The McArlliur Dcniornt' orncuL osoai. or vintoncoitnty. LOCAL DEPARTMENT TOR LEOAL K9T10I8 SEE fOUHTHPAGE Till taVI 01D TO WEALTH, Ul TP ADTEKTIM YouaacstKkss. TKItMS, PAY IN IDVANI'E. Democratic State Ticket. mil flCRETAgY OP STATE. WILLIAM W ARMSTRONG, 01 Suite Count. VUPRRME JUUOES, ( Kor Full Term.) ' WILKDRLPH VAN TKUM! Of Fuirficl l Coun'y. (to ni.L VACAkciKf.) Long Viicunry, 5IACI1IAS C. WHITKLKY, Of Hu.icoik County. Short Voxiiicy , S. liOYS, Ol Highland Cuuntj. ATl'onNP.Y OEflB W., LY MAM R. tRlTCHt'llULP, ()C lluluus Couuiy. cowrTum.LtR or tii e ihf.isukt, WILLIAM S. V.l'KEMISS, Oi F"f u uk 1 in County, H HIVt'L COMMISrtn.NP.h, . ALVXlNDKll S. R.4MSKY, Huidiii County. rojtiin or ri'Bi.n; worm, (Full Term,) WILLIAM LAUWFLL. Of Aslil;iul C oiin 'y, 1 tor vaci;t ) I II ARM-IS BUKSFL, Of Augluike C'ouu'y . To Readers. We imnosu to ftunitli tlio fo!!u in Mtti.'i'in'B nt tlio LowcBt pricis. iiila 15-ok and Domcc-rat $;! 00, Nfttimi'il MiiL'nziiiH hiii Dim. U 50 1 LaJv'a Friond an J Democrat 'J i0' - Draft for Vinton County. Tim lollowin i liiiinii'd us, na t hoj Dial't lor Viiitim (iouiily, Biifjuct to i ncilit, Ur all ctrutm unJ now ltd n iiiirt, uhiiHtoi! si no-' tin 1st of March 1iit Iviglts T. 13; J;lolson. lr; , llnriidoii, If, Uiclilunu, 3.; bwnii, Uimuu, 10, M.idiBon. 32; Elk. 4.r; Clinton. .11; Vinton, 21; Wilk tsviliu. 3J. Kn..x. 0; T..MI 2D7. BENG F. CORY. Capt. & Pro. M. 11th, Dist. Cllpl. 11. (J. J 'HUD wUlu'8 lid to! my that lie will r imaiii at homo lor a lew ilrtye, fur the purpose ol ottiii; mine recruits lor thn lfjih liit nnd tliiit this hiT-nlt) h gooii opportunity lor llioBo who wish tt j iu tho Army uf tho CuinbtM'lanJ, ' mid escapo the Draft. )lnnh fur Even Sinn. J. Walter tfc.Co. aru publishing in New York, a largo volume of 000! lMt!8,of the epei-coliesnr Uon. C. L. Vallandingliain, containing a bin graphical skfctch of hiB truly ovt-ntful lilo, it will Ito a work (if jjreat ititer 'bt, ud w liopo our friends will lend il X helping Land, it is put up in the lest b'rlo, and contains a tine sleel cn t-ravod likciuaa of the Hon. and tal ercd Exile. - ."' Tliey havo nlao in l'res8 a ' now' work GOO entitled 'SpaucheB Jnr IheTiuieb" by Vallnndingliaui I'ukIi, l'tndleton, Murnclc, Voohres it ml Cox. ' Tho opeejIieH are the boet iftlieeu g&iitleiuen, uud contains three sfjel engravings. As a volume ol Political Literature, dealing imediate 1 and effectively with the great events I now passing on the tide ol time, the -work is of incalcucablo value valne to nil inteligont citizens who Mill stop to ; lveutigate and reason as to their tin ties as American Citizens. Price 200 Every man Bhould have these works. Adrees, "J. Walters," No, 19 City Hall Square N. Y. Independent Companies. Maj. W. L. Edmistoh has received orders from the Governor of Ohio, to bold bis command, the 26th Ballairiou Na tional 'jrnards, in readiness to march immediately alter the 2d of May next. What is meant by these orders wa are only able to surmise. Our opinion is that it ia only to secure a more perfect organization of the diflereut companios of the Battallion, so that they may be ready for any aud all calls. The