McArthur Enquirer Mo ARTHUR, OHIO, OCTOBER 15. 1873, E 7 N. FRESHMAN. I Advertising1 Agent, 100 WliST FOURTH STIIEET, aiisrciiTisr-A.Ti, mo- Is an authorized Agont to reelovo advertise ments for this paper. Hu hut special ar ruugomonts with religions, agricultural mil other newspapers. N. J. BOWERS, RESIDENT DENTIST MoAUTnuR,omo. Advertisers who may wish to roach the " People of Vinton and adjoining count leu, can And no better medium than the Mo Artliur Enquirer. Binding. Persona having mugnzluos or books of any kind thoy wisn to liavo bound, ran leave tlioin at tills ofllce ami in ilnu time can reealvo them properly bound. We have in :ute arrangements woiehy we can at tcml to this branch ol' business at low prices. Apples are scarce. Going up real estate. lXioiNO received full goods. J'leasakt a warm stove. Now is the. lime to marry. Ml i Going ahead the Railroad. IIl'skixo corn now in order. A lost art Domestic economy. BO ---SJ" Jack Frost made n "Lolling" appearance- on Monday morning last Good, strong, robust butter, can be obtained now for forty cents per i'oand. As molasses draws llies, so do the stoves in the groceries draw loafer."?. MSI IpH Nkw mown hickory nuts are in the market now, and arc selling at low prices. . m a. Or. N.J Honors, Demist, .M' vrlliur. O Quails ere abundant, and are being captured within the town limits. Chestnuts are about "played out,"' so far as gathering them is concerned. was) n s m a'". Jon Printing executed at this officii' equal to the best in the cit- t-s, :uii at the same figures. A. It. Lantz and William Shrv !i:ivc opened an Oyster Saloon in the second lloor of Davis' building. m an J. S. Uuhn returned from the West Tuesday afternoon, of last werk, much pleased with the rri Wii'.xt sown in the ground is coming up wheat in the niaikct is coming down. The way to avoid a panic every man mind his own business and avoid croaking. House flies are taking their last taste of poor humanity, and the song of the mosquito grows faint. mm -- ttm The leaves of the forest are fast succumbing to Jack Frost, and the uielaiH'holly rustle denote the coin in;!; of dreary winter. . !---ami Now is the time to have your Job Printing done for the fall trade. Cull at this olllcc and have it done ucat and cheap. J. ("!. Swltla.nd, living on Fast M. tin Street, is internally and ex ternally improving his dwelling house. -- Dr. N. J. Ho worn. Dentist. Mc.Ailhnr, (). Mil. J. J. Suockev has removed from the "Catlin House" to his old Hotel stand, on Main Street, east of Huns' s Hardware Store. wiW1 Two individuals pugiiistieally (liflposod, made an attempt to c're n to- a pitch battle on Sunday last. , in front of the Court House, but af t''r a purry of words and a fi;w li . -.inhea, came to the conclusion to v-ilpon;; hostilities until some fiituro time. in'oe work hay commenced on the Railroad, thcro has been a no tr.bli! improvement in business and building in McArthur. Tho saw, hammer, and piano can now bo l;i iird on almost every hand, and tin' remodeling and improving of iVrtideiicoB and business houses yot'S bravely on. The old corner building of Mos ul's, Martin & Sox, has been reno vated by a coat of will to paint, and now presents a commendable up pearanec. Other merchants should nerve their buildings in the same way. There is nothing like paint to add neatness and attraction to our homes and business. We learn from M. R. Potter, of Jackson Township, in this county, rlio returned from tho South last Suturday, that tho train on which he ( nine, tho Express which passes westward about 1 1 a. m., ran over and Instantly killed u woman who wns walking on the track, lu the -l-ep tut, near Moonvillj, und, al thowoh tiio whiatlo was sounded, 8h d,i4 HQtj Joavo tho track, A Valuable Boor. It's a trifle difficult to tell what is in a book that has everything in it, and we are just now laboring under that difficulty. Tho book is The Cyc lopedia of TniNOS Worth Know ing; or, 25,000 Wants Supplied. It seems to havo something about ev ery trado or profession in it,whcth er practical or artistic. The Medical Department com prising nearly three hundred and fifty closely printed columns, is a book in itself, embracing all the la test improved treatments of every disease known to man or woman, and is doubtless more complete and practically valuable than any Fam ily Medical Book published. The Assaying