"Do they Miss Me!" Do the j mUs ine at home? Do they miss me 'Twould be en aseuiance most dear, To know at this moment some loved one Was taring I wish he was here!' To frel that the group at the fire6ule WJurc thinking of ine as 1 roam! Oh yet! 'twould be joy byond measure, To know that they missed me at home. When twilight approaches the season That was ever sairod to soup, Does come one ifieat my name over, Ann figrt inat 1 tarry so long? And is il.ere a choid in the music, That's missed when my voice is away 1 And a chord in each heart that maketh Eegret at my wearisome stay? Do they place me a chair at the table, When evening' home pleasure are nigh, And limps aie lit in the parlor, And sturs in the calm azure skr, And when tie -Good Nights' are repeated, And each lay him down to sleep, I'o thev think of the abtrnt and waft me A whiskered -Good Night' o'er the deep? Do thev miss meat home! Do they nuts me, At morning, at noon, and at night' And lingers one gloomy shade round uVm, That only my presence can light I Are joys less invitingly welcomed, Are. (ilrotuics lr liaitcd than bfor, Because one is misted from the circle ? Because 1 am with than no mote ? Oh yes ! they do miss me ! Kind voicts Are calling me back as I roam, And eyes are grown weary with wearing, And watch but to welcome me home. Kind freiiuls, ye shall wail no longer ; I'll hurry me back o'er the seas, For how con 1 tuny, when followed By watchnigs and players such as these. WIT AND SENTIMENT. How few people see things just ns tney are, instead ol seeing tliem merely as they look to other people! Lowell "None dares confers lie cannot tee What great Flapoodle spies: And like potutoes, fools aie hied From one another's eyes." Ven do you link de world will come to an endf asked a German. 'Q probably in about three months,' answered the joker. He, veil; 1 no care fordat,' exclaim ed Hans' with a tmilo ot salislaclion; 'I be going to Puffalo dis spring.' To ba vain ot what you have learned is the same as to plume yourself on a peice of game you have received from a liunler. Marcus Jerentivs varro. I understand your father is dead?' said a man to a little boy, as he entered the house. 'iou re mm now, old hoss,' said he, 'he's laid out in t'other room as cold as a wedge'. It is certain that either w ise bearing er ignorant carrage, is caught as men take diseases, one of another; therefore Jet men take heed of their company. Shakespeare. A Yankee edilor out west tays, The march of civilization is onward onward, like the slow but intrepid aleps of a jackass to a peck ol oats.' Ve), that's a bright illustration. A good action preformed in this world receives its recompence in the other, just as waters poured at the root of a tree appears again above in fruit and flowers. Buddhist Doctrine. tCT An editor in Missouri announc es that the publication of his iiauer will be suspended for six weeks, in order tnat he may visit St. Louis with a load of bear-skins, hoop-poles, oak-bark, pickled catfish, &c , w hich he has la ken for subscription. He is bound to raise the cash on them. Thoughts come maimed and plucked of plumage from the lips, which, from the pen, in the silence of jour own leis ure and study, would be born with far more beauty. Lady Blcssington. (OT A lawyer once approached a pretty Quakeress and said she looked so charming he couldn't help giving her a kiss. "Friend," said she, "thee must not do it!" "Oh, by heavens I will!" replied the barrister. "Well, friendj as thou hast sworn, the may do it, but thee must