Newspaper Page Text
Thfl ITeAHhur Dcmorat 0JF10UL OBQAN OF VINTON COUHTY. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. fOH LEOAL NOTICES BEX 'FOURTH PAOB Wtl TBDI BOA.) TO WEALTH, II TO ADVKHTI8I 0 msrtass. TERMS, PAY IN ADVANCE. SM. PETTENGILL & CO., Adver'.ilsn Agents, No., 37 Park Bow, Now York & Mist Street, Boston are our Agents ndro atboriiad t tuk jtdvertisemeut ud Suh eriptioiis for us at our Lowest Kauia. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Celebration of St. John's Day, 24th inst. Tho Brethren ot Delia Lodge, No. 207, will celebrate tlio coining 21tli, next wednesd'y. limitations have bucc icut to all tie surrounding Lodjiea. Arrangements havo boeu made tf clino 800 persona. We hopo our Brethren will all turn oat and let nj have a good demonstration. An address I suitable lortue occasion, will be de-1 livered, and good music will be in ftttendance. ' SlMONTON LloCSB, COLUMBUS. Wq tsUh tn i-nll tha attention of our citi- xens, visiting Oolumbus, to the above house. Col SiiiANTON is one of tlio oldostand most accommodating land lord in tlio State. Tlio location i convenient to die business of tlio city, and the most orderly Kept houso in tha city. Wno Aua Tbaitoks On the road to Columbus ' our procession was fie qently greeted by tbo rcsponso from Republicans, - of . huvrab, . lot "J"Jtl. D.ivis," Where are "theso Provost Marshals, &c. over the country, that thuy dn't arrest the rebel disunionistsl Let us hear lioin you gentieuiou do your duty. Ice (JBttAMlliDjKBAU Neotaq every Tueiday, Thursday and Satur day, every othor summer drink, from Mint Julip to Ginger Pop and Mineral'Water, can now be had dur the season at .Johnston's', Saloon, in Brattou'S'. building.;, The best ' Stock of family Groceries, 00200,' Cheese, &c, ju3t roceived. CAPT7Fuy,"ortue 75tGii Jg i ua e d t , has returned homo in poor health. We rogrtt to heai this, as he was compelled to resign in consequence. lie was good otneer, ana mu moi oi his companv. : Mr. Ankkojii commuuicuiion will appear, if possible, next week. Nbw Yokk Mebouih. Wo havo not TecoWed tlri paper lor the . past fivo vuk3whftt is the matter I . Wo hopo the mail department of tho Mer cury will correct the nerflnaemenr. To luostf Indebted. We would insist, if convenient, lliatvou call and, square up accounts.. You will all recullect that we havo to pay cash for Taper, Labor, and every thing -we use, and must havo money to keep up with tJiotijrveB. ' Skeioo8 Affair. On last Sat-; llamden,(w regret to learn) llarvoy Tissuo, eon of Ex-Sheriff Tie' sue, was shot by Samuel Whetstone. The, true caiiso of tho difiicnlty 'vo caunot stateV lor flift -'reisftn wehave bo many rftmors:'' Wlifetstono tired a revolver,' the aucund 8 hot took , effect in tha abdonion. 'Mr. Ti3sue:)ies in a critical situation, and Whetstone haaj cot been arrested yet. June Hth.-Our forces on slat creek had a Bevoro fight 12 mile east of Mt. Sterling, Ky. our men retro; ;d, fighting.; 7. V.. ' The Difference. Senator Jlenlle, 'a a .jecent "Abolition . speech at Cqliirabus, speaking of the CoiiBii-' tution, nid t . V , .' ,1 ' I WOULD BLOW IT AWAY AS A CHILD BLOWS A. FEATHER INTO "THE AIR." Mr. VauamwohaW savs : V'l am a Democrat FOR CONSTITU TlON.F01.'LA.W, FORT THE UNION, rOtt.UtVEKTjf.