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Noble County’s Oldest And Greatest Home Newspaper The Journal For The News Volume 87 Established In 1859 Road And Bridge Fund Total Set At $61,500.00 The Noble County Commissioners have completed their annual appro priation resolution, ending Decem ber 31, 1946 and affecting every de partment in the county and court house. Total appropriated from the Gen eral Fund to operate the county for the fiscal year amounted to $74, 749.94. Total county road and bridge fund was $61,500.00 and Dog and Kennel fund, $2,775.00. The latter fund is used to pay off sheep claims, due in February. A recapitulation of the General Fund is as follows: county commis sioners, $5,300 general office ex penses, $500 courthouse and jail, 5,007.55 county charity, $7,813.71 $470 agriculture, cellaneous county making the total commissioners, $32,356.96. For the county auditor’s 5,050 was appropriated, in add.tion to 600 for asessing personal prop erty and $3,000 for appraising real property. Total county auditor is 8,650. Other county offices were as fol lows: board of elections, $6,513.20 treasurer, $4,055 recorder, $1,9 6 prosecuting attorney, $4,026.03 court of appeals, $150 common ideas court, $2,266 Probate court, 3,465 total juvenile court, $3,742. 75 clerk of courts, $2,562.50 cor oner’s court, $175 Sheriff, $3,021. 50 county engineer, $515.00 and sol diers’ relief commission, $1,255.00. Delinquent Taxes In order that the delinquent prop erty in this county might be sold immediately, the commissioners ap propriated $600 as compensation for an employee, Miss Donna Wells se lected for this capacity. For station ery and supplies in this department, they set aside $100 and for adver tising delinquent tax sales, the ap propriation was $600. Salaries for the commissioners totaled $3,600, other expenses were listed at $150 and equipment, $2)0, making the total county commission ers read $5,300. General Office Expense This appropriation was as follows: telephone, $-00 repairs and insur ance on courthouse, $417.55 engi neers, janitors and other employees, 2 340- supplies for engineers, jani tors and other employes, $2’0 fuel and light, $1,350 miscellaneous ex penses, $ 0 new equipment, $»□«, ■ew construction and permanent im provements, $100. This makes a grand total of $5,037.55 for court huose and jail expenses. County Home Salary of the superintendent, was listed at $560 and the mat™as at 460 salary of physician, $30 salary of employes, $00 fuel and tight, 550 maintenance supplies, 1400 farm supplies, $500 repairs and insurance, $300 other expenses, lu0. This makes a total for the -county home of $4,4 50. Charity Outdoor relief and other expenses, including medical and burial, lo0 relief of indigent blind, $1,113.0, pulmonary tuberculosis, care and treatment, $6,500 other miscella neoua charity, pertaining to crippled chidren, $50. Grand total for this de partment 7,813.71. $74,749.94 Appropriated By Commissioners For Operating County In 1946 home, $4,450: soldiers’ burial, $4,372.70 expenses, board of had. a is nec- Noble county has never tuberculosis hospital and it essary that all patients be cared for in other counties, where such hos pitals do exist. This accounts for the anusual amount needed in the care and treatment of our patients. Soldiers’ Burial Markers for graves, $80 Memorial Day expenses, $20 and burials, $150. Agriculture Agricultural societies and farm ers’ institutes, $2,003 insurance on all buildings owned by agricultural societies, $1,727.80 for state exten sion fund, $2,200. Grand total of $4, 372.70. Miscellaneous Expenses Local Registrars of Vital Statis tics, compensation, $100 clothing and incidentals for inmates of state institutions, $25 unclaimed costs and moneys, $200 hydrophobia treatment, $100 workmen’s compen sation (county employees), $1,700 steam boiler inspection fees, $18.00 examiners county offices, $1,000 county officials bond and insurance, 630 and expenses of the county board of visitors, P. E. R. S., $700. Grand total of $4,443.00. Road Purposes County road construction (all new road improvements), compensation and damages, $1,000 labor and ma terials-contract work, $2,000 labor employed direct by order of com missioners, $1,000 materials, $1,030 other expenses, $500. Total county road cnostruction, $5,500. Maintenance and repair, compen sation and damages, $500 labor and materials-contract work, $20,000 labor employed direct