MCAIITIIUR ENQUIliEU J. W. BOWEN, Kdlto. and Proprietor. MoAUTHUlt, OHIO, MAY 7. 181.1. J. BOWEES, RESIDENT DENTIST MoARTHUTl, OHIO. NO BUSINKiW 1)0X10 OS SATURDAYS, Some persons' are ' (ilwuys busy, yet ncc'oinplish nothing. Some of our citizens should look to their brolicn down fences. ' SiiNu'in your orders for job printing. . v;,' The Y. M. C. A. has moved their room in the Dana building, Mniu street. Under the game laws of Ohio,tho duck season is closed, until Septem ber 1st. The bridge across Elk Fork creek, one mile east of town, has been completed. The Democracy of Mercer county, 0., hold their County Convention, June 7th. M - S The fanners tell us that the wheat prospects are good notwith standing the continued cold, damp weather. . In Logan, Saturday, April; 26th, was the celebration of the 57th an niversary of the Odd Fellowship, in America. Mr. St. Burkley, of Chillicothc, was in our village last week, looking as pleasing and as happy as 4i snow man, after a thaw. Moyor Johnson, of Cincinnati, last Saturday, issued an order sup pressing the Sunday night variety performances, over the Rhine. J. F. Towiai., Portsmouth, Ohio, oilers to merchants a superior stock of Dry Goods and Notions, on the most favorable terms. ' 8-ly. Tijkrk is a young man in the village, who really wants to many, lie is rich and gay. Take him girls. mm --- i The Driving Park Associa tion of Lancaster, Ohio, an nounce a series of races on the 3d, 4th, 5th, aiidCth of June. . George Ntinciicomii, formerly a compositor in this office, has started a daily paper in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska. We wish you success, George. Urn, In Cincinnati, the beer-war is fairly on. "Three cents per glass," is the cry of the reducers. Up to the present time, the Enquirer re ports no blood shed. 1 -m t m mm Early "Rose Potatoes. Egbert Bowen, at tho Bowen House, Zu leski, has a choice lot of Early Rose Potatoes, suitable for planting, for Bale. Price -75 cts per bushel. . Solomon Howard, D. D., late President of the Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, intends removing to the Pacific const. This change is to be mado in consequence of ill health. Rags, Old Books, etc. Save all your Rags, Old Books, Old Blank Books, old Newspapers, pamphlets, ect., and bring them, in good condi tion, to us. and we will exchange with you. ' i Don't forgot ! those who want work in the printing line to call at our oHlco and examine our speci men of job work. Wo have the fa cilities for doing tho best work in tho State. Tub villaga council, at their meet- .Aug ou JUonday night last, directed tho Marshal to enforco the dog tax ordinance. If tho tax is not paid, down comes tho worthless purps, and down they ought to come. Those desiring a choico assort ment of the best variety of Sweet Potato, Tomato and Cabbage plants, should send orders to A. L. Wood, Webstor, Scioto county, 0. Seo advertisement, elsewhere, In this paper. . ; , ' . . mm) -m-m mm Wk hope that the friends of tho Sunday School causo will not for get tho Convention at llrtmden, Friday and Saturday, 9th nud 10th. Prof. OoEN,of Bcllefontalno, O.llas promisod to bo present to head the miibio. Come out and hear a rich musical feast - ",; ... ' mm-my-m m . On Thursday last, May 1st, nn oloctiori was hold in this village for Street Commissioner, to flU 'tho va vimcy caused by tho resignation of Isaac Reynolds, which resulted on follows r " ; - rm. Dowd... 59 JtoWfc Sage. . , . . t . . 62 O.W, Pearce.;. ........ . ...... '6 J, J. Suockey. .1, . . . . . . . 1 5 COMMNUICATED. Ei. Enquirer: Some time siuce, your columns wero open for contri butions from tho teachers and friends of education in this county; and on the supposition that this will find., apluco in your paper, I offer the following: A prominent teacher who has recently closed a school in Elk Township, submitted a problem to his pupils for solution, which was (I am informed) sub stantially as follows: A rectangular field contains 190 A., tho breadth is" 80 rd. less "than the length; givo tho length and breadth of tho field. I'sliould not have thought of men tioning this publicly, but I under stand, the said teacher stated that he didn't think there was a teacher in the county, except Prof. Barnes and himself, could givo tho solu tion. . I am perfectly williag to praB0 thoso to whom praise is due, but