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PT 1%5—H v HIGHWAYS: Engineer Roads Budges and Culverts Other Expense: Construction Total Highways Local Government COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE Auditor's Office, Noble County, Caldwell, Ohio, February 16. 1953 I. Gilbert B. Long. Auditor of Noble County, Ohio, do hereby certify that the following report is correct FUND General Fund $ Road and Bridge Funds *$ Dog and Kennel Fund .—*$ Poor Relief Funds $ Aid for Dependent Children Fund S Aid for Needy Blind Fund $ Other County Funds $ Total of Funds Belonging to County __ $ County Board of Education Fund $ County Health District Fund $ County Library District Fund $ Undistributed Tax and Trust Funds, LBERT B. LONG, ditor. Noble County Balance January 1 6,522.21 43,749.34. 297.89 4,886 26 1,121.19 339.41 66,696.55 35,518.39 1,633.54 917.18 3.47- Belonging to Other Governmental Units $ 31,506 22 Vownship Gas Total Funds Not Belonging to County $ 34,053.47. Total All Funds $ 69,571 86 $ 70.742.48. .$ 63.604.12 .$ 3,999.50 $ 16,279 24.. $ 23.987.33 .$ 2,535 22.. $212,779.89.. $393,928 33 $ 12,026 24 $ 1.025 40 SCHEDULE B-l KF.CF.IPTS REVENUE RECEIPTS. TAXES County Funds For operation and Outlay Public Utility Excise Tax Total Taxe» LICENSES AND PERMITS: Motor Vehicle License Cigarette Dealers' License Dog and Kennel License Other Total Licenses. Permits Fines and Costs Total Fines, Costs. Forfeitures: GRANTS AND DONATIONS: Federal State. Poor Relief. Dependent Children, Needv Blind, Other Total Giants and Donations Rents ....... GENERAL GOVERNMENT: General Executive: Auditor Treasurer Total General Executive ...... Judicial. Probate Judge— Clerk of Courts Total Judicial .... Elections Total General Government PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Sheriff and Jail Recorder ... Total Protection to Persons and Property HEALTH AND WELFARE: Health .... Total Health and Welfare HIGHWAYS Total R' V.nue Receipts ... NON-REVKNUE RECEIPTS OTHER RECEIPTS: Other TRANSFERS Total Non-Revenue Receipts GRAND TOTAL RECEIPTS .$ 63,399.12. .$222,285.74. Revenue $ 44,076.48 Non-Revenue -.- $ 9,070.19 ..... $ 53.146.67 $ 63.241.12 ......$ 48177 .....$ 3 999 50 $205,901.00 $273,(23 39 $ 129.00 $ 129.00 $ 19.253.12 $ 22,100 87 $ 41,353 99 $ 810.O0 $ 4,49103 $ 5.110.22 $ 0.601.25 2.931 (0 2.463.58 $ 5.395 If! $ 403 20 $ 15.399.63 $ 15 {347 7,362.45 •7.709 60 1,442.50 1,442.50 313 55 3,928 33 SCHEDULE B-2 PAYMENTS OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, INTEREST AND OUTLAY GENERAL GOVERNMENT General Executive County Commissioners .. .. Auditor Treasurer Prosecuting Attorney Other Administrative Total General Executive Judicial Common Pleas* Cuui I Probate Court Cleik of Courts Coroner Total Judicial ... Elections HtnlUmRs and Lands Toial General Government PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Sheriff Recorder Dog Warden i Total Protection to Persons and Property AGRICULTURE HEALTH AND WELFARE: HEALTH Tuberculosis Hospitals and Care Registrars of Vital Statistics 'Pot a I Health WELFARE Countv Homes Children's Home and Child Welfare Blind Relief v Dependent and Crippled Children Soldiers Relief and Burials Poor Relief Other .. Total Charities Corrections: ... Workhouses and Maintenance Contracts Probation Officers Total Corrections Total Welfare Total Health and Welfare.--.-—.,. PUBLIC SERVICE ENTERPRISES: Other Emergency Housing Total Public Service Enterprises $ 12,844.55 $ 7H 003 9 $ 6.000 00 $425,597 04 NON-GOVERNMENTAL COST PAYMENTS Other Payments Transfers Total Non-Governmental Cost Payments GRAND TOTAL PAYMENTS ?eU«?iG?