-.-..-- - ,,-,i; c. i Mr. lleukle, since denouncing iTie Con-, titutiuil, Tias been'rewaided'w'ilh a futofflce , under the Conscription law, and Mr. Val " lanHigham is cast into prison, , h It riot the traitor lliat is rewarded, andthe latriot pun ished, in these two instances ? Wa as k fur Clark Co. Dem. -' sftlltiilfoi-lsa-; MRSi S, D, KING .MILLINERY, .GOODS: '. 5 LADIES' BONNETS AND HATS '' MIS1E3 BONNETS AMD HAT8'! : ,r vf (u ifrysaiosi sryieganfMifctiqn ana r . at -price to suit ' the time. , r- ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS; Tb beat stock ever broneHta-Me- i: i A PTIJTTU 1 pnoeiKim cents' i wo - dollars. , Of the, latest style. . . ,t and j-jf,,, tj. goods before piL'?hiug elsewhers, , T isrinlnsd to sell at fair fri?". ' - flsp.Tt r nun ..pmih;uj-io;o, . WIIPV loform'.tlili cfcioM oyiloAR TUtJ'hd'vioinity, tfkat ahrf bal fust re. oolved from the CU'Y, her 6prin2 stock of ; s. SCAJipiXA VI A. A friend wriifsto oifor Our "reul tpiulun" of Dr. Koback's iuaijlinavian Kemdi,-ywlJ9i h c obtaln-them srtd why tjsoj ' aro onUed 'ndiuaviaa,,,,'a'il wo re . frequently itukd; jibe ttm ' questions. fceandinaviats tie aiiciMt name of Swudeo'and Norway, and a bcandunaviam that t,. 8eden or Ioregian,-.atlectionateiy nlts bis Wflfltry SaaudaJwvisUu. the asmo wense as'1 9 tpoatof CiiaiaBuir 'JUi Union," lij tbo way, th- art over ninethoutand Suaadib'avjiaa foinllice ju Duuo Connty, Winootuia. " AlUioao a itizn of iblaaoijnlrjrprjjAuM, Dr. KcKsek latlwede by Virtfi, and compound hit Mediciuea of fiw diah liorb. wo tbiuk the nam la very appropri ate. Wa have the very highest oplnioa of fit J.edicincs, und of Dr.'Kobnuk himlf,ibol o-)t unly a niuguUrly nktilful phyaiciaa, but a kduo- man or tit Uia bcuool, an w iqow peraoiiftHy. Unradvertisemeni, coluinka will answer tha rent of ou"r f rieuiTt JOUor; c. adveti;menV DISKASIC3 OF THE NERTOW.RM. 1NVLK UKINAUY ANUytpCL'AL SYS rE.MS-ri.w' anil rcMablo" treitlinent-in UeporUof tha HOWARD ASSOCIATION-, Scut by wail io tealed letter onveJopefy, fr of chariro, Addrcsa, Dr. 3. SKlLLli1! nOU(iH TON, Howard Awjciutioo, No 3 -SouU'Nlath street, riiriudulf hla, i'a. Murcli.Sth 16.13, J yr. tlio (boufusiuua autl Kxperieuce of . u ' .Narv.OHs liiTPlid., , . Publi iltod f r the benefit aim u a'cantioTL to yoiin limn, ilr.d thefa. whft mitRir.frem Ntirvot a itbilii, Xwy Decay; nai. tisoir kcnd ai menu euiiiiljinv tlio '' of cH-cfr B' Oil'). U(. li hiV.-.rf affr:Vjn y- i.c!oaii ar potYi jimv-; tniDPlaood con ouaekerr: ' By- envelope, aingla copioa may be ui l( iim uuUw. Natb anikl MiTTiiit, Esq.,' Bridi'ord, Kldc iet), April, June, Aug, uot, ueo. '03, lyr. To Nervous Sufferer of Both Scxva.' A EEVEREND GENTLEMAN HAVING been restored to health in a few days, alter un deriioi DRttll tho usual routine and irregular ex pcusivi modes ol treatment nitaout nuoosa, cod uiilurs it hi mcred duty to communicate to his utllictoi fellow creatures tlio mcuns ot cure. Heuce, on the receipt of au addressed envelope. lie win rena (tree; a copy nt me prescnption