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' "? vW!r,rf'Sfl WVJi". -"V H IK V.' ' W ,4 w l1 ... w. T31 arte K. BUSHED" EVERY MORNING 'EXCEPT MONDAY. ta t- P'?'?ciw'" 'r' rsf - X-''?'1 F ''" jf": :i'E:,p!f?iB iTI)c COIOtt : jti m V VOL. VI NO 142 MAimcTTA'SHBSIEST STORK. LEADER STORE. june sale of 'White- Bright New Garment, for summer wear nr thourn on our Mu.lln Underwear Counters. Every Garment nanttr mode, eojil .owlr. ta.tefnl trimming, remnrknlile low price.. Night Gowns. Of Oftbrlc or muslin, 3 style;, High, Bmfirolot; Square Neck, trlmmod with neat emlJroWerlei, 14 to 17, each , 4 . - n. VU - Of Muslin? -liBbTtteclt " gflai? NSSi or High, Back, and "V fronTTlrlmmeu with laco and Insertion, all sizes, each OB Cent. Beautiful assortment of Lnca Trimmed Night Gowns, ,'1,60 to' as.oo Petticoats. Of Muslin, Sstyles, with Cambria Ruf fle, Hemstitched or Plain, each no cut. Of Muslin, 3 styles, trimmed with deep Ruffle of La-wa-ttiid Embroidery or In sertion and Embroidery, each 08 Cant. Other pretty styles up to 83. on PAUL PRAGER COMPANY, NEW McLAREN BUILDING, PROHIBITIONISTS. The Leaders Meet in Chicago for i the Purpose of Nominating a National Ticket. MiNY BELEGATES IN ATTENDANCE. The Delegation From the New Ensr , land States Marched Into the Hall With Cauteens. i The Letter. V. 8." Were. Inrerted Thar Alio Carried the Xesead "Atl-Cnteu" Were 1.1b , erally Applauded, Chicago, June 28. The national convention of the prohibition party met Wednesday In the 1st regiment -armory, Sixteenth street Juid,.Mlchr -Igan uvenue. Of the 1,034 delegates ""Vwho were entitled to seats In the na tional convention, more than three- fmirthn were In attendance when Chairman Stewart, of! the national , effect that It was the sense of the committee, called the convention to committee that tho platform should order, and It Is expected that by have "no plank that did not touch up Thursday, when the nominations for on the liquor question." This was president and' vie president will be regarded In the nature of n corn made, that nearlyTa thousand of rep- i promise ,as It was stated that planks resentatlves of the party will be pres-. on woman suffrage, the Sunday ques- ent to take part In choosing the na- tlonal leaders. The eastern nnd cen- tral and western central states had full delegations present, the absentees being southern and Pacific states. 1 It was exactly 10:30 a. m. when I Chairman Stewart, of the national committee, rapped for order. At that time nearly, all the delegates were in their seats, while the galleries surrounding the big drill room of the 1st regiment were filled with spec tators. Jus,t previous to the fall of the gavel the delegates ,from the New England states marched intp the hall In a body; each delegate carrying a canteen with the letters "U. S." in verted and bearing the legend, "Antl 'Canteen." They were- liberally ap plauded. After the convention had come to order, Chairman Ste.wurt proceeded to deliver his formal ad dress. i Mr. Stewart referred to the differ ent presidential candidates, and his ftatement that the party would loy Uy support the standardbearer of the party were heartily cheered, ap plause lasting for several minutes greeting his reference to. his "neigh bor and worker from Chicago" (fohn O. Woolley), Hundreds of the delegates Btandlng on their chairs and waving flags. At the conclusion of Chairman Stewart's address; Dr. J, Wesley Matwell, of Qreensburg, asked Divine blessing on the conven tion. Chairman Stewart then Introduced Dr. John H. Hill, of Chicago, who 25 Per Cent Reduction on all Summer Cloth ing Means muoh to you just now. Comfort during tho hiit-r-pell ;ow on hand at the lowert price N On Prlsa Girthing Store, ISO Front Stmt. Marietta Ohio. jlIoyBtona Troufer; are tho best : "the world We sell them. meDMc MAHIETTA'S nUSIKST STOItK. Drawers. Of Mualln, deep hem, made In 2 styles, each '.i Wa Cenln. Of 'Muslin, 3 styles, trimmed wltlijjn sortlon and Embroidery, each sj CO Conftii. Corset Covers., Of Muslin, 2 styles, trimmed with J-.aee', or Embroidery, V Neck, each aa oent. Of Cambric, 3 styles, V, Low Neck, Square Neck, trimmed with embroid ery, each as Cent. Of Cambric or Muslln,4 style3, some' flttod with draw-string at waist, trimmed with torchon lace or embroid ery, each , 48 Cent. For Misses and Children, complete line of Night Gowns and Drawers at reasonable prices. 