OCR Interpretation

M'arthur Democrat. (McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1853-1865, September 21, 1865, Image 2

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. A. IHtXTTON. :
f i ni ion
- Sept 21. ISC3
of Knox County.
of Eoneca Cuiiniy.
icpnr-itr. juwii, (ruu. t:m,)
n?.:i -uLrii vam trump,
cf 1" airfield County.
: .UP-igSi: JVCCE, (VACASC7,)
. . 'j HOUAS M. KEY,
. . vfHsnilton County.
OEcr.GC ePErj'j,
of Clarke County,
attdu::et cshsual,
D. K. 7V1LSO",
of Jldhcaiu County.
t' HODL CO.VMlfiSIOHStt, '
-, . . of Pkl.away County.
of Auglaize County,
f ClSUt Of "CrBEMB count,
' : of Vinton County.
Best Joke Yet!
To boar tho last Register, edited
by Capt. Ilomor ! Cicoro I ! Jones ! !
talking thus, about Democrats:
'Debased by lovo of gain" "they
pander to the bauegt passions of tho
tnmarj heart," &c. Cully for Dor
Bey ! Yes, to bear our Brother
Captain, thuscbargo Democrats with
"lnvfl of eaiu." richt in tho face of
Gov. Anderson's arrest of Dorscy,
the Republican State Treasurer, for
fear bo would steal, is a capital joke
Dot to allada to the poiuteduess
the ioke, when we consider tho mil
itm Ronublican officers have
stolen duridg tho past four years.
But the feotdo will excuse Mr Dor-
Boy, we suppose, as to wus probably
drunk; and, es to bo a good drinker
or a notorious liar are the Cret qua!-1
ificationa for office, cf course the
Ab's are all right, red will bbrsali
"Bully for" Dorey I It will only
cost a few thousand mere to atM
your taxes.- They are too lov? yet.
A Phizzle!
The last iesuo of the McArtbnr
liegietor, undor tho control of a late
signal (without the feed) corps Cap
tain, II, C. Jones, as Chief Cook and
dirty Bottle Washer of the Mulatto
party in Vinton county, attempts to
quote from tho McArtbnr Democrat,
of 1S63, and represents us as saying.
'If one says continue this war hang
him to the first tree." Why, this
attempt tof qaoto " from us don't
amount to a "fizzle," for every man
in our county know9 it is a lie. And
if tbi valarous bombastic brother
were to swear it on every stamp iu
Vinton county, tho very stones would
ery out, LIAR 1 to his blathering
Toodlee No. 2, a la mode militair
of tbe mud machine np street, says
we called Cox a "Noodle." This
another lie. We only quoted from
a full-blooded, dyed-in the-wool Mu
latto party paper, wbic'a supported
Ljncon twice for the Presidency, and
which is now advocating tbe Negro
Equality candidates of New York
for State offices. Try again, Toodlos
2d 1
Noodles. General George W. Morgan.
uur icauuis v in iuv;u.ctji uiai mw
pu'olishod, in tho Day Book of Aug.
12, louia extracts from a spocch Jo
iivereJ by C7eu. George W. Morgan;
We Lea-led t'ueao extracts as follows'.
"Discoesinjrtho Roal Issue;" and we
take occasion again to commend thorn
as among the soundest, upon tiie que
turn of race, fiat we havoyclBcon
from any public man. Gva. Mor
gan is now tlio uomiiieo of the Djui-
sciatic party or Oiuo for (Jovernor,
and La is, in many respocts, a re
markable man. lie is Joscon led
from tlio satnu Btock with the Mor
gans of ro?olutionary ruouory
Gen. Daniel Morgan, whose rifle
men orformod such nignal service in
the Revolutionary conflict, being a
near rolativo of tbo grandiirc of the
Ohio nomiujo for Governor. Ilib
irranJttiro bun" Col. Wra. Duauo,
editor of tho l'hil.idolpliia Aurora,
tho great oran cf Mr Jcfi'urwn.
At tuo ao of 15, young Morgan
icol. as cocoud Lieutenant, a com
P'.'.ny from WaiLiu-tun, I'a., raisod
to aid tho Tosarw in gaini.ig thoir
independence, of which his brothor
rr.3 captain. . Gua. Houston saw in
tlioycuug eoldioi" tho 'garui of future
4;ealii(.E9, tiid before Lo was c'gh'.aon
years of ng", tntrustoJ hiin, as cap
T.in with lLo dafens'j of Galveston
City pud tho a-ljoiuiag coast.
