Newspaper Page Text
1 l ,i , i v b vn m t.x fe' It "V ir - w "' ffflMM 1 1, GET WELL In tlio simplest, easiest, qitlcUcst manner by pelting' your drugs nnd medicines from us. If jou want ordi nary remedies for ordinary Ills, at ordi nary coil hao us minister to your wants. If you want a Bpecial remedy prescribed by your doctor, yon will bo euro of Retting just liat your pto scrlptlon calls for--and the best of It when you get It hero Popular prices t . Putnam Street 114 Putnam St Marietta, O. Drugstore. aaanaisHoaoneBOBaEeHSflQicH n O a PRICES? An Importnnl ilcm to bo sure. We're clad to speak of It Tnlro this for nil. R AHfi NOT UN DERSOLD, QUALITY CONSID ERED, UV ANY DRUGGIST IN MARIETTA, no mutter how boisterous his assertions. Oi e thine: wo will not substitute In ferior drills for anybody under uuy :otisldcriition. If the doctor prescribes Inetpcrislvo drugs, wo givo yor. the bcnctlt of thu Binalt cost, coilly. drugs, wo maUo llio pries as low as possible. Wo have been told by thosn whoso opinions wo value, that prescriptions average loss hero than anvwhere else In Marietta Wo sell at tho smallest prlco which the shrewdoit economical policy will tillon. . Cincinnati Post Prescription for Orlppo filled for 2Pc. Gorner Drug Store, Gor. Front and g Putnam Sts. ' Marietta, Ohio. g ta MARIETTA ELECTRO PLATING WORKS. ,AMkS JOIlNslON, i'roprletnr. Fully equipped with all 1he latest improved machinery and appliances fur lite successful innagt'inuiit (if ih. work of Elec tro P atiiic. We wish to Inform the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that we are now prepared to do all kinds of I'Uting and Kcplnting. We make a specialty of plating Wntdics, Jewelry, Doctot's and Dentists' Instruments, Fino Tools, gtoro textures, Hlcjcle-i, Stovo Trim mings, etc. Also Silver Plating, Knives. Forks, Spoons and General Tableware, Candlesticks, etc Wo plato anything fiom tho finest Jewelry to large Ma chines, and have elegant facilities for turning out largo as well as small work. High class plating on copper a specialty. Office and Works, 108 Greene St. James Johnston, Prop. Washington's Home Life was enlivened by Martha with tho best music that could l3 produced from the keyboard of an Instrument yiat could lay no claim to the perfected, Im proved nnd superb piano of to-day. If you 1iavo your wife or daughter ro member the Anniversary of Washing ton's birthday of '99, order one of the' magnificent pianos from our splendid assortment. ISRAEL, THE PIANO MAN, l'ront Street, Union Illoclt. Murtetta, Ohio. A Squib From Will? or a Darktown Lullaby. Dar ran little nleUannlny don't yo" crys lletcliy kolihy, Ueuhy Uotchy, ketcny kltcn, To' dem-ion am luuntr,' at yo" ho kl. yl rnoiiln' at ran Hula ilarklown tialiy wltrb, JV ho l'leienyo' am a iKMiim.lii), no, !' Kas ye cuddles ui je mammy wu'ra aud llBht. Like o uovmra to a yatlfr poplar tree, iililniitiliouii'sam lulkiu' loon talk la uu nuilit 'lolu, ooln nolit tolu, ooln, Tolu I'lne, HU'll cure yet'twry time, nn me llttlo plclmunlny don't ye cry. Now me little ptcltaunluy don't yp' cry. t or I Ueali o p oi comln liotcliy, lioich, bo lo'cougtfllqtltAtliUlIu' by-V-bys. Ke vol papa he am Rwlau fo' to foicn Jromdatinan who keotw de shoiiatarrjpop, Olwr ar ty nameob lllchVn Will S nil Ilcftli's deTolu-l'lue bo de coqt'h am Bl- to Binp , , Now in little rtckantnny ' you cry, Tolu, ooln ooln uilu, o?lu lolu Plue, Dat'll cure ye e? ry time Dar me little pickaninny unut yo tye, Tola Pine Is pi aant, 'VeryUoay nuei it And the children tight for Jt 1'tice S4 ceuts, hottlceforllO Prepared by, yours hulne. The cut Kate Unu'Klst HTOreene. rhoneM. Uojds Delivered mi i i ii IK. ! " " ' S? ' . ...frWiAffffiaaikB h, tot rtoii, Jit .'jMtWflJiiWnriiitiM tu b&MMMm.fa --' -iiiiiiiriitih ftfintfrfilifilMii The Marietta Daily Leader SATURDAY, FEBRUARY II. 1800. WHEW! Nevsr Did We Havo in Theso Parts Such Cold Weather. No record of such cxtremo cold weather aa yesterday exists, and a rec ord has been carefully kept In 'this city for prduably eighty years at least. Dr. George Hlldreth, the man looked to generally n.1 havlny truo lustra-. ments, had three thermometers expos ed yesterday, and two of them read at 7:30 a. m., 22 