by order of commissioners, $5,000 materials, 10,000 other expenses, $5,000. To tal maintenance and repair, $40,500. Bridge And Culvert Purposes New bridges and culverts, compen zation and damages, 500 labor and materials-contract work, $500 labor employed direct by order of commis sioners, $500 materials, $6,000. To tal new bridges and culverts, $7,5C0. Maintenance and repair, labor and materials-contract work, $1,000 la bo- employed direct by order commissioners, $1,500 materials, $4,000 and engineer’s emergency ac counts, $1,500. Total maintenance and repair, $8,000. Grand total county road bridge fund was $61,500. Prosecutor Paid mis- $4,443, county office, of and During the absence of Prosecutor Leo Carter, who served in the Navy during the War, the commissioners allowed him a salary of $1,697.03. T. Dye Barnhouse Lands State Job T. Dye Barnhouse, 36, Fifth street, Marietta, formerly of Caldwell and Belle Valley, has been appointed to serve as administrative engineering assistant in the state highway de partment, it was announced today by Director Perry T. Ford. Barnhouse replaces G. M. Gerhart who re signed from the position on Jan. 15. A native of Belle Valley, the young man is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil'iam Barnhouse. He is now on terminal leave, which expires Feb. 11. Barnhouse, who served as a cap tain with the famous 37th division, received has majority or major leaves last week. He will receive a base salary of $4,200 a year. Before entering the service five years ago, he was with Division No. 10 of highway department in Caldwell Marietta. the and and Major and Mrs. Barnhouse daughter, Kay, spent the weekend in Caldwell with relatives, including his family, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar King, near Caldwell. Mrs. Barn house is the former Florence King. Mrs. Barnhouse will continue to live in Marietta where they chased a home. pur- Rev. Virgil Jump In Farewell Sermon Rev. Virgil C. Jump, popular tor of the First Methodist here, who leaves February 3 to as sume his new duties in the Barnes ville pastorate, will deliver his fare well sermon, Sunday evening, Jan uary 27, at 7 o’clock. pas- church Pastor of the church for the past five years, Rev. Jump goes to a big ger and better field with the best wishes of his congregation and the people of Caldwell and Noble Coun ty. Sunday morning, January 27, Dr. J. JL McCreight, professor of Bible at MuskinguTn College, New Con cord, will fill the pulpit at the local church. It is expected that Rev. Glenn Warren, the new minister who comes here from Delaware, will deliver his opening sermon on Sunday morning, February 3. County Board Of Education Organizes The Noble county board of educa tion met Saturday forenoon and or ganized for the ye^j. The oath of office was administered to Frank Burlingame, Virgil Law and William B. Schott by County Superintendent H. C. Secrest, clerk of the board. E. 0. Bond was then elected presi dent and Virgil Law was elected vico president. The time of meeting was set for the first Friday of the month at 1:00 o’clock. The members of the board are: E. O. Bond, Virgil Law, Frank Burlin game, J. O. Gibson, and William B. Schott. SPONSORS DANCE The American Legion is sponsor ing a dance, round and square, on Saturday evening, Jan. 26, in the American Legion hall, from 8:00 un til 12:00. Burns orchestra from Sen ecaville will furnish the music. ATTEND MEETING Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith of Fair ground street attended a directors and stockholders meeting at Stone creek Brick Co. recently. Then vis ited with Mrs. Katthryn Marsh of New Philadelphia, Mrs. Smith’s mother. BUYS LOT ONLY Guy Brown, local well known con tractor, purchased the vacant lot ad jacent to the Florence McCauley property on East street, and not the property as previously stated. Mrs. McAuley retained ownership of her home. CHECKS MAILED Auditor Ray McVay has complet ed the mailing of checks to the re cipients of aid for dependent children and blind pensions. Aid to Depend ent children fund totaled $402 the blind pensions, $128 for month of January. NODLE COUNTY FARMERS TO RECEIVE $42,825 More Stress Will Be Placed On Better Pastures warning and term. and the NOTICE TO TAPAYERS IN NOBLE COUNTY The State has extended the for payment of Real Estate Tax January 20, 1946, until March 15, 1946. time from IRA PRYOR, Treasurer. hav Noble county farmers will more leeway under the 