218-220 Front Street, Marietta, Ohio. delivered a lengthy address of wel come. Chairman Stewart then nnnounced temporary officers as follows: Chair man, Samuel Dickie, of Michigan; Secretary, A. K. Wilson, Chicago; As sistant Secretary, COl. Jellis, Tennes see, and E. B. Sutton, Idaho. Chair man Dickie made a brief speech out lining the work to be done by the convention. Mr. Dickie bitterly us Balled the administration for its po sition on the canteen law and charged It with "debauching the peo ples of Its new possessions in the Philippines." He also accused, the government with using its consular service for gathering information for the use of distillers and brewers. At the con clusion of Chairman Dickie's speech the rules and order of business were adopted and the roll of states was colled for the appointment of com mittees, A somewhat heated debate took place at the meeting of the commit tee on resolutions relative to 'the in structions to be given the sub-corn-mlttee, on platform, the dismission be ing over the point of single Issue or broad platform. The sentiment ap peared to be nearly equally divided. A resolution was finnlly passed to the "uu """ ul"" " wumu e in eluded, but be subordinated to the 11 ' quor question. Dnzlnar at the Convention. Kansas City," Mo., June 28. Oscar Gardner and Eddie Santry have sig.ed articles to box 10 rounds in Conven tion hall during the week of the na- tlonal convention. The mill will prob-' ably be nulled off on Friday niirht. July 6, after the close of the conven- llOll. nad Cotton Outlook. Vlcksburg, Miss., June 28. Crop conditions In this district are the worst In many years, over 12 Inches of rain fell during June, having caused widespread devastation. Cot ton fields are overgrown with weeds and grass and the plant is stunted and covered with lice. i Fire at a Street Fair. St. Paul, Minn., June 28. Fire de stroyed nearly half the booths, with contents. In the three squares devoted- to the street fair of the' flics' carnival. It is impossible to estl mate the damage. Died ot HI. Wound.. " New York,-June 28; A dispatch from Bloemfontein announces the death there of Lord Kensington, ot the Life Ouards, aged 37, from wounds. ' The Khedive In London. London, June 28. The, khedlve of Egypt arrived In London at -noon Wednesday from Port Victoria, where he had been since he reached England from Flushing June 21. He showed few signs of his recent illness. Hirer ltnpldly Ill.lnnr. Vancouver, B. C, J.une 28. The Fra zer river Is still rising with unpar alleled rapidity at all points from the Delta up to Ashcroft, reports In dicating considerably higher vfater than is usually found nt tills season. Died FrorVn Dlovr on the Head, Terre Haute, Ind., June 28. George Crothers, ' traveling saK-smnn for the Pittsburgh Oil Well Supply Co., who was struck on the head by George Cox last Sunday during an alterca tion, has died as a result of his In juries. Cox has made his escape. CXd or lukswarm watctr; 3P1 Sfuptha soap; bur aoafctragt light t rubbing; no boiling or eX&Bg rln and dry; and tn wk' -vrasn tlana iat kalf the f tm icraaexa. Vela Ca., 9tUUU!