OCR Interpretation

M'arthur Democrat. (McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1853-1865, September 13, 1855, Image 1

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'I !
E. A. UlllTrOiY.
rdtiornnU Proprietor,
Volume 4.
MeArlliur, Vinton to., 0.,) Thursday, Sept. 13, '; 1835.
--Number 4
, ... ...
Ofict cm door east of tht Covrt
. UoVtt.'. "' ! '.
11,00 per year, and if not payed within the
wr. 2.00 will be chared "
. These Tcrmaj."tvtt be kietlir
with, and no puicill blisconlinued. until
all arrearages at e paid, unless at tht option
tf tht publisher. ' V, ' . ...
CCT" One square, Vtirlun lines or let first
thrre insertions' ... rjrj
Each additional tnstrlion-3
'.C Card out eor,.. . ft5,00
A liberal deduction uill be made loptr
tons sdvertising by the year.
All advertisements puyuhlc in advance or
on demand
JOBWORKr"' ' '
We ere jprejuifd to eiecute, upon the
shortest noticeri tie rte&tebt menrerai,d on
the cheapest taftns. all kinds oi Plain und
fancy JOB PRINTING, such as
Handbills, 'Bluvhs, Briefs,
Cards, Tickets, Programmes,
Circulars, Pouters, Chicks. '
Bill Heads, Labels,. ) Horse Bills,
J c., . tf-e.,' cjc .
td" WV.respectfully 'solicit the printing
patronage of our Democfltic'fiieiids, and all
otliera requiring work, -in Vinton county.
if cuts for Hie "3?fArlIiur Ltniorroi.M
Tha following Qantlemen will Feci It. and Rjc.lpl
foiSnbiciipticni (no Adruruitniemi, fur this fa
ter,4n Viuion Couutf. Chio.
Petton Cm,
Wu. Tayleb,
Jmo. Ci auk, Sr.,
J. flung,
' Adam Lvnit,
J. Easom,
Ilamden Furnace.
Ml. rieapant.
tlarriiion Township.
jnoers &iore,
' Wilkesvilie., (
h. V. HEWITT, Judge of Probate Court
W.L. EDMISTON.Clerk Com. Pleas Court
E. F. BINGHAM, Prosecuting Attorney
Wu, T1SUE, Sheriff. " '
JOSEPH MAGEE, Auditor. : .. :
. PAINE, Treasurer.
GEO. ULL0M, Coroner.
' County CoiPinieaioners, .
School Kxannners,
K. A. UKA1TON. '
1 11 O N
"Witli tlieir
1- w X. XX s XJ u .
Foit Cilice Adrcsses.
t in( iN.NAii I t'BtiACE, "V" e s t f u 11 , Stew
ail Co. Meniifact urers of the best
quality of Pig Iron., llamden, Reeds
a;m p. o. .
Ei c i.E KtENAiE. Stanley, Ut'iiiley &
Co. Matiufucrureig of the beet quality
ol Pig Iron. Eagle Post Office.
Viuton Fvbkace, Meaos, Clark & Co.
Manufacturers of best quality of . Fig
Iron, Vinton Furnnce Fosi Ofiice.
llAkimti Fubsacc, Frazee, Tarr & Co.
Reed's Mill PostOilice. --n:v.v
Rio Sand Fubkace, Burtleti, Dana'cJ
Co., Manufacturers of the' bett 'quality
of Tig Iron. FoBtOfliceat Athens, 0..
Merchants of Viktor, tvjo ab
Stal.nln Cry Coed Baiware, Qut'.Biwaj., Boot
Sho.t, Groc.nei, .1c. .
McAethub. Johi SHawlf, J. K. cf- D
Will, londincon & Co., Owen Dowd, K. A
Station, J. & E. Dodge, Shades & Reynolds.
II AMUEK.-Renj. Dill, D. D. T.H'd. 11. B.
Moore, J. B. cj- . B. Wilkon, .Ww. C.