1946 agricul tural conservation program in choos ing the practices they want to carry out on their farms, W. H. Archer, chairman of the AAA county com mittee, said today. This year, program funds will be allocated to counties as well as to states, and it will be up to farmers and local AAA committeemen to get all the conservation they can for the money they have available. Mr. Archer said that $42,825.00 has been allocated to assist Noble county farmers to carry out prac tices under the 1946 AGP program. About $33,000.00 will be exnended to assist county farmers under the 1945 program. Mr. Archer pointed out that sev eral important changes have been made in the 1946 program. One change is that no farm allowances will he established this year. An other one is that, to earn payments, practices to be completed under the program must have the prior ap proval of the county committee. As in other years, AAA commit teemen farmer farm, proved may choose those practices which his farm needs. In approving plans, county committees will give consid ’atinn to the needs of all farms in the county, in line with the amount of conservation money allocated to the countv. will sit down and heln each plan the program for his From a list of practices ap for Noble county, the farmer In Noble county there is urgent need for better pastures. For th:s reason, the 1946 AAA pwam will emphasize using lime and fertilizer. Otto Crooks Gets Workhouse Term Judge L. B. Frazier sentenced Otto Crooks, Caldwell, to 90 davs in the workhouse at Dayton, Tuesday morning, when the latter appeared in court for v:olat:on of his proba tion. He was removed to that in stiution by Sheriff Clayton McKee. Two weeks ago the grand iury in dicted Crooks on a charge of point ing firearms, the indictment probation by three years. He pleaded guilty to and was placed on Judge Frazier for Jud"e Fraz:er point- At the me, ed out that any slight violation of this probation Crooks. would go hard on to heed the court’s is now serving He failed RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bates three children moved last week the Lehman property, Quaker to Canton, where the former is ployed. Mr. Bates is a recent charged navy veteran. his ARRIVES IN STATES Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ball have ceived word from their son, Major O. D. TlaH, M. C., stating that he arrived in the states and would be separated from the service at Camp Atterbury, Ind. Major Ba’l served in the r« dical corps for past three and a half years, the nine months in Okinawa with 69th eld hospital as the command ing officer. re- has the last the his his Following a short visit with parents, Major Ball will reopen office in New Lexington. It was a birthday party, for she was 90 last Friday, having been born on Little Creek January 18, 1856. Her family lived on Low Gap during part of her girlhood, but she lived most of her life south of Mid dleburg. She is spending the win ter with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Addis, South Olive. Mrs. Hayes was the granddaugh ter of Christian Huffman, one of the first settlers on Little Creek. She was Maria, third among John Huff man’s eight children. Just before her 20th birthday, she married Isaac Hayes, prominent Middleburg farm er until his death 12 years ago. 12 children were Columbus Albert, Wayne, Blanche, Their (Tom), William, Harvey, John, Inez, Ellis, George, Dewey, and Bessie. Colum bus, until his death, was a farmer and teamster at Middleburg. Wayne was the late Prof. W. B. Hayes, well known public speaker and superin- THE JOURNAL “COVERS NOBLE COUNTY LIKE THE SUNSHINE” CaldwelL Ohio. Thursday, January 24, 1946 Mayor Asks Support In ‘March Of Dimes’ Proclamation Today calling. and from City, em dis- two Mr. and Mrs. Guy Betts and children of Batesville have lately moved from Batesville to the resi dential property adjoining Johnson’s barber shop on Fair street, Quaker City. Mr. Bates, just recently dis charged from the service, is work ing at Cumberland._______________ Maria Hayes, Middleburg Lady, Who Went “Courting On Mule” Observes Mrs. Isaac Hayes, 90, of Middle burg, who has 90 living decendants, was surprised Sunday when she went to the home of her son, Al bert Hayes, De xter City, “just for a little visit”—but soon was sur rounded by her 10 sons and daugh ters and a house full of other rela tives. of In support of the “March Dimes” campaign which got under way in Noble County