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lc JMrljjw (LtniufiSt t. A. BltATTON hOITOR . ; i J : WII1TK MKN PIIAI.L KI'LK A&1KR1CA. Tl!l KM)Y--- - Nov.IO 1801 'VV.-A WAV Little Vinton Erect. TI'O Democracy and Consnarvativo nu n of Vintcn done nobly this fall, never will yon have cause to regret liavin done your duty. Hut oiu hunks are especially due to Vinton Tp. Iic-r Democracy are truly iuvici l'le, 109, to 10, every eleventh man i& a IlopuLlicun, and we areto'd they talk I't'eellinj: out. Hully (or Vinton she has truly a practicable majority, who sb jvv an unbroken front, and al Bo shows the greatest tfiiiu on tin State election. Most of thoce wlm canm hon:oof the 1 St h Rejf. voted in Elk, Swan and Jackson Tpc tnti they have a Iieptihlicun tfftin. Official home vote Vinton County. For future relertneo we give the (fficial home vote of this County al the Slate election Oct. 11th 1804. Townships. Elk, Swan, Richland, Mud in on, Eagle, Ja.'kson, Wilksvillo, Clinton, Vinton, Knox, Hrowu, Uurrition, Dim. Hep. 1S2, 103. 53, 113. 17S, CG. 1H, C4. 58, 44. 84, 77. 9b, 84, 152. 75. :. 37 25. 73, C5. 52, 33. 11 S3, 820. 87, 218. 1220, 1033. Soldier's Vuti', Total, The above vote is on the State tick en, and gives 182 majority in the County. Our entire County ticket is eiectt'd by majorities of from 200 to 330. Unofficial vote for President in Vinton County. The home voto on the 8th io6t. is as follow. Townships, Elk, Swan, Iiicii 1 ..rid, Madison, Eatile, Jackson' Wilkesville, Clinton, Vinton, Knox, Hrown, Harrison, McCIellau, 185, 58, 191, 125, 57. 90, 309, 171, 111, 39, . 82, 43, Lincoln. 187. 131- 72. 71. 46. 95. 90. SC. 10. 28. 72. 39. 1272, 929. McClellan's majority 345. in thin home vote is included the vote ol the 18tli Reg , that belouged to Vintion who are home, term of service having expired on tne 5th. iust. and since the State election, and which we know give us a gain in the county over the State election on the agregate. Barn Burnt. On last inonday the 17th ult. the barn of George Smiih of Jackeoo Tp. in this County was distroyed by fire, cause of tire not known, except it was by incendiaries. This barn being burnt was the cause of a sensational report started in Cincinnati on thurs day, to the affect, that twelve barns and contents and one house, had been burLt in this county by Copperheads, who were counceling resistance to the draft etc., All of which is false and was manufactured we suppose to pr j r.dice tho caee of John L. Rose, on charge of bai boring-a deierter, his own sod, who was drafted, and to whom it was proved he gave some thing to eat and lodging. Mr. Rose was bound over by U. S, Commision er Uallady without sufficient evideno'e to warrant it, to appear before the U. S Court, on l he expectation of (jetting inoro teslimouv. Wo hopo tlie Cincinnntti papers will correct this lie, for the credit of our cuinty. If you are bick, cull at Dr. ConJee'a casliDrng Store and get a prescription An ounce of preventative is worth a poun 1 of cure. Many a long spell of sickness ha been preventeJ, by ta kinff proper remit) it 3 in time. Death of Col. Samuel Medary. COLUMBUS, O, Nov. 7. Editor of the Enquirer : Col. Samuel Medary died to day, live o'clock 1. M. J. G. THOMPSON. A reat fnd distinguished man han fallen in Ohio. Colonel Saml'kl Medary is dead. Tliu newswiil fall with Riiddeu crushing weight upon his ti ns of tliuusunJa of friends in all puitjottho Union, to. whom his nit me had become almost a house hold wold. He had been ill lor some months, so much so that the editing of ho Crisis had devolved upon Hiioth cr ; but lattirly Ida health had iin ( roved, apparently, to an i xtept that just n'ed th- be lie I that it would soon he an entire recovery. Hut alas 1 it was fated nut lo be. Little did we .hink, when late in the past week we saw him in this city, and exchanged a warm and cordial grasp of the hand that it v as the last time our eyes would rest upon his vunerable form, and that he shortly would pay the debt ot nature, and that one of