OCR Interpretation

Marietta daily leader. (Marietta, Ohio) 1895-1906, September 19, 1896, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87075213/1896-09-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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Tie Cleanest Place
Tn Bny Gools of ill KMs
Is the place nearly every person Is
looking to And. We can point you to
the store that will give you more goods,
more value, more service and inpro
satisfaction than any other hoflso any"
whore, for tho reason that if you sond
out of tho elty you run the rlslc of, not
getting suited, and the trouble ancles-,
pensc which you do not have buying,
from us. We guarantee our goods 'as
You are now Invited to inspect our
stock of New Fall aud Winter Goods
arriving daily, bought at tho lowest
markets of the world and offered to
you at the lowest prices offered.
Dress 6oods. New arrivals of all
wool Serges, Henriettas, Black Novol
ties and Boucles. Thb prices will sur
prise you.
Wc, continue giving away a Dress
Pattern with Dress Goods sales in ad
dition to tho low prices made. Gome
soon to get thorn.
A few Armorside Corsots for the
week at (19e, worth $1.25.
One lot Steam Mould Taylor Made
Corsets, all sizes, for the week, only
(!9c, regular price f l.'J5.
The Largest Tablet for school only
5c, worth 10c See it.
7x11 Double Slates lSc: Sxia Double
Slates 18c.
We sell School Supplies Cheaper than
any other house.
One case Satines, Black and Blue
grounds at 10c, worth 15c yd.
Standard Prints this week at (ic yd.
One lot China Wash Silks 15c yd,
A'orth 35c.
Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 5o,
LOc, 12c and 15c. . Great values.
Sun Umbrellas at 50c, tlOc, 9Sc and
1.25. Special Bargains.
2 spools John ,1. Clarks Machine Cot
ton for 5c.
A limited number pairs of Kegular
Made Ladies' Hose, Opera Shades, 2
pair for 25c, one pair, regular price 25c.
Bargains in Men's Suspenders, silk
overshot, embroidered and silk edge,
patent buckles, 25 dozen this week at
25c a .air, worth :!0 to 40c
The McKinley Tin Canes at 25c
each a novelty.
Large spool Crochet and Knitting
Silk, all colors, 5c spool.
CLOTHING. Great Bargains in
Men's Suits from S2.J18 to 15.00.
New Fall Overcoats. All wool pants
ut '1.75 to $2.75. Boys' and Children's
h ..ts at 73c to $-.!$. The best knee
pants for 25c wo haye sold.
We have the Bargains in this De
partment. Come and see them.
Trunks, Valises and Telescopes very
Onr Prices on Wall Paper the Lowest,
Complote stock of Rag, Cottage, Hemp,
and Ingaain to choose from. No house
makes the prices we will sell at.
Measure your rooms. We cut and
match to fit, no extra charge.
New stock of Queensware and Glass
ware this week. Factories closing out
gave us some snaps for our customers.
Come now while we have a full as
sortment and can suit you.
Fine Decorated Tea, Dinner and
Toilet Sets away clown in price.
Mixed Candy this week at 5e pound.
A big lot of new goods in One Cent
Pencils, sponges, paper, envelopes,
thread, mirrors, rules, pins, cuffs, col
lors, ribbons As. &c
Special Sale for This Week Only.
1 pound II. B.'s cream puff baking
powder :5
1 box, 3 cakes lino toilet soap "j
Yi do, plated tea spoons yr
14 pound Young Hyson tea -10
1 towel roller jn
1 butcher knife 5
Total 5J.0I
All for this sale H!c, just i regular
Pure Leaf Lard only fie. a pound,
a pounds Ginger Snaps only 10c.
Stoneware Jars, .lugs, &c. 5c. a gal
ton. The Queen City washing machine is
a great success. One dozen more at
?-'.4S. Regular price $0.00.
Tin fruit cans, quarts at 25c. per doz.
Half gallon at 50c per dozen.
Whole shredded wheat Biscuit for a
quicker introduction will sell this week
only, 3 packages for 25c., worth 45c.