J think the gentleman has grqatly under estimated the .mathe matical ability of many touchers of thjs. county, therefore, with tins ex planation, I ofTer tho following so lution:,; LctX the length; then X?il30tho breadth andfX-30) X30,400 sq. rd.; or 2-r-30X 040(0; completing this equation X 2.0X-f 22530,025 extracting l-ot 'of each member,X 15175 from which, X1M rd length of field, and 100 rd.' 160 rd. breadth. Now Mr. Teacher, if you ha ve" any Jnore- problems to propose to; the teachersuof this county, it through the columns of this paper, publicly, and make an effort to as certain what the otlmt teachers of this county know; bearing in mind, however, that- you agree to pa' a little attention- to those submitted to you. ' . ' WILLING TO LEARN. There are a number of very bad boys in this town, who do not know how to conduct themselves when in 'company. A number of these un governable boys were observed on the back seats, (of course they are ashamed to bo seen on front scats,) during tho musical and dramatic entertainment, at the School House Hall, last Thursday evening. No person was tho least surprised to see tho boys there; they are always to be seen at places of this kind; and they never fail to make all sorts of disagreeable and insulting noises. Last Thursday night, as usual, some of them had to annoy the audience by whistling. They have been kindly advised again aud again to" close out" this disagreea ble noise, but kindness has no effect upon them. They are determined to whistle whistle they must what else can they do so as to make themselves known? They like to be observed and highly respected, although they have no respect for any person around them not even the aged. It will, perhaps, be of some benefit to tho boys if we aid them slightly, as they are traveling so fastly and determinedly along " tho road to fame." Wo will pub lish tho names of all the boys who are members of this whistling band if some one will ngreo to furnish us with a correct list of them after each of tho entertainments or exhibi tions that may bo given In this town. We should like to make an arrange ment with our young friend, Jake Suockey, to report for publication, the names of the boys, who " hold stock" in the whistling enterprise, as ho is a good boy and never whistles any himself. Come down with tho names of tho disagreeable boys, Jake! Show no partiality! Tho names will look well in print. -mt . From a copy of tho Philadelphia Enquirer, of May 2d, sent to J. G. Swetl4nd, Jr., of this town, we learn that another horso disease Is threatening us. It has broken out ia that city, New York and' in other localities, and disables horses ns quickly and ns decidedly as tho late epizootic visit did. This new phase, which is supposed to bo pno of tho results of tho lato affection of horses, attacks tho hoofs of tho animals, causing swollen and ulcera ted fetlocks, some cases becoming so aggravated that tho hoofs drop off enthcry, Jtmaybo attributed in part to tho damp and trying wonthcr of tho present backward season. G. W. Pearce sold his grocery, iu Davis' building, Maiu street, to G. W. Tuckkr; G. W. Tucker has sold to J. J. Suockey, and tho gro cery has been removed to tho build ingon Logan street, whoro Arnold's Blacksmith shop onco stood. J. G, S wetland, Sen., who has occupied E. D. Dodoes' building, for seven or eight years, formerly occupied as a 'Drug Storey on tho south-west corner of Main and Locust streets, Jias removed liis Family Groceries to tho store room in Davis' build ing, lately ' occupied by G. W. 1'kakcic. ' , i . Last ' Sunday afternoon, four yoijng men, who aro very fond of in dulging In smoking fg i foar of their parents finding It out, pur chased a cigar apiece, and proceed ed to tho Ucservqir tol enjoy their treat. How aro you smokors? wimWWiMiiiuianiiinsy "miihsww mi inwimir-;- "mmi WILLING TO LEARN. NEW YORK WOOL MARKET. NEW YORK, April 29. New York, Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin.. Choice selected Saxony fleece, c; Saxony fleece, 52(fi)55c; quarter blood fleece, 48 5'lc; common fleece, 4549c; combing fleece, G570c. Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Vir ginia. Saxony fleece, G063c; three-quarter and full blood meri no, 5558c; half-blood floecc, 54 57c;. quarter-blood fleece, 535Gc; common fleece, 4852c;- combing fleece, G570c. Iowa, VeiUiont and Illinois. Three-quarter and full-blood meri no, 5255c; half-blood fleece, 51 55c; quarter-blood, fleece, 4750c; combing fleece, G5G7a Missouri, Kentucky and Tennes see. unwashed llcece,3842c; un washed combing, 5055c. Tun-WAsiiED Wool. Choice, 53 5Gc; fair, 5353e; inferior, and burry, 4550c. Pulled Wool. New York City, extra, pulled, 45(n)50c; New York City super pulled, 4750c; New York City lambs, pulled, 3945c; western super and extra, 4045e; country extra pulled, 4550c; coun- supcr pulled, 4753c; country lambs pulled, 4247c. California. Spring clip, fine, 27 32c; medium, 2025c; spring clip, low grades and bury, 2327c; fall clip, A. I., 2024c; fall clip, low grades and bury, 1618. Texas. Fine, 283Gc; medium, 283Gc; low, 2025c; inferior. 17 21c; very burry, 1519e. Foreign Wools. Capo of Good Hope, 3438c; Buenos Ayres me rino and mcstiza, 2833; Montevi deo merino and mcstiza, 3438c: Austrian Clothing, 4555c. Immense! Grand! The other night wo dropped into the Dry Goods House of Dan Will & Bros., on Main street, in this town, aud wero surprised to seo the very large and splendid stock of goods of every description, which they have. Their stock of goods- all new and just opened can't be beat outside of the cities, and is as varied and fine as you will find in any first-class establishment of tho kind in cities. Tho assortments for this season of the year are really beautiful, and of the latest styles. Aaron Will, one of the firm, has displayed excellent taste in tho se lections. Their assortments of Dress Goods Muslins, White. Goods, Lawns, fec, is very large. All at marvelous low prices so low no one can complain. GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, FOR SALE AT THE ENQUIRER PRINTING OFFICE. Come and see the large assort ment of Seeds. Special Notices. Emigration Turning. Cheap Farms in South-west Missouri. Tho Atlantic & rnclllc Railroad Compuny oilers 1,200,000 aures of land in Central ami Huuth-wcsl Missouri, at from 3 M12peraere,oiiBevni yenin' time, with free transportation from St. LouIb to nil purchas ers. Climate, soil, Umber, mineral wealth, school;, churches, and law-ahUling society In vito emigrants from all points to this land of fruits and flowers. For particulars address A. Tl'CK, Lund Commissioner, St. Louis, Mo. 1-ly llciyondtheMlssIssInpl. Thousands have already gone, und thousands more are turn ing their ayes towards new homos In tho fer tile West. To thoso going to Missouri, Kan sas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregon or Callfouria, wo rocominonfl a choup, snfo, quick and (llroct route, via St. Louis, over tho Missouri l'aclllo Railroad, which ruus its lino Day Coaches and Pullman Sleepers from St. Louis to principal points in tho West, without change We believe that tho Missouri l'aclllo Railroad has tho best track and tho llnest and safest equipment of any lino west of tho Uisslsslppl, and its con nections with roads farther West are prompt and reliable. Tho Texas connection of this road Is now completed, and passengers aro offered a first-class, all-rail routo from St Louis to Texas, either over tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. It. via Sedalia, or ovor th Atlantio A l'aclllo It. R. tin Vinita. For maps, tlmo tables, Information as to rates, routes, &c., wo refer our readors to S. II. Thompson, Eastern I'asscngor Agent, Colum bus. Ohio, or K. A. Ford, General I'assonger Agent, Ht. Louis, Mo. Questions will bo cheer fully und promptly answered. TlIK 1'UHKST ANDSWKETKHTL'OD-LlNRROlL is Hazard A Caswell's, made on the sea-shore, from fresh, selected livors, by Hazard, Caswell ft Co., Now York. It Is absolutely run and BWitKT. l'atlonts who have ouuo taksn It, pre fer it to allolliors. 1'hyslciaui havo docldcd It superior to any of tho other oils in the mar ket. . 4w Yrsu.ANTi, Mio.ii, Feb., '73. AVo liavo used Reymer, Ilaumnn A Co.'s Lend In our own businoHS for two years, In connection with many othor leads, and wo recommend It, and gmrantti U ptnoiuilly to b Strictly Pun. Any person lludlng tho least adulteration In this paint will rocolvo. fifty dollars by calling at ourolUce. For tho grati fication of any porson doubting tho superiority of this load, wo will forward a puck ago to tho noted nhomlst, Dr. DoDleld, for analysis, and If our statement docs not prove truo, wo will paint that person's houso froo of nil oxpenso to him, and with any paint ho may doslro. KI) W AROS Jt COOl'KR, JJuM's. A CAItD.