Gleaeon. "
Wilkesville. S. S. Murry, John Gillen.-
ciine & Uaruneir teKou ct LWUey, James
lileakely. tarr & olrong. v
Allemsville. Peter Miller,; Marcus Mil
ler, Joseph Wilcox. -
Mt. Pleasant. Phillip Sain.
raAiTavatE.-T-Swept-K &et&toiT,
Aikeb'8 Mill. Jt BlOer. " ' t
Bibkhibmar's -Mill. 'William Tisi.- -'
McAbthub. E. P. Bothwell. V4 '.! .
McAbthub. G. B. Will...
H.imdem. Davis & Collins.
Wilbesville. Clin'e & Gardner. .-1 -
tinrvrr. Kii sunt' KTniJro
t)JAl i'' "uu ui yuiju.
JVIcAbthub.-J. G. Swn:.,ttnd' --totw
Atlo rncy a,t.Law
.'. McARTtlUR, D1I10. 4l
Will practice in ViMon ajid adbinin dmin
a!.. itv. it i . V
ucb. yjwee mree uoors vest ol the Tost
Feb. 9. 1852. iVl
AltorRCjs at vngyi
'M. A PTUT11J " nuirt
Will hnrliiv IW '.(Zii;SN' 'irLfcl?..!
ty. - Office, lour doors east 'o Siasoia&lful
ben's Hotel.
Eeb. 21. 1854. ' y j 1.
. E. A. BRATTCHf Mt i
Attorney at, Latvir''
. .. McARTHUR, OHIO.' ac .'j .
TTILL practice in Vinton and adjoining
counties. .; Office, qoedoor, east of the
Blue Comer.",;- , , , .
HAS now an assortment of WaHFpi
Borders. Window Curtain. ap;r
6creeos, that can bMdlsbe-snrcafsai inr liel
U J2!2 0y!l-1 WTWWocU;ii
Selected Poetry.
Where are tne friends that'tto me were to dear?
Long, long ago,'- long ago i '
Where are the hopes my heart used to cheer!
Long. Ions eco. long ago.
Friends that I lovd in the grav are layed low;
nupes mat i toenailed are tied irom me now;
1 em degraded for rum was my foe, '
ixjng, long ago, long ago. .
Sadly my wife lowered her beaotiful bead,
, .- Long, Ion? ago, long ago
O! now I went 7eii I knew aim wa dead .
She wit wit ariyrl, my love ami my guidu!
Vainly to m ntiviif ruin alii ui4
Poor broken-heart it was well that she died,
Long, long ago, long ago. ..
Let me look back on the days of my youth,
' Lonc Ioiik auo, lone eo:
I was no stninger to virtue and truth,
. , Lons. Unif Idiio alio.
O for the hopes tlmt was" pure as the , day;
O lor the love ttmt was purer than they ; .
O for the hours 1 have squandered away,
Long, long igo, long ago.
fteetbgf th porjur.ee
- The New Orleans papers of the 15ib
ultimo have coma to hand. They con
tain news conlirming the telegraphic
report ol Santa Anna's flight from Mexi
co, with fuller details ol the incidents
b y w faith p it . was accompanied, , The
lol'owing accouat is irom the Pica
y'une;' ,' ' . t '.,.. ' .
It appears thai' Santa' Anna left (hi
city ofM'afkco on the 9th inst. at the
head of 140rjhen Uoier ihe pretext ol
quelling the revolution iu the State ol
Vera Crux. On arriving st the fortress,
of Peroie he ibriw off the mask and un
veiled his real design. He there issued
a proclamation, depositing the govern
meut in the hands, of Paroui, Vega and
Silas, and immediately, departed with
all speed to Vera Crux. Hj last day's
march was from 1'uente by circuitous
routes (say fourteen leagues,) and he ar
lived In Vera Cruz ou the night of the
loth inst. Ou the day alter his arrival
Santa Anna endeavored to go on board
Hie Mexican war steamer Iturbide
but being prevented by the siale of the
weather, ?ie embarked on the night of
the 17th and with his family, it is sup
poked, proceeded to Havana,
In the meantime, all Santa Anna's
ministers at the tityof Mexico took
FreLih leave, and Gen, Carresa, at the
head of the only troops left in the city,
say 700 men, pronounced for the plat
of Ayutitla, naming Carrera President
pro tcm.,aud Vegu.Coujniauder-in-cheii
uf the troops.