used. Direct to 1. John M. Uaonall, loo rul ton Stroot ltrooklyn, New York. March, May, July, Sep., Nov., Jan.; lyr. llclij SMcrliscntcnte. S 11 E R l FF S S A LE-' -" ' Stale of Ohio, Vintoii'Coitnty; ' John ?r " : ? J I .'Court of Confiato l'leus. Elinor BY virtue of in order of silo tV mar directed .from tlit Court of Common fleas, o Vinlou County Ohio, I will oiler tor sain ut tlio door1 of tho Court HouseVlfl-tlrc town 6f UoAnMiur oa Saturday tUifrh day qf July 1SG3 At thsModr'of ton o'clocVA MV 8'said day tho tollowing property' to -wit: "13oiii a purt of tliesoutli-west quarter ol Section nuinoei t.nlr-ty-nvo,(35,) township number. too, ,t0,) range uumbor tl t twei ,(15;) . bcginning'at I lio east line pf,th. siddja,uarter4a,a rnipJa (.rya jlWn iuuhei iudiamoter,' fil'fy-elafit rods una' sixioon links trom tlie South Joust corner , thence north fortv five' decrees west, dlsfaut foi'ty-twd foda-tb' post ; thouco up Kaccoon creek so as to include two I htriltt nf Hiiln croi'lf- In lftmln rlnfilil K Jamos McWhiirtor; thence South A euty' two cbains,au4'elh't-llve(liu!ts to tlieSeptjou lino; (Irenes wwi' hvo ranuiue nan)n.yo(io nuits ; thonce east lorty-niue dceroos six chains and furiy links to S'Stako f thence oigbty-six degrees nortli six oliiuas ana liyrty-4jiroo links; tucace nor'.h thirty-two de?ree,'- es'at twenty-two 'rods and forty-oiifht links to th e place ofbeeininir. routaining thirty aero bo tlio same Mioru or lens Except ono hult' acre deeded to Juhn Tidr"- by said 1'iorce", togothor'..wih all tho privileges and af pnrtonances thereto kulohfirV. iJiso eighty -acres uomg tha wet half of the north-west qn&rlutvf Xh'afoxasaid JMstioiu ex cc-pt twenty-five acres before deeded, to Guorge KioKcyoutlie si'io olraia aigniy7 aTcros, sum township number tou, (10,;ot range number fifteen, (li. . . Taken as tho property of 'Elmer Jonel et'al to satisfy d flirlirmuut in favor of John S. RlnrU 'Annraisme.'it nrili iifrfiifiT&l ."Lfiroil thousand six hundred dollars, (3800.) And an oiglity acre tracr awrarsea rut tour runarca .loiiar.,v'v'VjiO) auu mum uring two-mira i oi tuut en in, ,. TERMS OF SALE, casMh'iiahdm !, arch: NOHR1S. E. A. Bhatton atty.for i'Vlf Bh'ff y.Co.O Juno 13th 1S83-5W '.''. ,i ,'ifl 8 , ' "tlio Cbpfi rf nofalii p h'ro(of6VbxiBiii'i-Wlwe' thav'udeMRneil jn , vlu'pT"oli-8'0'' w' JlllAr'y iuu r.xpirAuon oi me lime lunucu nua Dy mu tual consent ol'tho parties been dissulved. s cut as to unsettled busluOTS , t,' t ri l'orsons .indebted fi t foY pfMrelsioBal' 4 scr TicosAiH, fiifer(favsr by. oallinj(on B Hawfrt, at MoArthor', Kn J setfliiif their P ao- counts. , . ,E, F, JUNG-HAM June 1 1 1882w.' ' Bv P.-HEVTlITi O . . AWO .. ; AORKiULTUBAL; 'iMrLEFMTS ;Bi:W:cIE;L'&5l! iiAaiiS, v'lVi-oi'oU.'otiVj;' ': , I agcut.for the salo ef al( LLu'Jh 'oi Aof tt f Ural lsirLtMSNTS. munu fauttiTod bv Bai.nntM Dbwptt Co., of Jleveland, Ohio; ; He hoa the lutost lrnprovea ' -. ti ,- , y f . JI1WERS4' RBAPERS of nil Patents : tlio Ilubbard Stnndarad Mow. or, wi'h Konpor attached, ana Hubbard Light Mowor, ulso Baldwin, Dewitt & Co's Star Grain Drill and Grass Reed Sower. - PKICE3, Hubbard Lijrlit Mower, 100ensb' when deliverefl $105 ,with interest, at four months credit. Huddard Standard Mower .