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Pag# Toiif v v Al Walton Named On Toume? Team ,» Al Walton of the Caldwell Red skins was one eight players selected on the all-sectional team at Marietta following Monday night's finals. Individual trophies, sponsored by the tournament committee. Were presented to the eight-play er team selected by coaches, sports writers, the official scorer and timer. Selections were as follows: Bernard Mahoney Norman Martin Bill Blackford ___ Jcr ry Benson Charles Sawyer Al Walton Don Malster Carrol Marshall T^ iffeTOfe. ¥?sx#^ Muskingum Valley League Scoring Titte Won By Philo's Dan Watson Dan Watson of the league-leading Philo Electrics copped the Muskingum Valley league scoring title with 360 points in 16 games, an average of 22.8 per game, according to figures compiled during the season. In second place was Ed Moore of Crooksville with 339. followed by Jim Pierce of New Lex with 302. Warren Powell of Dresden with 279, and Al Christopher of Caldwell with 268. Player D. Watson, Philo 143 74 360 Moore, Crooksville 131 77 339 Pierce, New Lex 104 94 302 Powell, Dresden 116 47 279 Christopher, Cald. 102 64 268 Walton, Caldwell .102 57 261 Chambers, Roseville 89 77 255 H, Longabarger, Dres. 87 66 240 Ault, New Lex 88 32 208 Payne, New Concord 59 75 193 Rurick, Crooksville __ 64 59 187 Baldwin, Roseville __ 66 46 178 Gallagher, New Lex 67 41 175 Anjile, Glouster 59 56 174 Wise, & 60 54 174 Lceper, & 48 77 173 Ltiughlin, Roseville 62 46 170 Nelson, & 59 44 162 Cnssady, Dresden -.. 52 54 158 B. Geiger, N. C. 60 32 152 Davis, & 50 46 146 Joe Brannon, Philo 59 26 144 Perkins. Philo 59 26 144 Woods lie Id ... Bethel Beverly Vincent Vincent Caldwell Beverly .... Bethel Forest Grove To Hold Tournament An independent tournament will be held at the Forest Grove high school gymnasium on March 9, 10, 11 and 12th. Teams partici pating will be from Quaker City, Sharon, Dexter City, Summer field, Reinersville, Harriettsville and Belle Valley. There will be three games each evening with the first game start ing at 6:30. Admission will be 20 cents and 30 cents. On Monday evening at 6:30 Dexter City will tackle Belle Valley, at 7:30 Summerfield meets Forest Grove, and at 8:30 Reinersville and Harriettsville collide. Tuesday night will pit Sharon against Quaker City at 6:30 with two consolation games following. Semi-finals arc set for Wednes day with finals on Thursday eve ning. Three trophies and sixty-six in dividual prizes will be awarded. The Junior class of the Forest Grove high school is sponsoring the events. *«»ag Matheney, & 49 Bryson, Glouster 56 Schoenian, Glouster 53 Caster, New Concord 50 VnnReeth, N. C. 53 Ditch, Caldwell .49 Robnk, Glouster 47 Gorby, Crooksville 50 Raeont, Roseville 35 Tilton, Caldwell 47 Safigan, Caldwell 49 Fletcher, Philo 34 Wolfe, Crooksville __ 36 Jer. Brannon, Philo 37 Duff, Roseville 39 Kirby, Glouster 37 Dorsey, Crooksville 37 Ech -itenkamper Glo. 32 Martin, Dresden 31 Mason, N. 21 Cordray, & 26 Berry New Concord 22 Hughes, New Lex 29 Cox, Dresden 21 Muse, New Concord 20 Reed, Roseville 19 Rodgers, Crooksville 18 Newton, Philo 17 Swope, Dresden 16 Gruhbs, Glouster 14 Phillips, Glouster ... 19 Evans, New Lex 13 Miller, New Lex 12 Good, Roseville 13 Lucas, New Lex __ 11 Price, Crooksville ..._ 12 D. Geiger, N. C. 15 D. Longabarger, Dres. 14 Williams, Dresden 8 Strawn, New Lex 9 Carr,„ Crooksville 8 Barnes, N. C. 11 James, Dresden 4 McCall, New Concord 11 B. Wason, Philo 9 Davis, Dresden ...... 7 Dye, & ...... 8 V. Bates. Caldwell 8 Brown, N. C. 7 Martin, Philo .... 