OCR Interpretation

M'arthur Democrat. (McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1853-1865, October 01, 1863, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87075163/1863-10-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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'lil' I'VIAV. m . ! lil IF! . II Ik HI in In II Ui . If III
V.i ::...vv.
fi'Ct. ..It
VOL. 12.
. NO 6.
" T, ' r- r-
" ti.. in -El 1 m
W 2Mr gcinotrat.
rcusaiu avEE? tbubsday bt
E. A. & W. E. B It ATT 0 N.
In UnattoVs Bailmngn, Ea of Cour
Iloufe, Uo Stairs.
The DiitockT will ba aent ooa year for Ona
Dollaf, 8i Montlis, tor tiny v,euu, .urea
Month., fo? Tweniy-flva Conte. ....
fjfAll pepera will M dioi
apUation of tUa tlma paid for.
ggr All ppTB will u w " -
OneSquareoiwoinaerfion, fO,TS
lCeoh additional luaoitlon, .. -Carde
one year, 8i0W
Moiioe of oppoiuto.n-, orAdmlniatra-
ora, tiuardinu and Kxocutore, 1,60
Aueoliruontnoticea before J. P. 1,60
Editorial uotioe por lino, o8
tST Tou Una roinioa charged ae one square,
and ull Advertiaoinonta aud Legal Kotiue. mutt
ba puld la advance.
liberal deduollonwlllbe meoctjyear-
ly ndvcrtiaora.
titVTheiibovotarmeniuet beoorapllad wttn
lfAll payuiente most bruade to tuel'ro
ieto as we have no agent.
The Democrat Job OlHeo.
We areproparod tooxccu'.a with aoitnoaa,
JIauataU and itt prious lliat dufy compelUloo,
all Kiads of Job Voilt,su:h a
LAI3ELS, &c.,&c.
dive na atrial aad be oonvliicod thetwecan
aad will do iiriaun cheaper for Cash, than any
jtbereatftblnhuioutin tliiB.Hactiun ofconntry.
E. A Hralton,
TTORNEV AT MoArtbitr, O., will
. prajtida ia Vlutoa and adjeiuing countioa
Colambua.Ohto. MoArtbur 0.
IliHliain & Hewitt.
A TTUHN12Y3 AT LV'.McArtliur.Vlnton
joiurnj Coantioa. . 1'roinpt .attoution wilt be
((I von to all UUMIIOSB cutrsiou iu in vi.
Offloe art door oust uojob o.oro.
FeburuaryitOt.il, '8-i.
roxMiatr cr m'lcbi I'ocer, wniiliko, ta
Jn.a9,'3-lyr CUillicotlic, Ohio.
A OMIEiJ Jr. M. 1).
OiTori his Proffc.ional services m the
practice of Medicins aud Surgery, to the cit
ixeua of llamden and sunouudt country.
March 2 iih 1863,-tfo.
licurie Mouse,
Tiwwai WATSflM. VrftDrietor. Third jm
J Street, uoar Muiu, Ciuoinnati, ohioljiii
Una Uullurpcr day.
i otora Front fit. , Portsmouth.
Ttains run as follows ;
Cincinnati, 8 SO p.m. 9 00 a.m.
Blaiiclits'.er, 5 33 t. m. 10 51 a. m.
Gtcenlileld, 7 35 p. M 12 28 a. m.
Chiliicothe, 8 45 p.m. 1 83 p, m.
Ilamdcn, , abRive. 3 14 p. ju.
Zaleskl, 3 48 p. M.
Athens,. ,: 4 43 p. m.'
Marietta, 7 09 p. m.
rarkophurg, 7 30 p. m.
AEK'lVB.- , . '. ARRIVE.'
tTATt. ' ' TION. , DAT MAIL.
Athens, .
Zaleski... .
Hamden; . k
7 05 A. M
7 -20 A. H.
940 A. H.
10 41 A, M ,
LCATt. .
5 00 A. SJ
6 12 A. Kl
11 18.A.H.