$180 Hubbril Respinj attachment 135. Ashsuds sre scarce, the oominff barvoveV9ty rnanpught to have oo of, these labor.aaviner machines, i Aa lress, B. W. 1CELCII, .CONCORD GRAPEYIIVE n a ft rlin'a',' t' Vi, .-e-ffi fUlP'ftALri l I. P. BOTHWELL, lias J.000 Concord Grape vtneS'foraale. at the- following yatcs, tevwit ; li ctaieash. i 50 pef DomnV 15,00 doll's per hundred. And $100, per thousand. The; are one year. Old and veil rooted: -'He alao,-' has many, .other varieties for sale, at, low jmocs, Coruuiop varieties at lOcta. each, 1.00 per Do lon, and $5,00 rer hu'ndrei. Send jn your or der in time. lfa'thioi . ArVitoJtoTd. ' Marsh P.HV.8 i C1AN' ANd "6ljl50N HAOS K 1 0 H 1 0 . . , , J izaris of Humttea ejnd(forrouuding country. . r V niy.i. an.. A I . . marcD otn ioo, oino, ---l -- .r w;.-e ' l'U Ml COOKING STOVES FOK SLE Wa have a first-rate new Coal,. Cook in Store.'" Atso a Premium "Wood CookltiB 'Stove for idle; ';3ftU M this bflW idd im tbeiTij ,i you' Vf&nt Mov 'tt hf lowat ptsi, fit-ure. . . ,:.-. ;"a GOOD HEWS AT LAST! SUCCMila when all otlitri bav blltd. ALL WHO ARB IN TROUBLE, Ait who Ufa Iimb. anfortunakvall wbom fbad hspM nave been dluppolntod, crinLd, aud bloated, all be have Leru Kducsd by tilM irouiM aud iiclt, all wbe bava Iwcu dxetvad and triScd nju mil ta la him Io a-i'ica and to get uiiafiutlun. H nukM your mUlurtuuM pM away, ha makaa ttie stwidor t j ol jl ncuilaa (all ari. and ha auaulna rem stinclmAd ri knilli. in m,im of U rrporu aul riukors. y. tic M fc donat lu nlhc iiuubui iney iot couauunim ro rtliura'aud aatury tlitlr niludi, and to find oat U th'oir bricUl aud wara tojiea will In rwltzed. IN LOTS ATTAIRS UE NEVER TAILS. Ua has tha stent of wlnnlnr tha alTactloni af th oppo.ii. hi. mt nine IM tiiul 4u a waaliby and "'vvi "rnsJ aua uiaisM;!'inrrfo happy. it u aid and advlc' koa Iwoa iotkltwl In iuaiuiurable la stances, and tk roeult baa always boua A SrEEDY & UAPP7 MARRIAGE. T maki thlogi mora iumrh wlU shew joa tha Uka- aeu of ' i i I f J t TOCR ItJTCBf IItrSBAU 0)t W1TB II will ta)l you "tljelr clitaTn.UnSue anthtlr Titur lirwpKU; nSiii what U Utter than all, he' can telly llielr tliouRlite ami what lliulr "rnal" Intoulloue are. What U bcttur atill, he can tell you if they will uiake yoi happy. IT. Keplieel If, therefore, a eon dependence. 1'onlliubiisiiiree hie ndvkeie invaluable. He caa fore tell, with the erentftst curtaliity, tlie mult of all com murcial and boimK-se tmiiiactlons aud eiHtcttlatlone. Pr. ir nM.,i ym-rmeu arcaiua tor lattery uumbert with a LUITUX NDRISEKS jlvon wliliout any extra charge. MORE GOOD NEWS ! ! ! Dr. RAPHAEL will cast your Horoscope or writ four saUjlty. , Kvery ,maii, thryaKh lb leii(Ut nd roaum or ina'ianu, . W in hi. hNit m.iJ lal.i. Sot tut ob InMie world, enould be lu uoeaoailoa of bit Horoscope, aud gut Dr. ltaiibatrs Writtoa Opinion af his Tatnro'Pro poet in Life. Ti Miill .,,1,1. t,;,n ..., l ...I t u TboiHitiKle oi good men, who were vufortiibate anl tut mxearul:la ibwir baarheeo-snaivwko worked hahL and who uiukUJ airniaet adnrsity anif