About Chinese Women. Irs. 8. L. Baldwin, the missionary to China, lectured in Philadelphia recently. Of the women in China she said : " The women of China are divided into two classes the bound-footed, who are the ladies, and the large-footed, who are the common class. The latter cany the burdens, do all the drudging and out door work, while their husbands do noth ing. When a little girl is born the pa rents thiuk the gods are angry with them, and they hold a consultation whether 6he shall be allowed to live or not If she is, when she arrives at the age of four years, they hold another consultation whether she shall be a bound-footed or a large foo:ed woman. If she is chosen to be bound-footed, she is not permitted to do anything, but if otherwise she has to be the family slave, I have seen a woman with four children strapped to her back and rowing a boat, while her husband laid in the cabin smoking his pipe. Girls have no choice of their husbands ; the young girl is sold by her parents at the highest price they can obtain for her. She never sees her husband, nor he her, until after they are married. If he chooses he can be divorced from her for talking too much ; if he becomes poor, or gets tired of her, he sells her again. In the coldest weather the large-footed women are not allowed to wear stockings, and cannot dress in any other colors than black or blue. The manner in which they make their feet small is by binding the four toes under the foot, which they keep bound up for about eleven years, when the foot becomes dead. I have walked through the streets when the women would brush against my dress so as to see my feet, so they could tell to what class 1 belonged. I would say to them : ' I will show you ray feet, but do not pull my clothes, as it is rude.' When I would expose my feet to them they would exclaim: 'Why, have you no real ladies in America f And the only way that I could make them believe tliat we had was by telling themthat the women read books like the men, which utterly as tounded them, as the real Chinese lady is brought up in the utmost ignorance, and they only marry in the rich families, be cause they know and do so little, and need so much wailing upon that it takes a rich husband to support them. If you ask a Chinese woman how many children she has, she will give you only the number of Doys. erne nas to be asited tne second time how many girls she has, as they are thought so little of that in many cases they are killed as soon as born. A large footed woman told me once that her first child was a little girl, and she described to me how she loved the little one. My hus band went out,' she said, ' and brought in a tub of water. I begged him to spare its life, but he took the little one and put its head in the water, and held it there until it was dead.' Her second babe was a daughter, and it was served the same way as the first ; the third child was a boy ; he lived until he was about four years old, then the gods got angry and killed him ; 'then my husband died; and now if I eat anything that is nice and if I wear good clothes, my relatives become angry and treat me harshly.' Even in our Christian churches in China, the women are not al lowed in the same room with the men, but are partitioned off in a lattice work room." ' Baggage Smashing as a Fine Art. Baggage smashing as a fine art has reached a perfection in this country, and the skill, ingenuity, and perseverance ex hibited by railway porters and employes, in reducing the strongest built trunk to a hash of wood, leather and iron, must be highly encouraging to the trunk makers, New York and the West produce some human bnmb-shells, wfio stand at the head of the destructive brotherhood for the an nihilation of baggage. A heavily timbered, iron-clad, armor plated trunk will only stand a two day's trip and the handling of two or three of these railroad wreckers be fore it is reduced to old junk. On a recent trip we put our faith and our clothing in a heavy sole leather valise, handsomely built ; it ield together as far as Washington, and . we began to believe that some great reform movement or " revival " had taken place among porters and railway men ; that some railroad Father- Mathew, or hotel Elder Koapp, had arisen, and that the debased baggage smasher had signed a pledge to abstain from destroying even so much as a band-box, or had experienced a change of heart, and with it more tender hands. It was with a hopeful spirit, therefore, that we unsuspectingly parted with our trusty portmanteau at the dep t in Washington. Alas! for the fallibility of human hopes; that elegant piece of leather was delivered to us in New York, at the end of the day's journey, neatly manufactured into leather snoe strings, a stout, leather-covered flask of cologne had been well pulverized, and the fragments of class judiciously dis tributed in our linen, where it was calcu lated to excite the most lively emotion. A brrach of cigars had been converted into snuff and fine cut; in fact, the remains of everytning ot a perishable nature attested the muscular energy and activity of the American baggage-smasher. As the traveling season is approaching. we wouia suggest to any new railway company, who wish to wit immortal fame, and advertise themselves in the most thorough manner, that they will guarantee ine saie delivery ol baggage, except in case of the usual railroad accidents for which "nobody is to blame." Such a guarantee, faithfully earned out, would largely in crease the business of any railway, and cause them to become known throughout the civiized world as the benefactors of manttind. Boston Commercial Bulletin. Lead the Children not Into Temptation. tatlon. Cftldrejt are often made vicious, and tempted into the commission of crimes that would never ha we occurred to them but for the severity of the home discipline. It is indispensable that there should be a proper government, and instruction in moral principles ; but an excess of these is frequently more injurious than an entire absence of such training. If children are surrounded by good examples, but few ver bal moral lessons are necessary; example is more powerful than precept. A i tern, unbending discipline only renders the heart callous, and incapable of receiving good impressions. Many times, children with dispositions that might have made their characters pure and beautiful, have been ruined forever by the harshness with wuicu vueir liuie units were condemned, and the opprobrium attached to them, for the commission of very venial sins. Oftentimes the slightest disobedience has been. magnified into a crime, and followed by such scathing censure as to wither and crush out every good impulse from the young heart. Children are extremely sensitive in regard to their good name, and are much more easily praised than censured into good behavior. If their self-respect be lost, all is lost, and childish faults and punishments should never be divulged, ihere is abundance of in uuuiiauie testimony mat children are tempted into prevarication and direct false hood through fear of scandal, severe re proof or punishment for disobedience, when kindness and gentle admonitions would not only have remedied the present evil, but have prevented iurure transgressions. parents and teachers are too forgetful of the equivocation and little mistakes of their own childish days, knowing too, that had they been met with scorn and con tumely, their minds would have never re covered their moral tone. Children are frequently misunderstood, and accused of falsehood, and ideas are thereby suggested that, many times, they are not slow to act upon. Nearly all children have a desire to possess trifles that they admire, and are often tempted to appropriate such things without being in the least aware that they ae committing a wrong, which if un checked would result in great harm to themselves and society. They are also often tempted to steal by the penurious ness and unwise caution of parents, in the locking of drawers, and the secreting of articles pleasing to childish natures. The harsh name of thief for such misdemeanors, and the odium attached to such a charac ter, can only be productive of harm to a child. It may possibly deter them from the like offense again, but the wounding of the feelings and the loss of self-respect cannot be atoned for. We know a charm- ing little girl, who when but seven years of age, purloined a piece of broken jewel ry, that was carelessly left in her way, and disposed of it to a schoolmate. The severe treatment and contemptuous epi thets she endured from her guardians would have been much more appropriate for a hardened criminal than a child of h6r tender years. Soon would she have been ruined in body and mind had not fortui tous circumstances removed her beyond the influence of her cruel upbraiders. She was reminded every day that she had been guilty of a heinous crime so unwittingly committtd and she felt that everyone knew she was a thief, and "why should she try to be good." Parents would do well to remember their own short-comings, and the mental anguish en dured by themselves, when young, upon receiving merited reproof ; and how much more bitter the pain when undeserved. In this way many children are led into temp tation by those who should be ever watch- lul ot tneir comfort and nappmess. jon start censure and stem rebuke, often ad mini.