not make a practice of it." Fine sense and exalted sense are not half as useful as common sense. There are fort men of wit lor one man ol sense. And he that will carry nothing about him but gold, will be every day at a loss for readier change. Pope. A Quakeress, being jealous of her husband, watched his movements, and one morning actually discoverd the tru ant hugging and kissing a pretty ser vant girl. Broadbrim was not Ions in discovering the face of his wife, as she peeped through the half-open door, and rising wun an me coolness ot a ueneta thus addressed her : "Betsy, thee had belter quit peeping, or thee will cause a disturbance in the family.' ' 0"Mornin' Julius got dem two fclmlins you owe mef ' Julius. "I don't owe you no two sniuins. ' Sam. "Yes, you does; you borryed 'em of me toddet day." Julius. "Dat's nuffin. I'm .busted up; made a s;nement," Sam. "Wha wha what's dat?" Julius. "Why, it's de way de white folks do. Get all you kin, bust, and den pay fifty cents on de dollar to get off clar. Sam. "Don't you send back all your customer's Lutes?" Julius, "Sartinly not; derns in de mwentory of effecks." Sam. "Den how you pay dem cus tomers fifty cents on de dollar? Wbar you get de money t Julius. "I didn't want any money I tint em one boot apiece! N. York Jrieayvnt. mwm DJF.ECTORY FOR MM ON COUNT, OH I b. P. HKW1TT, Judge of Probate Court W.L. EDMISTON, Clerk Com. Pleas Court E. F. BINGHAM, Prosacuting Attorney. Wm, TISUE, Sheriff. JOSEPH MAGEE, Auditor. II. PAYNE, Treasurer. JAMES M ALONE, Reco.der. NELSON RICHMOND. Surveyor. GEO. ULLO.M, Coroner. County Commissioners, k DOWD, J- KINNEY, & JOHN SWAIM, School Examiners, 0. I". GUNNING, G. V. SHOCKEY and E. A. BKATTON. fifo F FlTkITa c ESr With their Post Office Adresses. Cincinnati Firace. Weslfall, Stew art f- Co. Manufacturers of the best quality of Pig Iron. Hamden, Reeds Mill P. 0. Eaule FcssACE.jjJey, Bentley & Co. Manufacturer T best quality of Pig Iron. EaeltfT Office. Vikton Furnace, Means, Clark & Co. Manufacturers of best quality of Pig Iron, Vinton Furnice Post Office. HAtinEN Furnace, Frazee, Tarr &Co. Reed's Mill Post Office. Bio Sand Fubnace, Barllett, Dna rf Co., Manufacturers of the best quality ofPiglron. Post Office at Athens, 0. Merchants of Vinton, who are Cetlen In Dry Good Hardwire, Qnetniwue, Boots, Shorn, Groceries, etc. McAbthur. John S. Hawk," J. K. tfr D Will, Tomlinson & Co., Owen Dowd, E. A Biatton, J. &E. Dodge, Shades & Reynolds. Hamden. Benj. Dill, D. D. T. Hard, II. B. Moore, J. B. tf- W. B. Willson, Wm. C. Gleason. Wait esville. S. S. Murry, Johu Gillen. C'ine & Gardner, Fel'.on & Lastley, James Bleakelv. Carr & Stronc. Allensville. Peter Miller, Marcus Mil ler, Joseph Wilcox. Mt. Pleasant. Phillip Sain. Pbattsville. Swepston & Swepston, Aiken's Mill. J. Bloer. Birkiiikmar'b Mill. William Tisue. FURNITURE ROOMS McAbthur. E. T. BotUwell. McArthur.-G.B. Will. Hamden. Davis & Collins. Wilkesvilj.e. Cliue & Gardner. BOOT AND SHOE STORES. McAiiTHUB.-J. G. Swetland.B. C. Cogswe E. F. BINGHAM Alio rncj at law, McARTHUR, OHIO, Will practice in Vinton end adjoining conn ties. Office three doors West ol the Post Office. Feb. 9, 1S52. 34 tf MILTON L. CLARK. JOHN P, PLYLE CLARK AND PLYLEY. Attorneys at Law. ; McARTHUR, OHIO. Will practice in partnership in Vinton Conn ty. Office, (our doors east of Sisson & Hul bert s Hotel. Feb. 21. 1854. I.v9. E. ORATION, Attorney at Law, McARTHUR, OHIO. T ILL practice, in Vinton end adjoining if counties, uttice, one uoor east of the BJue Corner." 