The McArhur Democrat OFFICIAL OKOAN OF VINTON CODKTY. LOCAL DEI" A II Til EN T rcmtQAi Koncrg bee fourth faqe m TJTC1 BOAS TO WIALTB, 111 TP ADVIRTISI Tovnawrstse. TERMS. PAT IN ADVANCE. Money Wanted. Wo Lope onr friends who ere indebted to ua will Dot be backward in faying what tliov owe us. In our absence, Mrs. Brut ton will rrceitit for tbe saine. Dr. Raphael. lias cliango his rusidence from Cinclnr.ati to Chicago. All Letters are to bo addressed to him ns follows, DR. RAPHAEL, Box No 6067, Post Office, CHICAGO, ILLINGIS. TAKE NOTICE, THE notes ami aoonnts of B .- ?. Hewitt has been left in the hands of Francis Shade, fur collection. If noi paid by the first da v of August, 18t5, tliey will be collected by law. F. SHADES, TAKE NOTICE, LOST KEYS. We lost on niouday (lie 29tli, n!t a tnncli of keys on a steel ring. Among them a short bras3 door ojk k-jy mj Urg-i ptJbek koy sev erul bureau, desk and padlocks keys, in all seven or eight. The tinder will be rewarded suitably by returning tbetn to tL is offioo. Some of our lit tie boys may Iihvo taken them ont and left them at emne neighbors JVIaonio CKLEnRATioN, on Sn'nr day the 21st iiiet. Tliu Fraternity and their friends are invited to a tVetival at Ports month, Ohio. Trains will itin ht half line, leaving Ilainden at usual time in tho morning and on Saturday t veiling late bo as to accumrundate those rt'tnrnjng. L"t na all t?o. ArncNTTKiN J Exempt. Under the law., for organizing the military forces of Ohio passed March Slot 1864 ; amended Aprii 12 !i. 1865 "every person physically disabled rruy be t-xoinpt from military duty, if bo files with the County Auditor, op, or before the 15:h day of August, b statement of tin County iVIii.Iiaky 5i;kgkji certifying that Buch petsjtii is ontit fur military duly by reason of Much physical disubiiity or bodily infirmity." Db. A. E IsAitiNOEK of Ale Arth ur has lx:'!n njp intel Military Sur treou for Vinton County, and will bave bis "flice open trotn the 1st of July until tho 15th day it Augimt. Couig all ye disabled, and save your Poor Dollar. (iKNKKAL C('X FOR GOVERNOR. Ah wiih getinra'ly anticipated, the liepublican ConviiUon, yesterday, nominated (Joueral Cox foi Gover nor. We do not recollect tho Genera! previous to the war. but wo beleivc that he onee represent one of tho blackest Western Iijservo districts in State Senate. - In tlio wn, while ho lias net achieved any considerable distinction, ho has been a fair and un cbjcctionabla officer. In his polica! opinions bo faithfully represents tho Western Reserve of Ohio, where (he African lias long been the idol before which they all bow in superstitions homage and ndoration. As to his fitness and ability tor tho pott of Governor, the trit nds of the General will hardly claim that ho ban any special merits [Enquirer. Mr. J. W. Logan, a citizen of our County and a liischarged soldier of. the 36th Reg. having lost a leg is catling on our citizens, for the pur pose of receiving subscribers, to the Nursj and Spy, a thrilling history of scenes lin tbe" war. Every person should bave a copy and wo hope onr people will subscribe liberally. Mr. Logan is a worthy young man. See advertisement in another column. The Democratic Press Genally Acquiesce. Tbe Domocratic Press througboo the conntry generally acquiesce in tho 1 residents reconstruction policy as enunciated tbrongb bis North Caroli na and Mississippi Proclamations. Now, why cannot the Administration Press do the same thing! In that way they can strengthen and encour age tbe President. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS TaTOTICE hereby given that the Commlsslo i ners of Vinton County, Ohio, will moet in Xaleski iladteon Township on Salnrdy ts 22tA day of July 1865, At ten o'clock, . P.M., on said day, for the perposs of letting to the lowest reeposible bid der (ha building or' a Testle Bridge at.ihe crossings cf Rancoon Creek at or near the Moth east end of Commercial Street where the PraUsville and Z all ski Road crosses and also the Soad leading from Zaleskl to Paolurds Mill In Xaox 2bwoship. Jiy order of Commissioners H. C. M0OKS And'r V.Co.O. April 19th:865-ow. Blanks Justices I . S. 7-30 Li THIRD SERIES, $230,000,000. By authority oi tha Secretary of the Tr Hil ary, tbe undersigned the General Subscriptioj Agency for the wile of United States S.'curirties offer to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing t.oven and three tenths per cent, interest, per annum known as the SE Vh X- TIIIR TY LOAN. These notes are Issncd under date of July. ISth, 16S, and are payable thiee jcara from th.-.t duto, in currency, or are souvurtiblo at . he option of the holder Into U.S. 5-20 Sx pvr Ont. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Those bonds are now worth a handsome prem'qm, and are exjmpt, us are Dm govern mont Bunds, from State County and Municipal taxation, whioh adds from one to three pecent. per anuni to their value, acec rding to the ru.'o levied on upon other property. The interest is payable semi-anuual by contains attiiched to each note, which may be cut off uud sold to any bank or banker. The intercut at?-3n per cent: amount to Onecentper day on a S0 note. Two cants on a f Minnie Ton on a SSoOnote SO on a f I00i' note (I on a 5000 notes Notos'of all denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscript tjous. Tlie Notes of this ThirJ Surio s are precisely c t tiiii ir In form and privileges to the Seven- already sold, fxeepttliat the Govern ment recei ves to itself the ti in of paying in- t'Kt in gold coin at rt per ceut.,irtoad of 7 3- lOths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in cnrreiico up to July 15th, at the timo when thoy subscribe. The delivery of tho notes of this third scries of the Seven-thirties will commence on the 1st of June, and will be made, promptly and con tinuously after thai date. The alight cha:igo m ule In the cinlitiona sf thlsTlllKi) SERIES alTjctg only the mstterof interest. The payincn'. In colli, ifmudo, will he equivalent to the uurreuey liiteroct of tho higher ruto. The return to specie payments In the event of which only will the option to pay Interest in 'iolil beuvaiiud of, would su rc.lueeand equalize prices that purh isoi inaJe witu. tix per ':ent. in gold noil Kl be luily equal to Homemade with seven and lhrce-cuths pur cent in currency. Thin is THE 0L LOW 1 MUSKET Now offered by the Government, and ita super ior advantages make it the llS.Vl' POPULAR