the brightest lights of the Ohio Democra cy wou'd be t'ortver xtiuu;slied. Colonel Medaky was, indeed, a most lemaikable man. life possessed nnu mihI force ol character and strength of will, aud was noted tor energy and courage. By the btrona; and original l owers of his mind and by his ster ling common seuae aud knowledge of u.rii he overcame the educational dis advantages ot his youth, aud was one of the strongest writers aim most po teut speakers of the State. II is stylo was vigorous and trenchant, and his thoughts wire put in writing in a log ical aud power! ul form. He was em inently true to his principles uud con victions ; no man was ever more earnestly e.r honestly so- He was nat urally a Democrat, and through a l ng aud activelile he rendered to that rogiuiizitiun the most important ser vice us a writer aud epeakor. Enq. J. G. THOMPSON. A Victim of Missplaced Confidence. A I'rovo Marshall, arrested a de serter in our township on the 30th ult whereupon said deserter told afore said niarelmll that the arrest was all right, but he wps only home, for the purpose oflerreting out these damn ed "Sons ol Liberty" and he conld now just give a call and 100 armed men woald respond and drive him out. of Clinton Tp. that he had already sot two ol their crips and throe of their signs, (here he gave the Prc-yo the trips Ac.) and then he told said I'rovo, if he came baek to morrow night he would bo r-.ady to rejoin hia Regiment, and would attend a meet iug of the "Sons of Ziberty"and get all the secrets, us he was to be invi ted to morrow uight. Ine rrovo gave our deserter a furlough accor dingly. The next night came as usual, the lJrovo came also, but lo I aud bo- hold Mr. Deserter had skedaddled, and has not been since heard of. run ner says he went to huut a substitute. So our rrovo, like Capf atone ol ui Morgans Re-aiment whilst at New Orleans; od its way to Mexico, was the victim of minplaced confidence, Quere let. Js this not tho way so munv tales, of secret conspiracy, get afloat on Democrate ? is it not the re gultof interest.? Quere 2d, Why are the remaining citiz:n3 of Clinton Tp. compelled to furnish another man In this man's place who runs koff, or in this case when a man slips out of the hands of the proper officers. Nov. 5th, 1864, Clinton Tp. NEW ITEMS—CLIPPINGSS. Gold closed at th-j Evening Board at 250. The Confederates admit the capt ure of Plymouth North Carolina, by our gun boats, alter three hours hard righting. Jure military arrest3 have heen made in Indianapolis, on the eve the election. Johnsouville, with all its stores, recaptured by Forrest. What General Scott Thinks of Martial Law, and Trial of Citizens by Military Commissions. The biogrrphy of Lieutenant Gen rnl Winfikld ScoTr, prepared by himself, re produces an article on ar bitrary arrests written by him and published in the National Intelligen cer, January 4, 1843 lo that article General Scott condemns aa "mon- strona" the trial of any citizen not in the military service by a Court Mar-j tia). Referring to the . 5th and 6th, amendments of the Constitution, he says: 1 1' these amendments do not exprots ly secure the citizen, not belonging to an army, from the possibility of being dragged before a council on war or court-martialed for any crimj, or on auy pretence whatsoever, then thero can bo no security for any(hu man right under human institutions. Congress aal tho l'res;dent could not, if they were uuanimous, proclaim martial law over any portion of the Unitvd States without first throwing these amendments intj tho fiire.' It is vulgar'y supposed particularly by thosa who, ' drissed in a little brief authority," and! Iu3t for more, that the bus pension or ha beas Ctirpus, lets iu upon the citizen martial law. luo bus penaioa by Congress would, cettainly, lor tho time, enable power to hold any citi zen incarcerated without Ciu93 and without trial; but, if brought to trial, it must still be before one of the ordi nary courts ol tho land. (See Auto hioanvhv of Scott. Vol. J J., p. 293. Wo uk every