. The tendency of trade from Lake to State street, in this city, is apparently something very wonderful. Only ttre years ago the great crowd ana rusn were on LaRC street and State street, down town, was as quiet as a country viiiaite. rcvaay tne policeman stands on duty at the crossine, and the crowd sunres by from mornlner until nitrlit. cut tranre aa this wonderful transforma tion may appear to one wbo only visits (Jni caeo occasionally, tne reason for it is quite apparent to all wbo hare watched the pro gress or events. Tne turning or toe tide be gan with the removal of the great dry goods house of Field, Leiter & Co. These gentle men, foreseeing that trade wonld ultimately drift up town, aa it haa done in New York, were among the first to select State street as the scene of their future operations. The magniuceni marble store tbey now occupy was built expressly for them. It is perfectly safe to (ay that so costly an edifice, adapted to tne occupancy oi a single nnn, would not have been erected had not this great mer cantile house been in existence ; for no other firm doing business in tlia West could nave made use of so vast a buildiotr. The marble building itself was sufficient to create a furor among property-owners, and set them at wora rearing costly structures in toe imme diate neighborhood. Built in the finest style of the renaiuance, of Vermont marble, a Hundred and one feet of frontage on state street, and one hundred and fifty-five on asnuigton, six stories in Height, it marked an era In the building history of Chicago ; and strangers visiting the city go to see it with the same degree of curiosity that leads tuem to inspect ine laae ana river tunnels, But when .Messrs. field, Leiter & Co. re moved from Lake street to this building they brought their trade with them. Their vaot wholesale trade reaches every city and hamlet of the Northwest. The country merchant finds here everything his customer calls for. from the most elaborate T-iece of dress goods to the simplest notion. The building itself was constructed with reference to furnishing every possible facility for the rapid transac tion or business. Ana so it may be trnly said that Messrs. Field, Leiter A Co. have brought the army of merchants who visit Chicago three or four times a year to this part of the city. If the appearance of a crowded street were not considered snracient proof of ail this. why, then, it is only necessary to state that the annual sales of this great mercantile house now amount to flf tee milliomof dollar. The retail department of Messrs. Field, Leiter & Co. is the largest and most attractive in the country, if we except Stewart's, of New York. Strangers who visit Chicago to make pur chases almost invariably go direct to i ield. Leiter & Co.'s, it being not on!y the oldest, but the best advertised house of note. Very few of the readers of the Advocate who have visited Chicago during the last two years. have gone away without looking through this palatial store, we have not had suilicient space to give a full description of it, and therefore may return to the subject again. In the meantime we heartily commend the estab lishment to alL It is a great business house, managed with strict honor and integrity, and the West rhould be proud of its existence. from the jSorthweslern tnrutuin Advocate. Fiftkks years ago a young lady of Cin cinnati, while visiting a friend in New York, left her finger nngs upon her wash stand, and not hearing from her friends relative thereto, interred that the chamber maid had appropriated them. A few days ago the Cincinnati lady received a letter from an old bachelor uncle, enclosing a let ter fifteen years old, written by her New York friend, containing the missing rings. The letter had been entrusted to the uncle, and he had put it in his pocket, and from that receptacle it passed into a mass of old papers, where it had slept quietly ever since. TO A.VKRT EVIL IS OSB OF THB GRANDEST triumphs of human skill. This triumph achieved by Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vis, eoar Bitters. Thy bnild up, fortify and reno vate the feeble system, thus enabling