„S'?:"ssiri,d Tax Settlements Feey—Cigarette License Settlement Fees—inheritance Tax Settlement Other Fees Total Auditor L_,_, Tuberculosis Subsidy Total Health NON-REVKNUE Refunds: Workmen's Compensation Withheld Election Expense Withheld Total Refunds Locai Government TOTAL RECEIPTS balance January 1st Total Hecdpte-and Bain— I A E O COUNTY OF HOBLE For the Year Ending December 31, 1952—Date Filed February 16, 1953 SCHEDULE A—Summary of Fund Transactions RECEIPTS $ 10,242 26 $ 54,517.13 $284,825 98 $340,585.37 $743,513.70 Operation. Maintenance and Interest Outlay 6.514 (15 17.963.07 (i,607.05 897.00 4.270.70 39.258 47 3.363 69 0,854 34 3.8ii2 0(» 170..13 1 1,550 42 ll.350.3i 40.00 40 00 3.676.31 6,361 63 1.107 35 11 145 29 $ 13,988.66 830 92 $ 830 92 11.629 47 $ 51 20 $ II ,('.80,67 $ 2.721.15 $ 1,482.37 $ 2,442.00 $ 23,104.00 $ 2.737.65 $ 20.169.56 $ 3,293 00 $ 55.952.73 619.50 300.00 919 50 56.862.23 08,552.90 797.00 797.00 Operation. Maintenance and Interest Outlay 5,625.59 1:185.214.70 I 15,774.99 i 14,160.06 .220,776 00 $ 14,930 00 INSURANCE. PENSIONS~AfH TAXES: Insurance: On Property On Persons Pensions Total Insurance. Pensions and Taxes MISCELLANEOUS Township Gas Total Operation, Maintenance and Outlay INTEREST Total Operation. Maintenance, Non- Governmental Cost Payments $ 476.00 $ 41,780 9R $ 46.797 38 89.054 ::6 $ 1.877.08 $ 3,404.71 $ 6.121,81 $ 11.403 40 $ an,925.28 $ 89,025 28 SCHEDULE GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS General^ and Classified Property Tax (Including deductions tor Bureau of Inspection Cigarette License ...... Other Licenses Justices. Mayors. Municipal Courts Total Fines and Costs Juvenile Judge—Salary from State $ 19,917.31 $284,825.98 $304,713.29 $820,265.61 Revenue Non-Revenue $ 44,076.48 481.77 53.50 79 00 79 00 1,500.00 3,951.49 9.73 455.71 74.10 4,491 03 Tax Settleme,.! fees—Cigarette License Settlement Inheritance Ta Settlement. Fees—Sale of Tax Stamps Total Treasurer .... Probate Judge's Fees: pees—Inheritance Tax Other Fee* Total Probate Judge Clerk of Courts Fees .. Elections: Candidates' Fees Total Elections Sheriff,s Fees Recorder's Fees Health: 3,951.49 9.73 97.49 1.051 51 5,110.22 660.00 2,271 60 2,931.60 2.463.58 $ 403.20 403.20 347.15 7,362 45 I 1,442 50 1.442 50 $ 3,510.10 $ B71 C5 $ 4,377 89 $ 8,759.64 $ 18.024.58 $ 36,614 90 $ 63.399 12 $ 6.522.'21 $140,663.81 $ 70,742.48 Population, 1950 Census »•#»—«. Tax Valuation, 1952 1 Tax Levy For County Purposes. 1952 —. Salaries, Fees. Wages Bonded Debt Dec. 31, 1952 General Purposes Special Assessments Poor Relief Excise Bonds Total—All Purposes Total Receipts and Balance Non- Revenue Revenue .$140.663 81... J242,141.07—. "$ 1.823.84* $ 2,250 00. .$409,758.92 $ 78.000 IK) $500.81 (i 56.. $894,738 89 .$140,663.81-. .$242,141.07 .$ 3,701.61 .S 27.343.88. -$ 27.313.52. _$ 2,874.63.. -$334,993.57. .$779,032.09 .. _$ 13,659.78. 3.701.(11— '$ C. 178.381 .$ 2.205.00. $ 27,343.88--. 27.313.52— 2.874 63. .. $334,993.37. .$779,032.09... .$ 13.659 78--. $ 3,766 42^-. .# 2.246.53 "$ 55.517.13." .$349,585.37- S 3.706.42 $ 2.246.53-. ^441 26"! 14 $ 6,000 .007"T $ 84'tioo 00—_ $ 10.073.84 $644,937 87 $359,659 21 $1,323.969.9(1 OPERATION. MAINTENANCE. INTEREST AND OUTLAY: GENERAL EXECUTIVE: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Advertising Other Expense ... ... Total County Commissioners AUDITOR: Auditor's Office: Compensation, Employes Compensation, Deputy Sealer Weights Stationery and Supplies Ad vet tiding --Financial Report Other Expense ... Assessing Personal Property Compensation, Employes Stationery and Supplies Compensation Employes __——j. Other Expense -. Total Auditor TREASURER: Compensation, Employes Advertising—Rates of Taxation Advertising—Other General Stationery and Supplies Other Expense Total Treasurer PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: Salary ... —i—-—— Compensation, Employes Stationery and Supplies Allowance Total Prosecuting Attorney OTHER ADMINISTATION BUREAU OF INSPECTION: Examiners, County Offices County Support Total Bureau of Inspection OTHER EXECUTIVE: Total Other Administration JUDICIAL: COMMON PLEAS COURT: Judges' Salaries Expense of Judges ——... Defense of