7 Bennett, Philo .. Potter, New Lex L. Fleming, Roseville Beal, Roseville Tarleton, Cald. Kin?, Caldwell Hommon, Philo Bishop, Roseville Fowler, Caldwell Watls, Crooksville __ Stuck, Roseville Kimble, & ._ Moore, Philo Richardson, & __ Holbert, Glouster Murphy, Crooksville Henry, Roseville D. Fleming, Roseville Fink, New Lex ...... .1 Jewell, Glouster Maslcrs, Dresden Clark. Caldwell Williams, Crooks. Spring, Roseville Taylor, & ... Carter. New Lex Dalrymple, New Lex Tumblin. Dresden Murray, & Hemey, & Williams, Glouster _.. 45 143 29 141 32 138 36 136 22 128 29 127 32 126 24 124 54 124 25 119 18 116 37 105 33 105 29 103 23 101 25 99 18 27 23 31 27 35 18 20 22 23 21 21 23 19 9 20 21 16 19 16 8 6 15 13 13 6 19 4 6 8 5 4 6 5 92 91 85 83 79 79 7L 62 62 61 57 55 55 47 47 46 45 42 41 40 38 34 31 31 29 28 27 2fi 24 22 «21 20 20 19 17 17 Ifi 16 14 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 3 8 3 2 8 0 2 0 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 A 2 n 2 2 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 2 2 0 1 I 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 Al Christopher Named On All-MVL Team Al Christopher oi the Caldwell Redskins was one of the players selected on the All-MVL basket ball team as picked by the coach es in a poll conducted by the Zanesville Times-Recorder. The honored players are to re ceive medals by the sponsoring newspaper in recognition of their achievement. Christopher, who finished fifth in scoring this year and third, last season, was recently named All-MVL and All-Ohio in foot ball. Unanimous selections were Watson, Pierce, and Moore. All three were the top scorers in the league, with Philo's, Watson lead ing the list with 360 points. Five of the nine players were six feet or better with the tallest being Moore of Crooksville at 6-2. Oddly enough only one under classmen was selected to the squad. He was Dean Ault of New Lexington whose eye for the basket, gained the nod of five of the league's coaches. The "steady" ball players of the squad appear to be Brannon and Cassady. Neither player fig ured too much in season's scor ing, but both handled a variety of chores from rebounding to bring the ball up the floor to initiate playmaking. Christopher, Powell and Cham bers had many of those qualities, but were more or less placed in the point-making category, A total of 21 players were nom inated to the squad. Sarahsville SARAHSVILLE Several from here attended the basket ball banquet, Saturday night, held at the Berwick Hotel in Cambridge. Mrs. Marian Elliott and daugh ters visited recently with Mrs. Ida Shane in Cambridge. Jim Young, who is employed in Alliance, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Young. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mellon of Wcirton, West Virginia, spent the weekend with Delia Mellon. Mrs. Bob McVicker of Zanes ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bates. Gerald Davis visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Feld ncr in Dexter City. Mr. Walter Smith spent one evening recently with Mrs. Mamie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore were shoppers in Cambridge, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family were visitors of Mr and Mrs. Dorhan Willey of Byes ville. Mr. and Mrs. Jum Clark of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Clark of near Sarahsville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triplet! and family, Mrs. Paul Davis and family of Sarahsville and Margie Ickes of Caldwell, were in Co lumbus on, Sunday. Pat_,y iannin was a Sunday umer guest of Mr. and Mrs. deorge Young and family. TTTF JOTfRTTSn. CALTJWELT, ttffo ,- The Redskins were never in the game as Woodsfield took a 10-1 lead and moved ahead to 16-5 at the first quarter. Belie Valley Alumni Defeats Forest Grove In a game played it Forest Grove, Thursday evening, Belle Valley alumni defeated the locals 112 to 88. Belle Valley—112 Starr a 1 17 S. Thomas .18 0 36 Bailey .19 1 39 Harbaugh 3 0 6 Cain ... 