11, II, J HKSON, (SUCCESSOR TO JOSEPH J0& ES.) . , DEALER IN Mcilinil, Theological, Blank and Miscella ncotii Hooks, Stationery and Wall Paper, PAINT STREET, CHILLIC 0 THE, OHIO. Books received from the Eastern Mar ket at their earliest publication, or ordered when desired. Steam Caliinet Factory. J. II. WAIT, Corner or Jefferson and Second Streets, PORTSMOUTH, OHIO, CALLS the attention of the citizens of Vinton and adjoining counties to his su perior stock of CAIUAETlpSSjlW ARE, which he offers at wholesale or retail on reas onable terms. Give him a call. Orders attended to promptly. March 24,1854. ly STEIN & BROTHER, Manufacturer! and XVholtta.lt dtalert in No. 316 BALTIMORE STREET, Between Howard and Libertt-sts BALTIMORE. July 8.'53. ly. G.VViANDERSON, rORWAKEINli AlD COMMISSION JlERl'IUXT, CEKTEli UIJEELMG WHARVES WHEELING, VA & BRIDGEPORT, Has la ri;e and extensive Ware Houses, and is pieparcd with every facility, to attend to all business, entrusted to his care, properly He forwards I rekhlb Car loads or otherw ise September 2,lbDJ. ly CHAS. A. W. DA MAR IH. LEWIS C. nAMARIN, CHAS. A, M. DAMAR1N & CO., WHOLESALE GItOCLKS A X 1) DEALERS IN PRODUCE. No. 65, Feokt Street, PORTSMOUTH, OHIO, January 20. 16541 ly. STRAW CUTTERS. OA YANKEE Straw -Cutters, from $7 to iJ Vi ; received at the Gilt Anvil. DENNING, CAMPBELL & CO, July 29. 1853. At Prattsville, wish to purchase Hides for wbicb the highest Market price will begiren, January 5,1655.. tf. , JOB W OBK, of every description neatly executed, at this (Jflce. TO THE BCOT AM SI10E TBAD12 R. BELL & GO., Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS. f-o-, No. 5, Enterprise Block, Front St., PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. HAVE the pleasure of announcing to the trade in general, that they are now fill ing their large shoe warehouse, with t more abundant slock than ever, cliiect from the hands of the best manufacturers East, and theii own workshops at home; consisting of a greai variety oi ine oest class 01 goods suited to the wants of this country for the Fall Trade. All dealers at WHOLESALE are earnestly in vited to call before purchasing, and examine tor tnemseives tneirextensive stock now on hand, and still coming in, as they feel assured ol their ability to please in quality and price. Their largely increased trade affords one er idence of lAe favor with which their man w.i of doing business has been leceived, and whi.'e they testily to the liberality of their patrons and' friends, they reiterate the assurance that they will spare no pains to render entire sat isfaction. Their sicxk is lares, manufactured mostly in their own shops, ana by contract to their order. Their facilities for doing a larire business are abundantly ample. They sell only at wholesale, hare but one pkice, and will warrant all their good as they rep resent them, An examination of their goods I T -. .-.ril- ? .1 una prices, is respeciiuuy sonciea. September 22, 1654. 3mo. Buckeye Block, No. I, Front Street. DISSOLUTION, THE co-partneiship heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of Oukts & Buskirk, was this clay dissolved by mutual consent. F. J. Oakes having sold his entire interest to Messrs. George & Chas. H. Davis, all claims w ill be settled.and debts collected by Buskirk & Davis, our successors. F. J. OAKES, A. W. BUSKIRK. A. W. BUSKIRK, GEO. DAVIS, CHAS. H. DAVIS. BllSKIUK & DA1IS, (Successor, of Oakes & Buskiik.) WHOLE&ZE GROCERS ' AND f PRODUCE DEALERS, Buckeye Block, Frout Street. PORTSMOUTH, 0. January 19, 1854,,-tf. School