At t!:o conclusion of the war,
young Herman rvtarno-l tn the West,
nnd thoro Cbio t.z hii residence.
Ucinjj poor, to oblai nod a situation
an RBsietr.r.t in tho County Clerk's
Oflica of Knox County, suffieieut for
bis bare support, while bis oveuings
or leitnre hour? were dovotod to the
study of Iut. Vhon. in May, 1846,
by the acta of tho Republic of Mexi
co, a date of wfir existed between
ILat Republic and the Unitod States,
young Morgan enlisted aa a private
in a company raised in Mt; Vernon,
:o ofTei his service to tho Govern -
fUOLt. Anxious to lose no timo, and
to biing tho company iuto tbe field
c'.tb as many advantages as)09sible,
Morgan took upon hirasolf to drill
the men until the rolls of the compa
ny were ailed. IhiB ho did so macu
to tho satisfaction of the mon that.
although it was well understood that
certain leading politicians had form
ud a "ring" for the raooopoly of the
otiicos, Morgan was elected captain
by acclamation ot the company,
Repairing with his company to camp
Washington, near Cincinnati, where
Mie regiment woe termed, tho admi
able drill of his men secured him at-
tention, and he was elected Colonel
of the bocoad Regiment of Ohio
Volunteers, and proceeded to Mexi
Dooming that an adverse influence
kept bis regiment from participating
iu the bloody battle of Montery, Col.
Morgan bad an interview with Gen.
Taylor, who chcorfully gave him his
promise that the Second Ohio should
participate in the next battle. Four
companies of his regiment were
8tation:d at Cimoyo, with the Colo
nel, guarding the defenses; the re
mainder, under tho Lioutenant Colo
nel, at a point, some miles distant.
At 10 o'clock at night a courier from
Gen. Taylor announced an order to
join tho army, then expocting a bat
tle at somo point beyond Monterey,
and at midnight, Motgan's command
was en route to participate. The
Lieutenant Colonel had orders to
uvacuate bis post and to j in the reg
iment with bis command at the town
of Morier, near Monterey, travaling
on a rond which joined that upon
which Morgan was traveling near
the lormer place.
Before the dawn of day the com
mand passed tho outposts of a body
of two thousand cavalry, undor the
cjmtonnd of Gen Urrea, and as the
sun rt'se it passed tho spot where
three days before a large train had
been capturod by Urrea, and tho
guard and teamsters murdered; their
bodies, denuded of their clothing and
shockingly mutilated, were festering
in the hot sun. in the midst of
this terrible Bight word came that
the enemy, emerging from the chap
parel, were preparing for a charge.
Morgan's command were soon in or
der of battle, and as the enemy ap
proached were received with a well
directed volley, and then almost with
the quickness of thought formed into
a square to receive the charge of
cavalry. No effort of Corrales or his
men could break through tliat stern
checeaux de frieze of bayonets, and
they wero forced to retire in ordor to
gather their dispersed hosts to renew
tho battle. The column moved on,
and again and again they were fore
ed to resist the impetuous charge of
Uorra'e s men, marching under a
burning sun, without scarce a hope
of rescue, and without water to allay
their burning thirst. Shortly after
midday, two of his men, ono of them
an American named Stewart, tbe
other a Mexican, volunteered to run
the gauntlet in the hope of reaching
Lieutenant Colonel Irwin's command,
and thus procure re-enforcements.