&al,. MARIETTA, OHIO. THURSDAY. QUIETING DOWN. Rzcept for the Doyoott and Extra Policemen lint Little fivldence of the St, Loots Strike Ilemnln-. St. Louis, Jflne 28. Except for tho boycott and 300 extra policemen on duty, but little evidence of the great strike on the St. Louis Transit Cp."a "system, Inaugurated May 8, remains. Cars arc lu operation on all the lines without hindrance, and are well patronized, except on those running north and south. Many thousand per sons, because of the boycott nnd through sympathy for the strikers, patronize wagons nnd busses manned by ex-street railway employes. This Is especially true in the north and I, south sections of the city. ednesdny, the remainder of the force Jif Sherjif l'olilmnnn'n posse romitatus, about 000 men, was mus tered out of Rervice, the board of po lice commissioners deciding they were no longer needed. It was at first In tended -that all but 1,000 men should be dlsolint'jjF half of which would be retained lor active service, the whole number to be called on for duty on July 4 to suppress nny trou ble that might occur then. CAPT. POWERS RELEASED. County Judge Cornell Honored the 1'nrdon Issued Some Time Aso by Oov. Taylor Hnrlan C. 11., Ky June 28. Capt. John Powers, of Hnrbourvllle, Ky., who wns arrested here Tuesday on the charge of complicity in the murder of Gov. Ciocbel, Was Wednesday re leased. Ills attorneys instituted ha beas corpus proceedings Tuesday aft ernoon, and after a hearing before County Judge Cornett, Powers pro duced a pardon signed by Qov. Taylor on March 0, 1000 offering It ns n bar to prosecution and arrest. Judge Cornett honored the pardon and Pow ers was ordered released from cus tody. Tills iR the second time Powers has been arrested on the same charge and released on Gov. Taylor's pardon In the mountain counties of Kentucky, the former trial taking place in Knox county. Capt. Powers is a brother of Secretary of State Powers, who Is now' being held In, jail at George town on thesame charge. To HlMlnfcot Chlne.e Quarter. New York, June 28. The board of health has decided to thoroughly dis infect the Chinese quarters In Man hattan, Brooklyn anl Coney Island, as a measure ot precaution against the! plague, Tho bonrd.. of health entl mute Wednesday appropriated $20, 000 for the work which will be im mediately begun. Almut Itendy for Service. New York, June 28. The cruiser Atlanta, nt the navy yirril, is now about ready for service. It was ru mored nt the yard that tho Atlanta and the Kentucky would be sent to European waters, and possibly to China. The Kentucky was expected at the navy yard Wednesday, her official trip having been finished Tuesday. To I'ny the Freight. Paris, June 28. The government will ask tho .chamber for a credit of 3,530,000 francs to cover the expenses of the troops In China. lhe..French cruiser Admiral Cliarner left Brest Tuesday for China and the Frlant sailed Wednesday night. I dints In ntt Airr.p-eiiittit. Snn Jose, Cal June 28. The Cali fornia Packers Co.- has finally ar ranged with the California Fruit as sociation (the prune men's combine) for handling the coming crop. The llxlng of prices is left to the directors of the association. There will be a bonus on foreign exports. Dentil ot ltev. D. X. J. Uowllnir. Chicago, June 28. Rev. D. N. J. Dovvllng, vlcnr general of the arch diocese of Chicago, died here Wed nesday from heart disease. He was pastor of St. Bridget's Cathollo church, and was well known through out the country. i Perry Hruth to lle.licn. Chicago,, June 28. A Washington special says:' First Assistant Post master General Heath has tendered his resignation, or will do so In a few days. Heath's retirement is the re sult of public sentiment aroused by the Cuban scandals. Clnclunn'.l Muri Honored. Nevv Haven, Ct., June 28. Yale unt- J-verslty Wednesday conferred the de gree of doctor 'of philosophy upon Joseph Hall Hart, of Cincinnati, In structor In the Sloanc physical labor atory. Taken Kroin lied nnd Shot. Mojenn, fla., Jino 28, .Jordan Hines, a young Negro, was pulled -from his bed, taken a half mile from his home nnd shot by unknown par ties. . No cause for the killing is known. ' Drouth Uroken In Wl.coualh. Lacrosse, Wis., June 28. After a protracted drough, a heavy rain fell. The storm was accompanied by se vere lightning, which did much dam age. The rainfall was general through out this section. IN THE FAR EAST. ? It is Thought Adra. Seymour and