-, te red, are as prolific sources of crime as extreme poverty end evil communica tions, and many of the outcasts from so ciety, degraded ones of both sexes, can trace their final downfall to the harshness with which their first transgression was reo'oved. Unfailing patience, kinduess and charity should characterize the management and care of the erring, and the little ones of whom the Savior spoke so kindly "let them come unto me. Prairie Farmer, Carbolic Acid. So much is said about carbolic acid, and it is now so largely used in medicine and the arts, that more information ought to be popularly disseminated in reterence to it. it is not a new thin', but most ot its ap plications are of recent date ; and as nearly every person who haj taken out a pateut has given it a new name, we are otien per plexed to recognise the precise article that is meant. It may be well to Iook into uiis labyrinth of names rxiore proceeding a description of the article itself. Carbolic acid was discovered by Runge in wood in 1834, and was so called by him. It is a pity that other chemists have not adhered to the original name, as we fihnnlri thns nve hppn saved much con fusion. Six "ears after Runge's original discovery, a TFrtnch chemist named Lau rent made some of the pure acid, and pro posed to calrtt PLenylhydrate, from the Greek word meamng to illuminate, oe cause it was' supposed to be a constituent of illuminating gas ; and still later, such names as phenylic acid, phenol, phenyl alcohoL coal tar creosote, coal oil acid phenylous acid, aad sundry others were proposed. All of them ought to be drop ped, and the original name of carbolic acid retained. It is really and truly an acid, capable of combining with bases to form salts, but is not strong enough to drive out many o.her acids from their compounds. Carbolic acid has been found ready formed in the bile and urine of various animals, and is the product of the dry dis tillation of vegetable matter ; and can be made by conducting the vapor of acetic acid or aiconoi tnrougn a red not tuoe. For technical purposes, it is almost exclu sively made from coal tar, and as its boil ing point is between 300" and 3G5" Fah, it is from the dead oU that the greater por tion is obtained. The details cf the manufacture of car bolic acid may be consulted in works on chemistry, but its properties and uses may well occupy our attention for a few para graphs. When pure, it consists of long needles or a peculiar, smoky odor and caustic burning taste ; its specific gravity is 1.060, and it fusss at about o t an. absorbs moisture from the air, and runs to water, and it requires twenty, times its weight of water to dissolve it Alcohol and ether dissolve it in all proportions, and acetic acid is a better solvent than water. Concentrated solutions act power fully on the skin, turning it white and afterwards red brewn, and the spots after wards peel off. GeUuin and albumen are precipitated by it, end this property has suggested its use in tanning, it is a dan gerous poison ; a few drops will kill a dog, and plants are tt once destroyed by a weak aqueous solution. Range recommended carbolic acid for embalming bodies, and as a disinfectant, and tried many experiments to show its value for this purpose ; bat little attention was bestowed upon his assertions, and it is only recently that the substance has ob tained proper recognition from medical and other authorities. Extensive use is now made of carbolic acid to destroy the odor of stables-; a car- bolate of lime is prepared and sold for this purpose. As an resect exterminator, lew agents can be compared with carbolic add, and it is naturally applied by physi cians for such cutaneous diseases as are caused by insect hie. Several cases of death have b-.en reported in consequence ot an incautious use lor this purpose. Three women who bathed themselves with a sponge with carbolic acid, to cure the itch, were immediately attacked with diz ziness, and soon became unconscious. Two of them subsequently died, and the lite ot tne other was saved with difficulty. When used as a wash for men and the lower animals, it must be taken very weak, and in small quantities at a time. Dogs nave been sadly tortured by it, in the vain hope ol killing Leas. The odor of carbolic acid is sometimes disguised by mixiDg it with camphor, when it is required to keep moths out of 1 urs and clo thin g. n o dou bt the preserva tive property of coal tar is largely due to tne presence ot this piwenul agent. All manner of soaps, ointments, and even troches, are made with carbolic acid, which must be used with caution, as the poisonous character of the acid suggests at once that it ought not to be tampered with. A new application of carbolic acid is proposed nearly every week, and it has become one of the most important of our chemical products. Scientific American. Haste and Health. - It is not at ell wholesome to be in hurry. Locomotives have been reported to have been moved a mile in a minute for short distances. But locomotives have often come to grief by such great rapidi ty. Multitudes in their haste to get rich are ruined every year. The men who do things maturely, slowly, deliberately, are the men who o:tenest succeed in hie. People who are habitually in a hurry gen erally have to do things twice over. The tortoise beat the hare at last. Slow men seldom fcnoct tneir brains out against a post. Foot-races aie injurious to health, as are all forms of competitive exercises; steady labor in tr.e Held is the best gymna sium in the world. Either labor or exer cise carried to exhaustion or prostration, or even to great tiredness, expressed by " fagged out," always does more harm than the previous exercise has done good. All running up-stairs, running to catch up with a vehicle or cars, are extremely inju rious to every age, and sex, and condition of life. It ought to be the most pressing necessity which should induce a person over fifty to run twenty yards. Those live longest who are deliberate, whose actions are measured, who never embark in any enterprise without " sleeping over it," and who perform all the every day acts of life with calmness. Quakers are a proverbial ly calm, quiet people, and Quakers are a thrifty folk, the world over. Dr. SdU. Value of Husbands. Wives sometimes do not value their husbands as they ought. They not on frequently learn the value of a good hus band for the first time by the loss of him. Yet the husband is the very roof-tree of the house the corner-stone of the edifice the key-stone called home. He is the bread-winner of the family its defense and its glory the beginning and ending of the golden chain of life which surrouds it its controller, law-giver, and its king. Yet, we say, how frail is that life on which so much depends. How frail is the life of the husband and father ! When he is taken away, who shall fill his place t When he is sick, what eloemy clouds hover over the house ? V.'ben hs is dead, what dark ness, weeping, agony ! Then poverty, like the murderous assassin, breaks in the window starvation, like a famishing wolf, howls et the door. Widowhood is too often an associate of sackcloth and ashes. Orphanhood too often means deso lation and woe. 