attention of Qomoanv commanders is called to the order of Major EnMibToH, in to day's paper. It is hoped that prompt aud efficient measures will be taken ' to secure a tniro thorough ducipliuo and wore perfect organization ol all tbe Com panies. It woqli not, iox)ur opinion, be a very difficult matter to raise one or two new Companies iu our County. It ought lo' be; done . at ouce.y?f t ,cr. Our Debts. Wt wih to my to those who tie indebted to in, that we land in great need of mon ey, and hope our fritnda who owe u$ on id vertiKiug, Subcriition. lob work or other- iie, will trr and hf Id ui to oav our J'bt. by pi-ying what they uwe us. The Tffas at pnsi winter ttt not near pant ita way. and lias been fold lor a bbUncedue on the pupubase moner. This should not be the case, if our f'ie mU would l--nd hi-lpins baud to our paper. Wg could wake a much bf.tei paper, il it would only pay in way. All accounts M ill be made out and ready for liquidation. Call and we ua when in town and cave us the expeure and trouble ol sciioing alter your clJiim. ' Canst thu administer to a mind d seasedf ' asked tlio fcruat dramiitit, yes, say we, and "pluck from tho heart ti e tooted sorrow, too!" Wr! hit lie javenaling Elixir liai such uiarvel- lotis power in reBUsciating tho droop ing energies that it is alike an invalu able bo'n to both sexes. The lastd l udo and debility, tho livteria und tainting su prevalent ninong tho gen il r six need nut exist when that val uuble rostorati vo is at bund lor us.-; it is in the fur in ol a pletuaut and pula'Able li'iiid, nnd slionld ever be present on tho toilet t'lb'o. five from the delelerioiii minoiaU tiKtial with cc6in'.ties, it ia tho grt test vi'getalile fiMt.ji alive (bat ban yet been made known lor the b. in tit of the debilitu Ud portion of tlio lniinan finn'ily. S ld by all ref pectablo dniggitt-i thrc'iibout tbe United States and Cauda. See Advertincinent. Tin, Tanacka. The cure, tne true and lust cure, foi (1 iiion hoea, (i out, or the Whites in feni den ia niost eei tainly the (yhueruLeu Kenudy. when taken in connection with the uso ol I ho Clierokeo Inj ction. It rebtoreH health and ekunliueos. it docs liol merely 8rrct, Lot cures tbeBe ill lad ically and t'loroiigbly, and bung ly vegi table, tt pleasant e it , not dibiigioealm! to taste or toucli, it leaw-s no poison in the system, the eradication of wbieh is ol'ton more dillieiilt and dang-rou tli in the trtut meiit of tho originii! dictuse. WHITE BEX MIST RULE AliERICA TIIK Toity Eight ('o'liiuns of Reading flatter per Weuk for SI 60 HIE IviHv YORK PAPER made IP KX'i.rsrvF.r.v kou i ;:.s- TUY ClKCfLTI'iN Ki-ws of t'-eWn-k, with llie Cuttle, Pin (lion! Hnd Olhvr .Xnrkeli, litre lully Itt'iiorted. ALW YOKK DAY-HOOK For 1901. Tint Niw York Day-Hoo Ud Inlnpfnilont l)rarcriilio jotnnul, liolJinjf, iu the UtaSitn Htor Uuiu'.iii, Uiul "lliia (Aiverniiidnt l iuh'Ic mii iho while Mnii, by while mon. lor th hon Hlil of li'ua impii m,(l tlii-h polur:ty li)l!Vu)., It if a laru d.nih'.o itl.uet, wilh frt,v uiht inliimn of M'n'liiijj imitlcr, nnj in ml iuu'f whither fir Muikets, Nevri, Litemry 01 Aj;riiiiltiir il iufurniAtlou -Is nut in.ri"r tonli itf u pnlitiual or lumilj iicwKpnpor. In itt poll T.Ciil tM(.urt men t , il prapplc li. lly iU,liod ti'l qneMimi bcifuro tliu AmeriL-mi i'biplu, prei-i nit. lUooiily pliilowphy ol il ttliicli ti. rr.iiil tlid hwuep'iiig inuren of Ah.