Books. McGUFFEY'S SERIES COMPLETE. CJPELLEKS, First, Second. Third Fourth and Fifth Readers. The Hemau's Young uouies ntancrs. Pineo's Primary Grammer, ' Analytical " Enelish Teacher. Ray's Arethmalic, Parts First, Second and ihiril, Kay s Algebra, Parts First and Second McGufl'ey s Electic Primers. The Elementary Speller. Webster's school Dictionary. Mi tenet's Primary Gcoeraohv. Mitxhel's large school Geography, latest edition. Copy Books, Slates, Pencels tmd all kinds oi stationary lor scliools, lor sale it BRATTON'S. IF YOU CALL l'OU WILL BIT, JOHN S. HAWK, MAIN STREET, McARTHUR, OHIO, Dealer in all kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, QUEENS WARE, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS f SHOES. READY-MADE CLOTHING, IRON & NAILS, &c. Also,; Agent for LOUDON & Co's. POPULAR FAMILY MEDICINES. IS just receiving from Cincinnati, one of the Lamest a.id best selected stocks of New. Fashionable and cheap noons Ever broimhl to MrAnhnr. ,rKolr fn fhn Winter trade, which he is determined to sell on the most reasonable terms. Just call and see my New Goods belore purchasing elsewhere. Brine alone vour Produce, fnr in the wm of Barter he will give you as good bargains aV .1 1 L L . r-i i " iiiuugn you uruugni ineasn. iovemoer it, ieoi. 1st, c. ly. A Public Imitation. 1I1CK0CK & Bro., HAVING just opened a Wholesale and Retail II AT iTOIIT! in Fnrlciyiniuli on Front Street, between Market and Jefler sou, they invite All to call and examine their stock of -wllalj and Taps, Slraw Goods, Trunks, f 4 Taliscs, Carpet Bags, I'mbrtllns &e., U OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. Purchasers can at all ) mpa finrl nt nnv ao tablishment a full and complete 83sortmen of the richest and most desirable styles, at Well as the most common fiihrira Our Inns experience in the business, and knowledge of DioiiuiHciuring, wun ine lacilities lor purcha sing, are such that we are confident we-can sell lower than any other House in the West. TllTTin j ii . . ... runa oi an Kinds wanted, for which the highest piices will be paid. rortsinoutn, November 4, 1803. ly Si Hi HOLMES, (Successor lo Smith and Holmes.) manufacturers of Tio, Slicct Iron, and Copper Warts, ALSO DEALERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, IN Stoves, Grata. & Hollow Ware, MARKET STREET, EAST SIDE. PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. April 1554. ly. Uardusrc. LIPPENCOTT S Axes, warranted 30 days or the money refunded. Hatchets war ranted, Tilletson's Handsaws warranted, Door Locks, Thumb Latches, Butts, Screws, Augers, Smoothing Irons, Curry Combs, Horse Brushes, Files, Rasps, in shot every thing in the Hani ware line, at BRATTON'S. IRON. NAILS AND STEEL. 100,000LiflS."JH"- 5000 Lbs. Norway Nail Rod. 500 Kegs assorted cut and wrewght Nails. 3000 Lbs. sauare. rnnnil ..H Steel. Just received at the Gilt Anvil. DENNING, CAMPBELL & CO. July 29, ! 1853. DR. DUNLAP, CCT fllce, McArthur House. " ;.- McARTIWB, OHIO. Tt. 16, IS9, ly. 300,000 IV riFTS FAR TI1R PFAPir f ij uirii) tun iiiu i iiwi iiu , CAPITAL CITY ART-VISION, COLOMBUS, OHIO. H RUNELL 6c CO'S., SECOND GREAT j OIFT DI8TBIBUTI0N. The proprietors take great pleasure in announcing to the citizens of the Union, that in consequence of the great satis faction manifested by the ticket-holders of their first great Distribution, and the many thousand solicitations Irom all parts of the country, in relation to whether they intended getting up anoth er Distribution of Gifts for the people,' they have, an immense