in R - hPt I: r. a; liitAiiow, ) , X fear rt f ficrdcior. i II .i TC.t7AI..!Aj;D IXiCTWIHTlCi TO t.tL VtP,- tT ' VTB STATE CR fEEtrAf-IC V, tlt:c:cr OB rCUTlpA!.Tkei6 feArA. J TERMS -11, 01 P--.R ANjrti w t ' Number 3D, TEE-S'ABIIIIB DESTOfRAT. I D I T K fl AND PCr.UMlKD BV JJJ EOM ARII A. Bit AT TON Cftce ont door fast of .e Covrl JInvsr. fcV6 CF tU E6CRIPTICN t r rr inr, nwrf no; puyid within the . CO vill be thuraed. Tirmi mutt It ttrictly complied no paper villU ilitcontinutd until ' reset art paid, unlet at the optiun Hiker. ' i KrV.Si OB- ACVthl" ItlrVG, " i egtiurs, thirteen line or tus firtt ''on ........... J 00 ;il;cna( inntrtwn- , , V)5 ear,"- . 3,00. ' ' deduction will ' btmiiit "io'wri . iting by the ytur. '':'-' '.'MKmw( ynyabfsin adtaw or . JOB WCKK, Vie -v - linU hi rirrutc,' ihn tie WorUil u. ill It tr 1 1-Hteiit maiiDf r and on tt)ttl.e trui . nil kitidi of tluiu und AiieiMjr liuiiii, 2iru. . ' Crd, ' 2icAl, roj?iomwM, CiriJar i'.if, Chech: n JtdllUad UU: IkruJiilU, . . , ;. , f. ' CCT e rek e tfully t!iut tl.e -rii.tibg HUoiihe w our Lcii ia rjtiu liit-mls, mid ill itjquiriiin .wmk . ii in ten cotinty. ;r , ' 'piiUfor Hit 'KtJ hliur litingeroiL." ' .1 Wuku i lion uu iiavsrliiwtbU, for thli In. hw,.M vvny, 4. i. LLUoa, J. M, hibuw, j in us Cox, i., ' rrilUMl'if. . ' lltuiileu Fufmce. -Uniiiin Towiikliip. blurt Siom, ' ilktiiilt ' kwuii,' ' ; with $J a eiAs (ATM Ca . A tic I WM lit M llHi k. i. HtW I'll , Jud'e o7pfobie Ccrnri 1.L. tLAiUn OiVUrri tom.f le Cou. It. A iKAliUiN I'lumru'iag Altuiue; n, 'iUl,.Ji, ili-.U, j . ibfcLIU AiAOtL, A'.di;oiv :. ' : '"' At. t.i., Jicut. r,t ;i i....'. JA.ii.S iMALyfc, ilnvjje. , ..'. 1 " Cv'ivu!(,. . ". i . ; j '.' . 1 lobillj ( 1'U.IUI.10HH, l.,liLr.MiU1 u: v. &KUCKKY d A. iaA110N. i au a i t u ft A'i Wiiu Uitr l-'okt. Ullite Aiiresiiei. Ctkiu tu 1 imiti., Slew ll Lo. .l.ll,U)lllUllt bl U.C bfKl IU 1 1 iiuh. .U.WIJ, Ktd kiwik 1 iMUALi, tuuit), lieuUev & I. Mniiulnttuitu ol the birkl 4Uklilv I ri Iron, fcagtp l'tH UUice .iiIUJUMi Or WMOK, WJlOAKk I lti in 1 1) CiccJ. l.iiwn, l.tiiiiwui, covit, A.tAkija, Jtlui S. lmk, J. K. 4 L mil, 'ii.iili!t'ii & Co., Lnvru Lowd, L. A i:iton, J. ik. L. l-ciiLe, fclitili & polds. hAik.r Lfiij. I'll i. V. u. I. llurU, 11. 11 V.Ooi. J. ii. 0- V. li. WilUui. Viu. C. 1 itkuviuj;. b. S. Muiry, Joint Gil leu . Clk & Cimuiiti, tel.ouot tlllt)', Jkiuw Aiekkeiy. tti &. suoiig, ALLik.viiLi. leitt filler, bUitui Mil lr, Jowl! tlcux. " AiT. 1 LkAkANT.i )'llilli) Skiu. - i kATuvati.. but) Mm C. ts.ijitun, ' -iklk'k iiiLL. J. lllixr. llkkHikklAk'k Alli.L. WillikBl T)SU.' Vistoii I us acs, Means, Clark & Co AJauufatiiireis ol but .qunlity oi Tig livu, Viiniii turn see I'ost Cilice. . llAkDEM Fuuhacs, Frazee, Tarr n Cu. Eetd's Mill t'oatOllue. ' l!i Sami IviiiiAcs, llurtleli, Umi Co., Mvnulkttuters ot the best, quulit) vlfiglron. rosiOUitekt Athens, 0. v i l; i j 'i i it 1. lioo M $ McAiiintB. E. 1'. Bothwell ' DKLGGlSTi, : McAethcb; G. 13. ill. ilAtiUk. i;avik 6c Collins. ' iLkibvu.LK. Lime 6; bardiier. -' AitAkiii ik.-J.G. iweilunil. U. C. Cogbwe : ' -Ea-h BINGHAM ' Alio r ue) a lla , .. McAKTHL'K. , OHIO, i . .Vill piactiLt! ni Vinton and adjoining coun ties, Vfiite llure doors Vmt ol tlie l'ot Cttiee. , . ,, .; ..)-...: -t : Feb. 8. 1652. t'l'i i 34 tf fclUHk t. tLAkk... . . l join P, VLtLE . CLARK AND FLYLEYi I j Auoriies at ta. , i J.iilMiAk'ibtK.Hl'o.- "ill pratiuel in LunjiUfcliiD in Viuton Conn l a, ioui uuurs eabt ol bibkon t Hul -44 lb r n e j; a Laii '"McAKTlIlJR'OHlO., . 