L'HN OF THE PF.OVLE. l.ei than 'l,0'i).ni'0 of the L')an authorize by the Coii(jrcss aren w on the murkvt. Tins amount, ut the rat') at mhich it is leiiii( absurb- ed, will be suba.'rine I I'oi within six'y-da), when tho notes will uuilou'iled J euminiiii l a premium, as h:in uniformly beoutlie ease on ula.iiug the subscription to o'ner Lo.iii-. In order ihateRizeiis of every town ;iu I sec tion of the country may In ulfirdol fueilities for taking the loan, tho National Hanks, Siate Banks, and Private Bankers tliroughoiit the country U ive jteiieraily agreed to rjeeive su' wriptioDS atpar., Subscribers will selcetlheir owu agents, in whom they huvo confl leneo. unci who only ore to In respomibli for the do iveryofthe uoti s for wliich th.y reeeivn or ders. JAf COOKE. blBscmpTios AI.vt, Philadelphia. Si usiKii'iuNS will Ht Kictivr.o by the First National Hank of Chlllicothe, f irst National Hank of Cincinnati. First N.ttioiiul Hank of Athmif, First N nioiul Bn of Prt n iu:h, May 25lh '65 81.10. FAMILY GROCERY AD PROVISION STORE. J. V. CALDWELL. A' PF.ARCS. J.W. CAIDWELL& CO., (Ose Door East or the CounT House) OTcARTIlUR, OHIO, Keeps on hand, and for sale, Family Groce ries or ail Kinns, an'i uesi quBiiues ni-u Sugar Cured Hams, Mess Pork. Dried Beef and other articles in the Provision line. Iae-Crcam Saloon We are fit ting Ice-Creom Saloon.ln connection with our Grocery, where Ladies and Gentlemen can be supplied d-iiing the day and evening. Families supplied on liberal terms. ICE!- ICE! ICE! Alaree onantify of Ice op hand, and for sale, between six and eight o'clock every morning untill further notice. AS VVRDO A CASH BUSINESS, ex clusivelv. and keen no" accounts, it is hoped our li tends will not asK lor trust, lor, now ever disagreeable it may be to us and them, we will be romoelied to refuse. Our goods are sold as CHEAP as the suno anl- I .ki.!..J 1.. t.ila murliar nft IV Cies cau uu uum aicu jii ui inuini.. . therefore confidently solicit the patronage the public CUUNIKY muuuuis, taKeri in for Groceries J VV. OALDWELL& C: May 11th 1865-ly FRESH. CAN FRUIT 11 INt. APPLES, I'eaobas, t)ti aw herries, B X berry sOreen Peas Just received and aaU at w la JJrag Btor sor ir. A. CONDEK. IMPORTANT ANNODNCMENf GREAT SALE lo ot -chanse '. OF WATCHES, CIIAIXS, IILGSic, ONE MILL I, N DOLLARS WORTH; '10 BE 1iSPOsKU OF AT One iMillar. Each! Without tegard to Value 1 Not to be paid for until you know what you are to receive I 1 1 Splendid LiM of Articles 1 1 All lo be hoiu 111 one u . ilxr Each 1 1 1 300 Musical Koxe .'0 to lloOeach liO with Bells ami astinits -i00 to 500 each ftuO Siiv' T -apoin ei ff;e Urns ill to SO each 5')0 " t;h:iflng Uitlios 80 to lwe..cb lOuO Icelitchers 20 to bu each j'jiH) " S rup cups (fesalvers 20 to 50 each 5000 ' goblets drinkingcups 5 to 50 each 3OU0 (.'asters 15 to 5l each 'MO " Fruit, Card and Cake Baskets 20 to 50 each 5000 Dnz.Bilv' Tea Spoons 10 to V0do2. Hiuou " " 1 able spoons ana Forks 20 to 4A dtx. 2i0 Gents gold hunting-case ' Wmciie"" SO to loOeaeh 2j0 Ladles Gold & Knameld hunt ing vase Matches fi to 70eae 000 Gents' lluuliug-case Silver Watches 35 to 10 caoh '200 Dinmoud King 50 to KW each oO'JO Uold N'eca V est rh ilns.. 4 to each uiuoo " Oval banA Bracelets-. 