the Legations Will Reach a Place of Refuge. . THEY HAVE LEFT FEKIH 'IN SAFETY. Tho Flf-hf, Between theAllled Forces and Boxers and Chinese Soldiery Lasted for Several )lonrs. The American unit Had the Honor or First Bnterlujf Tlen T.ln It Wa a Ifepli and Neck llace, London, June 23. The, foreign of fice has, Issued the following tele gram received from Mr W. 11. Carles, the British consul a? Tien-Tsln, un dated, but probably sent June 21, and forwarded from' Che-Foo, June 27: "A note has been received by the commissioner of customs here from Inspector General Hart (Sir Robert Hart), at Peking, dated June 19, stating that the foreign legations had been ordered to leave Peking within 24 hours." Washington. June 28. The follow ing cablegram was received at the navy department late Wednesday af ternoon: "Che-Foo, June 27. Secretary navy, Washington: Peking force and min isters reported with Peking relief ex pedition entrenched elgth miles from Tien-Tsln. "KEMPFF.' London, June 28. A special dis patch from Che-Foo says: "The fight of the allied forces against the combined Boxers and Chi nese soldiery, barring the road to Tien-Tsln, openedat daybreak. One hundred nnd Tlfty Americans were 8111011? the 2.000 International troops. The Chinese soon broke, under heavy shelling, nnd then the arsenal was attacked and the guns were gradually silenced. The fight wns practically over at noon. "The keen, friendly rivalr' for the honor of Hrst entering the city re sulted in the Americans nnd British going In neck and neck, with the others close up. The cable messages from the far east Wednesday are so conflicting in. their tenor that hlmost any desired view of the situation is deductible therefrom. On. the whole, however, the news Is encouraging, and it seems safe to assume that Vice Adm. Sey more. anil the legations, whether to gether or separately, will ultimately reach a place of safety. Various re ports lotate the legationers at divers places, but It beeniH' agreed thnt they are safely away from Peking. The latest Shanghai reports say Prince Tunn (the head of the Chinese foreign office, nnd father of the heir apparent) has sent the legationers to Slnn-Fu under escort, and adds that Sian-Fu will be the new capital In the event Peking being occupied by the International forces. Adm, Seymour, It la asserted, suc ceeded In getting n message into Tlen- Tsl Monday, according to which he was then eight miles westward, ter ribly harrassed, could oi.'y hold out another two days, and had 03 killed and over 200 wounded. He did not mention the ministers or others from Peking. It is thought nt Shanghai that now Tlen-Tsin Is relieved, the combined international forces will have no dif ficulty in reaching Peking, though It Is expected It will be"found' that all the foreigners have already left. It is claimed that the reports as to the damage done at lien-lsln and the casualties among the foreign resi dents have been highly colored. The exodus of Chinese from Shang hai is unabated. Every steamer is thronged and the authorities' have' been obliged to resort to the use of the firehose to prevent the fugitives, from overcrowding the vessels. The commander of the British- first-class cruiser Undaunted, however, has landed large supplies of rifles and ammunition, nnd guns have been placed in position at commanding points with the result that the for eigners are confident they can over come nny attack on the settlement, into which the foreigners from the outstatlons are rapidly congregating. According to a dispatch from New Cbwang, the Russians there are bare ly able to cope with the situation. The Chinese, It appears, are burning nil the railroad material, killing iso lated Russians at every opportunity, nud destroying the coal mines. The St. James Gazette, expresses the opinion that 'Cliinu is teaching Amer ica the Impossibility of a great trad ing nntion avoiding Imperialism," adding: "America's experience will teach her it is not the desire to-grab distant lnndVbut unavoidable destiny that drives Great Britain ever for ward. Washington bad no cholcCbut to protect tht; imperilled American citizens, and having once Interfered in China to protect her interests,-she shall never be able to shake from her shoes the dust of the Celestial em pire Berlin, June 23, Thi' German con sul at Che-Foo confirms the contents of the messuge from Vice1 Adm,' Sey mour which reached Tien-Tain Mon day, saying he was then.