17 ILL (.tkLtict iu'iaton' and adjoining 'IctnvYattvrets and Whohsalt- ROOTS, 'SHOES," h ats, : i rl Tun A M e ik.nm.irs win, in(, niiw.., r iiunM'-. . Cdb door bdo , F. Ilontr k io't- I'ank, . frpnl Street, MQR I SMQ VTH, O, '. SELECT POETRY. SELECT POETRY. MY BROTHER. BY EMMA ALICE BROWNE. : f.1 )'" ' " 1 ' ' ,, n. fcnur rfipe rlanber,, , , ' Ai.(lciiertlipc)imtr;, , , Tl.f f1iuriilr.'s6 t'iriirj tnd lone "' Wlw',teith,ifffk!j clofed lips. " ' ' j And km iii?cliif, M bioihur 11m tiiiOrr tln stone. 14 ' u c ' '. c i .. j i ' 1 1 . . .i : .., OhxtwletJ,ww;.'! ..,.1, .t .. . Jhe , narrow idf.f over. t:; ,. . OH. cof r tlie.Wjfi.loiv.nud door! , , . ror tievir tliel'lits, Mkf W.tloti icioss 'the floor! J? Mofimllig,! li'.ie re white, nrre in j,m)' Haunts Used to i be; , And the infer rherrv tflosoms pillow iit over, the beoms, i , . i" ..O'iJsinheoiajoonre. .. .,. . When I h(rbr the the fti out of the i iv; storm-Mj i ti;i -'.jt. ' . i ' In U yallejf, ih rof of the rivet, I hiycr mid !ihjif 0 ti.e hHrth-Mone wrm ' Ai I u.iA of hiscold ' forever."- 1 HJ yljiln!msJsare ioKVd; nd neremgiin i ,l" Of the robin or p!oer, . ;yiir the summer bna come; with her bee ,! hef Sr"i. . 11 ill he ply a, mcadoir-iloYer. i j r. I i : ) i . i i'i i . j . . y . . . . Oh, dear liitl'e brother,- ) . ,..f My ffi liuie b,othMj -; , , In tl.c 1't.Urej.bove-ilieg.m, , , -" Oh. prir the jood inreli, nitklorionneMMivU. - . 1 T'l lake P.when liff is dons.- ; GREAT EXCITEMENT. KNOW NOTHING Meeker vs Beck. first days proceedings. This case was opened up yesterday morning.exposing tiiebeautjet of thelan- tern ortler, much to the interest and de light of outsiders, and to the chacria pt Know Nothings. On account ol the novel and interesting issues involved in (In case the Court room was crowded nithauentive spectators. . Alter a Jury had bedn tnipanaelkd. the councel for the plantifT propoaedj putting the fol low ng questions to Jurors: 1st. Are )ou a uif niber of the American order? id. Accoiding to the principles of the American underMood by )cu, would v on consider a revealmeul ol the secrets ol the said order as equiva lent to pnrjur) r. l nt councel tor the defendant oliecidto the questsons be ing abked.' ' The matter was argued by counsel, when the couit deliverd its opinion a: some length, aud held that a connection with the - American order, and the opinion of a member as to what constituted perjury,' we re'not sul litiei.t cause for challenge, and relus-it- allow the question to be asked. ' The counsel then proceeded to make pieemtory challenges, which being ex hausted, Judge Keith, tor the plaintiff proceeded to state to the Jnry the facis upon which the plaintiff claims he has a right to recover damages, l tie plain- till charged 'bat during the year 1855, the. deiendant wrote a letter to W P. Lilley, ot Hamden, containing libelous matter. I he following is the leterre teiretl lo: : - - GILLESPIEVILLE, Ross county O; April 9, 1855. ' Mr. William P. Lilly: I did not ha:id your note the magistrate for col ection as soon as you expected me to; lor the simple reason thai I wished lo get our claim secured first, which 1 have dope by the haroest kind ol work. 1 he result ot yours 1 am unable to say what it mil be irom tne tact oi lus demanding the beuelit ol the borne stead exemption on my - claim. I think he will do the same on yours Besides hare the strongest reasons to believe he will resort to anything dishonorable lor the sake ot gain, ot which 1 forbear to sneak now, but will Ull you when 1 see you. He