1 00 A.M.
2 03 p.m.
3 37 p. m.
5 35 p. m.
8 13 A. M.
10 15 .Uai
.Jc4th 1863 lvr,
i in ana arm aioaaay , (tprineth, ISal, trinsa
v wmrune naroiiawti - i .
QoiKoMautif-.MRlvr'fnfrt o.t.. .v
. naung oloaeoooneotion with through trainn, to
5 r j .Tr '"wiws nauroaa roraiH"point;
fL!Si??,SaoWno4atioii. a'rain lfibve
t,?i'8i-t!I?Jf?0m"10dtl'n Train leav
10.80 A. X. i MailTruQ leaves Hamden at 2:
Through Tioketa for Marietta, , Cbiilicoth
TloTttOffioesafedocedratea. .?eotn
.'. W.WEB,Bow,
The Drafted Wide-Awake.
Iwa'aa gbrlooa Wide-Awake,' " i;
All rharehiog in arow,- "
And wore a kliiny oil cloth oape .
Ab iut .three yeura ago.; ' . ..
Our torohea Cared wit'i turpentine, '
And filled the etreeta with amoke, ,
And a were aare, wat'er might come,'
fieoeialou wae a joke.
Oi. if I then had only dreamed
Tlio ti.iugii wbioh now I know,
I ne'er bad.bcon a, 'Wide-Awake,
- Aboot ihree )era ago, . .
I aald the fouth would never dara
To atTike a eingla blow, ,' '
" 1 tnonfhttliat they'Vere eowtrda than.'1
About tb yeai ago.'
Andao Imarbcd behind a rail,.;.' .
. Armed with a wedge and maul; ,.
With honeat Alio uptu a flag,
" A botwuuf guuut and lull.
' Chorna.
My work' waa good, my wagea high, . , '
,i.And bread aad coal were iuw;
The eiiver JingUd In my puna ...
Ahoat thrje year ugo. .
In in-tee uy wile audohildroh dwelt, .
liippy the Jlfo-Iong day; , 1 .'
Aud witr wi.s'btthfa'irful enra'",' .'
Ocohturiea lar vsy. ' '
1 Chorua.'
M wife alu pale and weeping bow, . i
My childroa ,rjiiig low; ." .
1 did nut think w go to war , ,
About three ycara ago. , .
Al4 lio v na'uuw will ei.ro their f jbd,' ' '
o'ona will be their Bhleld;1 r'M ;
God help tbim when I lie in death ' '''' .
Opon the bloody field I : . - . ; i ..
' .; , chor'ua. . A
Ona brother'a .bosea half buried. Ha,
ftisur tue ,ulietiuii'e flow;
He waa a merry, happy lad
Aluliii three your ago.
And whara lie Chickaliominy
M iud hiuggisb toward tbeaea,1 '. "
Wdit left aao'her wasfei corpa
. 1 am the laat ot tnrtie. '
Chorna.. ,
Jw-i now I aaw ray toroh and enp a, '
Which once made anoh a enow;
Thi-j are not wbat ones tlwy aecmed
About three years ago.' '
' I fought I carried h'iudom'rgbt, , 7 ,
la that mnoky, flaming brand; ' ' " 1
l's. learned I bora Dantruotlou'a ioroh .
. That wedge has split the land. ' '
Death of John Brough.
Funeral Sermon by Cox.
It ia ftdmittod that op to 1856 John
Drouth acted with the Democracy,
though ho appears abBent from our
puliticfl from the time Folk tailed to
make him head of a Bureau in 1815;
iintu his Al arietta speech, iloiound
more '"broad and butter" in railroad
ing. I have been informed by an
u!d Ohio editor, that in hia paper at
Marietta he took ground in favor of
(Jalliotm and Nullihcatiou ngainst
General Jackeou in 1832. B this
a8 it may, he was a Democrat, at
least from 1S40 to IS56v , In" 185.8. he
did not vtito at all. Hero U what lie
shvb iu his Ciuciiiouti epeuch of July
27: 1 - -
, ,!'I.did not vote for. John.,. C.-; Fre
mont, but, nt the same timei I confess
DOj l glory in it I 'did not vo't
for Jimmy Buchanan, Applause.
