OCR Interpretation

M'arthur Democrat. (McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1853-1865, November 12, 1863, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87075163/1863-11-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Of the Treasury of Vinton County form Sept. 1st, 1862, to Sept. 1st, 1863.
- - r .
REPORT of the Anam-i. affaire of th
ending on the 7thdoy of Beptm'jet.
Amount tolleeted oa dup'.rcitc cf 1EC2
... p r ....... ,
County of. Vinton." Siat of Ohio, for the jear
18G3.' ' . ,, ',.'.,;
for the fcllcwlnz. purposes :.a r , .
Foi SUt Dbt'nd 6inViiiaFund .
VTarFund ,
General Revenue Fund , .x'uf
Common School Fund
ReUeffFmi)iri ofVolqleriJ",
., Bhow Liciniti (Fee Deducted)
.. .." ' . .,
, '.
$ 3,789 76 6
947 60 4
! 2,737 29 6
.' 3 626 64 7
- 1,578 717
. 19 00 0
i 12,693 93 0
'i V
1863, Mitch, To amount pid into StatTraiury
Antfuit, . n i. .!
98021 90 4
4o77 026
13,698 93 0
Balance ia Trea6ry Sept. I6a3
Amount Received Of Stat Teaeurer
InttestXec. 16)
... r;)i
Ordera Redeemed.
Balance in Tieaiury
7.110 33 6
13,137 87 S
220 32 0
20.4fia 63 4
18,630" 71 I
1.787 83 3
Amount In TYeaaury Sept. 1862,
Collected on Duplioate of 182
Older Redeemed
.'Balance iu Treasury. ,
1336 76 7
950 33 2
2307 03 9
2214 60 7
$ 92 48 2
Balance ip Tremiry Sept.. 1862,
Amount collected , on. Ptipficate of 1802
'.. - J, ,
'' Total i '. .': "
' .1 .' ' ' i t'
i - ' I 1 '
Ordera Redeemed '.
H 69 38 I
. 16 2 6 .0 1
9 241 93 2
211 08 2
j :
. :
' -;r.. , ... BRIDGE IUNI
- ilECE'U'rS.
BalaneeVin Treasury September 1862
Amount collacted.ou Duplicate ol I8ti2 ..
Or ile ia Redeemed.
. Balance in Tieaiuiy '
8 28 47 3
667 19 '8
i m 67 1
467 3? 0
$ 2:8 35 1
. - . . l OOlL.FUN
- TlECElPTa.
Balance in Treasury September, 1862,-.
Amount collected ou Duplicate of 1SC2,
Order Redeemed.
Balance in Treaiury
' ' K .
ft SO 61 4
'657 19 8
I 737 71 2
293 43 0
6 44128 2
Amouat'ln. treasur tSeptr-mter 1862, ' :
. ror.ected on DuplienU of 1862; . .
ii vof finei aiid Tif rn Licenio (feta Deducted)
Ordera Redeemed
Balance inTfeaiury
49S06 1
6139 313
. , . : 83 62 5
v e 6G67 91 9
6641 19 8
6 10126 72 1
Balance iu.Trensury Sept.. 1862, :
An.ouuVReceited ol btete'Treastu-er,
br:dcra Rodrimei
flaltnco. In Treasury '
ft 7 45 9
' 3636 03 0
3'; 13 60 9
3019 26 0
& C'J4 24 9
Amount in Treasury 8eptembcr IS62,
.. . , Received llirqimn bijte,
r Total
. Order Redeemed ' t
Balance.iri.jTreaiurr, , .'
70 00 0
8132 00 O
; $ 8202 00 0
. . 7667 00 0
- ' . . 635 00 0
By order of Commissionpis, "
A. N. COZAD, Auditor
Oct. 22nd 1863. Vinton Co. Ohio.
1 aballaffw far imle al pablioactiou 'on., '
th iSfo day pA'ovcmbcr, 1863,' . ".
At onio'olook P. M. f laid dor, on Ui prem
Uai la WilkivinaTovablp, tie rallying dis
ribail; rl astaie iltuaud in Vinton county,
sod But of Ohlo,to-wlt : Being a part of Sac,
lion Bumhar twenty-four. (4,) and thlrtyt(tO)
in Toobip nn-ubar eight, (9,) of ttngo num
bt UMtaan; (1,) Ohio- Company purchaae.