says he is going to move in a lew ; weeks to your place.. , It be does, I wislt to say to the buisiness people of Hamden, that he lias violated the tuost secred ot ob igatioiiG.and by so doing has consented to be posted as a perjured man,: 'not worthy to be countenanced and trusted by American citizens. It is no plea sure lor me to abuse any body, but be has forfeited every claim to hocor,and 1 feel it a duty to pnl people on their guard m a; word, yon dou't know John Meeker) 1 will see to '.your buisiness the lest 1 can. and, try and secure i or ypu J. expect lo pe in your town on the tenia- oi Aiay,ana men can con ler with , - JACOB BECK. . -,i , The rlaiuff.trouehl, , suit, clajmin tluee lumdred dollars damages. Ow . - . - , ok to a rulii.K of the touiU I be deien dant was allowed to open case, which accounts tor the reversal of the order ot tesiimbpv. i Evidence I lor the de fence:')' j.jni1' , Dill Aw acpuainted, with the par. liesi Meekej.Korked i for me r io Jhe spriug of 54j .oo the i s27tli May .'54 gaveiiirn; pjy. note forJ?l dollars; sjjort de lorl OW''i' Frsser mrt me in tlrt time )tr that street ihd'wanled n-e opfiy il;told liim I could not ;y it ihe n; cou'd pay it in bout a mouth: Meeker never Imd any other claim against me; read the letter Lf n.,i i r :n ... r mi., .i j : ut juvi R tu Jjiiiv: ljiiiv siiuwfu ii ij me, Lilly has teen bossing a Mioe shop tor me for about two' year; am irali mately acqtiiinted with ' the peopla of v inion county. ' Wm. P.' Lilly Am animated 'with panie. flave lioen resi Jinj; at Ham din for a year, " Heen liossinfr slmr for Esq. Dill. Been acqaatntcd with Beck since rNovenibcr. , 1852. : Give Mr Meeker a note to collect the amount was about fourteeen dollars. During the winter sent to Meaker for the money. ;A gentleman advised me that Mocker had made, an assinmens andJapprppriated ,rthe i)ofcfA' tor his own use.- Had conversation with Mee ker alter thai 1 in Janmry. ' Admitted he liad pot the money and used it.said he would pay il a soon as he could wb u!d not tell me when he would pay me. H? offered me a note, first relii3 ed to take it, finally took it.. On the last .Tuesday jii February applied for the money -asKed iilis bould pay any thing on the note, he said he cvild not. 1 handed to : n alker.' Walker and Beck were in parlnersliipV Told him to ha.'.e it sued upon. Did not see Beck that day. ' Meeker r.cvcrtoldmc that when I "at the money I would know it, (The Utter was shown to me wuneis, sent io mm uy pecs, iue- " . . I -ktl milieu .it.; mtne wuuer or ruif; ut 1W, Beck called on Meeker various .imes. ; ateeKcr paia mm some, dcck called on Meeker and asked him for money.' Meeker told him he had'nt any money. ' Meeker told me imme diately afterwards that he had money. Asked him why he' did not pay Beck, said he wanted to look over his book. Told Beck what Meeker had said alter suit had been brought by Beck vs. Mee ker . Meeker told me Walker & Beck had turd himin 1853 for a balance due. Heard them both speak of it. The amount was something between twelve and twenty dollars. Lilly continued Letter was writenl ten to me reference to claim against . Meeker. '-Was member ot 1 a society ktiowsasan American order previous to the receipt of letter . from Beck, Beck belonged to the same order-the general reputation ol Meeker is not Croc nam i nation. - , Got Beck's letter llirougrt the 1 os. Officedon't know whelhei the ditfi cullies between Berk and Meeker had been arranged previous to the receipt of letter to my wife and Esq. Dili nevef told Meekor that had shown let- ler lo three different persons Meeker complained that it cantained hard cha rges against his character and that he wanted (he letter to make beck take back what he had said. The object in snowinu uie leuer to luecker ws iu i .i i ....