it to defy the elemental causes of disease. Hence their efficacy as a protective medicine, in districts where the air and water are impure. The weakest and most susceptible organization is rendered proof against all malarious disorders by laKing one or two doses aany as a pre ventive. Patrsanro's White Wine Vinegar is a mott tuperb article lor table nse. Warranted pare, Decipedlt the best remedy that has ever been dif covered for rheumatism, swollen or stiff joints, flesh wounds, sprains, bruises, cuts, and burns, is Johmon't Anodyne Lini ment. We nse it, and always recommend it to our mends. . W should not hesitate to recommend to any friend of ours, Partonf Purgative Pult they are scientifically prepared, and are adapt ed to all the purpose of a good purgative medicine. A tocjto doctor in new settlement, on being asked to contribute toward inclos ing and ornamenting tne village cemetery. very coolly remarked that if he filled it he thought he should do his part. Thk Little Cobporal for May is an excellent number, full of pleasing and instructive reading matter for boys and girls, and older people wbo have yoang hearts. Terms f 1.50 a year. Send stamp for specimen nnmbcr and Premium List to Johji S. Hiuuxm, PubUaaer.iCnlcago, ill. Try It. It is amusing that the feeble should totter, with ancertain steps, over the face of the earth, in dan rer every day of (ailing victims te the morbid in fluences by which we are all surronnaea, waea tested and proven vegetable tonic, capable ot en dowing them with the vigor they need, is procura ble In every city, town and settlement. It might reasonably be thought that after the twelve years' experience which the world has had of Hoe tetter' Bitten, all would know that its effect la to prevent disease. At certain seasons the atmosphere is surcharged with the seeds of intermittenta. remittents, rheu matism, pulmonary disorders, bilious complaints and the like. Persons whose nervous tystems are relaxed are the first to succamb to these distem pers. Brace up the physical energies, then, with this potential vegetable tonic It is the most pow erful reenperant which the botanic kingdom has ever yielded to patient research and experiment. Try It. The blindest deciple of the old medical dogmas will at least admit that a tonic and altera tive, compounded of approved herbs, roots and narks can do no barm, while the testimony of thousands invitee a trial of its virtues. Vigor is the thing most needed hi these rases as as well as in dyspepsia and nervous affections, and Hosteller's Bitters Is the safest, surest and most wholesome strengthening preparation that human skill has yet concocted. Hundreds of physicians have abandoaed all the officinal receipts and prescribed this harmless tonic as a preventive and care for all eases or chills and fever. Pzksohs afflicted with any of the diseases aria, in? from a disordered liver, someeh, nenrone de bility, dynpepsla or liver eomplalnt, honldtry Perry Davis' Pain Killer. It seldom " armre in a very short time. Thwe troubled wlin ague or chills will find it a sovereign remedy. -LRra-ITY.-l. r?, andtMC htasenii ssacan J WT fJ(Cc H. 6. JOKE lBVrwT.v A Good Spring Tonic! Dt CASES or GENERAL debilttt. A GOOD SUMMER TOXIC, roa cent or -Aqruo or Cliills. .-'. DR. S. 0. EICHAKDSOFS SHERRY VlHt BITTERS, tiib ranra.Tgp SEW ENGLAND BE3IEDI ro thb cnx or Jaundice, Fever and Ague, General Debility, and all Diseases arising from a Bisor. dered Stomach, Liver or Bowels. n A.1U. Am. TV T ..I.I ffv mtDT 111 the mcM prominent phyiician and Unigstat of the ptoce : Xatabu, Sttu Co- Ohio, JtnwSl. . ..... . - ... . T a t P1.Ii.hL mnVsherrr Wine Blttera to wll on coniinieeton. They ..i.iJ I further mnnlr nt three (loZPIl hlt received. I tlilnk I shall lie- more soon, u they lire in mod demand and hialily pral" y soflerere ironi lndl) JAMfcd L. LEEPEK, M. D. J. N. HARRIS CO., Sale Prfrteter, - - Cincinnati, Ohio. For Sale by rTt-I.FR, FTS'CH FULLER. Chlcaeo, TO. RK'HAKDSOS CO. St. Louia. Mo lr vt u l A H.vss Iftibouue. Iowa. GI5KKNK BCTTOS Mtlwank-e, Wta, 1.01U iiUU3 S. Paul, Minn. MUTUAL CONTRIBUTION PLAN OF ITSTrilAJN" CK AT ACTUAL COST One-third the I'snaJ Expense. The Protection Life Insurance COMPANY, 152 Madison Street, Chicago. CAPITAL, $200,000. $100,000 Brposlted with State Treasurer for Beaeflt er Follej-Hoiaen. . 