During tho lull of the battle, tho
ranks ooened and these horeemen
dashed out. Tarnmgapoiutof the1
road thoy received the fire of a large
body of Mexican cavedry, and were
6een to reol in thoir saddles. At
that moment another charge was
made, and whon repulsod nnd Mor
gan's comrorud moved on to the
point where the men were fired upon,
blood was found, and other evidence
was had that they had boon killed
and their holies draggid intO( thi
chapparel and thoro robbod. Thus
roft of hope, tho gallant command re
solved to sell their lives as dearly as
uossible. Onward they moved, etui
at intervals forming a' hollow square
io resist the chargo. At about 3
o'clock in the afternnoon, afar off was
seen a column of men approaching,
and soon it was discovered thoy had
cunuon. All supposed ineru io ue a
reinforcement for the enemy, and
tho last hops forsook the gallant
hand. Onward in their frout still
moved the advancing column, while
with loud cheers the command of
Urrea prepared to make a final and
a desperate charge. The troops In
front had by this time auvanceu si
near that they unllmborod their can
non and phced it in position. Draw-t
ins his man in a position whore
thev would in some measure be cover
ed bv tho dense cuapnarol, Morgan
and his command had but to hope
tor a speedy death; for to be taken
by the men of Gen. Urrea's command
was doath with more than savage
tormonts. The cannon openou with
criiDe and cannister, and that in
staut, amid the wild screams oi uie
.... . ' J a I
wounded enemy, the American nag
was seen waving amid the smoke ot
the advancing host, lhey were sav
ed. One of the mesaengors the
Maxicans had ki'lod but Stewart
had got through and communicated
with Irwin, and thus at the minute
all seemod to be lost the coommand
was saved. So borne down with
thoir great sufferings wero tho men
ofMorgan's command, that, when
tho excitement was over, they drop-
ned in their tracks, and many of
them bad to be carried to Morio, be
ing unable to walk. Tho concurrent
testimony of all the officers and mep
is that nothing saved the com maud
but the perfect drill of tho men. Even
at the moment when hope itaolt for
sook them, each command was exe
cutcd with the precision of clock
work, and fiom wheeling from open
line into a hollow square to rasist
cavalry, scarccd sooined a moment
of time. Awaiting the approach ol
tho enemy until sure their fire would
be effective, it was delivered, and
then, before the horse of tbe enemy
could teach them, the hollow square
was formed, the front rank kneeling
with fixed bavonots, and tbo second
with bayonets at a charge, resisting
every effort to break the serried
A day or two before those scenes
occurred, tho great battle of Buona
Vista was fought, and being tb
great battle, Gen Taylor summoued
up Morgan's command near Morio,
and thus one of the hardest battles
of tho Mexican war is paled by that
of the greater ono that made uon
Tailor RreBident.
After the term of sorvice of the 2d
Ohio had expired, Col. Morgan, in
leading those veterans home, was
met bv a commission appointin
bim to tbe commatid of one of the
additonal regiments raised by the
United States to serve during the
war, and he proceeded to Scott's
linos, where he jonioed his now com
mand, and participated in all the
battles of Mexico, until at the battle
of Cherubusco, ho was so severely
wounded while leading his command,
as lo incapacitate him for further ser
vice. On the day preceeding the battle
of Cherubusco, while the lingering
and hard fought field of Coutreras
was in suspense, with the sigus
of victory in favor of tbe enemy, Col.
Morgan s regiment was detached
from its division and ordered to per
form a duty in capturing a position
of tbe enemy, its possession by our
troops oeing deemed an essential to
success, ihe position was taken
and held, and from that moment the
victory was secured. So much im
portance was attached to the storm
ing of Ihe position on the Pedrijal,
by the 15th (Morgan's Regiment)
that the great quarrels between Gens.
Scott and Pillow owed its origin to
it each of these Generals claiming
to have given tbe order for its execu
tion and upon the establishment of
the fact, claiming tho awaid of tbe
honors of the day, as upon the exe
cution depencd success or defeat.
Whether Scott or Pillow gave tbe or
deceit matters not at this moment.
Morgan executod the movement, haz
ardous as it was, with consummate
skill, and to it is tbe fact owing that
Contreras was not a Mexican victory.
For L:s gallantry in Mexico Uol.
Morgan was breveted a Brigadier
In order to the re-establishment
of bis health, Gen Morgan was ap-
pointed uonsui io Marseilles, in
France, and upon the incoming
Mr Buchanan s Administration was
ofth9 Uaited gtatea to tb9
transferred to Lisbon as Resident
iingdoiu of Portugal, where ho re
mained until removed by Mr Lincoln,
and Mr llarvoy of this city appointed
n his place.