-. i ;iave the matter compromised between urn anu uecu meeaer ioiu me uiai ie had arranged the difficult) wilhl ueck alter he had read the letter he peisisted in keeping the letter have heard a great deal more said about Meeker's reputation since this suit commenctd than before. Ke-examin- atioq. Called D in the shop am not certain whether I locked the door or not showed the letter to him in confi dence kept it a secret don't think showed the letter to Joe Hieliards it must have been cnother letter from Beck that I showed to Richards. Beck At the time that Meeker aud myself were vl law received this note Irom Lilly wrote to Liny mat i would make my clai m before 1 would proceed to collect his that tie had 1 aimed benefits exemption law ana that he had broken lhe most solemn obligations and consented to have him selt posted as a perjured man, qc intended that ietlter to oe snown omy . . . . . - . i to members ot the order wrote ether Uttsra aftvr that tnlLllley. ( 1 he wit ness then proceeeded to narrate an uie dealings that the 'plaintiff had with him since tooo, at lengm. urn 1 ih. onni mil innfa n ina nnv.hllol VIS V V 1 AAitJW SklVJ) V W w wH . -j- r ....l joci i. nmti.H vi "" - - . Beck Arp a member ot the Amer- ican order, (Mr. Clark, counsel for the deienaant, statea mat m uau a . 1 . . 1 . I I . I - . word SI explanatiouiomane. iimigm oe inougm mat iir. cet& wru.vioia- ing4his obligationsjlo the order and that some imputation might' be cast upon him for tessifiinff as to the secrets ol the order. ! He would state that Mr, Beck and others who would testify in the progress of the case s to tne se crets of the order, the a dispensation, when the witness proceeded.) . Have a permission from the order to testify in reierence to its pruceeuings. i ue- .- i: 1.- cam a member ot Richmond Council in 1854. Meeker joined the order the same night that 1 did. k 'The order commonly know ' as Know Nothings. it was a secret orgauizauon wnen . - . ... . t connected myselt whir It and when . . . c - k wrote the Jetter. Was prent when Meeker went id; heard Me? ker take lia nh iirfttinna.. Ha took it before tha presiding officer.-. (.Witness ler:was lked the CTntents ot freoath, 3 Vtir- " , rT good. oer is assea wtielhsr he .belouas or no. I i could rot fully affile llse sulflance. Judge Keith cljcctrd, unless state the s ul'5tanrt of the oMigation as taken U- fore ilia t Grand Sachem.) ' ' By the oath, members are ''not allowed to tell any of the secrets of the ' order state names of tne members or ne existence of the order. Heard Meeker take this obligation. The' penalty. of a; vtola. tioool this oath, is beintr posted a per jured man, and a withdrawal of the rountance and anpport 1 ol members of the order, : Heard i1eek,er violate the obligations which he took on two oc casions. The first time was two or three months from the lime he joined. Philip Griffin was preset the fiirst tinie, and Dr. Shaw was . present thb second time. .Philip, GritUri , ia not a me'inbcrjol. th order.., He divulged the existence of the order And that he was anq that, he was a member oi the order. It's the privlege ofany member of the order to report aiiy one - who violate thq. obligation to the order. , Was told that Lilley