last Monday the following proclamation has been issued by Mayor Sam Secrest to the people of Caldwell. WHEREAS the disease of in fantile paralysis rages in many cities of our nation every year, leaving in its wake hundreds even thousands of stricken men, women and children, many of them crippled for life, and WHEREAS the National Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis, by assuring care and treat ment for all victims of poliomye litis and by carry ng on its great program of research for the pre vention and possible cure of this virulent d’sease, has earned overwhelming gratitude of American people and the the of WHEREAS, the March Dimes, conducted annua'ly bv National Foundation is being held January 14 to 31 the THEREFORE be it resolved that all citizens are urged to co operate with the M-rch of Dimes in Caldwell and community. S. M. SECREST, Mayor of Caldwell Four Men Admit Macksburg Robbery The robbery and assault upon James Ogle at his gasoline filling station in Macksburg, Jan. 9, has been cleared up with the arrest in Cleveland of four men on charges of armed robbery, according to word received by Sheriff W. O. Linda mood of Marietta. Cleveland authorities informed the Washington county sheriff the men had confessed to robbing and beat ing Ogle as -well as confessing to holdups in Nelsonville and Steuben ville. Ogle was robbed of between $25 and $30 and a rifle after being hit on the head with a piece of coal. The four men were said to colored. have been recovered once again Ogle has completely from his injuries and is doing business at his filling station just over the Noble county line U. S. route 21. on FORMER RESIDENT ILL Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berry daughter, Helen, were called Satur day to Canton, because of the criti cal illness of Frank Hizer, former Caldwell resident, who is a patient in Mercy hospital, Canton. Mrs. Berry is a sister of Mrs. Hizer. and RECEIVES CITATION Robert Frakes, son of Mr. Mrs. M. W. Frakes, Olive, last week was awarded a “Key” citation for community achievement by the Co lumbus Junior Chamber of Com merce at the annual recognition din ner. and Mr. Frakes is assistant office manager at Moore & Ros3, processor of dairy products. Mr. Frakes is married and lives on the Hilltop in Columbus. They have one daughter, Sandra, who is one year old. SPENDING WINTER Mrs. Linda Kellar of Chandlers ville, formerly of Noble county, is spending the winter months in Cald well at the home of Mrs. Fred Dientsbach, West street. Mrs. Kellar who is very active despite her age, would appreciate all her former friends ATTENDS CONVENTION Mrs. Kathryn Dutton Danford has returned to her home in Caldwell, after attending a hair dresser’s con vention in Chicago. Mrs. Danford owns and operates a beauty shop on Cumberland street. ATTENDED MEETING County Superintendent crest and Delegate J. H. resented Noble county at O. E. A. meeting held in Columbus, Friday and Saturday of last week. tendent of Newcomerstown schools. Mrs. Hayes has 42 grandchildren and 38 great grandchildren. Twelve of her grandsons joined the armed forces, with four still in uniform: Lt. Comdr. Woodrow Hayes, in the Pacific and Cpl. Wayne Hayes, Caldwell, Cpl. Richard Wemecke, Canton, and Pfc. Dale Hayes, all in Japan. The eight discharged are Dr. Isaac Hayes, Cedar Falls, la. Ron ald Hayes, Canton Richard Hayes, Caldwell Charles Hayes, Canton Raymond Addis, Superior, W. Va. LeRoy Hayes, Zanesville Gerald Hayes, Caldwell and Robert Wer necke, Canton. The husbands of three of her granddaughters also were in the army. Thirty-four relatives were at the all-day party. Three tables and a buffet were covered with tood. Hayes made coffee in a lard Harvey cut the huge birthday cake. Two meals were eaten. “Grandma” received many gifts. All cautioned her to protect her health. “Pshaw, I’ll be all right,” she said. “You just take care of your self. I don’t want any of you to be getting sick.” NINETY-FOURTH COUNTY FAIR ON AUG. 28-29-30 Business Men Are Asked To Give More And Better Cooperation The ninety-fourth annual Noble county fair will be held on Wednes day, Thursday, and Friday, August 28, 29, and 30, according to an an nouncement made today by members of the fair board. Regular meeting of the board was held Saturday, at which time extensive plans were dis cussed toway making this fair en tirely different, bigger and better. W. K. Conner, J. K. Walkenshaw, N. H. Bigley, George