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Page Six Wedding Date Chosen By Lillian Crock Saturday, February 14 has been selected by Miss Lillian Crock for her wedding to Cpl. Jerome Schockling, of Fort Meade, Mary land. The ceremony will take place et nine o'clock in the morning at St. Mary's Catholic church in Fulda. Miss Crock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roman Crock, of Cald well route 4, is a graduate of Caldwell high school, class of 1951. She ig employed with Cleveland Graphite Bronze Co., Caldwell. Cpl. Schockling, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Schockling, of Cald well route 4, graduated from Caldwell high school in 1947. Before entering the service, from which he will receive his dis charge January 29, he was em ployed with Crock and Schafer. ,Wedding Anniversary Observed With Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cunning ham entertained at their home on Bridge street, Sunday, with a dinner, honoring the golden wedding anniversary of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Alspach of Stockport. They were married Dec. 23, 1902 at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stevens of Bowling Green with Rev. John Ray Ewers of the Church of Christ officiating. Mrs. Alspach is the former Clara Bell Kirby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Kirby of Michigan. Closson D. Alspach is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Washington Alspach of Findlay. Guests for the dinner includ ed the honored ones, Mrs. Jerry Alspach and daughter, Linda, of Newport, Ky., whose husband is now in Korea, Mrs. Maggie Cun ningham of Dudley, Carl Hand schumacher of Caldwell, the host and hostess and Robert Cunningham, who is stationed at Scott Air Base, HI. Crum Ridge Sewing Circle Holds Meeting The Crum Ridge Sewing Circle met at the home of Lona Morris on on Thursday of last week. The day was spent in knotting a com fort. At noon a delicious dinner was served to the following members and guests, Irene Mallett, Mada lene Mallett, Elsie Thompson, Ida Spence, Esther Thompson, Columbia Morrison, Lottie Crum, Shi la Thompson, Carlos Crum and Tommic Morrison. Two contests were held after the business session with Ida Spence and Madalene Mallett winning the prizes. Guest prizes were won by Columbia Morrison and Lottie Crum. Ida Spence received a birth day gift from her secret sister and Lona Morrison won the door prize. The next meeting will be at the home of Madalene Mallett Feb. 5. Many s msmm Wiley-Pangle Vows Exchanged Miss Dorothy Marie Wiley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wiley, of Maple Heights £nd Earl F. Pangle, Jr., son of Mi and Mrs. Earl Pangle, Sr., also of Maple Heights, were unitx-cl in marriage Saturday evening. January 10. The single ring ceremony v. as performed by Justice of Pe^ce John R. Longstretch in Rich mond, Indiana". The couple was unattended. The bride chose for her wed ding a navy blue taffeta dress with black accessories. She is a senior in Caldwell high school. Mr. Pangle attended Caldwell high school and is employed with Cozier Container Corp. Fulda Grange Enjoys New Year's Party A New Year's party was en joyed by members of the Fulda Grange and guests at the grange hall. A potluck supper, auction and cake walk was the entertainment of the evening. Members and guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Pais ley, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craft, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schell, Freddie Schell, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rup pel, Marvin Ruppel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Michel, Miss Patricia Michel, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wei sent, Miss Ardella Weisent, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Colley, Ken neth Weisent, Mr. and Mrs. John George Noll, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Schott, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crock, Miss Joan Crock. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Craft, Shirley Craft, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Merry, Mrs. Rose Crock, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schoeppner, Judy Schoeppner, Mrs. Eliza beth Michel, Mrs. Nora Gerst, Mrs. Lucy Archer, Raymond Arnold, Miss Marylou Arnold. Miss Carol Arnold, Gforge Fogle, Herman Yeagle, Mrs. Mollie Rohrig, Ted Rohrig, Bernard Rohrig, Eddie Rohrig, Marvin Miller and Cletus Schoeppner. Clarence Wileys Observe Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wiley, South Olive, former prominent Caldwell residents, observed their 40th wedding anniversax-y on New Year's day at thi^ir home with a family dinner. They were married on New Year's 'Eve, 1912 at South Olive, with Rev. Murphy as minister. Present at the family dinner were their two sons, Charles Wiley of Steubenville, and Dwight Wiley of Caldwell. Birthday Dinner Held In Honor of Miles Jacobs Miss Angie Wcntworth enter tained with a birthday supper on Saturday, January 3 at her home in Fredericksdale honoring Miles Jacobs, of McConnelsville. Guests were Mrs. George Wentworth, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robinson and daughters, Vera Mae, Lulu Belle and Darla, of Sarahsville and the, hostess and honored one. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE THE ONE YOU HAVE SEED WAITING FOR! LENA ALTER'S STORE Friday, Jail. 16—9:00 a. m. Ends Saturday, January 31 ON THE FIRST TWO DAYS AS HAS BEEN OUR CUSTOM All Ladies', Misses' and Junior Fall and Winter Dresses Over $7.98 at /i PRICE Fine WINTER GOATS and SUITS At Just a Fraction Over Cost! 20% OFF on Costume Jewelry and Purses This More Than Pays State and Federal Taxes One Lot MUNS1NG PANTIES— 65c and 69c Values—Now .. 2 pr. for $1.00 10% OFF On All Underwear --Sleep Wear Hosiery --Slips Blouses, Sweaters, and Children's Dresses .A l'OLl-iOVV lNvj $7.50 and $6.98 $5.98 and $5.95 $4.98 and $4.95 $3.98 and $3.95 $2.98 and $2.95 $2.00 and $1.98 Values—now Values—now Values—now Values—now Values—now Values—now One Lot-- NYLON HOSE $1.00 One Lot INFANTS' ROMPERS and CREEPERS $1.39 One Lot LADIES' and MISSES' SLIPS— Values to $3.98—now $2.39 One Lot PURSES—Values to $3.25—now $1.00 No Charges Exchanges Lay-Aways Approvals Please Do Not Ask! $4.98 $3.98 $3.00 $2.98 $2.00 $1.39 Betrothal Told VIRGINIA McC l'NK Mr. and Mrs. Owen McCune, of Belle Valley, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Virginia, to Freddie J. Wendel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wen del, of Plain City. Miss McCune is a graduate of Belle Valley high school and is associated with the Beacon Mutual Indemnity Co., Columbus. Mr. Wendel, a graduate of New California high school, is employed with the Osborne and Sexton Machinery Co., Columbus. No definite date has been set for the wedding ceremony. Good Neighbors Club Meets At Parrish Home The Good Neighbors club of the Rich Valley community met at the home of Mrs. Floy Par rish for the January meeting with the president, Clarice Men denhall in charge. Quilting and piecing quilt squares occupied the day. The club prize was won by Floy Par rish and the guest and puzzle prizes by Hannah Morrison. Members present were: Belle Boyd, Ethel lams, Bettie Wilson, Phenia Bigley, Roberta Bigley, Lois Blake, Clarice Mendenhall and Jean Ramsey and the hostess. Guests were Hannah Morrison, Mabel Wilson and Irene Smith. Children in attendance were Virginia Bigley, Robert Blake, Rogei lams, Joan Boyd and Peggy Ramsey. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Clarice Mendenhall on February 5. Ruth Spence Hostess To Homemakers Club The Homemakers Club of the Berne community met at the home of Ruth Spence last Thurs day. The day was spent in quilting with a delicious lunch served at noon. Members attending were Mrs Mabel Hesson, Mrs. Belle Spence, Mrs. Kathleen Garrett, Mrs. Ruby Leasure, Mrs. Roma Jean Wharton and Mrs. Agatha Lou Hannahs and the hostess. Guests were Sheryl Garrett. Brenda and Barbara' Wharton and Kay Spence. The business meeting was in charge of the vice-president Belle Spence. The hostess conducted two con tests that were won by Mabel Hesson and Kathleen Garrett. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Agatha Han nahs on Feb. 5. All members ar GAS-- ELECTRIC Ranges GAS ELECTRIC Miller V olkmer Engagement Miss Miller is a graduate of St. Luke's School of Nursing, of Cleveland and is now attending Baldwin Wallace college at Berea. Her fiance is a graduate of Bowling Green university and at present employed in Cleve land. The couple plan a June wed ding. Dallas Bonds Entertain With Dinners Recently Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bond en tertained recently at their home near Mt. Ephraim for Mr. and Mrs. A1 Engle and family, of Cambridge. A dinner was served at 6:00 in the evening. Mr. Engle is chief engineer at radio station, WILE in Cambridge. They