Department will enablo any farmer possessing it to determine tho value of any mineral substance found on his farm. The pocesses connected with the Practical Arts take a good portion of tho work, and these are care fully selected so as to be of the greatest possible utility in tho work shop, and they are so fully explain ed that tho inexperienced can gain a good idea of operations which are generally known only to the skilled workman. Tho painter can find hero all processes known to his art; the worker in wood all tho methods in that art. The iron worker will not fail to find receipts which will bo new and valuable to him. In fact, it is impossible to mention any trade or profession which would not bo benefitted by the work. In scientific processes it is also very full, and give those who had no knowledge of the subjects a good insight into chemical and artistic work. In receipts applicable to ev ery clay life tho work is very full, and no pains have been spared to niako them comprehensive, and clearly understood, telling what to do and how to do it, to produce a desired affect In fact, wo do not know where we should 6top were we to name even a tithe of the really valuable things that are found in this book. It is, indeed, a Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing, and it would be scarcely an exaggeration to add, or, Every Want-Supplied. This book is published by the Continental Publishing Company of St. Louis, Mo. It is sold by sub scription only, and presents an op portunity for first-class agents to make money, seldom offered. The people interested in having a good local paper should lend their assistance in making it such. It is not to ho supposed that items of local news transpiring all over the country can be chronicled in the newspapers. unless some one takes the trouble to write out an account of them and send it to the publish er. It is in this way, and in drop ping into tho printing office, or hailing tho editor on tho street and giving him information of what may be of importance to place be fore the public, that a good local paper' is supplied with correct local news. Let our friends both in town and country bear this in mind, and keep us posted in regard to local items of interest of which they may become cognizant FIRST IN THE FIELD! New York and McArthur. J. A. Felton Arrived from New York. Wo desire to say to tho people of Vinton county, that J. A. Felton has returned from tho New York Dry Goods Market with a magnifl- cant assortment of Goods of every description 'every department in the House being full of tho finest stylos of Goods ever brought to this county. The people are specially invited to go and see his goods whether they buy or not. Learn his low prices. See how tasty Mr. Felton has been in making his se lections. Let the ladies go and sco the choico Dress Goods. No man in business should ever write a business letter, or make out a bill, without his card wrintod at the head of tho paper, and tho name ol tfio State, town and place of bus iness being also printed thereon. It not only shows that ho is a man possessing business qualities, but prevents numerous mistakes. Jt also saves much timo in writine. and costs but little moro than tho blank paper. DIED. DiRD-At the residence of hnr fntlior, Hknrv IUtnkr, In Eagle Township, Vinton coun ty, on Monday morning. October 18, 18W. of consumption, Mimxii D. Brink, wife of Jonathan Brink, Jr., aged 28 years, 4 mouths, and 24 days. Bho. had wont from hnr hnmi I.. r i .ti... . H.,IU aM .uu.&i in,u , aocompanlod by her husband, only last Sntur- Hjr uin-rnoon, to visit Her parents. In Eagle TowiiKhlp, thinking the change might Im prove hor hoalth. 8ho wan married on the M of March, IHOOj Jolno.l the Chrlstnln Church in May, lU She wn truly an eirectlonato wife, a kind neighbor, and a devoted Chris tlan. llut "llorsoul lm taken lis flight, To nttmsioiiM of glory uliovo, To mingle with the angalsof light, And. iwil) lu (lie kiuydom of love." TAXES 1878. T-AJSCES 0371 107Q. n t lb Tai - Payurs if 11 1 Hi 111. TN PURSUANCE OF THE LAW, I, NELSON RICHMOND, Treasurer of Vinton County, of Taxation for 1873, is correctly stated in the following Table, showing the number of each of the Townships, Incorporated Villages and School Districts in said County : TOWNSHIPS, INCORPORATED TOWNS, AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Eagle