was a nieniler; . Cross ex animation. ' ' Conidrabl dealing betwttn Meek- i aul rnpeif in 1853-84 ani as late as claim mi secured betor J w'ruie the letter to Liller dou't know wbethor E1. Dill belonged to the orJ er or notdou't re membef .' nhr I ie quested Lilley to Inform the' bnslness meii or uiarJsu uittut no one out of the order. ' ' "' J Judge lveiili'askeJ the lyitneis a ' to llie objec, of lhe io,ie,-;. Tn CO0,1Ml for del'i objected. Judge Keith remarked vh u,e (Mandeut.a counsel n4 opened the door for it .it arrejrad! thst the I'ope of, Home,. or the Grand Master, had given a' dispensation "to ilia def't, and the ont-siae barbarians had son curiosity on this subject. , Candidly. however he contended' that . he had a right la Inquire Into the object ff the society. ...... The Court rernaiked that ft was a erv commendable curiositj-, indeed, and the Court vvo'd ba pleased to gratify it, so ftras the rules o( the lave would psrujit. lion t kuovr.whera the presiding .offi cer derires authority to (dinis'.ar an oath The nresidine officer is seated when tie administers an oath r the Bible is before' bun dou l know bow the presiding on?- ' elected have not got so far al- one; "iheoidana ew , Testemtut is u" W" "Cfa Bo?k-11 law " ! "V ,oem.r,, BU8,! D,01 l" he :an eitt what nswar h. ole.aes. provided he does not admit tV-(Judge Iweith hers asked the witue.s if a person should ask him if he belonged to the Order, whether the Society did not im- upuu mm an obligation lo deny it ; This was objected to, but the pourt allowed the wituess to answer tbt ques lion, lhe witness answered, "ip all candor 1 do not kno" 1 uadsrstand the Isw of scecrci has been temoTsd --- to soma eiteoU-receited mi petiuit fl... ..f s,.,,, rIIMrli . , ... K, (ot defeudeut ottered to produce tb dispensation, bulou counselling his tliaut refused to show it Judge h.eub lusistsd upon its production, but wait led its. production upou the statement of Mr. Clark. Dou't kow how Meeker aot out olOrder ;uot posted as to whether member can be sipelled without trial a iu not so far along as thai.' The Court adjourned autii this saoro mg at $ o'clock, - SECOND DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. - is i i Wt uift,iuiii h torn Heltk.v 1 ' Pefendant recalled: question by . the defendants atl'r Is ibere any thing in the prorisions of the obligation ol you. order wuicn connicta witb your duties lo your Qoc, your countrr. oi your felow citixens'I cant sty fro in mem oiy; 1 know of none, Question by Judge Keith; you say you hate a permit from Tbos. H. Ford. Will yuU please inform MS whence said ford derives bis author iiy to grant tucb dispensations) Ans 1 do not know, vines. Is there any rules i : - ot directions in writiua or otherwise which authorise any officer iu your ord 1 er lo release member from the oblige tions oi nis oatn ior special purposes otherwise! ' Objected to by defendam's I T" . I L v-oun cuuia tea no BOOa OT BO , , ... w . . T ,n8 ,u, tuese luquirea as lo principles, .: nt ih. . -a.r ;r -......-! :.k . " ...... ,. . ".:'" . " V" k ' i a -rw. v gh hi, inquiries as far as he uleases. By Keith. You took it for granted tnat tord bad that cower, without in quiriugasto whence authority was d ried. Answer, yes. ftu. 1 there any thing io your con sututiou which requires one member slaud by and assist another member? This question was objected to. tlues. is it part ol lb principles, : pari of the obligation, to adhere toro brother in every atremUyP-s-Answcr 1 think not , ,' ' ' '.'