-.liti ; jum. Il in Dniuncratiu in the trim kdu oftlietertn - tiie Jtrjulurs "f the peoplu' rifihu, bulili I upholder oTno purty chimnory or Irivkcry. II In only Im l'liAnr., huliuhow how, aihl how only, pcrinuiieii', IVnoo inn be obtained, and lilia Whilu Man'a (7ivuri.luunt u Wni-hingtoii restored, vi. : by tliu utlur ronlr ovorlhrow, and Mcriniuilii D of Aboliiiutiimn fnm Amorii-un i il. 1 lie Day-Hook U lie the only wauktj- politi enl panor in Now York city iiale up B.x.tu.ii ly f-.i countiy cireiilalmn. All llin i.iluva are lunaMiea irom i lie xiiiiiiiih ot "me daiir p er, wliitli rtiiuleraii h linos l iinpoaailila to-rivo au complete and goNorHl xiimiiiiirjr of tho iioivh a in llu otheroiiM. 1'eraona about hiil.nrrihinT ahuuld tako tlii-i intoconbidoration. Ilemocrulf ', iniiai xeo to it ti, at aouuu paper are cir culated AuoNtTHK 1'ropi.i, or Aholitioniam will never ho put lowr.. f47 All who Joiru to rofuto tho aririni'oiiUof Aboliti,ni!a, ahonld rend Tut Dat Look. TFRSia. 0 te copy, one year, 2 00 ; Thre ropdm. or.o your $5 Oi) ; five copija, out vonr " Si) : Ton cnpiea, one year, nud ne to tho (rulloiinof nic emu n i o , i mj copiea one jeur i uud one to the gutter up of the club H Ou. AJditioica) Copiun,euch I U K Tbe nums of tho pnnl-urTk-e,. cnunly, and lulo, should, In all caesl bo plainly i-ivuu in ever? luttur. ruytniint alwuya in addvunco, and all paper will be Jtoppod lion the tiiuu of eub.-oiiption paid for cvpirca. Address VAN EVE IE, HORT'JS Ann., Ko H2 Nasfau Street, Kew York. SI'KCKWOFf KKS. Wcdosite thinyear to piae before a million .............. .-..... uuiHruien ine JJiiy-ltooh teaches on the question of the Race. Ul'a .ni.A.I I. 1. 1. 1 1 m . u ii i j uausva ii mis jouruul ware placed in tho hauds oi oue-half of tbe voter of the northern Btatoe between tide time and No- .iiw W(IIUVRU,VVUIU It'll mil IQ earry the next Presidential eleotion. We there fore make the fullowiugoflem, not in the light of nrizsa, and not oven iiecanae it will he profl able forwa oan aoaroely affurd it butsololy to aeoure a wide ilhsominution of the viewa whleh wo pruionuaiy oaneva save our country: for a club of twenty, besido the extra paper now offered, we will send a oopyofDr. Van Vvi.ll.M.I..l, .....V , .... v,u n s "ib "u i-iciueaaua ieroiMav ery," (he third editioa of which ia just ready. r nee ii uo. - For a club of fifty at sixty dollara w'ewil end an extra paper, and a complete act of onr Ant-Abolition Publications," the prlcea of wbiob amts. to two dollara and seven'y -five cts CLUBS OF ONS HUNDRED. I relation to ollllll lf nna hnntlreA mm wilt III 1 1 li K WI.A.C.. .lll J AHA 1 I J .m.w uv.,.1 wi.a muu um uui limiarvu eahscrlberi at one time, the club to be sent to AtUt AArm a A K 1 -. 