Boglnnlng one bnadred. andeleVatV roda nd
nine linki, eaat of the aontb-wat) corner pf the
not th-jreef fifittr cT add. Section -auruber.
tweBty.foM,.!MJ Thenoa noflb eighteen de
frauAibiny mitttiau, wert .Iteirty-JWe t?da
md inrDty-Kn.lioke; tTbecoa nonti twenty
oade.. &4 tbiity rain., went twelve roda and
teaUnaaf Ybeeee.nortb.Uuriy.eeveii.dog. and
thirty min., wait aeven-teen roda ami eight
11 nW. Thenca north fifty Or. arrd fifteen tnln.,
weat lit red andlthirtaem llcVr; 'Thpnoe north
twenty-Din dee., wee twaaty-one rod and
elTaHnki; i Tbanua or ft thirteen deg., wst
ightaan roda; Tbence north four dg. and thir
ty min ., east nine rodaand fifteen link; Tbence
north thirty Aag'., aaat eighteen roda twenty
three llnka; "T benoa nrb nine rfeg., west eight
rodaand Un llnka; Tbeooa. north eight deg.,
weat eleven od and alxtoen. UnkaJ Thence
soith eighteen deg. and thirty min.; w'esttf
teen rode and nine Hnk to rWnotth line of
eld Seotlou Thenoa weat to the lorth-west
corner of aaid Beotion; .Ihene aoath . on eaid
8otioa Una 'to the center of aaid Motion;
Tbeno weat in Saetlor: taambor thirty to the road,
ranniotf frpM WUkerill t Uafaden, tbeno in.
aoulhately dlreetio along aaid rod te iandei
own4 by Weatfall. Tbence along aaid. Weat
&1U fine to the areak'; Thenoa np the reek to
tba eaatef f;Beetion. anrabcr twaatyfoor;
Tbeno weat W the plaoa of beginning oonuin
injraaahnndrai and twenty ave mora . or leu
Appraiied atrpnren hundred and forty
dolara . free trout dowef and muit aell for at
lean two third! of that Mm. ' , '
.Tannaof al on third the' pnrchaM money;
Id hand, the raeado' in two ejoal annal pay.
ianaiwith lntert on tb defend payment
from the-4hj of aal and . t b aadured by a
wmrtfrge-n pranaiw. .
. - . v . TSm-n'rr ff.vriTtn
ttycroi (ioardlaa. . , aoardiaa of JowphB.
eOot. 13-a 4w. , , A Patrick D. MaKiiinia,
NOTICE ! hereby given thai William
'A. NewlorJ'execotor of the lf will
ud .Teiument iofvhn.iRanldn":iate of
viaton county deoea4ea, - haa filed hU ac
counts forinapeetion and final aettlemeni
Ind wilt be for" heartnton. the! Spthdar df
UCtooef A V.Sb3. ' zyu kaler
al-63 r t i , ttrti t Jodge .
Slate of. O Aw; Vintofi Coxtttiy, '
George lioyer et a) Pltffi.V la Cobrtof
, .?ID?t . . u f Commor Plea
aiargarni vueroaoa otat uefla.) order of sale,
iju KnUA hi to the command of an erdor of
uie in me aooTe oauie tema dirootod from
the Court of Common Plena, of the aforesaid
voumy or vinton.i will offer at ptlblio ile, at
the door of the Oonrt Houeei in the Tawn df Me
Arthur, in aforeaaid Connty orVinion,dn '
Saturday the tthday of December, 1868
Between th hooreof ton o'elook A.M.:. arid
iuuc uoiwi i,iu., oi eaia nay, ,tne lollowing
real eeute, to-wit: The north half of theaoutb
weat quarter of Section mimher thirtj-one,(81)
iuwiiii D.iuuiiiwii, iiu,;oinng nnmner
eighteen, (IS,) ocntaluipg eighty-one, (81,)
acrea mora or leee laving and heinv In aaid Vin
ton oonnty Ohio, ordered to be aoid in puraur
vi a-a oroor 01 aia voart maaa at tna oepf
Umber UrmUereof 1868, in aaid causa whereia
petition we filed tot the partitien, nf aaid pre
miaoaata. . . . . ,..'.-,(-..-
Appraiaad at ati hundred (00) dollar, and
must bring two-thirda of that aura. .. j ...
TESMS OF SALE, one third of the parobaae
money in head - and the roaidaeln two eqaai
annual intalimenta with intereat from tba day
of aale, defered paymanta to be . eeonrad by
mortgage upon tba premi eei.
