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Page Four—B NIDDLEBDBG NEWS MIDDLEBURG A surprise birthday dinner was held for Mrs. Charles Clark last week. At noon, a chicken dinner was served. A beautiful birthday cake was part of the dessert, served at a table centered with a daffodils. Those who attended the dinner in honor of the occasion were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hooper of Zanesville Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hayes. Dexter City Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark and children, Diana, Barbara and Billie of Crooksville Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clark and daughter, Becky Sue Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanberry and chil dren. Nancy, Sandy, Janet Sue and Bobby, and Bill Flceman of Dungannon. Personals Cpl. Paul Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edson Clark after serv ing three years in U. S. Army, returned home Friday morning, Feb. 27, from Japan. Mr. and Mrs. George Pryor and son of Chandlersville, were visit ing relatives at Middleburg on Sunday. Guy McVay of Harriettsville, Mr. and Mrs. Casey Pryor, Mrs. John Pryor, John Clark, Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison and daugh ters, Barbara and Judy, Bertha Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark and son, Terry, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Charles West and son, Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gildow and daughters were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edson Clark and family. Rodney Buckley of Ava, was a caller at Middleburg, ^Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Beulah Hesson of Macks burg, visited Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Lenora Estadt here. Mrs. Pearl Goodwill and son of Elba, visited Wednesday after noon with her mother and familv Conveniently Priced! Milligan's Store North Street—Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. George Addles- berger. Mr. 'and Mrs. Francis Thomp son, Winfred Dearth spent Tues day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt. Mrs. Leiand Clark was a caller at Cambridge, Wednesday. Miss Bertha Morrison spent last Saturday evening with Jean Hes son of Macksburg. Mrs. Madge Morrison" and daughter, Barbara, visited Thurs day with her mother, Mrs. Ber tha Hayes. Mrs. Laurie Harriman and son. David of Rado, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morrison and family on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ada Dearth and son and daughter, Crystal, visited Mrs. Clara Morrison and son, Jackie on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Gildow of Zanes ville, spent the weekend at her home here. Mrs. Ada Dearth and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and son, Timmy, Thursday even ing. Mrs. Kathleen McCool and son of near Cleveland, spent the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bettinger. Dwight Dimmerlifig visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and family. Miss Rose Mary Dimmerlin'g of Zanesville, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lucy Dim merling and family. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson and son, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Leiand Feltner and family of Rado. Miss Dorla Thompson is em ployed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benny Robinson at Olive. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clark and family of Caldwell, visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and children. SUITED for SPRING! The traditional spring suit companion ... a slender pump here with a win dow of graceful cut-outs that add a young and love ly look. Slip into them, see how pretty your feet will be, how easy your steps will fall. Navy blue calf or black calf. v w It's easy to save... with the Savings Plan ELECTROMET VP'1' •/./ 7***- Pictured above is the family of James and Rosanna Racey Cain, pioneer settlers of Noble county. Standing from 1. to r., in order of birth, Dal, Tom, Ferg, Morris and Clem. Sitting, front row, Susanna, Father, Mother and Mary. James Cain was a school teacher, Justice of the Peace (then known as a Country Squire). He was president of the local school board. Renrock RENROCK The Grange will meet Friday night with a busi ness meeting followed by a pro gram as follows: roll call, My Most Tiresome Chore in the Spring reading, Leura Dickison music, Dorothy Rex reading, Frieda Ziler Origin of St. Pa trick day, Cuezene Rex Current Events, H. R. Blackburn con test, Anna Haines sugar draw ing and nickle drill. Refreshments by Anna Haines, Louie Hall, Dwight Haines, John Hall, Roy Reed and Itol Reed. Don McNutt returned to his home Wednesday from the hospi tal. He is recovering from an at tack of kidney stones. Mrs. Lora McNutt taught school part of last week for Cuezene Rex, who is in the. hospital for observation. Roger Waite of Reinersville, visited at the home of Roy and Floyd, Sunday evening. Plioto Developing—Gillespie's ELECTRO METALLURGICAL COMPANY A Hitrisies! ©f Uftiesi Gasbide and Gaiben Marietta, Ohio Rifting aside a littic each payday is not easy^ for most people. So often something comes up to prevent that trip lo the bank. Or we fail in our determination not to spend carelessly. At ELECTROMET, the Savings Plan makes regular saving simple—by payroll deduction—arid profitable, as well. For, in addition to the amount saved by employees, a certain proportion is added by the Company. For every dollar that an employee with one year's service puts away* 10 cents is added by the Company. or two-year employees, 20 cents is added. And for employees of three or more years standing, 30 cents is deposited by ELECTKOMET! On June 30, 1953, this Plan terminates, having been in operation for two years. During this time all funds are held in trust by a bank. The money, plus iulerest, will then be turned over to the participating employees. Although the current Savings Plan is the first at ELECTROMET'S new plant at Marietta, Savings Plans have been available to ELECTROMET employees since 1935 Thr trrm •'KlcrtrnineV tr rr TrpMrrrrt trnrtc nrnrtr nf frilor CnrhMr nrtfT Cnrttorr Cfirpwjitfw- TOT JOURTTAE, A Noble County Pioneer Family All of the children of James Cain were school-teachers, two of whom later became Doctors of Medicine, Dal and Ferg. The descendants and rela tives of this family of Cains hold