THE INDEPENDENT. M CONKELSVILLE : FRIDAY . . . . , . nay 36, IStt. TERMS THIS PAPER. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, when net paid In ad ranee, $. One copy, one year, cash In advance, $1.5 TO CLUBS. To a Clnb of (en, one dol lar and Ihirly-Ote cents each. $13.50 To a Clnb of fifteen, one dollar and twenty-five. cents each. $18.75 W ALL DELINQUENTS will bt charged up, in aU cases, at the rata of Two Dollars a vear. Call itE. L Morris' and examine ths Acme Mower and Beaper. 3. M. Rogers k Co., of Malta, are A grots lor ue tele ot tn World atid Jiirby Mow ers ana Keapar. Tax regular session of tbe Coun ty Commiesioneta begins on tue 5th oi next month. Thb ad vertisc inert of (he Teach er's Institute. &s published hereto- tore in this pnper, contained a mis Ulce. Instead ot the term being only ef two week's duration, it should Lave said four weeks. A rorxo man, a Republican, was asked the other day if he would not run as a Re publican candidate for Councilman. "No, ir," he replied, "I think too much of my- su u run mr ue canuiaate oi any party a gainst Mr. Tresise, when the question i Seer or no Beer, as it is now." Such is the feeling of all right-minded men cf all Dir ties, and it is questionable if the Beerites will be able to get a respectable man to acme out astneir candidate. Tbk Court of Common Pleas, for this County, convenes again on tbe 5th of next month. Fire criminal eates and seventy-one civil caes are docketed for hearing. Tbe Conrt will last abont two weeks, and a portion ot the time will be presided over by Jude Moses M. Granger. However, Judge F. W. Woid will preside during most of the session. Teb Beerites are Laving a hard time of it, in '.heir attempt to get a respectable man to run on their ticket for .Councilman. llespecta lle men think it about as disreput able to run for Councilman, with the avowod purpose of repealing tbe ''Beer Ordinance, as it womd be to stand behind the counter and retail Beer. Tbeee are those in this common ity that are charging that the pre sent dull times are all on account of the "Beor Urdinance." In other words, they say that onr farmers won't come to town because they cannot buy Beer. Certainly these Beerites have a high idea of the farmers of Morgan County ! Think of it, farmers 1 - They would mako it appear that yon are great Beer and n nisky guzzlers ! The County Commissioners met on Tuesday last as a Board of Equalization ot the Personal Prop- f i -t i erij oi too county, uui owing to the fact that Caleb A. Williams, Assessor of Marion Township, was not up to time with bis omcial bus iness, they adjonrned, without ac complishing anything, to meet gain as raid Board on the 8ih dav of next month. TVk. C. Tresize has introdaced - mme new styles of Photographs in this community, which are worthy of any one's inspection. They are the Itembrant, Holyoke, Berlin, and, also, the Life Size Photo graphs. Thee are much superior to tbe old style of Photographs, and evidence Mr. Tresiee's determina tion to keep posted in all new dis coveries of his calling. Call at his rooms on Centre street, above the Public Square, and inspect his work, and thereby satisfy yourself as to the merits ol these Photos. For Express and Farm WagonF,1 manufactured of - good, seasoned j material, finely finished, rail on La-. kens & Strong, above the Bridgo, McConnelsville, Ohio. They have on band a fine lot ot Farm Wag ons, r our-opring, Flatform bpting, and lwobpnng Express Wagon, which can be bought at Cash rates. Repairing, repainting, and all binds ot Blacksmith Work done mechant cally by them. Give them . a call They are May 19, 187I-4w. The contractors for building the contemplated Baptist Church bail ding, have