'Exchange. I Effect of Treatment on Animals. Besidis the effect of skill In selection, good deal lies in the proper treatment of animals. The best beasts may be spoiled by bad management. Docility and quietness of disposition, which are points of so great importance, depend greatly on how the animals are used. A kind and gentle way of treating them, if uniformly persevered in, has a magical effect, and there is no doubt that too little attention is paid to this matter. Bake well's cattle were noted for their gen tleness, and this was owing to the uniform kindness with which he caused them to be treated. And here there must be selection also, for temper runs in the blood like other things. . Animals of a wild and vicious disposition should not be kept for breeding, however excellent they may otherwise be, for there is every chance the fault will be inherited, and every one knows what a pest even one wild beast is in a herd. The animal nature responds wonder fully to kind treatment. Every one has heard of the Arabs and their horses how these children of the desert excel us in their usage of these fine creatures, and how generously the noble steeds answer to the call of their masters, without the rough appeal to whip and spur which is too com mon with us. Sir Charles Knightley, well known as a breeder of Short Horns, was still more celebrated as a brilliant horseman. Ue had a fimous hunter called Benvolio, the best he ever rode ; but in the hands of an other man this horse would, in all proba bility, have turned out a useless and vicious brute. The first trial of him seemed only to show that his most dis tinguishing characteristic was an ntter aversion to all sorts of jumping exercise. Sir Charles took him out alone one morning, and endeavored to bring him to reason, but in vain. Stock-still be stood, and no power on earth could induce him to take a fence. 11 is rider came home to luncheon somewhat discouraged but not disgusted cast down, but not in despair Afier a glass of Madeira, he brought him out again, still patient, good-tempered and persevering. The animal that would have resisted coercion to death was at length subdued by kindness, and from that cay Benvolio became the finest hunter in En gland. The marvelous feats he performed with the Baronet on his back are yet re lated with wonder and admiration. One spot is pointed out that still goes by the name of " Knightley's Leap," which de generate horsemen of modern tunes gaze at with dismay, declaring that, even on a second Benvolio, no consideration would induce them to ride at it. Here then is a fine instance of what can be done by a gentle and masterly hand. Again, there is no doubt that treatment is of much importance in developing tbe size and expansibility of the animal frame. Good shelter, and plenty of food, given regularly, without intervals of starvation, have evidently the effect of increasing the size and early development ot cattle, and the best breeds can be stunted and spoiled in course of time by an opposite system of hunger and exposure. froj. jaimeson. Sun-Force and Brain Health. Every intelligent person understands the effect of cutting off the supply of sun light from a plant, but very few are aware how important sun-force is to the subtle mechanism of brain and nerve, and how terribly mischievous is the result of a life too exclusively confined to houses, shops and stores. Recent science has brought to light series of intensely interesting and extreme ly significant facts in regard to the action of the brain, and the invariable connec tion of this action with the working of mind, and has also shown that brain action is largely determined by the influences, di rect and indirect, of sun-force. Professor Tyndall has lately expressed the extreme view of this when he savs that the advo cates cf natural evolution, or many of them, " would probably assent to tbe posi tion that at the present moment all our philosophy, all our poetry, all our science and all our art Plato, Shakspeare, New ton and Raphael are potential in the fires of the sun." We may pronounce this ex treme notion monstrous, as Professor Tyn dall does, but the most conclusive results ot scientific inquiry put it beyond all doubt that the force of the sun's influence plays a chief part in sustaining the life of the brain, and is too important to brain health to be neglected without fatal peril. The almost miraculous play of the par ticles of the brain, which constitutes the life and action of that organ, is very little understood, except by scientists and those who pay special attention to science. It goes on ill or well, and no heed is paid to causes which affect it, until perhaps the effects of ignorance become manilest in complete or partial DreaKoown or tne mind. At this moment all civilized com inanities, where a high spirit of enterprise has long prevailed, are suffering to a most serious, not to say terrible, extent Irom brain-deterioration, the result of working the brain too hard, and of cutting it off from vivifying influences, chief among which are the influences of the sun. We need not enlarge upon the facts to which study of this subject bears testi mony. It is more to our purpose here to point out the practical necessity, for our men and women who have chiefly in-door life, especially that life be one which taxes the brain, of special attention to feeding the brain with sun-force, or bath ing the brain in the solar influences. And we believe practical experience warrants tne statement that lor anything like an adequate result there should be an active state of the body, while in the sun-bath, and as much help as may be from the freshest air and the closest contact of the feet with the kindly magnetism of the earth. The fact is that the garden is as much Eden now as ever it was, and that work in a garden, nghtly engaged in, is the surest safeguard to one who needs to take special care of the health of the brain. Days in spring when we have a fresh east wind, a warm sun, and the soil alive with the new influences of the season, ought conscientiously to be improved by people of overtaxed brains, to whom the exercise and exposure we speak of would be far more useful than any vacation from labor in midsummer can be. Thirty days at this season of the year, judiciously devot ed to putting body and brain under the in fluences of sun, and soil, and air, would do more to renew brain power than all other means together can do. remaps some of our readers cannot command tune for holding such a " pro tracted meeting" with Nature and Na ture's Author, to reinvigorate body and soul for the burden and labor of the year's worK ; dot u is practicable for most per sons to devise their way of lift so as to get out into tne sun ior some moderate exer cise, and let earth and sun have their kindly play of subtle forces through the jaueu system, uilies nardly admit of ir., and for-this reason brain workers should avoid cities as they would a Calcutta Hole. ISO wors involving severe brain labor can long prosper in cities, except at the cost oi using up those engaged in lL if ft o'clock does not find such workers out in the country, as a rule, sixty will find them fit, or nearly fit, for the insane re treat In the country any bit of out-of-doors may be made the bads of that keeping of a garuen wnicn nas so much promise in it for the wearied worker. The more pleas ure which can be devised, by creating beauty, and cultivating an interest in plant and flower tree, which comes with per sonal care, the better; but most persons, if they will only turn themselves out for this purpose, will find interest enough. A flower garden serves the purpose most satisfactorily in most cases, and is more practicable than any other labor of the kind. Do not undertake too much : put your wits to it as well as your hands, and maKe as mucn ot it as you can is the ad vice which we believe can be followed with satisfaction. Chicago Tribune. The question, does getting'drunk ever advance one's happiness? would seem to be put to rest br the Irishman who went courting while urunk, and was asked what pleasure he found in whisky. "Oh, Biddy, it's a trate intirely, to see two of your swate, purty