. AKCfl. WOBRI8, i :
Oe,,th 1888-5w.,,4 ; ,; , ewr. V.Oo .,0.
u.ie VJ vittv,, oa, uouniy, .
Boynolda Hixon ritfft,
tn Court of
Common flea
John Gill
Milton Bnrley, Deftt.
UUUAMT to tba commanA of as ef ardor
the abovaoanw to me directed from
106 lemnof Commnrj 1Ja. f fk . ..t j
. - r "ou""7 "iia tna lown of Mo
(iM.!a Tr' 6f MAbur, -Vftton oouS'
tyohi?jF in. ti 4 .rr."
Taken aa tba nronertof Jr,hn mit t uft,.:
Bnrley, to utiefy a lodgment- in favor of Bev
nolde Hixon,--" -- v,"T" -...
A i praised at fotfr! hod'red''3o5aH'? (WA
.Saltitridy the WdaO bf DutAhif l'863 J
. . . . ...... . .1
fVur oVrtoeT P M.,
iLt.ll UfJ?V. r:T?dZ', ha frflowfug
t.:h 18t3ts 'cr'hf- iV-CarOU'ti
i .v,ii Mil t-iii aT - - -t i i a i ti iir i ii n ia. r r x . ' . '
B-:yrr . W'J WuM b:
, :;;::&z:;?-:
i n r... ...y
Qraatcat Medical Circalax
Ever fitted!
aarriruen-M large
Isttsr rRM (or two
S tent tump. . .
DR&.JACftSOi." HERBERT fc CO.,''r6pto.
(or of tba National Disptnttary, antablUnjid at
Cinoinuati, O., Jan. 1 1880, cure all praivntw ilia
eases with unexampled rapidity. Wogarrautea
to cure Gonorrlirtm, Gloat, Srphillla lh) potency,
Nocturnal Bmiaaiona. or Self Abuse, Bluroal
EmleeioDarlTemala Gomplainte, in thort.avary
poaeible form and Variety f 8aular Deaeaaee-)
Curea rapid, Ihorbflfgb and permanent, and treea
moderate. . Bond for our Circular fifteen .large
8 in.by 11 in .letter pages, of varied, valuable and
intererting matter.. Also, a Circular intended
lor jjauics only,
manyoroar patiente ,art,tny Ha,v snot
mon'ajrtoSoetbrain.SaatarnCitiaaand. r'ecOiVad Clr-conceit,
noratdrn, . , - , .
apeedlar enroi. ,, v'Jf- , :he
- f': kw' frnaiU jPUU it per box-.end
forCiroular. Cpeoial written Replies, wallneaW
ed. seat with th Wnmlar, withoutehargei -Oa
of the heapest,mpBt Interesting and jmportanltuhhorn
boofca ever DUblUhed. 300 pagea, 109 eri?rvr
inga,''TheountaiDoWght, or Medical ' Proipiis
teotor and Marriage Gniile, and an Explicit Key Ihr
toLoveand Beauty." - It - SATISKAj'fO-KlIiY
revealavarionaaubjeoU neref before MryicapO
plained ijvny. popular worlrttba'Enjjliiihin.f
gnege:, riioe$0 canta and onathreecant ataaip
or three for 11 and.tbro Scent stamps. -w.Cuuly
doecribod In Citoular. whibh every yooBg" roan
ah'ould have, wether ai8koilvll.'
i .MediQiueandinstraoMoniecutproraptiftd'anin
part of the country. Consulting Rooms of the
bUrn.ary, Np. i67
: TR..TXirtff nVitt hTfTTrUT A r.' 1 Tfvnf J'1
ouaiove an ooiunosa, .ana rejuvenates . organ
wbioh have lain dormant, for many' year. It
will our any ease of impotency, create the P-
airra for any reasonable tim.A CaS 'be mailed
wiui perteotsarety. rrlce 2 par bottle. -
DR. jackson'S fren GU.xATJiNT male
t. t , ; -.t ' ' HfS- J ir? r .
againat ooti&acliug 'disease ever invented.' Price
tl eTaoh,?f4 rjaralf dozen, aqd t rcr doren,
sent bv mall ''t -'-! rf
V will run' aa follow,:' . U : '
GdiSa6Btii-M4.iiffairi leavaa'. rwiaroauVi
at 7:0l) A. M.: arrives at Ham den at l'O : l jC w
Mkrieltaarid Cincinnati Raifroadfor afll ioii
Eaat and WeaU rooommodation Train leave
Gonra BonrrfcaifrioJaqon Train loar.