ml.fbrtnna the greater part of tliolr livee, and who found the more they tiloil to Kt forward lu tha world the mora things went agninet them : Theee meo gut Pr. Jtaphael'i wrlttea oiilnlun upon their lalure (.nxpocte la life. AU Uioee wno wisely roiioweu vr. Uaiiiatl i auvice are uow RICH, HAPPT, AND SUCCESSFUL In all their tuidertaklngi ; while thoea who ware blinded by iiri'jiiiliue and iKiioranca, hit advice are still taboriug against adversity aud iHivetly. . J j ; Be auurcd ' .' .WEALTH, tftllNEWCE, AND GOOD are within 'he reach of all. If you wish to be rich and sappy yoa till ceunill lilirn also. . . .' GOOD NEWS for the AFFLICTED. He una the gift, and ean tell tba anllcted Die cause ef Iholr dbu'ate and anttcriiic. lie cau alts lull wlietber they can lm curd or not, Unit saving lbs altlicteil beta trouble and exfi'iiee.i - Coniultatlune daily, Sundays otcouted. Offlca hours from 10 A. M. to 6. P. M, , -. All Interviews are strictly private aud confidential. Therofura we say, go one I g all I and cOMult En. RAPHAEL, Tho Astrologer of the 19th Century, No. 6S( EAST FIFTH STREET, ieiivras Sycamore Street and Broadway1, CINCINNATI. . V PRICKS KIDUCED TO SUIT TIH TIMES.' T Tornn for Visitors. Ladles fifty ceuta ; GenUamss one dollar, for each consultation. Wkeu yua call, ' ASS TOR THE DOCTOR, It will prevent mistakes. Persons at a uietaaoe may coniniunlcata conn DiNTlAULt by letter, if they Inclose ONE 1 Ul.LAH, for Contultaliou Fee, in each letier. All lutu rs, couium. liicntl.ini, and lulei views, are strictly private and eon. fuleutial. No aniwot will be given to letters aaleas one dollar tl mcloeeU'a a CwisultaBun !; l j ) I Aadressallleitertaslollowef ' J" DR. RAPHAEL, BOX No.' 2463, POST OFFICE, CINCINNATI, OHIO. , Let Jt lis clearly un derstood tlit the prlcor'uivn) as a eonsuhatloo fee pave fur a cohsulbUleii only. 1 1 dues aol pay Lr tho Jloctor'a written opinion of your future pruocu In life. It does not pay fur winning tha adectionsof His oppoalta sex. nor fur the cuusuiniaiitioA of a hajipy marriage, nor M doing any othor business named In Ilia alwva advertise. mciit. The Doctor has a Axed pries for doing esch sups, rats business. In your consultation with the Doctor, yon learn Ijmw joujau fealixa tba liiiiyn)et your heart; Var fcllt . 4 S1 (til wn -want, and liowfuUr biadneas oaieliS'lo de dofi ew thsvfi can not fail. Ho will fnrntell what liyour DEST1NV. In short, be will tell w hat is before you, etc. , s . Caution to th Public. ' i Dr. V. Ttaphaol, the Astroloier, lias no connection with M.0FKSSOH or Dr. W. M . llaphaol, or with Any other gentlomau of tba saue name.a i W'0( t(tlilsfaveti1suient oil. sfNhsn Jn? coma, brlug it Willi 7u and show it to lie girl b optus tba door. To provont mistakes, ask to i SEE THE DOCTOR HIMSELF. ' And learn that a jMrfect and radical curs la warranted and gaarantucd to oil who ate afflicted with weakness, debility, nervous coniplaiuts, niQumcholy thoughts, ds pressiun of spirits, distress and anguish of mind, lose of sleep, loss of memory, loss of euuri;y aud muscular power, puuy growth, wasting Sway, and a want of con fldenc In themastvos, fainting fts, toutulslve