Indigent Prisoners WitnessFees—Criminal and Grand Jury ... Court Reporter—Salaries Jury Commission, Salaries Law Librarian -Salary Stationery and Supplies .... Total Common Pleas Court JUVENILE COURT: Probation Officer*' Salaries .. Total Juvenile Court PROBATE COURT: Judge's Salary Compensation, Employes Stationery and Supplies Jurors and Witnesses ... .. Gllit-i Expense Total Probate Court CLERK OF COURTS: Salary ('ompeiusation. Employes Stationery and Supplies ... Advertising, Times of Holding Court Advertising. Omitted Land List Advertising, Other .. Other Expense Total Clerk of Courts ... CORONER: CORONER'S COURT: Salary Stationery and Supplies Other Expense Total Coroner's Court ELECTIONS: BOARD OF ELECTIONS: Salaries, Board Members Compensation, Employes Compensation, Mileage—Judges, Clerks Stationery and Supplies Other Expense Total Board of Elections BUILDINGS AND LANDS: COURT HOUSE AND JAIL Compensation, Janilors and Employes Supplies for Janitors, Etc. Fuel and Light and Water Telephones Repairs Furniture, Fixtures, Office Equipment Total Court House and Jail PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY SHERIFF: Compensation. Employes Jail Matrons, Salaries Stationery and Supplies County Jail, Maintenance and Supplies. —,— Other Expense Equipment (Auto, Radio) Total Sheriff .. RECORDER: Salary Compensation. Employes Stationery and Supplies Other Expense Total Recorder AGRICULTURE: Agricultural Societies. Farmer's Institutes State Extension Fund Cattle Tuberculosis Prevention Bang's Disease Prevention—Testing MllK Apiary Inspection :... Soil Conservation Total Agriculture HEALTH AND WELFARE: HEALTH—Tulierculosis Hospitals and Care. Maintenance Patients/ in Other Hospitals Total Tuberculosis Hospital and Care Registrar of Vital Statistics WELFARE—Charities—County Home: Charities: Physician's Salary or Fees Maintenance in City Infirmary Burial County Ward Total County Home Children's Home: Maintenance Children in Other Homes Total Cnildren's Home Soldiers' Relief and Burials: Salaries. Members Reliet Commission Compensation, Investigator and Clerks Other Expanse. Relief Commission Relief--Soldier*, Sailors, Etc. Markers for Graves ... Memorial Day Expense Total Soldier Relief and Burial CORRECTIONS: Workhouse: Maintenance. Workhouse Total Workhouse T- HIGHWAYS: Engineer: Compensation. Employes Expenses, Engineer and AsfWUUUl Kouipnwnt (Autos, Instrum^nts) INSURANCE^"'PENSIONS* AND TAXBS: Insurance—On Property: Countv Buildings Total Property Insurance _ On Persons (Liability) Workmen's Compensation (County) Premium* on Official Bonds Total Liability Insurance Pensions: County Portion, Employes Retirement Taxes: Operation, PAYMENTS Maintenance and Interest MISCELLANEOUS: NON-GOVERNMENTAL COST PAYMENTS: Other Payment* Transfers: Poor Relief Fund ———. Aid for Dependent and Crippled Children Fund Other Transfer: Road and BridgO Total Transfers TOTAL PAYMENTS $125,547.12 BALANCE DECEMBER 31st TOTAL PAXJARHfS AND BALANCE v«jp-^, *.*» a'*v GENERAL COUNTY STATISTICS PAYMENTS Total Payments Operation. Maintenance and Interest Outlay $125,347.12 -$211,150.28. $ 3,587.61 $ 21,165.37 $ 23,104.00. $ 2,442.0c $ 38,600.66 ..$25,597.04 $ 10,903.44 $ 2,935.82 2,240.53—-- -$441.265.14 $400.980.01 ..$ 84,000.00 $ 84,000. .$544,937.87.. -$501,065.80 ... $1,323,969.96... $926,002.84 $ Hflt jUOMffi. Governmental Cost Payments _$ 1.346.92.-1,.