begun operations such as hauling the stone for the fonnda tion, A-o. The main Church build tog has been contracted for for sev en thousand dollars, and the Sab bath School and Lecture building or eight hundred dollars. The probability is, howover, that the two buildings will cost all of nine thousand dollars. Isaac Fonts, G. B. Fonts and J. B. Powell are tbe contractors. The Baptists and those connected with the Baptists by re lationship, nave subscribed abont six tLousand dollars toward this work, and the Church will be able to raise considerably more within its folds. Our citiaens generally will be called npon soon to coQtn bnle their individual mites, and it is hoped that they will respond i beraliy. Tbe buildings will be highly creditable to the town, to aay nothing of the purpose for which they are to be used. Kxv. Wk. H. WoLryof the M. E Churoh, died at his residence near Grove City, eight miles west of Co lumbus, Ohio, of consumption, on Taesday night, the 16th insU, aged thirty-five years. Mr. Wolfs first charge was at Bossean, this county, ana bis next in si ana, b:s next in Amesville, Athens county, bis next at Grove City above mentioned, his next at Midway, Madison county, and bis next and last at Milford Centre, Union county, which bis failing health caused him to give up and return to his home near Grove City, a little over one year ago. In the Fall of 1862, bo mar ried Mfss Mary JE. Hall, the eldest daughter of John Hall, of alalia. not to of He leaves bis widow and four email ; ted children very comfortably situated. The Mr. Volf was a young man of more J than ordinary promise, and had his . up physical constitution been equal to bis will and mental and spiritual ' will his life would bave been ', ding one of prolonged uselulness. ' 1 ful swer. Tbi New Lexington Herald, tbe I8tn, cornea to ns aaicing us exchange, and evidencing its need ot a missionary of some kind would furnish it with a copy of National Prohibition Platform. The Herald is a very neatly print ed Democratic paper, and is the ge.n of tee dominant party of Perry County, and is evidently troubled at tne prospective growth of a Pro hibition party in Perry County, having probably similar feelmes inose narDorea by our McConnels ville Herald at seeing the Prohibi tion party prosper in Morgan Coun ty. But the Herald, (the New Lex ington one we mean), essays stop the growth of tho Prohibition cause in Periy County by a timely nip at the bud, and in doing spends almost a column of its most valuable space in telling the Prohi bitionists not to begin at tbe bran ches ef the great tree of destruc tion, but to commence at the roet or, in other words, not to trouble themselves by trying to force Dem ocratic officials to enforce the pres ent laws, but to strike out boldly for laws that would make it equally as criminal to sell in or bring into tbe State any kind ef alcoholic li quors as it is to steal horses or pass counterfeit money. The Herald, (the New Lexington one), has hesitancy in saying it is justaabad to degrade, rob and kill a man bv selling him liquor as it is to steal horses, commit burglary, or what our laws now stamp as murder, and it wants the 1 rohibitionists to stop their endeavors to have the present laws enforced and devote their en tire attention to tho work of hav ing laws made that will place those who sell liquor in their proper sphere in the catalogue of crimin als. We do not know what tho Prohibitionists- of Perry County are doing further than we can guess by the complaints of the Herald, but we would assure the editors of that pnner that if thev will examine tho Platform of tho National Prohibition party, found on the first column of the second page of this paper, and