In Vera Cruz.on the night of the l8lh
part of the regiment of Tree Viejas pro
nounred and killed .one of their officers
and then left the City over the walla to
joiu La Llave, who was in the vicinity.
Next mornin(fce remainder of the reg
iment, lay 2 U0 men, we re marched out
d tie city by or der of Gen Corona, to
prevent further disturbance, On the
same day, Suudsy the JVjh, the city ol
Vera Cruz and the troops pronounced in
lavor.of Ihe plan of Ayuntta, Gov. Cor
tna still, retaining the command. waiting
(o,r.order from the Provisional Goveio
merit, f f ; I .
On the 20th, all, was quiet in Vers
Cruz, end no further disturbance was
looked for till the 22 A, the day La Llave
was,expected to entet the city with his
pmoviicicdoti to 7 which ''serious objet
liOfis were' raised, as his' troops, it is
feared, might create . ..dicorder. On the
night of th 21st, however, at half past
7, a disturbance occursd amoung the
troops) thfeRegtrtlent of Guides'.snd Ihe
2d were ordered 'oQt, and several shots
were fired. The pronounced troops in
For( ConeeptiSn fired iht, eannon lod.
ej i'uh crape. rwdiever'aLof khe'Guides
were killed. The Guides then took the
fort by sssualt, after which all became
qdlel.land rerriained so juntil the sailing
of fha Or&abs. ' C
Since the foregoing was written we
learn that Carrera was ippointed'Pvo
visional rresideot for sixth months." A
quarrel for 'the Presidency, it is said, is
UKtiy id ensue. The pleasure of Alvsr
ri antf Commonfort - is net known, nd
tbey will have a say in, the mstterv. The
cbnxlition of affairs. Tor some time nast
"has been sucfi a e to lead to the exuecla-
tion of all that baa taken place. Peo
ple began to speak very freely, and pri
vate meetings took place in the houses
Pl'.niembers of the Liberal party. '-Siice
thetn fue& . le6V proceedings were
f haiienVed; he profeiJUy'f the d.e-
najture of Sam. kn WS8 discUSted.
r .
pewance -nominstingVtriumvirate o
aeuluring bis abseuee, tjntH he should
arrive at Vera Crus.
8 JOn thenOtfi.) (kflltretiio 'and Siglo
ill. newspapers' began to bablish r.
mvksVn fhe.actoaUeondition of affairs
breatirig ttupugfr the bone's" Itrwhich
the press had heitherto been held.
Tbey bpth publibed the plan of Ayutla,
aocTWclpititeat the isiue ofaprognii
cxanitHto id the capital, which wis at
first proclaimed, by a part of the (e'llsor)
and in, tbs evening by the ; population
wto adppted it. ,fl ..Oliij.l.iil
, On the night,, of ihe 12th, the com'
miBsiop. appointed byi. Santa Anna out
at libitly the gemlemen ' thai, bad . been
lmprlsonta1 by Santa Aona.some sixty in
number' shd who ''we're the' iirincinal
aent in nirxiag tbf rgrrterat adoption
of4bef Ian of -jijBtla. . T?'4'- i
r Abeot
The senation increased SB ." .I8 P,,Ma'
rajeapheahe igh'esl p.Uc.' w.h?n
dee'ree uuder lis 'authority made its0"
8,000' to 10,000. Thay finally confirin..
td the plan of Ayuntls, with theadd
tiorrof making a provision for ttievorj
g anizatioo of the National Guard.
From the Alameda they marhed to the
Palace Square and wanted to eater lha
palace to destroy the furnttere of Santa
Anna. Several shots were fired.aod One
man was killed. .