1 1. - - v.t, .ua uc(iu ruu gun at tne Fania time, wiK receive the papers at one tinudred dol- & r. 11 T V 11 3. (' .. DAVID DOZER ESTATSE. "VTOriC IsS hereby given, that the ub J 1 acriBer has been appointed and qnali fied aa Administrator on the eaute of ltriil Dozqr, Esqr. deceased, late of Harrison township, Vinlon County Ohio. ' ' 1 ANDREW G. ELLIOTT. Aptil 7, 1861 3vv. . , Hcnrie . House. TAMES WATSON, rrof.rietor. Third " AMERICAN WATCHES. AFTER A THOROUGH ruiAI.OK MUTE Tli AN TtN VEAK-t, Dm ilme iducea m inofua turad bif ill. 4niarioian Wftt.h .-.!' W u!l Iimiii U.. t,... ...Inl . ... . I i i. 1 of thj publio, aud now, no loan Unit VSWilof them repeaking for tboiinoliHt iu tbe pnok- eta of tho people, from a very ii.lfrjiiAVanl boginniiiK the bulrcsa has ineroHSed until we arejustifipd in slutniir that WE M AKE MORB ni" o,ic n.iLf oi aii tne waiclu-a sow ill the United Btutoa. Repented enlargement of 1 our factory building, and the lata ml' MU oper rMrlvA ktll'll tl.l . ..I ,n u....l.. ,1. .w.n- ! I . V, . m , i . .... . ... stanll y inori-ssitir dumand. And we may here obaorvu tliu'. tot wiihata tinjf the hittli price uf . labor auJ malorUla, we actunlly null o n pre- ducU at Uti p'iees than those curruiit ive yearaapo. We rnfwr t thoMi ii-t only fur the purpose properly inti,iiluciii .ui .ilier subji et reUtlvo to our muiitif.i'ura of wuie-ie-. Ilitheto our ; i... l. i . i tho mlliiun h. the lowest poible pricv-me ihinir Iu take the place of the make helinvo walilie.H ealli-,1 Auciea," liupiutw." " Knelili tiitonl I, ..vers, aiinuuli) thrown upnu thin mark-1, iu eioinlle number, by Euro- peanwoik-h ipv -n.u. lw. w!ii Ii um tbe rufnn- tl thoir Iwlnrios, ntikali-ubU ut homo and pe.'- lee;ly wortlil o.ui ) , lirj. This o -u U a u .nip i-he 1, and now we have t'i ami nu oe-, thai b:i.e i-'mon iiced '.he m iniila lura "l nni.'l.iK ol t'n, vt-rv ii itiii i-.s r u i: hk k v .v n t(; i n :mn - UMTRV, unrqiiulled by anul,',n hiiherln n,a,le tn nor mid ui,.irpaMud b) - un.vt liimy ih.iilo in tho wnrld. I'm thi pui .. e linn vlu-iiiop- lc ini-iiin. e n.i i-u erected an addiliioi lu iiiuin buddins; txi r.-si-l h,r lid. bmin-li ol'.mr bukiiiow. and linve rilled it i'.h luu Ij. l work inuii in oi.r psni.o. f.-idi.iinr by our luiig ex pur i ecu, wu have rnndel!e I thu f r n oi' our wstclies, luirmla mi. Ii iinpun. iniMits ns liuve been sut'itests l nnd provodl;'. to ho Koud fiuiii li,,io In tiino, an I have iuuli- into I new ai. I m; it-U of iv -l-.i ..oimii. ud- jusiineiit nod e.onpjiisnti-oi. N- w m '-.ii.ea mid applmi. its have bi-on c instructed, perloroi '. heir . ik i'h cnin-nm unite uion n j and ux ictiludti. nn.t '.be cli iie--,'. nnliiwlnp' ir,.vd iiiateii.tls only uiun.-d. .N ,'tliin in fuel is nsnt'ii a eiiliei in .nocliniilv ui prim iplo.-, II u'eiiiil ,.- ttckmunhip to 1h-,mj pirlee.'.ou n 'lis 11. Wo I'lin inii,.. t,i inanfiieiiini onr other well known .pi .,tii. nixtu the I'.llMwin nuinei.: "Al'l'EIln.N. TK WY .t I ii," "V. S. IIAKI'LKV." Ai d th"K..ldi.ii'H Waicl,," "WM. tl.l.l.'tV." Tho trfUor, Ibo l nvn.,t price I i:-ti we unVn la I' rnlia'du time paiu-o. eau-d in "terlin iKei huirln' putlern. nnJ it ni't lia ble tu Kuti'Ot of order i itlu-r in mnr.