$ ._$ 88.578.3G_„__ Operation, Maintenance and Interest 1,532 10 1,697 20 541.84 19.42 40.00 7.50 24.00 3,862.00 399.96 60 0(1 10.37 470.33 1,219.95 918.75 5.186 00 3.631.55 394.10 $ 11.350.35 5,646.40 507.40 1,907 94 1,097.81 3,678.00 4.317.80 $ 3,700 dO $ 2,104.55 144 (H) $ 474.82 706.34 ._ $ 11,567.51 11,629.47 $ 11,629.47 $ 51.20 32.75 2.549 40 148 00 2.724.15 1,482 37 1,482 37 250.00 1,258 10 37.07 347.60 254.88 590.00 2,737.65 $ 619 50 $ 619.50 $ 591.00 $ 51.15 RECEIPTS 11.750 $15,354,251.00 3.00 Mills *171,120.45 None $44,076.48 None None $44,076.48 Non. Balance Dec. 31 7,990.13. $ 5.779.64 •$ 57.587.57 ——$ 114.0(1 $ l.OfeD 21 $ 5.118 30 $ 1.018.56 •$ 3,190.9® $ 154.58 $ 27805 $294,519.81 $ 1,873.10 89,925.28 $304.743.29 BALANCES *$ 41,233.52 $ 11.04 $ 2,745.30 $ 83060 4.13 •$ 4.13 RECEIPTS $ 40,285.13 -11"--$ 15.17-7-""$ 43,856 90 1.025.28: $304,758.48 $ 2,623.38 PAYMENTS Outlay $ 4,902.93 138.04 1,473.00 ... $ 6,514.65 2,979 71 3,109.80 597.00 1,877,26 451.20 375.34 564.60 359.45 7,583.71 65.00 17,963.07 2.392.90 3,319.80 194.68 52.95 629.22 17.50 6,607.05 1,497 00 1,596.20 53.80 750.00 3,897.00 $ 4,099.26 $ 177.44 $ 4,276.70 $ 4,270.70 1,470.00 33 09 30.00 548.70 60(1.00 48 00 500.00 33.90 3,363.69 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 3,544.32 2,076.90 1,050 53 156 59 26.d0 6,854.34 RECEIPTS $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 12,844.55 $ 1.497.00 I 891 90 $ 477.60 1C4 24 429.67 $ 215.90 $ 830 92 $ 830.92 $ 3.676.31 $ 1.474.80 $ 3.H34 30 $ 1.049.03 3.50 -1 6,361.(13 $ 476.00 476.00 642.15 1.877.08 1,877.08 2.196.32 384.23 2,580 55 1.293.76 1,293.70 Non- Outlay Governmental Cost Payments 4,119.08 173.90 $ 2,205.00 $ 1,492.15 $ 3.87105 $ 7.990.13 $ 5,779.64 $140,663.81 $ 1.346.92 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUNDS REVENUE RECEIPTS, Motor Vehicle License $ 63,211.12 Fines, Highway Cases $ Sale of Plank, Stone, Iron. Etc. $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Other Total Refunds Transfers TOTAL RECEIPTS I $ 63 604 67 BALANCES JANUARY 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCES PAYMENTS OPERA.TION. MAINTENANCE Operation, INTEREST, OUTLAY: Maintenance HIGHWAYS: and Interest Engineer: Salary $ 3,000.00 Compensation, Employes $ 1,200.00 Stationery and Supplies $ 783.44 Total Engineer .... $ 4.983.44 Maintenance and Repair: Labor Employed Direct $ 94.562.12 Materials $ 77,619.91 Other Expense $ 13,032.73 Total Maintenance $185,214.76 Bridge and Cuiverts: Materials Total Construction .j Maintenance and Repair Materials . Other Expense Total Maintenance Other Expenses: Township Allowance $ County Shart— Retirement $ Workmen's Compensation $ TOTAL PAYMENTS —. $ BALANCE DECEMBER 31st TOTAL PAYMENTS and BALANCE PAYMENTS Revehue 580.80 3,799.19 7,797.90 Employe Retirement $ Workmen's Compensation $ Road Machinery and Equipment TOTAL PAYMENTS $211,150.28 BALANCES DECEMBER 31st TOTAL PAYMENTS AND REVENUE RECEIPTS Uog and Kennel Licenses $ 3,999 50 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 3.909.50 BALANCES JANUARY 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE Administration: Salary, Dog Warden Stationery and Supplies Miscellaneous Expenses Total Administration OTHER PAYMENTS: Damages and Witness Fees County Portion, Employes 900.00 126 85 80.50 $ 1.107.35 $ 2.421.15 58.05 1.06 3.587.61 POOR RELIEF FUNDS RECEIPTS Public Utility Excise Tax $ 94)70.19 Grants From State (Other Than Utility Tax) $ 7,209.05 Refunds Transfers TOTAL RECEIPTS .. $ 16 279 24 BALANCES JANUARY 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCES Operation, Maintenance and Interest RELIEF DEPARTMENT: Salary. Director $ 2,611.90 Stationery and Supplies $ 84.66 Other Expense $ 5.00 ,Total Relief Department $ 2,701.56 Emergency and Permanent Relief $ 17.468.00 County Share— Employee Retirement $ 970 61 Workmen's Compensation $ 25.20 NON-GOVERNMENTAL COSTS: Transfers TOTAL PAYMENTS $ 21,165.37 BALANCES DECEMBER 31st ... TOTAL PAYMENTS and BALANCES RECEIPTS AID FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN FUNDI (Including Crippled Children) Grants From State $ 8,177.45 Grants' From Federal Government $ 15,809,88 Transfers TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 23,987.33 BALANCE JANUARY 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE Grants From State ... ... $ 1,112.18 Grants From Federal Government $ 1,423.04 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 