friend of constitu tional liberty to ponder well the above reiterated opinion of Genera) Scott, and then ask himself, if he can sup port an Administration that is iu tlie daily practice of the monstrous crimes against liberty denounced by oar oldest veteran officer. i Union Prisoners at the South. Itesolved, That whereas ten thou BAND OF OCR OKAYS COMRADES HAVE DESCENDED TO AN UNTIMELY GEAVB within the last six months, and as we believe their dentil was caused by the difference of -climate, tho peculiar rfind and insufficiency of food, and lack of proper medical treatment; and wherers thoBe difficulties still remain, we would declare, as our firm belief, that UNLESS WB ABE SPEEDILY EX CHANGED, WE HAVE NO OTHER ALTER NATIVE BUT TO SUA RB THE LAMENTA BLE FATE OF OUR COMRADES. Mast this thing go on? Is there no hop4 Resolutions of Uuion Prisoners iu Savannah l'eopleof the Not th relatives, friends, countrymen of the suffering and dying thousands of brave soldiers who have fought in the van against the foe, can you, numoved, listen to their appeal for freedom aud a return to long separated wives and little ones that falh upon the ear of Abra ham Lincoln as if ho were made ot stone? Can you? ''We are not wil ling to suffer to further the ends of any party or clique," say the Federa prisoners, and they osk that the cause of their abandonment to a cruel fate by the Lincoln Adminiutration be explained to'them. The explanation they ask is here: ''All other questions between ns may be postponed tor tnturo set- tleuoetit.but the fair exchange of color ed soldiere and of their white offi cers will be insisted on by the Gov ernment, BEFORE ANOTHER REDICL SOLdier ob officer will hb exchanged "Wm. Whiting, 'Solicitor of the War Department.' "Tho wrongs, indignities and privations suU' red by our (white) soldiers would move mo to consent to anything to procure their exchange, EXCEPT' to barter away the honor and faith of the Government of the United States, which have been sol emnly pledged to the COLORED soldierd n its ranks. "Denj, F. Butler, 'Maj. Gen. and Agt. of Exchange. The negro the negro policy of Mr. Lincoln the "enia"of the Ad ministration party and the dominant Abolition clique in it, demand your sacrifice, brace soldiers! And .4 bra ham Lincoln, at the bidding of snch Massachusetts maligranta as Butler and Whiting, is your executioner! No truth in Holy Writ is more pal pable than this. Abraham Lincoln dare not, if he woull, waive the claims of a few negroes whoare made to stand in the way of the exchange of over fifty thousand sufferng, starv ing and dying white men, lost he lose tho political support of the radi cal "party" and the Abolition "clique; lie might exchange each one of jou and still retain scores of rebel soldiers for every negro taken as a prisoner of war by the enomy: But Abolition fanaticism says no all other ques tions may be postponed, bot your ex change shall never take place until the rebels yield to tho point on the negro! And so your doom is sealed! The Destruction of the Rebel Ram Albemarle. Washington, Nov. 2 Admiral I'ofter has communicated to the Sec retary of the Navy the following from Lieut. Cnsbiog, as to the sinking ot the rebel ICur, luem arte; ALBEMARLE SOUND. Oct. 30. Sik: 1 have the honor to repor the rebel iron-clad Albemarle at the bottom of the Roanoke liiver. On the night of the 27to, prepared my steam launcn, i pro ceeded toward Plymouth with thir- teen officers and men, partly volunteer from the sqoadron. .The distance from the mouth of thariTec to.tbe.Tam waa eight miles. The stream averages, in wiotn some iw- uunu'u jams It is lined with the enemy's pickets. A mile helow town is the wreck ot the Southfield, surrounded by schoon ers. It was understood that the gun was mounted there to co'umanc. the Uenli0 I therefore took one of Shamrock's cutters iu tow, witn orders to cast off and board. At I'oint of Rocks we were hailed, our bmt$ suceueded in passing the pickets, at tho Sonthtield, within 200 yards, without discovery. We were