on which the Prohibitionists of Ohio are fighting, tht-y will find that tho Prohibitionists are fighting for the entire Prohibition of tbe sale, man ufacture or importation of all alco holic stimulants as a beverage. While we are at work at the rKt, though, wo think it well enough to put in what spare time wo have by lopping off somo of the branches, all that we are able to lop off with the natcnet too people ot Ohio have given us. Jf by this means we can stop the growth of the monster cv en a littlo, we will be doing much good. Tbe Herald's cry el "begin at me root ana wo ore with you. was in the month of every liquor vendor in McConnelsville three years ago, but they failed to be with us, forgot :beir promises when we presented them the Prohibition Platform beginning at tho root. Will the Herald go bacfc on its pro mises 7 Read the Platform and an List ot Grand Jurors for the Juno Term of Common Pleas Court, 1871, commencing on the 5tb. at 10 o' clock, A. M : Isaac Blauvelt, Homer tp. Joseph Wolf, Homer. Milton Hamcs, Marion. John Young, Morgan. C. S. Wood, Union. Hiram Finlcy, Malta. Ephriam Birch, Centre. H. W. Grubb, Bloom. Henry Percgoy, Centre. Joseph McDonald, Bristol. Joseph Parraiter, Jr., Meigsville. William Hann, Tenn. Hiram Kirkbride, Union. John P. Sherlock, Centre. Joseph Vest, Malta. PETIT JCB6RS rOR THE 6TH : Matthew McCall. Deerfield tp. J. a.C. Lelkiid. Bristol. J. M. Weaver, York. Joseph Parsons, Union. Luke Brcese, Deerfield. William Sherwood, Malta. James J. Palmer, Malta. Eugene Pierrote, Windsor, Elias Bundy, Marion. E. L. Updike, Union. John Bowen, Meigsville. John Parmitcr, Bristol. Wm. C Tresize for Councilman. man. The following correspondence ex plains itself: McCONNELSVILLE, O., May 17th, 1871. Mr. Wm. Tresize Dear Sir : The undersigned citizens and elec tors, irrespective of partj , reppect- uiiy request you to be a candidate lor the oflrce of Councilman, to fill the vaeancy caused by the resigna tion of John Ewmg, understanding mat you are in lavor ot maintain ng the Ordinance, known as the "Beer Ordinance," without altera tion or modification. w. w. Mccarty, JOSEPH A. JLELLY, JAMES B. McGREW, ARZA ALDERMAN, R STANTON, PATRICK SWEENEY, JAMES BAIN, GEORGE CAMPBELL, and others. McCONNELSVILLE, O., May 18th, 1871. Messrs W. W. McCartt, and others Gentlemen : In answer to your communication of thelth. permit me to say that 1 am thank for the confidence manifested in your letter, and that I accept the candidacy tendered mo upon the WM. C. TRESIZE. All who aspire to become School Teachers in Morgan county should fail to attend the Teachers' Normal Institute to be held in Mc Connelsville, as advertised else where in this paper. For a yearor more past, a great many who want teach have thought the examin ations by the Morgan County Board Examiners too severe, when the fault has been that they were unfit- fr the positions they seek. object of this Institute is to smooth the way ferall such to come to the standard that the Board rightfully requires. Arrangements be made for all .to obtain boar ab'.lity, at reasonable rates, and it is hoped none will fail to attesd. , . of to that the or to to so, ; Ici I Al. Worley will accomo date all who desire ice brought their doors at reasonable rates. He makes a circuit of the town this business four times a week. His ice is probably . tbe best that was put up here last winter. Elsewhere in thu paper will found V. B. .Lewis & Co. s acver tisement, to which we call special attention. This firm is one of tbe live establishments uf ZnnesviIIe, and is receiving a heavy patronage from the people ot tbe Muskingum Valley; Tbey slate in their adver tisement that they are ready make it interesting to a