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™r5^!£_ApriL 2, 1053 SIK I'S! G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Biidge St. Caldwell, Otilo Phone 113 IABIUETTSVILLE NEWS HARRIETTSVTLLE Sunday I'ool at the Methodist church at next Sunday moirning, fol wed by an Easter pirogram by y young folks. inner (luests, Mr. and Mrsi Burdette Ayers ite!tuined with a dinner Sun i.v honoring the sixth birthday imversary of their son, Ken 'th. A large decorated cake and ister lilies were the, center ece for the table. Covrers were ranged for the following guests I', and Mrs. S. W. Ayers, Mr. id Mrs. H. M. Ayers, David vers, Ada Ayers, Clara Franks, ike Franks, Allen Ayers, the nored one and hosts. Mrs. Charles Dennis entertain I with a dinner Wednesday in mor of her husband, and daugh i-in-law, Mrs. Floyd Dennis' ithday anniversaries. A large rthday cake was the center ece for the table. Those enjoy the dinner were: Mi-, and Mrs. ?onard Schofield and children, 'tty, Guy, Mary and Joe, of ermantown, Floyd Dennis and lildren, Jimmy, Jeanr Carol and ary of Germantown. The hon ed ones and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stevens id Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neuhart 1 of Marietta, were dinner tests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. val Stevens. Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Black of )Iumbus, were supper guests on jesdav evening of tier father, D. Miller. ?rsonats Lewis Stevens, of Senecaville, •ent Sunday with his parents, r. and Mrs. S. O. Stevens. Jim Dennis, Alliance, visited le day last week at the Stevens' ime and with Mr. and Mrs. Gil •rt Blair. Mr. and Mrs. "Roy Noll and son lul of Salem, were weekend tests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence •hoeppner and Dale. Paul Noll is returned to the states after 2 •ars service in Austria. A dance will be held at Palace til on Easter Sunday evening, pril 5th. Miller's Melodiers will ay for dancing. The women of oup 5 of St. Henry's church ill serve refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Noll spen^t tnday with Rhinard Schott of iliance, who Is ill. A NEW SERVICE •»i* v.? Sunday dinner guests of Mr." and Mrs. Carl Stevens were Jim Ullman, Circleville, Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Stevens and Linda and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nobles and Billy of Marietta, Mrs. Tillic Bonar of Stafford and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens and Karen. Glen Ullman and Mr. Talbott of Mantua, spent a few days last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ullman. Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeppner and Elmer Schott spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Dudzik of Canton and also visit ed their uncle, Rhinard Schott of Alliance, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman went to Lima on Tuesday to the home of their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Ull man and accompanied Mrs. Joe T. Ullman to the Dayton air port where she left by plane for Hon olulu to be with her mother, Mrs. Richmond Ellis, who is critically ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lallathin entertained with a birthday din ner recently for their son, Billy. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Williams and Peggy Lee, of Pleas ant City and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fleemau and Carol Ann of Le banon. Mrs. Waldine Hendershot of Marietta, and Pvt. Nolan Hender shot of LeJeune, S. C., were call ing on friends and old neighbors of this place on Saturday even ing. Sergeant Negil Miller, who has spent two years in Germany, is enjoying a thirty day furlough after which he will report to a camp in Georgia. He visited Sat urday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Charley VanFossen. Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens were business visitors at Cald well on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brum of Marietta route and son, Keith of O.S.U. of Columbus, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm and Daniel. Mrs. Tillie Bonar returned home Sunday after a two week's visit with relatives at Circleville and Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Fi^nk Bonar and daughters of Columbus, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Love and with other rela tives of route 1. Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner was a shopper at Marietta on Thurs day. Mrs. Bill Stevens is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ullman and Jane of Circleville. David Ayers, senior of Musk ingum college, New Concord, is pending his spring vacation at I lis home here. Dale Schoeppner spent Sunday afternoon and was a supper guest of Daniel Schramm. Mr. and Mrs. John McCune of Lebanon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dennis, Sunday evening. i a, I i #I i IN k Dress Up We are prepared to help the Men and Boys' look their BEST on EASTER SUNDAY. CLOTHING SHIRTS TIES HOSE- SHOES HATS Drop in for a Look! James & Quick & e o a S o e -N* 1 |fl Pleasan! Hill PLEASANT HELL Mr. and Mrs Carl iVInscr ari'l daughter of Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil son and daughter of Caldwell, spent the weekend with Cart Davis and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cater And daughter, visited Walter Davis and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis and daughter of near Pleasant City, spent Sunday with Ira Davis- and family. Herman Snode of Clairton, Pa. visited a few days last'week with his mother, Nellie Snode and brothers, Harry Snode and fam ily and Charles Snode and fam ily- Callers at Carr Davis' Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rogers, Nellie Snode, Betty Cater. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Joy and Mr. and Mrs. Brady Cunningham. Elba ELBA Mrs. Norman Laugh ery returned home Monday after taking treatment at a Parkers burg, W. Va., hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hesson were in Marietta, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Linci come and daughter spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Hesson. Mrs. Marie Sorg of Caldwell, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hesson. Carrie Stack spent Sunday with Minnie Moose at Maeksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill and son, Gale and Betty Jo Good will spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Addlesberger at Middleburg. Sara Travis was in Caldwell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hesson, Homer, Gene, Wayne Hesson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hesson and Wilda and Wilma Jackson were in Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hesson, Mr. and Mrs. James Hesson and chil dren and Max Hesson were in Marietta, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Stille and Edna Frank of Lower Salem, were Sunday callers of Clara Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Stalanak er and sons of Pomeroy, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Travis. Mrs. Gordon Hummel of Ala bama, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mis. Norman Laughery. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hughey, Jr., Friday, 27 at Memorial hospital, Marietta. Wanda Griffin spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Don Hes son. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hesson spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gerber at Warn er. A birthday party wns given in honor of Wilda and Wilma Jack son for their 8th birthday, March 28 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hesson on Friday even ing. Those present were: Karen Griffin, Sandra Baker, Joyce Thompson, Kay Lewis, Patty Hughey, Dannie JIughey, Ronnie Hughey El win See vers, Judy Laughery, Delorjes Hesson, Earl Hesson, Kathy Hesson, Earl S.vain, Russell Jackson and the honored guests. After opening gifts, games were played and re freshments were served. Classifieds Pay Dividends Telephone 14 WIS .TOlTRttAfc, GAtDWfcTX, OfttO .IIDULEBUKG NEWS MIDDLEBURG Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edso Clark were Mr. and Mrs. Lois Gil dow and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. West and son and Bertha Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gildow spenl Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nau and family, neat Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell and son, George, spent one even ing last week with Mr. and Mrs. Edson Clark and soiis, Paul and Fred. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bettingei visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Bertha Hayes. The Jefferson Twp. Trustees held their regular meeting here at the town house, Saturday afternoon, March 28. Mrs. Anna Miracle spent a few days last week visiting relatives at Pittsburgh. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomp son, Bert Miracle, Walter Estadt and Harry Thompson and son Paul, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bettinger. Mrs. Clara Gildow visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bet tinger, Tuesday afterndon. Mrs. Mildred Clark was a call er at Caldwell, Tuesday after noon. Miss Bertha Morrison and Miss Ethyl Mae Clark spent Wednes day night with Miss Marylin Jean Thompson of Rado. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Addles beiger and Sonny and Rickie of Elba, visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Ad dlesberger. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomp son visited Thursday evening with Mrs. Lucy Dimmerling and family. Miss Bertha Morrison spent Thursday night with Mrs. Myrtle Harriman and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boyd visi ted Friday with Mr. and Mrs. George Addlesberger. Mrs. Madge Morrison and daughter, Barbara, visited Friday with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Hayes. J. H. Morrison and daughter, Kathryn, were callers at Cald well, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and family visited Sunday with Mrs. Clark Blackstone and family of Fulda. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schnee berger and Mr. and Mrs. George Addlesberger spent Saturday Bungannon DUNGANNON Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hooper of Zanesville and Mrs. Harvey Hayes of Dexter City visited their father, W. C. Fleeman, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Stewart and Mrs. Aline Jordan were Beverly cal lers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Linger attended the l'uneral services of her brother at Spencer, West Vir ginia, Sunday. Miss Myrtle Mincks spent Sun day with her sister, Mrs. Ray Harr of Coal Run route. Mrs. Ray Harr of Coal Run route spent Thursday evening at the Jordan home. Mr. and Mrs. Mayford Linger and family of Texas is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Linger and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mincks and children, Janet and Larry of Beverly visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Irville Mincks Tuesday evening. Noble County's Oldest Insurance Agency Farley-Yontz Agency Established in 1*87 Writing All Lines of Insurance AND Surety Bonds II igJ West Side of Square CALDWEIX, OmO £snf iim W't* We Received by Mistake a Shipment of NORTHWEST COMN ALFALFA EFifIFIEI5 SEED THE SEED HOUSE HAS SAID "SELL INSTEAD OF RETURNING, While It Lasts 528.00 pgr Bushel BUY NOW AND SAVE! $ $ $ $ $ $ —AT— FARM BUREAU COOP. Phone 95 Caldwell, Ohio afernoon at CaMwell. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parks and daughters, moved from Lebanon, Friday to the village of Olive in to the property of Lee Davis.. Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt were: Mrs. Lydia Pryor of Lower Salem route, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shafer and son, Harry James of Harriettsville, Francis Thompson and George Addlesberger. Mrs. Lucy Dimmerling and family of Rado, moved Saturday to the farm formerly belonging to Felix Schott, now the coal com pany. Henry Harriman, who was staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Dearth, was taken to Memorial hospital, Saturday in McVay ambulance. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison were Mr. and Mrs. George Krospkought of McCon nelsville, Miss Dorothy and Betty Crum of Berne and Mr. Bobby Harriman. Bede Arnold and sons were callers at Caldw6ll, Saturday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Addlesberger were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneeberger, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schneeberger and son, Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Hesson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrett and daughter, Mi', and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill and daugh ter, Betty Jo, and son, Gale and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Addlesberg er and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boyd and daughter, Kathy Ann, visited Mr. and Mrs. Boyd at Sharon, Sun day. A party was held at the home of Mrs. Ida Brotton of Rado last Wednesday. March 25. Those pre sent were: Mrs. Frona Sailing, Mrs. Clara Sailing, Mrs. Ocaling Sailing, Mrs. Mary Agnes Sail ing, Mrs. Bertha Sailing, Mrs. Mary Pilcher. An enjoyable after noon was spent in games and re freshments were served. Crooked Tree CROOK KD TREE Mrs. Guiler of Caldwell, held a brush party at the home of Mrs. Winnie Ogle last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Bettinger and son, David, Mrs. Anna Mae For shey and James Harriman of Wolfe Pen Run, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Robert Chandler was shopping in Marietta last Tues day. Alfred and Cecil Brown and Russel Chandler attended the Tractor sale at McConnelsville, last Thursday. G. E. Chandler was a caller at Cecil Brown's, Friday. Jake Carrel called on Russel Chandler, Friday. Ed Chandler is at his home here after being employed at Canton for some time. Sai'iiii/.s Insured to Green Valley GREEN' VALLEY Vks. Har old iioi tun uiid chilJuieii, Sandra and Larry and Mrs. Hazel Murrey spent last Wednesday evening with Mrs. William Rossiter. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy of New Philadelphia. Visitors at the home of Nancy Rossiter, Sunday included: Mark Rossiter, Nancy Pitts, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Devolld and sons and Mrs. Guy Brown. Mrs. Athel Moore and Mrs. Rossiter are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore pf Zanesville. Mrs. Hazel Murrey and son, Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hor ton and children spent Sunday p. m. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanFossen of near Harriettsville. Olive OLIVE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sayre were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gar old Loop and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Pitts were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Pil cher on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mae Robinson spent the weekend in Zanesville and visit ed her husband, Carter, who is a patient in Good Samaritan hos pital, Zanesville. Lynn, David, Susan and Ste phen Robinson spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon West of Sarahsville Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parks and family have moved to the Lee Davis property. Mrs. James Butler and son have returned home to Munice, Indiana after visiting the past week with her mother. Mrs. Nancy Foreman and with other relatives. Woodrow Foreman spent Sat urday evening with his mother, Nancy Foreman and brother. Riley. Mrs. Willard Bates and son, Vance, visited Johnny Bill Bris ter on Sunday afternoon. Pfc. Victor Galayda, of Coal Ridge, who has received his dis charge from the army, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Mac enko and daughter on Tuesday. George and Raymond Schwallu of Canton, spent the