Newspaper Page Text
.Thursday, March 5 195& SENECAVI SENECAVILLE Word has been received here of the mar riage of Mrs. Delia Smith to Her bert L. Dugan. The ceremony was performed on February 14 in the Fust Avenue Methodist church in St. Petersburg, Fla. Pinochle Club Mrs. Fred Clodfelter at her home in Buffalo was hostess to the Pinochle club. Cards were -enjoyed at two tables with Mrs. George Kozar receiving high score. Mrs. Walter Moorhead was a guest. Attends Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Alex Peach at their home in Lore City enter tained a number of guests in honor of their daughter, Lila's seventeenth birthday. Among those present were Mrs. Fannie Selders of Philo, Mrs. Marie Hopps of Pleasant City and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peach of this place. Recent Moves Mrs. Hazel Finley has moved to the apartment in the D. of A. building on Mill street. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evans and family have moved from the Bessie Evans property on High street to Hebron. Personals Mrs. Hattie Brown recently visited relatives in Buffalo. Mr. and Mi's. Russell Aduddle have moved from Cambridge to the Sam-Ward property here. Miss Phyllis Secrest has re turned to Columbus after spend ing the pasft week in Omaha and visiting Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs^ Raymond Secrest. Mrs. Kate Allan is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Hickey in Akron. Mrs. Ernest Sheelan of Cam bridge, recently visited her aunt, Mrs. Estella Laughiin. Telephone 14 LLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wise of Akron, recently visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Moor head. Mrs. Mollie Aplin has returned from Canton, where she visited her son, Paul Aplin and family. Carl Burns of Gordon, W. Va., visited Sunday with his brother, J. I. Burns and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davidson returned Thursday from St. Petersburg and other places of interest in Florida. Mrs. Van B. Chapman of Chil licothe, Mo., spent several days the past week at the home of Miss Wilma Saltsgaver. Mr. and Mrs. Friend Miley and Miss Maude Miley recently visit ed Frank Bailes, Quaker City. Miss Martha Brown is visiting her nephew, Herbert Campbell and wife in Utica. Mrs. Maude Canter has return ed after spending the past months with her son, Ed Canter and wife in Saginaw, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chamber lain and son attended the funeral of his father at Concord, Mteh. S. C. Frame is visiting his son, Harris Frame and family in Bar berton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moorhead were callers in Columbus, Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Callahan and children and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mallernee and son spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Callahan. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Murphy of Dover, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Ike Lefever. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Miley and daughter, Ruth were 80% of Service on Television Sets Done in the Home! FRANCHISED DEALER OF CROSLEY MOTOROLA Noble County's Oldest Insurance Agency G. R. Farley & Son Established. In 1887 Writing All Lines of Insurance AND Surety Bonds CAR WASHING ... Use Of Water And Washing Rack WW Repair Lubrication Welding Ward Tires & Batteries war a Tires Batteries i Wilbur L. DeVoll Garage Phone 44-J East & Olive Sts. Caldwell 7he8iy£uri*Lo i calling in Columbus recently. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Denver and children spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Denver in Cambridge. H. D. SMALLEY TV ANTENNA ERECTION U. H, F/— V. H. F. West Side of Square CALDWELL, OHIO $1.25 li vy ATTENTION OHIO FARMERS! tests show DEKALB SEED CORN to be as SUPERIOR in QUALITY and GERMINATION as in past years If you want to make SURE that you are planting HIGH GERMINATING Seed Corn this year plant DEKALB. Our seed crop this year is one of the finest in DEKALB'S entire history. The quality is excellent the germination high. Kernels are big and plump and full of vigor. DeKalb dealers have the^ varieties that fit your soil, weather and purpose. But don't delay place your order now. See your DeKalb Dealer today I CALDWELL IMPLEMENT & SUPPLY CO.