live mar., either in McConnelsville or Malta, to take bold of the Canton Buckeye Mowor ii Reaper, for whit-h they are tbe General Agents for tbe Muskingum Valley. Here is chance lor somo enterprising man to build up a lucrative business V. B. Lewis & Co. are general dea lers in Hardware, Farm Implements, Seeds, &., Ac, and parties wbo go to Zancsville to trado, cannot do better than to call on them. One of the electioneering stories being circulated now is to the ef fect that a certain person who owns considorablo real estate in McCon nelsville will not give anything to ward building a railroad unless the "Beer Ordinance" is repealed. He then, tbe story goes, will rent his buildings for beer-shops and give the rents toward building a rail road. Is not this generous I Here is a man that wants to build a rail road off the wages of the laboring men : off the woes and wails of wives, widows and orphans ; off the moral, mental, physical, financial, and spiritual ruin of his fellow men ; and then ho wants to have it to tell that he gave so much to ward building a railroad, so much thus got ! It strikes us that if any ef our citizens want to build a railroad out of tbe money they would J fpend for Beer if the Ordinance was repealed, it would he far better for them to save their dimes tnd half, dimes themselves, and apply them to the building of a road them selves, instead of making a Beer Saloon a halr-way house for them. The New Departure We pub lishthis week tho resolutions, pre pared by C. L. Vallandigham, and passed unanimously by the Mont gomery County Democracy at their recent County Convention in Day ton , and, as the probability is thai they will bo acceptoJ as tho plat form of the Democratic party of Ohio at the coming folate conven tion, to bo held in Columbus on the 1st day of June, we may say they are of peculiar significance to the whole country. Heretofore, Mr. Vallandigham, and the Montgome ry County Democracy, have been the most ultra in their parly hold ings and demands ; and, now that they have turned a complete sum mersault, bave ceased to clamor for a "White Man's Government," hare abandoned the idea thai one or more Slates of our Union can have the right to secede, have repudiat ed the "Greenback" policy and are nrg'ng speedy return to specie payment : in short, hare swallow ed tbe lata war and all its political results, negvo anfTrago included, and have come squarely onto the Republican platform of two yearn ago under such circumstances, i it strange that there should be eon. siderable commotion ? But tlrange as it is that Mr. allandigham and bis ultra friends should make such a wholesale surr3cder of what they claimed, few years ago, to be their ever endurable principles, yet it is equally strarge thai the Democrat ic papers and leaders of Ohio sho d fall in with them in their new ideas so readily. The Ohio Statesman, of Columbus, recognizes the situation at once, and comes out boldly for the Dayton Flatform. It roes so far in its views as to bold that if the Supreme Court of the United States was thoroughly Democratic, that said Court would sustain the throe last amendments to the Ui-i-ted States Constitution as the law of the land, notwithstanding that it might be proven that they were il- legally enacted. Tho Cincmnat Enquirer endorses the Dayton flatform also, it we except its dis position to stick to its "Green back plan of paying the National debt. On this point it hesitates ittla abont following in the wake of Mr. Vallandigham, and wiil doubtless wriggle and writhe con siderably before it succumbs to tho pressure that will finally force it to capitulate. .Leading Democrats in this community, we mean tlioso who would never fortake the