and 24 degrees below, re spectively. Tho third one, a rellablo self-registering thermometer, marked 26 below. Tho Doctor thinks that tho lowest point -was reached about 5 o'clock In tho morning. At James Q. Dovol's up tho Musking um, tho mercury Bhowed 3G below, and thrco thermometers proved the mark to be truo. At D. W. Devol's 33 degrees was marked on a self-registering thermom eter. Our records were beaten by Caldwell and Mflcksburg, these places showing 41 nnd 39 degrees bolow, respectively. With all 'this very extreme cold weather, wo havo heard of no actual suffering. Tho gas has stayed with us very well, a fact that Is due no doubt to the fact of enow which lies on the ground. Business ii almost nil, tho only things being done are thoso being Im pelled by necessity. Dating back, tho next coldest win tor was that of '52, when tho ther mometers were two or 'mote degrees higher In 'their showings. 15 BELOW 0, Yet Three People Were Immersed at Coal Run. On Thursday a highly unusual hap pening occurred at Coal Run an event In which warm Christian ardor show ed Its fearlessness to perform that which brought about the extreme dis comfort. Our correspondent from Coal Bun says of the occurrence: "Rev. Mr. Wharton, of the Christian church, has been holding a series of meetings at the church at this place, and Thursday evening extended tho U3ual Invitation, -which was, responded to by three persons one lady and two gentlemen. Thereupon tho minister, the can didates and the audience proceeded at once to the Muskingum river; and at 9 p. m., with tho mercury at i5 de grees below zero, the rite of Immersion was administered to the three candi dates, all of whom are persons in mld uic Hie. The correspondent adds to tho Item that on Friday morning at 5 o'clock, tho thermometer stood at 34 below the zero mark. Resolutions of Respect. The Washington County Dar met In adjourned session Friday at 12:30 at the Court House and was called to or der by tho chairman. An amendment to the motion of Thursday ordering tho preparation of resolutions of respect for tho late Henry P. Kraft, was offered, to make tho motion Include tho sending of a copy of the resolutions -to the family. After Attorneys W. G. Way, D. E. duyton, Judge F. J. Cutter, Judge Wm. H. Lecper and L. W. Ellenwood had mado fiomo remarks eulogistic of the Voceased member, the report, which follows, of the committee on resolu tions was heard and adopted unani mously by a rising vole: Whereas, Henry F. Kraft, an honor ed member of tho Bar of Washington County, departed this life on tho 8th Instant, after ten years practice at said Dar, tho members of said Bar hereby express their profound sorrow at his death and testify to their esteem for his character and uprightness, his ex cellent qualities of heart nnd his quali fications In tho lino of ills profession. Therefore, Be It resolved that In tho death of Henry F. KraiC, the. Bar and tho public have suffered a great loss; that we tender to his family and 'rela tions our slncero condolence In their unspeakable affliction; that we attond the funeral In a body; that as an ex pression of the regard and love of the Bar of Washington County we request the above preamoie and resolutions be placed on the Journal of the Court, and that the city papers be furnished with a copy for publication. A. D. FOLLETT, L., W. ELLENWOOD, C. C. MIDDLESWART, Committee. After the adoption of the report of the committee, the chairman addressed the Court In session and reported the proceedings of iboth the meetings and requested that thq minutes of the meetings be spread upon tho record book of the Court. Judne CoultraD offered a few re marks In honor of the tleceased and In praise of tho way In which he had con ducted the cases In which he had come before him In practice and ordered the proceedings of tho two meetings to be placed upon too reoord of tho Court, He then adjourned Court In order that tho Court nnd attend ant attorneys anight attend the fun eral. rilOLV IKHBIT FLOOIl-n'e've (jot (t finil it's fine. Made bit the bat mid in (he country. Alrcadu saclced fit a lb. pcwt(K8, ion. weuus sous, No ?) JVojit. FJnt Groceries. A CALDWELL WOMAN Under Arrost-for AUSFod Violation