-biiiij riilin( or f'blilnf. All Ibo nl) ve dei-cril.ed Wlchtti; illt'llldillir ol'i; (li.e.t H bi- ll i- 0:illiu ' Ami IOOAM WAirii l"n.r.iNV." locs.illhy ,itch duulcr generally llinoiiclnoit tlio nountry. hOIililNS A- AI'I'FI T'lN. A(J"Us fr 'lii Aineocaii Wslsli ('-.luioii.y , lv) ! IMA I) ,V A V, N. Y. Jaii'y l;h inW.t. -i . 11 -a 1 1 1)1 0 T II K Hcsl and Che;iisi Cash 8 iff d! '3 KEEPS A lull Stock i CLOTHINj, 0 . II A X I) I evi rv variety of DW G103S, LADIES DRESS GOODS- HATS AND LAI'S 1:00 :s AND HAUDWAIIK ! 1 CUTLEUV A X D FUKSIIl ciio(jEiiii:8, i of Which 1 w ii! Soli PB i-lli.'HIM! an the i clioiipttrtt for Oiitili, or e.Ncliant! fnrj Ci iinti v l'lmliipo at t ii u bijibtst J market rates. Call uiul bu olivine , e.i ; Doc. 10-C3-lyr V. D HODGK. THE LUND KOUOllT HR Discoyeiied at Last. GKEROKEE REMEDY -AND- t CUEKOKFaE INJECTION! Compounded from Hoot-, Barka aud Leuvcs. t'HF.ROKEE REM ED V, the ( Indian Dinretfvj. cure all diseases of the urinary or gans, s.,eh at in-tnntinenco of tbe 1. riiio, Itinini matioii or tlio Mlatiier. incamniaitnn ortneKid neya, btoue. in tne manner, Btriciure, inarol, (lleet. Oonorrhrei, and in ei penally rei-onimeud- ed in those casoa of Kluor Albns (0. Whites in females) where all thu old uauioous medicine have failed, It is liroparei liiahiylilT coneentated form. the dose onlvhoine one to two totsnooufuls throe times per duy. It U diuretic ami aitorntiva in us action; pur ifj-ini and cleanama; thobbod, oansltiij it lo flnw in ull of its oririnal nuritT and! thus removing from the eystom all pernioioua caiisua ; which induced dooeme. CIIF.KOKf:E INJECTION is intended aa ! an ally or awuViiut to the C'ehrokee Kemcdy, and should ha used In coninnction w ith thul 11 ! 11 r. 1 ... . t r medicine in all cases of Gonorrhoea, tiloet. 1 Inor ! Alnusor W lutes. 1 in ertoete are boalmz. Miotli-1 Inrf and domulconl; removiuif all ncaldiny;. heat, chordoe and paini instead of the hbrniiif and ' almost nneutiurame pain tnsi is experienced 1 with noarly all tho choap Imections. Ut the use or the Chbhokei: Kemkut and CiikKoiH iNJKOTiosr the two medicines at the same time all i'uproper are remov ed. and the wenkeuod orgaoa are speedily re stored to full vizor and elrenglh. For full purticu ears get our pamphlet from any drng store in tlio coiintr , orwriteuaand we will mail freo to any address, a full treatise. tMoe' Cdekokhx Ksu.dt, two dollara per botkk, or three botilua for five dollar Price, CitiBotui Injictiom, two dollar per hottlo. or three bollloafor flee dollara. Sent by Exprceato any address on receipt of price. Boldin MoAittinr atS. V. Dodfnm Dru store aud by all drncglat everywhere. . . I'n. W,li. MERW1N a, CD. Sot.p rnnr-Bir ii:. 'u. 50 Liberty M. Now TotV wu mm ( from Ltt4; LV I "T K R E S ) I ( ! I 1 J y jf jj I At' .kl.c .t . ! J : i ' , t ' 1 I ; , : -V' ; ; ' ; ! ' I mm J-4 fp )"" IV Xi ft'.l OP TII E V'j' ORIGINAL AMD CHEAPEST v"!' v'y ?ff. 'K'f- -.' 'i, ,i i Is now receiving larac ;uldi- gtionslo Jus already t- .-.Vl LAKCJE (coiisistin ol every ui'.y fi(i(M)S, CLOTH IN(J ll.VTS, CAPS. EO.NNKIS, MlilKS, ; A: '- : ;!'?: Qneensarc igand lie isoflerini menls to punliasers than any Joiner JIOUSK IN TIIK COUNTY, : ittliin HA MAINS will AM kind of Ci i-i ly l'n t't;c i pi ion will be paid. Jimy Jt-t. IHM. i t-t mi ''-A.'