-elght miles westward of lhat city, terribly har rassed, could only hold out another two days, nnd had 03 men killed and over 200 wounded. and adds thnt the admiral asked for the dlspalch -of la relief column of 2,000 men," This. I column left Tien-Tsln during the- JUNE 28. 1900. morning of June 23 under Russian command, Loudon, June 28. The British con sul at Amoy telegraphs Wednesduy morning that tho Europeans at Pe king are reported to be Bafe.e MORE OUTRAGES. Thrl'rote.tniit Ml.alon nt Weill Sin llnrned Down hy the ltetiel l.n.l Momlny Miclit. London, June 28. A dispatch from Tien Tsln-Tnn, dated Tuesday, says that the Protestant mission at Welh Sin wns burned down by the rebels Monday night last. A special from Shanghai, 'dated Tuesday evening, says that communi cation with Adm. Seymour was open ed by the Tien-Tsln relief force Sun day. Adm, Seymour wns at that time said to be .ten miles from Tien-Tsln. Three hundred of the members of his party reported sick and wounded; only a few had been killed. They were short of provisions, nnd were returning without hnvlng rescued the legations. Shnnghal, June 28. A German paper has uncredlted statement to the ef fect that Adm. Seymour is eight miles from Tien-Thin, with 02 killed and 200 wounded. Washington, June 28. The Chinese minister lias just received a telegram from Peking, via Chlng Fu, dated June 10, saying that, the ministers nnd for eigners In Peking were safe there and well, and that arrangements were be ing made to proilde them with an i-hcort out of the city. RELIEF OF TIEN-TSIN. A rolumn Duller MnJ. Mnu ripe mid n Nnvnl llrlxnde n- tereil the City June U:t London, June 23. The parliamen tary secretary of the foreign olllec, Mr. Wm. St. John Brndrick, in the houep of commons Wednesday said he wns it t last able to announce the receipt of information of the relief of Tien-Tsln. Ilejulded that the gov ernment had received two telegrams. One from the British consul at Tien Tsln, wired June 2.1, by way of Che-Foo June 27, announced that a British column, under Maj. Maurice, of the Welsh Fusiliers, and a naval brigade, under Com. Crnddock, had arrived nt noon, SjO strong. The message nlso wild that 1,500 Russians were report ed to be at the Tien-Tsln railroad station, nnd that 150 Anieripans and 50 Italians had also arrived. The second telegram was from Rear Adm. Bruce, dated Tokn, June 25. It "added to the" above that'VIce Adm. Seymour was reported to be ten miles from Tien-Tsln, hampered with sick and wounded and engaged with the enemy. OUR TROOPS SAIL. l'rnn.imrt I.okiiu, With (he nth In fantry nud Hiippllt-K, Are Tin Itoute to Che-Foo, Chinn. Washington, June 28. The Logan left Cnvite Wednesday morning for Che-Foo, having tho Ninth Infantry on beoard, together with u supply of ammunition and Maxim rapid-fire guns. Col. LI sci an is in command. The Ninth has recently been recruited to its full strength of 1,407 men. Two battalions of the Sixth Cavalry, which leave San Francisco July, 1 will be able to report at Che-Foo In 24 to 27 days, according to estimates made by Gen. Corbln. REV. ELLIS' MURDER. A Grnpblc Account of the TrnKcil) Told by an Kye-AVJtuenH to ttie Terrible Atrocity. Victoria, II. C, June 23. The Shang hai .Mercury says that a member of the Boxers' society, who saw the mur der of ltev. Mr. Kills, of the London mission, and of a Chinese missionary at Kung Tsun, gave the following ac count of the tragedy to a friend: On the 12th. day of the fourth moon the' Boxers, numbering .17, "crossed the river Tse Tsun