-AClorgynian, while rosldliig In South Amurlrn, as Missionary, discovered a snfo and simplo remedy for tho euro of nerv ous weakness, early decay, dlsoaso of tho urinary and seminal organs, and tho whole train of disorders brought 'on by baneful and vicious hablU. Groat numbers have been cured by this nohlo remedy. Prompted by a desire to henelltlho nllllctod and unfortunnto, I will send tliO!wolptforireparuignnd using this medicine, In a sealed envelope, to any one who ueods It, AVm of Chnrqtl Addition JOSKI'lf T. INM AN, . ' Hlallon ll, Illhlo Home, N, Y, City. To the Siiflrliir.-.TIi8 Rev. Wrt). J, Nor ton, while residing In Brazil as a Missionary, discovered In that laud of medicines a remedy for Consumption, scrofula, Sore Throat, S. C. SWIFT, . Chillicothe, Ohio. MY STOCK IN UVERY DEPAItTflBUNT, SUA IX WARES, HOSIERY, 1ILAIVK HOOKS, , and STATIONERY, IS KO COMPLETEl "WSlI-iXj DsP -A. X 33 HL, OF ALL LATH STYLES, Made a Speciality, AND IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS S. C. D.873I SWIFT, Chillicothe, Ohio. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Nervous, Wcak noss. This remedy has cured myself aftor all other medicines had failed . Wishing to benefit tho sud'criiiR, I will send tho rcclpo for preparing and using this rem edy, to all who doslro it, Froo of Chargo. I'lcaso send an cnvelopo, with your nnmo and address on it. Address, Rev. WM. II. NORTON, 670 Broadway. New York City. March 19, 1873-v7,nl0. For Ayer's Medicines, go to O. W. Sisson's. For Fine Perfumery, go to Sisson's Drug Store. The Best Place. Tho choicest lot of Gro ceries, Queenswarc, Gliisswure, Notions, &o., can be had at Davis Duncan's Store, In Za lcskt, at all times. Corn, oats, potatoes and produce of every description taken In exchango for goods, at Ills store. In connection with his store ho has aSaddlo and Harness Shop, und will repair anything in that' lino on short notice and at low figures. Go and 800 him. tf Dr. N. J. Bowers, Dentist, McArthur, O. For Pure Drugs and Medicines, go to Sis son's. Dr. N.'J. Bowers, Dentist, McArthur, O, Five Hundred Thousand. 500.000 hnttlnn of Greene's August Flower have been sold in this state In three months. Wo only ask you to go to tho drug stores of Gunning or Sisson McArthur, Ohio, and get a bottle w ofchargi or a regular sizo at 75 cents. Every bottlo warranted to euro Dyspepsia or Liver com plaint, Sick headache, Costlvencss, Heart burn, Watorhrnsli, SourHtomach, Indigestion Impure Blood, and all diseaso caused by Im pure Blood, or deranged Stomach and Liver. Try It. G. G. GREEN, Proprietor, Columbus, Ohio. Dr. N. J. Bowors, Dentist, McArthur, O. Settlement Notice. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to tho firm of Richmond & Huhn, aro requested to call Immediately and settle account, Wo cannot carry ac counts from one year to another, and pay our own bills. RICHMOND & HUIIN. October 8, 1872.-W. Public Sale. J)UBLIC SALE. ' The undersigned having sold Ills farm, situa ted lour miles north of McArthur, will of for at public snle, at his residence, on Tliursday, the 8th of May, 1873, tho following personal property, to-wit: One Pair Work Mules thrco years old, good size. Seven Head of Horses, consisting of 1 Mare, nino years old, with a young Colt; ono a-yenr old Mnro, und four Colls one 2-your old, and 8 yearlings. One 2-Tear Old Bull, Fine Blooded. Throe Cows, 21 head of yearling Cattlo, thirty head of Shoop, ono4-horso Wagon, 1 set buggy Harness, 3 sots double II aniens; and a lot of FARMING UTENSILS. Ks? Terms mado known on day of sale. Sale to commonco at 10 o'clock A. M. HENRY CLARK. April 18, 1873. 14-ts Hotel. JJULRERT HOUSE, Mo ARTHUR, OHIO. JAMES WORKMAN, Proprietor. This Home, slnco changing proprietors, lms been thoroughly renovated from r'top to bot tom." Tho present proprietor offers to trav-eloi-g tho best accommodation in elenn and ncnt style, nt low prices. Come and try it Good stabling, and hones will be woll cared ,.' Wl Ha"NItt'8 "Ilus lino" stmts from i ns nousoaauy, atiu o'clock noon, for the iiiuirouii. 