—Caldwell, Ohio RAYMOND WATSON—Senecaville, Rt. 2, Ohio H. F. THOMPSON—Berne, Ohio FRANK YOUNG—Cumberland, Ohio J. H. ROHRBAUGH—ReinersvilJe, Ohio Little Mi88 mt* CLEO ANN SHAFER Cleo Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. Edison Shafer, Mt. Ephriam. She observed her fourth birthday, Feb. 28. Grandmother is Mrs. Ella Shafer, Mt. Ephraim. Sarahsville Hi. 1 SARAHSVILLE ROUTE —Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown of Wil mington, Delaware, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McWilliams and other relatives. Clarence Carter is improving at his home from a recent illness John Grimes visited friends in South Olive over the weekend. Thurman Rich is reported to be improved at the Bethesda hos pital, Zanesville. His son, Paul, visited him over the weekend. Mrs. Carson Carpenter of Kop pel, Pa., visited relatives here over the weekend. Relatives received word of the death of Mrs. Lula Mae Wheeler at her home in Zanesville. She was a former native of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rossiter were shoppers: in Caldwell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Archer of Zanesville, visited relatives here over the weekend. E. O. Bond was a business call or in Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Beatty of Newark, visited home folks over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Argyle Vorhies visited relatives in Akron recent y. Mrs. Blanche Butler was shop ping in Caldwell, Saturday. Keiihtown KEITH TOWN Mrs. Laura Sayre, formerly of Caldwell, is eriously ill at the home of her laughter, Mrs. Ernset Wilson. She suffered a stroke. Mrs Sayre is a sister of Mrs. B. E Hale, this community. «.'- Harley Chandler and James iVTcMannis visited over the week nd with relatives at Cuyahoga trails. Dale, Ronnie, Gerald and Rog •r Groves spent the weekend vith their grandparents, Mr. and vlrs. Elmer Groves. Mr. and Mrs. William McMan lis, Jr., and family of Cambridge, pent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc lannis and family. Nancy Teters of Ava, is spend ing a few days at the home of her grandparents. Celia Caplinger of Beverly, was a caller Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves visied Saturday at the home of their son and daughter. Mrs. Ola Slater, mother of Earl Slater, fell Saturday evening and fractured her hip. She was re moved to Marietta Memorial hos pital. ii to DEKALB THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO HAEB1ETTSVILLE HEWS HARRIETTS VILLE Mrs Florence Williams entertained with a dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Rayfield Williams, (newly weds). Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Reed Thompson Miss Freda Cantwell and Galen Thompson. Dinner Guests Evangelist Halley Smith of Mt. Vernon, was a dinner guest Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs Charley VanFossen. Evangelist Smith is staying at the Lancer Daniels home while he is hold ing a ten day, meeting at Staf ford. Mr. and Mrs. John Dudzik of Canton, and Mr. and Mrs. Felix Schott, Fulda, were dinner guests Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs John Schoeppner and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Rayfield Gerst and family of Caldwell route visited in the evening at the Schoeppner home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stevens of Marietta, were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens. lias Party Mrs. Ronald Vorshey entertain ed with a Stanley hostess party Friday evening at the Gay Bet tinger home. Those from here who attended were Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Crum, Mr. and Mrs Erval Stevens, Mrs. Mabel Bak er and Mrs. Beryl VanFossen. Attend Lodge Charles Hawkins, Cumberland Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hawkins and Johnny of Antioch, Will Hawkins of Stafford, Douglas Cotterman of Zanesville, and David Ayer of New Concord, were guests on Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ayers. The men at tended Masonic Lodge at Leban on and at a late hour a delicious lunch was served. Personals Joe T. Ullman and friend, Mar vin Smith, both of Lima, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs B. W. Ullman and attended Mas onic Lodge at Lebanon, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charley VanFos sen, Mrs. Norma Jean Baker and Miss Freda Cantwell attended a Here & Yon HERE AND YON Mr. and Mrs. William Everly visited on Monday with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Everly. Mrs. Bertha Wickham spent Thursday p. m. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Everly. Miles Wickham spent Wednes day nite with his sister, Bertha Lahaue and son, Ronald. Mrs. Andy Hill, Blanch Eutler Maggie Weekly, Pluma Smith and Mrs. Walter Poling and son Charles, were visitors during the pitst weeteof Jewell Wickham and granddaughter, Shelba Jean. Sherman Phelps is much im proved from a recent illness and hopes1 to return to his old roost near Center Service in a few days. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs Leo Kirkbride and Fannie Kirk bride were Mr. and Mrs. William Kirkbride and children, Allen Dale, Russel Alvin and Kath.y Louise, of Nash Port, Mr. and ivlrs. May wood Kirkbride and Mis. Rose Danlev of Cambridge, Ocea Johnson, Marie Poling, Robert Tucker Emma and George Kent. Mrs. Dallas Bond and two daughters were business callers in Caldwell, Saturday. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson were their daughters, Madlyn and Mr. and Mrs. Adrain McClellen and chil dren of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs Russell Johnson and children, Roger Lee, Shirley and Mancel hnd Henry Heisler. Emma Everly was shopping in Caldwell, Saturday. Mrs. Ocea Johnson spent a day la£t week with Beulah Rossiter and children. Mrs. Jewell Wickham and granddaughter, Shelva Jean were recent visitors of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Phelps and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Polinrr and ron, Charles. County Farm Bureau dinner at Caldwell on Tuesday evening. John Kirchner and Elmer Ull man of Caldwell, called at the Ullman home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walker, Mrs. Donald Bennett and daugh ters visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morrison. Mr. und Mrs. Johnny King of Canton, visited Saturday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Charley VanFossen. Mrs. Sylvia Feldner and J. R, VanFossen spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thornberry and family of Cleveland and were ac eompanied home by the Thorn berry family who spent the weekend at the I. R. VanFossen home. Hoyt and Billy VanFossen of Parkersburg, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fleet Van Fossen. Mrs. Ora Lindamood of Fraz eysburg, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. O Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeppner, Sandra and Linda and Mrs. Bd Schoeppner visited Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crum and family of Caldwell Mrs. Helen Wilson and son Gary, visited Friday evening with Mrs. Rilla Crock of Mari etta. Miss Geneva Walters and Miss Shirley Hendershot of Marietta visited over the weekend with Mrs. Wilma Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ullman and Jane of Circleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens and Karen visi ted Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Carl Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonar and daughters of Columbus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. Love and with other relatives on route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bergman of Columbus, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W Mallett. Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Black of Co lumbus, visited Tuesday evening with the latter's father, C. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Starr and son, Bruce of Bailey's Mills, visit ed Sunday with C. D. Millei They all called on Mr. and Mrs Charley VanFossen on Sunday afteunoop. Mrs. A. J. Bonar of Stafford visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stevens and with Mr and Mrs. Bert Bonar. Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens were Caldwell shoppers on Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm and Daniel, visited Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schramm and daughters of Corn erville. Mr. and Mrs. B. W^JUUwan atr tended funeral services Sunday afternoon at Bear Run for Har vev Toman. Pleasant Hill PLEASANT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Win. Musser oi Zanesville spent Sunday with Owen Larrick and wife. Sunday visitors at Floyd Davis were Albert Cale of Bvesville Mr. and Mrs. Billie Archer and daughter, Marlyn. Edson Clark and family of Middleburg, visited with Charles West and family. Several from here attended the banquet at Berwick hotel, Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mairs had as guests the weekend theii daughter, Ruth Ann and family of Morrow. Miss Clyta Cater spent one day last week with her grandparents, Waiter Davis and family. Warren Davis spent a few days last week with Ira Davis and family. Alva Watson was taken to Guernsey Memorial hospital on Saturday for treatment. Mrs. Grace Musser and Mrs. Betty Cater called on Carr Davis and wife also Mrs. Jack Wilson and daughter, Jacqueline on Sun day. For All Your insurance Need* Howiler Insurance Service Office: 516VS West Street CALDWELL, Phone 2r.G-W OHIO COMPLETE AUTO SEBVIGE ALL MAKES BARNHOUSE CHEVROLET COMPANY Telephone 261 Miller Street E U S I N S A TELEVISION I N Y O U O E I O o Z E N I TV TOWER AND ANTENNA INSTALLATION OTIS G. KING Phone 39 Summerfield, Ohio Six Years Old EDDIE LEE HANES Eddie Lee Hanes is the six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hanes of Summerfield. His birth day anniversary was recently observed with a surprise birth day party at the home of hi* parentSi Olive OLIVE :\La _i Hohman of Cleveland and Mrs. Edna Masci arelli visited one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An drew Miller. Mrs. George Macenko and Diana, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sal ing and family, Mr. and Mrs Jerome Miller and Mr. and Mrs Amos Wickham and family