and met the" two missionaries in a boat. Thev' knew the Chinese was a Christian, ami at' once attacked hint, wounding him wit If their swords. Then- thev' drug ged htm out of the boat hnd tied him to a tree at the riverside. Then Mr. Kills was tied with him, nnd Mr. Chao, another missionary, was found. His toes and thumbs were bound together and he was, carried to a tree near where the others were hung up. The arms of the missionaries were cut 'off. their heads hewn off, und after the liodlea had been disemboweled, they were cast Into the river. The chapel of the mission was demolished, the ISoxers went on their way." This was but one of many such out rages. Stuueuin.oiitt Strike. Wichita, Kan., June 28. Work on the Missouri passenger depot wns sus peded hero Wednesday because the stonemasons' union demanded eight bourn a day and forty cents, an hour. The contractor had figured on ten hours nt $3, He will seek help from the uitsldc, l"or Jim Crow Street Cars. New Orleans, June 28. The lower branch of the state legislature passed an act to compel separate equal ac commodations for blacks and whites nn Ntreet cur lines, by a vote ot 81 to 5. The senate will also probably pass It- ' flru. Von lluhuke Honored, Berlin, June 2. Qen. Von Hahnke, hitherto chief of the military cabinet sf Kmperor William, has been given ft high-salaried appointment as presl- 1ent of the newly created imperial) military corps. The position carries He teuure. 4 Butts & McCormick' Planing Mill, Headquarters for t Builders' Supplies. iVIost Complete Equipment for Handling AH Sorts ol Lumber Contracts. rants, Rig Stuff ni Oil I elf Sillies, ' BRANCH AT WILLIAMSTOWN. Office Over First National Bank. Telephone No. 23 J -2. THERE ARE PIANO DEALERS AND PIANO DEALERS. Some are at large expense, others at less, and some have almost none. We are of the last-named, as we have ample show and storage-room riot otherwise used. On our floors at our factory we have been showing and are now showing as good an assortment of medium and high-grade Pianos as can be found; and our prices on the same are such as will save you many dollars if you take advantage of our offers. Our business here is a permanent one, and we offer per sonal attention to and oversight ofg all the instruments we put out. The intimate acquaintance which years of piano and organ-making have been ours, renders our judgment in select ing makes and styles of instruments to be second to none. Everything we sell has our positive guarantee to be as represented. IE mm h i G-ilman. ATemie, Marietta. FREE DELIVERY ROUTES. Mevernl Ohio Tortu Will llltve the llenellt of the Mew Servlue After July U, Sezt. Washington, June 23. Rural free delivery service will be established in the following Ohio towns after July 1'asil, Fairfield county, length ol route 23)', miles, population served 800. John V. Good. Clyde, Sandusky county, length ol routes G5 miles, population served 2, 150. Sanford Selvey, O. P. Rorick, K. 15. Watson, carriers. Oelta, Fulton county, length ol route 23 miles, population served, 1,015. W. W. Tnppan. Fayette, Fulton county, length ol route 21 miles, population served 750. Auric ('. Sebrlng, carrier. Perry, Lake county, length of route 2014 miles, population served 850. R, A. Toolcy, earlier. Lancaster, Fairfield county, length of route !)9 miles, population served :i,200. Clyde Ooffman, W. K. Davis, O. L Reynolds, S. A. Mill. Itlttman, Wavne county, length ot route 24 milt's, population served 550, J. B. Glsh, carrier. Van Wert, Van Wert county, length of route -j'i miles, population served 1,300. John I. Cable, carrier. Westcrville Franklin county, length of route 43 miles, population served 1,200. George. P. Andrews, J. C. Vin cent, carriers. Weston, Wood county, length of route 21. miles, population served 075. James Blodgett. AN EXTRA SESSION POSSIBLE; The Ohio t.PBlnlntnrc Miiy Up Called Toisether lo Art on the Toledo Cenleuiiliil Dill. Columbus, O., June 2S,. The su picme court having knocked out the $500,000 appropriation for the Toledo centennial, there Is a probability that Gov. will call an extra session of the" legislature to straighten out tho muddle. The faulty appropriation wns n rv suit of the fight in the legislature over who should spend the money. 