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Page Six Journal FLORENCE ORR, Editor Verna Jacobs Plans "Wedding For June 20 Mr. £nd Mrs. Roe M. Jacobs, of Newark, formerly of Caldwef!, arc announcing the engagement of their daughter, Verna Lee, to Lawrence Dennert, of Cplumbus, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dennert of Batesville, Ind. The bride-elect attended grade school and high school here be fore the family moved to New Lexington where she graduated from high school. She attended Judson College for Women in Marion, Ala. and is associated with the Ohio Power Company in Newark. Mr. Dennert graduated from St. Xavier high school, Cincin nati and attended Xavier college. Recently returned from service in Korea, he is associated with the North American Aviation. The wedding will be an event of June 20, 1953. Robinson-Ullman Circle Holds Meeting At Church The Robinson-U]lm n Circle of the Presbyterian Women's As sociation met Friday evening in the church parlor with Mrs. H. J. Startzman and Mrs. Mary Hanes as hostesses. Mrs. Hanes presided during the devotional hour and song service Mis Eleanor Robinson accom panied at the piano. An article from the "Outreach", was- read by Mrs. Mary Hanes. Mrs. H. J. Startzman, in charge of the program, introduced Mrs. Leslie Pritchard who gave the article on Albert Schweitzer "The Man of the Century." Mrs. J. W. Robinson made a talk on the progress that is being made on Morris Fork school loca ted in Kentucky. Mrs. Startzman closed the program with a few remarks. After the business meeting, contests were enjoyed and re freshments served to Bernice Mills, Mrs. Walton Starr, Mrs. Lewis Young, Mrs. Leslie Prit chard, Mrs. Lamar Dowling, Miss Eleanor Robinson, Mrs. J. W. Robinson, Mrs. Fred Boeshaar, Mrs. Mary Hanes, Mrs. H. J. Startzman, Mrs. W. E. Radcliff, Mrs. Cajiitola Love and a guest, Mis. Ql i Slater. ScWnlt 9 4 Society exquisite nylon trimmed, combed cotton crepe ... luscious to look at... a delight to wear parfait pastels of pink, mint, maize, blue. A—it- 4 PHONE 98 Miller-Collins Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Miller, Dexter City route 1, announi the engagement of their daug: ter, Bernadetta, to Alva Collir Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Co lins, Sr., of Crooksville. The bride-elect is a gradual of Dexter City high school. Bo' she and her fiance are employ by the Essex Wire corporator Zanesville. Mr. Collins is a graduate Crooksville high school and w recently discharged from tl army. The wedding date has not be chosen. Naomi Ruth Circle Meets At Parks Home The Naomi Ruth Circle of tl First Presbyterian church met the home of Mrs. John Pari. North street, last Friday evenii for the February meeting. Mr Glen lams was co-hostess. Mrs. Adeline McKee «led the devotional service and the pro gram was in charge of Mrs. Shi ley Springer and Mrs. Richa Hayes who gave interesting art i cles. Mrs. Charles Evilsizer, lead:. presided during the business. Refreshments were served dur ing the social hour by the hostess es to Mrs. Richard Ball, Mrs Louie Brown, Mrs. Charles Evil sizer, Mrs. W. C. Harper, Mrs. Richard Hayes, Mrs. Barney Hed dleson, Mrs. Willard Hickman, Mrs. Edgar Love, Mrs. Adeline McKee and Mrs. Shirley Spring Celebrates Birthday Thursday With Dinner Mrs. Marie Poling celebrated her 45th birthday on Thursday of last week at her home near Sar ahs vi lie. She was presented with a love ly birthday cake by her daugh er, Mrs. Junior Wickham. A dinner was served at noon in honor of the occasion to Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wickham and children, Patsy Jean and Michael Allen, Willard Poling, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Wickham, Raymond Poliivj and the lmnoivd one. magical "moongleam" needs no ironing dries in minutes Exclusive I y O u i s! 313 Main Street Butcher Boy pajama with nylon embroidered yoke, smooth coint'v Flat-Bak waist. Sizes 32-40. $5.95 SHORTY PAJAMAS LONG and SHORTY GOWNS Slips $3.95 Petticoats $2.95 and $3.95 PANTIES ... (in white only) Briefs $1.49 Step-ins $1.49 and $1.69 Featured in Our Store Window Now! $3.95 93.9S VALENTINE DAY BRIDE MRS. JEROME SCHOCKLING Miss Lillian Crock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roman Crock, of South