faces instead of one." A poor equestrian should always keep his eye on the mane chance. KITTY'S CHOICE. A wbaltht old farmer m Absalom Lee, lie bad but one daughter, tbe miecbleTont Kitty; So fair and so good, and so gentle was the. That lovers came wooiiitf from country and city. The nret aud the boldest to art for her hand. Was a trimly-dressed dandy, who worshiped her tin; She replied, with a smile he could well aDderstand, " That she married no ape for the sake of his skin!" The next was a merchant from business retired. Rich, eonty and grsff a presuming old tinner: Young Kitty's fair form and sweet face he ad mired. And thought to himself, " T can easily win her." So he showed her Lis palace and made atalutf bow. And raid she might live there; but wickedly then Kitty told him she'd long made a rash vow, " K'ot to marry a bear for the sake of Ms den I" A miser came next ; he was fearless and bold In claiming his rtetat to fair Kitty's affection; He said he'd not wnt for a home while his gold Could pay for a cabin to give her protection. Half vexed at his boldness, but calmed in a trice. She curtried, and thanked him, and bliuhingly then Deninrely repeated her sae aunt's advice " Not to marry a hog for the sake of his pen!" The next was a farmer, youne, bashful and shy; lie feared the bold wooers who came from tbe citv; But the nui-h on his cheek, and the light In bis eye. Soon kindled a flime in the bosom of Kitty. "My life will be one of bard labor," he said, " But, darling, come share it with me if you can " I snppose," she replied, gayly tossing her head, "I must marry the furm lor the sake of the Hints on the Use of Draft Horses. " If a horse cannot lay to his work, and bend his head down when he desires to do so, be sure that he is not properly har nessed." Whenever a horse is employed for the purpose of drawing any vehicle, it is of me utmost importance that he should be able to employ all his strength to advan tage. Every one, who considers at all, must acknowledge that if a horse has to do his work iu a cramped or confined condi tion, or when he is inconveniently placed as regards the load, he cannot exert hii lull power, which is so much loss to his master; or, if forced to perform a certain am mnt, that he is obliged to waste a great deal more of his strength (or muscular power) than is required, to his own great pain and injury. The queaion how to prooerlv attach the horse to the vehicle is, therefore, one of tne greatest importance to every master who wishes to get a proper degree of work in a fair and rational manner. Yet, from being unacquainted with the principles, few examine closely into the practice ; an immense deal of horse strength is wasted every day on loads which, if properly at tached, might have been comfortably moved with far less trouble, exertion and pain. The act of pulling is performed by lean ing forward, with the weight of the body against the resistance of the onrvosine force, and then, by strong movements of the limbs, keeping up and increasing the pressure; the weight of the body being of vuc uuiium importance, as any one may try by pulling at a rope passiug over one shoulder, and standing upright all the time. It will be found that what was be fore pulled with ease cannot now be moved at all, or at any rate, only by the most severe and continued efforts of the limbs. These muscular movements, exhausting the strength, try the system violently, whereas, the body-weight is easily em plowed without consuming the vital ener gies. From the upright position of a man'! body, he is not fitted to draw loads. If, therefore, this great difference is perceiv able with his light frame, how great must be the waste of strength when the horse is prevented Irom throwing his whole weight fairly into to the collar? Yet this is constantly the case through various causes. . First, and, unfortunately, in too many iub-s, me ciniar i quite unnt ior the ani mal, a norse collar is, we are sorry to say, frequently looked upon merely as a ring for the neck, to which the traces are to be affixed ; whereas there is no part of the harness so important and which ought mj in, bo accurately, now oiten is a little collar, only fit for a pony, jammed on the neck of a much larger animal, so that every pull he makes gives the feeling of b lauguiauuo, ana mat win, in all proba bility, cause some fit, if long continued, besides its liability to gall and wring the poor animal's shoulder? When this has taken place the work cannot be fairly per formed ; and to do it all the anguish of the poor horse must be indescribable. Secondly, the horse is often prevented from throw ing his weight into the e illar Dy a cnecK-rein a useless and painful in cumbrance introduced by vanity and re tained by thoughtlessness amounting to cruelty. Ask horse-keepers why they use it, and hardly any one will give the same answer, although it is generally supposed by them to be a safeguard in case of stum bling. The real object with which it was introduced wi s to make every horse to which it was applied, however wpfc r old, or poor, assume the lofty carriage of mu iiiurougu-oreu norse; and the tossing of the head, the foam of the mouth, and the restless agitation of the body (mute but expressive signs of pain aud suffering) come, in a little while, not only to be disregarded, but even to be looked at with approbation. Fnrtllnntnlv this vitiated taste is rapidly going out of msuiuii us uetter lniormation is diffused. Few of the London cab drivers use the cnecK-rems, knowing them to be ineon sistent with proper work ; and when one is observed it will invariably be found to be on some poor animal, whose wearied and haggard appearance is attempted to be uiguieu Dy mis implement of torture. 1 hirdly, a great cause of unnecessary pain and labor to many horses, is a neg- greased. "Some persons may not be aware, says llieover, in his work on Bi peds and Quadrupeds, "that the trifling onvciy ury or wen greased, will cause twenty miles to take more out of a horse than forty would in the latter; yet wheels absolutely screaming from dryness are often seen, and heard, attached to carts ana wagons, and thus would the brute in human form let them scream till he had reached his iournev's end. or ftnishpri ha day s work, though his horses were draw ing from such cause at least one ton in foui of resistance more than they would if the defect were attended to." Men who have loaded carta Anrl rlrivpn norses ail tneir lives, ought to know hnw a norse should be worked to his master's advantage and bis own comfort ; but the fact is the working men know little and care less on the subject If that is not so, how is it that we frequently see the fol lowing error? A disproportion between the vehicle and the animal. May not a person everywhere observe a fault of this kind ? a little horse staggering iinrtor th weigui oi s mgn ana neavy cart, which. U the load be in rear of the axle, nearly iuio me umuimuaie creature on his legs, placing him in a position in which it is impossible he can exert his power at all favorably ; and, on the other hand, hnw often is a tall horse sent between the shafts ot a low gig or cart, pulling the shafts up wards at a sharp angle? a position just n 1. 1 1 . i : i v aa n&muiu miu uisauvantagous, and wasteful of animal power as that min. turned oetore. American Stock Journal. Finery for Babies. Whes will American mothers show their good sense and dress their children plainly? An underskirt is just as useful entirely plain, as with innumerable tucks and ruffles? aprons soil just as ouicklv with all the stitching and ornamenting, as if without it. We should avoid all this useless work. A good sewing machine used to iwrfi-irm the sewing of plain garments is a valuable servant My sewing is no severe master for me, though there are six of us to be clothed. My children never seem to feel the need of tucks and ruffles, aud as I join iiiem ior a laiiiuie iiuiiting spring tlowers, I am not constantly fretted about their clothes, for they are of good, substantial material, not easily torn, aud so plainly made that if soiled they are very easily washed and ironed. People say to me what a healthy, rosy-looking family you have. I think very few people ever felt serionslv distressed nt th nlain rimni. wuj OiltlliO dress of my children. . I was very much distressed by one of the numerous children of a hard-working mechanic coming to my door, one cold, rainy day, dressed in ruffled dress and apron, with shoes unfit for any child to wear, and asking a pattern for an infant's tucked dress. 