also entertained with a dinner recently for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill and family, of Seneca Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Judy, of Pickerington and Mr. and Mrs. James Watson and family, of Caldwell, were other recent visitors. Dinner Bridge Given By Mrs. Walter Douglass Mrs. Walter Douglass enter tained with a 6:30 dinner bridge at her home on North street for members of the Thursday Bridge club last Thursday evening. Two tables were played with Mrs. Pearl Ralston winning the club prize and Mrs. Walter Quick, guest prize. Club members playing were Mrs. Pearl Blake, Mrs. Henry Brumbach, Mrs. Frank Cox, Mrs. Willis Hupp. Bernice Mills, Mrs. Pearl Ralston, Mrs. H. J. Startz man and Mrs. Norval Robey. Dewey Collins Entertains With Dinner On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Collins entertained with a dinner on Sunday at their home on Belford Covers were arranged for Carrie Wells, of Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Eleanor Davis, of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Wells, of Zanesville, and the host and hostess. Chicken Dinner Served At Dana Foraker Home Mr. and Mrs. Dana Foraker entertained with a three course chicken dinner of lovely appoint ment at their home, Caldwell route, on New Year s Day. Covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mendenhall and daughter, Janet Mrs. Rosella Foraker, Joe Foraker and daugh ter, Reva Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ramsey and daughter, Peggy Miss Norma Waller, Merritt Mendenhall and Mr. and Mrs Jack Foraker and the host and !lo^! :Ut'l (I. i 1 I We're Cleaning House! OF ALL USED Trade-in Appliances Sewing Machines ELECTRIC TREADLE WE'RE QUOTING LOW PRICES! BARGAINS YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS UP! PATTEN'S "QUALITY APPLIANCE STORE' North Street Phone 58 /-V .-V THE JOURNAL', CALTWET,L, OHIO Journal Society FLORENCE ORR, Editor PHONE 98 Annuuiuenu nt is being'made of the engagement of Miss Athea Adelle Miller, daughter of James O. Miller, formerly of Dexter City, to Edward Leroy Volkmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William P.* Volkmer, of Hampton, Virginia. Lenora Lashleym Engaged to Wed The eimn^ement of Miss Lenora Lashley to Cpl. William Lefever is announced by her father, Wilbur Lashley, Quaker City R. D. 1. Cpl. Lefever is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lefever, of Quaker City. Miss Lashley is a senior at Batesville high school and Cpl. Lefever is serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. He has recently returned home from duty in Korea. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Garden Club Meets At Watson Home The Beaver Hills Garden Club held the January meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilma Watson on Friday evening of last week. The president, Edith Cline, opened the meeting and Kathryn Ankrom led the devotional service. Eighteen members ans wered roll call by "an unusual bird visitor." A short business session was held and then a program enjoyed, presented by the Barnesville Garden Club. Colored pictures of birds were shown by Mrs. Everett Palmer and Mrs. William Kearns with Mrs. David Cain giving a very interesting talk about each bird as the pictures were shown. Mrs. Palmer also showed pic tures of Korea that had been sent home by her son who was recently discharged from the army. The outstanding pictures were one of the sunrise on the Pacific ocean and of beautiful flowers unfamiliar to club mem bers. A social period followed and lunch was served to Mrs. David Cain, Mrs. Everett Palmer, Mrs. William Kearns, Mrs. Clarence Murphy, Mrs. Herman Wright, of Barnesville Mrs. Kathryn Ankrom and daughter, Mrs. Ellen Denius, Mrs. Edith Cline, Mabel Flood, Beatrice Bates, Gertrude Hartley, Gertrude Deal, Shirley Herrick, Ada Atkin son* Mildred Day, Helen Doug lass, Freda Frakes, Marie Long, Florence Gibson, Pearl House, Hazel McBurney, Edith Dollison, Wilma Watson and Mabel Starr, a guest. The next meeting will be held on Thursday evening, Feb. 5 at the home ot Mabel Flood. Kenny Hupp Observes Birthday With Party Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hupp enter tained a number ol children with a party last Wednesday at their home on North street from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. in honor of the sixth birthday of their .son, Kenny. Juvenile games were played by the guests and the hostess