outlaj, been en abled to offer to their thousands of pat ions the following valuable, magnifi cent, and unprecedented BRILLIANT SCHEME, to be distributed as soon as the 300,000 Beautiful Engravings of the Capitol of Ohio are distributed among their Patrons. The price of the Engra vings is but One Dollar, and as a parlor ornament it cannot be surpassed. Read attentively the following list of beautiful end costly gifts, which will be satisfactorily distributed by a com mittee of ten, selected one fiom each Stats where the largest number of sub scribers are obtained: 1 Farm in the State of Indiana $10,000 1 do in Ohio 8.000 1 do do r 6,000 2 Four-story Brick Dwelling and Lot, in Columbs, Ohio 6,500 1 do do do do-. .6,500 1 Beautiful residence in the town of Mt. Vernon 5,500 1 Two-Story Brick Building in Chiliicothe 3,500 1 Briclt Cottage and lot iu Col umbus 3,000 1 do do do 3,000 1 Frame do do do 2,500 I Handsome country residence in Sego, Perry county, Ohio 1,500 4 Splendid building lots in Col umbus, at S2.000 8,000 10 do do do 81,500 15.000 4 do do Cleveland 6,000 1 Grand Action Piano (Cbicker- ing's 1,200 1 Gold Watch, set with Dia monds ' 1,000 5 Gold Watches, at 8500 each ..2,508 10 Rosewood Pianos, at 8500" 5.000 10 do do at 400 4.000 10 do do at 300 3,000 50 Gold Watches, at 8150 ".7,500 1UU ' do 100 do 100 do 300 Sirer do 500 do do at 100 10,000 at at at at 75 7,500 40 4.000 20 6,000 15 7,500 1000 Ladie's Gold Breast Pins at 84 4,000 200 do Brocha shawls at 825 5,000 500 do Silk Dress Patterns, at 820 10,000 5000 Gold Pencils, at 83 15,000 10000 Gold Pens, with Silver Cases, at 12 20,000 20000 Gold rings.at 81,50 each 30,000 12084 do at 1,00 each.. -12,084 Every purchaser of the splendid large Lithographic Engraving, will receive a Certificate of Membership entitling them to a chauce in the above list ol valuable and costly Gifts for the Peo ple. The Engravings can be sent by mail (without being damaged,) to any part of the country, 0CJFIRST COMB FIRST SERVED, Persons wishing to act as Agents for us will please send a recommendation signded by the Postmaster or some other influential und well known person in the place where they reside. To those persons who have been act ing aa Agents for us ia our former Dis tribution, this is not required. All orders with the money enclohed, free of postage, will meet with prompt mention. In order to prevent mistakes, agents and others transmitting money to us will please have it sealed in the pres ence of the Postmaster, and the amount entered on the way bill. We prepay all our letters, circulars, cf-c, to our agents and correspondents, and expect them to do the same with us. Agents wanted in every town, whom we will fuinifh mith posters, circulars, schelules, instructions, &c, on appli cation at our oflice, or by mail post paid For further particulars see the descrip tive bills, &c, or enquire it the office No. 2, Wartult's Block, Town Street Columbus Ohio. BRUNELL & CO, Proprietors. I VV . M. Stakr. G. D. Tewkshury WEELEY STARR &, SONS. GENERAL COMMISSION DIE Bill ANTS Forth Sal. of Wc.tern Produce LEAF TCBACCO FLOOR, PROVISIONS, fcc. Nos. 85&&7S. CHARLES STREET. Between Pratt and Camden streets. near the Tobacco Inspection Warehoniies, BALTIMORE. Libtral advances made on consignments. JN. Ii. We have recently removed to our new and extensive Warehouses, upon South Charles Street, where we have the advantage ol a Rail Road track of our own, (connecting our House w ith the B. 6c O. Railway,) and are thus enabled to receive all our consign