-V-.'..' : m mm 'd.tJ'A.wViiJ-, WrfVfe.w.-J.wVw 'Vk'i'ViyVii'V V .r. X-Xu. (JO Sculh side Vuiiii Si. llrArllmr, Ohio.' tl:- . v. no i) u 1;, m .K v niMi WILL Jit'. V V Igopen in their New Store ltoom TUESDAY, M i'i t7rf A: C'v'- One of the largest and best! 'rf rl ri .4- l.- i r-vslr- 0100 iCU OlOCK 01 S; ?.' LI i jfi DliY GOODS. OllOCEKIKS. HOOTS fc SHOES. 11 ATS, CATS. KOlIOoNS k QUEENSWARE, r.r 5fV 7 "KdVer brought to this n'urket, whicii will be olii chuaper than tlio chtAptiSt. rieitscaH and c.amino Gnotlsand l'ricct before ptircha8-? fXTtinr. nbn,l,ni .1 ..I I .. ,1 a.. . U ... at. t i ti r ?" i" omen IICIC, as wu llO UUCWl lUIIICU Jau'v 14th 0 m WDOfl ft "A 1D.IV! m 1 .T, STOCK. variety of it ''A ft v. ROOTS. ji.ND HIIOKS and Grocric greater induce ft "A do well loj,'ive biin u o nil . 1 i j. Il, I i yibiib the bi(l,i'6t DAN WILL mar-f4 ivi- ; '.r Vf 3 ft 11. 1:. rjnu ii's, "- ir mmm ft ft Cv -A m lO DUil HI Ull' VllJ lOlVI'M UllCr8.-W DODUK ITIIIJ.1PS - r . 8i mm STORE LET THE AFFLICTED READ! aa4 laara that a fierCx-l and nAlrtt rnn Is varrani4 ni tuaniuI'Ml t.i all vlio sis amu-txl with wwkntss, tlebilhy, onrous .si'lalals. mLnK'hnlT Ihotiisu, il praxiua of siiirUs,sinwii4 .ngulthof lanid, km ot slwi, kimiof mnAiory, Um of saergy nnd tmiflrulsr pur yuny (rofilb, w.vllnx .. aoil waul ut rimt'lru ia Ibruunlxa. fsinilui; euoinlslvs muitiUngi, Iuikm tonC4 aJ dltfuil uf Int. HEAR WHAT THE MEDICAL PRESS SATS. gems lisfeii msnlM to t told Uk aslnrs nt ymir JIhw tli. rSi!Ll!U BOTANIC PHYSICIAN nut. UUrM knewMicsof tho bmeau)eisf liable, hlia to itrll.tliidlw- wlilioul suy inf.rjuli,.a fr,uu Um iKtieal, tillii its iiriui'isl ,'iw. .ud iiitwiraiili S eiire. AuJ, Is m,ir ralii.hU still, k. will bun rsliyaml fi:nslv tell hthr Ti,o can t eiiml or ni. Tlii will s.iinf) "'ir min i, sa l j.'S stiwius, tlin, n.al4n. Slid liWivilinmi'lil. It lll l lb amatut luting y m mantr a dollnr; It .Rl uve vonr b'l'i, sad. .list Is Ir-tiin- lluia all, It IU save yuur Ufa f.-ou Uii'K "b-Tt'-iM"! kywrnux irmlmi.ot. Ilia stain I tutl Mia ars uisils it liuiit any Information from Ih poll"" : lln-r(,r. h tlmrunlily MaJruuUs lisir PUrsinl.mJilli'Oaiid Plari-n"l.'t;K-l dowlupnirni, wlihunt which ho hit aM hafs ,H0rmi d many wit.,nUliiiiK run.. It si IJ Ui that this lltiisiilc MiysMsn vif.iriiu raw tliumiht Imposslbls. If yon h ut- trifl ..ilicni and gut nnsrltaf. If yuu wish t shJut icixnl laaattV sod sm(t llt, i fan mm wis., yon wll. (.and e.inaiill OK. HAPIIAKf.. Ili.i'WjIaulc A'l bla oinoniiuU-atiuiii asd blrlra is llriotnr prlva s and eiuilbWulW. MrJieai JmU. Widlh J I'iist e,i. TACTS ARB STUBBORN TUINas ! Ilwtr .list tlir llif!aJiilrUia c,rri.DiU!!t snys In tm C'OiiinuHiaiiAlib. Wlliuiiia-'uu, t).'lasr, !)th of Apnl, Hi: " Aa KukIMi if otliBian. furnsrtymnnsets.1 .lib lbs rliiali Army, sod wlm slylua hiina. II lite Knlih ni. tank Pliyaii kin.' k ianf bits i;siiifld a:ifismivsprpiiin. ti'Oi lirt Iy hia skill in urinif all iii4iinr if Cusiplsints. 8ms of bis iailuis I ksvs comeii1 alth, and Uir prulMUIies his rvliu-dl and ukhIh of lieatuoiut as vsry iiiii.,rl',r. bums liavs tisii naturi'd .11 ii by insfc. Tli. at,-lH'tlis lis iimh la ilitillrd ay hi'ilulf fnnu tstiui.s Iti-rlia HiHMIlig rAi curslivs (irup.inl.