I did not vote at all 'at tlmt Presldon.
tial alection.- 1 could not give vaj
suffrage Uvtho candidate 'of the Domt
ocratic party and I would not give
it to any other. If that was a sin of
omission or commission, on i my jartj
I plead guilty. It reudcied ray staiu
(iing doubtful.' '-; ...' ii lit
Oh S it:.. rendered hia Domocrotlcf
standing ddubit'uK' Well . when i in
1560, hii did not vote1 l'-njitlwr v Ltn.
coin or Douglas all doubts on tliat
point werercmtainiy removed. Laugh
ter.l :U
9 says tli ut he-bitd it jit of illness
tllpli: III llla lnt-V. n.!aa '.m,h Mn ,
lu this very crisis of 'ourJ dr-1
tional fatethis.lifc-lon" Democrat"
failed to,do,'bi's part'to ' tbe 'country
againsit the very viae and '."success of
stttMailam-. Th'en Ho oin'.
DembcracV. : ahd 'whur:'' n "-'ir Uoo'
thtret .UnuefalU
ft '. r J uckSoai( DemOcrat-'.'a; lo'loug,
D.euiqcVaV'-y-'oittli) tqr eighty y'a'i s
to ptoiagaipst .a'-party Sviiose'.co'u.i'
illC 1
Dmtwrms or sixteen vesira ''wim1ilT'l.,;Vx-i;hi'.
embroil the Statea. ahd mn1iiif.
wj . , "by, 1 a j feenuiue ','Jcksou
Democrat, in tlie agphy'.oi 'dissplijtoi'j
womaiiaveoeen iiaujeu to tho, po le
.'vt-i 1.:.;.' .'JM .:1"UV
Dftiovo nu 1'itvo nu rrrn oiiaai -1 I .ai,,,i,
ror maor years, vou are, a
Ibave LeldjfJeaot conservative
cbaraotler on tbiasUayeW .quee'ticiri.
I have changed my news.' I bow iee
i. i ' r'l.iiJ' .j
7vn:6rJ-'-k-3::J .Pir.-iin-i
.".I"" V'vvaiuy 01 MV.n I; I
the impossibility of permanent success
in our Republic so long as any por
tion of it is afflicted with the leprous
disease. .Either slavery most be torn
out root and branch, or our Govern :
ment will exist no louger.!' Set OMi
Slate Jiiurnalt:June 30, 1863.
' Uunngod his views . From what
to what 1 l'roin Doraooracy.to Aba
lition.. Cheers. What was the old
Democrhtic plattorm? Go .back ,to
1840 and. run; nrj to 1856,: and;! you
will see what this oily changing -fa
vorea as ins views for sixteen year
I have to dav; read thia'Hll-,'.;i..
in brief, hu iu-ld thai it was durger-
t , ' -
ous lor the tcJeraL bovernraebt : to
exercise, doubtful constitutional pow I
ere; ho dimiande'd equality of rights
in taiifl'and tax; economy in the ex
penditures oftho Governiaoht; :thij
extinction Ot'oublic'dubtr nn nation f
al bank; no couoentrated money oow
er; tbe sub-treasury and flpecioey
tern; no abridgmcnt of privileges -tofHting
loroieuers: uo nliea law'no seditioi
law.-that is, no law to punish men,
lor speaumg jii . ot . tlicr Executive;
that tlm Alonroo: dootrine ahull : be
maintained iu our continental policy;
ana as to fioiu8tio slavery- no inter
ference with by Congress;,. that nil
efforts of, Abolitiduista .and others,
thus to, iriteriere or take-.iinciuicm
stepBln relation thereto' "wculdv lead-
to the most i alarming ;conseqnonces;
that Democracy over resist the slave
ty agitation, and repudiates all eec
tio.ial parties ond platforms concern
ing domestic slavery,' which souk .tol
emorou the btates, and which.-if
consummated,' must end in civil war
anddisunion I
These were the Demoeratiff doc
trinCR whilo '.Inhn ' Tli-iVnoK ' r q
" T , v "fa II
has changed? ' They are' our doctrines
yet. ' W ell might ho ; flay tnat tiis
for he joins now wifhi Wendell I'hil
Hps. in crying out: "Never '8100' the'
war; pour Out the last drop of- wood;
pay out the last rjoiiarof rqoneyj bold
IjTgTrcirbivTTrybnrnJa' 'g6r'e 'aud
human wealth;' until fourYnillion of
African foundljqgs are. cured '0; tbe
, leprous disease .of. slavery.". Tear
it out, root and braucb, tliousrh the
roots are interwoven With our social
order and political ' system; though
the branches overshadow a millioa
hornet; tear it outr for what are -con
servative views about white libertv
and happiness, whilo these million of
black are wbjto with their leorosy."