party no matter how often it forsakes them, are taking the platform one section al a time, and it is thought they will get it all down by the 1st of June. This action of the Dem ocracy cannot but result in good to tbe Prohibition cause. It has brought the two old parties sc near ly together that there la little or no difference in them except In the name, and they will stand before the people only as two armies of vampires fighting for the possess ion of the victim whose blood they would suck. This will force the great body of our citizens to look around for a party that has a prin ciple to carry into effect, and lhey will be naturally attracted by the cause of X'rohibition. Annual Meeting of the Morgan Co. Medical Society. Notiee is hereby given that the Annual Meeting, for 1871, of the Morgan County Medical Society will be held on TUESDAY", MAY 30th, at the office of Dr. Chaa. Rob ertson, in McConnelsville. It is hoped there will bo a full attend ance. May 19, 1871. 2w. HYMENIAL. Miss Sarah Jenkins, both of Bristol ' township, this connty. i FRENCH CHE ADLE May 24th, '71, . by Rev. H. Cooper, at the residence! of Mrs. Nancy Cheadle, Mr. George j rrencn ana aiiss Agnes a. ineaaie, both of McConnelsville. DEVITT HAYS By W. C. Early, J. P., on May th, lSil, at the resi dence of Abraham Hays, in Centre tp., Mr. John Deritt to Miss Jane Hays, both of Morgan countv, O. LELAND JENKINS On "Wednes day, the 21th inst., at the residence of O. M. Lovell. Esq.. bv Rev. C. W. Courtright, Mr. J. A. C. Leland to to in bo to a THi Beerites hare a plsn on foot lo de ceive me people, to-wit : Instesd of en deavormr to make the sale of Hm, frM. they are about to propose to repeal the pre- woiuraiMDceina enact another one al lowing the ssle nnder certain restrictions, for instance that it shall not be sold to mi nors, Habitual drunkards, or on Sundays, or after ten o'clock at night, Ac. This merely a dodee. and will be franrhL with all the evils resultine from the free lof me poison, end will be attended with the additional evil of continual lawsuits, ic. As the Ordinance now stands, there is little prospect oi our community being harass ed with prosecutions, for the reason that no one will deal in the article when he cannot mace it prontasie but by subjecting him self to the penalties of the Ordinance. Un der such an Ordinance as the Beerites pro pose, lawsuits and prosecutions would spring up on every hand. The Vendors would violate the Ordiuance every day, ta king the chances that they could not be convicted, knowing that it "is a very diffi cult matter to convict a violator under such an Ordinance. Besides this, is it the wish of any respectable man that his neirh. bor. a sober man to-dar. should be miHn drunkard of to-morrow ? Such would be the result of such an Ordinance as the Beeritco propose. Cincinnati Live Stock Market. Cincinnati, Eve. of May 22. Beep Cattle Ihero was a fair. demand all the week from butchers and shippers. We quote common S3 75a4 25 ; fair H 505 ; good at (5 25a5 50 ; prime butchers' stot k $5 75, and shipping cattle, $5 per cental gross. cheep Receipts fell off towards tbe close cf the week, and to-dy the market was firm at 3 to $5 per cental gros for common to prime. Lambs are soiling at tl 50 to $3pr heud, as to quality. Hoos The supply the greater portion of tho week was in excaes of the wants of the butchers, and a material decline was established, but to-day shippers oiilcrod the market and took about all offered tho market closing firm at Sla4 50 per cental gross, for light to heavy averages. BUSINESS NOTICES. STOP 4I READ THIS ! ! ! Tou ran buy the llest aim Dry-est Clears nt Pat. Sweeney's, next door to the Post Ofllce ! SILK Terasols. Linen