of Pension Laws. A cose Involving tho violation of tho pension laws, and one having an ele ment of romance, came to light In No blo county yesterday. A few weeks ago ho pension authorities learned that Mrs. Elizabeth Lamlcy, whose homo Is In Caldwell, was receiving a wid ow's pension In violation of tho law governing tho same. Mrs. Lamley was arrested at tho home cf her brother, Thomas Pogle, In Caldwell, by Deputy United States Marshal W. T. Harness, who brought her to this city last eve ning and lodged her In the county jail. Tha alleged facts upon which tho government has ordered her arrest, as far as can bo learned, are as follows: It appears that Mrs. lamley becamo a pensioner In October, 1800, as tho wid ow of Edward Iamlcy, who served In tho civil war a3 a prlvato In company E, Seventeenth regiment O. V. I. Her husband died in December, 18G8, which fact becoming known to the govern ment the widow's pension was dropped but no action was taken to recover the pension monoy then paid or to punish tho applicant. Shortly after tho death of Edward Lamley, the widow married William Lamley, a brother of her deceaseU husband. After living with her second husband a few years he, too, died, and the widow made application for a wid ow's pension In the name of her first hutlband, and was-reinstated on the pension roll March 19, 189S. Mrs. Lamley does not deny living with William, the brother of her first husband, but avers that sho was not legally married to the former, and It Is understood that this will be the ground of her defense. Times Recor der. GUILTY! The Jury So Says in Albert Bates1 Case. Albert Dates, who was on trial for a revolting crime at Parkersburg was pronounced guilty of aUempt to rape, Friday by the Jury in the case. The penalty for this crime in West Vir ginia Is from one to five years in the penitentiary. The case Is ono well known to all our readers ai all the details fit to print havo been ghen to the public ihrcugh thesa columns. Tl.o lctlm was a child scarcely five year3 old and the deed wa's done In one of tho hotels of that city, where Bates uas stopping and the child and her mother- were regular boarders. Another man wa3 arrested on suspic ion and Bate3 was at home In this city, no doubt feeling perfectly secure from arrest, but no, tho i.i-.o gill was too Intelligent to be mistaken In the man, and her statements led to the officers ordering Bates' arrest. A demonstration was made while the first man was yet In Jail by tho cit izens of Parkersburg, and threats against him were freely made, but as better counsel prevailed, the Innocent man escaped a horrible death, and Dates was Incarcerated In his stead. The attorneys for tho defense ob jected to the testimony of the child being taken In the case because of her tender age, but Judge Jackson ruled that as the child had already shown more than ordinary intelligence, tho testimony should be allowed. Persons who wero present at tho trial state that her testimony was perfectly clear and without flaw. Little Hocking. H. R. Curtis left for Roadlngr Pa , and Miss Addle for. Jackson,. O, last Saturday, F. D. Wells and .familyi of 'Marietta, wero visiting frlend3 anil relatives hero tho first of tho week, A little child of Eugene Schoonover, lMng a mile below this' place, died last Friday and was Interred- In" tho Torch cemetery Saturday Eph Sayres, of Chllllcotho, and fam ily are visiting frlcnvls hero. Franic Downer, who 1s working. In the Pioneer Mill at Marietta, has moved his family there. Jo3iah Watson and wife, of Colora do, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Hill. Mrs. Jano McGlrr has been seriously ill for some day3 past. We learn later lhat sho Is considerably Improved. Robert Nlxon, of Torch, was In town Monday on business. R. J. Thompson was on the sick list recently, but Is now much Improved In health. 