The populace then went te the office
of the Universal newspaper and destroy
td most of the paper, type, fixtures, fur
hlture and pretsla. Thence they went
to the house of lha banker'' LitrU. !
burned all bia furniturf, -including a!
large quantity of valualla papers, beads,
Sec. 'V v
The houie ' of Henor' Bouilli, Ute
MiuUtei . uf fiaitbce. -cSaied a. ft ;.'lr
fate, including bis very valuable ' libra
ry, worth some llD.OUO. The whole
damace done to his place U estimated at
140,000. The house of Seirora Tosa.San
ta Anna's mother-in-law, was next at
tacked and everything in it destroyed
including three handsome carriages,-
These were first filled with- valuable
articles then aet on fire, and so drag.
ged thiough the city like chariots on
Tne house of the banker EcauJon
was also eutered and some damage done
to it- not aiore prhaps than 4,000 or
15,000 before the military arrived and
fired on the people, killiug iourjnd
wouudiig ten The other Ministers and
objects os the popular vengance had ta
ken the prceautiou to remove most of
their property and scie'.e ' it in some
place of safety. Beaidethose above
ineutioued some forty were killed and
aa many wuuuded by the mititarv dur
ing the proceedings. On the following
dj the staus of Santa Anna in the
market place was throw n down from its
loty pedestal, and the people wanted to
drag it through the streets, but were pre
veuted, aud iour persons were shut on
this point. . , ,
On the evening of the 15ih the new
Government seut, uuder lien. Vega, ex
presses to the. various Governor of the
Departments or Stales, requesting them
to p rotiouuce.and at the same lime they
sent the commanders of the liberal for
ces to inform them that every thiug bad
been regulated according to their views,
and to request Iheailocooie to the capi
tal fcloue, leaving their forces behinJ
them tor the purpose of electiug. officers
and arranging the Government. -The
liberal party, however. wer4 uoi
satiafied,and sent on to the commanJere,
telling them to briug their forces, and
that they would be able to cr.rry out their
plena. s , . . .,.,.'
The Government was in fact compos
ed of a large proportion of the members
of the last oue aud cloa ely united with
he Church, lor which reason the liberals
could uotadopt it -
I). Luisde la Rosa, lets Mexican Min
ister in Washington, had been appoiu
tad Governor of I'uebla to the great sat
isfaction o! -the liberals, Sr. Lizardi
bad claimed t2.000.000 for bonds and
valuable papers burned, and (according
to a piivate note) the American Miuia
ler says he baa lost bis rights, as he ac
cepted the . Cross, of Guadeloupe from
Santa Anna. . , i
The press was . free, and the Vtrdtd,
the Monitor Hepubllcano, 'the Patra
and the devolution bad re-appeared,
More Evidence—A Negro Wench
on the Stump in Coshocton
County for Massa Chase!
We noticed hereioiore that two Negro
orators iu the N'oith West were advoca
ting the claims of Massa Chase on the
stump, and, 1bo thsj the colored folks ol
Belmont and Uarrisou counties bad met
in Masa. Convention and passed resotg
lion's echoing sentiments similar to that
of the Coshociou Abolition Age to wil:
That the new move to break dowp the
two old-political parties, W hig arid Dem
ocratic and the re-establishment ol the
Republican Party, and the election ot
Chase was favorable to the enfranchise'
menl of the negro placing theni upoo
an equality in every respect with the
white populatiou. Mauy of the opposi
lion pronounce this a "locoloco election-
eerinc story." Bui let us see., bow the
faciei slaud in our own county.
Last week we visited Lafayette and
Linton townships, and ' were informed
thala negro Wenoh had just . passed
through delivering nerself of several
flaming Abolition lectures, calculated
oicourse to make totes iut Mr. Cbaaa.
She depicted to her audieace the evil,
the-horrors of. slavery said - ahe .wee
once a slave was struck over- the hick
and' head with a ' poker bad whole
hand f nils of HAIR putted from her bead
and otherwise abused. It is , reported
that Welling Bort, editor of the Age,
had a band iu the importation, partic
ularly as he followed directly eiouud
in her. footsteps sticking up handbills!