2,535.22 BALANCE JANUARY 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE AID FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN FUND' (Including Crippled Children) Operation, PAYMENTS Maintenance Outlay and Interest Aid to Needy Children $ 23,104 oi -Transfers .. TOTAL PAYMENTS $ 23,104.00 BALANCE DECEMBER 31st .... TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE AID FOR NEEDY BLIND Aid to Blind $' 2.442.00 Transfers' TOTAL PAYMENTS $ 2,442.00 BALANCE DECEMBER 3lKt TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE OTHER COUNTY FUNDS Aid To Diyabled: Transfers Grants From State Grants From Federal Emergency Housing Special Relief-State Grant Auto License ... Township Road Mileage Local Government TOTAL RECEIPTS BALANCES JANUARY 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCES Debt Transfers Auto License Transfers Auto License-Township Gas $ 6,000.00 Township Road Mileage Local Government $ 14,930.00 Transfers TOTAL PAYMENTS $ 38,600.66 BALANCES DECEMBER 31st TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCES AGENCY AND TRUST (Undistributed Tax and Other Funds Not RECEIPTS General Property Taxes Classified (Intangible) Taxes •jGasoline Tax (For Townships) Inheritance Tax Total Taxes .... Licenses: Trailer Tax .Cigarette ITotal Licenses Grants and Donations— Local Government Fund (From State) Total Grants . Transfers TOTAL RECEIPTS BALANCES JANUARY 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCES . PAYMENTS Taxes. Licenses, Depository Interest, Etc. Total to State To Local School Districts To Libraries To Townships To Cities and Villages To County Health District To County Taxes, Assessments. Interest. Etc. ... Fees of Auditor, Treasurer and Probate Judge on Collections Flection Expenses Withheld Bureau of Inspection Costs Withheld Probate Judge—Salary in Lieu of Inheritance Tax Fees Inheritance Tax Agents Other Funds Withheld From Subdivisions Refunds TOTAL PAYMENTS BALANCES DECEMBER 31st TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCES DISTRICT RECEIPTS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FUND From State Public School Fund Other Receipts TOTAL RECEIPTS BALANCE JANUARY 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT FUND State Aid Toward Salaries ... Oth"r Receipts Fees Transfers TOTAL RECEIPTS BALANCE JANUARY 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE PAYMENTS Maintenance and Interest COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FUND Salary, Superintendent $ 4.833.50 Salary, Attendance Officer $ 203.47 Compensation, Employes $ 2.036.90 Stationery and Supplies $ 1,244 57 Expenses, Superintendent and Employes t- 814.75 Expenses, Board Members $ 663.84 Other Expenses $ 309.00 County Share—Employes Retirement $ 759 07 Transfer ... TOTAL PAYMENTS BALANCE DECEMBER 31st PAYMENTS AND BALAMOS Non»Revenu« 50.00 313.55 $ 41.780.98 $ 88,578.36 DOG AND KBNNBL FUND PAYMENTS Compensation, Employes Expenses, Board Members County Share—Employes 883.59 883 59 Retirement 21,402.15 i22.285.74 43.749.34 242,141.07 Non- Outlay Governmental Cost Payments $ 46.797.38 $ 46.797.38 $ 8.01387 $ 7.761.12 $ 15,774.99 *$ 57,587.57 $242,141.07 Revenue Operation, Maintenance and Interest Non-Revenue •$ 297.89 $ 3.701.61 Non- Outlay Governmental Cost Payments $ 114.00 $ 3.701.61 Revenue Non-Revenue Non- Governmental Cost Payments Outlay $ 1.060.21 $ 1.060.21 $ 5.118.30 $ 27,343.88 Revenue AID FOR NEEDY BLIND FUND Non-Revenue $ 2,205.00 $ 2.205.00 $ 1,121.19 $ 27,313.52 $ 154.58 $ 154.58 $ 278.05 $ 2.874.63 Revenue $212,779.89 Operation, PAYMENTS Maintenance and Interest Aid For Disabled $ 3,293.00 Transfers* Construction $ 13,580.66 Transfers .Emergency Housing Rent $ 797.00 Special Relief Transfers Outlay FUNDS Belonging To Amount ... $281,187.22 —. S 4.876.09 $ 78,000.00 $ 1,714.94 $ 41,218.90 FUNDS Operation, Other Expenses TOTAL PAYMENTS BALANCE DECEMBER 31st TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE License Non-Revenue From County General Fund to Relief Fund $ 173.90 From County General Fund to ADC Fund $ 2,205.00 •From County General Fund to Road & Bridge Fund $ 1.216.15 From Debt Fund to County General Fund $ 45.03 From County General to Road Bridge Fundi $ 276.00 From Construction Fund to County General Fund $ 17.919.34 From Relief Fund to County General Fund $ 60.21 From Auto License Fund to Road and Bridge $219,910.00 From Relief Fund to A.F.D. Fund $ 1,000.00 From Special Relief Fund to Relief Fund $ 3.992.68 From A.D.C. Fund to Relief Fund $ 1,018.56 From A. B. Fund to Relief Fund $ 154.58 From A.F.D. Fund to Relief Fund $ 239.63 From Local Government to County General Fund $ 36.614.90 Totals $284,825.98 (Figures indicated with or enclosed in parenthesis denote State Gasoline Tax Sales Tax and Financial Institutions— (Local, Government) ... State Heer and Liquor $ 1.000.00 $ 109.51 $ 2,020.20 $ 81000 $ 3,992.68 $205,847.50 License $ 15,798.23 $ 38,718.90 $ 55,517.13 $ 66.690.55 $334,993.57 $ 239.63 $ 17.919.34 Offices $ 15,798.23 $ 36,614.90 $294,519.81 $ 1.873.10 $334,993.57 County) Total $365,778.25 207.00 ,979.90 $ -$ 1, Advertising Telephone Officers' Bonds Box Rent Gas For Town House Total Miscellaneous Loans Paid Total Expenditures $ 2,186 90 $ 41,218.90 $ 574.87 $409,758.92 $ 31.506.22 $441,265.14 Amount $ 5,906.94 Total 5.906.94 $180,812.11 2.246.53 122.543.00 25.529.35 1.823.84 45,314.81 8,173 45 2.082.59 177.44 660.00 339.27 4,990 83 $ 61,738.39 $ 379.85 $400,980.01 $ 40,285.13 $441,265.14 Revenue Non-Revenue $ 11.500.76 $ 525.48 $ 12.026.24 $ 1,633.54 $ 13,659.78 $ 995.40 $ 30.00 $ 1.823.84 $ 1,823 84 $ 917.18 $ 3,766.42 Non- $ 1.025.40 Outlay Governmental Cost Payments 11.04 11.04 2.74530 13,669.78 ANNUAL Rr.PORT CF THE CLERK OF THE VILLAGE OF BELLE VALLEY Dec. 31. 1952 MEMORANDUM Tax Valuation, 1952 $171,921.00 Tax Rate for Village Purposes, Is*f2--Debt .. 1.00 Mills Total Salaries and Waufs Pitid In 1952 $ 2,248 S6 SCHEDULE B-l Summary of Receipts Property Taxes— General Fund $ Total Property Taxes .... $ Cisrarette Tax .' $ Stat" Motor Vehicle Tax .. $ Gasoline Tax $ Sales Tax and Financial $ 599.03 $ 5,579.35 $ 6.178.38 $ 4,886.26 $ 27,343.88 Summary of Expenditures Operation and Maintenance General Government Legislative (Council) General Executive Buildings (Town Hall) Total General Government Protection to Person and Village Funds Total Sanitation Highways—General Electric Light Total Public Service Enterprises Miscellaneous—General $ 339.41 $ 2,874.63 Village Funds Total Miscellaneous Loans Paid—General Non- 80.62 3 0.02 129.94 2.058.80 1,071.00 910.00 2,800.00 Licenses and Permits Mayor Fines and Costs—(Mayor and Police Court) Village Property—Damages 45.00 698.80 For Town Hon se .... Totnl Receiots EXPENDITURES: Council- Salaries, Incidentals, etc General Executive Office?— Mayor--Salary, Office Non- Governmenta/ Cost Payments Expense, etc Clerk—Salary, Office Expense, etc reasurer— Expense, etc. Solicitor— Salary, Office Expense, etc Total General Executive $ 3.992.68 $ 45.03 $219,910.00 540.00 9,185.10 195.00 558.87 398.74 Salary, Office 300.00 100.00 1,337.00 484.00 Public Buildings—Repair Police Protection—Marshal and Police Salaries Total Police Protection .... Fire Protection Other Fire Department Expense .... Totnl Fire Protection .... Highways—Street Commissioner's Salary Street Repair Street LightinR Traffic Lights Total Highways Miscellaneous—Legal 482.00 482.00 72.50 72.50 180.00 1,784.00 712.68 54.48 2.731.16 BONDED DEBT December 31, 1952 Sinking Fund Trustees or Village Treasurer LIABILITIES: Outstanding General Bonds FLOATING DEBT— Loans (Certificates of Indebtedness) $ 1,000.00 Total Floating Debt $ 1,800.00 PROBATE NOTICE Approval and Settlement of Accounts Accounts and vouchers of the follow ing named persons and estates have been filed in the Probate Court of No ble County, Ohio, for approval and set tlement. First and final account of Martha Schafer. administratrix w.w„a. of the es tate of Margaret Bishop, deceased. Fourth account of Lila Mae Bober, guardian of Andrew A. Bober, Jr. First arid final account of A. L. Scha fer, administrnlor of the estate of Ellr. Martin, deceased. First and final account of Hope Webster and Madge Davis, executors of the estate of W. K. Heddleson, de ceased. Unless exceptions are filed thereto, said accounts will be for hearing before said Court, on the fith day of April. 