Usui. blinirs,-Impotence nndHi!uiit of life. ' UEAIl WHAT THE MKDICAL l'UESS SATS. , Some physicians rrqnire to lie told tho nature of tonr '.dlsoase tho ESOLISH BOTANIC I'llYdlCIAX does not. His erfect knowledge of the human system onablsa htm td describe the diseases without any. luformatioa from the patient, to explnin its original came, and to guarantee its cure. And, what is uioro valuable still, ha will hupeallr and frankly tell, wkotlier sua can be cared of riot." ' All his comntunlcatloni arid intorvlewa are strletiy privnto and anndontial. Medical jWanl. 1 ;i' Uotaiilc Remedies of Dr. Kanhael, the Engllik ItuMiiic riiysicUa,ivsr Uled yoi o make a perfect, and permanent cum nf ALT. PBIVATK, SK L lit V, AND VKNEUKAL D1SEASK3, without tha use ji ' Jlriairjr, withuiit.Uludcoince irun) buslnMS, and viiru-iUL aiar cjf dibiiry or; exposkte, Ju.tleadly poi such srscok,'titix vomica, aidnmVor ay other poisons. No mercury nor any deadly minerals nothing riSc Keaii bate an tha lift ef one wiaew, amrnr renToVe all StercnrV and other Impurities from the system when all other lteme dies had failed. 3eifcol Journal. GOOD KKWS FOlt H1NCLK MEN CONTEMPLAt INO MAltUIAGK. what tho Baltimore corn, pondeut of the Oddfellow, Doousboro, Maryland, said on Thursday, the Slat of May, 1SU): , ." Kuineroojs.urea of djsoaua; caused by early lodtscm-. tloa kavlnit l)oeo par formed by the bi(Mk Bolaulc Phy alcian, I fuel it my duty, having a knowledge of tbeai, to state tbs fact, believing that is doing so 1 may do a servica to the suffering, Ops case, to partlp uiar thai of a yauug moil to this elty is worthy of note; 'lie had become tlie rictus, of a habit, tha aicta ellualen to whlth eaoses a shudder, aud aftor years of tufterlnganddoctor log gavaua all hopes ef reoovery.-' Uawtubed to marry, and was dearlv beloved by as sweet a girl aa ever lisped words of (flection, but be was fearfiujuervous, and pros trated. He dared not wed on account of tha shattered state of his system, llosoujht relief, at the bands of the Butariso. Physician, ah, astoalsliiug as it may seem, all the bleom aud vigor' of youth has returned, and ha It sow the happy fathor of a pair of bright boys.'.' - -Any who are sufferljur, nomatter what tHelr core TOnlrkcall ol taaa?H vslMft a1llentlallr. titj maySrofy nfioj SO. SB i ru , Width 2. 2d col. VAIL ANDIGHAM'S RFP.nRH. rpill8 ork.tontai"S the principal Speochesof 1 Hon.C It. V ALljAHUlUUAll.On Abolition, tl irtttfWie-tjDi-lSt 0 Uniqn, and the Civil War is! Spoethes, Wtblr Yttes, eto. 1 v urirtftd or ' idtiS usher. 543 i it hiLrlsO1 pages large, tvo, and -ha a very llnolv executed stool engrave! likeness of Mr. VALLANDIG UAil. Trice, fip'r JoTer, nj) os. ciplh $1,00; ds i nvcinu uviuaii or ox LrirA..! . 1 1. expross, pro paid, on rerxist 1 .it ,tH Ai yvrjolesale Fapet. Cloth ta.fio t ranam tl,nl...l. T).. aa m J Cloth 8,fJ0 Trnsp6rUtIon tp be psid hj pat oTiaser,; jtnd Older to besent 'direct to the pnb- "'A copy.trifl sojit to tvtitf editor who irisertaj nuo buov? Buvt tuiB nobivo. aua fcajiaa a siiaav topftif his paper to 'the publlshtirs. L,h . , viuers rcooivou as sua inc. ACA a 1 11 UH DtM6CftA1 06l6e- f rti 3'.h9-w,, : irtLM dottier BLAKJiS forALE rm ins ovmas aval j mm Tntf NTm TT fl 1-SkTfTt The Best :VaVilo SaYot'Your 0300 . - 18 TO 0 v.:v) For 'ilieesi arnVblicapest Goods. .