Brown '. Swan Jackson Elk zr.zz"! McArthur Independent School District Part Attached to McArthur Ind. School District .. Vinton Madison..." Zaleski Independent School District Clinton Richland Harrison Wilkesville Wilkesville Independent School District Knox The undersigned will attend at his office in McArthur, tvom the 1st day of October until the 20th day of December next, to receive Taxes; after which all Taxes remaining unpaid, will be subject to a penalty of 5 per cent. A person charged with Taxes may, at his option, pay the full amount of such Tuxes on or before the 20th day of December next; but is required by law to pay one-half of the Tax on or before the 20th .day of December next, and the remaining half thereof on or before the 20th day of June, 1874. A failure to pay one-halt the charges on Chattel Property on or before the 20th day of December next, renders the whole due, and subject to collection as in case of Delinquent Tax. . J The Road Supervisors of the several Townships will take notice that Receipts for Road Tax cannot be taken unless written with ink, the amount to be stated in figures and also spelled out, and the name of the Township must be written on the receipt. McArthur, Ohio, October 8, 0 M. .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 M. ...6 '.G .6 .6 .6 .6 G .6 .6 .6 .6 .0 .6 .6 .6 .0 1873-6. in H H ! tr1 a ! H W 3 a o A M. M. 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 M. 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 do bereby notify tho Tax-payers cf said County, that the rate Mills levied upon each Dollar valuation of taxable property in 6T s Kg- : b : i : B : c H o p. M. .0 .6 .6 .6 .6 .G .6 .6 .0 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 M. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 M. M. 1.95 2.00 1.33 1.50 .65 .65 .65 3.00 3.80 3.80 3.78 1.15 .83 1.80 1.80 1.50 .5 1.0 1.0 1.0 .5 .5 .25 .4 .4 1.5 ipt. NELSON RICHMOND, Treasurer Vinton County, Ohio. o ? 50 8 E 5 i 3 S" B fi Is : & 5 o : P-a . UDO" a ' : b-o rt-i pit : W H M M. 5.00 2.50 3.00 5.00 3.45 9.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 5.00 5.64 5.00 1.50 7.00 5.50 M. M. M. 19.95 18.00 18.33 19.50 21.28 26.33 26.83 19.00 20.80 29.80 21.78 20.04 18.83 16.70 22.20 21.50 3.18 3.18 3.18 .5 .50 .50 Legal Notice. TIMES FOR HOLDING COURTS INTIIK Seventh Jniial District of Ohio, For the Year 1874. ORDER. PURSUANT to authority of law, It Is hereby ordered Hint tho several terms of the Court of Common I'lens and tho District Court with in and for tho Seventh Judicial District for the year 1S74 bo held at tho dates following, to-wit: District Court. Washington, April 0; JleiKK, April 13; (iullia, April 111: Lawrence, April SO; Hi loto, April S3; I'iko, April, 27; l'erry, Au(fiitS4; I'lili lleld, August 27; Hocking, August 81; Athens, Septembers; Vinton. September f: Jiickson, September II. Court of Common l'leas. Ft rt Siili-tlivinhn. Perry .Iiinunrv ED; Mnv 4; September 28. Hocking February lll.'Mnv 25; October 11). Fnirlleld Miircli II; Junes; NovcmuorU. Second Stib-tlii'iuhn. Lawrcnco January 27; May 5; September 22, Scioto Mnreh 2: Juno 1 : October 1!). Jiickson February 23; Mnv 26; October 12. Pike March 81; Juno 22; November 17. Vinton Februnry ; May 5; September 14. Third Sub-dhMon. (inllin February 2; Atiril 27; September 14. Mei;rH February S3; Mnv 14; October 5. Washington March 2; May 21; October 19. Athens March 2.3; June 11 ; November 18. Ami it is lui tlierordercil thatduc record and publication of the foregoing bo emtio accord ing to law. Witness our hands this 10th day of Septem ber, A. 1). 1H73. MlliAS II. WKIfJHT, JOHN .1. HAHPKlt. T. A. PLANTS, Judge). till. I, I A II IV. II AMTI.MiS, JCItASTL'M A. UUTHUIE, Suite of Oliiu, Vinton County, it. I. C. W. ItOT.T.AKII. I'lnrlr i.f (lin I'o.i.l- n Common Pleas, within and for said county nun nunc, noreuy ecrtiiy tno forgoing to no a true copy of the original order now on lllo in my ollico. vi itnesh my nana and tno seal of sitiil Court lit McArthur, this 23d dny of September, A. I). 1873. ISKAI. Octobers, 1873-3W. Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. ml T 11 . - r I Aiiuiiiita ivuu unit marry j.yrio ins wne. whose place of iohIiIciico la unknown, will tnke notlco thai on tho 21st (lay of July, 18"3, John M. Sloan. Illeil his tielition in tlio Court of Common Pleas, In anil for Vinton Countv, Ohio, setting up a mortgage lien upon the following lands, altnolo in Vinton County, Ohio, to-wlt: The undivided (fc,) of the enst half of the north west quarter, and the north east quarter of tho north west ipiarter, and mo west qunrtur.oi tno norm ease quar ter of Section 81, Township II, RtingolO. Also the south oast quarter of the north enst quar ter of Section 8(1, Township 0, llango 111. A'so the north west quarter of tho north west quarter of Suction 81 and the south west quar ter of the south west quarter of Suction 80, Township II, Rango 18. except tho north west quarter of the north east quarterof Section 81, Township U, llnngo 18, and asking that snid morigugo oo lorccinseii, Ram lanus soiu. ino proceeds brouirbt into court, and amilied In satisfaction of his c.lalni, ngiiiiist one Thomas M. Lytic, for tho sum of $1,71)4 (13, and inter est rrom January, SOth, 1878. Said Thomua M. Lytle and wlfo aro parties ilol'euilnnt with snid Martin II. llrand; said defendant Brand is reiiuiieii to answer said petition on or Uo foro the 15th day of November, A. D. 1873. JOHN M. SLOAN, lly J. M. MoOim.ivbay, Attorney. Suptombur 24, 1878-Ow. LEGAL NOTICE. .inarm It Itat'nM tnlmae hln.n tm ' I ",'ini t nunc n iunmuiiv.u in nnknown, will take notice, that J, (. Rons, Hlirtliiv nn.l Willi... V,. have lllod their petition In tho Court of Com mon Pleas or Vinton countv, Ohio, setting up an estate iu tlmfile In the following real estate, situate In said Vinton county to-wit: l'bo east-half of the uorth-west quarter (K K N W K) of taction Numhor 84, Town ship Number 10, Range Number IB, con talnlng 80 acros moro or loss, And paying for pnssessson of snid premises and the sum of $ft0 mesno prollts. Said Joseph Hovers Is required to answer said petition on or bofore the 16th day of Novoinber, 1873. J.O.ROHS, "i v' V,'ATr""I'K Al. A1UUILLIVRAY, niqiMjui uor i i, ltfia-uc Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICE. Milton D. MelCinnlss, whoso plaeo of rosl donee Is unknown, will take notlco that .1. O. iioss, r.iirancin iiitrtleyaml William N. Hart, ley has lllod their petition In tho Court of Com. moo rioaior vinten county, Ohio, sottlnir lit an estato In feettmpU in Clio following real esiuio, siuiain in sain vinton county, tu-wltl Tho west-half of the north-east qunrtor (W H N H X) of Section Numhor 84, Township Number 10, Rango Number 111, containing 80 acres morn or loss Anil praying for possession of snid premises, and the sum of INI mesne prollts. Said Milton 11. McKliiuIss Is required to answer snid peti tion on or boforo tho 15th day of Novoinber, f'hr ,. . By if, ,8. ( LAVPooi a A J. M. Muuilmvrat, Boptcuibor n, WU-Ow. AiWruvyi New Advertisements. Ask your drugirlHt for IT T) T O O this llemody. A box d v. A box I IV Pj n n in 1 11JL..-5 w 1 1 n c a s n bottle, and b p 1,1 If n n Take sold No Cure X JJ V i li no other No Pay. AGUE T f M T ft CUHK-Ask for Kreg Fe 1 1 IN I J verTonlo It Is the softest. Don't Fohokttiir Wakkekt. if it fails to euro you, Ukt youii Monky. W. C. HAMILTON & CO., 4t. Cincinnati, Ohio. CORN HDSKER "iS hoiS:8 4w. 8. C. HILLS, M Cortlandt St., N. Y. EMPLOYMENT FOn AM.I-One agent in four weeks made n nrollt of $412 80, sell ing llrynnt's Library of Poetry awl Sony; $70 IN One wkkk on The Aw Uouuekefper's Man. nal, by Miss Needier and Mrs. fcitowo. Any live man orwomau can have an agency. J. if. FORI) & CO., Now York, lloston, Chicago or San Francisco. iw. MIIDflCD I No wo would only call nttcn IVlUnUCn i tiou toourWKi.L auuek, with wliich a man can earn $25 per day In good ter ritory. It bores any diameter, and ordinary wells at the rnto of lai It. per day. Fnnn, Township and C'ounly rights for sale. Descrip tive book i sent on receipt ol'D cents postage. Address aihikr no., (it. I.ouis. Mo. E. II. v AN DEW AN, Washington Court House, O., (ien'l Agent for Ohio. 4w. HnSVCIIOMANCY or SOUL C1IAKM r INO." llow either sex mny 1'nscinate and gain the love and nll'cctinns ol any per son they choose instuntly. This simple men tal acipiirement all can jiossess, free, by mail, for25cts., togetlier wilu a marriage guide, Kgyiitian Oiucle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, cdiliug-Night Kblrt, ,Ve. A uueer book. Address T. WILLIAMS & CO., l'ubs.l'hll.4w. KENTUCKY & GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, First Mortgage 7 per CCllt, Gold Bonds, Coupons payable February and Auyimt in (aid, it AVmj York or Jlattiiiiore. For sale at IK) per cent ., rtini aeevred hiteret currency; secured by Fimt Mart gay: executed toWrui er'e Loan and. Trimt Co. of .Veto York, covering Company's Lino, its Franchises, Equipments, Kenl and Personal Estate, at tho late of $15, 000 per niilo on lllo ItneiT, extending from Cincinnati to GatletMiurj, the terminus of the Chesnpeako and Ohio itoad, 140 miles. OovorniuontK. State, Citv, Railroad or any other marketable socurflles taken In ex chnugo, at highust market rates, without com mhKion, and K. fc O. A'. U. Jionda forwnrdvd freo of charge to vurelinscr. 