1 told the child to tell its mother that I never had such an article, and hoped my good sense would never al low such a display. Very pretty they are, but there are so many things to be done for the sweetcss and most helpless of all creation, that I should hardly feel justified in taking the time to make and iron such a garment Mothers, try this plan of plain garments, and see if the little ones are not just as comfortable, and if you do not find your labors very much lessened by it Above all things, try to find time for a little self-culture, that you may be the companions and teachers of the tender years of your children. Cor. JV. T. Tribune. USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE. An exchange says onions, if planted near the roots of a rose-tree, will" give a most excellent scent to the roses. To be happy, the passions must be cheerful and giy, not gloomy and melan choly. A propensity to hope and joy is real riches ; one to fear and sorrow, real pov erty. Istisiblb Cement. Insinglass boiled in spirits of wine will produce a line, trans parent ceineut, which will unite broken glass so as to render the fracture almost imperceptible and perfectly secure. To Remove Stains To take the stain of any fruit from any fabric, put the gar ment in a vessel, pour boiling water over it, and let it stand till cool, then wash it and the stain is gone. Commercial oil or turpentine is said to be a good antidote to poisoningby phos phorus. The two substances form a com pound in the stomach, resembling sperma cetti, and this can readily be removed from the system. Blacking for Ladies' and Chil dren's SnoKS. Take good black ink, and mix with dissolved gum arabic. Ap ply with a brush or sponge. This gives beautifully new appearance to morocco shoes that hare become a iitue rusty. An Orange County (N. Y.) man says, that by feeding on brewer's slops, many cows in that county are so drunk the year round they don't know what kind of milk .1 IT. .1 . I. . . . 1 . V. - r, n,,.AU mey give, xic uou b imu& ikci l.ulu improved by being strained through an old cow. Hoo Cholera. Dissolve thoroughly one pound of copperas in three gallons of warm water, and apply tne wasn auoui milk warm to the affected animal, by dip ping into the solution or rubbing upon it until the skin is thoroughly wet When ever the skin of the hog begins to look rough and scaly, or of a dark red color, apply the wash immediately. Don't wait until the mere alarming symptoms (vomit ing and purging) set in. Apply the wash every day until the scales are removed. Wertern liuraL Chatped Hands. It is said that honey is an unfailing preventive for chapped hands. When washing the hands, or rather having washed them, while they are still wet, rub on them a little honey, and then dry them, taking care to leave the honey on, and not rinse it off before dry ing the hands. If the hands are sore and chapped, on the first and second applies tion the honey will cause pain for about five minutes, but it used every time tne hands are washed, the hands never chap. It is also a cure for irritation on the face caused by wind and cold weather. To Destroy Willow Trees. A cor respondent of the Carolina Farmer says: Cut through the bark with a light hatchet or drawing knife about five or six feet from the irround. Then strip the bark down to the ground in pieces two or three inches broad, leaving it fast to tne tree at the bottom. This can be dose any time in May. Toward the latter part ot sum mer, or any time thereafter, the trees may be cut Some will die previously ; others will remain green throughout the summer. But whether dead or alive when cut, the stumps will never sprout Sakett Rein. A correspondent of the (Munfru Gentleman gives a plan for a simple safety rein, for use on hard-pulling horses. A common jointed snaffle bit is used, but on it are placed two loose rings, not large enough to slip over the ouler rings on the bit To these loose rings the eheck pieces of the bridle are fastened, the outer rings being used only for the drivinir reins, which pass tcrougu luetu an 1 are fastened at the top of the head. It will be seen that pulling on the rein by the driver, draws the bit up in the mouth, pressing it against the fork of the lips, and throws the head up instead of against the breast. The correspondent says he has used this contrivance with success for three Years on a mare which had repeated ly run away before even with a strong curb bit Gunpowder for Borers. btulman Stockwell, of Lyons, Iowa, says: "It frequently happens that we nearly destroy the tree before we can find the borers. In cae I cannot find him without much trouble. I make a hole with a small bit as far ahead as 1 can and nit the no.e oi tne borer, then put in say a thimbleful of powder, plug the noie tiie Dorer has made with moist -dirt or a rag, then fire the powder with a hot wire, and by the time the smoke clears up the borer is dead. It makes no difference whether he goes up or down, the fire will find and cook him perfectly. Sometimes it is nec essary to make a smtll cartridge of paper, or a goose-quilL I have practiced this course for some years and have seen no bad results. The common practice of throwing saw dust into the streams on which stw-mius are situated is reprehensible. It would not pay to spread it upon a muck swamp, but upon any sandy land, or light gravelly loam, deficient in vegetable matter, it would prove a good dressing, and in time would show good results It makes good bedding for animals in stables, it is an ex cellent absorbent and w.U keep cows clean even better than straw. It is also a very light handy article in the hetnery. The article is merchantable iu cities, and is auite extensively used upon floors in eating saloons, and for other purposes. It is a good substitute lor straw, ana tins is now worth so much for manufacturing purposes, in many parts of the country, that no thrifty farmer can arlord to use it for bedding. Exchange. Green Spinach. At the head of that class of pot herbs commonly called " greens, stands spinach, admitted to be the most delicate in texture and acceptable in flavor. Many like their greens boiled with meat a treatment that may be well enough for turnip-tops, cabbage-sprouts, and the like coarse herbs, but to drench the delicate and refined spinach in greasy pot-liquor, is to my notion an out ami sac rilege. Often, with the best of intentions, the cook will send spinach to the table of an olive or nearly brown color, instead of the dark, pleasing green, which makes it as welcome to the eye as it is to the palate. This want of proper color is be cause the cook does not know one simple dodge. Always boil spinach in an un covered pot AVhen the spinach is done. drain it on a colander, chop it fine, warm it up with a good lump oi butter, and. when well heated through, serye. Ameii can Agriculturist. House Plants. To succeed in growing plants in dwell ings, it is necessary to keep the air around the plants at a moderate temperature, say from fifty to sixty degrees, and as moist as possible, by having the plants stind on damp moss, sand, or other material that will all the time be giving off moisture amongst the leaves. Any plant havin g leaves large enou A as the beautiful waxy camelia. the India rubber plant, century, and others, are greatly benefited by occasionally sponging the leaves with water, by which means the dust that accumulates on them is removed a fruitful source of trouble to honse plants. Where sponging is not applica ble, as with small-leaved sorts, or those of a wooly or rough surface, a syringing, or, what is better, aa hour or two in a warm rain, will have the same effect and be vast ly beneficial to the health of tha r'.ants Scientific American Dangerous Well Water. It frequently happens that wlla, which at one time were supplied with pure and fresh water, in the process of building and change in population become contaminat ed with organic matter, having Its