McKee, D. A. Caldwell, O. J. Lorenz, John Wal ters, Ray Elswick, and G. B. Long were all in Columbus last week at tending the Ohio fair managers con vention at the Deshler-Wallick hotel. Dates for the Noble county fair were determined at this meeting. Members pointed out that the local fair would be held the same week as the Ohio State fair. There are only two other county fairs in the entire state on the above dates, which means that many more concessions will move to since they do fair. Money H. C. Se Colley rep the annual Al can. nice Her sons teased her about the Caldwell that week, not show at the state mean a better racing It will also program for Noble county as many of the trotters and pacers do not enter state competition. Different Fair Members of the Noble County Agricultural society are desirious of making the ninety-f iurth fair in Caldwell entirely different from those held in the past. To accomplish this, they are ask ing and should receive more coopera tion from the businessmen of Cald well. Believing that the fair board is right in their belief, The Journal will start the ball rolling by spon soring a loving cup to be given to the driver who runs the fastest heat in any one race on Thursday, Aug. 29. Final decision as to whether it will be the fastest heat in one par ticular race or for the afternoon will rest w th the fair board. It is hoped that some other busi ness concern in Caldwell will follow tthrough and award a loving cup for the fastest heat on Friday’s pro gram. Stake Pace The fair board would like to see an open stake race sponsored by the Caldwell merchants with a purse of $300 to $500 would be an Thursday or thrown open again as cide. for the winner. This added attraction for Friday. It could be to pacers and trotters, the fair board might de for the stake race purse solicited from the business all contributions would be would be men and on a voluntary basis. Any other suggestions might result in making the fair an outstanding community will be can be any or Let’s bigger Noble county. which attraction appreciated by the board and brought to the attention of all members. start in now building for a and better post war fair in BUILDING AND IOAN NAMES DIRECTORS At the annual meeting of stockholders of the Caldwell Build ing and Loan Co., held Thursday, the following directors were elected Paul M. Clark, J. W. Drake, E. M. Farley, Rile Groves, Jes S. Harris, Charles Morris, and W. A. Okey. the The directors reorganized by elect ing the following officers: Paul M. Clark, president Rile Groves, vice president Howard D. Gill, secre tary Jes. S. Harris, chairman of the board of directors Attorney W. Vernon Archer, solicitor. Members of the finance committee, E. M. Far ley, Charles Morris and W. A. Okey. Members of the appraisal commit tee Rile Groves, J. W. Drake and Paul M. Clark. 90th Birthday mule she used to ride to church and dances during her courtin ar davs. “Grandma” declared she still could ride a mule. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. The gathered clan included Columbus H9yes, Middleburg W. B. Hayes, Newcomerstiwn and Mrs. (Blanche) Garfield Prvor, Chandlersville Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hayes, Caldwell John Hayes, Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hayes, Middleburg Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hayes, Dexter City. Mr. and Mrs. (Inez) Albert Ad dis, South Olive, and children, vin and Norma Jean Mr. and George Hayes, Zanesville, and dren, LeRoy and Ruby Jean and Mrs. Dewey Hayer, New cord, and children, Marylois, Roger, Dean, Ellouise and Nancy Mrs. Ralph (Bessie) Wemecke, Canton, and daughter, Mae Louise and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hayes and children, Almeta (of Marietta), Bernard (of Columhus) and Mrs. Virgil Archer and son, Jon. Mer Mrs. chil- Mr. Con- Friends of the family who came during the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tarleton, Caldwell, and son, Farl, of Marysville: and Mrs. Martha Morris of Dexter City. George and Al Hayes made plans for a family reunion next August 11 at the Caldwell fairgrounds. Three Divorce Actions Filed In County Court Three divorce actions have been filed in the Noble county common pleas court, all three charging gross neglect of duty. In two of the three cases, the plaintiffs are the wives. One is a veteran. a di They Sum gross Mary E. Somers is seeking vorce from Charles E. Somers, were