'iw;)Ac,J() nnd full information will be furnished on ap plication to WM. FISHER & SONS. 32 South St., Ilnltlmorc, Hunkers, Stork and Noto Ilrokors, and Fiscal Agents of the Company; dealers in Govern ments and Railway securities in all tho mar kets of the U. S. 4v. Or to Hunks and Bankers throughout the country. REMARKABLE SUCCESS r,0 n 4 ilnvs. ami nuoiliec f ir.8 iuHdavs, selling OCEAN'S STORY Thoiisuriis o f Adventures upon, and tho Wonders beneath the great Occauu. VV3 spirited engravings. Price t'Xtreniely low; sells amazingly fast. 2.000 more live ugents winded for tills and thu only COHl'I.KTK, I'Ol't'LAU and KAST-HKLI.INO history of LIVINGSTONE 28 y'rs in AFRICA, (tho greatest success of tho season.) Also our splendid now lilble, Just ready anil fur excel ling all others. Pocket Companion und full circulars true. Address HUUHAill) liltOU., Pub's., Cincinnati, O. 4t, WASHINGTONanVSk. Agents wanted lor tho only complete history of ourNntloiialt'upltiil; Its Origin, Urowth, llonutlos, Kxcelleuces, Abuses and Persona ges all graphically portrayed by CKO. AL FRED TOWNHENI). Bold, Startllnir.Truth. till Insldu View of Washington Life. Con gressional and Lobbying Jobbery fully de tailed. Hooks ready. F'or epeoial terms ad dross JAMES 1IETT8 CO., Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111.; S. M. BK'1'18 It CO , Cincin nati, Ohio. 4w. :10,000 IAGlltS .Wanted i raro Chanco.l For Particulars Freo. or six Samples for $1. a Month, Miiiross I'ittsburg, Supply Co., PITTHliUIui. PA. WAunvi-uin. A GENTS WANTED. Wo want an nirent. male or female. In evorv township, to sell tlio only standard book of mo Minn punusueii, "OKLOPEBIA OP THIES WORTH KNOWING! On, 25,000 WANTS 8UPPL1KD." The Largest, most Important and Valuable ItuiHillT Uook ever pulillHlioil lu the United Slates, M'j bv 171; is (!or.oM. rriTiri I.ITltU C0U 6ITHI VMTOIlt Khti To oveiy rulisi'ci'ier, $100 IK) per year saved to ni.v y one wlm bin ii., IJvor.i body wants It, uc I v evoryi'iiily buy it us soon ns olluivd. $10 p.'r , weok suie. l.Min 'IVrma. . Aeiit mil i..l. It if t'.nu' ',) nut. udd''oss ' ClINTINI'-iTAI. PI MI.IHIUNd Co., 013 .North Sixth St., 8t. Louis, Mo. K-Om-W&e. The oldost and most rcliablo institution for obtaining a Mcrchantilo Ion. For circulars writo to 4w. P. DUFF & SONS, I'lttsbug, Pa. For Coiistis, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, Use WELL'S CARBOLIC PABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND Sold by Druggists. SURE REMEDY. 4w. A WATCH FREE, worth $20, .given i. gratis to every live innn who will act ns our agent. Business light and honorable. $.'100 niado in 5 days. Saleable as flour. Everybody buys It, Ciin't do without It, Must have it. No gilt enterprise, no humbug. KENNEDY A CO., Pittsburg, Pa. 4w. Agents Wanted. Send for Catalogue. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., NKW YoilK. THE HURRICANE PiTKST L A N T E R COMPANY, N Ollico, 14 Barclay St., N.Y'. (Up Stairs.) Offer to tlio public a lantern combining safety andgeconomy Willi elegance and usefulness. It cannot explode; It gives a gooil light, and consumes less oil than anv other; It Is not dis turbed by tlio highest wind, and if u glass is broken, it is easily replaced b v nicunsof the screw. Tbcv cniiilov no aaentH excent their traveling clerks, but their goods can bo had from tho dealers throughout tho conn- try 4t, WATEES' C0NCEET0 PAELOR OEGAN8 ,ji. are (lie taout beuutit'ul VTrffl In Blvln fin.f n,Mint 4, in tone ever nial. no lUlH tlli O SlOP ii the bent ' ever placed in any vy uu extra etit of reeds, pocuN any voiceu, A KI'FI'X'T of ''r it MOS'f CHAR III IN. AN1I NO II I, HTIII K1NU, while I IS 11111. TATIO.Y of the ISKi!! lUi .Human volro MH NIIIM'Ult. 