8. SKET5TS, J0H3T Z. TRY, President. ' Secretary. OnensTnientorrwetve or Fifteen douareureiaPoBcy Sjr abuo or $5,000, This Entrance fee and an Annual Pxyinentar Four or Five Dollara is lU that U paid far the expenMs of the Company. When a death occurs an Assessment Is made on the members, accordinx to ape, n 73 tfn to fci.OO. The Company ruarantecs the payment of tne Aessments. Br this svstcm the money b called for in small Minis and only when needed to pay death tosac, simplicity and economy ate onlted wun eeneci Bonmiy, mrai uaanux obtained at jlrit cot, which Is kae Uian one-third the raual exneme. 1 Tie Company has an ample uan lapitai ana oout ur- poslt. and operates In each State antler the supervMon oi the Insurance Department. AGENTS WANTED. IflUEGARt bow made in Is hoars. without dracs ANTED AOBST?S f'JOer day) we celebrate h OMB 8H 0 rTLK Sb INQ MACBIKK. Eu the mJer-fmt. mak-e the I Th. best andeheaDeritiamUv.-ew a; inr Maculae la we macE'-w aaurr..V'" BON, CLA-BK CO, Bcton, burtK ft- Ctucaco, ill- or BL Loula, Mi Pitta FERRATED WINE or WILD CHERRY roa Drupe aula, ladlgtstum, JterveasBem, c This asreeable and highly efficacious Wine Is prepared as to present to Invalids a rotable combination of the valna hleelcments of Cbmrkt. PnrwHoeors axd Iaott, in form more acceptable than the ordinary prrparatloae Iron. An Iaoit Tome aire 8xtftTtv specially adapted to aeitoiw conntltotloo of Luxnin cases of eeneral weak nen. Ions of nervous enerjry and impoverished blood. promotes the appetite, gives renewed strength and energy to the whole system. TILDES fc CO Pbarmacennsts and Chembta, Kew Lebanon, N. T, and 176 wmiam 81, 5ew York. FarialebyDrasttetesenerany. REDUCTION OF PEICES To conform to REDUCTION Or DUTIES. Great 8avin t Ceaaweaera 7 eetllna Clubs. ... - . T I. m . rtnli fan, accompany It enntainlne full dlm-dons, nukine a larne saving a ooneaaw. m.m THE GREAT A1EEICA5 TEA CO- P.O.BOX5M3. 3 1 and 33 Vesry St, Sew York White Rose Potato MORE NEARLY BTJO PROOF Than say ether kaewa. variety. Every Farrow ihonld secure eootteh this spring to raise als seed Xw another year. We have a small quantity which we will sen for tntro ductnoat 50 cents per pound by mail, or $5 per peck expre. haul orders at oscsj tir nO'VE'y c co., Wholesale and Retail Seed Warehonse, 07 PUmte 8t Chtema. CUT THIS OUT And send twenty -five cents for a octet, and get a rTalch, Sewini? Machine, Piano or some article of value. Six ti-kes forft Oft SbbltntU. CincinnaU, Ohio. SEND FOR . 1. 1 VT-MEfUDH ciRwutf PARKER-SH02JLat'!1-. p THE ESTEY ORGAN I fh o3ixy Oram vttli Cebratnl Vox Jub41antc and Vox Hnm:tr Stpn. Prices frvm tTiO.OO arrwinb. 8oH on Kmall bene Jar lafcuocur to . H. L. STORY CO. Reed's Temple of Mode. 47 Dearborn St., Chicago. THEA-NECTAR BLACK TEA wMt the 0 . rs rtuwr. War ranted to sail ail tastes. br 'trie mrrvtlun. Aim lor sale w rr. liv the lirent Alias. tie and r'nriflc Tea Co., t'hmrh bt, Kew i ork. V. 1 . 33116. bead fcr Tnca-2eaa Ctrcuuir. FAHMIRS, MECrniWTC) WORKERS can make 8-M im siou per mouba, iui THE TEAR OP BATTLES, And mtr Mam. futures and ("tiromoe. GoosercxD'tf jcriaa Hook a.nd Mat Hot sa, CmCAeo. Write J. Bentley, Wayne, Itl.t A. O. Bower, St. Ctisrlen, 111.-. T. R. Janes, Batarta. and J. tUnne, (newest lke street, Chicago, It roa aave cancer. They have remained cared lot years. YOUNG MEN flrsTitPir a sue eeMnii start Business L 1 attend Eatft- min folri-re TisdrW Kt aawl mnarr n sr.ihlr NartlritJ SCbVL the only one providing situartons ibrpaduaiea. Auirrss, Jur Cuaincuo of in basiir, H G EASTMAN. LL. D PoQghfceer4e, X. Y. gold com. A Fertaae far all, a.i. iiaiu rn nnrsisj rr t. - i-s APIU nUFV IU Uolius Mm and wearies, wttheot mfonrenlepfe tfielr dally bmlness, owi id g"d csisie. and at um same time snake Pamphlets rootairanc full aartlealars bow to obtain snubyaddr-au . M.HFyirr. . P O. Box 58, Omaha, Xe hraska. BI00MINQT0N SUSSES Y, III. lttftj Tear, no Acres. IS Greenhnoaes. Lsuwewt Asaarnaeat