-s. "VVIiils seilng in lie sriuy b. ,lv,it-d hia Winn, moments te s thwroiish amJv uf lbs fj.-rta pr.idmYd by i-vi-tsia lurdiciiial ruois and hi-rl-w on s)1 m,nnsr i,f d-a-umi 11 iuhiiii be li'iniJ a smis nod pr-dv rvnirsty fi r stl lbs 111. Cut il.-ti ia b"'r tu ' lh poinlco U svtsn-iii.i. and b diiily iiv-rvibi-f. In tb cmia. pUnill tu ahull feiiiab-s ars anl-J-'ctod lis I u nunpial, as s lari;H nuiulwr liors bus loatillsd thnt limy owe nA only preaunt f-nj limiltli, but ttiuii liies, to tba Itiiliif 1 10a KnglUh lluiuiiic l'lij.Kiaii." His utnuu isal No. 59 EAST riFTIX STREET, CINCINNATI. MORE GOOD NEWS! rROM man and reliable ac THORITT. Tlis Ibdsule Rstaedlos of Doctor Itspliasl, tbs CnctUh Botanic rbyslidsn, nsa.s' fuilod yst to rusk, a psn'rvt, cIL-sl, aud irsruiansut curs of A LIi PRIVATE, SECRET, AND VENEREAL DISEASES, Wlthmt tbs us of llercnry. wll boat hludranrs from hiisliuiss, snd wiilniut fnaruf dlorerT or sipusurs. Ma jauilly paisona, nieli as arsenic, nux vuuiion. opium, ur auy otliur poisons. Nn msrenry nur any deailly mlusrals nothing- but purely Vegetable Uutanical rbom-dli-s sr. n-l l tbls wonderful Uutanle Physician. II is Uol.mlo ItruiiiJlrs Dover yet failed to rur. Ibo mnsl ol'liuals snd tlis moat dniiinruna naiui, snd tori-mnTeall aiereurj Hid other Itnpiirltlea from tbs system when sll ollisr UrnisiliM hud lulled. .Wrdiuof Jimnwl. oood news ron single men CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. Hear wh it tlis psltimurs corroKpontliiit nf the Odt. Ml, w, R.iouaboro', Msiylaud, said ou Thursday, the Dlsl or Miir, UMI-. Siimnrous ruroa of dlssasss eaniod bv anrly bidlsero. th,n 1111 lux bofi, i-x-formed by the Kuliali II luiilc Pbr ilcisu, 1 f-wl it my duty, listing skuonledgs of tlirnt, tu itate tbsfni-t, Udl.vlug that In doing 10 1 muy do a sartlo. to thr aolTorlog. Ousciuslnnsrtieulnr Ibstuf syonug man In this city Is worthy uf note. II bad bocmns tbs sletlm of a bsblt, the nirrs ulluslun to whleh cauaes a ihoiloUr. and after roi of atifMng anddorturiiixiinvaap ill hopns of rerueeiy. lis qiabed to uoirry, aud was . doarly I-Ioi,h1 by as swint a irl as Star uapod worda r Suet I, hi 'vl be ass fearful, oervons, aud proatratsd. :s dsr-d rt w-' ou eeoooDt of the ahatterrd sfsi. f bis seste 1. U soosrht rrlltf at the hutida uf Ih. Ho. iDlc I'hvn so. and, MtoDl'hiuK as It may suum, sll tli. ..Min and fiuur vf yonlh has mturiied, aud bs ia now tbe bsppj father of a pair of bright boys." GLORIOUS NEWS FOR TIIE LADIES. PREVENTIVE TO HAVE DEEN. CUEL Hiar whM tb ClDclanatl Weekly IrM vijt tht ffth uf Murcb, Wi: Wo ur decidedly opposed to druji and to sf1vrtiew4 uirxliM fur th preveuttun of having obtldrtm. bat w 1 tt our duty t t;kDowMj baf fit from oy ui rco wiittu ll w lor tho rtiiot oi tuntriM -niunntty. A feet bu cum to our kuowlm'ga ttu4 oulit to Im paoaiiilgnUd iud widely cireoUtetl fir tto Uucflt of tbiMw MiM vboou dulicate bmtltU mftkM II ticreflhftry lo pruTnt oy lnr.ras of fnoiily. Almut twulvo uiotitbt after mnrrh, m lndy of onr m quaiatkiire