married Nov. 21, 1932, at merfield. The plaintiff charges neglect of duty. James R. Stevens, through his at torney, W. Vernon Archer, is seek ing a divorce from Olive Steven*, 24 Park Place, Bedford, Ohio. They were married well. Stevens ceived h's discharge Dec. He charges gross neglect of duty. July 8, 1941, at Cald is a veteran and re 26, 1945. extreme cruelty and Hilda J. Earles is asking a divorce from Charles B. Earles. U. H. Buc key is attorney for the plaintiff. They were married Nov. 13, 1934, at St. Marys, W. Va. She charges gross neglect of duty. Caldwell Firm Buys At Chesterhill B. G. and Ross Hoon, McConnels ville doing business as Hoon Broth ers, have sold their lumber yard and allied interests at Ch°sterhill to R. C. Moore, Caldwell lumber and build ing material dealer. The transaction includes the planing mill, lumber sheds and hardware business of the Hoons, but excludes the sawmill, which they expect to use to complete some sawing already started before selling. The business was estabFshed 22 years ago by the Hoons and is one of the most extensive building ma terial establishments in this section. The new owners are making a num ber of changes, expect to increase the stock and continue to serve the wide field already established. Robert Sebring a nephew of Mr. Moore, and a recently discharged veteran, will manage the business. B. G. Hoon expects to devote more of his time to farming, while brother will engage in plastering painting. his and Township Officials At State Convention A large number of township ficials from Noble county are plan ning on attending the lQth annual convention ciat’on of Clerks to Thursday, ports H. E. Sullivan, the local organization. of- of the Ohio State Asso Townshin Trustees and be held in Friday and Columbus Saturday, president on re of Secretary C. According to Sfate P. Baker, jr., of Painesville, the as sociation has arranged the finest program it has ever had. Since this is the r*t post-war meeting of the state group, a record crowd of near ly 2000 public officials is exoec+ed to fill Memorial hall for the ses sions. The oldtimers will be entertained hv Dusty Miller at a luncheon on Thursday noon, while Judge Carl V. Weygardt, chief ’U’tife of the supreme court of Ohio, will address the annual banquet that evening. The Friday program is packed with celebrities. Joseph W. Figh ter, master of the Ohio State grange, will onen the morning ses sion. followed bv State Welfare Di rector Frazier Reams, eral Hugh S. Jenkins Wilson, noted negro Washine’ton, D. C. Attorney Gen and J. Finley leader from Dr. Howard L. Bevis, pres dent of Ohio State university, will discuss post-war education at the afternoon meeting, and State Highway Direc tor Perrv T. Ford will speak on roads. Governor Frank J. Lau®che will be the final sneaker Friday. The convention will adjourn Saturday noon. TO FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Quick, Main street, left Sunday for a two weeks sojourn in Florida. Thev w'll visit with relatives at JacksonviUe. Fla., and enjoy other points of interest. SPECIAL MEETING Special meeting of Noble lodge. No. 459, F. & A. M., will be held Mondav evening, Jan. 28. The Stan dard Oil degree team from Zanes ville will be present and confer the master Mason degree, according to Worshipal Master Vernon Archer. EMPLOYED IN CALDWELL Miss Elaine Thnrla has accepted a position as office attendant for Dr. N. S. Reed, Caldwell. Miss Thor la is from Olive Green and a gradu ate of the Forest Grove high school. LOSFS VALUABLE HORSE George Berry of community suffered valuable horse Bst animal fell through an abandoned coal bank. The horse was valued at several hundred doll ars. the Whigville the loss of a week when the the opening of SEEKS JUDGMENT B. B. Wheeler, as administrator of the estate of Mary E. Engle, de ceased, is seeking judgment on a cognovit note against Harry Lowe and Madge Lowe. E. P. McGinnis is attorney for the Plaintiff and the civil action is on file in common pleas court. MARRIFS ROYALTY Cumberland, Jan. 23 Friends here have learned of the recent mar riage of Warner Peterson, son of a former Cumberland minister, to Italian royalty. He is overseas and the princess, the Marchesina Fer nanda DeLills, in Rome, Italy. They will live in Ohio. Largest Paid Circulation ever Attained By Any Newspaper Printed Within Noble Cmnfy Number 28 DELINQUENT LAND TO DE FORFEITED TO THE STATE Board of Revisions Now Functioning In