What next will be resorted to carry the
Aboljiion Ticket tbis . fall. . Already
has ministers of the Gospel come -down
from the pulpit to dabble, in politics
to jdminisitr Mmmoral oaibs to their,
member ,0 j'c lDtm ,0 t0,t ,De
K. N. anti-re;i!bli"D' MMo ,'iickl;
and also have been P1""1
on theetutnp, and eV'- tt ' " "
county egro Wenclris rr i.
field, and all for nothing else ?il ,
defeat ihe - Democratic party tu
party pi equai riging. - -
i New EatfLAiD Whiss. The Boston
Correspondent of the N. Y,, Eveniog
Post says: . - -
.. Some of tne Messachusetts Whigs are
in iatoiof imitating' the" conduct ol
iheir friends in Maine who did much
to, prevent the success of the fusion
moiement of 1&64 .from succeeding
here MV8' that,, before the occarrence
ol the pelt Presidential election ,'. (trie
hundred. theu,snd New -England,, VVbigs
w (II have joined the 'Democrats.. , as .he
noa calls them. thniioK ha nat tit r. It
County for Massa Chase! Multum in Parvo.
Why ia grapevine tike a recruit t Be
cause it is 'listed anJ trained to shoot'
A shoemaker's wife and a blacksmith's
mare are elwaya worsushod.
He who labors for mankind, without
care for himself, has alreadv brzun
his immoriality.
, It is said that tha title of the ore
siding offkei of a Kr.ow Noihiug LoIIge
is, --ureal ignoramus. - -A
was observes that be looks under
the marriagi head for the news of . the
waa,".. rt 1 . .
Why is.a pretty voun? " woman Jj!i
corn in a' -time of scarcity! littause
aus oug-u 10 oa nuaoaiided.
,iDineu are said senerallv to wear
their shawls graceiully, aud men to
manage the same garment tU'l-grscetully .
Tu two neighbors who "fell out"
have got in again. : Neither of them
were injured.
Ribiculoos. For a Fusion oaDer.
which supports a ticket tepreseniiu i
Know Nuibuisi 8(11. KrcaiKLji 1 iaiiti an (I
Whiggery, to apeak of "triangular par
ties. 'Well, fat, Jim didn't quke kill you
with tnat brickbat, did hat'1 "No', but
1 wish he had." "What for!" "So 1
could see him hung, the villain." :
The Buffalo Republic says it is not
polite uow-a days to ask a friend " Will
you take a driuk?" The question ie,
'Will you violate!" or "Ho you feel
use pitching into the prohibitory!"
"My dear, I wish it was as much the
fashion tu trade wives as it is to trade
horses." "Why t" '. Because I'd cheat
somebody sbamfully before ulght."
- The Know Nothing who, would not
Use the word patriot because -it begau
with Pat, hae concluded to emigrate
some where, because ht has' at last
found out that Amtiica was discovered
by a foreigner.
A Laut, who must be a relative of
Mrs. Pattiogtoo.we tbiok, 'by marriage'
at least, waa entertaining soma friends
with a fine leg of mutton at dinner the
other day, when one of her guests
remarked that the mutton waa exceed
ingly tine in quality. ,
"Oh, yea," enid elae,"my husband at
waji ibuys the , best. He is a great
epicac."" ... ,- ...... ., -::
. We fiud the following j.i the Mays
ville (Kv.) Express:
"We wonder il it is true, ss reported,
that the Know Noting lodge inte nd to
petition Congress to grant bounty
lands to the Keuiucky militia who
volunteered iu the famous expedition
to Ciuciunetj which tame off during the
election last spring As a good many
of there were shot in the neck, and left
no heirs, it is proposed to iveatheir
thares to the militia who went from
Ohio and Indiana to Louiaville on the
6ih of the present month. Those who
ran at Cincinnati aie to be holy ex
cluded, and those who served at Louis
ville to have allowances graded, accoad-ing
to tbeii services, the oi.es who kil
led Irishmen, forty acres; who killed
women, one kuudred and twenty; and
who killed children, one' hundred and
sixty." '" ' :' ;
County for Massa Chase! Multum in Parvo. BALTIMORE, Sept. 4.
The Norfolk boat arrived ihU moruing.
She brings awful tidings of the ravages
of the Yellow Fever in that place. ;.
A letter form Dr. Morris state that
64 deaths occurred in JNorlolk on Mon
day. The Herald gives the names , of
thirty five that died on Sunday.