all ataea. BeatHtaek! Law Prleeal Woold yen knew wnat. Woea. How to Fisat Fran Shade, Biemieeu Trees: Boot Grafts, Seedling Osag Fhutsc Appte Seed; lUrtv Knse Potatoes; Burabs; Boses Oram how and tttrdeii Plants, ae. - Fl.wer aad Vexetaale Seeasw Finest, Beat CoDecOoo-fiorts and Qoaltrr. Bred senta tot Kew, IUasiated. Descriptive Cataloeue pares. Send stamp, esc a, lor CsialoeiKaor 8t1,wU ialn 9recOona-4 pam Bedtn ar.d ewdea Plante I para, aod Wholesale Price List 3t pane. Aadnsa, I. E. FHOKMX. Wnnmlnpna, rUtDOta i. no a of It sip HU by the n Li S I1L, in f e and It 1C t K6-N. O. k CHEAT MIDICAL DISCOYEBT WTXL.IO', Ber Tntfmf t their Wnaterfwl Cwrmtlve Effect, DR. WilKESS CALIFORNIA Ther are a Tile FANCY DRINK Made of Poor Rom, Whi&kt?7i Trt Spirit Bad Refute Iiqara doctored, tplced and sweet ened to please the taste, called " Tonics," Appetis ers," -Restorer, C that lead the tippler on to drankenaees and rula, bat are a true Medicine, mada from the Nat! to Roots and Herbs of California, fre from all Alcoholie mtlmnlanca. Ther are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFS GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Uenorator aa-1 Inrigorator of the System, carrying off all polsonona natter and restoring the blood to a health T condition. No person can take those Bitters according- to direc tions and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the rttal organs watted beyond the point of re pair. They aire a Goatle Partatire aa well aa a. Tonic, possessing also, the peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or niflam matlon of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organa. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether la young or old, married or single, at the daw a of wo manhood or at the tarn of life, these Tonic Bitters no equaL For Inflammatory and Carenle Rheoma- tiftm and Goat, Draaeatita or Iadigeacioa Bilioaa, Remittent and Intermittent Ferers Dlteaoe of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bittern hare been most aaccemfhL tSeca Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood which la generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Orgs as 11VSPCP4U n TXTITfiPSTTON. Head- arne, in in the Shoulder. Courtis, T latitats of tho Chest, Dizziness. Soar ErwUUons of th Stomach. Bad taste la the Mon-h, Bilioaa Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Faiu in tho r7iort nt tht Klfinpv. anti a. hiinilred other D&llalul symptoms, are the olfsprings of Dyspepsia. Thev teTfimrate the Stomach and stimulate the v3r- pM liTer and bowel, which render iliem of unequalled iflrirr In rleansini? the blood of all tmDoritleS. and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEA SES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches Spota. nmpica. Pustules, BoiJs, Car buncles, Kin if- Worms, cald-Hcad, Pore EyesErysip elas. Itch, Scurfs, Disrolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the tkin, of whatever name or nature, are literally ting op and carried ont of the system in a hort time ov the use of these Bitters. One bottle in snch cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the VI t fated Blood whenever ven And Its Impurities bursting through the skra in Pimples. Rrup- uous or sorc! cieanse it vurn juu una it uiKiruntu and slngKish tnthevelr-S: cleanse it wben it in foul, and your fee. inn will tell yon when. Keep the blood purs and the health of the system will follow. PIV T 4 JVL anrl rtthr WORT!, hirklnr tn tho system of so many thoufands. are cllectually destroy ed ana removea. for iuii uirecuons. rrwi cBmany the circular around each bottle, printed in four la guAgt English, German, I" rencn and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. BT. McDOXALD A CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, Ban Francisco, CaL, and 82 and 34 Commerce Street, Kew York. ITSOLD BT ALL DRFfiGISTS AXD DEALERS. -4- T)Ti CROOK'S vnvE OF TAR Is a mnertv which has Stood Pie test of the public (or 10 year, and ben pn iMMinced reliable by the 01.101 w has cured, and by Uie drurzi'ts of tlic country. Will roil kt prejudice prevent joa irum bang cured