1 ov. iisii iinihitMi on i,ew cumuli. s on, and 'loledo people Insisted that the old commission should be contln tied. Failure to take any action bccms to be construed by the supreme court ns an evidence that the legislature In tended to obundou the centennial. While Gov. Nash said some time ago that he would not call an extra ses sion, he now says that he will not' make up his mind in the matter until he has read the opinion ot the court and made n thorough canvass of the whole situation. Cmu.D of Influenin, Dr. Pfelffer, Influenza expert, lays the disease to the handkerchief, and rec ommends the Japanese paper nose- JP- ' Municipal Dunlins' in Scotland, Glasgow and ndlnburgh have 1, 000,000 invested in electric lighting; Aberdeen, Ayr, Dundee, Govan, Green ock, l'alsley, Perth, 300,000. Marlon, Ind., J.une 28. Harry Franz. 14 years of age, son of Mr, nnd Mrs. Wm. Franz, had a tooth extract- . ea Monday, and retired that night complaining of a numbuess of the jaW) Ho dieil nt 1 o'clock Tuesday, SIX CENTS A TVEEK liiBlrCny T 1 M Cleveland, ()., June 28. Joshua F.X llno was awarded $0,000 as a verdict against .las. T. Sargent In the $25,000 alienation of affection suit. Kxlino eburged S.irgent -with" nlIenatlng-stho alTeetions of Mrs. Kxline and then marrying her after both Sargent and Mrs. Kxline had procured divorces. tiled From lleut. Cleveland, 0 Juiiu 28. John Louis an, aged 2S, was overcome by heat,' while at work in the works of the National Malleable Iron Co. He died in an anibulnnce while on the way; to the hospital. Three Jersey C'nlveH. Gallipclis, 0 June 28. A Jersey cow belonging to George Bunce gave birth to three perfectly formed cnlves. One was found dead in a creek, but the others are alive. Columbus, ()., June 23. Walter rnclchle, (he fi-year-old son of Chris topher Faelchie, who was injured in a street car accident several days ago, is dead from lockjaw. MARKET REPORT. I Cincinnati, June 23. 4 FLOUR Spring fancy, $3.G03.85;j spring family, $3.35(jf3.00; spring pat ent, $4.25(S4.C0j winter fancy, $3.00 3.85; winter family, $3.103.35; win ter patent", $4.05(u4.15; extra, $2.40(gj 2.55; low grade, $2.05(712.20. GRAIN Wheat: The market was nominally easier at 8788c for No, 3 red. Corn: No. 2 mixed quotable ut 44Vio on track. Oats: No. 2 mixed quotable nt 2Gj(iI,27c on track. Sales;) Rejected mixed, "track, 250. LIVB STOCK Hogs: Select ship pers, $5.35; select butchers, $5.30 5.35; fair to good" packers, $5.255.30; fair to good.' light, $5.205.30; com mon and rougjjs, $4.70(j5.20. Cnttleii Fair to good shippers, $4,.505JO; good to choice butchers, $4.504.85;j" fair to medium "butchers, $4(34.25; common, $3.253.90. .Sheep: Extras, $3.854; good to choice, 3.353.75; common to fair, $2.303.23. Lamhs: i:xtrus,,$5.90(?Gj goodto choice, $4.7S (o.5.85; common to' fair, $3.30(24.30. Veal Calves: Fair to good light, $5.50 (IiG.25; common and -laTgrv $3.50(j'.25. Chicago, June 27. JVhtfatT No, 3 red, S4V(frB3c; No. 3 do, 82V4(a83i,4c; No ,,.,,.,, whlter 80c; Xo, 3 llo 77(p g0c; No 1 orUlerll 6rin(r83.,c.; No' 2 do, 8irfe2c; No. 3 spring, 77iS0c. Corn; Noi2, 43(g43ic; No. 3 do, 43c. Oats! N0J2, 25c; No. 3 do, 25V$c. Kasf Buffalo, N. Y., June 27. Cat tle: Five cars; prime steers steady, all other grades lower. Hogs: Seven Cjirs; heavies and mediums, $3.35(D o.ouj lorxers nnu pigs, $5.55; closed steady; all sold. Sheep: Four cars; market steady with yesterday's prices. Nyal's Celery Nervine. Blood ahd Nerve Tonic. A valuable reias&y for the relief and cure of Nervous Disorders. It tones up thi .-ystem, improves the appetite and alJt digestion. Sold by Beagle & Ibytle. DrugBisis, 0pp. Court House wrf- - r-rfj V "si 4 ii 5,Ai t Ui '. Vs V -. i .V . -5V ; fi