4 0 8 Hannahs 3 0 6 Totals 55 2 112 Forest Grove—88 Foraker 15 6 36 7 1 15 Wiley 7 2 16 Lorey 4 0 8 B. Boyd 6 1 13 Totals 39 10 88 Belle Valley 15 53 92 112 Forest Grove 27 45 66 88 Green Valley GREEN VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Branson VanFlect and son, Lance, Mr. and Mrs. James Van Fleet and daughters, Carlan Sue and Leslie were dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanFleet, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis and children and Shirley Davis spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford. Mrs. Mary Hannum was work ing several days last week for Mrs. Hiram Rutherford. Mrs. Earl Moore of Zanesville, spent the weekend at the home of Nancy Rossiter. She attended I :hurch at East Union, Sunday. :." tm 4fr4S* y v/ Pictured above are members of the Times Recorders Muskin um Valley League All-Star team, picked by coaches of the nine schools. They are: 1. Danny Watson of Philo 2. Al Christopher of Caldwell 3. Jerry Brannon of Philo 4. Jim Pierce of New Lexingi ton 5. Herb Chambers of Roseville 6. Dean Ault of New Lexing ton 7. Bob Cassady of Dresden 8. Ed Moore of Croo^sviUe and 9. Warren Powell of Dresden. MVL All-Star Cagers Name Srhool s Pts. GMS. Dan Watson Philo Sr. 360 16 Al Christopher Caldwell Sr. 268 15 Jerry Brannon Philo Sr. 103 16 Jim Pierce New Lexington Sr. 302 16 Herb Chambers __ Roseville Sr. 255 16 Dean Ault New Lexington So. 208 16 I?ol» Cassady Dresden Sr. 158 15 Ed Moore Crooksville Sr. 389 16 Warren Powell Dresden Sr. 279 15 Beverly Cops Sectional Tournament As Noble County Teams Bow Out Beverly, with a 27-1 record for the season, won the sectional tournament at Marietta by defeating Vincent in the finals, 52-43. Both teams advance to the district meet at Marietta this week with Beverly (27-1) tackling Philo (22-3) on Thursday night at 8:00 o'clock. At 9:30 Vincent (23-5) faces Dresden (15-7). In semi-final games last Friday night, Beverly ousted Bethel 43-40 and Vincent turned back Woodsficld 53-47. The Caldwell Redskins were eliminated in their second round game at Marietta, last Wednes day night as they bowed to Woodsfield 62-45. It was win number 21 for the Indians com pared to a pair of losses at the hands of Beverly. The Bruins also advanced in the sectional Wednesday night by defeating Summerfield 83-51. Ms# If i. With Bernard Mahoncv hitting in the first half, and Ray Christ man in the second, the victors held a commanding lead through out the contest. Al Walton with 19 points and Al Christopher with 10, were the only Redskins to do much in the way of scoring. Christman had 22 for Woods field and Mahoney 19 to pace the winners. Summerfield was likewise lost against the favored Beverly quint, trailing 23-9 at the first quarter. Bill Blackford looped in 31 points, 17 in the third period, to lead the Bruins to their 25th win against one loss. Caldwell—45 Christopher 2 6-9 Walton 7 5-9 Ditch 0 2-5 Tilton 1 0-4 Safigan 3 3-4 Bates' 1 0-0 Fowler 0 0-0 Watson 0 1-2 Reed 0 0-0 Clark 0 0-0 McKitrick 0 0-0 Evilsizer 0 0-0 Totals 14 17-33 45 Woodsficld—62 Tracy 2 1-4 5 Christman 9 4-6 22 Mahoney 7 5-11 19 Baker 3 2-7 8 Hannahs- 1 0-0 2 McCammon 1 0-0 2 Tricobaw 2-4 4 Totals 24 14-32 62 Caldwell 5 16 32 45 Woodsfield 16 30 47 62 vSummcr field—51 Hannahs 3 3-3 9 Bates 4 5-9 13 Franklin 2 0-0 4 Christman 1 1-3 3 Roe 5 4-6 14 Hanes 4 0-0 8 Stevens 0 0-2 0 Totals 19 13-23 51 Beverly—-83 Blackford 12 7-10 31 Lauer 3 3-3 9 D. Malster 5,2-2 12 Sprague —T_ 6 1-4 13 Combs 3 3-4 9 Adams 11-4 3 Flesher 