'Ezra Walker and wife have been visiting Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Ross, at Bartlett. Louis Battln and wife, J. J. Clark and wife and Mrs. Ann Dalzell, at Redbush, are still on the slok list. J. M. Hill has been8ufforlng,from the grip for several days. Bob bimpson, of tho Penrose &, Simpson Co , Murletta.was hero Thurs day. Mr. Tabb, II, C. Jacitson's traveling salesman, was hero soliciting orders from our merchants Thursday. Joseph Boyd has been confined to his room by sickness for some time past, E. M. Halsey, A. S. Bellows and 3. r. Clark wero at HocUngporH Thurs day, serving as Jurors In a church trial. Thurmond Livingston had his ears badly frozen Thursday morning. The various thermometers In town registered from 30 to 38 degrees below zero Friday morning. No ore would over b bothered with constipation tl evert in kuniv how mil uraily nnd qu cltly Burdock ltlood Hit ters regulates the sumach and boett, Personal and Local. RflCRlReReBflHRB0RJ Mr. Arthur O. Hardy, of Whipple, Is In tho city. Mr. C. 3. Gage, leprcscntlng the Zancsvlllo Hardwaro Co , Is in the city T. H. Craig, of Athens, was In the city last evening. Mr. J. II, Russell, of Sclo, U In the city. Mr. C. H. P. Roney, of Norwood, Ohio, atatcSuperlntendent of Agencies of tho Mutual Benefit Insurance! Co., of Newark, N. J., Is In tho city looking after tho business of his company. Mr. A. Alexander, of Dayton, O., In tho city on business Friday. Mr. B. F. Whltohlll, a prominent oil man of Knox, Pa., after a business trip here, left Friday morning tor Pittsburg to attend to some business matters there before returning hero to look after oil business. Rev. Dr. Dudley W. Rhodes was a visitor on Change yesterday with Mr. John A. Allen. 'Dr. Rhodes came down from St. Paul especially to at tend the banquet of the episcopal Club, held here thU week, and will return Immediately.1 Friday's Enquirer. In reply to tho Leader's Inquiry for news, the keeper of tho county Jail replied: "We havo nothing new; we are Just holding our own." An order Issued in Probato Court authorizes the sale of tho stock of goods of Lizzle-K. Llmleman, assigned. The order gives the assignee authority to sell at fifty per cent of the appralse ed valuer The T. & Oi C. E. train due hero at 12:20 was three hours late, caused by waiting for an Ohio Central train at Paloa that they might bring tho Boston Lyric Opera Company through on their way from Charleston, W. Va , to Cambridge. Judge Coultrap adjourned Com mon Pleas court Friday that the court and attorneys might attend the iuneral of Attorney Henry F. Kraft. Mr. Gi C. Wilson, the Putnam street music man, left Friday evening for his homo In Wllllamstown. Ho went by way of Parker3burg. Mr. Isaac Prager Is somewhat In disposed. . D. R. Neptune, of Toledo, visited his sister, Mrs. F. P. Wheeler, Thurs day and Friday. He left for Macks- burg Friday evening to visit hla par ents over Sunday. Ho was accomp anied to Mncksburg by his sister, Miss Nellie Neptune, who Is studying music In the city. Principal Stone and Miss Weber, of tho Wlllard school building, vl3lted Principal Wheeler and Miss McGlrr, of Putnam building Friday forenoon. Born, February 9th, to Jacob Sni der and wife, Fultonburg, a son. Mr. W. L. McMorrls, of the Ohio River general offices at Parkersburg, was In the city Friday on business. Mr. Arthur Tlbbetts, who has been living on the J. L. Davis farm, up the Pike, moved to town Trlday and will live on south Fourth street. Mr. W. C. Morton, of Parkersburg, was in the city Friday on business. Miss Bertha Cutter has accepted the position as teacher In shorthand In tho Ohio Valley Business college. Miss Cutter has been a practical sten ogiapher for three years; is a high school graduate, and is well qualified ten the important position. Miss Hanna, who Is to take tho position of stenographer and bookkeeper with the Marietta Register Co , goes from tho school with the best wishes of all the teachers and scholars. 'She Is well able to fill any position. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL A IMPLICATIONS, as thev cannot reach tho keut of the disease. Catafrh is. a blood or constitutional din euse, and in older to euro It you miiBt taUo Internal leinedie-i . Hall's Catarrh Cure Is luhen internally, and acts di rectly on t'..c blood nnd mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Curo is, not n quuclc inert Ic'no. It was prescribed by one of the best phvslctuns in this coun try for j ears, and is u regular pre scription. It h composed of tho best tonlc-s known, combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho inncous surfaces. The perfect combin ation of tho two Ingredients is uhat produces tuch wouderful remits In cur. Ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. li J. Cheney & CoM Toledo O Pold uv UrugjrlstR, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best For that murky complexion, tiso-'Crait- bertu Tone. Prepared by Iilchardsoh, the Cutter, on Greene. $ Geo. Blake's Store.' One thing you want to remember when you come to-Iook for a springe, suit, that we show a larger a& sortment of new, spring style suitings than any of j them. Again, they are all J new, not an old or last S ft if w year s style among tnem. All orders filled within 10 days. Fit must suit you, or no sale. J i J Tha Star Clothing House. $ $ i X "Save the baby I Nev er mind the hquvhtth furniture n anything else , only save the ba by I" TltW Is the In stinct nf cv. erv moth er' heart llvpry wo man who hopes some day to be a mollirr ought In rcilirr that the health ntid pfiliap" tlir very life of bet pro f pectlve little one Is mil In peril bv everything which weakens or ini pairs bet own pbysica' (.omlltlon It is a prospective mother's dutv to keep herself a well snd strong as possible nnd avoid all over enertlon and fatigue durinf tlir expected time Never mind if the housework or any other work l neglected Save the baby I livery mother should obtain the strength enlnjr. health giving: mipport of I)i riercr't Favorite Prescription It elves elastic rn durance to the special organs ami nerve centers Involved in motherhood It makes the coming nf baby perfeitls safe and comparatively painless It forti tics the system against relapse, pioiimle) abundant nourisiimetii lor uie.Uiini and lu creases Its nttiiril constitutional vIroi It is the only medicine devised h an educated, exrx-rirnced iihvsician ir cure the weaknesses nnd discasei nf the feuiinino organism No oilier preparation accomplisnes tuts purpose witn sitrii scien line tlinrongnness mm permanence A complete account of its extraordinary restorative effects In th moi.r utittitMtF difficulties, is given in one clinpiti of lit Pieice'x thousand page illustrated hook, "The People's Common Sense Medical Ad vlser," which will be tetil free on receipr of 21 one cent stamps, to pay the toil of mat! mx onlv. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, tinlTalit. N V For a handsome cloth bound copy, send damps 11 is complete medkal library in one vol time. It i written in plain Huglisli and ii easily understood by lbs nun prolesslunal Oil Notes. YESTEUDAY'S MARKET. Tlona 125 Pennsylvania 1 IS IJirnesvlIlo 1 Ci Corning OS Newcastle. 00 North Lima 80 South Lima 75 Indiana ; 75 The Bailey No. 2, which was show ing for a good gasser In tho first Cow Run, was shot Thursday and filled up with the greasy fluid to the depth of 400 feet. Dyo No. 4, reported dry in the first Cow Run, has, according to latest re ports, been making a slight showing of oil and will probably make a slight producer if shot( Reppart No 4 was expected In yes terday. No man can cure concuroption. You can prevent it though., Ur. Wood's Norway I'lne Pyrup cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, bore throat. Never falls. Notice of Dissolution. Nntle-a Is hfrijiy given Hi it the partnership heretofore existing bL, 'en U A ocblan and '"fin It iic'Miish limine lh firm namo mid s'lei f ' ochlan.t McHuuti has this lav been clin'iHxl li niiituil c nbt-nt of the p-irtles lh business Will bscouducteil In thu future by .lolu) h AlcIIugh ro wh m all accounts should bepronnifd and all payments Khnuld be made Dated this ist day of i-ebruary, IS kl, on- to nr,AN JutlN h- McllTJOIt NOTICE. Tho partnership lieretoforp exlsllut in the nlurablntr business at No I U Putnam Str et liotwcen J h I'leri-olnt. Enter) II liorrell and HnleyU I'orler. as I he Mutttti I'lmnblnff Cirapany ha-i this day by mutual consent been dissolved, I barl-9 aud lltTonl Ualley Miccced lnsto the Interests of stlil I s I'lnrpolnt nnd Ktnery-is ()i nvll. ilia tt)le and firm name ro milnluiras to m-ily All uecoupis due to the old ttrm must be set tied with tb undersiRnid, trustee, without dlav CHARLES A LUD13Y, Trustee Tebruiry 3rd, 18JK. Feb Stli tf ;H5H5E5H5E5ESH5HSE5H5H jl4 AUDITORIUM, FfllDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, The Original' RICE and BARTON jK And their Big HurleEque and UxtravaganzaCo., piusenting THE STARS OF THE VAUDEVILLE STAGE. ... yt Dellciouely flavored with pretty girls ana primeit uilliBUuuu wit. RICE and BARTON at every performance. L. M. LOCUS, Mjrr. eisssHSHSHSHSHsasasasaE GRAS . . , . . . CARNIVAL EW ORLEANS February 7 to 14, '99. REDUCED- - RATES via B. & O. S.