.1.-- Ques." When the oath ia administer ed, doea not the applicant bold up bis hand, or place il upon the Bibiet Answer: I think he lays his' hand upon the Bible.' (Judge Keith here proposed to inquire luriner into the form of ad Ijmiuuienng the oatb. The question liscksinktiirl,1lrlsiiilsiflff nski tt a A i an na. g9 lttt or, ih. p.,! . planlW, ,nKa siQ., f r .... ,l m..--7.. . i .1 . lania, iue wunna was aitywea to a us ; q a Dill. ,W riaasina shep end LUley railed me in; Idont know whether the door was locked; Lilley,! : think tV.d my advice about the eieniption law. am. e justice of the peacr-r-l think 1 ad vised Lilley not to say anything about the letter have lited in Hamden ill. my life, with lhe eiceptinn of thee yrs. t don'; think the people generally knew about th Utter had forgotten a bout it entirely, until Msekar aaked at a if I had tvevsee il' , . . Cross examined. , few day after Lil ley received the letter, ahowad ll to me; advised him lo ssy nothing about it I done ,ao because I thought trouble might be made cut of . it Lilley asked my advice as to whether Meeker could nt up exemption;! advised that he eould ; John Davis.: I am a Know ; Nothing; belokg at Richmond Meeker ot Back were both members; ..administeied the oaib, from, the Book the oath ia aub stanre is that, he ah all not reveal the existanee pf Older none of its members nor his owq inernbe'rship the penal ty is if he violates lhe obligation, he khall be posted sf a, pnrjured man tbf applicaut stands' before the President, and lays his right or left' hand, as ye chooses, on the Bible 1 tegerd the oath which 1 have here tiltn, t binding.. . ' Cross examined. When ' I answered Mr. Sloan, that there was nothing in the obligation that conflicted with the duty I owed th my Maker, the constitu tion, and the Slate of Ohio i meant that there was nothing, iu mv opinion; 1 don'l remember whether 1 ever read the Constitution of the LJ. S.j 1 bellve the Cpustitutsop.atlows forsigri ci'.iaeoi lo be uaturalized. . v -Quta by Judge Keith". :.lf -there was a neureliird tiliie'4 running; tot Office noufJ you rot', i a member of the K. N. orgaiiissation, be bound by your obl igation lo vqte and 'iise your "KitTuence against himT-lA tart discussion hare ar ose between Judge i Keith ot Sloin, in which charges wrre handle, pro. d cou. to the in Qnitr delight "of spectators. lhe Court adviaaq forbearance, and,ad vised ceunsel on both sides' to occuqy no mote time was reaUy necessary,) Was presiding officer when Mr, Mee ker joined line was tuotLer rat I administered t him it - was ad- mlaisteied 'la; the .adteiufia.j j Before tha oath was administered to Meeker ) did uot (ell him tbetlhers was nothing iu tha obligation that would coflict with his religious or pultjcal opinions ' ' Uues. by A-ttth 1 W.s it psrt of the priyciples or obligatipa of your order, that jrntl mutt arihataii. 4 k.oitiar ia ery exrtemity and emercencyt.'" " Ans. .There is aometbiug taught In the priqciplse of the order, that where the order is eltacked the order mar be called together, to defend itself.. I cau not say how it would be in a siugle con test between a brother and one l"barba rian"! not a member. Ques. Where a man, like Mr. Meek er, wno naa leit tne order ana was on bad terms with ill members would ge into e fight or lawsujt With a good mem ber, would It uo! be ' Ibe duly of t b members ot the order to take Ibe part of the sdhereing brQltier; Tt)is was rul ed out as being improptr. : Fniltp Uutno. Heard Meeker says tbak be was e