4 to delicti oOUO Je' and Gold Bracelets....- 6 to 10 each Ut)0 - hUlaieo itiiiarj chains 6 to iiO each 7000 Solitaire "old Brooches-. 4 'o 10 each 50 0 Coral opaUeiueiaid brooches 4 to 8 each eOuO Mosaic, Jot, Lava and Floren tine bar Drops 4 i 8 each 7300 Coral, Opal & Kmerald drops 4 to 8 oii'li looij Cel. Uiuinoud Hru ist l'in-i,CO to 10 each iiOOO Fob iii Vest V'aUU keys--2.iO to 8 each Sets Sicevu-b'Htous Slud 8 10 8 euch Fo V'eS". Kibb 111 lides-. 8 to 1 J each I 'I'l.i I.u Af t..n..O.... A l K fin-h Miniature Liketb 2 60 to 1' each 1. vi....: -!..... I.l ... ..A a., ..I. I dtaio spriun 11. lo iv wvu Toothpicks, Crosses M 'I to Seacb vlain dold Kitigs 4 o 10 each chased Gold Kings 4 to 11 esch Wone set iV SiguetKiugs 2,50 to l'.l each Cul. Diamond Kings U to 10 each Gold 1'eu.i Silver Kxu;nsioD llolilcrnau I 'enuiis 4 to 10 each tiul.i lVhMt(i...i Mounted Uoidcrs 6 to 10 each 5 " Gobi Pens Gold Kx'eus Holders li to 25 each 7" Bull L.iJies Jewelry-Jet and Gold 5 to 15 each 6 " Sots Ladies Jewelry ennoo, rearl opal and otherstoues--4 to 15 each 5" Lmlics Gill ds Jet Buckles-. 6 to Ueacn 3 '' " " Hair Bars Balls 5 to 10 each AlUMN'DALF. it "o. Manufacurnrs Agents No. 107 Broad ( ay, New 1'ork. Aiinoiiiicn '.hut all ol the above list of good wi.l be etil l lor One Imi.i.ak each. In ion-eqMPn',.e of the great ptajitiHtian of 1 rail e in tlie uiHiinfictiiring JtlistrirUof En gl iii l, through tho war hav in cut nil' ihf supply ol cotton, u I urge, qtiuiitity ufValm ble. Jewcl y.or'giinillj iutemled lo' the liuj lisli murkut, has bu snii nil' lor sul in" tlni toulltiy AND MUST BK 8'LU AT AM S.ICIII- i FitKl Unuer these ciri umsluncf akran- dale &. cu., ectiiig as ugents- fur liie princi-1 pal Kuinpeaii niaiiilluctiirei", huvo irhoUrd, iiiidii u tu'Ht tiilt 4upoiii')iiiiient to divided . according to tho following reul i'.ioiis. ' Uerlilaalea ul llio varum n rue It's are put into envelopes iiilicriiniiiiitely, sealed up , and wlii'ii iiidered, are taken 0111 without ro jurd lochoi' e, and scut by inuil.thus t-how- iiiir 110 luvuriiisin. un recei i' oitlie tern- will see what jou are to !lnve,ani (lieu it i-i at y ur (iptioo ti send the dnlhir und lake 1 ho article ur not. Purrlu-er-111. iy t:,Us obioin a tioi I Watch, Uinninlli ur any set ol Jewelry oil our list lui Dollar S- nd 25 centx, for Certificate In all lr-iiii:t iims bv iiiail.ivo giioll clmrg for lurivarding the Ceriilicjle- paying post nge and doing the bu.-iiiess.'ioe's each .which must be im losed when the certificate is ieiit fur. Five certificates will ho sent fur Si, eleven (or thirty for $5, sixty-live lor SlU.oiie hundred firl5. lli riess" say of us The Liifuijr.tklnd.) Daily Courier March 18. 1800, says. A better selected, more varied or fusli- ionuble assortment of jeelry cannot be toiuid on the conliiieiit Cu. ore nov olTerint'. M than Arramlale cV rs Airdi d tie & co. occupy a high position in comuietcial circles as men entirely Hoove the coiiiu:otl Irirkprv iif trade, llieir stiitf.n lits jih v he iinplii itlv relied upon, both as lo the thur ic ter of their goods and m inner of dposul, Ladies especially in nil pun in tne couiitry. are realizing ! ondsome profits as agenis. ami if any