not hailed until by the lookout on the sauio cutter; was then east etf and ordered below. While we lay for the enemy under lull head ol steam, the rebels opened their rat tie railed bell, and commenced firing, sometimes rcuualitii' their hail aud ECeu ni much contused. The liht of a lire, on shore showed mo an iron clad made fast to the wharf, with los around her thirty feet from her 6ido. Passing her closely, wo made a complete circle so as to strike hut lairly ana went into her bows on. 13y tins time tho ene mv'a tire was severe, but close can- uister, at short range, seamed to dis turb their aim. I'aymaster Swau, of Otsego was wounded, but how many more i know not 13ullet8 struck my clothing, and tho air seemed lull ot theur In a moment wo had Btruck logs just abreast of our quarter port, breaking in some feet of our bows, and resting on them. The torpodo booom wa3 then lowered, and 1 succeeded in di ving a torpodo under, which hung and exploded at the same time. The Albemarle's guns fired a shot which went through my boat, and a dense mass of water rushed in, filling the launch and completely disabling her. The enemy continued their fire at fifteen feet range, and demanded our surrender, which 1 twice refused, ordering my men to save themselves; and removing my ovorcoat and shoes, sprang into the water. 1 swam, with others Into the middle of the stream. The rebels failing to hit ns. Moat of our . party were captured, some were drowned, only one escaped be sides myself, lie was in another direction completely exhausted. 1 managed to reach shore but too weak to crawl out of the water till daylight. 1 managed to creep into a swamp close to tho fort. While hiding close to the path, the Albemarle's officers passed. 1 judg ed from their conversation that tlie ship was destroyed. Some hours' traveling through a swamp Berved to bring me out well below the town, where 1 sent a negro to gain informa tion, and found that the tain was tru ly destroyed. Passing through another awamp. I came to a creek, captured ast-iff belot)2in' to the pickets of the enemv, and with this, by 11 o'clock the next night, 1 made my way to the valley City. The ram is tio completely sub merged in the river, and obssructs tho passage of oui ships. I am, rospectfully, W. B. CUSHING, Licutenant U. S. Navy. An Incident Negro Insolence Encouraged. A tew days Binco, as we understan J, a negro entered a car on the Little Miami railroad reserved exclusively for ladies, and gentlemen who escorted them, lie was invited by the conductor to withdraw to an other car reserved for men. lie re I used. The conductor thou summon ed two braked inan to the scene. After some parleying, the negro etill refus ing, he was removed, considerable lorce being employed to effect it, as ho stoutly resisted. The negro, on arriving at the sweet-scented town of Xenia, got a warrant tor the arrest of the brakes men. They were tried and were found guilty of an assault and battery, and puui&hed with a fine of $25 and imprisonment for six days in the jail. So it is established that under the Xenia Abolition code no cars can be set apart for ladies that negroes can nut invade. Cincinnati Enquinr. DIED. On the lt inat. of a louir ar.d most afflicting complaint, I.ENABE HOLLAND 11. D. agod" about fourty-flve yaars Dr. Holland was for many years one of our moat eminent Pliyaicia-a. and one of our moat nrefull men, be was a Kind and affectionate Husband and Father. All his lite he fins firm Democrat from principle, of an invest! gating and earnest mind, be was consequently woll posted on the principles of our govern ment and at all times enjoyed the confidence of h's party. He leaves a wife and a learg fam imly to raonrn tbolr loss. ll p 1 1 i a 1 1J 1 1 1 1 ,. D VOU WISH TO BE CURED: DR, BUCHAN'8 ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILI8 cure In leaa than 80 dare, the worst caes of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weak heaa, Inaanlty, and all Urinary Sexual and Nervous Affection!, no matter from what caure produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post paid, by mall, on receipt of an order. One Box will pcrtect ice cure in mot caaes. Addreas. JAME8 BUTLF.ri Gen. A(f't,42T Broadway, New York. Sept 22nd If 64-8mo. Balls Ohio Mower SEND ; YdUR ORDSRa EARLT HOWARD ASSOCIATION' fHlLADELFHU- PA. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS. SE MINAL, URINARY AND SEX.LML SYSTEMS new and reliable treatment in reports of the HOWARDS JSSOCIA TION Sent by mail in sealed letter nive f,P, 0f charge. Address. Dr. J, SKIL LIN HOUGHTON. Howard AfsocUtion No. 3 South Ninth Street, Ph iladrlpliia.Pa A SUTERIOi: REMEDY. Ween concl.m- tionsly recommend to tlioK oufferinir from ilUtreiwinxeuiigh,, Dr. St'lcklnml's Mellifluous coutiu uiiiMim. It (rive relief almost instant Hiieoua, and U wif liul not dinnfrreeiihle to tho taste. There i no doubt but tho Mullittnotis liulsitin is one of tlu l?t preparation in iie and is nil that iia proprietor claims lor it. We have tried it durnsr the past week, and found relief from a most dittrossinv cotiird. It is pre pared by Dr. Strickland, No. S Eat Fourth Ktrcot, Cincinnaiti, (.,and lor sule by Drug tiaat SUuentB per bottle. 1 'HE CONFESSIONS AND IIXI'EKIENCE or AN INVALID. Published for the benefit, and as a CAU TION TO YOU SO MEN and othors, who ui-- ler from Neivoim Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, &o., supplying at the same time IhrMkans oir Sti.r Curb. Hyuiie who ha? qured himself after undergoing considerable cuakcry. By enclosing a postpuid adilreaaed envelope single copies may be bad of the au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Eqr Brooklyn, KlngaCo. N. Y. JuneJnd 133-lyr. A Card lo tlie SullVrliij,'. SWALLOW two or three hogshead of 'Buc- hit," "Tonio Bitters" "SarcapiirillB,' "Nervouf Antidotes," o. to., and after you are tatWflcd with th result, and one hnx of OLD imCTOBJSUiJHAN ENGLISH. SPECI FIC PILLS and lie roatored to hea'tli and vigor in Iok thun thirty days. They are pure ly vegetable, pie went to take, prompt ana sal nury in tliuir off.'Cta on tho broken down and shattnrod constitution. Old and yoiinir can take them with aiivant.ige. Imported and sold in tho Uuited States only by JAS. S. BUTLEt, No. Broadway, Now York. t37"ABent for tho United States P. S. A Box of the Pills, securely packed. will be mailed to uny address on rceoipt of price, which la urn. l'ULl.AK, post pam-mon ov refunded by the Aucnlif entire autiafoction is not given. Dopizanil ijsi omn. SOLDIEKS' HOME Sui'KEISTKNDKNT'a OrFIOT t'lNciNKATi, tnno 4, 1803. C. W. l.'OBACK Mr Dxar Sir : i am dispensing a second In oivo ot'yourStoninch Bittera among the largo umbor of men who daily arrivo at this Instiiu- Ton for rofresiiinont und rest. 'Die universal estiniony is that theso Bitters aro tho boat mad'i. For the various summer complaints which afflict so many, 1 know of no romely so safe anil ho siwe. Plutarch miys, " I'o ask a phy aiciun what la easy mid what Is hard ofdigostion and what will agiee with tho atomech. is ahunt us xeiisi ilo as to as It whut is awoot or bitter, or sour." Persons who look out for breukors and have your Stomach Bittora in the hnnso tain lire will never ask uny ono tliu I iulisli quostion pokon of by tlu groat pnilosphor 1 must not siniisa word or two for your Catawba. Brand scribed for them by distinguished Army Sur- huvo many men ncre who nave oruiuiy prye eeons. The etleet of yours on such aro beneBciul tar nioao so man iron) any previously luKen. Persons who 'losiro a really pure Brumly cannot fuil in their purchase if they got your bran 3. I an, Doctor, with much rospect Your servant, O.W.D. ANDnEw.Superlntendenl 15?" Office und manufactory, Nos. 5i5, ii, 60 and ill East Third ureo. For aulo every when Nov. 6th ISM, alt. mo. TO CONSUMPTIVE, Cmsumptivo sntrurers will receives valuable proso'iption for tho cuse of Consumption. A.