gnve blrih tu a d.iugtittjr, but ber iinTejrtnft wnt u great that her ph rik-lam talreil vf her recov ery. ThU luiuleherdnil the very thoiigiitnof eiu I eoiuinir e mothor, 6be trlnl every thing to prurvul rettitiin uf horinrTrritigit, but without mtcoc'litig. Tt y-ri aflvr murrliipo iho wwniu ctiDtlnml. but nor ( foriiJL'n ws'ii'to great tlittl the child died, and ber owd life wite deAfi I red of. ht nn told hv ber futility phreitinn that If eliohsulauy ntorechildreii he (cnreil her file would Iki the forfeit. Art .ill the rfincdifii ebe hud tried UiVr lirvl fuihit, ebe applied to the UuUtulc I'hyticitUa Dr. fcAFUAKL, No. 59 EAST flFTH STREET. CINCINNATI. F0KHI3 PREVENTIVE TO HAVE CHILDREN. nis rsiDMlles hsd the desired effect ; they not only prs. lenlsd hr from having children, but they alsu improvM her hesltb. "To ths rasa, alltiiixos saa suaa." The Rolanle Phyaiclui's reniodit. can bs recom. mended, beoauss tiiey are Innocent aud sufe. They 0rt without csoiing sirkmias or eiposnr.. Tliey de not Interfera with ths diet or occupation. They d not Injur, the neallb, but tli'y an earraln In their .Boet. J- PANIXIST, M. D. 11. olklGlrH, M.D. Any whoara snfrerluf .-wo mailer hat thetr complaint, ran call on in. Itotanic 1'ny.ieian eooOUeutially. They may rely u)ion niief. His oWce Is at NO. 59 EAST FIFTH STREET, HeiwMU iycaroore Htreet snd Broaditsy, CINCINNATI. IVn.ultatlon rl.tllv, Sundays sTfile!. Office hours Voni IO A. Ml. IS) 0 rlocls P Irl. avsr iVrsona st a diatane. may commnnleate eoitn. ns.vruii.1 hy letter, If tnsy Inclose OMK IKJLLAB. for Oonsuluition Fee. In each letter All letters, eonimuM. ration., and Inn-mess, are strictly private and ennC dutlsl. No auaasr will bs given to letters unless one dollar is inclosed ns a Consnltutiun Pee, Address all letters as follows, DR. RAPHAEL, BOX No. 2463, POST OFTICE, CINCINNATI, OHIO. CACTIOS TO TBI TUBLIC. Pr. yr. Ksahssl hss no connection with PBOPEVSOI or Dr. W. M. ltaphsal. or with any other (autlsnaa of ths sams name. er Cnt this advertisement out. Wfcev yow aosne, arlag it with you and ihow it to the girt who opsas Hia toot. To p rarest salstakos, ask to SEE THE DOCTOR HnKSBLT. Width J lit ool. SUERU'F'JJ SALE. Slalf of Ohio, Xiulon , Cnnnly, Rcyaolds lli.xon I'lnT. Int'onrtof airainal Common Pi-as John (.ill Milieu hurley, Pufls. j Vendi N'.v 1 1)L'KSU ANT to the command of an of orJor anlo in ihe thoeecanso to me directed from the Court nf Common I leas, of the aforeeaid county of Vinton, twill oO'cr at public rale at the door of the Court House,in the Town ot Mu Arthur, in aforesaid eoiinty of V inlon, un Naiurday lhe2Zrdday of April 1864, Between the hours of len o'clock. A. M.. and Four oYlock, T. M., of said day. tho following property, to wit : tn-lot number eiphtj-one, (Sl.iin tho Town of McArthur A'intcn Coun. tyOhio. . - Taken aa the pmticrtv of John Gill an Milton Bnrloy, tn ealfy a judgment in faro of Kaynoldsand Hiion. . Appraised at two hundred dollara, and must brine two third oi that sum. KEKU OF PALE. fash lo hand. - ARt'H. NORRIS, SblT. V. Cn. 0. , Match IT-h 1e4-5w '.Vai. tioto, 1st pnl y r L 0 11 T K "l!T)T S F " roRrsMotru, 011:0