'VyiWHlj,'1. i f Jtrmi itticrul. A GREATmM? Broftdwav, N.Y., will dupoieiSOOPlANOM andOiUiAtiSnf firkt-cltum niakn,,n elwUng tVATi:i(S, at vxtrcinelr loir price for rnxli, or part ecuh, ana balance ttisnuill inondily invmnilt, New7Oc tnvo f imt-rlnae PIANOS, all modern improvemeutN, for lt75uh.trnant, H Oriavo, 70. I) ( fiANS,4 Mtope, 10 S Mtop. li3. Illiistrntrd Cnlnlouucs znnlleil. A large iimunttoWniilcrt, Churehet.Suwtathehoolt, Thit. Urancs Societies, etc. AGENTS WANTED THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE Til AT AT THE SiME TIME Purge, Furfjlee, and Strengthen! the Syetem, Dr. Tint's Pills aro composed of many In gredients, Prominent among them aro Sarsa parilla and nnd Wild Cherry, so united as to act together; the one, through Its admixture with other substances, purifying and ping ing! while tho other is strengthening the sys tem. Thus these pills aro at tho sniuo time a tonic nnd a cathartic, a desideratum lung sought for by medical men, but never boforo discovered, lu other words, they do the work of two moilleino and do It much bettoi than ny two wo know of, for they remove nothing from tho system but Impurities, so that while they purge they also strengthen ami hence they rauso no debility and aro followed by no ru-acllon. DH.TirrrV "ir.LHhnvon wondorful Influ ence on the blood. They not only purify with out woakemng It, but they remove all nox ious particles from the chvlo bofore It Is ron verted Into fluid, nnd thus makes iinpuro blood nn utter Impossibility. Asthern is no debilitation, so there is no tuiusen or sickness nlleiullng the oppnratlnii of this most excel lent inodli Ine, w hich never strains or toi turns the digestive organs, but causes Ihoin to work In a pci foi tly manner ; huueo persons taking thoni do not liciomo pale inul eiii'iolaled, but on the contrary, while nil Impurities ne be. big remove-, ' i combined aellnu itftho Bar- ' saparelln, aun i, ,nl (berry purl lies and Invlg i ovules Ibn body.and a robust flute of health Is inn result oi ineir united action. Price toot, a box. Sold bv all DruimlsU Depot 40 Cortlandt St., New Xork. 4t. FALL 18731 1873!! Hosiery, Staple Notions, Buck Goods, Small "Wares, New Stock, Low Prices, LIBERAL TERMS. S. C. Swift, CIIILLICOTIIE, O. Special Notices. BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI (-Thousands havo already gone, and thousands moro aro turning their eyes towards now homos in tho fortilo West. To those going to Missouri, Kansas, Nebrnsko, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming Novada, Oregon or California, we rocommont' a cheap, safe, quick and direct roulo, via St. Louis, ovor tho Pacillo Ruilrond, which runs Its lino Way Couches and Pullman 81cepors from St. Louis to principal points In tho West, without change. Wo bcliovo that the Mis souri Pacific Railroad has the best track and the finest ami saftost eqiupinent of any lino west of tho Mississippi, and Its connections with roads further West aro prompt and re liable. The Texas connection of this road is now completed, nnd passengers aro offered a n first class all -rail routo from St. Louis to Toxas, cither over tlio Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R., via Scdnlla, or over tho Atlan tic & Pacific R. R., via Vlnltn. For maps, timo tables, Information as to rates, routes, &c, wo refer our readers to 8. II. Thompson, Eastern Passenger Agout, Columbus, Ohio, or V.. A. Ford, G'n'r'l Passenger Agont. St. Lou 1b, Mo. Questions will bo cheerfully and promptly unsworcd. n25-ly Emigration Turning. Cheap Farms in South-west Missouri. Tho Atlantio A PnclUo Railroad Company offers 1,200,000 acres of land in Contra) and South-west Missouri, at from $3 to $13 per acre, on seven years' timo, with free transportation from St. Louis to all purchas ers. Climate, 111, timber, mineral wealth, schools, churches, and law-abiding society In vite c.nlgrnuts from all points to this land of fruits and flowors. For particulars address A. Took, Land Commissioner. SU Louis, Mo. 1-ly Tint Purest and Sweetest Cod-Livkr oil Is Hazard 3b Caswell's, niado on the sea shore, from fresh, scloctod livers, by Caswbi,l,IIaz. abd A Co., Now York. It is absolutely pun and iteeet. Patients who novor onco taken it prefer it to all others, Physicians havo deci ded it auporlor to any of the other oils in the market. ' 4t. ERRORS OF YOUTH.