(:u"f7 t y i)tii: jr.:ii- m it'!! v We are nowopeilmff aNcw'tStock of tbe JatestSpring Styles, ot iancy ana ciapie DRYn GOODS, Calicoes, M nslina If all Kinds. Ticks, tbe largest lot brought ' ,.to this placo. Silks, Fancy and Klnck Lawns of all kinds. DruHB Goods of every Discription I CUSTOM MADE CL0TU1AG, A LARGE LOT OF tANTS, VESTS, "" COATS, HARDWARE t Boots and Shoes, which will toe Sold at Cost. :'' . ' ' '.a; . i. : ,.' . '. . PL0tR,n Ui I MEATS nf. ll KINDS, . .SUGARS : i 1 . 1 .! i r i:v.,t w .i."-r'sN,W a a . . . . i r f v. p.i ' 1 dps run- o .nli-iil 4. I l.i i-s T .sawsssw TQ3ACC0, 1! eai-tit ol wit J . :.. l 1 a j.a") n .;t .at .?. .' y-'w '-5 .; f rat; .4 -.t'l r Jsi-.-'I ' ':'. ti !'t ..-- ., r;i -I '. u ; ' . . i .',..- j rion, 'V - ;X6W(mafff,;:i5aUrng; ,: , acca a. ) n-rs-I si t. 4 "J .1 w n n nr n . e. f i i,T Wmk f ts a , . is m t l ,,(.a. ea.r-Ntf :- ... 1 .. . . , ' -' ' .'.:! WASH-BOARDS, WOODEN BUCKETS. TUBS, CLOTUES-PiXS, " BROOJIS fnt 4 l'i ai i r.. ... - . ; .. ''''.i J t ."ereivi tet 4 .r" .-, , . .' ;J -',t ? " ' (j, f. . . i . . r " T ZAfJESVILLE PLOWS AND SIIEARES, tt t ' i GO TO Vow ii l ' - F L. i' turn Hi s-' i't BHIRTS, ' ALSO CLOTHS. ' - ' . CASIMERE3. VESTINGS and CASS1NETS of ALL KINDS wW T'. , 'i f. SALT, ,l LARD. ' :., RICE.'. : ..60AP,' f.-j . CANDLES. ;- SODA TEPPER. ;.';,.. ...CLOVES, - : ' . CINNAMON, GINGER anrt ' , vi'T . MUSTARD. Brooms,- Wool . Twine. n f- ENCOLUVGE 1I05JE WORES. iiii!!!!! nun "!!:::s.iiiii IUMDE1V FOUNDRY! BENJAMIN DILL, PROPRIETOR HAM DEN, OHIO. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AMD MAKES TO ORDER. . Stove), riowi, liollotT ware AND ALL OTHER KIND OF CASTINGS rUE undersigned is now prepared to exeeuke promptly all work order4 In his lio ol business. All kinds ef CsstinKS usually made at Koundrief , will be kepi on hand and for sale at tho most reasonable rates. ; - . Th facilities of the Foundry situated, as It is, iu the midst of Furnaces where the raw metal is always lo be had st saving expanse, must be evident to all ; sod th aubscriber be. iiijr determined not to b outdone cither in th quality or cheapness, of hi menufactures.-- askaiorsnu nopo 10 rocotv ui paironsg id the community. , CAIVE MILLS Tfe are inanfactorlnir the best n4 kteet ha iroved Cams Mills. Those wishing- smiU wUl o well to hand in their order In time. BENJAMIN DILL. Fsbnary 12th 158.--tfo 1W FAWBANK'S Standard SCALES OF ILL KINDS. Also, Warehouse Trucks. Letter Tresses, &c. FAIRBANKS, UEEENLEAF CO., 172 Lake Btrcot, Chicago. .Mold In Clnoinutl by Bo careful to buy Jauuary 1, 1803 yl THE UIO Confectionary tl Bakery, "TtnLTj BE OPENED, WITn AN ENTIRS VV NEW STOCK, BY WILLIAM A. JOHNSTON. at the OIJ Sued, in tlie Basement of Brat ion's liuilJing", on Tuesday, December 3d, 1802, (or tile New Year of 1863. The public will slwajs find on haudt full slock of CONFECTIONARY. To wit: Croara, Almond, Poppermlnt, CIot Wincorirrccn, und every variety of CANDIES1 Plain uud Fancy, KISSES, M1TS, m HEARTS, COCOA-NUTS, LEMONS, ORANGES, SARDINES, RAISON3 snd evrj other articlo usnally sept in Cotifoo tionary. Also, Fresh Bread, Giiiiar Cake, Jum bles, Bporifro Cake and Fresh Crackers. 