Hmdenat6:W i arrarrieea' at Portsmouth
lCHoO A.' ar; MaltTrtin lsarvak Itaradea-it 1:
.TEroneh. Tisketa for Marietta-' fikillAtlJ
Ci'ooiuhati and Colu'niuna',on b prscuMd ttll
Ti0jtatOmceaa'e'dsoad'ats. .''
and after Xfnniu A nrSI l al
) h i mWvtii
...ui- anctiA'Q I Ihev Aral
. Bnnu mrru.rv nu
and BUCh morullty as
nch a platform alone must produce,
rill oourso end in discomfituro, let
victories of our armies be .what
,ev ma-.- Que triumph butprccipi-
"y , J. I . j.n .. n
ates us into another difficulty moro
of jSolution than the 'first,
;. i. ;, Ban
. every one 19 boginniog to seo,
ho W few Can BOiVO the problem Of
,,m thnaa wn ftIreadv have 1
irom tllOSe WO aireaaj Iiave
alien Into 1 Crtsis.
' " .
A QoOD FIlT. "Artemns Ward,
.... v,;r,,ni aofa nff
a luto lecture, beautifully sets Ofl
ioso who VOtO to Sustain the war,
will take do hand personally to
notain it Tlo aAvrt
1 n,a nl-w.. "Tta babv.
nrtliy ot 8tuay I
It is with thu deepest humiliation
ml we dwell upon so. unpleasant n
mbjoet, and tho only consolation left
is tho reflection that so tar as we
concerned, we haro from first to
1st denouaoed acta which conuemn
national authorities, and those
ho ' approve of them, to such cruel
inundations, such bitter roproaches
a want of truthfulness and a want
humanity,' when aubjictod to tho
et of ordinary civilized warfare. '
The attempt to administer our
Inoprnmnnt. nn A lllatform of HeS.
"I have already given two cousins
mv wife's brother, rethuin II not
., ' ' , ,,. . , Ai;fU-naa
the aeoellin kruaht. And it wuss
to wuss ,' I'll shed every drop of
my able-bodied relations has got
prosekoot the Vtar." i
r ' ' ' '
1 T . ' - i.
At an examination of sjirU for the
of confirmation in answer -to the
jueation : , " What is tho outward
AN: Irishman was one day brought
a raagiattata for marryiDg six
iTIoW Could VOU bfl 60 hardened a
Villain ' Mked the magistrate
Please vour weiship, eays rat,
onlj? 4ter gctUtig a good one.'
of tb0 wu r - .
,o ......
amount of tho bill J"
"Seventy dollarB, sir,' hero it is.'?
"Exactly, I see; and his salary,
madam f'
''it's said to betwolve hundred dol
lars a year:"
"And not pay his board bill I"
"As you see. sir; this has been
standing for five months, unpaid.
Throe days hence lie will draw his
monthly pay, and 1 thought, sir, if
you would be kind onough to "
"Yes, I havo it. xo to him again
and get his note at thirty-days."
."ills - note, air I It wouldn't be
worth the paper on which it was
written1, he pays no ono a dollar
voluntarily." . .
'But ho will give you bis note, will
he not, madam r . : ' i
',lOli, yes, he would be glad to have
a respue in that way for a month, no
doubt.". r, i 'j - ; -
; VThat'a. right, .then. Go to him
and get his note, at thirty days from
to-day ; give him a receipt in full,
and come to me t hi 3 evening." :
Tho lady departed, called upon tho
young lark, and dunned him for the
amount, at which he only 8ruiled,ahd
finally asked him for hia note.
"To be sure," said ho, with a
chuckle ; "give a noto f eart'n ; and
much good may it do yon, rnunii"
"You'll pay it when it falls due,
won't youJ" said tho lady. '
"Oh, certainly," was the reply.
In the evening she agaiu repaired
to the White House with the note.
The President put his broad endorse
mont on tho back, and directed her
to obtain the cash at the Bank.