uui iijis viue-iong democrat is
welcome fo'add'his woight to Aboli
tion, but he has no right, with his
pientiiul lack ot wit and veracity, to
go wheezing and pul2ur ovor Ohio
against Democrats who have remain
ed faitlil'ul to the very principles ho
boiiets ofonce 'upholding. Een while
vaunting of boing u Domocrat during
111:0 iwnuu w nuu .wuiiijiumjiBU ruiuy
in tlie counsols'of'our party, ho casts.
in'hi.s.Chiilicotho speech, 'this' pois
. J ri .1 j . . . . , 1
oneg ramnan ortow at 111s 01a com
rades. , l'it be tine, the barb will
stick in his own flesh as well.
:. "They call the election of Mr! Lin-
cowia sectional-election. Well, ed
tar. as that goes, I don't remember,
on.tho wbojo, ol tuere ever bonisr an
eiceuaii to at whs not secuonai in us
character; lor while the Old Demo
cratic party actod with . them, : they
always demanded .aud got a $ou'tberU
man tor 'President,' w' uih'de'us give
oonos, inatj ue. wouid become a gooa
hUUbilku uinm . . ,
, 1 . .. 'jiiTI, ' . ! . , i -j'li; : ;,
Ifthis, ooiitemptible -subserviency
of the' Democrats to;..bu'! South l)u
trqe, then John Buouulv ought, not' to
boast of. hayine,- been a . "li
meni by, beipginjuj party .so: mean;aa
toLpurchttSij poace and UBiou'iIor. so
Ltnatiy yer.is atltbe, price of their man
noou. JUul itl is riot true. li i The: De
m6cracyrma?Dtnii)ied tirb "Cdnstif utipn.
anu 1 u ri gnisrOfHi uierm anti . 1 jm ort
ern under It; and this; ia tbqnpatu
otic vrtiierhiqlv, make? -orrr-paitj
td-3ay 'io peerls.aiii-'-pfou'f, thut
ita iMmonontiX. ftfrlira in eful tia ii.-f.mf
' sectionfilisiti.
liul wiia't' ti tie! has ; J3& n'tfrori'ili 6
t.U -.-.' .. Al- Tn'.'-Vi-St -t-'ft' '-
iu 11 amir ui ,A-muuv;ini HO.W I. i xjbL U1U
i .vt. 'j ! w . i -
member iu 26'od BtauJinf?' ' Doei lie
de(jy !tbjO exBrse bTdiiubuuI. poweri
..'A'' ' ,ip--Ji Or In , :vi.-
I by
tariff 'to leiid ana rill New .''KnoTiihd.
it tqe.ibxpenie of Ohii'and' We West?