ments, wnen scut in car loads, tree of Dray- b. w e have, also, evey facility lor the re ceipt and sale of Tobacco, Flour, Provisions, and Western Piouuce. Generally. We scud a correct statement ol the Markets monthly, to our friends, or oftener if desired June 10 54 lvr. CEO. SUTIIEHLIIV & CO., AGENTS FCR THE SALE OF Virginia & Kentucky Manufactured 1 U li A U li U AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1, Buckeye Block, Front St., PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. (lice up Stairs. October 3, 1854. HO. I). PHCCNIX.-T. M. BABCOCK, JNO. BABCOCK BABCOCK&CO. IiOLtSALE GKUCEKS & Commission Merchants. No- 65 k 67 Water Street, NEW ?ORK. tebuary 17, '54. ly. (SHAM HOUSE. SMITH & SONS, zmmmmftmmz. JACKSON C. 11., OHIO. Se'pt. 51i lS8X-Ty 1655. NEW STOCK OF 1855. YANKEE NOTIONS! LATE ARRIVAL!! I hate just received my Spring Stock comprising a ereat Variety of FANCY and STAPLE NOTIONS. Dealers and others are invited to call before purch asing elsewhere, as they will find a com plete assortment, and at prices that will compare with any Establishment of the kind in this section of the country. The following articles comprise a part of my extensive assortment: 150 packs pins. 200,000 percussion raps,. ' ' 600 dozen spool col ton. 50 gross buttons. 50 dozen suspenders. 150 lb skein cottou. 12 lb sewing silk, 5 lb twist silk. 500 gross hooks. and ejes. 30 dozen razor strops. 300 dozen combs, all kinds. 50 reams cap, letter and note paper, 20,000 envelopes. 300 dozen tapes, 130 dozen soaps. 40,000 fish hooks. 25 gross fish lines. 20 gross lead pencils, 100,000 needles. 100 bundles wafers. 40 dozen knives. 30 dozen scissors. 10 gross spoons. 20 gross jews harps. 3 gross French harps. 30 dozen 6laleB. 3000 slate pencils. 30 gross thimbles. 100 dozen porte rr.onaies. 200 lb patent thread. Cornelian charms and rings, Jet bracelets. Ladies' work boxes and reticules. Fine hair brushes and combs. Gutta percha, puff and long combs, S, S Sand S S S fine combs. Skirt ar.d dress whalebone, Corset and shoe laces. Stilettoes, elastics and sleava bands. Teeth and nail brushes. Steel pens and holders. Match safes. Alabaster ornaments. Linen & cotton, floss crochet cotton Zephyr worsted and needles. Gold finger and ear rings. Gold, plated and common jewelry; and other articles too numerous to particu larize. CIGARS AND TOBACCO! Dealers and others purchasing Cigars will find the largest Stock in the City, varying from 65 to 830 per M. As all the fine cigars are manufactured on the premises, purchasers of fine cigars may depend upon getting the quality of ci gar they pay for, as satisfaction is guar anteed in all cases. Also on hand, Cavendish and Fine Cut Chewing To bacco, Pipes, eje, at the Cheap Notion Store next to the Valley Bank, Second Street. R. DAVISON. Chillicothe, O., March 2, 1855, NOTICE TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. THE Board of School Examiners, of Vinton County, will hold their re gular meetitgs for the examination of candidates on the FIRST SATURDAY of each month, at the school room of O. T. Gunning in McArthur, commencing at 10 o clock A. M. At every examination, a certificate of good moral character, re cently signed by at leas' two responsi ble persons, will be requirer of eaih can didate, and the Examiners would espe cially guard individuals against recom mending any person who is in the habit of using profaue language or indulging in intoxicating drink, or in any othei social vice, or immorality. O. T. GUNNING. Clerk Board School