10-ely Photographs. Q J. BILLINGFIURST, PHOTOGRAPHER, and dealer In all kinds of PICTURES, ' ALBUMS, - FRAMES, rieturo Cord and Picture Nails, BiHy- COPYISra carefully dono, and tho smallest Pictures enlarged to any size, and llnlsbcd In Oil. Water-colors, or India Ink, or any othor stylo that may bo desired, at the LOWKHT RAT U.S. Lnrfro and llnoly finished Photoffrnphs can bo made from scratched and faded Pictures, i'leturos of all kinds Framed to ordor, aud nu hoik warranted to kivo satisiaction. 10-Clt Chromos. 6 " oawo w mscBisr." " qood hohhiih." k " BFRINQ Fr1WER, "BUMMIH FLOWKRS. ' AWAK.U mi ASLKIUV' i kWllk th. ('M(Tir miltt iM WKKKI.T (URM-i TU9I AT WOHK (Onualll.M),far 14.00- kTwe of UmCkramM n tlia ilu of "WUUi awwu uii r A.lMpi" UiacUun oumvlul wuUltf, nUtrib.n hrnlihtl AT ON OK wiib tbtir vnramoi. AGENTS, un mbt btUr Urms . . wllh ua ibMi with toy A VMHT pUIHBNH Aildrtu, Lll.W.ADAMBi New Name. JSOTICE. A 'NEW, NAME! .The YlllnKO ht Zalcilk) C'omimny's Coal Mines, Id Hmwn Township, will from and alter fills date bo known as ' , , COAlsMONT. ; v ; R, THOJi?sor, , ; Api-9 ' MANAGER zALESKt CO. Insurance. GOOD WORK ! GOOD PAY! Nt?w York Life Insnrance Company. Assets, $21,000,000 Cash, Paid Policy Holders $20,000,000 Desires tho sorvlcnii of an KI'PICIEST AOKNT for this placo and vicfuity. To a suitable pci son who will faithfully devote his full tiino and tulonts to the duties of its agency, dOHira- ble tonus, and a fuvorablo opportunity will be ouerou. Auurcss, wim reie vuueus, j. II. BENNETT, C'BN'L SUM., e-14-lm Box 530, Chicago, 111. Land Agency. KANSAS CENTRAL LAND AGENCY. HnJ. JOHX W. BERKS. Manager. Salina, Kan. Real Estate Business; also )mvo for sale all tho lands of tho Kansas I'ac.iflo Railway Com pany, amounting to ovor5,000,000 aercs of- the most desirable in Central and Western Kan sas; also Mill Sites, Coal Lands, Farms, Cattle Ranches, and City Property in Salina and the neighboring towns, for sale at all times. JjfcSjsr Send for the "Kansas Central Advo cate," alnrgelJa-cohimn land paper, see what we havo for snle, and read all about the great Keystone Stnto of the West. March 28, 1873-ev' Horsemen. H ORSEMEN, ATTENTION! I V A N II O E, Ily LEXINGTON, dnin DUCATOONBY WAGNER, will make thosenson of 1873 at the stnhluof the subscriber, in Porter, Gnlliu Co., Ohio; will ho at tho stable of Dr. Cline, in Wllkci ville, Vinton coumty, Ohio, every al terant woek . Will stand for mares nt $25.00 for coramon, for thoroughbreds $50.00 to in sure. Address nil letters to P. GARDNER, MarcVi 20, '73 cmj. Pino Urovo, Ohio. Medical. is nnoqiialed by nny known remedy, It will eradicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy all poiMonous substances iu the lilood and will olVectunlly dispel all predisposition to billions derailment. I there want of action In your Liver or Spleen 1 Uuloss relieved tho blood bo comes impure by deleterious secretions, pro ducing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, Ac. Have you a dyspeptic stomach T Un less digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with poverty of tho lilood, Dropsical tendency, geueral Weakness and inerti. Have youweakneR of the Intestines? You are In danger of Chronic Diurrlucnor In. flnmmation of the liowels. Have You weakness of the Vterinoor Urinary Orarans? You are exposed to suf fering iu its most agravated form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish, tir depressed in spirits, with headache, liaek aclio, coated tonguo and hnd tasting mouth? For a certain ronicdy for all of theso diseases, weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing and purifying the vitiated blood and imparting vigor to uu tuo vitui lorccs; tor omitting up aud restoring tho weakened constitution, USE JURUBEBA, which Is pronounced bv the lcadlnr authorities of London and Purls, "tho most powerful tonic and alterative known to tho meuicai worm." xnis is no now ami untried discovery, but has lour been used bvthe lend ing physicians of other .countries with won derful remedial results. Don't weaken and Impair the digestive organs by cuthurtics and physics, they give only tsmporary relief Indigestion, flatu lency, and dyspepsia with plica and kindred aisonnot are sure to ionow tueir use. Khcd the lilood mire and henltli la JOIIS i. KELI-OGG, 18 Piatt St., New York ouiu itguuviur iiiu uuimju oiuies. 4w Pries SI per bottle. . Send for Circular January 29. 