Hundreds of Bargains not mentioned
hat will requiro a call to investigate
Bargain Store,
169 Frcit St. Marietta. 0
ft lITI-KFRVfllK
Collides With a Wild Engine
Near Connersville, Ind.
Both Engines Were Demolished, and
Not a Man on Either Escaped.
The Two Knelnoera unci Firemen Killed
Outright Pnymaater, Assistant Fay
master, Porter, Bridge Supervisor
and Trackmaster Silently Hart.
CoNNnnsvir.i.E, Ind., Sept. 18. A C,
H. & D. pay train east bound Friday
morning collided with a wild engine
four miles west of Connersville, result
ing in the derailment of tho engine
and car of the pay train.
Engineer Sweatman and Fireman Kin
sey, of tho pay train engine, and Con
ductor House and Fireman Hughes, of
the wild engine, were killed.
Paymaster .lansinjr is said to bo seri
ously Injured. Assistant Paymaster
Scallan, Porter Fishback, Bridge Sur
veyor E. Wysong and Trackmaster J.
M. Itourke, all of whom were on the
pay car, were slightly injured.
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 18. The
engine of the freight had left the cars
on Salter's switch, and had gone with
other cars to the nearest station. Re
turning wild, it crashed into the pay,
The engines came together on a
curve. Both engines were demolished
and not a man on either escaped. The
paymaster and others were brought
Maj. McKinley Greeted by a Large Con
course of People Canton Iiurlod Be
neath Hunting.
Canton, O., Sept. IS. Since an early
hour Friday morning people poured
into Canton by railroad, by wagons, on
foot and on horseback. The weather
is superb and there is every reason to
believe there were 40,000 visitors in the
city at the big republican meeting.
Senator Cullom arrived at 10 o'clock.
Senator Thurston, Gov. Bushncll, of
Ohio; Gov. Hastir.,'s, of Pennsylvania,
and Congressman McCleary, of Minne
sota, arrived about noon. At half past
ten a delegation of 500 voters from Unity
township, Columbiana county, all of
them Maj. McKinley's former constitu
ents, called to pay their respects to the
candidate. They carried flags which
were used in tho Brough campaign of
1S03. J. J. Hrittain, of East Palestine,
was spokesman and Thomas Atcheson,
chairman. Maj. McKinley made, a
brief response, greeting and thanking
his followers, and then shook hands
with tho delegation. Judge Howard
Ferris, of Cincinnati, and Maj. W. W.
Peauody, vice-president of the Balti
more & Ohio railroad, were called on
for speeches. Judge Ferris made a few
remarks, and was followed by Judge
U, L. Marvin, of Akron.
The citizens of Canton, regardless of
party affiliations, threw themselves
heart and soul into the matter of deco
rations and elaborate display. Every
building in the cit was profusely dec
orated with flags, bunting and pictures
of Maj. McKinley. The private resi
dences, particularly those along the
lino of march, bore evidences of the
decorators' art to a more or less elab
orate degree. A stand wits erected in
Maj. McKinley'H yard near the street.
He reviewed the procession from it.
Maj. McKinley rode in the parade in
the afternoon till it reached his house,
and then left his carriage to review it.
He did not attend the big meetings
either in the afternoon or evening. Ho
was too busy at his home to get away.
The house was surrounded with peo
ple since 8 o'clock Friday morning, and
the crowd, grew larger every moment.
Tho banlc of the city closed at noon
and remained closed for the day. All
the shops and manufacturing establish
ments gave their employes a holiday and
business generally was suspended. Tho
visiting throngs reached such enor
mous proportions that it was impossi
ble to lind a hall in tho city largo
enough to accommodate them. A big
tent, capable of accommodating 20,000
people was secured and placed in posi
tion. In this tent both the afternoon
and evening meetings were held.
Official Arkansas Returns.
Little Rock, Ark., Sspt. 18. Com
plete official returns from tho recent
election show the following voto for
governor: Jones. D., 01,124; Reramel,
R., 35,830; Files, pop., 13.0S9; Miller,
pro., 742. Total vote. 141,120.
uruiTDCu in the nantinsjty surer.