-A gentleman who suffered for yoarsfrom Norvotii Debility, Premature Docay, and nil the cOocts of youth ful Indiscretion, will, for tho sake of suffering humanity, sond free to all who nood it, the re cipe nnd direction far making tho simple remedy by which he was cured. Bulrcrers wishing to profit by the advertiser's expe rience can do so by addressing, hi perfect con fldoiHM), JOHN B. OUD1CN, 30-8in o. No. 43 Cedar St., N. Y. For Ayor's Medicines, go to O. W. Slsson's, Five Hundred Thousand. oOO.OOJ bottles oi ureeno s August i lower nave boon sold lu this State in throe months. Wu only ask you to go to the drug utorosof dunning orBisson M o Arthur, f )li lo, and get n bottlurirse . eharQt or a regular tizo at ',5 n-uld, Kvury ji.,iyc wurmuwi i nn, lfvlM'hin Of I.lV'.-r coin- plulnt, Slcl; hcada li.1, t'u.tlvonrsj, Hoart- bum, VI ntnrbrnsh, Soui Sioinac'a, Indigestion linpuiti Blood, and nil dheuM caused by Im pure nino.l, or ilorauifod Sknnach and Llvor, Try It, O. U. G UKBN, Proprieter, fi'liim ho s.J'vlj.taw A CARD. A Clergyman, while residing iu South America, as Missionary, discovered a sofo and simple remedy for tho euro of nerv ous weakness, early decay, disenso of tho urinary and seminal organs, nnd the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers havo been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit tho nlllictcd and unfortunate, I will send the receipt for preparing and using this medicine, in n sealed cnvelopo, to any one who needs It, Free of Charge ! Address For Puro Drugs and Medicines, go to Sis- son's. PITTSBURGH, March, 1872. Wo hnvo used largo quantities of Boymor Bauman & Co.'s Strictly Puro White Lend, and hnvo always found It uniformly and finely ground, very white nnd of excellent body. Its purity we have never qnestiouod, and wo cheerfully recommend It. PITTSBURGH, March, 1872. THOMPSON & MILLER. Master Painters. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible lIouse,N. Y. City. Marcli 111, 1BT8 vl.nlO. To the SufTorliig.-Tlio Rev. Wm. II. Nor ton, wb.Ho residing in Brazil ns a Missionary, dlscovored In that land of medicines a remedy for Consumption. Scrofula, Soro Throat, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Norvous Weak ness. This remedy has cured myself aftor all other medicines had failed . Wishing to benofltthe suffering, 1 will som tho recipe for preparing and using this rem edy, to all who desiro It, Freo of Charge 1'leaso send an cnvelopo, with your iiamo nnd address on it. Address, Rev. WM. II. NORTON, 078 llroadway. Now York City. March 10, 1878-v7,nl0. For Flue Perfumery, go to Station's Drug Storo. The Host Place. The choicest lot of Gro ceries, Quoonswaro, Glassware, Notions, &c, can be had at Davis Duncan's Storo, In Za leski, at all ti nios. Corn, oats, potatoes and produce of every description taken In exchange for goods, at his store. In connection with his store ho ha aSnddlo and Harness Shop, nnd will repair anything in that lino on short notlco and at low 11 giut't. Go and seo hi 111 tf ''jpiIE WEEKLY SUN. Only $1 Per Year. 8 The Best Family Paper. The Weekly N. I . Sun. 6 pagiu. $1 u year. Sund your doliur. Th Beit Wookly N. Y. your dollar, Agricultural Paper. Tho Sun. 8 uagos. $1 a year. Send Tho Beet Political Fapsr. The Week ly N. V, Sun. Independent and Faithful. Against Public Plunder. 8 pages. $1 a year, Send your dollar. Th llst Newspaper. The Weekly N. Y.Suu. S pages. $l a year. Sond you dol lar. Has all tint News.-Tho Weekly N. Y. Run. 8 pa,gor. $1 a year. Send your dollar. Tha litist Btory Paper Tho Weekly N. Y.Suu, B pages. $1 a year. Bond your dollar. Thsi host Fashion Reports In tho Wcoklv N. Y. Sun, H pages. $1 year. Sund your dollar. TK- T.lnvbAt. Ulliwltl lit till, WomVW V. Y. Htiu. 8 pnges. $t a year. Send your dollar. Tl'.obestCattlo Market In tho Weekly N. Y, Sun. 8 pages. $1 n year. Sum I your dollar. T'lie best Paper in oveiy riMpei t 1ho Weekly N. Y. Sun. Bpagos. $1 a year. Send yo'ir dollar. Anuii's. Railroad. rpilE i 1 fEXttlttriee f . .. I ; la in advance of all com not i tors. It 1o the only lino running through car to the West. Omnibus trausfer, ferriage, all changes and dolaya avoided by running THREE SPE CIAL DAILY LINES ot THROUGH COCHE9, As follows: For all points In j Iowa, Nebraska and California. The Through Coach leaves Cincinnati at 8:40 P. X., Indianapolis at 8: 46 a.m., runniag through