6-iT" Tartios supplied with tVkos and Confee the shortest notice, sod at the lowoal eash price. W. A. OUKSTON. uoeemDer zstn, 1882 tr. ATTENTION SOLDIERS akd . Widows, a Sb rKla thes of deceased svldiers. Tho law of Cnngrross approved July 22'ljal, provides for a bounty of $100, to all Volunteer for three years or during tho wor. In case of tbe death of a Soldier while in the Kerrice.this bounty, together with all arrears of nsvMua ilia deceased, may bo obtained by his widow or re latives sj the cane may bo. The set ol'Congrosk approved July Utb 18(1 gives pension to the following classes of per sons. 1st. to allinvaVids disahiled ainea Maroh ills 1561, in the Military or naval Scrrk gf th United States- ii. To widows oi officers, Soldiers oi Seam, dying of wounds received or of dcscasecoutrso 'cJ iu the Military or naval aervic. 8J. To Child r on under 16 years of age of sneoj deceased persons if tliora is no widow surviving, or from the lime of the widows roniarriage., 4th Te mnthers of deceased officer or sol diers. Pi ovided th deceased left no widows, or children tmdor 14 years of age, and provid ed said mother was dependant in whole or pari Iy noon tho labor of the deceased for support. 6th To sister undet 14 years of age, of sue, deceased soldiers, dopendont on the latter who. lly or in part for her support. Provided there sreno rightful claimants of th three last pro ceeding classes. The amount' allowed in oas of doceased otficors or soldiers range tiom tS, to $30, per month owing to rank of deceased Iuvaiid peasione will depend upon th rank and nature oe fdthlsability not exceediug 10 per month in any ease. . - The undersigned has procured license forth purpote, and is now, authorized to prosecnt claims; agntnsV the general, government in all cases arising under t h j varions sot of Congress aad will give prompt attention to all claims in trastod to him. No charge for services willb made wh, 'he olsim is wholly diaalowed. i McArUur. foby 4th 1883, B.P.HEWITT. A LECTUEE; to Votrro MtJti JuAPtilud,ina$tdEnulop Prieti Qt A LECTURE on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Speimatotrhtea. or Sem inal Weakwas. InTolutltarr fcrnlsainna s. ua, PebiJitv, isftd impediuieat; terrio- generall-. Nervousness, Consumptioo,,Epl f-i y uu4 a.iia , jicuiaionu tlySlfUr Ji: DC- pacity, resultinc from Self-Abute, &Ar-t ROBT. J. CULVERWELL. II. n.. khl. of tlie Otu Book, J& - liu tw?I' J'f '.I0!? -VsJiV M 3ml. AIM LeCtare, tlearly nrove frtins tif etperience that the atvTul coBsemien ef Soif-Abnsit ma t-. .r. ...x " i without 'medicine,, nd without dntreuai wigical ppeMtUons, bougie, ifcttrumenti "VS-aht,. pointWR ,op c mod of CUre-atOftr,, Mrla!n and errtnal h erHVel ever? ; evBfei n0 ttattet hathii eon'iHiar , t iui;uus uiuiacji auvapiy, piiti" y.a jadioallju; Thii Leolme, rji, jtr ; boon to thousand M tKoAniv " .-.Sent undone alio toy a&j;.. j i 11 two pojtiOT-itanp, -a1" t . - i a :, W " . VeT.