of our lair readers desiie to interest themselves in the cterprise, they may do s j witli perfect coiilideuce. Emplovment for Ladies The most eli gible and profitable employment we have heurd of lor Ladies is the sale ol certificates for the Great Gilt Distribution of Arrmdale & Co. A lady of onr acquaintance has been very succcfsful in this way, not only in fil ling her o n purse, but also in doing a good turn lo those lo whom ehe sold the certifi cates, as will be teen by our sdver'isiiig columns. Gentlemen can also be thus en gage I A" Y Sunday Mircurj aoents We want agents in every regi ment and in every town and county in the country. bikI thote acting as such will be' allowed 10 cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their re nitiuiice amount! to one dollar also other inducements which can be learned on applicition. Agen's will collect "25 cents for every certificate, ami re-1 mil 15 cent? to us, either in cash or postage stamps. AKtlAiNUALbK UO. June Isl-65 6w 167 Bioadway N., SHERIFF'S SALE. , Suite of Ohio, Vinton County, J. Martindill. t'lttt. 1 in conn oi against O.iiiini'iil'IoaS linn. Dill, fc Jobn Dill Deftsj On Exocutinn. Byvirtno nfaii Execution to ml Hireutod from the Court of Cuinmon Pleas of Vinton Conn of John Dill. & the Founder f Benjaudii t v iiiiin. i will onur inr aaie i Oil,, in llamdeu Clinton ip., Viuvon couniy Ohio, on Saturday June tha lOtVt 1865, between the hours of ten o'clock, A. l 1 dav. tha fo'lowiii property. to-w!t Onj Portable saw mill and rlglllgS. aiSO OieVUU JIIIWO.IMIQ u.-.r. 0 eyiring wagon ana on'i umwn Tifken as the iiroper'y pr Benjamin ant John Dill to aatisf a ju Igmont in favor vf Martidill. , . , Terms or e'h lo ban 1 Const aabuk ds khivxl, J.J. pHO.Kr.i . AUys- for ritff ona. v. o. u. May 25th 185 5v BUILDERS NOTICE. I :K lack for - . f.u ... Geo- L. Will Adminitrator of the estate H . lMf. late ef Vinton Couo t Ohio, decease has filed his accounts and Touchers for inspection snd fid.l wtuemfnt and that th. same will be passed upon oa 8'h day 01 July 1865. RICHARD CRAIG, Jane 15, 1865.-? tv ProbaU Judi. &a Oi-TiO H ' OlREAD 11 mum TIULBERTS CORNER. Dr. . C(DOTE IB. Ilaviitr t nribased the Drns fflablis-bment of Dodce and Phil,. and u'I'kil .1 new and complete supply thereto, would c-ill aticutiou dj lowest price ol Lit DRflGS, CHEMICALS PALT, 01 S, ylVE STUFF , i- PERFUMERY, Y i IlAlIfTPAiNT, WASHAND CAMELlHAIlt $?i r Fl NE WINES AMD LIQUORS of aM d 'siriptions for Modical purposes PUTTY. GLASS, INKS. LAMPS. WHITE and everything else in tbe DRUG Wo hnv and ONLY Co.nnstcnt Phvscians and Drtigziet, will attend to tbe making nfftll Ul tltCllinic l.'niipvuun'M igbt Give ua a call and we warrant Baiiuiacnuu. V Jnlv 23th 1364,- lyr mm mm ISHXJgiHIIEg. 