--ttiiT. a, Bioni'liilis, uud all throat und I.uui uf fectious, ( froe of Kev EDWAliD A. WILSON. Williumsbiirg, Kings 'o , Sept. 29-64-3mo New York. Editor of Democrat. Dear Sin : With youi permission I wish to auy to the readers of jour paper thut will send, by returned mail, to nil wishing it (free), a eceipe, with full direcnona for milking and unii'if a tiinple Vegetuble linen, will en i tually remove in en days dimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles and In'-onl ...,ii ull Imptiritias of lhe skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beauuful; I will also mail free to those having bald heads, or bare face?, simple direclio-is and information that will enable Ihem starts utl growth of Luxuriant Hair, WhUkersor f Moustache, in lengthen thirty days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THUS: F: CHAPMAN Chemist Sept. 522-64 631 Broadway New York- A REMEDY FOJ? TlLES.-lt ia a blcctirg th Miller it g lo kmw that we an itlicin cure for t) is truly trcublcunio dcietac. II. r. liazarde, of 164 Second ft. Cincinnati, ta'-oa great pleasure in informing all whoare Buffering with piles that he uaed u amall quan tity of Dr. Strickland1 Pile Kumedy, and it fee'ed a permanent enro. Thin feema to be case with all who make uae of thia aplendid pre partition. Il ia manufactured at Nt. t East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O, and sold by all Druggists. ltb SMcrftscmcnfs. Licutenant U. S. Navy. LEGAL NOTICE. a THE STATE OF OHIO, VINTON COUNTY. IN PKOBATE COURT. Joseph Wilcox adma. Pltu".l of Buauu Aluxunder Dec'd I Petition to against ( Sule Kealty Sarah Alexandoi et al Deft. J Zacriab T. Aloxander defendent non resident of the Bute of Ohio, whoae reaidenco is un known, and one of the Acirsatlaw of Susan Alexander deceased. "Will take notice that Joseph Wilcox administrator of the Eata Susan Aiexanaer aeceasea. on tne ytn day November 1S64, tiled his petition in the Pro bate Court within and for tho County of Vir. ton State of Ohio, alleging '.hat the personal estate ol said deceased la iniutliciant to pay her depta and the charges of a (ministering her estate; that she did reizcd in fee simple of the following described real estate situated in raid county ot Vintoujto wit: Commencing at the south wect corner of section number nine, (V,) in township number nine, (9, )of range num ber eighteen, (18,) tbenee nortb ninety one rods, thence east thirty four rods, thence south ninty- one rods, thence west thirty-four rods to the place of beginning, containing twenty acres more or Jess, and that Sarah, Zacriah T. Kebeoca C. and John W. Aleiander aa nor hejrs at law, bold the next estate inheritance therein. The prayer of said petition ia for the sale Slid jremisea, for the payment of the debts and chargos aforesaid, said petition will be lor bearing onths 10th day of leoember 1864, or as aoen after as oouncel can be heard. Nov.16 -64-4w JOSEPH WILCOX, E. A. Bbatton, Atty. Adma. 8uaan Alex for Petitioner. ander deceased. Justices Blanks tot Sato" at the DEMOCRAT Office. JrjSTrechad and for &le at lhe LOWEiT l'riuo at thi Drug Store of Dr. A. CONDEE. $10 REWARD, IOST. On Hftturdny the 5th tnat. a t Jfc j Wrtlnu n rui,t ol Oac Will Store, or be loeun tl.err muu Ji'iiii Millers, to miles west uI'MuArtbur. A luir lr her pothet coiituinud aln.ut I liirty Dollars iu money, in Tu lou JulUr b lla, una tiva dollar bill, bal ance in small bills and poa al cunvuey . Also ol nute on Daniel ilstrs Sr. forUenly dol Inrs, payable to Klizuhuui Juua Kuunedy, also oua note on John Ankr m, for twenty uollars, Due and payable to tlizuheth Jano Kennedy, nrn! some oilier papers ol' no valuo ixcept to theownere. 1 will ry Ten Dolla-s reward for the r"Vjry if I'ooktt Book, any person Sliding it can le.ive the sumo with K. A. Brat tnr McAnbur, orot my lesi.lenoe in .luo k son To w i h i p. ELIZaHKTII J. KENNEDY, t.ov. 10th letS4,-8 FRESH CAN FRUIT. 