Aio; ue wouia gorge aov ngiaoa
with jobs as fat as himself, laughter,
Demd!iatV: ! Those are the views
with an ijqbecilo Admimstra
tenable the Abolitionists to buy
out of the conscription. Does he
favor economy? . Where wa thero
iiiCti ur.exumple looseness and rascal
ity as that which prevails now in o'ir
expenditures! Does he disfavor pub
.lie debts, and a national bank, and
moneyed power, Kni a paper, curren
cy? Wliat a satire is tho present
fiscal 'policy, with ' green -backs and
c(m banks, on his lite-long Jackson
; Democracy!- Does he welcome for
eigners, 6r oppose alien laws? Rend
his alandor upon' the Ir:hh race ' at
.w.iinn, rni i ... i - j .
rCheerj.l Does he da
nonnca a seauion lawl Llo cringes
with all. Ids big body and .littlo soul
at the footstool ot Federal power,
and .cries; " Well dono,'ohl Ahrahain;
imprison and exile the young Demo
oratsiif Ohio thneo who would bring
vo'ur High Mightlne into disrepute!'.
Does he defend the continental Mon
roe dootrine! Oh! yes by co-onor-
tiou, which allocs it Frouoh anny to
place An Audtrian prince on a thoncv
aunt on ttio ruins ol the Mexican
republic! Cheers. ' As to slavery,
fa hat is his present position? Ou the
10th of June last, : at -Marietta ho
thus stated it: ., . ,.
- I C .is said. the Cntt'enden Rsolu"-'
tioii inight bring ii about. Thu reoo
lutidn 'was' oflohid to them before they
died Upon Sninptr, and not a man
was rondy to tU it, and the Nor:h
would have been very sorry if .tliev
luid accepted it; I for. oiWipnni ih'e
Vrutendeu liesolution, and I do it for
tlie reason that the lirst gun.' fired
apon Siunpter relieved us irbm the
il til! .a a
inraiitiom oi ilavery; anu .1; never
Wesiro to see peaco restored, with the
dolitinn.1 nownr n" Miia inatnrinn ra.l
political power of tiaia institution, r,c
: That is Democratic, Is. it! , Tbdt is
non-iiitervention? What' political
power has slavery! By the . OonBtl
rut ion it has the three -fifths .basis, of
ropreaqtiUtjon,, .-He would' destroy
that would he! How!. 'By freeing
tne slaves and making every slave
flt'u'nt one; instead of three fifth's' 6T
one in the ratio! -Thus he would add
aoont twenty members of Congrdss
to tne. &outi), and by Ins absurd,, vip;
lation ol, the Constitution, .. increase
the negro power of.the South in Cou-
groins'. What a Democrat! No won
der he did pot vote' for ' Douglas' ',in
I8rj6.. I have no doubt, be' carried
lard oil, like a " wiJa awake". ' then.
as he'carriea lard-oil how. ' Laugh
ter. : Yet this is tbe man who pro
pels his 'thick rotundity" over Ohio.
abusing ' old ' Whiizs. . dononncinff
yonng Democrats,' and little 'Demo
crats, working as of old, for his 'broad
and butter ' laughter, and striving
to "make the heart of the people'fftt,"
sothatthoy will accept bis pulpy
paunch as the embodiment of Democ
racy. Ureat laughter. I
What a shameless spectacle does
ho presentl . We pity, . the . failing
Falstaff, . when reproached, by the
King; but no emotion : but that of
mirth mingled with that of contempt,
arises in our minds as we perceive
this, gross harlequin daccing over
our, State on the political slack-wire,
with the nimblenesa of Blondin, aud
the ponderosity of Daniol ' Lambert',
laughto., holding iu . his bands', a
T.l :'' ...: 1 .' t
oaiunciug poie, uiock a, one cnu wiiu
Abolition, and white , at ,' the other
with his lite louji; Democracy.- f Launu
te'r.J . If he tumbles. from , the wire,
wbo will pltv him? . "For Gree'oo a
blushji but not for Grease a tear. "
Ue shHU uLt and cad not hide hid
political putrescenCj, behind h's Deiu
ocratio autecedents. , -.That iiamo wi!'
UkO a way .much reproa-h; but it. will
uc;so'vor .such a. mountain, of , jiypoc
risy. i : a 5 life long Detn'crat,'.!4ird. ee4!