fource in cesspools, outhouses, and the like. A convenient way of testing whether the well is subject to external Influences, is to employ a salt of lithium. For example, pour into the cesspool a small quantity of a soluble salt of lithia, and after a few hours, test the well water to see if any of the lithia has percolated through the soil The least trace of lithia can be shown through the spectroscope, anil a Subter ranean connection, with the well, at once determined. There is nothing more dangerous than organic matter in drinking water. To such impurities have been traced many cases of typhoid fever, cholera, and other epidemics: and too much caution cannot therefore be observed in the location of wells. The insidious character of water cannot always be determined by a direct chemical analysis, and the taste of soft water be comes more palatable than that of hard, so that it is better, if possible, to prove a connection with drains or pools, in order to frighten persons from using from un wholesome wells. As lithia is not a poison, its use for this test can be safely tried. Scientific American. Feeding Sheep. Ae to my resona. for keeping sheep in so small lots : In the first place, in small lots each sheep will get its proper share of grain, etc, 'and in the second place, you can keep them more quiet All the room they should have, in my opinion, is so that they can lie down comfortably and not crowd each other. One quart of com per head a day is heavy feed, I admit, but if they are large, strong wethers, that will weigh 100 or 110 pounds on an average in the fall, they will eat it, if the weather is steady cold. But if it is hot and cold every few days, they will not eat quite so much. My theory of feeding sheep is this, that after you get them well on their feed, and up to what we term full feed, the more you can get them to eat, the faster they will lay on fat My experience is that if you want to fatten sheep fast give them all they can eat and digest and keep them quiet and they will not disap point you. I claim that you can crowd a sheep las well as you can a hog, if you know how to do it We calculate to make sheep gain from twenty up to twenty-five pounds per head, live weight, in about 100 or 110 days from the time we put them in the yards. F. L. Potter, in Country Gen tleman. CAUTION! CAUTION! CAUTION! Unprincipled men are endeavoring in differ ent parts of the country to palm off upon the unwary an imitation of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, under a similar sounding yet not identical name. Remember the genuine is called " Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy," and of "Dr. Sage's Catarrh Cure," "Dr. Sage's Catarrh Reliever," or some other similar sounding name. Also bear in mind that the genuine has the words " R. V. Pierce. M. D., Sole Proprietor, Buffalo, N.Y.," pr'm ted upon the outside wrapper, and has Dr. Pierce's por trait, name and address on the government revenue stamp upon it, which is A positive GUARANTEE Ot GKNOINBXESS. It is therfore an easy matter to distinguish the genuine from the spurious. The msansED drams, falsely called medi cines, fold in bar-rooms as "tonics" and " stomachics " have nothing in common with Da. Walker's Vinegar Bitters. That fa moos invigorant does not owe ita stimulating properties to fiery and adulterated Alcohol, but to medicinal roots and herbs never here tofore combined. The effect of the Bitters in cases of constitutional debility, chronic Indi gestion, liver complaint and all diseases tend lug to consumption, is so marvel Ions that ex cept to those who have felt or witnessed it, the result seems incredible. Chapped hands are very common with those who have their hands much in- water. A few drops of Johmon't Anodyne Liniment rubbed over the hands two or three times a day, will keep them soft and white. Fisher men, sailors, and others will do well to re member this. Tne Timt eays Dr. Walpole has lost his beautiful chestnut mare. She died suddenly in harness, it is supposed from Dots or pin worms. If the Doctor had used Sheridan't Cavalry Condition Poadtn, be would no doubt have had his mare to-day they are death on worms. Writs to Cobb Brothers, Booksellers, Chicago, for their new catalogue. It will be sent to you post paid. Pbusstno's White Wine Vinegar Is a moat raperb article for table use. Warranted pure. The American Builder for May con tains fully its nanal amount of Interesting and valuable matter. Especially la it rich in contribu tions from well known writer. Tbe illustrations for the month consist of a portrait, which is a genuine work of art, and a plan of a cottage, with details, which possesses a practical value to every body. Published at 151 and 163 Monroe street, Chicago. Price, $3.00 per year. Send twenty-five cents for specimen copy. Quit Drugging. This is now admitted by the medical profession as a fundamental principle of healing science. It is wisely provided by the human economy that whenever anything is wrong In the physical sys tem tbe natural lorcea of the body are brought to bear to expel the disease. The great aim. there fore, is ta strengthen the natural powers. This has been kept in view by the skillful compounders of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which operates to give fresh vitality to all the organs of the body. Tbe effect of this medicine upon tbe stomach, the liver and the kidneys is prompt and decisive. The patient who b wise enough to quit drugging and try the Bitters soon feels aa If he had taken a new lease of life, and as he continues the use of the ar ticle, he is overjoyed to find the streams of health coursing through his frame. It at prepared with great care, and iu component parts are entirely vegetable. It is free from the objections so often urged against preparations of the kind. As a me dicinal agent it has no equal, while ita pleasing flavor and healthful effects have made It a general favorite. It is free from all properties calculated to impair the system, and its operations are at once mild, soothing ana efficient. All who have used Hostetter's SLomach Bitten attest its virtues and commend it. Even those who are In tbe enjoyment of perfect healta frequently have need to have recourse to tnnics ss preventives of disease. We are never too well armed against the assaults of "the ills that flesh is heir to. In health or sickness, this tonic cannot be taken regularly without giving vi tality and elasticity to the system. T ..i.4 . tit fi " - - - - - apfe. in? from a disordered liver, stomach, nervous de bility, dyrpep"a or liver complaint, suuuiu iry Pn-v TiLvi' Pain Killer. It seldom fails tO effect a cure in a very short time. Those troubled with ague or chills will find it a sovereign remedy. White Rose Potato MORE NEARLY BUG PROOF Thaa muj ther kaewv Tttrlecr. Rvrrr Farmer shoald secure enoazii thto fprlng to raise hie teea tor another year. . Wp hv & ffmflii aoandtr which w wiD irfl for Intro (taction at 50 cents per pouod by mail, or 95 per peck bj ex rtresa. HOVEY Sc OO-, Wholesale and Retail Seed Warehouse. 37 Muus Ht Chleaa-o. THE OLD ROOT & KERB DOCTOR. ContalntatheIndlnRnwdisfcrthe rare of Asthma. ConulM, Colds, Debility, and all diseases of tM Min. b'oeu. stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys. Also, the And dote for every known Poison. A copy laonld be In every Family. Price, bound In muslin, 30 eta. ; paper, SO ets.-, sent prepaid bv mall. Artdre-e . w yo, j. Diauai - ' osity tDrSoc. urmsiv. nr. H- TAI.LJIAS'S oolosne; tarnus Cam J ""f,' T?- ouot mo. ""'""'fiVii;iri: bllduufbeVSmnl'SWj. Where nS mJuVJti oi oblnai uPPliat wholesale pneesb, write tor rr1 list Gds sent Ty expnss. Uaokt, TOav jjssvnis. Wacoixani. V'5irtuch keeps narlnz all thf rime. Made by pie Purer, wmcnT- hTwhITTEMORE. 