Olive, became the bride of Jerome Schockling, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Schockling, of Caldwell route 4, on Valentine Day, February 14. The ceremony was performed 9:00 o'clock in the morning in St. Mary's Catholic church, Fulda, by Rev. B. J. Mattes. The bride wore a gown of white satin. The bodice was fash ioned with a lace front that closed with tiny satin covered buttons sleeves and a lace collar. The were long and fitted extending into points over the wrists and the full skirt terminated into a long train. A coronet secured her fingertip length veil of illusion which was edged in lace. She carried a bouquet of white calla lilies. Miss Dorothy Schafer was maid of honor and Miss Verna Crock was bridesmaid for Miss Crock. They wore identically styled gowns, Miss Schafer's in yellow and Miss Crock's in pink, of lace over taffeta. They carried bou quets of white carnations. Dale Hill and Vernon Schock ling were the attendants for Mr. Schockling. A dinner was held after the i oremony for 140 guests at St. Mary's Hall. The bridal table featured a three tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature bridal couple. A dance was held that evening at the hall. For a week's wedding trip to Canada, the new Mrs. Schock ling changed from her bridal attire to a dark blue suit with red accessories. She wore a red rose corsage. Both Mr. and Mrs. Schockling are graduates of Caldwell high school. Mrs. Schockling is om ptoyejd with Cleveland Graphite Bronze and her husband, re cently discharged after two years service with the army, is employ ed with Crock and Schafer. The couple is residing in ('aldwell. SPRING NEAR! HeatU/uai'lcrs for Onion Sets Bulk Garden Seeds Flower Seeds Lawn Grass Seed Lime 10 50 lbs. Vigoro Fertilizer Barb Wire Red Brand Fencing Poultry Netting Steel Fence Posts Waxes Wallpaper Remover Wallpaper Cleaner Fruit Tree Sprays D. D. Nichols "The Best For Less" Cumberland St. Phone .! The To the Smooth Music THE JOUHNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Bridge Club Entertained Tuesday By Mrs. Quick Mrs., Walter Quick entertained members of her bridge club with a dinner-bridge at her home on Main street last Tuesday even ing. The George Washington theme was carried out in the appoint ments. Three tables of bridge were played with Mrs. Harry Rich creek and Mrs. Howard Tarleton winning the club prizes and Mrs. Walter Douglass, the guest prize. Members entertained were Mrs. Harry Richereek, Mrs. Frank Tarleton, Mrs. Nelle Headley, Mrs. Glen lams, Mrs. Howard Tarleton, Mrs. J. K. Walkenshaw, Mrs. Vance McDonald, Mrs. Johrt Parks and Thelma Rice. Guests were Mrs. H. J. Startz man, Mrs. Walter Douglass and Mrs. Madge Ferguson. Edna Foraker Hostess To New And Different Club The New and Different Club of the Caldwell community met at the home of Mrs. Edna Foraker on Thursday of last week. Roll call was answered by a valentine verse. A delicious potluek dinner wa^ served at noon. The day was de voted to quilting, setting a com fort top, sewing rug rags an making a hassock. The club prize was won Mina Foraker and the gues prize was awarded to Etta Bur rier. Louise Walters received a birthday gift from her secret sister. Each member received a valentine from her secret sister. Members present included Lura Ramage, Gladys Barnhouse, Mina Foraker, Goldie Foster, Geneva Foraker, Ruth Wiley, Ruth Wal ters, Mrs. Edwin Wilson, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Frances Kuntz, Nadine Wiley and the hostess. Guests were Rosillia and Happie Foraker, Etta Burrier, Agatha Thorla and Etta Hooper, of Beverly. Mrs. Doan Hostess To Jennie James Society Mrs. Charles Doan was hostess to members of the Jennie James Missionary Society of the First Baptist church at her home in Dexter City on Tuesday-evening of last week. Mrs. Doan, president of the group, presided at the business session and led the devotional service, closing with an interest ing missionary story. Delicious refreshments were served to the following: Irene Marquis, Jeannette Lowers, Jessie Finley, Jean Moore, Lois Dudley, Mrs. Charles Patten, Mrs. Gerald Ramage and the hostess. HI VARIETY -TMARCH 13 COME IN b]Oll YOUR ENJOYMENT! DANCING of Rythm Masters Sunday Nile, March 8 CLUB 21 U. S. Route 21 Byesville Entertain With