It reminds one oj lhei Jii-st-i verso of
thtS fourth chapter;flfr,- Isiiahi .:,"And
on that day. se.vep wQmeu. shall 1 take
huld ot'onmhiii Bljvinw.wn. will .eat
xnr ovtti bread; !and wear , our- owp
apparel,' only let us:be called by tjiy
uam.0 w.iane away. our reproucu.-
' l-have jlms shown f he resemblance
between FHlstaff and. Brough iu ma
ny iParticuuira. j As to his cowardice,
yoUiiauimbeiiliQW: valliantly the fat
khjght.led liiB.tattereclemalioijs- into
ijiaUU. ftuAboiW-hethruHt th.e deuart;.
5di Ilopuj through ; and . t'irougk
yM sunile. is 'Jike, wjth a difference,
irongh never, ventured into the . bat-le,-eubtsi.
on horse or foot. f'jJut b-e
:alks as,braYeb- 88 FalstatfanJ'does
as little,, .execution. Uotspur,', was
dead; VUandjg.baojj -thpoglt. abseut,
U lailisinaterw'.rito.bfevilsrs, lie
is not pfttuen.by bis. vebemoqt ; elo
cfueacOvitofaasw, bia Slanders;, and
this fat knight of.the. corps d'Afrique
Can, witn impunity, plunge ms wesp
on all through and through the repu
tation of tho forced exilo. This is
braver! For &hame! Tho age of
chivalry is indeed pone when plump
pusillanimity can thus rifle tho repn
tat ion of tho absent, and expect the
rewards nf soldierly stiffi ago for the
deed. But our candidate will some
day appuBr. Cheers. "Tho mills
of God grind 6lowly, hut they grind
exceeding strong." When he comes,
let our political Fu'staff look out for
"thaw and dissolution," and take the
advice given to bis antitypo, to make
less his body, and more his grace;
know that tho gravo doth gap for him
thrice wider Uimij for other men.
Then let his liepnblicau friends pro
pnrti t ho obituary taken from Byron's
"Giaour," nlreajy suggested by an
editorial I'ritnd:
'Tis grease, but living grease no more.
[Cheers and laughter.]
Mr. U(,x then d.sciieucd ih differ-
onco boV.veen I he Constitution iii.tl
its 8g.!!it; tho Government and the
Administration; iihistratiusf 'liis do
aitiou by rufeirng to tho thirteenth
i-iiaiiiur 01 Julians; next, tne diapon
8mg)owi'f used by Jamus Jl, and thy
tiial of the scvo'i, "bishops, and the
revolution of 1633, and applied "' the
doctrines of that revolution to the
disnain or wai'p.wer of Lineoln;
closing by urging on tho ptopla- t-f
vindicate couHtitiiliouat freedom in
Qh; thin year, not by revolution, bni
Mt the ballot) box the only remedy
left ns'-by the triiiinphant euccessot
tho Democratic intrty !
'': '
. . .. t .. f 11 .'.i 1.
Letter of Hon. C. L. Vallandigham
to a Democratic Mass Meeting
at Carthage, Ohio.
at Carthage, Ohio. WINDSOR, C. W September 17, 1863.
To the VreMd.cjit of the JUoiugciaiio AUu Mee '
ting atOarthage, Ohio!
' Sinco writing to tho Masi .nonvpn.
tion' at'b.ay'foii to day', tlie hionitrbua
pt(jclan)atibftvot.'-tho-' ri'csWent -has
uppeared .siiBpending tho privilege
of the .writ of bihem cafs,.un'ltuUi
uecirg inanitu ,iaw tlirouaijont tlie
ty parf6r6rIo 6rfhJm,-''md' tt 'IU
tfieii4-territories: It-cVmes ' witlioilt'
vjuiteu oiams. ja.everv one. an.i vn
it..:i -1 ? . . . .