Examiners, V. Co. Feb. 2, 1655 ty. BIGGS HOUSE, PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. rTIHE subscriber having leased the above X House, (formerly the United States Ho tel.) and naving made a complete renovavgn pnbre-furnished the house with new Furniture throughout, respectively invites the traveling public to give mm a can. HIS TABLE Will always contain the best that the market affords, and no means will be spared to make all comfortable. JUIUN KUW. Oct. 10th, 1854 . JGHNSON'S BOOK STORE. HH, JOHNSON, (successor to Joseph t Jones) keeps constantly on hand a large stock of BOOKS, STATlOJSt.il r, WALL PAPER Ac, Which he will sell at Eastern Prices. It is his design to afford Country Merchants, and puichasers generally, such facilities for sup plying themselves with every article in his line, as they have not heretofore enjoyed. Additions are now being made to his stock, which will make one of the Largest ant :Jesl in the Western country. As a mere outline, his stocx will De lound to consist of BOOKS Medical. Scientific, Law, Theolog ical. School. Blank and Miscellaneous. STATION ERY-Letter, Cap,-Bill ami Note Paper. ENVELOPES Buff, Embossed and Plain White, and Govern meut. WALL PAPER A heavy and well selected stock, at prices ranging from 8 cents, to (1,50 per bolt. A'io, Borders of the greatest variety, and Window Blinds. BLN K BOOK-rLedgers, Journals, Day Books, and Time Books, all of every style. PERIODICALS Those issued Monthly, and others. MAPS Large Maps of both Hemispheres and of the United States; Small Maps of each of the Western States, and of Mexico. t FANCY ARTICLES of different kinds. ALSO Slates. Copy Books, Copper Plate. Pencils, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink of all kinds, Inkstands, Wafers, &c, &c. All of which wiil be sold low. at Whole sale and Retail at Johnson's Book Store, Jones' old stand, Paint St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Decembers. 1853. ly. Hoarders Wanted! A FEW BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOM modated by applying soon at LIBERTY HALL. A.CAMPBELL. Marck 30, IS54, 3w. PX YOKES, 1 " Y AaVREE Ox Yokes, at the Gilt. Anvi IU DENNING, CAMPBELL&Ce. Ju.jtf 1853. FAMILY MEDICIiVESl E. A. BRATTONi MAIN STREET,. McARTHUR, 0.t KEEP constantly on hand the following Genuine and Popular McJiciuea: PILLS. Seller's Liver Pi lis. Dr. Lee's Pills. WORM MEDICINE. Scller'g Vermifuge.. Drs. Jone McL's dJ. COUGH SYRUP. Seller's Imp'l C. S.. 1 Dr. Jones' CouxhSvrup. LINLVErx 0 ' r Lyon's N. 6c.B.r. Jones' N. B. Liniment aioan s uintmeni, bioan s lust. Htlitl du FOR THE HAIR. Lyon's Kathaiton, Vegetable Hair Oil. ix-urs uii, (pure,; i,au ue loiogue. Caslot Oil, Sweet Oil, British Oil. ' Oil of Spike, Harlem Oil, . Medicameiituin. Also, Godfrey s Cordial, Bdiesinan's Diops. Sloan's Condition Powder: and Essences C7f all kinds. All of the above Medicines w received direct from the proprietors, and war ranted to be genuine. April 6. 1855. tf ' CLLNE A GAMMER, DRUGGISTS, WILKESV1LLE, OHIO, KEEP constantly on hand the folowiug genuine and popular family medicine PILLS. Sellers Liver Pills, McLuine'i Liver Pills, Aver's Pills. COUGH REMEDIES. Seller's Imperial Cough Syrup, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Seller's Hive Svrup, Seller's Syrup of Squills. WORM MEDICINES.-Seller 8 Vermifuge, McLaine's Vermifuge. L1N1MENT3.