were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Saling on Sunday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Pitts o! Zanesville, and Mr. and Mrs Noah B. Pitts were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Pitts on Sunday. Miss Mary Belle Pilcher was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Long on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Pitts visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Wal ter Poling on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson and family and Dorla Thompson were dinner guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon West on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson and David visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wil liams and family of Mt. Ephraim. Mrs. Clarence Crum of Crum Ridge, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McAuley and Lillie Crum on Wednesday. Mrs. Mae Sholtis and son, Bob and daughter, Susie Belle, Mr and Mrs. Millison Foreman and "ETllS Eicher spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. Nancy Foreman and Riley Foreman. Thursday guests of Mrs. Foreman and Riley were Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman of South Olive. Answer last week's question Icicle. What is big at the bottom, little at top and a thing in the middle that goes' whippity whop? Ullmcn's Ficsar Marl 1LOWLRS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Call 129—Free Delivery Main Street Caldwell ft, s SHARON The February meeting of the Sharon Loyal T'-mperance Legion was held at 'ho home of Jessie and dair Pirkenpaugh, Tuesday evening, F' b. 24. Rose Wheeler presided md called the meeting to order. Opening song, "Jesus Loves Me." Scripture lesson, Psalm 24 read ijy president. Vera Harmon led in Prayer, salute? to Christian and United States flags and L.T.L. pledge. L.T.L. songs and slogans. During lesson period, "Health Drinks" were discussed and the story, "White Ribbons" and several poems were read by advisor, also questions about Washington, Lincoln and Frances E. Willard. During the social hour, Jessie and Clair served delicious refresh ments. Those present were Linda Wiley, Joyce Haga, Karen Boyd, Janet Ramsey, Rose and Daryl Wheeler, Kaye Boyd, Deanna, Tommy and David Marquis, Vera Harmon, Mrs. Lucille Picken paugh, Jessie and Clair. Bible Study The Bible study class will meet at the Presbyterian chuych, on Thursday evening March. 5 at 7:30. Everyone welcome. In Hospital John Haga was taken to Mari eta Memorial hospital, Saturday evening in the McVay ambulance where he is receiving treatment. Mrs. Dessie Garvin was con fined to her home last week with flu. Kl KEM-GLO ENAMEL For kitchens, both rooms, woodwork Looks and washes HA3QB NEWS i'HirMY-*Ai DENNIS MORGAN WHITE MAN l/fVsTHE LTON HE5T0N w lita *239 baked enamel QT: *798 OAl: DONALD D. NICHOLS. Phone 63-J Cumberland Street Page Flve—a Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bickford and children of Tunnel Hill, called recently on Mrs. Jessie Marquis and Mr. and Mrs Clif ford Marquis. Mr. and Mi's. Ira Kuntz and son, Stuart of Troy, spent last weekend with his mother, Mrs. Seiestu Kuntz. Roy Jacobs of Shellon, Neb., visited with his uncle, T. L. Mar quis and family and other rela ives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Archer and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Courtney were callers in Zanesville last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Archibald visited with their daughter, Mrs. Irene Cain and family of near Ren rock, Sunday. Mr. Charley Marquis, Mrs. Molly Keller and granddaughter. Janice Keller of Senecaville, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mar quis and Eva May, Wednesday Mrs. Ocie Harmon and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Harmon and Ronnie spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ferrel and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harmon and chil* dren at Zanesville. Frank Wiley is vacationing in Florida. Muscles Sore? USE S3&THINC CARAGOL RELIEF inmlnut##. JOJT TOD OI CflRAiiOl" it auwn cl*p to (ireaJc ip cotiResrtiori and soothe the iisin .ititfricw soretici- i.ams.or iti«-uiri8iti-rn Jr irttimu, ore iia«y relieved. Oft CARACUL tocaf ut GILLESPIE'S DRUG STORE Cukluell. Ohio Wrd. T'-urs Mar. t-' "Operation Searet" bJOfcSY. MART** fit "CATTLE TOWN" 'THE GREEN GLOVE' With With GLENN FORD SI NDAY thru TUESDAY, MARCH 8-9-10 8Y BIRTH! SAVAGE BY MART! ...KARUSS MARKICK 10VID BY TWO C1SLS -ONI WHITr. THE OTRER MIAMI 2 "sIechnicolD -Suww Morrow Peter Homson Joan Ta WEDNESDAY-THCRSDAY, MARCH 11-12 ASrflS MCXETfERIIISHIEIUES! William HOLDEN Edmond O'BRIEN Alexis SMITH TURNING POHT —ALWAYS SELECTED SHORT Sl'KJErTS- Save Money...PafntSeveral foams MAKE THIS YOUR rm ill mm! A COMPLETE LINE OF PfilfiT BRUSHES iff IT HERE! STYLE GUIDE Companion 720 Cci'-r Ha/ monies Created by Color Experts Use it without Charget