Fremont, 0., Sept. 18. George My
ers, aged about fifty years, was drowned
In tho Sandusky river Thursday after
noon while rowing. Tho body has not
yet been recovered. "
To be Given Away
One Coupon in each S
Mall Pouch Tobacco Is sold by all Dealers.
ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE 0 Valuable Article with Explanation hm to get them, MAILED O.V REQUEST.,
NO coupons eicnongoo nnor ruiy i, low.
Gathered I'rom All Parti nf the Country
liy Telegraph.
The treasury gold reserve at tho
close of business 'lhursday stood at
5114,490, 170. The day's withdrawals at
New York were S50,100.
The private banking house of Gard
ner, Morrow & Co., of Hollidaysburg,
Pa., the oldest in central Pennsylvania,
closed its doors Friday morning.
The arrival of the czar and czarina
at Leith, whither they will proceed to
Balmoral to visit tho queen has been
postponed from Monday. September 21
to Tuesday, Soptember 22.
Fire destroyed more than one-half of
the property in the lumber yard of S.
S. Hill & Co., Dallas, Tex., at 10 o'clock
Friday morning. Origin of the fijre un
known. Loss is estimated at 850,000.
While acting as marksman during
rifle practice at the District Volunteers'
camp, Niagara, Thursday morning,
Private Ilatton, of Owen Sound, was
struek on the head by a stray bullet
and instantly killed.
The United States cruiser Cincinnati
passed out at quarantine, New York,
at 3:40 p. m. Thursday, bound for tho
Bosphorus. She Is expected to over
take and consort the Bancroft, which
left a few days ago bound for the same
Capt. E, V. Gager, of the(steamship
Louisiana, which arrived at New Or
leans Friday, reports that John J.
Stribenger, of Cleveland, O., a passen
ger, died and was burled at sea on the
15th, while the steamer was en route to
New Orleans.
The new armored battleship Illus
trious was successfully launched
from the Chatham dockyards, London,
Thursday. The Illustrious is of 14,000
tons. Uer engines will have an Indi
cated horsepower of 12,000, and sho
will carry 10 guns.
Ex-Mayor John Fitzpatrick, who was
nominated for congress by the demo
crats of the First Louisiana contrres-
sional district on Saturday last, posi
tively refuses to accept the nomina
tion. The executive committee will
select another candidate.
In response to a communication from
the governor of Wyoming that Sho
shone Indians were hunti.g at Jack
sons Hole and trouble might result.tho
Indian bureau has directed the Indian
police to return these Indians to their
reservation, using force, if necessary.
The rumor which gained circulation
in the United States, by way of Key
West, that the Spanish cruiser Infanta
Isabella has been disabled at tho en
trance to Havana is unfounded. The
Infanta Isabella has been laid up for
repairs at tho arsenal there since last
Early Thursday morning a west
bound freight train on the Vandalia
lino ran into a wash-out between
Stubblelleld and Pocahontas, 45 miles
east of St. Louis, and the locomotive
was turned over on its side. The engi
neer and fireman are reported seriously
The semi-official newspaper Italia
asserts that the communications which
have passed between tho powers upon
mo situation in Turkey show that
their relations are strained to tho
point of rupture, und that a cabinet
council has been summoned to discuss
the position..
Murdered His UUorced Wife.
RocKFOitl), 111., Sep:. 18. Edward
Shannon, an old resident of Belvidcre,
near this city, killed his divorced wife
Friday morning. Tho woman had just
secured it divorce on the ground of
abuse, the case having been bitterly
fought. She was on the train to go
back to her home in Chicago, when
Shannon entered the car, placed a re
volver to the back of her head and
blew her brains put. Shannon was,
hurried to jail, but talk of lynching is.
btrong. The grand jury'has just been
discharged, but, tho judge issued a new'
venire and Shannon will bs tried im
mediately. '
Foreigner to lie Kzpelled from Turkey.