-H. G. Fnrrel's Indian Lin iment, Gardner's Volatile Liniment. Railway's Ready Relit-f. Pain Curer, Liquid Opidildoc HAIR TONICS. Lyou's haihairon, G, . Gaylords. Also: A large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines. Oils, Paints and Dye-stuffs; all for sale at the lowest prices. Oct. 27th, 1654. ly. NEW HOTEL- L1IIERTYJIALL. MAIS ST., M' ARTHUR, OHIO. A. CAMPBELL, ANOUNCES to the traveling public ami citizens of Vinton county, that he has opened a new Hotel in the buildings formerly occupied by Mr. James Dodge, as a store and residence. Extensive additions and repairea have been made to the houte ami stables, The hcnise has been newlv furnished. HIS TABLE, Shall be supplied with the best viands the market aflbids. In short no means vt ill m spared to make the guests of Liberty Hall comfortable and at home. The public are respectfully invited to give him a call. N. B. Bilts as reasonable as the timet will permit. A. CAMPBELL, Mdrch 16, 1805. lvr. Di:. ll0, CAItU'IiELI. &Co., Importers and IVliolrsalf mid Retail Deal cm in lluidwni'c.&Hldlcry, Iron, Glass, Ac, Ac. WOULD respectfully informtheir friends and the public that they have at length jot into their splendid new room, and haye lilted it up expressly for the Hardware trade, (iu the burnt district) under the sign of the GILT ANVIL, East side of Paint, between Water and 2d sts, wheie they are opening, in addi tion to part of their former stock, a large and desirable stock of American, German anil English Hardware, Saddlery, Iron and Glass, together with all articles usually kept in Hard ware stores, and invite all to call and taken look at their new room and examine their stock. Thev have continued a stock of Goods at their OLD STAND, sign of the Mill Saw. on Tagert's square, (under the immediate cateol one of the firm) where they have been soib srally patronized the past year, for which the.f. take this opportunity of returning their sin cere thanks, and solicit a continuance of the same for both establishments, promising to keep as.good Goods and sell as low as any iu this marked.. May 10, 1653'.-n491y CHAS. A. M. DAMAR1N it Co T3 EC El VED direct from New Orleans, JL V 075 hhds fair lo prime N. O. Sugar; 20 clarified do. 1G9 bis loaf, crushed & pulverized sugar: 54 bxs while Havana, for candy and syr ups; 2337 bis N. O. Molase.s; 75 do "St. James" choice sugar II, mo la sse;s 100 do Common sugar II. molasses. 10 do Golden syrup; 55 Tes- Rice: 300 bags Rio and Java coffee: Which, together with a full and completed stock of. Woodwahe Buckets, tub, zine washboards, brooms, &c. Fhu its & Nuts Figs, rasins' almonds pe cans. F. Walnuts, filberts; Brazil nuts; &c. Spices 'Ground and uiiground Pepper; alsnices; cinnamon; cloves; ginger; nutmegs: Finn mackeral; dried herring, codfish; sar dines: Teas A large stock of fresh imperial; Yt II sou; gunpowder and black tea: Tobacco Fives; eights and pound plug of good Virginia, .Missouri and Kentucky brands also, Gedge cf- Bro'a and other good brands of 6 twist tobacco: Dye-stuffs Indigo; copperas madder and alum: Sokdbiet Soap; candles, starch, chocolate; salatratus; super carbonaleof soda; epsoni st It; lead; shot; warpping paper; &c, &c. We will sel at the regular Cinclnnatti wholesale prices: C. A. M. DA JARIN & Co. Portsmouth, April 1 1, 1854. O. K, MCBBAT, P. H. MUEBAT, JAS. M'eKAjI .1 Importer of, and Dealers in, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, SIGN OF THE FROM ST. V PORTSMOUTH. OHIO, WE will duplicate bills with any regular jobbing House in the West.' Country mer chants, furnace proprietors, railroad contrac-. tors, and others, wijlsubserve their interests by giving us ceil. May 19,54. It. iJimn.ii.ftvr-a m