Bloomlngton, Peoria, ualesburg, Burlington, Ottumwa and Creston, arriving at OMAHA at 10:00 A. M.. NEXT DAY, hours lm mlvance ot any other route, making but oar chaugo of cars to SAN FBAffCISCO. Get your tickets via Indianapolis and Peoria -0 For all points In Kansas, Colorado and the Southwest, The Through Coach leaves Cincinnati ata: P. M., Indianapolis at 8: 00 p. u., rnnnini through Danville, Decatur, Jacksonville ai Quincy. arriving in KANSAS CITY at 9: M P.M., NEXT DAY, hout in advanoeof St, Louis lines, mskingbutone change or car t HUM BOLT, FT. SCOTT and DENVER. Got your tickets via Indianapolis, Danville and Quincy. ti FOB Bock Isfand and Davenport. The Through Coach leaves Cincinnati lit 46 P. M., Indianapolis at 8: 00 p. H. running through Bloomington, Peoria and Galva, ar riving at ROCK ISLAND at 10: 80 A. M., DA. V EN PORT at 11: On a.m., next day, making but one change of cars for points in NORTHERN ILLINOIS and IOWA. Get your ticket via Indianapolis nnd Peoria. J Pullman's Palace Crawing-Soom and Sleeping Cars. Run through from Cincinnati to Peoria and Indianapolis to Rock Island. Travelers to any Western point can now hike their satchels, bandboxes and bundles, select a comfortable seat and keep it to desti nation. On account of these through and convenient arrangements,elegant equipments and quick timo, this route is now the great popular thoroughare between tin Suet and Heat. C.W.SMITH, Gen'l Manager. Urbana, 111. JNO. W. BROWN, Gen. Pitte. Tkt. Agt., Indianapolis, Ind. 5.. Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad TIME TABLE. On and after November S, 1878 Trains will run as follows : a I?! e i IS.! 6sa i : : : : : S rfB : : : : : : ::::::.: : : : : ii . : : : i : i : : : : : 3S ii is L'd. CSO, sS SMMS SB : '. i A ' el 2SJ?22?.? 522? oiaiHHHwo o x ao a. Miles a, oi c ts to o w a 5 SSm f a'Zit 5-c o .M J a 0-3 mmii lis v C 6 d 01 a 5 a Miles I ' a :3 :i : : : :a : a B ; 2ft : " H H Jl W CJ T m O sO (C to P W (P E0CO ti a . lid iijjiii i i ; . : : : ; 8l??25SSSj CINCINNATI EXPRESS will run dally. All other trains dully, except Suudav. CINCINNATI EXPRESS. EAST, makes no stod between Iiamdon and Athens. Portsmouth Branch. Mail Acrommodat'u Dep. Hamden 8:45 p. m. 8:18 a. in. Ait. Jackson 4:24 " 1:21 " Portsmouth 8:4H " 11:20 TRAINS CONNECT AT LOVELAND Kor all points on the Little Miami Railroad, and at tho Indianapolis t, Cincinnati Rail, roud Junction lor all points Went. W. W.PKAnODY, ' Superintendent. W.K. LANKESTKIt, Mastorot Tiaiisiiortation, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Great National Short Line Route East and West. Only Direct Route to the National Capitol and Eastward. On and after Monday, November 10, Trains will run as follows: KASTWAIID. Otn'natl Erpreee Fait Lin Mail Smpret Depart Parkorsburg Cuinberlnnd. llftroers Forrv... 865 Am 85 I'm (1011 88 " 8 55 8 40Pm 88 Am 851 888 sin - looo 1 o I'm 410 " 844 Am 1 12 Pit 4 45 809 825 " 1824 Pn Washington June. Arrivo Baltimore Washington Philadelphia .... New York WESTWARD, Depart New York Philadelphia Washington Bullimore Arrivo 10 00 " 185 Am 815 " l0Pm 8 80 Am 0 90 Pm 4 00 Aro BOO I'm iWAia 20 " 1204 M 845Am 1100 12 54 Am 8 45 I'm 800 " 820 ' 11 45 Pm 8 00 " 409 Am 4 25 8 5B Washington Juno, Harper's terry,. Cumberland Purkersburg 1200 Pin too " 1082 u IIS 11 Pullmin Palaos Drawinf Boom Slssplng Can, Which are ns conifortahlc. elegantly furnished and almost eiiuai to a iire-sldn, are on all trims tmm i.incninutl to Bnltlmorn and Wellington. See SchAilule of Cincinnati aaif Marietta Railroad for timeof arriving and d pat ing from McArthur. i oc nuYniivrHvn ' ."is mine over an outer Is. that It gives all travelers hnldlnr tlim,,.i tickets tlio privilege of visiting Baltimore Philadelphia, ami tin National Capitol tir-e,. Timo auickerand ratesollura 1 owi,r by another route. , Tho scenery atong this Railway Is not equalled for grandeur on this Coutluunt to snippxsa or rnsiaur. This Una offers superior Inducement-His rates being nne-tblrd lownr lo and from lli.s., Inn, Now York, or any other eastern point. East glvn directions lo ship llaRliuoie K Ohio li. IC.,Bnd In shlnidiiK East give same ill reotlons. Fieliihl shlnped bv tills rolile will hnvo ileFpatch, and be bandied with care j' stive shippers much money. . . ... N. (ll'ir.KORI), (Ion. Freight Ag't llnllbnoiy I,. M. Clil.l' Ueu. Ticket A g'L llsllliiiuro h, n. joyr"