Shower For Mrs. Stanley Mazgay Mrs. Wade Gillespie and Mrs. Robert Collier entertained at the Collier home, Fairground street, with a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Stanley Mazgay, Jr., Wed nesday evening of last week. Contests was the diversion of the evening with prizes being w..n by Nancy Wells, Mrs. I) wight Wiley and Mrs. Hillis K eton. The hostesses served delicious refreshments. Mrs. Mazgay re ceived many lovely gifts. Guests were Mrs. Mae Steele, Mrs. C. M. Racey, Mrs. H. M. Wells, Mrs. Stanley Mazgay, Sr., ?,] rs. Walter Bober, Mrs. Hillis K, eton, Mrs. Leo Mazgay. Mrs. Ki nil Barnett, Mrs. Dwight Wiley, Mis. Gorby Wells, Mrs. Ted Wil li mson, Mrs. Neal Racey, Mrs. Dean Jennings, Mrs. Fred And erson, Mrs. Sylvester Jackson, Mrs. Frank Tarleton, Mrs. Willis Wheeler, Nancy Wells and the honored guest. Blanche Archer and Lucille Fowler sent gifts but were un able to Attend. Surprise Birthday Party H^ld For Mrs. Groves Mr. and Mrs. John Groves en tertained at their home, Fair ground street, Saturday evening in honor of the 80th birthday of his mother, Mrs. Phenia Groves." The party was arranged as a sur prise for the honored one. The evening was spent socially and refreshments served. The honored one received a number of gifts including a gift of flowers. Miss Rose Groves whose 84th birthday occurred recently was also presented flowers. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Davis and children, Kathy and Gary, Mrs. Edna Mc Cune, Mrs. Homer Keyser, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark, Mrs. Effie Orr, Mrs. Delbert Woodford, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patten and chil dren, Jerry and Randy, Mr. and Mrs. John Cuckler, Elza Cun ningham, Mrs. Forest Racey, Rose Groves, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rich, Mrs. Nellie Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Sanford, Mrs. Lyman Groves, Jimmy and Don Groves, Mrs. Groves and the host and hostess. Caldwell Mothers Club Meets At Hatcher Home The Caldwell Mothers club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Harold Hatcher, Main street. Interesting articles were given by Mrs. Robeit Winberg and Mrs. William Davis. Mrs. Winberg spoke on "What Camp Can Do For Your Child" and Mrs. Davis talked on "Do We Fail To Protect Our Children" Members of the club were a.-k ed to help sew on the choir robes for the school. They may do so on Thursday from 1:00 to 4:00 or 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. The robes must be finished by Friday. Members attending the meet ing were Mrs. Charles Scherr, Mrs. William Hobensack, Mrs. Malcolm Parks, Mrs. William Davis, Mrs. Joe Giallombardo. Mrs. Clarence Estadt, Mrs Robert Winberg, Mrs. Maurice Colley and Mrs. Alexander Wal ton and the hostess. RIlit oxy After Hit «|J| Week After Week Wednesday-Thursday, Mar. 4-.r I MARILYN MONROE RICHARD WIDMARK "DON'T BOTHER TO KNOCK" Friday-Saturday, March 6-7 SAVAGE SPECTACLE! ANTHONY STEELE DINAH SHERIDAN Color by Technicolor 'IVORY HUNTER" ROY ROGERS DALE EVANS GEORGE "GABBY" HAYES "ROLL ON TEXAS MOON" Sunday-Monday-Tuesday March 8-9-10 ROBERT RYAN JULIE ADAMS ROCK HUDSON Big Outdoor Adventure I n e n i o o "HORIZONS WEST" Wednesday-Thursday, Mar. 11-12 rrTFT? T.A1VFORD "THE HOUR OF 13" GU rS K KOLAND "APACHE WAR SMOKE" n IN THE KITCHEN IN THE LAUNDRY IN Yonker Boys THE BATHROOM The three boys above are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yon ker, of Rutland. They are Paul Joseph, four years Darrcl Ed ward, three, and Robert Lee, two. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Veloskey, Mrs. Florence Yonker, of Belle Valley, and Kenneth Yonker, of Middleport, are the grandparents. James H. Yarnall, of Dexter City, is a great grandfather. Circle No. 4, WSCS, Holds February Meeting Members of Circle No. 4, W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Carl Johnson, West street last Tuesday evening with Mrs. Fred McDonald as companion hostess. Mrs. Gene Matthews conduct ed the program on the theme "Unto The Perfect Day." Mrs. McDonald had charge of the re creation and Mrs. Robert Den nison won the contest. Members present were Mrs. Edgar Wheeler, Mrs. Gene Mat thews, Mrs. Robert Ball, Mrs. Merle Barnhart, Mrs. Lorin San ford, Mrs. John Watson, Mrs. Ward Cunningham, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs. Robert Dennison, Mrs. Myron Merry, Mrs. Robert Winberg and the hostesses. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Merle Barn hart with Mrs. John Watson as i Birthday Anniversaries Observed With Dinner Four birthday anniversaries were celebrated Sunday with a family dinner given by Mrs. Clair Murphy at her home on Main street. Those honored were Clair Murphy, Carl Johnson, Mrs. Ruth Johnson and Mrs. Beverly John son, whose birthdays occur on proximate dates. Covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson and daughter, Shelly, of New Phila delphia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson and daughter, Melanie, of Canton Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson and children, Becky, Tommie and Jeffrey, of New comerstown, Jack Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and chil dren, Ronnie and Carol of Cald well and Mr. and Mrs. William T. Johnson, of Newcomerstown and the host and hostess, Mr. and FIRST TIME EVER! FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 6-7 NOW! NtW MIRACLE INVENTION DOES BOTH- #6 otto DOES All YOUR LAUNDRY IN A SINGLE AUTOMATIC OPERATION ANYWHERE IN THE HOUSE Imagine one machine that washes your clothes automatically and then goes right on to com pletely dry them—all in a single, continuous, unattended operation! Fits in less than a square yard of space. No bolting down—the room is kept free of lint, moisture, and heat—no vent ing necessary. Makes washday just a single flick of the Duomatic dials from start to finish! MIT lit |RY SEPARATE WASHER OR DRYER ONTILYIU SEE THE I00MAT1C tIMOIX HOMI APPUANCIS. Div. AVCO Monufocturing Corp. Phone 11 £43 Thursday, March 5, 1?J»3 Barbara Bober Given Surprise Birthday Parly Barbara Bober, a student at Caldwell high school, was pleas antly surprised Saturday evening, Feb. 21, when a number of friends held a party in her hon or at the home of Card Ann Archer, Cumberland street. The occasion was her 16th birthday. Dancing and games werei en joyed and the guests were served delicious refreshments. Those present were as follows: Judy Smith, Wilda Shamhart, Mice Stritz, Paul Sarisky, Sam itch. Buddy Barnhouse, Rose I lichwarscik, Evelyn Christo her, Gary Davis, Bob Evilsizer, Virginia Collier, Jim Bates, Phil Meeman, Larry Estadt. Andy afigan, Lura festadt, Marianne ichcreek, Linda McVay, A1 Wal ton, A1 Christopher. Patty Mc Diffitt, Marilyn Pitts, Vance Rates. Ray Watson, Rosella Kstadt, Peggy McGregor. Sudy i lichcreek, Tommy Ferguson, Tim Tarletqp, Garnet Clark, Beverly Henry, Mervin Til ton, Tally Hill, Carol Archer, Harley Fow ler and the guest of honor. Companion Hostesses To Missionary Society Mrs. R. D. Buckey and Mrs. Floyd Martin were hostesses to members of the Young Women's Missionary Society of the First Church of Christ last Tuesday evening at the Buckey home Mrs. Waldo Devolld, president, presided and opened the meet ing with group singing followed by prayer. Mis. A. G. VanFleet led the devotional period using as her theme, "Laborers With Gcd in Benevolence and Hope." An in teresting discussion of missionary work was held. The hostesses served a refresh ment course of lovely appoint ment to Mrs. Forest McKitrick, Mrs. John Gill, Mrs. Ira Brandon, Mrs. Harold Dyer, Mrs. Waldo Devolld, Mrs. A. G. VanFleet, Mrs. Woodrow Boyd, Mrs. Her bert Ramsey, Mrs. Kendrick Mar quis, Mrs. Ewell Smith. Mrs. Fred Legraen, Mrs. Gerald Mil ler, Lillian Harkins, Delia Boyd and Laura Ramsey. Mrs. Joseph Archer Is Given Birthday Dinner A birthday dinner was given for Mrs. Joseph Archer at her home on Mill street.' Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sherb Johnson, of Columbus, Zoe Harris, Stanley Johnson, of Reynoldsburg, Mrs. Thomas Rucker and son, Tommy, Wayne Archer, Joseph Archer and the "DUOMATIC OFFERS THESE ADVANTAGES" Famou* Bendix Tumble AcHon Washing—safe for even the mo*l delicate fabric*. Powerful Magic H«ot*r— makes wash water hotter... keeps it hot... pets cloHm cleaner. Ixclustve Bendix Triple* Rinse—flushes out ail Hie soap ... never lets dirty water drain back through the dothes. How Cycle-Air Drylnf— banishes heat, lint and Moisture down the drain. No venting! RADIO qnH APPLIANCE INC. 515 West Street