1873. w4-wae ELIXIR de LONGUE VIE, Or FHKNcn Lono-i.ivkd Bittkrs, have boen used iu Franco for more than 100 years, and are now being Introduced into this country. Tliey no comiionoil of Vegotulilo extracts and are deiigned for tho purillcntion of tho blood, thus irtvtnUng ns well as curing nearly all diseases to which the human system is liable. Asa lilood puriiler, and ns a promoter oj long life, they nre believed to bo uuequaled. Price 60 cts. per bottlo. We wish to Introduce them into tills section, and doslro nn energetic Agent, to wnom nuerni terms will oeoitercit. A. W. DESPAHD & CO., Solo Agonts, No. 42 t,eunr stroet, n. k, eiiw-lo-lm Ink Eraser. Tho Great Lightning Ink Eraser. For Instantly removing ink from nannr. cot ton, linen, Ac, without injuring or soiling the uiui-iu. it iiuw away wnu an icraiciung whore mistakes are made, and removes blots Imtantantovtly. It should bo on the desk of overy inwyor, oook keeper ami teacnor, and as it not only roinoves iuk spots but also fruit stains and Iron rust, every family needs it. It is put up handsomely, and gold at 60 cents per Joho.. Auknts wanted to Introduce it everywhere. It. u. 11UTC1I1MSON, Station or, 44 Maiden Lane, N. Y, eaw-15-lin Educational. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. MEDICAL DKPARTMENT,) . UlLTIMORR, Mu. ) The fhixi. Annual Somzner Session Will rommenco on MONDAY, Maboij 10th, IHlt), and contimio four months. Tho course of l.oi'tures h i'uii nnd completo. KNTlltK FKKS. (I5. For particulars, address Profes sor C1LAS. W. CUANChLLOlt, Dean, 14-4T Press and Strainer. ANTED, A genu and Peddlers for our PRKijft AND MTKA1N ER presses and Itrulnl Jams, Jollies, herbs, vegetables, lap!, tallow, meats, cheese, Ao. Ovor 60,000, sold iu a lew locnlitles. Hells quick. Every family wants It. Howing Muohlno and other estab lished agonts are Uniting this very profitable. Circulars free. L1TTLKFIKLD & DAME, 10 Washington St., boston, Muss. awltt-nY THE LADIES, . ' A 4s-pago hook contninliig nuswors to questions of great Importiincw. Sent free for ten wilts. Address MHS. 11. M K.TrtGKIt, Hun- over, Pft. lwo-fob. 5, "TO-luiu. . JOHN W. Cheap Cash Store! HAMDEN, :0: tttct nTrrnr.TVTm 5n1 MINNS' y Uj x xvt-iKj v -w - - r i. U 1UU J iiiuuuswv'VMivtM I ' skscif- rr ircinii fnnfnrp thom nnd T am V-Unu fcVJ ,ninmuvv . ..a . j intr of the latest style ana oest material, iiiey are worm at, wuweHiue from $1 00 to $3 50; Four dozen Calico blurts at 37Jc. ench. ttttptv T7TNF. TiT.TTF. TiftOWN X lli.1V ' - w J . -ii Wool, bought at Uanltrupt sale, at i where at $10 00, $12 00, $15 00. 15 T.ovn-o StAflf KPTCAGTTE LAWNS at 15 cts er vard. Larare Stock of CHINESE GRASS CLOTH, 40 inches wide, only 25 cts; Large Stock of GORDON GINGHAMS, ouly 30 cts, new styles; 3 dozen sets T.n,1io' T.inpn Cuffs. New Stvle. onlv 25 cts per set. TEN PAIR La- i! i,r 9in fra onl.1 AlaAwliorn lit 30 est: 500 vards COTTON ADE, at 18 to37Ac. 1,000 yards H 15, 16, and ISc. An Immense Stock of Spragues' American, Merrimack and Cochico Prints ONLY 11c. BEST BROWN MUSLIN ONLY 12JC. PER YARD. Positirely No Goods Sold On Credit. mglist 1110 X'aicI Fox FxcHlitcc Don't be huiibugged by merchants who tell you these prices are for inferior goods, but come and see for yourself. I GUARANTEE my goods to be of FIRST QUALITY. March SMro John W. Wilcox.. T. A, MARTIN. T A. Desire to say to their friends general, that they have now BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS AND NOTIONS, AND Positively elliufl: GooJs Cheaper Do not buy goods before you PRICES 1 WE MAKE "SPECIALTIES" We shall hereafter sell our EQUIVALENT, thus enabling Better Bargains All kinds of Produce bought and sold at the Market Prices 1 Come and see us when you come to town, and we guarantee) you satisfactory dealing. T. A. MARTIN & SON. At " THE OLD CORNER STORE," One door West of Court-house, McArthur, Ohio. SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S IMPBVED AND GRAND COMBINATION ORGANS, FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVE STED SCRHINER'S PATENT (tUAXIFYING TUIIES, An Invention hnvlnir a most Important benrimron tho future renutntlnn of Iteed fnstrn. ments, by tho use of which the quantity or Volume of tone ia very largely increaseil, aud the quality of tho touo rendered Equal to that of the Best Pipe Organs o the Same Capacityi i m mm ' OurceUbratod " Vox Celeste," ' Louis Patent." vuupier, uieciiaruilllg -v,ouo"or "ciarinut" Mtopa, aim ALL TlIE LATH IMPROVEMENTS Can bo obtained only In those Oi gnus. ' PRE-EMINENT FOIt PURITY OP TONE. EVERY INSTRUMENT KULLY WARRANTED. THE BEST MATERIAL AKD WOUKMAN8UIP. ' ' QUALITY AND VOLUME OF TONE UNEQUALED. THIRTY-FIVE DIFFERENT STYLES FOB 1 A Itl.Oll A CIIUJICII. 