While in rortugai, an locniont
occurred which made Gen. Morgan
the subject of much conversation and
of newspaper remark. The Secreta
ry of American Legation, while bath
ingVsome distance from laui, was
seized with a cramp and was drown-
ng. Morgan saw his struggles, and,
guessing the cause, . plunged in and
reached hi friond just in time to
seize him as he was sinking. Tbe
rownlng man caught at bis preser
ver, ml it was doubtful for the rao-
maot whother either would be saved.
By an almost incredible effort,
Morgan succeoded io releasing him
self from the grasp of tbe dying
niau, and in holding his head above
water until assistance came, and both
wero rescued. The daring of Gen
Morgin, and his cool courage in sa
ving his friend, and the terrible risk
be ran of his own life, made him a
hero with tho Portuguese public, and
tboir press teemed with his praise.
Upon bis return to the Unitod
States from his long residence a
broad.Gen Morgan, believing that
the war w is for tha Union alone, and
not to 'make independent colonies of
Slates or to interfere in tho domestic
nstitutions of States, acceptod a
Brigadier General's coramissio i, and
was pnt in charge of that coips of the
army which captured and held bum
berland Gap. Thore he was besieg
ed a very large force of men sur
rounded him. and bis provisions
failed. The authorities at Washing
ton wore informed of his desperate
situation, his troops living on half
rations, but no provisions were sout
him. lhey know, as d'd Morgan,
tno importance of holding tho pass,
but ciy after day tho gallant com
mander and his men saw their
provisions dwindle and their horses
being without forage. lhey were
killed and used ;o eke out tbo scanty
rations. And it was not until near
ly the last horse and millo wero eat
en, the army tor six days having no
bread, that, with a sad heart, he
blew up tho fortifications, and,
blocking op the pass, evacuated the
piece, and commenced a retreat to
the Ohio River. For seventeen days
ho pursued his onward march, hit;
men subsisting alone on the corn
found in the lew fields thoy pasncd
harrassad each day by tho enemy
that were preesing him on all biqcs
and fight'ng for his roal almost every
step ot the way. With but a com-
unrativoly small Ions be gnued the
Ohio River at Greennpsbnrg. In
the annals of the late war, for dan
ger, and in tbo surrounding ot diffi
culties, and in its success, that mm
stands among tbe most successful
the war.
Subsequently, and about the time
it'became perfectly apparent that th
war was for uegro equality and uoth-
ing else, uen. Morgan resigned and
New York
Day Book.
Boys, do You Hear that?
In his address to the returned
soldiers at Chicago, ou the 9th of J u
ly, Gen: Sherman said:
"I want those who have been
tho South to bear testimony to the
condition of these freed negroes. My
own opinion is that they are not fi
ted for the exercise of the franchise
Loud applause. I wane them
get a fair prico tor their labor; but
do not think they are flUcd to take
part in tbe legislation of the coun
try.'' Rjnswod cheuring.
Now hear General Morgan. In
his addresgto the Convention which
nominated him, he says:
M am opposed to conferring the
right ot suffrage upon the negroes
Ohio, or iu the South now, or at any
future time, or uudor any circum
And now hear General Cox.
bia speech at Oberliu he said:
"When an Oberlin stndent I
cognized the full rights of man in
tue colored men of my class."
''I have seen black troops fight
nobly,, and I say to all, that they
who were good enough to fight with
us are good enough to stand on tbe
Union platform with me."
On whose platform do you prefer
to stand! on the Abolition Plat
form, with Gen. Cox and the negro,
or on the Democratic Platform, with
Gen. Morgan and tho white man.
0Colonel Chivington, the hero
ot tbe band drees massacre of friendly
Indians, is thus designated by
Chicago Tribnne, a Republican pas
per "This fighting parson this
stern old Puritan warrior this psalm
singing butcher of nursing papooses
ana pregnant squaws."
tr'Prosident Johnson's late speech
has carried consternation into
ranks of the Radical Abolitionists.
who declare be Iisb sold himself
tbo Democrats.
Rather Plain Language.