2.11 S'-E ""ZL's ml 2 f" h Da t tru r a m ifcna mm saaBawsai m m rn-" g " O 05 3 $ $ $ A Good Spring Tonic! CT CASES OF GEKERAL DEBILTTT. A GOOD SUMMER TONIC, ton errs of aVjriio or CJliills. DE. S. 0. EICHAEDSOFS SHERRY WIHE BITTERS, Tna cxajEBUATSD HEW ESOtAND BBBEDI roa tsi eras ot Jaundice, Fever and Ague, General Debility, and all Diseases anslng xrant a iusor dtred Stomacn, Liver or Bowels. Kab the fcuowtar from Dr. teener, for many years the most prominent puyocian and drnsast M tne placet w . . c-rfr fn Alilo Jnne 31. fWdme fr-rhvd a lot ofTr 8. son's Sberry Wine Bitters to sell oo coninilsslwi. TJT are all sold: and your farther supply of three d.eo Just recelTHl. I think 1 shsll wd more f-on, as UVy arcln food demapd and hii-hly praised bv sufferers Irom InOiges- UUn, uyepepsia ann liver cuwihsuu.. r'TEru'ISKPR.M.D. J. Pf. HARKI9 & CO., Sola Proprietors, Cincinnati, Ohio. For Sale by TTTLPR. mcfl flTXEB. ..CWemao, fiL RICIIAUDSO.V CO St. Loua M JI NKEKMAXS H.tSS, Diibanarf, low. GHKKNK BUTTON,. Milwaukee, Wis. KOYE4 BUUb St Psnl. Minn. THEA-NECTAR is a rrM BLACK TEA wtfli the Tri FUiwr. War ranted to suit ail ts.-rrs. Ar Ml wrtvhere. And Kr sale wlw .U SHleonlv hv the llrrnt Atlan tic ml Pacific Tea t'e.. S Chnn-ii SU .V i ork. P. . Box 540tt. fiend kjr Thea-SectM Circular. A CIRCULAR ! Of Interest to everybody m the country, will be sent FREE on Immediate application to II. X. IlEHPSTED, ntiiwmakee. Wiacoaataw ' 1 -- -r"- - 1 IW VI STOR9 who wish to tales out Letters Patent are advised tocounsel with the Editors of the Scustific Avckica. who have prosecuted claims before ne Patent nttiM. f. j- .1.1 VHnL Their American and fcurooean Patent Avency ts lite most extensive In the u-orM. t harzes less than any olbcr reliable agency. A pamphlet with lull fcbttrocnoos to ffiTentorsM sent Brain. AiHiraw MUHIi Sc CO 37 Park Raw, Kawt Tark. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ! A stictean pace weekly demted to M bchaictcw, M.irr TAfTCKW, lNVatXTIOX, CHZMU-TKT. EN4.IHBMIXO, AscniTicmi and Pom. a Sciencs. Kull ot nplen- tit Ennmiiga. lerma, fj.uu a year, opecuueu uuui- DW Kail irv-. AtKirats, . , M CNN & CO- 37 Prfc Row, H. T. AGETTJ WAITED JJpS OF Jefferson Davis. The mndovkT, Ohio, Re-rUtcr, nw of the ftnuncbeat lirjHiUirain piitarra, tttyt,: "U rombtne in one miMWut volume, all tint! can b ttnll on th: SoutlKni Side; and If we wislwtl 10 mpwi one book giving tlie &outhrn view of tlie ?reai Mruele in vteoruu! style an1 compact form land every itu(ia,t of hiMonr annuM have such a book), we iihoafd huv AltrirniVs Life of Davis, The book to readable thpHilMmt, aud many portions are abworbincly inUTestin-r." V. F. LST, PuUi&lier, as tt Fourth Street, CtnctnnatL, U. . lira VTVn ImmevtiitstT . MO APTTtf" lor tnnr tnvrn- l V Loo In jrreat de m:uTt at 15 cent-, givinir nT cent. profit, sample aenu nuuu jlwli Atitiiuotu Alaioen, MERCHANT'S GARBLING OIL 13 GOOD FOB Ttitrn and Scaidt. fiprai awf Bruited Cftippert Httmiit, Fl" WnUMiU, Frml Bit, Rrttmnl Pntm, Nrliul OwU lintXtnf AU Kindt, Siff'tiM. Ringbone, Prttlril, Bila of Antmal Thaeota, TooUutcAe, tc, tc. Mmorrlumf of Pile, H"re Atopfe-, Oief kmif, isfNi, Manor, .-rnfc-Ar, or Grrtv. ISrringhnlt, WindguUt, ommtered feet, Vmctrt HreU. mot Hi in Stiff, Jtoup in PoHUry, Loan Buck, tc bc Urge SIze.tl.00; Sedlaaa,50e.; Small, 5c The GarcUncOn has been rn use ss a Lmtment for I thlrty-euht vears. All wc ask is a air tnai, but I ne sare ami lotlow Ulrecuons. Ask your nearest druasist or dealer In patent medicine, lor one of our Almanacs and Vaue Mecuma, and read wbat the jxoftt aay about the Oil The GanrTlne Oil Is for sale by an respectable dealers throughout the CnUt UlaU sad oiker OoHntrie. . ur UHtnHmkU date fmen 1SS8 to the present and are mnmiiriiM. Use the dorating 04, and led your neighbors what roodlt has done. We dad fnir and liberal with all, and defv rontra- diction, it rmjor an Almanac or uxx book. Manufactured at Lociport, IT. MERCHANT'S G1EGLOG OIL C031PAYT, JOH5 HODGE, See'y. CUT THIS OUT And send twenty -five cents far a ticket, and get a Watch, Sewing Machine, Piano, or some article of value. Six tickets for ai.Ou. Jo Moats, Addraat .FACKAliU CO, Cincinnati, Ohio. HKPARKERJS'GUMr Se--.foiTP .. . "P3rr. '!? tart ed agf-wt. ! ?; au lh celebrated BOME buol himiiuio MACHLNK. Has the under-flat, makes tna I . . l ... m .i.irA am KAth slrt.a.1 and ta full ' t K.t and eheanest lamllr eew "locm mncA (Siixa hdwdiiu-i.iwivwih., UcenKtl. Tha beat and cheapest lamlly eew Address JOHN. SON, CLARK A CO, Boston. h.,l bnxah. Pa Chleace. Ill-or St. tools. M. Pitts REDUCTION OF P1UCES To conform to REDUCTION Or DUTIES. Great Sa.vla ta Cesmamera ky ettl mm Ciabs. tr Send Ihr our w,w Wee Lbt snd a Clnh jrm wffl accompany It containing full directions, inaklnif a 'ante Mvinett consumers awl remunerative to club orgatuzara. THX GREAT AXEBICAX TEA CO., P.O. Bex 5643. 31 and 33 Vtsey St, Hew Tort UILDIN& PAPER OP THREE KHS. taeredshi:a THING. Forontside ol feioddirar. under Claphoards. " A DuoMMliietorofrold.hentandrtamnne. tosts bat a few dollars to cover a honse, thus making U Aia-Tjoa-r. PBEPABED PLASTEKNO B0AB.D. A cheap and perfect substitute tie huh and plas ter: makes a smooth, warm and permanent waU, at less than naif the usual cost. DOUBLE THICK E00 FINS and Qoartt Cement make a fnod water and and are-proof roof for tea than 3 per square. rr SamDles and circular, with prices, cost per square yard, c sent free to any address. BOCK K.IVER PAPER CO 73 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. P. 8.-Please say to what paper you saw this advt FRAGRANT SAPOLIEHE Cleans Kid Gloves and all ktnds of Cloths and eMhlnsr; re moves Paint, Greaae, T it, ax, initnnttm, wttliout the least Inlnrv to the finest fnbric. Sold by Prrcnri-t and Fancy Soodadcalers. FBAGRAST. BAPOUESF. CO, S3 Barclay 8t, Si ew York, 46 LaSaJle si, ( h-cno - DUTCHER'S LICHTNINC PLY KILLER . 4,. DEAD. SHOT fori BED HUGS. Try them and Sleep lr Peace ? FASmSS, MT.CHAW7C9 WORKERS Can mute 50 ta 150 per month, with THE VE1R OF BATTLES, And our Maps. Pictures end Chromos. Gorscsicis's ariH Sook asto iut fiocas. CmcasOk Sri f WHMWRITISOTO ADVERTISERS please say yea saw Ike AaTertiaf at la this aaaer. jaaJi . H. Hm Hallway's Ready Belief CUKES i ui ttuna'i' raus Im from One) to Twenty Minute. NOT ORE HOUR after mlinn this tidvertiement need any one hlTKKls ITH rUi. EAEWAT3 fciADY KKLIKF IS A CUBE FOB tVTHV PAIN. It was ll first and l THE Mil PAIN KETIF.DY that instantly stop the mont eYcmeiatinff pains, alBtys InuammalionH, and cures Cotit-i.tior.s, wh-tli-r f tlie Lun::, ;.mitii, ISuwow, cr oUiar Uii or oi"ius, by oao Wiki?ROM OXF. TO TWKVl'T MTYCTF.S. no matter hoar violent or excrucwtinir the pain the liHKr MATI1C. Hed-rviiU-n, Inllrm, Crippl"!. iitnous, l.eurr gfc, or prostrated with disease may uner, Badway's Ready Belief will afford Iastiat Aid. inpiminattrm of tht Klthftn, Infammnum of W Jji'itLtrt. InfiimHvrnnii of tlie B'lwit. I o't!n of Ike .,.. Snr Tkrora, Ultra, brnaku.il. Put pUiil inn of the Jraj t, Hs'lrrk "iou. Ipa liirri,''at'trrj. htlfnzu, JltfUt'-he aiul jwthitrhe. X'nmUna. HheHiintu, iUd t'AWis and A'jiie rttM. TheappllMtioo of the Ready Keller to the part or parts w liars the pain or ditticuity exists w ill slforU euac and cotntoTT. r... 1 r,. , , (.iflh , IT Tr.i.rtpmshiMildrtls-vsearrya bottv of Radway sj Ready Relief wlihiiietu. Afcw drops in water will pmreiil sleknosorpaiii l'r-mch:in-reof wr'tcr. It la better thou 1 rumh Hrantlv or UtUers as s sUniulant. FEVER AND AGUE. V K K A X D AG ' K rnxrrl for M y cents. There Is not s remedml :;ent In this world tli:tt rvillcure Feverand Amie and allotlu? Malar!.' ns, BikHn,tlrl"t, Trphotil, Yellow, and other Fevers i aiitil 1t K lira'A Y'S F1LL4I so im k asKADWAl 8 UK.UY"iikXIKF. FlJly cents per ooul DR. R.IDWIT'S SARSAPAR1LLIAN RESOLVENT, Th-B Groat Blood Purifier. Efirry strop of ftv SARAPAKILLIAX RESOLVKN V frimmitnirat'tt iliroitrli ilw iUKxt. hwrat. Trine, ami o.htt fliiifte hthI j'liw of .he mwtem. the tuinr afli ?, fir it n jvtirhtlic ww.it of tr hotiy with new ami if uil materiU--TotV, S'piiti, Vnumnmptitm frHti ntttrr dimit, l't cert in tAetAnxa ,mtt ftoutt. Tumor-, Xo1in rlauim and othsr pirtn of th jtm. Sort fi-jr. Mrnorn cAftrffr' fmnillM E'r andi 'A vrtrM fornm of bkindt fc'rw"', V--r tiorft, S aid MtnUL'ini HVjrwr, frut Rheum, &rffiprit,A4-ne, Hhn-k Spa. B in 7.et Tmunrs t'lturr.-itin thA U'.'nik. anlltll trrtmkmiHH and pit i Oil fi-A'i.Ytr, Stbt AVfrrt. 7 w uf Spermatid ttu rotMf of me Ufa pn i)", ur rttnrtr of thi trtmtUr of Ult-rn Ciatry. ami n jft ffruV uje rillpi-nrvio any ivmn vMit'j itJ'"T etfier nf iitt'-e fiiTitt Of' (ti '' if pr n t l'r-r Ut Hietlnm. If Uk iKttW-hL sliiily butumnncri'iiiui'tl by U wiwtMiiiiffl dromi-'t-'.tion llutt in continually p: xrn!tii. niM.tTwb.iii jure-Jt mt Utte wjrtt, mwi rentitr tt,e -vtme with new niv lertU m.a'fc'fmm c iieilihv b.