1953, at which time said accounts will be considered and continued from day to day until finally disposed of. Any person interested may file writ ten exceptions to said accounts or to matters pertaining to the execution of the trust, not less than five days prior to the date set for hearing. OTTO POLING, Probate Judge. i5 Helen Johnson. Deputy Clerk. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 5905 Estate of Bernicc G. Crum, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Sarah Elizabeth Kohut, of Berne. Ohio, has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Bernice G. Crum, deceased, late of Berne, Noble County. Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months or be forever barred. Dated this 18th day of February, 1958. OTTO POLING, Probate Judge of said County. 34. 84" Thursday March 5, 1953 Operation, Maintenance outlay and Interest COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT FUN!) Salary, Health Commissioner 960 00 1,560.00 189.50 139.32 87.00 2,935.82 TRANSFERS NOBLE COUNTV, OHIO For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31. 19f! Population, 1951) Census: 464 Relle Valley, Ohio, February 2, 1958 I hereby certify the following: report to be correct. General Fund $ Auto License Street Repair Fund $ 42.07.. Gasoline Tax Street Repair Fund $ 2,145.74.. Totals General Village Funds .... $ 8,612.28.. Grand Tatuls of All Funds (Clerk) .... $ 8,612.28.. Outstanding Warrants (Add.) Treasure's Cash Balance Totul Cash Balance. HAZEL STARR. Village Clerk. SCHEDULE A-l Summary of Fund Balances. Receipts and Expenditures Balance Jan. I 1,424.47. Non- Governmental Cost Payments $ 830.60 $ 3,760 42 Receipts Payment* $ 173.90 $ 2,205.00 $ 1 216.15 45.08 276.00 17.919.34 60.21 U9.910.00 1.000.00 3,992.68 1,018 56 154.58 239.63 $ 36,614.90 $284,825.98 deficit) Balance Dec. 31 1.746.39 Receipts Expenditures 4,944.86...$ 4,622.44...$ 8,169.80.. .$ 614.89...$ 1,071.00. 9,185.16. ..$ 2,597.48 973.85. 2,242.89 6,210.68. $ 9,185.16. ..$ 6,586.76 8,210.68. 6,586.76 43.00 $ 50.62 30.62 129.94 2,958.80 1,071.00 Institutions— (Local, Gov't.) $ State Heer and Liquor 910.00 2,800.00 45.00 2,84 5.00 693.80 License Fees $ Local Licenses and Permits $ Totnl and Permits $ Fines and Costs $ General Village Funds— 546.00 540.00 Damages for Townhouse S Totnl $ Total Revenue S Grand Total Rnceints .... $ SCHEDULE B-II 6,629.76 Total $ 195.00 $ 1,837.00 $ 484.00 $ 2,016.60 $ 6,629.76 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT BEAVER LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Noble County, Ohio Batesville, Ohio For Fiscal Year Ending December 31st. 1952 I certify the following report to be Correct. BILL ENGLISH Clerk of the Board of Education Tax Valuation $ 929,190.00 Tax Levy It Milla School Enrollment 209 Salaries and Wages $93,579.98 SCHEDULE I Summary of Cash Balances, Receipts and Kxpendtiures Balance, January 1st, 1962 General Fund Bond Retirement Fund -.. Sinking Fund Cafeteria Fund Total 9,185.16 9,105,16 $ 3.709.28 $24,130.49 $ 10.33 IS 1.189.13 $19,242.46 RECEIPTS— General Fund Bond Retirement Fund .. Cafeteria Fund Rehabilitation $44,605.10 $ 3,187.24 $ 7,427.36 S 7.500.00 $62,719.70 $81,962.16 Total Receipts and Balance EXPENDITURES— General Fund Bond Retirement Fond ... Sinking Fund Cafeteria Fund Rehabilitation $ 482.00 $ 72.50 