In due time a notice was sent to
the clerk, that a note s'gned by him
would 'be due on a particular day,
which he was requested to pay.,
. At first, Jolin could not conceive
tho source from whence the demand
came; and sapposing it 'had only
been left for collection, was half re
solved to take no notice of it. "But,
as he passed down the avenue,' the
unpaid board bill suddenly entered
hia head..- ... : ;'
"Who has beer. ' foolish enongb to
help tho pM woman in this business,
. -
,SW b'o'hio '-VmvWi
A Id. J k .
r.rcM R..nnr. FltrT. 1 llrrcmtrtojtnm-
.... . airalant. - II. mon Ploae.
Oliver Fuller
, Q
1 51 JIrpy. Fuller,'. . ,Wo?.oia.f .;( j.;.f
r JnURSU AST to tbeoniiimei'.d of an ordr orai. ,
lOnlr .io th aliova ciuaa to nie dlraited, frdn the 7. v
ele Court of Common. Pleas, of the aforeKrud. voue .
Jtv of Vinton, l win oner at pom """
WoMtf the CoTrrt Housoi-Ht thtTown o MA'- Z :.!
lt.Uur,in atoresau uoumy 01 loira,
Saturday December !itn 1SUJ,
Between the hour of ten o'clcKls. a. h.,
and otirOJllock T. M- of aaid day, Ue
Itniiowing real emaie io-wu ; vumi.wH.uB
t tbd nnrrh-wenticorner orin-lotnumoer aevao-T-iwVcn.
n7. in the ton of SlcArtbnr county
anclfVieton -and State of Qhiaw thonce, rqyiing
tthr formreet tlienca eaniweoiyi w .
hencb north forty loot thence weat twenty-ix ;
OVefccltiJtbe'plRCoJfLfgiuinK. Also a part of in-
w:fWeiHyj8ovenj in aaid townaof McArthur n.
oinnlcnciai at the north-oas coruerof aaid lt.
r6-Xliciite rtlfiuiii(r wta -firly4eet ahfirw aevVh-j.
r,iiriirtv leet fhonte eant-fiJi'tr feot, ro rbeliwe'df 4
y .Jiild' Hi, tntneo north forty fact, to the place of
)3"iiniing Will be soldas one lot).
the taken ast he property of Oliver" Fuller A
mi , J.inpk Kullor, t satifly a judgment of afore -lDt
wid Oimrt, ljn favnrof LufayetW Rajner.
Ol C Appruised'ns follows to-witf Kour hundred
j-i.Jind sigry cjiiar4 W,J anu muat nrif
" "IhirrU
w of thit snin.
7EB18F SAW. Cash In hand.
Atty. forPltil. Sh'ffV. Co. O.
(Vi22 3-5 A. MitattrCom'r
fyatt of,Ofiot Vinton County,
1 Andrew Wolf ? ritff. 1
Andrew Wolf f Vila.) In Court of
ueri aa4rt - V Common Plaae.
T,eanuer ijpt
g?o Deft.)-
Vadit j
")lJft'.VUART to. th command
"''li. slo in, the above canae to ma iirectadl fsdii.O',
yi flu )i .yi
the Cdurt of Common 1'loaa, of theaforoiald'-
tciSbnt of Viutou; 1 will offor aCpWic aalai if " ,.r
i . itba dSnr-ytthe t'dnrt llmtie, in'the'TowrltfJla-'k
DelArthuT, in afuroeaid county of Vintoflj.jnl ,J ,f)7X
Saturday tht ith .off DZWt'tlN9i
Between the hours of ten'o'BlftaJvAM.
Wiir o'clock, P. !(., if iulj day, the folio
it n
' rI estatevto-wit
In lot niimWvmviil'Vei5'
f 7S.1 in theTowr. of MrArtli ufrTtntitn oimaiToT
(Ohio.i t "".-T-aLT T
ko satlufy Kjiidtrtnent in favoi5f.Anar VTilLoilf
SApprais-'d at alxhnndred (lollawW t6pn,)anil"
J rtrtisthriiiatwo-Jbirasof trfnt sum. , .
jiS;)FKALEj cashdn hahd.' U tl .vl
yf.-NORRJS, If
mal -DotgptTyiaftsj-sw.
r f Anl
mnl " fit
no Ihr tr--;;--75taaiar4-r7
tiorilliov War fireut frilVl.aii
ft- jjrticiicr'i-reMesj'A'e,
fvr FAIRBASkiaJGItlENLEAf "a C1.
172 Lake 8troet, Chicago.' .Vtld in Cincinot
bv IKAlifcK AUiK5r.
r.- 'i 'f.ntii.J.A v 1 p

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