Farasnls, Tongee Silk Parasols. Silk and Linen Fans, recei ved this wesk at IIALLIDAY S. Vocxo men who don't buy their col lars and ties &t SILL' 3 are missing it every day! PIQUE.S and Dress l.inons, and the trimmings to match, al thu latest mode, al Stone's. BarsHF.s we have juft added to our stock a nice little invoice of Brushes, consisting ol horse, shoe. hat. clothes, anrt Hair brushes, of different st vies. Go and scethem at SILL'S. SILK Parasols, Linen Parasolf, Tonee bilk rarasols, Kilk and Linen Fans, receiv- catnis ween at UALL1WA1 S. IsiroRTF.D Shawls, the "Burnous Vu rious," just received at Stone's. For a good Pocket Knife. Tockot Book or Pocket comb, go to fclLL'S. SILK Parssols, Linen Patasols. Pongee Silk Psrafnls. Silk and Linen Fans, receiv ed this week et HALLIDAY'S. Quk stock of Gents' Goods is fash ionable and complete. Cullars, ties, bows, suspenders, socks, shoes, hand kerchien,, Ac, at .SILL'S. Whole Willow Basket., the vr rv ar ticle you desire, at Stone's. Bovs' collars, socks, tics, Ac., in good aaaertmtnt. , SI l-i-'-S. PIT will buy a Xo. 8 Wood, booking .stove, full trimmed, at Oejrge Jaue way's. No. 100, Bell tt., Mal:a, Ohio. Tri-.vks, Valises, and Basket, at ma nufacturers prices, at SI LL'S. When in want of Paints ami Oils eo to Spraguc's Drug Store. You will find him cheaper than the cheapest 1 Ladies' collars, caps skirts. Dress Goods, and a heavy line oi 1-adics' Goods at SILL'S. Tr.rssEs, both single and double, and Gents' ,-houlder Braces, just received atSprague's Drug btore. Wt will hare this week sure, ladies. White Kid Gloves, a nice thing for parties ; Genls' colored Kids, fine Calf oloves, end nice makes of Silk, suita ble for walking or driving, at Sill's. NEW lot of Spring and hummer shawls at Stone's. SCYTHES AXD &XATI1S and scythe stones for sale by Geo. Jane way, Xo. 100, Bell St., alalia, Ohio. Bnowx and Bleached muslins, shirt ing checks and stripes, at SILL S. KoroE Collars and Carriage Whips at Cochran, Iiozman A Co s. The '-Clipper," the best Mower ever offered to the farmers of Morgan coun tv, forsalo by George Janewav, No. 100, Bell street, Malta, Ohio. CALL on C. E. Cochran if you want the best and cheapest chewing and smoking tobacco, aud dryest stogies. Good assortment of Print3, I iglit or Dark styles, at SILL'S. A ruta lot of Pocket and Table Knives, German and silver and Albata Table spoons at Janeway 's, No. ICO, Bell street, Malta. Ohio. Thb Brown-Munly Plow Company are manufacturing three sues Thresh ing Machines, of the Massillon and Balston patterns, which they have ve ry greatly improved for this season s trade. They are furnishing Wagons and Stackers with the machines, when desired. It. IMPROVED Washing Machines. manufactured and for Bale at reduced prices at Cochran, Bozman A Co s. Thb Brown-Manly Tlow Com nan v will pay cash for wrought or cast scrap iron. Zw. SINGLE and combined Mowers and Reapers, the best machine now out. and that has taken the Premium over one hundred and one competitors, for sale at reduced prices at Cochran Bozman A Co's. GO to Janeway's for your Hardware. io. iw, ceil st., .alalia, Ohio. .ELGIX WATCAES 1 Elgin Watches ! 1 .Elgin Watches ! ! ! at Vincent's. Nick line of Ginchcms and Lawns in check or plaid, at SILL'S. Persons wanting Fianoes, Orsans, or Melodeons will find it to their advan tage to call on II. B. Vincent A Bro.. before purchasing. Iryou wish the best and dryest Sto gies and Tips in the market, as well as II the standard brands of line cicars. either at wholesale or retail, go to C. E. COC II BAN'S, sign of Jim Crow. Wk have just received alarcelotof the justly celebrated DIAMOND Glas, se, which now make our assortment complete. II. Ii. VINCENT A Bro. We are keeping a tine stock of Dry : Good and Notions, with come nice Groceries mixed in. and are sellinc . them cheap and ask a liberal sliar of : patronage. I". SILL A CO. j HOLLAND GOLD PENS -the best made in the United States. Try them and you will use no other, at VI N ENT S. is E. E. FILLMORE &. CO. COE'S PATENT ITFRIGIIT DRILL TRESS & SCRE"vV CUTTING MACHINE ! 