2 0-0 4 W. Malster 0 2-2 2 Totals 32 19-29 83 Summerfield 9 23 37 51 Beverly 23 39 61 83 Officials: Muchek and Murray. SHORTS by LONG CALDWELL VARSITY, with Marvin P. Wood as coach, finished the season with a record of eight wins against 11 defeats as follows: Varsity C. O. Bycsville 50 40 New Lexington 55 69 Roseville 89 65 New Conqord 64 65 Dresden 68 63 Philo 46 56 Gloustfer 53 40 McConnelsvillc 59 68 New Lexington 62 79 Roseville 55-71 New Concord 84 56 Glouster 67 61 Woodsfield 44 56 Crooksville 68 69 McConnelsvflJe 70 65 Philo 61 76 Crooksville 54 70 Tournament— Hannibal CO 62 Woodtfield 45- 62 Totals ——1174-1193 AL IVALTON led the Redskins in scoring this year with 33-5 ".oints in 19 games. ?n average of 17 per game. Al Christopher fin ished the regular season on top, but was surpassed by Walton in Caldwell's two tournament games. Christopher was tops list year with 353. but the record be longs to Lloyd King in 1945 with 434 points. Plaver— Walton 129 77-154 335 Chi istooher 117 82-114 316 Ditch 62 34-67 158 Tilton 59 29-66 147 Safican 58 24-58 140 V. Bates 1 11 5-15 27 tarleton. 9 2-9 20 Fowler1"-- 3 6-20 12 •T. King 4-12 12 Clark _L 2 2-4 6 5. Wptso'n 0 1-2 1 Caldwell 454 266-521 1174 Opponents 453 287-542 1193 AL CHRISTOPHER was almost in a class by himself on foul shooting, converting 82 out of 114 for an average of 72% from the free-throw stripe. This marks a new free throw record for Cald well, replacing the 68ft set by Don Scffens in 1948. Player— Att. Made Christopher 114 82 72 Ditch 67 34 51 Walton- 154 77 50 Clark 4 2 50 R. Watsson 2 1 50 Tilton 66 29 44 Safigan. 58 24 41 V. Bates 15 5 33 King 12 4 33 Fowler 20 6 30 Tarleton 9 2 22 Caldwell 521 266 51 Opponents 542 287 53 ANDY SAFIGAN showed the sharpest eye from the field, making 58 goals out of 121 shots for an average of 47%. Al Chris topher set the Caldwell record in this department with 51.8% last year. Player— Att. Made Clark 4 2 50.0 Safigan 121 58 47.9 Walton. 300 129 43.0 Christopher 300 117 39.0 Ditch 179 62 34.6 Tilton 182 59 32.4 King 14 4 28.5 Bates 43 11 25.6 Tarleton 46 9 19.5 Fowler 26 3 11.5 Moore 4 0 0.0 McKitrick 1 0 0.0 Evilsizer 1 0 0.0 Caldwell 1217 454 37.3 Opponents 1147 453 39.4 CALDWELL RESERVES, coach ed by Tom Saunders, completd their schedule with four wins and 11 losses as follows: Reserves C. O. Byesville 44 23 New Lexington 38 41 Roseville 30 44 New Concord 44 49 Dresden 39 53 Philo 28 40 Glouster 34 33 McConnelsville 39 35 New Lexington 26 49 Roseville 37 49 New Concord 52 43 Glouster 47 50 Woodsfield 43 45 McConnelsville 39 51 Philo 33 43 Totals 573-648 KEN BATES led the reserves in scoring with 289 points for an average of slightly more than 19 points per game, ranging from a low of six to a high of 30. Player— K. Bates 103 83-137 289 S. Bates 22 15-43 59 Reed 24 9-24 57 Frederickson 17 11-31 45 F. Watson 16 12-39 44 Clark 10 15-34 35 R. Watson 5 17-49 27/ G. Davis 1 5-12 7 Danford 3 0-4 6 Bridgeman 1 0-0 2 Ferguson 0 1,-3 1 Fleeman 0 1-2 1 Morasky wmmmm Deai In 0 0-2 Totals A 202 169-380 573 Pleasant Valley PLEASANT VALLEY A group of neighbors -spent last Thursday with Mrs. Dortha Snyder and assisted her in quilt ing her friendship quilt. A pot luck dinner was served cafeteria. Those present were Edith Craig, Eva Craig, Martha Archer, Aronea Guiler, Joan Gant, and son, Stephen, Doiis Miller and son, Roy Lee, Rosa Miller, Lena Gant and Mary Green, Foraker Takes PTi of 0 T) rvrTnpfrrr f! Noble County League Scoring Dean 1' oi'ukcr oa the Forest c^Pirulcs -ha scoring champ of the Noble county league this year with 277 points in 12 games, an average of 23 per game. In second place,* recording to figures compiled at the end of the season, is Herb Fannin of Sarahsville with 233. Other players netting more than 200 points were Dick Rossiter of Harriettsville 210, Bob Boyd of Forest Grove 208, and Dick Haga of Forest Grove 202. Player Foraker, F. G. 103 65 277 Fannin, Sarahs. 