3PrlOOQ, - . - FACTORY AND Corner Sixth ami Con&rc Ht., Detroit, Illicli. ICstabll.lied In 1850. . Jtjjy AGENTS WANTED IN EVlittY COUNTY. . . ,, Additiss, y ' ' , , ., , , SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO., Detroit, Michigan. WILCOX'S OHIO. nntl HOYS' Fine Fur Hats beinc " . " T i t-j. rvXTT? TT A T 4-1. o ii offerinf? them at 75c.(5$2 50; all ue- o . ' ; . , 1 ni Al. i. .K I - 1 and BLACK CLOTH COATS, all - ' Ai r r iv, r r r .1 dun AA I . i l w, uu anu ?n uu, boiu eme dozen Suspenders at 25c.40c. BLEACHED MUSLIN at 9, 11, 13 PER YARD. L. DES MARTIN. &c SOIsT, and customers, and the public in in store a splendid stock oi ARE fltan any in Vinton Connty ! EXAMINE OUR STOCK and OF EVERY DEPARTMENT! goods only for CASH, OR ITS us to give our patrons than Ever Before! " Vox Ilunmna," "Wilcox Patent," Octavo ' ! ,'.'.,: $50 tO WAREROOMS, Time Tables. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Great National Short Line Route East and West. Only Direct Route to the National Capitol and Eastward. On aud aftor Monday. November 10. Trains will run as follows: y:XWWSMKWlnyiuiti I ftui Hail Ktprett Lint Exprnt . . . Donftrfc ParkcrHhurir 066 Am S 35 I'm fi(M " 830 " 8 55 10 m " 0 40Pm CuiiilKirlnniU Jil.lAm 8 44 Am 1 W I'm 4 45 " 5 05 " 'J6 Ilai'imrti Ferry Wauhlnglon Juuc, 5 51 " 8 SO " 8 45 .... Arrive Bultlmoro WfiMliinirtitn. 10 00 " IMlllll.k-rplilili S:i5 Am 1 20 I'm lWiMl'm Wmy roric 015 410 " WESTWARD, Di'iiiirL.. .. . . New York 12 .TO Fni 830 Am 9 80Pm 4 00 Am 8 00 I'm 8 50 Am 9W ' 1( " 845Am 1100 I'hiladclphla Washington bultlmoro 12M Am 11 45 I'm 045 I'm 8 00 " 4 05 Am 4 5 " 8 59 " 10 Si " 8 25 ' 8 00 " 850 " Washington Juno. lioo Pm Cuiiihorland.... 500 I'arkf rahiirg . . . Pullman Palaoe Drawing Room Blecplnj Csrs, Which aro as comfortable, elegantly furnished and almost ciiunl to a llio-slde, are on all trains from Cincinnati to Itnltimore and Washington. KocHchednle of Cincinnati ani Marietta Itailroad for tlmo of arriving and de parting from McArthur. The advantages of this route over1 all other is, that it gives nil travelers holding through tickets the privilege of visiting liattiinore Philadelphia, and the JJtttlonal Capitol free. Time quicker and rutesolfare lower than by another route. Tho scenery along this Railway It not equalled for grandeuron this Contincrit, TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. This line offers superior inducement the rates hoiuir ono-third lower to and filim ltn. ton, New York, or any other eastern point. In ordering goods of any description from the East irlvo directions to shin nht Ilaltimnra Jt Ohio It. It., and in shipping Kast give samo di rections. Freights shiiipod by this route will havo despatch, and be handled with care aud suvo shippers much money. K. UUILFOKD, Gon. Freight Ag'L llaltimore, L. SI. COLE, Gen. Ticket Ag'U IioUlmore. 8. II. JONES, Gen. Pass. Ag't, Cincinnati. BEE LINE. CLEVELAND COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI & INDIANAPOLIS RAILWAY. On and after- Monday, May SBth; 1871, Kx nross Trains will leave Columbus anil Crest line and arrive at poinU named below as fol lows: Stations. NoTa. NaT No. 6. Columbus.. ..11:10 a. m. Crestline 12:30 p.m. Cleveland.... 8:4i Buffalo 10:30 Niagara F'ls 1.-00 a. m. 4:10 p.m. . 8:36 a.ra 6:25 4:50 8:45 - .1:30 4:10 - 9:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. '4:40 7:05 ' fi:( uoencster ... l :o Albany 0:45 8:00 p.m. 1:90 a.m. Boston 5:40 p.m. 11:20 N. Y. City... 8:30 0:30 11:00 . 6:40 Crcstjino ....12:45 p. m. 6:35p.m. 8:35a.m. Pittsburgh.. 9:35 1:25a.m. 8:45p.m. Harrisburg . 7:15 a. m. 11:25 2:10 a.m. Baltimore. ..10:40 2:40p.m. i Washington. 1:10 p.m. 0:25 Philadelphia!! :15 a.m. 8:15 7:00 Crestline ...11:30 p. m. Fort Wayne,. 