served delicious refreshments. Kenny received a number of lovely gifts. Children present were Mark Barnhart, Becky, Buddy and Jerald Ramsey, Susan Bruns, Connie Potts, Joy and Bonnie Williamson, Bonnie and Jimmy Hunn and the honored one. ALL MAKES Sweepers NUMBER LIMITED Appliance Caldwell In Marine Corps 9 CPL. JACK E. SWAIN Cpl. Jack E. Swain, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Swain, formerly of Noble county but now of 2539 Indiana Way NE., Canton. He is now stationed with the 7th Engineer's Bn., Cold Weather Bureau, Bridgeport, Calif. BIRTHDAY DINNER The 82nd birthday anniversary of Mrs. Lena Burlingame of Ava was observed at her home Sun day with a dinner at noon. A large birthday cake centered the table. Guests included her four children, Harry Burlingame of Detroit, Mich., Zella Danford and Lillian Burlingame of Akron and Ila DunJap of the home. BEGINS FRIDAY. JAN. 16 Ladies' Children's Coals- Suits i OFF One Rack Ladies' Dresses $5.00 One Group Girdles- Brassieres Specially Priced! Nyion Hosiery 51 (iaugc First Quality DARK SHADES Ke«. $1.35) SI.59 pr. 690 Pr- Following prices apply to all Save!! $5.95 Values Engagement Is Revealed Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Michael, Canton, are announcing the igagement of their daughter, Arlene, to Arthur J. Kuhn, Jr., (in of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Kuhn, Sr., of Lewisville route 1. Miss Michael, a graduate of Timkens Vocational high school, Canton, class of 1952, is now em ployed by the Stern and Mann's department store in Canton. Mr. Kuhn is a graduate of Summerfield high school, class oi! 1951. He is employed at Tim s' ns Roller Bearing Co. in Can ton. No date has been set for the wedding. Mrs. Barnhouse Hostess To HTH Bridge Club Mrs. Bolon Barnhouse enter tained members and guests of the H.T.H. bridge club at her home on Walnut street last Wed nesday evening. Club prizes were won by Mrs. Bae Marshall and Mrs. Donald Harkins. Mrs. John D. Wheeler received the guest prize. Members entertained were Mrs. Bae Marshall, Mrs. William Gil lespie, Mrs. Walter Quick, Mrs. Donald Harkins, Mrs. N. S. Reed, Mrs. Clyde Harris, Mrs. Harry Knox, Mrs. L. C. Young, Mrs. J. K. Walkenshaw and Mrs. E. G. Ditch. Mrs. Forrest Racey and Mrs. Wheeler were the guests. Photo Developing—Gillespie's January Clearance SALE ON LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEARING APPAREL One Rack Ladies' Children's Dresses $1. $2 -$3 One Rack Ladies' Dresses $10-oo STRUTWEAR" NYLON HOSIERY 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER FIRST QUALITY Regular $1.59 Pair Regular $1.39 Pair Now$l19 pr. Now BARGAIN TABLE Many $1 20% OFF SPECIAL—"STRUTWEAR" SLIPS Multifilament Crepe Tailored and Lace Trim Regular $2.98 Values—Sale Price $2«29 LADIES' DRESSES $1.001! $4.00 $4.95 $8.95 Values $0.95 $14.95 Values $11.95 $10.95 Values $g.95 $16.95 Values $12«95 The Fashion Shop 423 Main Street Caldwell, Ohia Thursday, January 15. Lila Carpenter, Sylvan C. Wise Married Jan. 5 Miss Lila Carpenter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Carpen ter, of Summerfield R.D. 2, be came the bride of Sylvan C. Wise, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wise also of Summerfield R. D. 2, on Monday afternoon, Jan. 5 at 1:15. Minister J. V. A. Traylor read the double ring ceremony at his home in Woodsfield. For her wedding the bride wore a navy blue suit with black and white accessories with a cor sage of pink carnations. She car* ried a white Bible and followed the tradition of something old, something new, something bor rowed and blue and a penny in her shoe. Mrs. Sara Snyder, of Summer field, was matron-of-honor and wore a blue suit with a coisage of yellow carnations. Bradley Carpenter, also of Summerfield, .brother of the bride was best man. Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents. IN HOSPITAL Durward Jennings is a patient in Bethesda hospital, Zanesville, for observation and treatment. His room number is 416. REVIVAL SERVICES Revival services are being held this week at the Ava Methodist church. Rev. and Mrs. Willia«l Foster of Belle Valley, are in charge and the public is invited. ENDS SATURDAY. JAN. 31 Ladies' Blouses-- Skirts 2.0% OFF One Rack Ladies' Dresses $7.00 $1.00 pr. Items Odds and Ends Slightly Soiled Mdse. Ladies' Robes Cotton Satin Chenille Ladies' House Dresses ilci S:.!)8 Value $1.99 Nyion Panties* Value $1.00 that are not specially marked! Save!! $12.95 Values $9-95 I