Property—Police Fire Total Protection to Person nnd Property Sanitation—General Total K 554.50 $ 98.50 $ 98.50 1,904 00 Village Funds Total Highways Public Service Enterprises— $ 1,9( $ $ 707.16 K 223.17 $ 223.17 Village Funds Total Loans Paid Grand Total Expenditures Governmental Cost Payments S 1.018.56 $ 1,018 56 $ 3,190.96 $ 27,313.52 580.75 $ 586.75 $ 6,210.68 SCHEDULE C-l General Village Funds (Including General, Auto License,. Gasoline Tax, Cemetery^ etc.) RECEIPTS: Property Taxes—General Property Tax Total Property Taxes .... Cigarette Tax State Motor Vehicle $43,154.52 $ 1,758.75 $ 8.40 .$ G.678.09 $ 3.700.00 $55,299.76 Balance, December 81, 1952 General Fund Bond Retirement Fund Sinking Fund Cafeteria Fund $ 4 39.S# Rehabilitation $ 3,800.00 $ 2,258.05 $25,558.98 $ 1.98 Total $26,662.40 Total Expenditures and Balance $81,962.16 SCHEDULE II RECEIPTS REVENUE— General Property taxes Local Levy General Fund Bond Retirement Total Property Tax FOUNDATION PROGRAM Cash Received Total Foundation Program Interest from State on Irreducible $ 9.418.47 '$ 3,195.24 $12,613.71 $29,284.88 $29,234.88 Debt $ 290.1R Refunds (Lunch) $ 898.72 Lunch Receipts $ 6,586.36 Miscellaneous—Interest on Sinking Fund Investments $ 7,500.00 Other Transfer from Wayne $ 4,927.31 Total Revenue $62,049.16 NON-REVENUE— Sales of Property $ 500.00 Income Tax Refund $ 170.64 Accrued Interest —Skies of Sinking Fund Investments $ 670.54 Total Transaction $62,719.70 SCHEDULE III EXPFNDITURES ADMINISTRATION— Salaries and Wages Adm. Officers and Employes ... $ 748.00 Replacement Office Equipment $ 882.78 Total Administration $ 1,180.78 INSTRUCTION— Personal Service $22,335.48 Text Books $ Other Educational Supplies $ 593.80 Total Other Purposes .... $ 1,521.61 Total Instruction $23,857.09 TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS Personal Service Motor Vehicle Supplies .... Material for Maintenance of Personal Service Gas Fuel Janitors Supplies Engineers Supplies Electricity Telephone Advertising Hauling Other Contract and Open 31.00 100.82 51.75 2.00 37.00 223.17 68G.7 5 Order Service Insurance Totnl Other Purposes Total Operation of School 6,210.68 Fund 695.00 395.21 Motor Vehicles Transportation Contract .... PUBLIC LUNCHES— Personal Service .... Footl and Supplies .... Total Public Lunches OTHER AUXILIARY AGENCIES— Other Special Services 80.00 Tuition Paid to Other Districts$ 36.00 Total Other Auxiliary 195.97 6,030.00 1,609.00 $ 5.069.09 $ 6,678.09 Agencies $ «6.00 OPERATION OF SCHOOL PLANT— 1,975.00 48.88 842.00 248.51 14.39 369.20 42.80 81.6* 18.6$ 91.8$ 856.28 $2,558.74 S 4.533.74 MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL PLANT— Materials for Maintenance, Buildings and Grounds $ 860.64 Materials for Maintenance F"iiinment and F"rniturc $ 263.0* Replacement other Equipment $ 7.95 Repairs School Buildings $ 1.927.49 2,559.1(1 Total Other Purpose* ... To'al Maintenance of School Plant DEBT SERVICE— Bonds Maturing Interest on Bonds Total Debt Service CAPITAL OUTLAY— Transfer from General SETSr: Inventory Supplies and Materials $ Lands (Cost) Buildings (Cost) 5 Euuipment (Cost) Other Investments 2.500.0W- Tn*nl Assets $90,162.40 LIABILITIES— Bonded Debt $ 4.000.00 Excoss or Deficiency of Assets $85,562.40 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 5900 Estate of Charles W. Lincicome, de censed. Notice is hereby given that Adtlie Heddleson, of Caldwell, Ohio, has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Charles W. Lincicome, de ceased, late of Caldwell, Route, Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months or be forever barred. Dated this 20th day of February, 1068. OTTO POLING. Probata Judge of said' County 86 36 S7 11 A Journal Classified Wiil Pay Dividen V $ 2,1169.15 $ 1,600.00 $ 158.7S $ 1.758.75 $ 8,700.00 Expenditure from Rehab. Fund Total Capital Outlay .... $ 3.700.00 8 9,158.75 SETS'AND TOT" LUBI'LITIES$55,299.76