-W. . ,For dolnJledlBormatton jgs tctjttme ot Indus, sleeping carapace,' etc. ap ply to Aftents, 0, P.lMrtARTK, - 6E0i.l WARFEC, J Gen.'! Vtss'T Aet , ' An1 Dan'l PasVr.Agt , JNCIWNA.TI O. STi IJJUIS, MO. mw RR vBWSr rHkW 7J9 w In nl n IS5 t I MARDI ra: n TSEBifflMCK PATTER. Superior in all respects to any other patterns published. You can not afford to risk cutting good materials by -unreliable patterns. Use the Buttericlc Patterns and you arc sure and safe. .THE DELINEATOR. The finest of all the Fashion Magazines. Beautiful col ored plates in every number. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR". Wc take subscriptions. Now is the time to subscribe;- atftonefofit Style, Comfort in these shoes, and price 50 cents under shoe store Prices. Plenty of shoes at lower prices to save you money on. A few samples at J -3 off if we have your size. All who buy our shoes are satisfied; you will be also. "HIGHLAND CALF" $2.50 SHOE FOR MEN. We Have lot of wln'erirod8 wnfc e to soil regard-If-x-i nf prlcn. Men aim erwear frq tlcindSc Woolen sockRloe a pair Cot on socks :. a n ilr J. ulleh' wooImii piorklngi 1 ) a Nilr. biillea' co ton stockings tc ami loe a lulr Ilannl,rchlefs from no to 5c uplecu i otion tue.a loc, 3 for J3, 1C. k Cor. Greene and Ohio streets. & UI J UNIinilTAICbRS and EMltALMKRS, Hist Room, First Floor, Kno-S ivnire Illoclt, Puln&m street. Telephone 21. ANNUAL LINEN SALE. Commencing Tuesday morning, February 7th. Once a year we give the people of Marietta and vicinity an opportunity to buy high grade linens at SPECIAL PRICES. Ladies who have attended these sales in the past know the quality of fhe goods offered. There is a saving of 10 to 25 per cent if you buy now. Table Linens. 2 yards wide Cream Dainaslc 42c per yard (10 Inch Uleached Damask, all pure linen 42cporyaid 2 yards wide lllcacheJ Uamastt, all pure linen 50c per jard 3 vards wide Cream Barnslev Damask, all pure linen 05c per yard Fine Uleached Satin Damask, all pure linen, regular 85c and 90c goods 09c per yard Napkins. 5-8 size all Linen Napkins S5c per doz 3-4 szp all Linen Napkins, $1.09 per doz 27 inch square all Linen Napkins ti 50 per dozeu All special values. WHITE Marseilles Pattern White Q tilt 48c each Largo hire Marseilles lUtera Whltu Quilt, Regular priie $1 00 Sale price, 89c OTTO PUTNAM WUKty ma and Durability $2.50 SHOE for WOMEN. Don't' forget we carry Johnson Bros.' Semi-Porcelain Dinner Ware, the best ware made, and Erice only a little igher than you pay for common ware. CreigMon & Neptune, 105-107 Crecne Street. ItfTDK W M HART, OCKiinv-omcr P imam St , iiwin-n F'ront aud buc nd. CF"U F HariM D , t'nyaloi in and burgeon (iftlcouni! Residence, No aid from street. Te upbouu No mi tl.Janli'uO P Mlumm ur J.a.w and Noturr tuhil. Offloeon So-ou1 Strict, opposite Union Dsiiol. C-lii,utLi:.s vv. niGUAiins, J Atto-nay t litw, Ufflceoo Putnam Street, Mailctu, ). NTK & KJLI.ETT, Attorney, at l.w, Office In Law UntUlatr. M.rlctm, C. T. O'N HI 1.1 . J. I. A IILDOKM O'NHILI. AIII.IIOItN, Attorneys al Law and Notary l'libllc. Col lections promptly n ode. Room, 0 Union lllock. Marietta, Ohio Crashes. 10 inch Cotton Crash 3c per yard 10 Inch all Linen Crash 5c per jnrd Heavy bleached linen Crash Russia Crash, and Unbleached all 0c per yard 10c per yard IS Inch extra heavy Uleached Uamsloy Crash, lOo per yard Towels.. Turkish Bath Ton ols, 5c each Larse Size Turkish Bath Towels, 15c each, 3 forS5o Large Size, all Linen lluck Towel 100 euclii $1.20 per dozen Cxera largo all Linen Huck Towel 19c each, S for 50c QUILTS. Extra large White Quilt, regular price $125. Sale-price, $1.00 Special prices on floer Quiets, At 11.50, l(7o-s2.0, $2.50 1 TT BROS: STREET. . !