Constantinople, Sept. 18. The Brit
ish Mediterranean squadron is ex
pected to arrive at the island of Lem
nos (island of Stalimni) Saturday. Ac
tive preparations for sea duty aro pro
ceeding among the vessels compo&ing
the Russian Black sea squadron. An
official communique prohibits meetings
of foreigners and says that all foreign
ers who do not enjoy the confidence of
the government will be expelled.
Vice President btevenson Accepts.
Washinoto.v, Sept. 18. Vice Presi
dent Stevenson has informed Secretary
Gardner, of tho Association of 15yan
clubs, that he will accept tho associa
tion's invitation to preside at the club
convention at St. Louis on October 30
Mont Uncle Barn's Protection.
Marseilles, Sept. 18, A party of 80
prosperous Armenian refugees arrived
here Thursday on their way to tho
United States.
in Articles of Real Value
cent Paclant and Too Coupon! in each 10 ctnt
A Warning from Webster.
He who lumpers with the currency
obs hibor of its bread. He panders In
deed to greedy capital, which is keen
sighted and may Bhift for itself, but he
beggars labor, which Is honest, unsus
pecting and too busy with the present
to calculate for the future. The pros
perity of the woHdng classes lives,
moves and has its being in established
credit and a steady medium of payment.
All sudden changes destroy it. Honest
industry never comes in for any part of
the fjpolls in that scramble which takes
place when tho currency of a country
iH disordered. Did wild schemes and
projects ever benefit tho Industrious?
Did violent fluctuations ever do good to
him who depends on his daily labor for
his daily bread? Certainly never. All
these things may gratify greediness for
sudden gain or tho rashness of daring
speculation, but they enn bring nothing
but injury and distress to the homes of
'patient industry and honest labor.
Daniel Webster, Speech at New York,
' Don't Go It Blind,
The man who cannot see just how the
free coinage of silver is going to in
crease the number of dollars' In his
pocket should not vote for it.
The Weather.
Washington. Sept. 18. Ohio-Fair Satur
day morning, probabl followed by showers
on tho likes; light to fresh variable winds
Kentucky und West Virginia Showers Sat
urday; variable winds.
Indiana Snoweri Saturday; fresh easterly
Cincinnati. Sept ia
FLonn Sprine fancy, S10033 25; spring fam
ily, IJ.40S2 CO; aprlne patent, J3 43S3 75; win
ter patent, J3 253 60; fancy, Si 75JJ3. 10; family,
tl I5QJ 50. extra, 1 90! 10: low gride 11 50 a
i bo; rye, wortnwestern, S3 tifti 50: do city,
Wheat No. 3 red, trn:k. CO:: No. 2 red
Cons Sales: No. 2 mixed, nominal, at 230
23 c
Oats Sales: Samplo mixed, track, 15c;
No. 2 mixed, track, 13,o; No. 3 mixed, track.
.Hoes-Select butchers, jaio&3.0; fair to
good packers. n05ai5; fair to good light,
1110(33 25; common and roughs, JI 353.'. 85.
Cattle Fair to good shippers', 116034.151
oone of the best on sale; good to choice
butchers', Jl 6534. 10; fair to. medium butch
ers'. Ja003a50. common. $12512.75.
Sheep and Lamds Sheep Uxtras, S2.85a
300, good to choice, SZ25&2.75; common to
fair. L50a2.Oa Lambs Extras, J3.85100;
good to choice. 132533,75; common to fair,
Vsal,Calves Fair to good light, $5.25
3 00; extra, jtt25?i3 50, common and large,
fl 00.35. CO
Wool Unwished, una merino, 0310c por
lb; quartsr-blooi clothing. 12313c: medium
delaine and clothing. UiS13c: bruld, llUo:
medium combing, 13314c Waihod, lino mer
ino, X to XX, 13c; medium clothing. H31Jo;
delaine fleece, 14 15o: long combing, 15316c;
luarter-blood and low, 12313c; common
coarse, 11312c
New Yomc, Sopt 18. i
Wheat No. 2 red, December, 67 11-163
!8c: May.7i;ja71K&
Cons No. 2, 26HG37ic: December, 27;;a
Oats No 2 western, 1832SKc; May, 23jc.