Preparing Sale According to information released by County Auditor Ray McVay re garding the publication of the land land carried on the delinquent tax list, it will be accomplished as soon as official mandatory clearance is completed. This comment followed a meeting of the board of revisions, which consist of the chairman of the board of county comm ssioners, Ray Shriver, Auditor McVay, Treas urer Ira Pryor, County Prosecutor Leo Carter, and hired clerk, Miss Donna Wells. Auditor McVay and his associates face this work with the zeal of hon est public servants. To arrange all the delinquent land already pub lished in its proper respective, is in deed a most ted.ous task. To assure correctness in every detail, Auditor McVay has taken definite precau tions and has double checked each sal0 separately. Disposition of the delinquent land will be processed in two separate classifications. They are, firstly, for feiting the lands to the state, and secondly, by an outright foreclosure order /to the county prosecuting at torney. According to Auditor Vay, the first method is more ceptable under local conditions, consequently the majority of list will be processed in this man ner. Regardless of the placed clas sification, local officials will be in charge of the disposition. Mc ac- and the The board is now working on the delinquent list in Noble township. Due to the mineral rights, abandon ment of property, etc., it is believed that this will be the biggest head ache preparatory to selling the land. When this township has been com pleted, the board expects smoother sailing. The board of revisions and Clerk Wells is located in the office used by the commissioners for their regu lar meetings. As much as possible, it is being maintained separately from the routine work in the audi tor’s office, wrich is being handled by the two regular deputies. Tax Payment Time Extension Granted Noble County Treasurer Ira Pryor announced today that the time for paying the real estate taxes in this county had been extended to March 15. The dead’ine had previously been January 20. The extension was granted by the real estate tax and amusement board of tax appeals. Treasurer Pryor had written asking for an ex tension. He pointed out that the payment of taxes is especially heavy this year and a greater percentage of de linquent taxes is being paid. Treasurer Pryor also stated that the books would be closed immedi ately after March 15 and a new list prepared of the delinquent lands in the county for publication and sale. Clyde Harris Buys Out Joseph Elias Clyde Harris, associated with his father, J. S. Harris, in the publica tion of The Noble County Leader, has purchased the Joseuh Elias tavern in Belle Valley and posses sion will be given this Thursday. Mr. Harris does not plan an ac tive management of his new busi ness but has secured competent as sistants. He recently returned from the Pacific theater, where he served in the Seabees. OFFICERS PROCESSED AT FORT KNOX Columbus, Jan. 23 Army offi cers in Ohio, West Virginia, Ken tucky, and Indiana making applica tion for regular Army con.missions will be processed at Fort Knox, the Fifth Service nounced here today. Ky., an- Command pre cen Ind., was processing Camp Atterbury, viously named as a ter, but the service command reveal ed that it was decided to conduct all processing at one installation. All applications must be in Wash ington by March 1. PRODUCE QUOTATIONS The following prices were quoted by the Caldw’ell Produce Company effective Wednesday, January 23. (These quotations are subject to change without notice.) Heavy springers, 3 ?hs. Jp Heavy springers, 3 lbs. under Heavy hens ............................ Light hens ............................ White ducks ........................ Colored ducks ...................... Geese ................................... Old cocks ............................ Young tom turkeys .......... 1lb. Young hen turkeys ............. Old tom turkeys................. Old hen turkeys ................. Rabbits ............................... I!h. Large grade A white eggs doz. 40c I,or-e grade A brown eggs doz. 39c Medium grade A white eggs doz. 34c Medium grade A brown eggs doz Large grade white egers doz. Large grade brown eggs doz Current receipt eggs .......... doz. Pullet eggs .........................I doz. ,25* 20c 24c 18c 2)c 15c 20c 12c 32c 35c lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 28c lb. 31c 20c 34c 37c 36c 33c 30c