The editor of the Record a Re
publican paper published in Fayctto
county, Iowa declares:
"It is the opinion of many earnpst
patriots, who havo always acted with
tbo party of freedom and progress,
and have been and are ardent sup
porters of the Republican Adminis
tration of national affairs, that the
Republican party of Iowa is fast be
coming as corrupt as hell, and de
serves to be damned."
fTTBy the Constitution of the
United States no foreign-born citizen
can ever be President or Vico Presi
dent. Whorjutbo Radicals acc'm
plish their objf-A, and allow negroes
to vote, a rabid negro will ba eligi
ble to offices trom which the foreign
er is excladed. The nogro will oc-
enpy the first place, and the negro
the second in tho political system.
pern j police,
ISyTlio Mason & Hamlin Cabinet UognnH,
fortdifforent styles, adapted to snored and
secular mnnio, forS0 to 60,each. Thirty
five Gold and Silver Medals, or othor first pre
tniunm a-varded thorn. Illustrated cataloguel
free. AdilresB, MASON & HAMLIN, Boston,
A Host Important DU tev iy
We are making a single machine which
combines the best and cheapest portable
Wine and Cider Press, the dryeet Clothes
Wrinrer. and the most powerful Lilting
Jack in the world. It is the only press
adapted to making Apple Champaign,
which is now regarpea as one oi me m""
Important discovties of the age. A good
agent wanted in every county, to whom we
will hold out sucn inducements as io in
sure 41,000 bclore Christmas. The first
one making application from any count)
sbail have the exclusive agency. Full
particulars, terms, etc., by Circular.
No. 55 Liflcrty St., N. Y.
Composed of highly concentrated extra rets
fmin mniH Bud herbs of the limhest medical
value, iulallibie in the cure of all diicewes
of the Liver or any derangement of the Di
gestive Organs, They remove all Impuri
lies of the Blood, and era uncnualed in the
cure of Diarrhae, Jjundice, Dyspepsin. Scro
fula, Biliousness, Liver Cumplant, fevers,
Headache, Piles, Mercurial Descases, Here
ditary Humors. Dose fur adults, one pill in
ihe moaing children half a pill, From one
to three pills will cure ordinary cuses, ami
Irom one to mree Doxes win cure phv enrea
ble qase of no matter how long standing
Price $1 00 per box, Trade supplied or sent
by mail
June 1st 1865 ly 63 Fulton St N Y
The Ghovesteek Piaro Forte B'ill re
taint its ptecedence and great popularity,
and after undergoing gradual improvements
for a pesiod of 30 years, is now pronounced
bv the musical world to be unsurpassed and
pven uncqualed in richness, volume and
purity of tone, durability and cheapness.
Our new scale, French action, harp pedal,
iron frame, over-strung bass, seven octave,
rosewood pianos we are selling cheaper by
from $100 lo $200 than the same style unil
finish ure sold by any other first class mn
keis iu the country. Dealers and all in
want of good pioanos are invited to tend
for our Descriptive Catalogue, which con
tains photraphs of our different sly lea, to
gether with prices. No one should pur
chase a piano without seeing this Cata
logue. Medals, nlnost without number,
have been awarded totheGrovesteen Piano,
and at the Celebrated World's Fair, though
put in competition with others from all
parts of Europe and the V. S., it took the
highest award.
I Established 1835.
499 Broadway, New York.
y 27, 1865-ly
SEXUdLSYSTEMS-new and relia
ble treatment. Also the BRIDAL CHAM
BER, an Essay of Watnins and Iustruclion
Sent by mail in sealed envelops, free
eliarpre Address. Dr. J, SKI LL1N
HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No.
2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Oct. I3ih 1865 lyr.
Do yon wsnt Wliiskors or Moustache! Our
OrtoianJCompound win force them to (trow
ho smoothest face or chin, or hair on buld hoadB
in Six Weeks. Pilce $1,00. Sont by mriil anj
whero, closely scaled, on rcceip of price.
Address, WARNER & CO., Box 138,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Feb, 16, '65 ly,
A Clergyman whilo residing in South Amor
ca as a missionary, discovered a sate and sim
ple remedy for the Cnre of Nervous Weakness,
Early Decay, Diseases ofthe Urinary and
Sominal Organs, and the whole train ofdisor
dors brought on by banoful and vioions habits.
Great bcmbeis have been already cured by this
noblo remedy. Promyted by a desire to bene
fit the afflicted and nufortunate, I will send
the reoipe for preparing and using this mtdt-
o'ne, in a sealed envelope, to any ono who neods
Please inclose a postpaid eevelope, addressed
to yourself.