Toledo, O , Sept. ia
Wheat No. 2 red, cash, 05c; Dccembor,
33?ic; May. 72?c; No 3 rod, cash, 61a
Cons No. 2 mixed, May, 23J4C.
Oats No. 2 mixed, Ma7, isuc.
Rte No. 2 cash, 33c.
Chicago, Sept 17.
Calls on December wheat opened at 01 &
JIKc sold at 61HQ61Jic, last prlco 61tfc Puts
openedat OOJJc. sold ut COXBCOtfo and CO'O
3u?jc, last price CO.'jc.
Calls on May corn opened at 24iiQ2IJjc. tho
anly prlco. Puts opened at 21ie, sold at 21JJ
3!Uc, last price 2l?c.
ISDiASAPOLls.Ind., Sept 17.
Cattle Choice to prime, H 633183. fat,
itell-Qnlsned steers, ?4 25ie0, medium, laoo.
HoesGood to choice medium and heavy
30333.15. mixed, J,003ai0; choice lights.
Siibep Good to choice lambs, Ja503173;
;ommbn to medium, ti.iiQ3.2a; good to cholco
iheen. MCOiU'Ott"
Your Boy Wont Live a'Montrj.
bo Mr. Gihuan Brown, of ;H Mill St,
SouthjOardner, Mass., was told by tho
doctors. His son had Lung trouble,
following Typhoid Malaria, and ho
bpent three hundred and seventy-five
dollars with doctors,- who Anally gave
him up, saying: "Your boy wont live a
month." He tried Dr. King's New
Discovery and a few bottles restored
him to health and enabled him to go
to work it perfectly well man. He says
he owes his present good health to tho
use of Dr. King's New Discovery, and
knows it to be the best In tho world
for Lung trouble. Trial Hottles Free
at V. II. istyer's Drug Store
A New Minuet by 1'udereuskl,
Ignace Paderewskl has written a
new rolpuet for the piano, which he
has dedicated to his American ndmir
ers and given the significant name of
"Menttet Moderene." Ho regords tho
new composition as his best, and be
lieves that it will meet with greater
popular favor than his "Menuet a
L'Antique," written In 1883, of which
overT.OOO.OdO copies were told in a
single .year. It is the first ininunt
written by Puderewskl, since "L'An
tique," and was composed by the fam
ous pianist expressly ior The Ladies
Home Journal, and wj appear in tho
October Issue, .
to the Users of
r ,
Reliable Gas
if you will keep your
eye on this s'pace Until
thefirstof th3 wekyou
will learn how to get a
Gas Heating Stove for
one-half price.
We have Durchased
1 50 of the Reliable
Stoves at one-half the
original cost. See them
before vou buy.
Hagan & Schad.
Opposite Union Depot,
220 Second St., Telephono 118.
I. H. McCowan, Executor of Halph Cuthbert
Catharine Thornlley, et al
Anna Camnbell. whose resldenen Is Alhor.
deen, Mississippi, and Margaret Groves, whose
residence is San Jose, Illinois, will take notice
that Isaac H. McCowan, Executor of the will
of Ralph Cuthbert. deceased, on the 4th dav of
September A. . I8'M filed his petition In tho
Probate Court of Washington County, Ohio,
alleging that according to the terms of the last
will and testament of nald Ralph Cuthbert,
that It Is necessary to sell the real estate be
longing to the said decedent for the purpose "of
malting distribution of same according to the
terms of said will. That be died seized In fee
simple of the following described real estate,
Situate In the Mnrletta Land District. Wash
ington County, Ohio, and bounded and de
scribed as follows to-wlt : The south-west
quarter of the north-west quarter of section 17,
town 3, range 7, containing 4 .70 acres more or
The prayer of said petition is for the sale of
said premises for the purpose of making dis
tribution of tho ptoceeds thereof according to
the terms of said will.
The persons above mentioned will further
take notice that they have been made parties
defendant to bald petition and that they are
required to answer the same on or before the
7th day of November A. D. i89t!