An order has been received- here for
100 additional cutaas, Fuiy were sent
down on Saturday, .' i :
The boat brought up laige nnmbei
ol people, flying from the scourge.
Some of tbefugiiivsa have taken ref
uge in the roiundaot the Exchange, un
til they can be provided with lodgings.
The fever is abating, at Portsmouth,
the deaths averaging about ten daily , i
A Committee ol the citiaeneof Nor
folk, beaded by Dr. John McCabe, pas
sed through this ; ciiy to Waahington,
this morning, to sak the Prusidenl - for
permission -w .. teroove, the lemaindsi
of. the inhabitants to Fort Monroe.-
Judge Johnson's Letter on Fusion.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 18th, 1855.
Uentlemen: I hare received your
kind invitation to attend 4 meeting ot
the people, at Columbus, on ' Monday
evening, 27ili inst , to' ratify the nomi
nation ol Allen I rimbie tor Governor.
, I can not be with you ,qn this occa
sion.,1 My. mind ia fully made up not
to leave my olfice the presept season to
attend any political meeting. , So much
ot my lite has been spent m (his way,
that 1 feel it to te my higher duty to
give what remains ot it to. my ; profes
sion aud to-my family, .- ; - i vr.
I. congratulate yon on the candidacy
a n t.;.i L t r -i
Ql -oiicu . a iiuiuh tur 1 uuicnmr ui
Ohio. ProvM thxvt 'there is ;yet
wisdom enowL'11 ,ofin(l out wortIr?
there is yet patriotism wugh to- sar
rttice one'e personal iu!creats ifor the
good of the State! ' ' ' ;lf3
I SDeak as' it ,1 were' addressinjiiTJV:
self to old AVhig, who barl'!lruggled
long at:d arduously, for, the.ood of the
State,7 aud for the 'peace of k the. Ufiion
, who baie . loved ' .their ' party
muth; but their country more;, and who
oniy lovea tueir party m iu hick ujiiu
ton its advancement was linked with
the honor od prosperity of their coun
try. It ccihot be well doubted that all, or
nearly all the great progressive meas
ures of State legislation in Ohio,
vvhet'aer for the advancement of popu
lar Education or the improvement . of
Agr iculture and Commerce, were adop
ted wh?n Whigs . were the dominant
part r. In llieso great measures we
wori ted harmoniously: nor could I ev
er se any real grouoyr dissension
aujoi'igus.' But the Wh'ig party was
de&U aed to be overthrown; and it was
overt lirown by two leaJing acts, the
urst M lolly, in second or wickedness.
. 1 he lirt act to which I reler. ni
lle Ul-jutiged "cawaf" or five of tfie
tin . r . -v .
tujg ueiegatea to the lJluladelpbia
vutiveiuon againsi me nominanoir ot
Z.uchary Taylor lor the Presidency.
The ground on which the "caveat"
was entered was, that he was a South
ern man, and would favor the exten
sion of slavery in the new territories.
Time proved that these apprehensions
were laise. i tnie Droved mat lie was
Ihe steady, unwavonng friend of free
territory, 'lime brought those who
protested against his nomination to re
pentance, but their repentance was too
late to cure the mischief. Alreadv
Northern Ohio bad been anxiously can
vassed. Every Wiiiz who leaned tos
ward abolitionism had been sounded.
and every feeling against slavery
S'rengthened and made more bitter; all
the while the promise being held out
that Judge McLean, or some other
moderate wliig, would yet be brought
out as a Free Soil candidate for the
Presidency: for at that time, as now,
there was but one opinion among the
Whigs on this question. The Whigs
of Ouio were then, are ' now, and 1
trust ever will be opposed to the ex
tension oi slavery over one acre of
new te-'"iry.
Bd Buffalo Convention cam-.
ndV"aid hey &ive U8? Martin
Van Buren; and without control, heaj,
long, jNorttiero Ohio ran after him !
litis only gave, the State of Ohio t0
the Democratic candidate; but it aa
nut waa ur worse ior US. 1C 0p.
ioned bickerings and bad feeling kakno
..... . .-, j i i . "
iwccn muse wnonaa worueo together
ss a band of brothers. It tended to
sur&outnern Uluo, which unprinci
pled demagogues' had so long a-ord
to stir up between the Northern Bnd
Southern Sections of the Union.