Station D. Bible House,
Mar. 18th 1865-lyr. New York City.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Commis
sioners of Vinton Oonntv. Ohio, at their
June session for the year 1865, levied a tsz
one mm on the dollar: oeing ten cents on eacn
hundred dollars of valuation, in each township
in said county. Which said tax may be dis
charged by labor on the roads, undor the di
rection of the Supervisors of the several dis
trict, at the rate ol one dollar per day, as provided
by law. H. C. MOOIIE,
Jane 29 h, 1865 8w. And. V. Co.
PIKE-APPLE8, Peaches, Strawberries, Black
berry s Green Peas Just received and for
sale at tho Drug Store .of :
t Dr. A, CONDEE,
Anil tesrn that purfeot and radical core li warrant!
?nl guaranteed to all who are afflicted with weakuoM.
debility, nerrona complaint, melancholy thong hu da.
Smi luo of iplrlta, dl.tre and angulh of mind, Iom of
ilo. Iom of memory, luu of energy and mnaenlar power,
JngrTwtKwtiag away. and a w.ntof oond.ne. ta
tbTiiuelre., fainting St., oonmUlfS trembUnge, impo
tence and idligoat of We.
'. . i.i... nwmin. tn ha told the nature of root
ioTllU perfect knowledge of the hnroan lyetem enablol
the patient, toeilaln Itaorlglnalcatue, and to guarantee
Kre. And, what 1. more wluable still, he will noij
wtly and frankly tell whether yoo can be ciiredor not
Thii will satisfy your mind, and aave too eapenw, time,
trouble, and diMppolntmenl. It will be the mean, of
and, what ta better than all, it will aao your life Iroa
being ihortened by wrong troatment.
HI. examinations are made w thont any tnfcmatloa
from the patient; therefor, he thorong 1. ly ' """J
their Phyiical condition and PbrenoIogifAl d.telopmt,
without which he neter could hare performed to man,
itouUhlngcnrflS. It should bo rrobMt this
Botanic Physician performs cures tUdnght mpoMlUle.
If TOahat.trledolher.aud got no relief. I
snJoy good health and long life, If Too are wUe, yoe. wlU
consult DB. KAPHA EL, the Botanta WjJ
All his oommnnlcatlons and Interviews are ttrlctlf
private and oouadeutiaI.-Arlicol JannuL
Hear whut the Philadelphia oorroepondont say. In the
Commonwealth, Wilmington, Delaware, Uth of April,
An English gnntlonian, forovrly connected with the
British Army, and whostyhw hlmwir the English Bo-,
tanlc Physician,' has of late gained an oxteunive ropoU
tlon hero by hie "kill In curing all maonor of complaints.
Some of his patient. I have comersed with, and they
eronounc his remedies and mode of treatment as wry
superior. Boino have boon restored M If by maglo. Tha
medicine ho d Is distilled by himself from various
herbs possessing rare curauve imrm.
"Whiloiictliig In the army ho d"oted his lolsura
moments to a tuurougii smuy oi mo iwtn nw,j. v
certain medicinal routs and herbs on all manner of dls
asm It .corns he has fimnd a sure and spoody remedy
for ail tho 'Ills that flesh is heir to.' Ilii I practice Is
already extensive, nnd Is daily Increasing. In tho com.
Dlulul. to WUICU lt-uiai bio Bi'juvir w . ;
as s large number here have testiftod that thoy owe not
only their net good health, but thou- Uvea, to th
IU of thUKngli.h Botanic Physician.
TIX0RIT7. The Bntaulc Ttemwllos of Doctor Raphael, the English
Bot.wic Physician, mw fullwt jwt to make foifecl,
radical, anil permanent cure of ALL
Without the a so of Mi-rcury, without hinJrance from
business, and without r.wr of discovery or rosnre. Ma
deadly nol. such a. uminie, nux vomica, opinio, or
any other poisons. No merenry nrr any owlly minerals
-nothing but purely Voip-taM. i Botanical B'""?
nnoU by this wonderful Botnnlc Physlcbu. Ui. Bo .nlo
Bomnflcs oerur yet failed lo euro the most ouslluats)
and the most dsiwrous cases, and to remove all "lercurp
and othor Impurities from tha system when all othv
Kemedles had tMci.Mtdicul Journal.