I. H. MCCOWAN, Executor of the will of
Ralph Cuthbert deceased.
Ellenwood, Smith & Leeper, Attorneys.
fcept Bth-Owks.
established 1m7
Geo. stueokku. Hknky stkeckei
Manufacturers of Marine, Stationary and Ol
Well Hollers, OH Tanks, Smoke Stacks and
Tube Expanders. Special attention given to
repairing Boilers In the oil fields. We employ
none but the best mechanics In this line.
Give us a trial we know we era please you.
Office and works on West Side.
Attorneys At Law.
Corner Second and Putuanr Streets
Room No. 8, Marietta, Ohio
Collections promptly attended to.
. Attoruoy ut lntv.
Ovet Leader Offlce. Cor. Front and Putnnm
W.Eri:it &. cuiix.iH,
Phy3iolune and Surgeons,
Office and residence, on Second strcot, three
doors above the Court-houself arietta, Ohio.
CHARLES W. mciIARftg, '
Attorney at Law, ' .
Office on Putnam Street, Marietta, O
A Attornoy at Law.
Onlce la Law Building, Marietta, O.
Attornoy at Law itnd Notary Public,
Offlce on Second Street, opposite Union Depot.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Room a Mills Block, Corner Putnam and
Second streets. Notary Public.
ttorney at Law,
Offlce East cor Front and Putnam. Marietta
51 Real Estate and Loan Anient,
econd St., ppp. Union Depot. Uarletw, u
it. o. w. eddyI
Office No. 304 Front Streot.
Opposite Soldiers' Menument. Rosldenoe No
(18 Fourth street. Telephone connection.
Offlce room, 1 Mills BuiMlng,- Cor. Putnam
and Second streets.
Attorneys at Law,
Office In htttr Rnlldlng,
Marietta, o
. Attorney at Law,
Office In Law Bulldlny,
. I
Marieita, 6,
Trains leave Marietta as follows
For Cincinnati, 10:40 a m, 1U M p in.
For St. Louis, 10:40 a m 11: p m.
For Louisville. 10:40 a m, 11:25 x m.!
For Parkersbun?, '10:40 a m, tu:00 a m, UM
ForBSipre 0:0''' i:. 20. 4:55, 11:25.
E?P?.,5lcolh8 1QM w. i P n. tflsto
ft zm Tii) 5 p in,
Dally. tExcept Sunday.
For detail Information regarding rates
et address DB "nB3' sleeP"' Parlor c18
R.MtlaTC?81 AS8nt' ' & ' S'
A?'i?,ATA1'EL'.Asslstant General Passenger
Agent. Cincinnati. Ohio.
Cleveland & Marietta RaliWay
In Errxor Bchday. Mat is. imk
GOING SOU , M "' "AJoiNQ N'riftTI.
a. .
No 1
p. m.
2 56
12 32
a. m.
10 65
10 46
10 41
10 28
10 17
9 63
9 49
D 29
9 19
9 12
8 40
8 85
8 80
8 22
8 16
7 57
7 49
7 40
7 83
7 29
7 18
6 48
6 43
a. m.
2 26
Canton .
p. m
12 18
a. m.
7 55
Toledo ....
n. m
a. m
2 15
2 40
2 48
2 57
3 04
8 15
8 26
8 88
V Allot- .1.
p. n.
t tv
t cj
6 44
6 67
6 12
6 18
6 64
5 48
5 41
6 16
6 11
6 0S
4 17
4 67
4 IB
4 44
4 17
4 16
4 18
8 0S
8 47
8 48
8 17
8 18
0 60
7 00
7 05
7 18
Canal Dover ...
Black Band
Wolf's f...
N Corners town..
Post Rn
7 40
7 48
8 07
8 17
f8 25
8 85
8 60
8 58
9 03
8 48
4 01
4 11
4 17
4 27
4 42
4 47
4 57
5 05
S 10
Guernsey... .'.!'
Klmbolton ....
Oldham's. '
Trail Bun
Pt. Pleasant
Belle Valley.::'
OaldweU..... ..
