Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, t, January 5. 1953 DEXTER Who is working on a well at Otsego, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Batten and family spent Sunday with relatives in Summerfield. Mi. Epitraim MT. Li'lilwiix,! mig. Cora Williams is spending the winter 1|With her son in Akron. Mrs. Rodney Williams is visit ing in Columbus. John Miley made a business trip to Canton recently. Fred McConnell and wife of Zanesville, visited relatives here last week. CITY —BEXTEE Lii A1 Hayes, Chelcie McConnell and wife Visited Friday in Byesville. T. R. Bates was calling in Barnesville last week. F. R. Miley and wife and Harry Miley and daughter attended the funeral of Norval Miley at Mt. Zion, Saturday. Victor William's and family of l£ennonsburg, visited Hazel Powell, Friday evening. Luther Stiles and Ella Fink nruide a business trip to Colum bus, Saturday. Johannah Johnson visited her sister, Hiley Shafer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McRae Shafer were Caldwell shoppers, Satur dav few***-. NEWS— iiuo Mitcnei 01 ^unesville arid Jack Morrison and family of Caldwell, spent Sunday with their parents, 21 inch RCA Victor SelfriSge a Super Set with Picture Power ®21-inch KC Victor wiili 1'iclwt i'uwer e a n s o a y s i n e s V i u e s "Golden Throat" tone system ... we want you to hear it. it's wonder I ul. Double-shielded tuner minimiwR interference. Cabinet is finished, jiii wal nut, mahogany, or limed «k.-. Price includes consolette base. Brady's Radio & Appliance 515 West Street Phone 11 Caldwell THE BEAITH-tL 1953 1 Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Mitchel. Richard Hutchoson has return ed to Kent State university and Eileen Hutcheson of Albuquer que, New Mexico, returned after spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hutcheson. Other guests were Elwood Bowers, Joe Schmitten auer of Springfield, enroute to their navy base in Jacksonville, Florida, Mary Turr of Caldwell, Mrs. Gilbert Crum of Canton, Mrs. Elmer Gore and children, Jerome, Eva, Dickie and Bill Schweitzer of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAtee and son of Canton, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou McAtee. Harry Clymer received word of the death of his sister, Blanch Clymer DeVoll of Texas. Burial was made there. Opal Gray Owens, who was employed recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hall of the route, returned to her home. George Chandler of Crooked Tree, was a caller at the home of Frank King, noon. RCA Victor Model 2ITIS9 Thursday after $359-95 Easi]ya(lapWdforV.H.F. Other RCA Models—$199.95 up V GENKKAL MOTORS Bigger and Better in Every Way and WO INCREASE IN PRICES Completely New Dual-Streak Styling Xi'w Longer Wlieelliase Longer. Lovelier, Itoomier Hodion Speetaeulur 2£ew Over-all Performance New One-Piece IVIiiil.sliIcId-Panoramic Rear Window Pontlae's Wonderful !»w Power Steering* *Optional at extra cost. A N Pleasant City J-ii-n kiji in A JL 1 i»ii. and Mrs. Walter Miley, son, Ikie and daughter, Eva, and Mr. and Mrs. Oather Morrison of Senecaville route 1, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter, Betty. Mr. Ted Bayly, who is employ ed in Cadiz, spent last week with his wife and sons, Carlos and Merlin. Mr. Larry Buckey, Thomas Finnegan and Miss Barbara Oliver, college students at Co lumbus, spent the weekend with their parents. Twenty-eight members of the Builders class of M. E. church answered the roll call when they held their regular monthly meet ing, Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Helen Miley and daughter, Betty, with Mrs. Ruby Secrest, Mrs. Beulah Long and Mrs. Hazel Bayly as co-hostesses. The new president Ruby Secrest was in charge of the devotional and business. Miss Moina Teel of fered prayer. Mrs. Lois Gress won the door prize and Mrs. Carol Williams and Mrs. Peggy Ellison received the contest prize. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter, Betty, were business callers in Cambridge, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tfott and daughter, Canton, spent the week end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Secrest were Saturday guests of friends and relatives in Dayton lumbus. Ard Chandler spent a day re cently with his brother, George and family at Crooked Tree. Nancy Lee Teeters 'of Ava, visited a couple of days the first of Week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler. Photo Developing—Ciillesnle A\lt SHE THIS filtK.IT ,\nw Xew and Beautiful Proof That Dollar for Dollar You Cam-t Beat a Pontlaet FJeeman Pontiac Company I), S. Ko»iW 21 BAT and Co Keithtown KEITH TOWN Ruby McMan nis of Cambridge, visited over the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc Mannis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brock and children of Columbus, visited re cently at the home of Oscar Wal ler and family. The children re mained for a visit with their grandparents. Jonas Stack visited recently with his uncle, John Stack of Elba, who is ill. Edith Chandler called on Mary O'Brian, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chandler and son, Jeff of Crooked Tree, were recent visitors with rela tives in this community. Pontine Beautifully new Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bates in ('aldwHI, THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Batesville I U U I and ^^rs. Halbert Eagon had as guests re cently Mr. and Mrs. James Eagon of Pittsburgh. cele brated their 55th wedding an niversary Jan. 1 with their granddaughter, Mrs. Jimmie Flood and family. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flood and son, Ray. Mr. -and Mrs. George Triplett and family of Newark, spent the weekend with relatives here and with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triplett of Summerfield. They also called on her mother, Mrs. Cora Hast ings, who is a patient in the Me morial hospital at Cambridge. Mrs. Stella Osier and Mr. and Mrs. David Betts called on Mrs. Delia House at Caldwell, Friday. Mrs. House has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph House of Canton, speot the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hedleston and other relatives. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Wehr a son, Jan. 9, at the Barn osville General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carpen ter visited Saturday afternoon with A1 Carpenter, who is a pa tient at Ohio Valley hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Atkinson and sons, Mrs. Frank Atkinson, [ind Mrs. Ed Moore were business callers in Caldwell, Saturday and called on Mrs.. Delia House. The Palm Twig held their Jan meeting at the home of Mrs Wiley Neuhart. A covered dish luncheon was served. Mrs. Wilma Watson entertain ed the Beaver Hills Garden club at her home Friday nite. Guests were members of the Barnesville Garden club. Mrs. Leslie Long and daugh ter, Dorothy, were Cambridge shoppers, Friday. Mrs. John Flood and June and John Neil of Quaker City route, spent Friday evening with Mr and Mrs. Jimmie Flood. Mrs. Ira Wehr called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Betts of Mrs. Stella Griffen and grand son, Butch McCort of Columbus, spent the weekend at her home here and visited with relatives. Mrs. Rosa Clucus returned home Saturday after spending the past two weeks with Mrs. Agnes Clucus and FRANK REED INSURANCE & SURETY BONDS PHONE 43 O. O. F. BLDG. CALDWELL, OHIO bumper, the great new 1953 Pontiac represents an outstanding value in many ways: It gives you a longer 122-inch wheelbase—and roomier, more luxurious bodies. Pontiac's over-all per formance is even more spectacular for 1953— with remarkable steering and parking ease. For performance, economy and deep-down value, the 1953 Pontiac is indeed an auto mobile masterpiece well worth inspecting. ENTER GM'S $194,000 BETTER HIGHWAY AWARDS .GONTEST Ollio family of Co lumbus. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Morgan and family of Massillon, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Briscoe (iodli:u't. 4 styling from bumper to Stafford STAFFUniv Mt. and Mrs. Frank Swartswood were Woods field callers on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bonar of Harrietts ville route, called on Mrs. A. J. Bonar, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miracle, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gardner, Mrs. Blanche Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and family and Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Ullman were Woodsfield callers recently. Kenneth Singer, who has em ployment at Canton, spent the weekend with his family here. Mrs. Bessie Reed and son, Tom, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter King, Tuesday. Hattie Hardesty spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shafer. John Guiler of Summerfield, spent Monday night with Harold Robbins. Mrs. Ruth Bishop and son, David of Harrietlsville, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bishop and family. Mrs. Margaret Knapp and daughters spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Cald well and family of Woodsfield. 