weeke* with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cn and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Saling am family visited Mrs. Clara Salin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sali and Edna Crum were shopping u Zanesville on Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson am Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hayes w shopping in Zanesville on Sit urday and visited with Cart. Robinson. Question What kind of a c'u is this? no hair, no eves, no moi I and no legs. Answer to last week s riddl«' Airplane. Real stale Loans ^^,-rrnnr^-TO^i^rti r. Mutual Federal Savings South Fifth Street LOAN feSSOGIATICN ONLY TIIK FINEST OF FINE GRANITE iP5 Zanesville -irci tfc* 1 So high are Rock of Ages standards that only about one-sixth of the granite quarried is suitable for genuine Rock of Ages Family Monuments. So that you may be sure of obtaining the genuine, you will find this seal etched ou every Kock of Ages monument or marker. Mtty Only monuments hearing this seal entitle the owner to receive the Rock of Agea Fereonal and Cemetery Guarantee. WRITE NOW ... for your FREE booklet on "How to Choose a Family Monument" TH. NTZTT DFAI.F.R GUERNSEY MEMORIALS. Inc. FRED LeGKF AN -Manager North Street I ultlwell, Ohio QUAKER CITY NEWS QUAKER CITY G. G. Os borne, Keith Carpenter, Ed Starr, Ralph Loveall, John Morgan and Dean Bundy attended a basket ball game at Columbus in which the Harlem Globetrotters play ed the Philadelphia Sphns at the State coliseum on Thursday even ing. There was an estimated at tendance of 8000 people. Harry Floyd and Alvin Spencer of this place and James and Joe Gildea of Gibson Station, Were visitors in Columbus, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bundy of Cambridge, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bundy. Robert Dearth of the Phila delphia Navy yards accompanied by his w-ife and daughter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller. Mrs. Clarence Floyd spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Finley and family of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bundy and sons left Thursday morning for Las Crucus, N. Mex., where they expect to locate, the change being made for the benefit of the eld est son"s health. Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Hartley and son of Cambridge, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Spencer and son, Alvin. Francis Dickison of West Laf ayette and Howard Dickison of Buffalo, were business visitors here on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Milner and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Milner of Cambridge, and Louis Richards of Bellaire. attended the funeral of the former's uncle, James Arnold at the Eberle funeral home, Thursday afternoon. Mr. Arnold, 72, passed away at St. Francis hospital, Cambridge, on Monday night where he had been a patient for only a few days. He is survived by one brother, John Arnold of Quaker City. Dr. Harold Webster and wife of Woodsfield, were callers Sun day afternoon at the Waldo Web ster home, east of town. They had visited earlier in the day with Mr. Webster, who is a pati- In Time For Graduation! SILVERWARE Community Tudor Plate BI&MSHD 20% OFF FJNGS tor LAMES' and Weddlsiif lings Biu 20% OFF EiiRGAIHS on (MtKS Lrdlss' Ex^'ssion o BRACELETS T*a«re TKree—B ent at Marietta clinic and his condition is reported' to be satisfactory. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson and daughter, Joellen of Cam bridge, visited Sunday with then parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Har ris of Spencer Station and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of this place. Mrs. Victor Carpenter visited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ernest Dingus and family of Batesville. Mrs. William Forsythe visited during the weekend with rela tives at Salesville. The public is invited to attend the Passion Play, which will be presented at the school auditor ium here by Dr. Doudna of Cald well this Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. No admission will be charged but a collection will be taken to help defray expenses. W I S E o O E W I S E By E. O. oONI It never was loving that emp tied the heart nor giving that emptied the purse.- Old Proverb. You can make life a bed oT roses if you put in a life-time of spade work. The biggosl room in the world is the room for improvement. Anon. What kind of a church would my church be, if all of its mem bers \v£re just like me. Few men are so clever as to know all the mischief they do. Etiquette is learning to yawn with your mouth closed. Experience teaches us only one thing at a time and hardly that in my case. Mark Twain. He preaches well that lives well, quoth Sancho, that's all the divinity I understand.-Cervantes. The man who is wrapped up in himself makes a mighty small parcel. When children laugh they praise the Lord. Victor Hugo. =7 TRADE-IN SALE ON WATCHES save ui ro mm ELGIN (iltlEN HAMILTON BCLOVA LONGINES-WITTNAUER I'se Our Layaway For Graduation! $1.00 IKlLOS VOI ('HOICK. JEWELS? Snrinn FLOWSB 49c up For Easter! mm 1 ad For Ladies' and Gents' i llL LETTERS At A Bargain! EiS 88 Cents' Erisasis'sii WATCH BRACELETS S2-88 NECKLACE & RilKESTSME mmm SETS I EMMHSS $2*.88 up CALDWELL JEWELRY STORE OF VALUES! Cumberland Street Caldwell, Opposite Thompson Hospital Ohio