previous warning' It is aritioiincdd
at a time when the successes of the
Fedora,! armies uaid . the:. reverses ; of
tlio Confederates are greater than., at
any period ' since the beginning" ot
the war; at 11 time when'tbo: lines of
the former are more extended - and of
the latter more contracted and further
removed iron the- original .frontier
thau over before; aid ut a time when,
according to the Secretary . of State,
the rebellion is iit last olinost crushed
6ut. 1 It appears in the midst "of hi
riot,, tumult. or other popular convul
sion any whoro in tho States always
true t llie Union, and no preparation
for any; and when even, tho odious
"conscription'' is being executed qui-'
etly p.nd without resistance -wherever
announced It ia to continua 'dunng
the rebellion' the President being
the solo judge and arbiter.of how long
tho rebellion shall bo 'deemed ti) last.
At snoh a:timb and under? such cir
enmatancts, it can huve but ' one ob
jectthe ponding elections this fall,
but especially the Presidential can
vass of 1864. It is. iudeed tbo lull
development of that which-1 have so
often warned tho peopleof Ohio and
of tho United States thb great can
s'piracy' agniist constitutional- liberty
atid 1'reu popular : covernment thr,
establishment of a trior mil and nm.
claimed despotisru" in your midst.
Oh, that the warning ' voice, feeble'
though it.was, wUich twoireitrs no
in the beginning of this gi cot strnggh)'.
in accents as earnest as ever jssued
ft-bm tho human lips, cried aloud,, to
(lie people that, one by'onej'lVoir'lib
erfies were about !to perish, nd that'
anarchy first and. n' strong ) govern'
ment ntor ward bo ;iuoi'e Statu, lines,
no more Staie govcrnmuuts,, but a
consolidated 'niouarohy, or vast , can
tralized mrlitary .cloipoiilim; miut all
follow in the history bf tlrer future,- os
in the history of tho j.iiBt'- they 'hipl
ceuturies- before beeu written. Bui
that yoiqj found no echo .tberr, save
111 tlie co,uinu3 and comJora r.f tho
Oapitol. Tp-J-d.iy.'it is liftetl up again"
a.nu .uo.reauer 1e1.no mnn tell you
least 01 an tne
st of all tbo B'entine's, upon ,our!
vtHtohtowtTS that there isj no 'dan(-
ger, no ground foe. 'alarm jit. oppre-aud.
tjou8ion.!To-daj your; Fresident iis j
in form, as for Uyojearsand more
has been in(fact. a Military. Dictator'.
The most iricrOGulos may sice at la'ati
that theissuejis, indeed, wbother tlieie
shall ahy. longer be-OonstltntibTj' 'and
law in the Uuited.Stacet, uther-.ithanltiriia,
the will, uukuown, or -expressed,, of
the President; whethori , freedom of
person, of the press, of speech, free1.
political assemblages and a free ballot
shall any moro exist among us, and
whether tho people shall hereafter,
as hcetolore, cbooso the Legislatures
and ChL-f executives of the State and
Fcdoral Governments. Shttll there
be free Stato elections any longer, or
another Presidential election of any
sort! Shall popular government or a
despotism, unlimited by law and nn -controlled
by Judicial Courts, hence
forth prevail iu the United States?
This now, men of Ohio, more than
ever, is tho ieeue pefore you. The
revolusionawy purpose of the Admin
istration to perpetuato, by intimida
tion or force, its power in tho States
und in the General Government,
stands now fully revealed. Next.
after this declaration of martial law,
will follow tho.armed seizure and oc
cupation of jour Stit'e by Federal ;
troops, to intimidate or overpower
you ut tho polls. But this monstrous
purpose will not and can not be exe
cuted, exeept tho people enngo or
cower beforo the threat or tho attemp
ted execution. The time, therefore,
has now arrived for the renewed, sol
emn, inexorabl6 'declaration n n d"
pledge, by the people to each othor,
throuli the pres3 and in public ha
scmblaC:?, thut they mean to main
tain their liberties at every hazard,
an l to have and to bold, (roe elections,
peaceably if they can", forcibly if they
must. By the Constitution ot Ohio
no soldier or marine of the United
States can gain a residence or become
a citizen and elector of tho Sthte . by
boing stationed within her limits.