9 11
9 18
9 28
5 17
5 27
9 87
9 45
9 56
5 87
5 47
5 64
6 03
6 20
6 42
6 47
7 05
10 02
south oiivo'.:::;
10 07
10 12
10 18
10 28
10 87
HO 62
Warnnr .
Gtanlov. '
HO 67
P. m.
p. m.
12 20
p. m.
a it
tStOnon Slirnnl
E"w 'pahk ally CIoeI't SMday.
G. P. T. A.
wllfrraaUow'; im XWn.
Son1.1byounda"rEX00',t8Bdortn .
s ll II S .Hffi5K2& ! ? 6?8
824 147 6 15 SIsTersyllle 8 45 Ul sft
am p m Park'bgl '' l 8 10
U .!! Jwood 10 55 2 00
1 B86 &W ?US?
PM PM ",i'oa"" 25 12 25
2 20 lio Galllpolla 9 00 1155
220 810 Huntington 7 1)4
W. J. KOBIKBON. G. P. A Parkewr,
For rates, Information, 'etc cali Ton?.
ar0M- Will. BOHl ABB AOH,
134 Front Street
I No. 70.
IHo. 79.
Lv Marietta
" Lowell
" Watertord
" Stockport
" Malta..........
" Zanesvllle
Ay Columbus
Ar Chicago
fl sn a in
2 40 pm
3,13 pm
8 85 pm
10 pm
4 83 pm
6 40 p m
8 15 pm
7 20 am
6 18 am
7 10 am
7 48 ft m
8 11 am
a 20 am
11 25 ft m
9 00 pm
No. 71.
No. 73
10 25 p m
11 20 a m
Lv Chicago
" Columbus
" Zanesvllle....
' Malta
" Stockport
" Waterford....
" Lowell ,
Ar Marietta......
7 26 p m
7 4o'a'ni
8 60 a m
9 12 am
9 43 am
2 65 p m
8 68 p m
4 21 pm
4 58 pm
5 19 pm
5 55 p m
10 01 a m
10 40 a m
AllTralnaTlntl.. .
wi. .r."'ll "?? ounaay.
Zanmviiii.m..i? n"l? 010BO connections si
SKS'ft&S & '- " .? L Handl,
J. UOPE-8ufoB:'HecoTv8or. "" 'n ""'
C. C. HARBISON. General PassengerAgt.
Toledo & Ohio Central Ext'n.
Time Table In Effect May 24. 1896.
umrni standard Time.
T!l?0nly Llne out f Marietta with
uruusn nanor Car Service Be
tween Marietta and Columbus.
No. 1. No. 8. No, 11,
A.M. P.M. A.M.
Leavo Marietta
" Tunnel
" Vincent
" Cutler
" Utley
" Sharpsburg....
" AmeBvllle
Arrive Palos
" Athens
" Columbus
" Charleston, W.
" Cleveland
" Toledo... .j...,
" Detroit........
" Chicago
9 00
9 19
9 37
0 55
10 21
10 35
10 62
11 25
3 20
2 25
8 23
7 SO
u ro
9 20
2 10
2 28
2 40
3 04
3 SO
3 80
3 41
4 12
8 35
P. M
7 15
1 60 A,
11 SO
0 15
7 40
4 00
4 82
5 25
6 15
7 15
7 25
8 30
0 25
10 63
4 07
M. ,
No. 2. No. 4. No 12
A.M. P.M1, A.M.
LeavoColuat6us..i.'.'...,, 715
12 01
10 63
i-aios.....t in 19 9 in
Amesvllle 1042 8 15
gutlerj 11 is a 60
. Vincent 11 37 4 0
irrlve Marietta 1215 445
5 80
7 80
Tmltia mn lat1r A-nnva.
nectlons for all points north and west.
. " '""""" """ion can on or address G
M PATMK. Tlnkn. An-pnf TIt nJTS'l?:?!
etta O -a lv. ucput, .man-
T. D. DALE. BecilvV11 T. A.
w. m. MORSE, Superintendent.
The New Yost.
Best for Speed and ResUlJts.

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