77 79 2:' Roseiter, Harr. __ 74 62 2in B. Boyd, F. G. 68 72 2o Haga. F. G. 93 16 2'':: E. Varhola, B. V. 61 52 r: Poulton, Sarahs. 71 30 l Theiss, Dexter City __ 62 43 l»r Roe, Summ. 63 37 i» Hannahs, Summ. 57 37 I,, i Hanson, Dexter City 57 32 MM McGcc, Batcsville 47 43 l.r J. Bettinger, Harr. 52 30 1 i Bates, Summ. 40 49 11'11 M. Varhola, B. V 40 40 ." M. Roc, Batesville 41 38 1:m Cunningham. Harr. 41 37 li' 11 Christman. Summ. __ 28 48 104 Dudley, Sarahs. 39 20 n: DeLong, Dexter City 37 14 Hannahs, Batesville 35 10 80 C. Bettinger, Harr. 25 29 79 R. Moore. Sarahs 32 15 79 Hastings, Batesville 26 21 '73 Forshcv, Harr. l._ 26 14 )U Perkins, Sarahs. 26 10 il! Galavda. B. V. 27 8 '(ill Franklin. Summ. 20 21 til Hrinko, B. V. 13 32 58 Snider, Harr. 19 17 55 Davis, Dexter City 21 7 49 McMannis, B. V. —_ 17 14 48 E. Boyd, F. G. 15 16- 46 Stevens, Summ. 21 3 45 Addis, Dexter City __ 19 4 42 Bond. B. V. 16 7 39 Hughes, Batesville 14 3 31 Kimbrel, Dexter City 8 in 2fi Ball, Dexter City 8 7 23 Starr, Batesville, 7 8 22 Worthinyton, B. V. __ 7 7 21 Hanes, Summ. 7 4 18 Schott, Harr. 3 12 18 Noll, Batesville 1 4 9 17 Dcvolld. B. V. 4 8 10 Bauer. Dexter City 7 1 15 Philpot, Summ. 3 7 13 Walters, Harr. 3 7 13 Brown, Batesville 5 2 12 D. Moore, Sarahs. 5 1 11 Pickenpaugh, F. G. 1 5 7 Delance.v, F. G. 2 3 7 Snoae, Sarahs. 2 2 6 Carpenter. Summ. 0 3 3 Meighen, Sarahs. 1 0 2 B. Roe, Batesville 0 2 2 Long, F. G. 0 2 2 Kehl, Harr. 1 0 2 Arnold. Dexter City 0 1 1 Stottsberry, Sarahs. 0 1 1 Stotts, Batesville 0 1 1 Kevlor, Summ. 0 1 1 Hollar, Summ. 0 1 1 Morrison, F. G. 0 1 1 W ... A Complete Line DAVID DAVIES BOLOGNA Lb.—39c ONION SETS YELLOW as WHITE SMOKED JOWL BACON Lb.-19c In the chunk! FRESH CARROTS Lb. Cello I5a^ 2 for 25c SUN VALLEY 0LEQ Lb.—23c ThurscJ.i March 5^4953 Top Honors Top Scorer 1 Webber. Dexter City 39 41 11 Rochus, Sarahs. 43 26 1 Lorey, F. G. 37 35 1*1!) McCort, Batesville 27 55 1 DEAN FORAKER Sarahsville Fetes Basketball Squad With Dinner At Cambridge Hotel Approximately 100 ardent fans, parents and guests gathered at the Berwick hotel, Cambridge, on Saturday evening, honoring the Sarahsville "Red Devils," winners of the Noble county basketball league. The banquet, which will now become an annual affair, was promoted by Alva Wafson of Mt.. Ephraim. But Mr. Watson didn't make the actual banquet. Satur day morning he was removed to Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, where he is receiv ing treatment for ulcers. Supt. H. C. Seerest served as master of ceremonies for the short after dinner program. Rev. Bruce Lambert, pastor erf the Cambridge Baptist church was the principal speaker. His theme was "sportmanship." Members of the basketball team, Coach John Eibel and par ents of the team members w&re recognized. The committee named to make plans for the banquet next year will include: Clarence Moore, Myron Bates, Richard Gibson, Martin Rochus, Sr., and Lowell Highman. The team and others who at tended enjoyed a chicken and NU TASTE Cheese Spread 2 SNO CROP FROZEN FOODS 79c LB. BOX ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 25 Lb. Sack—$2.15 COMB HONEY LigKi 39c Dark 30c FRESH FROZEN FISH rEKCll COD HADDOCK FERRY'S SEEDS ARE IN! A COMPLETE LINE. Come in—Look them over! DAVID DAVIES Smoked Callies 39c I AKK HERRING SALT FISH Lb.—25c GOOD V. S. BEEF ROAST Lb.—45c LONG HORN CHEESE Lb.—52c GH0C0LATE DROPS Lb.—29c GUM DROPS and ORANGE SLICES Lb. 190 BALL'S MARKETS Cumberland Street (Caldwell) West Side