The second act to which I refer was
the corrupt bargain, by which Mr.
Chase and his two friends sold the po
litical power of the State to the Loco
locos lor a seat in the Senate.
At the session of 1817-8, the Lr
islature of Ohio, the Whig, beinr h
the rnsjority, passed an appointment
-v., , n,i..u u.imiuu:! county was
divided into twoi dintricts. ' Under this
act, in the. fall of 1848, Jude Spen
cer and Mr. Runyan, two Whigs, were
elected in the city district. The seat,
were contested by Messrs.. Pnh. nA
Pierce,, who had been voted for as if
no new appointment had been made,
and a question of constitutinnal law
l .1 . I
arose, wnenrer tnia appointment act
waa constitutional or unconstitutional.
If the act was constitutional, nnd th
county oi n amnion lawfully divided.
. i wm -i. . ...
bpencer and Runyan had an undobted
right to the disputed stats. This
would have given the Whigs, on joint
ballot, a clear majority over the Demo
crats of four, and of two nvr th
Democrats and . Free Soilers nut to
gether.. So the parties stood before
the House of .Representatives wa9 or
ganized. . , .
Atthisnich.of time, Mr. Chase,
who had made ' so manv snppohps
against the tin of buying and seeling
men, came into market with , two men
to drive bargains for a seat in the Uni
ted States Senate. In speaking of
these jobs, I do not mean to indulge in
the bitterness , of denunciation to be
lound in the Ohio State Journal, the
Cincinnati. Gazette, the Cleveland
Herald, and other respectable Whig
papers of that day. Bull may be al
lowed ' a single' comment. If what
thtv then said of Mr. Chase and his
bargain was fase. thev oueht to. have
been indicted tor , publishing libels.
If what they said was true, they ought
now to be ashamed, to advocate hi
election. . Democratic politicians,
hard as their cheek was, were ashamed
of these bargains in every part of the
State: and the people at large condemn
ed them as outrageously corrupt
Nothing but the severest outside pres
sure could have forced the Democrats
into them.- There waa the influence
of Hamilton county, clamoring for the
disputed seats,' and demanding the re
peal ot tne apportionment act. .There
were the . numerous candidates for
Judgeships and Asnociate Judgeships,
and there were the candidates - for the
Board of Publio Works, . and other
profitable employments all anxious
for place and power.; . And above all,
and more than all, there was 'Mr. Me
dary, a candidate tor the State Print
ing, making his party believej first,
that they could not tio without him
nd, second, that he could not do with-
oui trVf.P fitting-' "Thus, the kingdoms
6f t,he,eart.b and the glory of them
were tendered ta the Locoiocos on . a
fiingld condition, -that they, should - fall
down and worship the tempter. They
did fall down" and now old stiff-kneed
ley, and a consideration in office
Whigs are asked to Jail down also.
It will be remembered that tliesa
matters were settled by one large job,
or a number of small job?, I neither
know mr cant which. This .winter
of 1848-9' was pregnant with jobs;
and whether they ca.ne in single births,
twins, or litters, nukes but little diff
erence. Tliey had the einie common
origin and end the transfer of all tha
political power of the state to the Lo
cofocos, and tiie election of Mir. Cltaso
to the Senate.
The repe-ii of thft Click laws wa3
one of the conditions of this hugs job.
This was a handful of salt; but it could .
n; t,nddii.t.ot.keer the :nnss front--stinking.
; : .
The remaining objorts accomplished ,
were, first, The nullification of tho
apporiiontnent act of 1817-8, by which
Messrs. Pugli and Pierce took the dis
puted seats, the city district of Ham
ilton county was defrauded of her rep
resentatives, an J tiie Wnis of Ohio
swindled out of the political predomi'
nince in the Legislature: secoud, Tha
repeal of the apportionment act of
l17-oy which alone the manufac
turing and merc.uiiile interests of Cin-
cinnati could Ime a representative in
the i.egishture: third, The endow
ment ol Mr. Medary with all the rights,
pnviieF, immunities and profits of
the public printi.ig: and fourth, The
great stcap, by which Mr. Chase took
ilie benatorslup, and th3 Locoiocos
took all ttie rest.