also ? TAKE Dr. Crook swine of Tarn roa haveaCoosh or Cold. TAKE Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar a your Throat or Lonj TAKE Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar lfyoa wish Adhma Cured. TAKE Dr. Crooks Wine of Tar tor Bronchitis. TAKE Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar If your Appetite to pocr. TAKE Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar if your Stomach Is out of order. TAKE Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar if you have the liver CouipUinC TAKE Dr. Crook's Wine ef Tar If joa have Urinary troutkks. TAKE Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar If yon fcel Weak and DebiluateiL TAKE Dr.Crork's Wmeof Torlf yoa have a Chronic Couh you WLsii cured. TAKE Dr. Crook's Wlneof Tar to strengthen and build np your system. DR. CROOK'S WDE OF TAB will core your D pep"- TAKE Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar IX yon. are BOlooa. TAKE Dr Crook's Wine of Tsr if you wirfh to be heallhy. Fursale by Druist everywhere. MAKUIED LADIES win and Dr. Crook's Momln? Sedative tomre Morning Sickness, even in Us most Violent tonne of Vuuutinjr aod Nausea. TUST PUBLISHED. DOWN lflA SALOON. By the author of the new $600 prize book, "BOTII SIDES OF THE STREET." Thejiero of oar story Is lint Introduced to ns as a circos boy In Mother Brag's saloon ; and the reader is kindly Invited to follow the fortunes of this orphan, aa unfolded in the finely written work announced. Beon'ifnlly bound hi gold and black and sent prepaid by mail. Price, 1.50. For sale by all BookBeil2rs. . HENRY JTOTT, Ha. 9 Carafcill, B -.. FEED GBINDEBS. OrTHtD raved by rrtndlrjr rrabj frstocfc A3 kinds ol live stork improve oae-thlrd fester, awl ijro hcnl tliier and In aU raspecta better, U fcd on ground lood. Theedeurated CHALLENGE "IIILS, which hare taken the hlshert premiums at every Fatr whOTehiblted, grind from 20 to 50 bustids per hour of any kind of (train, in any condition. Price trans S ta S100. Send for Circulars to to the CHALLENGE MLLCOMPAS WIKTDIIliLS. The eeiebrmted srlf-eovemtmt Wind Mills, which caV WOT ur blow now, will pump, and Urim!, piVcV-nu more work, of any kind, thsn otner Wind Mill miute, and la the oai.1 rasracrr, aau-eoTXiaaa Wind Mill known. bond Jor Circulars and fun Information to tne CHALLENGE MILL eoMPAST. Balavla. lfnnola. AGENTS! READ THIS! WE WT1X PAT A SALARY of er weekaiHteTnrtirteaoraiU.wala comukraiuo. ko eril our nrw w(Jokerfui tnvennoDa. Aa aa OP 1AffD a I I liasehall Vlfh Omil. m. FT AVJ. Als as. aaainsHsis. .aa,. Jfl $100,000. BOW TO OBTAIN IT I A namohletor l.ehe pears. sJvhe: theh ' formation turn is v:duable to every maa, woman mvi child in the U. 8, will be sent I fnbyauurasang , Jk. ST. BM4Mj9 f. O. Box 14, Chlcaso. 4 8PLKKDTD tTIANC'F.! Aaents Wanted! Two articles ua-d in every fsmilr. Price low. prof, iu iarae. Circulars sent on application. Samrleeon re eetptof II. Addtcsal.. Wasd Co.. p.uehkeepie,N.T- FRAGRANT SAPGLIEHE fws Kid Gloves and allrmds of CtorhsandcJothmr; re moval Paint, l.rrane. Tsr, Ac, .ultntlf, without the leant uijiirv to the local ihhnr. hold br lrirr.1t snd Fancy Goods dealers. PI! AGHAST. SArVUKSK CO, SJ iSarclay St , X ew York, 4 LaSalle St.. Chicago INVESTORS who wrh to tk ont Letter Patf?rrt areartviseii uomnri with ti Editnra of the aMTtTirio Am aic vx. who ha v rvrrsftrri rtM claiinit Nore the Patent OfTicr ior '2' ar. Trtrur AiutTrriUianil fcUiropcan Pauut Agency j tie inont ntmrtve lathe world, tharvv less than ar.j other rellabia ateermr. A pamphlet aUH lull kiMrticti'., to .rrmurl -H-ni ffratte. Allraa JtirSN & CO., 37 Park Row. Kew Ywt THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ! A rtiteaa weekly dewted to Mbchajtits. Mast - PArrCREb, lHVaWTlOX, CHWIItrntT, EX13JXL710, AKHTTicrru and Pomjia ttcixxca. Full of aplea did EntnTlDgs, Term. $Uft) a year. Spocimea wim- ber Beat frpe. Address, I C5 N Oc CO- 37 Parh Row, V. Y. DUTCHER'3 LIGHTNING PLY IvIIaIaIR DEADCSHOT POH X3T3X BUGS. Try them, and Sleep In Peace ! F V WISH E.vlFLOYMEST, address L aneioina-amp,J. WaAVLS a CO, Cleveland, Otn; 3' my iji ; j w " ! ewjsji -sj. a a-m as i