member of the order; told me some of the names of the members sid that tbay met at Beck's tanvard. He told me that Audrew Tomliusou.tlar rison Wilkins and John Thomas beion ged. saw bis ceri4 cate qf membership uot certain whether he'sbawed it to aie or not. but think that be did. Ue kuew that 1 wae not a member. He told me that Clara Ticknor bad went in aud did not approve of the oatb thai be bad to lake, aud backed out. Cross Biausina, tion. Told me that he was dot going any more; did not pre less to be an adhering member; this jonverseliou was had Oct. 1854. Ques. Have you ever asked Mr. Beck whether be wae a member! (This ques tion drawn by plaintiff's counsel.) Have known Mi. Meeker for JQ or years; have heard some good acd some evil spokeo of him. Paior to the wri ting of that letter by Beck 1 bare beard peraoua charge him, with . dishonest aud have beard some speak ia bis la Poty Tomlinson -Am , acquainted with Meeker 1 am hot' a member of order; ' had some eoiversatioa ' witb Meeker ia 18S4 or 1855. He meulioii ed the name of Mr. Beck as being member of Ibe order aud said that was a member, lie said that they be longed to the order at Kicbmoud; told me they bad to take hard oaths; that Clark Tickuor'weufperl of the way aud backed out. Cross Examined, . ' He told me he had ceased to Attend the order. Re-examined. Depoy was present: be Q outsi? tier. Richard Dougherty Am a member Ibis institutiou; there is ap oatb taken by applicant of peipelual secrecy; the peualty is that . ba comets to de posted as a perjured mau.and not fit lb receive lhe countenance and support cf Ameri ca il citizens; belonged to this body' this township and got a transfer tuBicb mond; (ton t kuow whether l was pre sent when Meeker joined or not.' Crosi " 1 joined in this city, I instituted lodge at tyichraoad wpea the $J kttacled as a party, the memoers bound to stand by each other;' there' uothing- in tbo principteir of Kuow Notblngisui compelling its members side with each other io -laweiut. iu 19 j, a be L J i nii'i'ira! belief in in. of tli tiitai vHni'WMn. I am nit an expnundar f ib ritiiM(n. h it rcnciiii to ar rrde v r i r t f thai i"rtfment. there -is rn'Vii-s frfl'rff ,ig WtHrrn ibe ok liilirp epi? tke c oriiiti'Tijfifin.' The pre er putcMif err odr ii Amrricsn; we 7II of th'n who'cla iinf bp'ong to.lka it-'er i Kati; tbere is ro general nine bv which 'bttbtriens' or outsiders irk known.'' ' -' ' . ' H.I) Catver Wisronstab'e lo 1831 , ml 1951; had exeruiitins in mr hen ngfiiist Mofk'f; th a t wa branght ' v Wilker Berk, hd a ronrertatloo vA MceVer about it time In which tlaimed exemption, f; healsoaaU he wn-not going to pay it and be was not able lo pay It. The testimnny .-if this w Itness pr!noi psii7 reneciei upon the rirng. mn' defendants, tht the pUla'.it has been guiltr of 'dishonnrsble eon duct, and won 1.1 do anything for tbe eke ofgain-' Owing to the want of interest of the erUcnfe, an I the insbll ' ity of the rtporitt la h(;i r the tps'l'fl ay it hs,i not been ioor'e1 1 ' Bn. Jones. Have knowa Meeker 11 or 1? yeir prior to !h' iu!a etiout' this slsnder aui t.' I heir I puk of hi mi as on honest, uprigfit mm; others ess (ha.rhe, wis n it; hue hejrd some of the best miMi i onr neinb.