an annual reunion at the Noble county fair ground on the second Sunday of each August which is attended by allied families and friends. Thurman B. Cain, son of Clem Cain, who is president of the East Union EAST UNION Ocie Sullivan called on Mrs. Rosa Tucker on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Blanche Butler of Marys ville, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tucker and daughter, Diane of Zanes ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker and family. Eula Archer spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Stevens. Timmie Bates of Mt. Ephraim, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Miller and son, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bates of Zanesville, were visiting in this vicinity, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feldner and son, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Feldner called on the former's mother, who is very ill at this time, Sunday afternoon. Robert Tucker called on Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kirkbride and fam ily at Sarahsville, Thursday after noon. CALT7WELL, OTTTO West Virginia Business Col lege, Clarksburg, W. Va., is also president, Cain Family Association. Josephine Cain Wells, daugh ter of Ferg, (L. F. Cain, M. D.) 964 Guckert Avenue, Newark, Ohio, is Secretary and will appreciate any information pertaining to ancestors of the Cains and allied families. Claude W. Cain, 720 Lake street, San Francisco, Calif., son of Ferg, is historian. VIMCO CELLO NEW GOLDEN RIPE Dungannon DUNGANNuN Mrs. Walter Stewart, Mrs. Don Stewart and children, Carol and Mary Joe were Beverly visitors Friday afternoon. Robert Newton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Newton, left Thursday for Columbus where •he has enlisted in the air force. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mincks visit ed the latter's father, Frank Aug enstein of Lowell, Thursday Mr. Walter Stewart called on Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Blackborn at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Morris recently of Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mincks and son, Dale, spent Thursday even ing at the Jordans. Mrs. Icel Hughes Michales of Lowell, spent Tuesday at the Jordan home. Mrs. John Doebereincr of Bev erly, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright, Thursday evening. Mrs. W. C. Fleeman will go to Dr. E. C. Hartman, Parkersburg, Tuesday to have a cataract taken off her eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mincks visi ted their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne" Mincks of Beverly. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hooper of Zanesville, and Mrs .Harry Hayes of Dexter City, spent Friday eve ning with the latter's father, Mr. W. C. Fleeman. Ivan Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Clark, near Keith town, has enlisted in the army. Mrs. Walter Stewart made a business trip to ParkersbUrg on Tuesday. rag MACARONI VIMCO SPAGHETTI EVERYMEAL PEAS (X KRAFT'S MIRACLE WHIP 32 DPPLE BUTTER... UiniDORF TISSUE ftoduce FRESH, TENDER CARROTS 2th»19c CABBAGE 2 APPLES.. ROME BEAUTY 49 Oz. Jar 19 lb. lbs 2 lbs BANANAS 2* 29c GRAPEFRUIT FLORIDA A I N E 10 lb. Bag 47c lb QUAKER CITY Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Carpenter are the parents of a son born at Barnes ville General hospital, Thursday Feb. 26. This being their second child. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Rottmeir of St. Clairsville, visited Satur day afternoon with Mrs. Inez Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bowles of Greenville, spent Sunday with his sisters, Mrs. Homer Smith and Mrs. J. H. Hayes and hus band. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Smith of Columbus, spent Saturday night and Sunday with their parents, Mr. aijd Mrs. Randal Long and Mr., and Mrs. Harold Smith. Mrs. Cora Hunt of Columbus, visited during the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Dwight Lingo and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lynn of Columbus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Long and family. L. C. Barnett was admitted to Swan hospital, Cambridge, Sat urday for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long and son of Dayton, spent the week end with Mrs. Helen Wolfe and Mrs. Emma Long. Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson and daughter, Karen and Mrs. Dorothy Patterson of Cambridge, were guests Thursday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson. Virgil Hall of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hall and daughters of Brewster and Mr.' and Mrs. Carl Starr and sons of Barnes ville, were guests Sunday of Mr. 18. 2 WHOLE KERNEL AMERICAN BEAUTY ASK FOR TKursflay, March 5, QUAKER CITY NEWS and Mrs. Clyde Hall, Smith Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Denius of Louisville, Ky., spen( the weefc end with his parents, Mr. an(| Mrs. W. R. Denius. Mrs. DeniuS' remained for a week's visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schultz of Neffs and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hannahs and sons of Canton, were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Han nahs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith were guests Sunday night and Monday of their daughter, Mrs. Davis Steele and husband of Chagrin Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tedrick of Cambridge, visited Sunday even ing with her mother, Mrs. Vic toria Lent and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harris. James Garrett of McKeesport, Pa., is spending this week with his sister, Mrs. Mildred Floyd. Mike, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bewley, was admitted to Swan hospital, Cambridge on Wednesday morning for treat ment. Pvt. Lisle Weber, who has been stationed at Camp Breckenridge, Ky., for several weeks, arrived home, Tuesday night, for eleven days furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weber and brother, Leslie. He expects an overseas assignment at the ter mination of his furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carpen ter of Marion, visited relatives here this week. I. C. Barnett was1 admitted to Swan hospital, Cambridge on Thursday for treatment. 43' MAKES CLOTHES SNOWY WHITE HOME OWNED FOOD MAJfMEFS 39 28 oz. Jars 6 4 9 ALL POPULAR BRANDS (IGRREnES *1.94 Cirtoi 2™ 39c 15c QUART 5 & 75' 25 DOG J2"