6T- PATENTED .January 19th, 1869. " -co- TflESR DRILLS MaliOtnciarerf. are indisfwngahla to B!ock?milb, Carriage, Wsjjoti and Plow Every establishment tbiit purchases one, and finds tbe many conveninncr to which it can he pat, would not be without it for three lira lis price. IXo. O is witbont viee attachment aod suitable for ordinal ry I!a ksmith ork Weight 100 pound. STo. 1 suitable for Carriage, Wagou and ordinary lilacknuilb work and (or drill inij bdv hole up looDe iPctWt.ilit 130 pound. Ko. with vise attachment, is suitable for all k'r.d. of ligSt and heavy work ; culling Bolts and Nots up lo three-funrlhs of an inch. This iz is most gonerallv nrd by PLO V M A KKKS Weight 200 pouudj. COMBINES BOTH SPEED AND POWER. Al the ame time is perfect'? fnmplp, strong sud not liable la get oat of order, desired lh HTo. 2 Machine can be rnn by pover. by pultinjr a Tullpy on the Shaft sear the Balance Wheel. .Tblala ooaol ili Cieatest Labor Savin? Machine for Bitck- . smiths inn. No smith csn afford la f be without one. Tbey are got ten op in the first-lass tjlee, AND ARE If TP or Sale By ru. iiisiii & 9 ZAXESYILLE, OHIO. -OO- DRAIN VXTR IF II CD OR SEWER 1 and 1 1-1 Incu. PIPE -oo- DRAIN OR S 1, 3 and EWE 4 Inch. R PIPE -00- DRAIN OR SEW G and S Incb; E R PIPE -00- DRAIN OPw 13, IX SEWER PIPE, and IS Inch. . . -oo- DRAIN OR SEWER PIPE, ?0 and 34 Incb. -oo- Fnrnlsbed to order at snort notice, by E. E. FILLMORE & CO. -00- p. S. THIS PIPE IS VERY MCCH SUPERIOR 10 THB COM MON HALF-BUKN ED ARTICLE. ZASESriLLE, OHIO, MAY 12, 1371. BIcCOXXELSTILLE BT'SIffESS CARDS. Grocery and Provision Store! D. & C. W. MUM MEY hav e on Land, at all times, the best of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS,.!! OLA SSKS, AND GE0CEB1E5 GENERALLY, and also Keep a Fall Supply of All Kind of Provisions n tills Market.' N. B. Their Meat Market is open at all hours of the day. None but the best of Cattle killed, and consequently their beef is always of the best quality. Flour sold by the sack at the lowest rates. ' April 21, 1871 ly. Dry Goods ! Dry Goods ! W.H. & C. McCARTY, Dealers in Dry Good?, XofJon, Ladies' Drcs CooJ Ladies' MiOMf Ele nthe North side of Center Street, two doors East of Public Square, McCon nelsville, Ohio. N. B. None but the very best quality of gcods of anv kind ever kept and always sold at the lowest of cash prices". Ladies' DresGoods made a SPECI ALTY. jApril 21, lS71-ly. It. L MORRIS, South side of Center St., three doors East of Public Square,'McConnalavllle, 0., DKALKB is HARDWARE, TINWARE. STOVKS. STOVE TRIMMINGS, CUTLE 11 Y, NAILS, GLASS, 1M.OWS, 4c, &c. N. B. Agent for the sai of the "Arme Mower A lie per," an improvement on the "Climax," which gave universal sarUfnotion lnt season. Ap. 21 '7l-ly. BSa. kEL-ES. nTj: AMOS RRADY, North sido of Center St., between East and Penn Sis., McConnelsville. Ohio, Ilaa Alivays to Offer lo Ills ( un(omcrn tbe Best Qualities or usually found in a first-class Family Grocery. N. B. Flour by the sack, and all kinds of provisions, in the market, alwsva on hand. Prices to suit tbe times. April 21, 1871 ly." JOHN ALEXANDER, We keep on l.anoe. and are cnjtantly receiving LARGE STOCKS OF DRUOS AND 5JEDICINFW We hav, also, aii extensive lint of PAIN lis, L1 K SI L'KK?, Oil S and BUU.H Er?, all of which we offer lo the Public st llie lowest markrl