-rh m. rhsrgal with reporting to-diihonnrbli" mesns l avoid their deptt, hie character I my pese i as gnod as mm In rir.tral, ia. his cirrumtsne. ' Samuel Qriffii: Have been a rattle trite; the character of Meeker before funs last vvunot so aoo;' have heard some speek gnol of him. and'otheis vlt under air the eircunutances could'nt say'that his ch-trariter' wis as giol as men ' in. eeneral'. ' Cro Einniiisd . Hrve heSrd'DiU'" Walker ant Rslliff speak ill of him before June last. ; Sjimnn Ri'nlfr.' L'e 1 i Lon lerrr oa lot No.'l:- hae baen a merchant' end - have had intercoqrae wi'h the people generally lof that cqiUKimitv; am coo stfainea to aay iht; the ' character of Meeker belork lait June wae riot ' tool Cress Examined:. Th?re hvs " nroVibif been more talk adoit Meeker'e characltf for dishonesty siuce last June then tot fors. ' ' ,'''' H. D. Csf ver The chxrvcter of )ohs) E.'Meeker for ho'iestt and dp'rjght.nesi in his neighborhood Was naf goad be fore laat'June. ! Cross Rtimined. "' Hard more aVoiil Meeker eabVaglBa leather before last June than' 1 have heard since, he had friends snd enemies like any otbar nan. Re-eiemioed.l There were other chsraM than cab baglug leather against' Meker. The witnoa here rUi,l Jrimartlnri h. i ween him and Meeker, tending ta ahnw that the plaintiff had been dishoa eat in his dealings. ' . " . , Jese H. Walker Am acq'iaiatag with Meeker; he went to Himlen Is 1853 or 1354 to Ret snm money which he claimed that Eq D.'f ored him; was afier him for mnuer.l am pretty well acquainted with the folka of Meek er's heighhnrhoo-l; hs elurai:tr for up. rightne-s aud hnuestv i not so good as men's in ge erat; Crois Eiimi'ied, ' Am a partner of the defendant." Baker Have known Meeker for 19 or li veari; I have ' heard b J reporte about him before June -last. Cross Is? amined. I know nothing rayielf as to his character for dichniity; don't remem ber whether I aver heard much abont his diihonesty or ugt, before this salt was brought. Thos. Corkea. Have known ateaker for sometime; I have heard bad reports about Meeker before this was, brought. Cross Examined. 'Can'l enumerate who those persoas were that spoke badly of Meeker;! have not much peasonal knowledge of Meek er; thought that he did not give me proj per credit on ray account. IJohu H. Davis an I Joseph Thomas were examined as to the reputation, of the pla'utiff for honesty and upright ness which corroborate testimony ef the defendants wnetses upon last point, -i The defendant here reeled. The testimony closed on both sides. at a late hur laat evtminit. but we are unable tu preduce it entire iu this morn ing's edition; the remaining portion will appear in our next. To morrow will be occupied by ' the alterneys la gutng the pass to the Jury." The pe culiar character of the cue ae well aa the eminent counsel employed, will fill the coixrt llll at an euty hour with anxious specatpra. Though devoid of incident yet, it is sparking with the liveliest' interest, sod furnishes a Jwid field for forensic display .! Tbe opening argument will be made by Mr.' Clark. ' EVIDENCE FOR THE PLANTIFF. iu e are i to call John 5- Meoker. I The Vportei was uol iu wheu the pUntiff opened bis case and did not bear . lhe Ural uart of thin witnesses' testimony. , The' substnece of ih tin. pirt of bis testimony related to the Jealioga between tim and, Beck. also the yerois flifljcoulties. Tbe plal. utifXtbeu went on to relate bit initia tion in the American order hie -under standing of the obligiuou od their1 to- ipeakoi the Beck fetter, and tha "man- uer lo which he obuiued poskeskiob. r -.11..' inl.l i.. ikii-L' L'l" t. ,u,u wb iuii an uu iituwa me felter to Red", Benj.' Dill and bisr wire--. i never claimed exemption except uddes Deck s execution X woutd not hers done se if 1 had not'lhouuht' Mr! Hark