6:30 a. m. Chicago .12:10 p. m. 7:45p.m. 6:56 a.m. 1:15 a.m. 11:25 7:20 6:00 p. m Bkff'Xo. 4, leaving Columbus at 4:10 p. m has a Through Car via Delaware forHprlng ileld, reaching Bpringilcld without chnngo at 7r20p. in. , Train No. S, on tho Columbus & Hocking Vnlley Huilroiid. connect with No. 4 train. Through Tickets for sale at Athens. . PAHHENGKH TRAINS returning arrive at Colu'.nbus at 12:30 a. m., 11:15 a. m., and 9:50 SrPakce Day and Sleeping Can On All Trains. No. 0 leaving Columbus at 2:35 a. m., on Siindnv, runs through without detention, by both Krio nnd New, York Central Hallways, arriving at New Vork on Monday morning at 6:40 a. in. For particular Information in regard to through tickets, time, connections, etc, to all points East. West. North and South, apply to or address E. FOltD, Columbus, Ohio. K. H.FLINT, Gen. flup't JAS. PATTERSON, Gcnoral Agent, Columbus, Ohio. EUGENE FORD, Vamangor A mill t. Col urn b us. Oh lo. & INDIANAPOLIS RAILWAY. Columbus & Hocking Valley R. R. Short Line to the Lakes and the North west. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY. AS IOllOWS Depart Athens fiiJO a. m. Arrive Columbus (f:50a.w, Cleveland 8: P- m. Depart 8:15 p. m. Arrive. 6:40 p.m. 1:80 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:40 B:45 8:15 p.m. 11:45 " 8:08 " PittHhurKh :' IndiunniKilis.'.... :25 " Chicago 0:1)0 ft. in. Xcniit 12:10 p.m. Dnvton 1:10 " bpr'lugllold 1:80 " Closo connection mado at Lancaster forClr clevillu, Zanesville and all points on the Cin cinnati and Muskingum Variey Railroad. Direct 'connection mado at Columbus for Dayton, Springfield, Indianapolis. Chicago and all points West. Also, for Clevelnud, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and all points East. Take the Hocking Valluy and Pan Handle route to Chicago and the Northwest; it is the shortest hysixty-Bix miles, giving passengers the benefit of quickor tinio and tower rates than by any othor line. ' J. W. DOIIEKTY, Stip't. E. A. BuKLt, Gcn'l Ticket Agent, Cin. & Lafayette Railroad. Great Through Passenger Railway to all Points West, Northwest and Southwest. This is the Short Line via Indianapolis. (llnnapolls, l.afayotte, Tm.W 1,nH,'tftfn, hrl.lgo City, Sprliiglleld, roor.'". P"' " Chicago, Mllwaukeu, HU Paul, -ud PinU in um iortnwosc. Tho IndinnaK)lis, Cincinnati & LafaTOv'to Railroad, with Its connections, now offers passenger more facilities In Through Coach and Sleeping Car Korvlce than any oti;or line from Cincinnati, having tho advantage of Through Dailv Cars from Cincinnati lo 8t. Ixmis, Kansas City, Ht Joseph, Peoria, Bur lington, Chicago, Omaha, and all Intermediate points, presenting to Colonists and Families such comforts and accommodations as are aifoiilod by no other route. i nroiign Tickets ami llnggnge (-hecks to all po'ints. T.-alns lenvo Cincinnati nt 7:80 a, m., 8:00 d. m;, a.ndtt :00p.m. . " Tickc'ta can be ohtnlnod at No. 1 Burnet Houso, corner Third and Vine, Public Land ing, coram- Mniu nnd River; also, at Depot, corner l'lui.1 and Pearl slroou. (:iitliiiitt. Ho sure to iMirchaso tickets via Indiiinap olitt, Cincinnati Jt Lal'oyelte Itnllrond. . . M. L. HAKItlNUKR, Master Transportation, Cincinnati. O.K. LORD, Chief Ticket Chirk. Cincinnati. ThofirifitThmiifl,Mal' ftn1 Express Pas senrl!fnotoH? 1 Kansas clty,Ht.Jo- !en(,CDeinveran Fra,c fo'.nd M ' Mk.. "JlVect route to' In- Medical- V LECTURE TO Young Men. Just Published in a Sealed Envel ope, Price Six Cents. '"' 1 A lecture on the Nntiiro, Treatment and Radical euro of Nporiiinlm-rhncn or Hemiiml Weakliest, Involuntary remissions, Honuid Debility, and Impediments to marringn gen orallvj NervoiisneHS, Consuniiitlon, Epilepsy and r ils; Moutnl and Physical inenpneit v, n siilllng from self-abuse, etc. by IK HIKltT .1. ( I l, 1 11 U KLI-, M.D., author or the "(irvon llook,,lc. , 'I'he world-renowned author, in this admira ble loclnro, clearly iroves from his own ex perience that the awful rnniieipKiiiees of snlir alnise limy bo cllectiiiillv leinoved wllh....! medicines, anil without dangoroiiH mii-liui operations, bougies, Instruments, rings or cor. dials, point ing nut a mode of cure nt once c,.r. ' tnin and effectual, by which every smferxr, no mailer what his cuiclll Inn may I, irlI)y eiireliluiHell'clii'iiiilv. Inlviilelv nml 1111II.1.11 J This lecture will provo n bisui to thoiinuid, nun timiiHiuMii. Kent, under seal, in nnv addrens. In a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt nf iilxrcnw. i' two postage slum ps. Also, Dr. Cnlvei n . li s "Marriage titilde,'" price U) eeidii. Addro. me piiiiiiKiiprs. C11AS. .1, C. K I.INK A CI., I'Jf Bowery, New link, P. O. II, x gents lo ciiuiiMciici! bu-ine-ii w ith, nnd l(ii ;;i commit (dnii nllnweil for m-Mil-.g, Addrer.-i, J 8. COMA Kit, t tihhv liter, Mich. 14 Hm-cw