Hoar what the Baltimore correspondent of ths Odct.
follow, Boonnboro', Maryland, said ou Xhunday, ths Slat
of May, 18601
"Numeroni cures of diseases caused by early Indlscrs
tlon nnvlng boen performod by tho EniO bh Botanlo Phy
sician,! feel it my duty, having a knowledge of them, to
state the fact, believing that Indolngso I niuydos service
to the snfforlng. Onocasoln particular tliatof ayonng
man In this city Is worthy of note. lie had uecoms tho
victim of a habit, tha mora allnslon to which causes
shudder, andaftoryRanofsufferliig and doctoring gavaup
all hopos of recovery. Ha wished to marry, and was
dearly beloved by as sweot a girl ss ever lisped words
of sffectlon, but he was fearful, nervous, and prostrated.
He dared not wod on account of the sliattored state
of bis system. Uo sought relief at the u.nds of th. Bo
tanlo Physician, and, astonishing as It msy soera, all tbe
bloom and vigor of youth has returned, and ba Is now
the nappy minor of a fit at bright fcys."
Tloar what the Cincinnati Weekly Press says oa tbe 61b
Of March, 1862 s
We are decidedly opposed to drugs and to advertised
remedies for th. prevention of having children, but we
feel it our duty to acknowledge a benefit from any and
from every source when It Is for ths relief of snfforlng
Immunity. A fact has come to our knowledge that
ought to be promulgated and widely olrcolatod for the
benefit of those ladios whose delicate health make It
necessary to prevent any Increase of family.
About twolve months after marriage, a lady of our ao
qnaintance gave birth to a daughter, but her sufferings
wore so great that her physicians despaired of her recov
ery. This niado her dread the very thought, of again be
coming a mother. She tried every thing to prevent a
repetition of hersnfferlngs, but without succeeding. Two
year, after marriage .he was again confined, bat her Buf
fering, woro so great that the child died, aod her own Ufa
was despaired of. She was told by her family physician
that if she had any more children he feared bar liCo would
be ths forfeit. As aH the remedies she had tried before
bad failed, she applied to Hie-Uotanio-f byskkntD6.
Ills remedies bad the desired ofTcctj they not only pro
ven tod her from having children, but they also lmprovod
her health. "To ths roan, iu tuixos akb rcaa."
The Botanla Physician's remedies can bs recom
mended, liecause they are Innocent and safo. They
oporate without causing sickness or exposure. Tuey do
not Interfore with th. diet or occupation. They da
not injure the health, but thoy are certain tn their
effect. J. PANCOST, M. D.
Any whoare en ffcrlug, no matter what their complaint,
ean call on the Botanic Physician confidentially. Tbe
may rely upon relief. Ills office la at
Consultation dally, Sundays exosptod. OIBce toon
from 0 A. 01. to S o'clock F a.
BIT Persons t't distance may cemrannlcatn cowl
MSTiAtl? by letter, If they Inclose ONK DULL A B, for
Consultation Fee, In each letter. All letters, communl
cations, and Interviews, aro strictly private and confl
deiitial! No answer will be given to letters unless ono
dollar Is Inolowd ss a Consultation Fee.
KIT Personal interviews granted to Gentlemen only.
Consultation feo, One Dollar.
All business with
lo be dono by lotlor.
Address all letters as follows :
Dr. W. Kaphael has no connection with PROFESSOB
or Dr. W. M. Raphael, or with any other gentleman
of the same naino.
aw Cut this advertisement out When yon cos
bring it with you and show it to tbe girl who opens tb
goor. To prevent mistakes, ssk to
"Width 2.
rllEtax payers of Vinton County, areliorobjr
notified that the Tax Duplicate for the last
half yea's taxes of the year 1864, have boen
placed in my hands for collection. Upon all
(axes not paid on or before Jnne 20to 1S65, the
law Imposes a penalty of five per cent. I will
bo in attendance at the Treasurers ollieo in McJ
Arthur untill that dato, to receive tho same.
Treasurer V.Co.,0.
May 11th 1335-6 w. .
George Bams adminstrator of the Estate of'
Bhelten Barns lata of Vinton oonnty, and State
of Ohio, deceased, has filed his accounts and
vouchera for inspection and final settlement,
and that the same will be for hearing on tha
80tA day of September 1865
Angus, 10th 1665 8vr frobaW Judg

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