'o Quaker City route, Saturday.. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Betts and family of Salesville, spent Friday evening with Mrs. Shirley Mc Peek. Joan of Arc Everymeal United Dairy miiK 6 tail 7Qr cant w 71 KMGTASTt SHORTENiNS 79 3«. can Heinz Soups TOMATO 11c Split Pea Vegetable Celery Bean Beef-Vegetable Chicken Beef Noodle Chicken Noodle Chicken Rice Mushroom Clam Chowder it tr in wKASCo ccMPtm [dog ration, Shenandoah Trail oii£,iiniiu(jnn ixiAiJLi «jay Cale's house caught fire from a defective flue and would have burned down but for the timely arrival of the Pleasant City fire department, Wednesday morning. When neighbors had arrived after spending some time trying to extinguish the fire gave up and started cai lying out furniture. The loss was estimated at $80U. Partly covered by insurance. Mrs. I. S. Nicholson and Mrs. T. E. Johnson attended the grange banquet at Cambridge on Friday evening. Mrs. Dewey Groves is confined to her home by illness. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Watson and son, Donny, were Sunday visit ors at W. E. Bonds. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williams of Glenwood, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Mary Groves. Mrs. G. W. Bates suffered a slight stroke of appoplevy on Sunday morning. She is some what improved at present. George Shingary has moved his family to his father's home for the winter near Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leisure of Tabor Ridge, spent Wednesday p. m. with Mrs. Delia King and Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Warfield. HEinZ KETCHUP 2- 45 KIDUEV 8EM1S 4 RPPLE BUTTER Malne 25 lbs. DOGS UU rr Purple Top 4 49c 2 5 KRISPY Crackers kc. 25c KARO *. 1? 22c "PRODUCE TURNIPS 21*- Rome Beauty APPLES 2- mm Jumbo Size LETTUCE S A A S I E N E W S SARAHSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacobs of Sewes ville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jacobs. Mr. John Beymer of Belle Val ley, and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mil ler of heie, spent Sunday with Mrs. Maggie Beymer. Wm. Smith of Coshocton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Edna Smith and family. Russell K. Davis spent the past Duiigannon DU iiunimiOii ivir. cind Mrs. Lloyd Cole, Roseville. were Sun day guests at the Jordan home. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Townsend were visiting the former's mother and sister, Mrs. Mary Townsend and daughter, Lee of Lowell, Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stewart were business callers,at Parkers burg, W. Va., Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Stewart, Mrs. Don Stewart were shopping at Bever ly, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Irville Mincks and Miss Aline Jordan were Caldwell visitors Saturday. Mrs. Opal Gray Owens has re turned to her home after several weeks in Dexter Citv. 49c No. 301 cans 19c 28 oz. iar Year Round FLOUR 3^ POTATOES 10 £, 59c GRAPEFRUIT 2 19c 15c 19c 19c Page Five—3 few days with Mr. and Mrs, Paul Davis. Mrs. Wm. Everly, of Archer'f Ridge, visited recently with sale at the Mrs# Margaret Everly. Mikie Kirk spent the weekencj ill Caldwell with Billy Leasuri?. Several from here attended the home of the lat9 Lillie Pettay. Mr. Olen Bates and son havft moved to the Jesse Butler prop* erty in East Union. Mrs. Maggie Cooper, who has been confined to her home through illness, the past tveek, is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farley of Canton, visited the weekend with relatives. Mrs. C. S. Elliott and daughter visited with Mrs. Ida Shane oil Sunday, afternoon in Cambridge. ENJOYED TRIP Mrs. Hazel Morris of Rich Val* ley has returned to her home after spending a week with her daughter, Nita Morris and her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Addus. She was accom panied on her trip by her daugh ter, Avenell Morris of Chicago, III., and her granddaughter, Jean Odlivak of Caldwell. Facial 3-25c Bath 2-25c Reg. 2-25c-Bath 2-37c SwiitHiah TOILET SOAP IN MAT was torn SfW KEG. 3 BATH SIZE 2 25c size 23c Regular 2 for 19c Large 25c PALMOLIVE REG. SIZE 3 25c Bath 2-2 3c LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Gits Skin Cleaner Med. 3-25c Lg 2-23c Lg. 2 for 55c Giant 71c RAM-SOFT RINS0 liant 55c n u* RINSE SURF L- 2-S9e-Ql 59c SILVER OUST 30c-Gt 57c i