By; the law of. Enlund, . nnd by a
provident statute Qt Pennsylvania, all
troops Bro required la. bo moved a
prescribed, tiiBtanuo--not ,,)es3rthaaj j
one wile fi-oii tint plitco of holdiftg '
an eleeiiori; and- this, oov is the spirit
at leant of-our ovn laws, -Evry
!:.. 1 .'.1 tw::. l.. it'. ij;.t.a
yuan 11 'ju uicuiur ui vinv nua wiu uui
freely, and'witho'ut 'molestation of any
kind, to vote tho tlckct'ot' bis choice;
and if Federal or Stato tToops be pres
ent! to molest or iitimidato- tin mat
icr'undor wlrat pretext i wjili3rig'it
6f tho citizens and -th ,dntr .of tha
civil offuors and of the militia to dis-
porsaor arrest the offi;ndersr aad to
use whatever force may be necessary
for that purooie. I counsel you one,.
and aft to auudby the Union, mairi- '
tain the Constitution, and obey the
laws. But in the namo and by . tha
memory of your fathers, and as you
would Hecuro tlie blessings of liberty '
yourselves and jfour children, 1
invoke you to defend the right .ot
election and'tho ballot-box. by all tha .'
mojina whiob the 'exigencies . nf the . 1
case may detnnnd; . ; The hour of your
trial lias at last, come. . Be. firm and ,
ready." And God grant that the-
spirit of the patriots an i freemen of
otber ages and CountrieSi of the lie
roes of Greece and Sjiiio;' the spirit'
Bruee and Tollof' Uampdn- and :
Sjdfiey, of Henry arid ; Washiagton,:
and Jacltsoh, may bo found to survive -"
yet in 'tlie inert of the present' gon,6ra-
tion in Amorica; and thus tliat mom
the form' and the stibstanca of coheti-
tutional libertv and free-po'vular eov- : i
ethment bo etiil preserved and, mada ,
secure among tis.
Republican Doctrine.
fro-ri.'Kansas.'and A gfoat matt in the
AJVuiulStrahon' rahUe, - in a i a 1 0 '
rpt-06ie in t Kanffasj i.tlio3 proclaimed :
tiiu'trmi JRpubl:qanr doqtrinet ',,.'
Thj Uonstimtian as it wa9-,is (i.
played but in. lecbnical. defiiiitfon
is the restoration' 'of slsvcty, and ' f'
am rM'j to set itiis: Kdnii-minl '
t'ial down whofavon thr Union at - '
was." -o A. Ui- : r..:.
How Hje Abolitionists do love, tho
Union and the Constitution! " "Vhat
pro-.lV ot tbrV' nhcBhdit1ona! -;fVlc!rJd
slii'fhey daily afford -rifs! 'tbe-Dem.-'--'
oqrats are traitors; and wo ta be. shot : I
tor favoring Uie Uaiou :aai :wa8.--ri ;.
Ew- ' ;.-'-1 L
tfins far, ia not fr irom thirty iuOup- v
Forty thousand-U the-highest
liumber-thflt'eteFpassod ovXjr in no
hoio'utro'aflasOTii i4t will be very-likely
to;exqeodlHia bigb -figure before,, the
season it pvtir.-iifngiiirar ,(, j ' ..
Knj-jtli'e Ladies Qod,h!esi tnetril
Uxoa xa Bide'of fill and F.ugh'this
.TneyVare .not VUIing .toVseo '
ah ncaro eqaalUjcahdidate 'elected'
BOr do ther? favor, despotUni V-JVa:;
iettd fiej. " '
; Niaoaba FAUir-Tht(ideof trayr;, ;
.still ,fi.)ws tuiward Niagara. On
Sunday lust tberewej-e two iundred ( ,
guests at' the Ihte'rhational.'' 'The '
number ot persons wno - nave pasaeu -
the br.idg'Vto;Gi)at Island this Beasoaj 1 .

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