1)1 NE-APPLES, Peaches, Stiawberrios, Black 1 berries, audeireeli Pens; just received aud fur sale LOW at tho Drug 8tort of Dr. A. CONDEE. MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD. ON and after Monday, 0olubor31 1864, and uutill furtlior nonce, trains will run aa fol-J lows; MAIL 'iOINQ EAST, Leaves Cineiunati at 7:40 A. M.: Leaves Love Uml,nt8:,V) A, M.; arrives at Chillicothe at 1'2:2'J P.M.; Leaves Chillicotho at 12:50 P. M.; leaves lluuidoii Junotion;at 8:H P. M.; leaves McArtlinr. at 2'84 P.M.; Icavos Z.ilcskl, at 3:01 P. M., leu ves Athens at 4:D P. M. Arrives M Muriotta at 6:55 P. M.: arrives at Parkers- burg at 7:00 P. M. aiaiii eteiinu west. J Leaves Parkor.ibnrg, ut7:40 A. M.; leaves Mar- ietta at 7:4ft A.M.: leaves Athens at 10:31 A. V. ; icuvcs Zuloski, 11:45 A. M.: leaves Me Ar thur, 12:13 P. M.; HamJcn .1 unction at 12:32 A.M. Arrives at Ohillicothu at l-.ii P.M.; Leaves Ciiillinothe at 2:19 P. M. J leuvos Love--land al fi-M V. M.; arrives at Clucinnatti at WO P.M. Zuluski Freight carying faaacngors, passes McArihur goin? Eaat at 6:S0 A. M.; uo'mz Weal aiii :34 P.M. The Aceommodutbn Train Leaves Chillicothe at 5:20 A. M.; arrives at Cincinuutti al 10:25 A. M.; leaves Concinnati si 8:30 I'. M.j arrives at Ci lllicothe at 8:50 1'. M. Com eotinna nre made) at Lovelnnd wUh I rian-to snd from Columbus; f d nt Hamdcn Junclion with trains to and from Portsmouth JOHN DUKAND, Snp't. Jar-jary 11, lS4-ly . - Aisnr.Rso.v j Gnccsouvs iieiu , -m -r r',.ii is : . ...i... : .i... .l. .. . in I ".' ", ,l:u givvu uiui ine unurr- : ; "Kn,,(' appmnifa anu quell- Red csUudrdiun of the rstuie of Eliza June Rrpgory. minor heir of Anderson J Gregory lute of V'nWon county. Ohio deceased. Ncv. 3 ill 1864-ew ;OHN R.GREGORY 1 A LETCUHE TO YOUNG MEN. Jv6T POBLISIItn IN A SEALED E.tVKLOPE. rKi"R Six Cxnts. A. Lecture on tke finture.Trrntmcnt and Radical Onre of Spermatorrhoea or Semi ii u I Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Sex u;il Debili'y. bti'I ft ml mpeilim'nis tn Blir r.iige gem-rally. Nervousness, JoiiHimp lion Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental arid Phy istul inciipaciiy, resulting Irtim Self Alius &c. II) ROI3 TJ. CULVERWELL, M.D. Author of the "Green Book," The world renownrd author, in this ad mirible Lecture, clearly prnves frnm his own experience! tlmt the awful t'ons' qut nuos of Kelf-AhnSR mnv be niTpr'tiiallr rpinnvpil wm,cjnt njeJiuii.e. and without oWerous . .. .. .- o pu-giral operation?, bougies, tnsru merit, ring, ur cordials, pomlinj out a cure al once certain and effectuil, by which every suffer er, no mutter what his condition may be, may cuie h'nriPalf rhenplv, piivatlev. and rail icaily. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUS ANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postBge stamps, by addresinz CIUS. J.C. KLINE &Co 127 Bowery, New York P. O. Box ( et th SHERIFF' S PflOGAMATION !! SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ) McAbthub, V.Co.0. Oct.20-64.J I, ARCH. NORRIS. Sheriff of Vinton County, State of Ohio, do hereby notify the qualified Electors of the county of Vinton and Slate of Ohio, to assemble in their re spective Townships, at the usual places of holding elections, on Tuesday (Being the 94 day of November,) A. D. 1864, of And then and there proceed , as the law di rects to elect Twenty-one electors of Prer ident and Vice President of the United States in pursuance of the Constitution of the Unifd States and of this State. In Ustimony wnereof. I have hereunto set my haml and seal, thiaTwentieh day of October, in the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in the eight) 'nine) year of the Independence ofiheUni ted Sutrs of America. ARCH, NORRIS. Shflf.V.C. Oct. 80,1864 Wm. Golb Deputy. NOT1CL. DAVID GUEGOltVS ESTATE if of Calvin Gregory, Executor ot the Estate of David Gregory deceased, baa tiled his account and voucher for inspection and par tial settle ment aud that tho same will be for hear in g OA the 20 ih day of November 1864. EICHARD CBAIO, Nov. 3, 1864-3w Probata Judge. " SUSAN ALEXANDERS ESTATE. NOTICE is bar sby given, that Joseph Wil cox has been' appointed and duly .aall tiedas Administrator on the Estate of Sum Alexander daoaasecL, late of Vinton county, No. , 164-8w J08EPH WILCOX