As a lawyer, I would condemn tlia
first of these acts, if the drama is to
be divided into acts, as the greater '
outrage of all; because it was the a'
tlement, by Townsend r.nd Morse, M.
Chase's two friends, of a simple que
tion of law, whether the appurtio.
ment act was or was not constitutional,
for a 'consideration, thereunto movin"
them. No question of fact noqu.es
tion of expediencyno question of
personal or political preference, was
involved. Tiie sworn judges of -tho
law in the Ci3e decided this question
of law for a consideration. In such a
case it will be difficult for cauists to
distinguish . bet ween a consideration in
-i ..- t . . -
or a consideration in Leffislottoti.""
That which approach nearest la
inaocency, perhaps, tvas (he swap, of
which Mr. Oliaso and bis. friends are
trying notPTle ashamed. The swan.
if it could be separated from the other
acts of the drama, and made to stand
alone, would come witittn tne prece
dent of the alleged "barg iin and sale,"
by whtc l John (Jaincy Adams became
President, and H jury Otay Secretary
of State, in 183 J.
Mr. Clay and his friends in lha
House of KepresentaMvej, had voted
tor Mr, Adams. Geo, Cramer, of
Pennsylvania.madij the charge of "bar
gain and gale' against them. This
charge of 'btfgain and sale" shocked
the moral 9eatlrt3wlioe natior. '
rhereyfr'iJrUO dillereticexof sentimenl
betweeir.UjVf nemies and the frieuds of,
Mc.fylAy isto the niture of the trans-',.
acticnAfaryge. All admitted it to be
utterly disgraceful. The only qUfej
tion was ns-m X!t Iftttlt o'r the charge''
Hie eneroles said it was true, and his
friends dectoretfclt was false. No
tempt was
ae to raise such an act
to respects b
'y oji the plea of usage,
or. "to nuehch the blushes of ingenious
shame" by phfciing that the end jus
tified the meam. Mr. Clay immedi
atcly rofe liora the speaker s chair, as
uunt to occupy it wtule such a chargo
rested upoB.lnin, pronounced the chargo
a base lartaoiM, aiiddemanJeu an in- ;
vesligatio.tV The' riivcstigation was
had. Nothing was proved, and tho
charge and its author sunk into con
tempt together. Yet Mr, Beaton re
garded the fact that such a charge wa
once made against a prominent publio
man such a blot on the history of our
country, that, without any partiality for
Mr. Clay, lie felt called upon, in his
valuable book, entitled "Thirty Years
in me oenaie, to uisauuse me puoim
mind of this lalsehood, and put it at
rest forever. Will anybody tell me,.' r
why it is that an act, which in ever-;
lasting blot on his great name, is exow-'.
able when Mr. Cnasedoes it? and how,
it is that the sam; public heart .which-
a few t ears a'O eve w sick at tha .tho't.
of "bargain and salp," now feels
shock when the same is admitted to'
have been done? : ' :
These are the milestones by which
we miy mark the progress of public
sentiment in the downward road to
corruption and deep decay, " .
1 have horetofore done the talents'.
and private character, of - Mr.' ChaseV;
justice, and shall not retract anything-' ,
I have said in his praise. I oppose las t '
election! not because lie is deficient iry"
... ... .
. . . . . . . r i .-
auiuty, out because, he is master -or
new school in politics, ti hre tha high
est, ofUcea in state are bargained for
like a common chattel, and because
neither he nor his freinds are ashamed
of such bargains. J l am riot the keep. ;
er of his conscience. Ha may think'
all thisriglu. Or he may think, like
all fan atics, that the end justifies the
means. His friends may think the
same thing. But I have not so learn- -
ed the duties of - an American citizen.
My lands ar e my own, and I may let
them to whomsoever I will to grazo -cattle
or to feed swine. - My money
is my owOj and I way p-jrolu "5 svi'.U

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