rales. Also, we iuvi'e our crttomers to call sod examine our large and well selected STOCK OF "WAL PAPJilR I WHlCFl WK ARE SELLING EXCEEDING YLW. April 23th, 1371 ly. J . JOHN ALEAXNDIiR. C. ROBERTSON "V. Cor. ofPub. Squ., McConnelsville, O., Dealer in MUGS, SlEDiriHS, PURE I El 3S, riLUS, OILS. DIES & DIE STIFFS, PZIFHEM. and ?hrieians' Prescriptions earcfullv compounded, and Paintf mixed to order. April Jl", 1871 ly. WORLEY ADAMS. F. II. KAHLER. mm a rumea, Dealers in Dfy G.oceries, Boots and Shoes, Corner East and Centre Streets') IJ'CON'NELSYILLE, OHIO VQ, NEW GOODS received regularly. The highest priio paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE in exchange lorCoods. May 471. ly. ISOLD ! SOLD ! SOLD t Margin County having purchased the Silt l'roperty, tbe undersigned would respect fully inform bii friends, and tbe public gi-nerally, that be has Removed his Tin-shop TO THE NEW BUILDING, ON MAIN STREET. ftrftj.Oppoeite the Foundry. Lie is tbanklul for pa?t favors, and by a strict attention to business, be hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pnblic patronage. Special at tention paid to JOB WORK and REPAIRING of all kind, in his line of business. Any work left at Cochran, Bozman Co's Store, or F. Sill 1 Co's , will receive prompt attention. Positively no Stock used but tbe best the market affords. ilcConoelsville, Ohio, Msy 5ib, 1871. L. HARTER. Hizl Dcssaooa. A. M. Dussaooa. DUNSMOOR & SOi Keep on hand a very large Stock of FURNITURE, to-wit : CHAIRS, TABLES, RCREAS, BEDSTEADS, 4c, Ae.. At their SALE ROOMS in IMcCONNELSVILLE -AJNHD 3X-A.J1.TA.. B. Thrv trnploT none but first-clais mechanic!, and warrant all their work. Taeir joou wora, gooa ) ana iuw prices : Platform is April Jl, 1871 m. UN DERTAREHS! R.D. JOHNSON & CO., .ortb-East corner or Centre and Pcnn Streets, McCOSNELSVILLE, OHIO, Keep constantly oo hand a complete assortment of Coffins, Burial Cases, Ac., and bars io tbeir employ Robert A. Pinkerton, wbo will make this department ol busineea ere cialiy In connection with their bt:nts, tbey have fitted up a first-class LI VERY ESTABLISHMENT, And are prepared to furnish all patrons with whatever they may want io their LINE. May 12, 1671 -ly. The &nsh & Door Factory, ifcConnelsville, Ohio, Furnishes to order FLOORING, WEATHER BOARDING, SIDING, CEILING SASH. SHUTTERS, BLINDS A DOORS. BOX A COMMON WIN DOW FRAMES, BRACKETS, BATT0N3 AND MOULDINGS. ALSO, rininln? A. Matching, Scroll Sawing A. nipping Done to Order. p.y- ok, replar'and Tine Lumber bought and sold. April 21, 1871 ly M. WELLS, Superintendent If. SPENCU, Dealer in Hats and Caps, on Center St.,eastof Tub. Square, McConnelsville, O , has on hands, at all times, the most complete assortment of the Very Latest Styles of HVTS and CAPS ! AETT GOOD Received VTitta Every Change in the Seasons ! t3T ETERITTOG SOLD ICW FOR CAM ! - I The Highest Cash rriect paid for Jlink, Skunk, and Coon Skins ! April 21. 1371 -ly. BUSINESS MOTlCES. SALT I SALT ! t SALT!!! We have made arrangements to keep the relebrsted Uarencr Beniamin Salt on handthit sea son. We guarantee weight and qnality. Ym may riy upon it yoa will get the beat Bait on the river, full weight in new, clean packages, and at the lowet price, by call ing on us We a-e tired of el!inj rer Salt. CLARKE. ft)RSR A WALKEK. THE sign of Jim Crow is the place for good tobacco and cigars. BT'SIXKSS XOT1CES. WANTED everv young man in th county to know that the headquarf ers for Gents' Furnishing Goods in th's section is at SILL'S. There yon cau find any article you want, and can see a grest many lobby goods not fourul elsewhere in town. Steei and Revolving Hay Rakes and Hay Forks and Grain Cradles now at Cochran, Bozman A Co's.