1 50 BRANDY, LEAD. CIGARS. T013ACCO SNUFF line at Cincinnati retail PRI C sell for CASH Medicines or 1 'reBcrintiutie. day or 1 . . " ' Dr A. CONDE. MARRIETA AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD. rr: s:i Nan l after Monday Ooiulnr31 1964, and until! furthor notico, trains will run as lol- MAIL GOING EAST, Leaves Cincinnati at 7:40 A. M.s Lnaves Love and. at S oi A. M.i arrives at Chillicothe at li;29 P.M.; Leaves Chillieotho at 12:50 P. M.; l-uves Ilainden -lunction nt 1:1 P.M.; leavos MuArihtir. at 2i3t P. M.; leavos Z doski, at 3:01 P. M., leaves Alliens at 4:13 P. M. Arrive it Miirietta at 6:55 P. it.; arrives at Parkers- burg at 7:0 P. M MAIL GOING WET. l.ciivos Parkorsbni-g, at 7:10 A. M.J leaves Mar ietta at 7:t.'i A M.; leuvos Athens at 1 :31 A. 1 . . ... '..I.t,: II.J', A M l..u..loAf- uri m.; 'fam.ien 'unctim at 13:8-2 i Arrives at Ohiiiicothe at l:b1 P.M.; j Leave Chillicothe at 2 H P. M.; latid at n:5d P. M.; arrives at leaven iove Ciueinnatti at :oo P.M. Z.iloaki Freight carying passengers, passes going McArthur gooi bin at tr:oO A. M.; West a. 2:34 r. M. Tho Accommodation Train Leaves Chillieotho it 5:20 A.M.; arrives at Ciueinnatti at 10:25 A. M. loaves Concinnali at 8:30 P. M ; arrlvosal I', illienthn at 9:50 P. M. rum petl, ins are maoe at Lovoiani wrn Trian- to und from Columbus: -d at Ilamden v . u.:,l. I.uln. I.t ..) r.i.m l'.irl.Mlilnllt.n JUUCIIOU WHM KIBIiir . . JOHN DLUAND, Sup't. I I ! . ; 1 SADDLE & rf f?ASi HARNESS MANUFACTORY. H. P. AMBROSE, Ih-AiiTiiiii, (lull). KFEr.-'con.-tiin'ly on hau l and mannfactura to ider everv variety a' d style (d ladies anu(;ents saddles which for workmanship a Ml stock will comparo with any simitar work in H aithern Ohio. ALSO, ilarncs riiglo anu (?orble Sits, fro.-n the lainot t'i th-- fl eft monnC'd. Also evo ry variety of RHing Bridles ai.d llsl'ers. AI I of which will beold at the lowest cush fig ures Call and ximine st "ek on hands. Miy H13- 5.-2ino. J lUEN.Nril NATIONAL BANK- ('F TIIK Cm OF NEW YORK. , .nk receive, th. acoonnt. ef Bank, B nBllk w;bli torm,. 0f iudi tbe nals keopinj New York aoeonats. I J. T. 11 ILL. Cash'r. J. K. OtlVIS fm'U mvcb 3, '65-li-j, Al'l I'AL, 81O0OO0O. 1.II I, FISCAL AGl NT OF Tilt UN LI) . tiTATl-.S. Ako SrxcuL Agist fob Jat C ooai, TIO.I AOtT, Will do Iver 7-S Notes Free of charge, by ex nreas to all oa'is of the c mntry, and receive In payment ;b:k pj,r and Bosto n. . on few I r. ruuausi- Lll . I .11 il . nireui nuis. nu an u. - int. Imriiat noiti ith interest to date of subseriptien. Order sent by mail will be IiIPOKTANT FINE ART ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW YORK, Beg to annnnuce the completion, fur Immcdia e delivory to Subcribers. of he Superb St-eel-Llne Engraving, WASvIIIXGTOX BECEIVIXG ASALLTE ON THE FIELO OF TRINTON. From the original painting, by thoso dis tinguished Anists, J.FAED, R.S.A.,and R. AN DELL R.A. It Is endorsed as a work of Art by a host of eminent men, as evidenced by the opinions sub joined. THE HON. EDWARD EVERETT. "A yery pleasing ami happily executed work an engraving ol rare beauty." edwaki) everett. i,t. c;i:n, himfiuli) scott. "Cannot be c onteniplaled without an incrons ed love of every public and privato virture." W IN F1KLD SCOTS. TIIK AnCIIIlISIIOPOF SLW iOIIK. "It is Indeed a beautiful speoimen of Art." JOHN MeCLOSKEY. FKED. L, 4 III RL'II. "I am delighted with the Engraving; it d-ies full justice to the nobis simplicity and dignity, wuicn js (lie great charm of tho pic'nrn." 1-UL'll O MMTPP! FKED. E. CHURCH HON. H M1. II. S E A It D. "Offer m) congratulations upon the patriot ism and good taster how n. and upon the success ful executiou of the woik." PKLSIDI-NTJOF THE I'NITFD STATES "Accept my congratulations npon the comple tionof lliis very beautiful work." A. LINCOLN. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW. "Beaut. fully executed Accept my bes. wishos yo ur succes.' ' H.-VV. LONGFELLOW. MAJOR GEE PIIEUMAN, U.S. A. Fully merite tho high enenninms it has ro ved." W. T. ti.UiWAtf, Mij. lan. This msg l'f i t Line Fi.grsvtrig is THE I fKNTOA iV AKXUL SE'llES in tir" I ilas v n k ' v i t. ul Aine'ii an bubjeets, t be isMied ea h year allot' which will be or g nul orks, ai.d of the highest order of thel-w price of Five UoIIahs which includes free admission to theOallery nf tbe Amk ution at a1! times and an interest in Tweutr Thouind Dollars worth of I'Hiiitlngr, and othe r work s of Art to be PRESENTED to Th S ubtcribtrs for th.Cuntnt Tears Engravinj Ncgotiationa with distinguished artists for works for tl.tnre year irsnes are now pending, i-ecuring to the 'SubKribeis, Engravings of equal luiportauce, Benty, Originality A Vulue Copies of tbe WmMitjtm rteticing a SuluU oa Uu Field a Trenton.'' may bo seen ai W il ltams a Evihitt's Boston; Butcer Perrioo a ' Way, Baltimore; Jame 8 fcARH a Hons, 'Philadelphia, Philf & S010H05, Washlnton, I V Urachtosel. Chictgo. K. W. Carboll, it 'C). t'lncinnati; I'kttX' b Liatbs, St. Louis; I the Gallery of the National Akt Association, ... . 1 ,.'.1 11 I M VL .1 1.56 1 eiid 53 Broadway New York, also t th. priiieiiai nil owiva iu v.-ij vii ju u eonntry. The En graving wilt be forwarded, secure! t pi seksd hi a strong tube, npon roceipt of FIVE ; h iiLi.AKiS, direetea to tne Actuary at tne Hal leriea. as above, or box 442V. Poat Office New York. It can also be obtained of the subrib er, who Is tb. local Agent of tbe National Art Association. C.J. BIlLINGHTJRSi, May lX(tf Mo Arthur Ohio. TUIS THROUGH REMEMBER IT, SPRING AND SUMMER FA8H ,10 N S FOR 1865. I.ldlll.l: II. WILL, DEARER IN- Hen and Dojs Clothing, MJIN 8TREET, Mc Arthur, Ohio. Having just receive J a Urgf and spina- did slock of Spring Clothing and Furnish ing Goods, Such as LIGHT & DARK COLORD COATS MEN'S BOYS 4ND YOUTHS SUITsJ Neatly got up P4NTS AX D VESTS Of arious p.itterns of American and French Ca.osinvres and cut in the latest style to gether with a tasty assortment of Shirts iiud IVeck Ties. I ber li'ive to I m form the PuMic that, bar ing purchased our entire stock of ClotrMnj; ami Furnishing Goods at ,he present heavy decline n Gold and t he consequent depre ciation in the value of Merchandise am 1 here lore eniihled willing and ready to sell my goods fully in accordance with that de cline and which cannot foil to attract the attention of clo-e buyers even at the present depressed state ol the market I guarantee my Clothing to Fit Well or ko Sale! ! I also Lavs a nice assortment of Tranfo, Vliae ani drpel Bug Don't fiil to examine my stock be Tore ptr chasing elsewhere as money can bt sTd by buingat GEORE B. WiLt'i June 8th 1865 tf NOTICE. Lncetta Rockhold Administratrix of th. es tate of Ephraim Sockbold, late of Vinton County Ohio, deceased, has filed her,aecoaDt and tod ches. tor inspection and Baal settle rnent, and that th. same will be pa and open on the iTtUdajofMay A.D. HAS. RiCilASD CBAIO, JHy4,185-l yr Probst. Jnla.