-l utl thin the SAli bAiVIULLIAS wilimnildoiierai cttre is certaiu; Hr, wliffloravlhi9nmie'lTrminw-t-slt'orlc of pi-rirt-cuU(iu-wdHiHTeiUindirn!nl.-riinjtlie .nun of wast itn rrmirn will be nipii,and evwv da v the patient will hini- petite ini'mviri at id il-i-li and weiirlif lm;reaiiii.ir. Notonlv il-ie- tlie 8arpakiXsLIas IiiOLioiT rrrri a!lluiownrernel!;d,n'Hintht'iire of Chronic, Scrotn kHi.4')iLfUiitiHialSidbiaa tliseuBt; but it la tLo uuly punitive t un' lir Kidney and Blnodrr Complaints TrlnnrT and Womb di-H-.is-, Gravel, iJiiihefea, Propfiy. H'.pjBtL-e'rt" Water. lm-uuiiieieee.tTr:rw Bris.u's ln-ie, Alltuiniiiuria, and in tail c- wbere tUc.-e am brl k-diwt dIxw-'M,.rt..ew;4tT is tlmic, ciuodv, iuixed with anb maiKtu like lite wiuie "f aue"j, or threiuU (ike white silk, ortlMTeisani-rbi(l,(iark. biliott apf?;iran-e, ami white hneMtrist d.'pntits. mid when llie:-e a prH'KKu; bumin peibation w hen i.-.in water, aud pain in tine bmaU of tha B.tck and alon-4 tiie Luiua. Tamr of Twelve Yenm Growth Carrdhr lUuiway'o KesolvcBU Bktebly, Ma.s Jnhr IS. 19f. D-r. T.mrT-T hare had ovarian Tumor in tne ova-rirandlwei-. A'l i tie doctors .d Uiere wan no euro fur it." 1 trxHl evervtliitiiC that w: rwummemted: but nothing lflped me. saw vwr IiWolvcnt, and thonirht I would trv it; twihad nu faith in it becatw; I had sutfemt W twehvin. I hwih fix lnleof the Ke-olveni, and one box ofliilwavi Pill, and two bott'-s of your Keady Ui liof; natl thiTu U int a suy i of tumor to be seen or li lt, and I (eel latter, snuirter. and liappitT than 1 have lot twelve yvar. The worst tnrn- r wsis in tle It-It Rido of tlie bowt-Kovur the min. I write thi. to von lor Uia beneus ol oilus. You van publiah it if yon chxe. HANNAH P. KS&FP. Alf IMPORTANT LETTER from a prominent i:t .ii.-nuui aud nident ot CirrtnTiatf. Ohio, for tht'iM-t irty vi-an well known to the book pol li&Uera tiirwuiul Hie L in ted States: Nkw Yokx. Oct llth, 1870. Pk. Radwat TimrSir: I nin imltn-ed by a sense of doty to titeMUllVTiru; toni;ikea brwt surenTit of Ue wtrfc pof vouriiht!itii.eonniy!i!f. For several yeara I had been atToeted with .tne trvuite In the bladder and arinary oraas, which n.:nt twelve months ao culminated in a iiwtt UrriiHy anVctins: dln-vage, which the phvsicians all tviid was ajx-osuuic stricture in the Ui-etlia, as al.-o ini!ruii m:t(in of the kidneys and bladder, and pave it as Uku opinion that my aue Wi years would prevent my ever cettiruc rwlicaily cured. I had tried a number of physi cuiiLsand liad tafcm alarm Quantity of medicine, bo'h al lojuihic and hhnitBopathtc, nut had pot no rtiicC Iliad readot ataHii.-.hin cures bavin;; been made by your reme dies; and me four months ago I read a not ice lntliephit adetihla Sttunliy Kfniwi iot ot a cure haviw; been injected on anern who hail Ion 2 been riiB-tiius I had been. 1 went riht off and trt .me of e;cti your Sarsak parillian li-solvi-tr, lUtniy Kchei; and I-siihitin Pills andcoiiiiiHri'-ed taiviiv ihenn In three days 1 waa greatly relieved, and now leeia- well as ever. C. W. J AiKS, Cincinnati, Ohio. D3. RAD WAT'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PIUS, perlectiy tasu-K-ss elegrmtly coated wuubweet zum, punce, rcinilaie, purify, cleanse and strentlicn. Iiad way's Pills, fcr tin cure of 'ail disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kitlnev-, ItUdder, Nervous Dis.-ais lleadiirlie, t'onstipii Loo,t.r.riveies indexes tion, Oy wia, IJiliousot, Itil iiKis Fever, lnrlaniiu.Uitn of Uie Bow ls Piles, and ail Do rasuruientsof the internal Vi-ctr. V .imuUtl to efiect pocitave cure. Purely Vt-cet:die, contaiiaui), no mercury, in:n?r.Us, or deleterious drius. XT UiTve t), ,! tow ini (rymptoms fettlting from Dw;rder of iiie Uvjestive Onptrw: Constipad'tn, Inward Piles, It uilTress of tne Blood m the Head, Andity of the Stomach, Nanca, Heartburn, lzust oi Kotxt, r'uilnessor Weight iu Hie bt.-nuM h, iSour Krw't tious bulking or Flmrcrmir at the of tbe Stomach. A frwdtWH of RADWAY'5 PiLLS will free tlie system lr-m all the ataove-iuined dt.rdtxa. Price, cents per bx- .U ISY !H:l (.GrTS. l;KAI) FALSK AND Thl'E." Sertdoijelettewrtanip. tn 1,IWAY & 0 No. o7 Maiden Lane, New York, luionuatioa worth UiuUttand w ill be sent you. k GREAT fr.EDICAL DISCOVER. BI1XIOHS Sear TatanaT ta taeir W.ndrrtal Carmtlve Effect-, im. WALKER'S ClUFOBVIjk Ther tire ot wile FANCY DRINK. Hade of Poor Ram Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Uqaor doctored, spiced and sweet ened to please the taste, called 44 Tonics," Appeti era," -Eestorers," c, that lead the tippler oa to drnnkenneas and rain, but are a tne Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, freo from all Alcoholic Stimalaata. They are the GREAT BLOOD PfRIFIEIt and A LIFB GIVING PRINCIPLE perfect Renovator and InTitrorator of the System, carrying" off all poisonooa Blatter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person eaa take these Bitters accord in to direc tions and remain long anwell, provided their bonea are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the poipt of re pair. Ther area Geatle Paraatiwo aa well sis Toaic, possessing also, the peculiar merit of acting mi a powerful agent tat relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR. FEMALE COMPLAINTS whether in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters hava ne equal. For Iaflansaatory mad Chronic Rheasna rleas aad Goat Dyspepsia or Iadiaeatioo Billoaa. Resaittent aad Iatermiuent Fewer, Dtaeaaea of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, aad Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Sack Diaeaora are caused by Vitiated Blood, which J generally produced by derangement of tto Dlgeative Organ a. rv aii it Paa I a ni? TXTlTnTTTON. Head ache. Pam in the fihoutdrn. Loughs, i ihiuens of the Chest, Uizziness, SoHr nrctton3 of the Stomach, Ba taste In the Month. Blilona Attacka. PalDlratloB of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lnnk. Pui In the regions of the Kidneva, and a hundred; other painful symptoms, are the oiiapriiis of U apepaia. ThevtnviiTorate the Stomach and itlmulate the tor pid liver aud bowehi, which render them of nnenae ! eificscy In cleansing the blood of all imparities, and imparting new Uie and igor to the wholesy stem, vn R KT T.TSR A iF.4. Fmntions. Tetter. Salt Bhewiu. BlotclM-ftpois, Pimptea, Pustule. Boils, Car buncles, King-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Kves. Krysip elas. Itch, Bcnrfr. Discoloration of the Skin, Hnn.ors and Diseases of the bkln, or whatever name or nature, are literailv diir ud and curried out f the system in a thort time bv the nw of these BitterS. one bottle Ira such rases will con vine the oio( incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever von find Ita tropurtt'es bursting through the skin in Pimple. Erup tions or Sores, cleanse it when you find it obstructed and 8lii:ih in the veins; cleanse it when It in foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system w 111 follow. PI V. TAPE, and other WORMS, lurkln-r in the svHtem of so many thousand, are eilectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed In four lan. guages r.najlifOi, Oennan, French and bpaniah. J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. McDONALD A CO Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, CaL,and S2 and St Commerce Street, New York. lOU BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEKA, S CClools. FIRE ITT!, Faricaesmt ParaaleCAPS, ilI LT S, Ac. or wrti u " old nianulac!' . 14-i (rann ft H.a. fiswN -A a isls. Si "il Kir C imilan. C AIRS a 4 BK'J, Successors I ) U. T. btaTACAT-. si Ri, 4 R. bow made m 10 hours, without drugs J ParJeUars 10 cenU. r. Saaa, Cromwell, Conn. $100,000. M i ff ri HOW TO OBTAIX IT I 'x4 ramphlstof twetve pas, jlTine the in. (H l 4 ft as Ihrmauon a tu-b Is mlo-iMe to (tut man. I M'w' wmpan awl clill in L'. S WU1 &e sect i nw, by adilreasms aw Mr. n ti.i.r F.O.EoxKCliicago. AGENTS! BEAD THIS! WE WTf.L PAY AHET A SALARY of30 Bw-r week and eiienseaoT allow ala-- comaiJsaion, to sell our new wonderful Inventions. Ad III I IM. au mm w-, jiMiamati, aaua.44.