Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, April 23, 1953 SUKMERFIE "uwimtni1iELlj Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Hare entertained with a dinner, Thursday evening, at their home, honoring the 92nd birthday anniversary of his brother, John Hare. Guests were Mrs. Allie McElfresh, a sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler. Class Meeting Regular meeting of the Alpha Omega Sunday school class was held Tuesday evening in the church basement. A pot luclc dinner was enjoyed. At Meeting A large number from this com munity attended the Achieve ment Day meeting in Caldwell, Wednesday. Blood Donors From all indications, Summer field will again play a prominent part in the bloodcenter at Cald well, Thursday, April 30. Mrs. Emily Havener, local chairman, estimated that 25 residents had already signed up. It will be re membered that Summerfield was the leading rural community for blood' donors when the first bloodcenter was held in the county. Attend Meeting Several local teachers attend ed the dinner meeting of the Kappa Delta Gamma sorority held at Cumberland, Monday night. Mixed Dance The American Legion Auxiliary will again sponsor a mixed dance at their hall, Friday evening, April 24. The Arza Vaughn or chestra of Marietta will furnish the music and Jay Moore is the caller. A door prize will be given and refreshments will be served. The public is invited. Community Club The Community club will meet next Thursday night at their community house, Whigville, on April 30. A program will be en joyed and a pot luck lunch serv ed. Philpot Death Perry Philpot of this com munity, is a nephew and Mrs. Owen Morgan of Quaker City, a niece of Col. Shep. Philpot, whose death occurred last week in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Philpot was a member of the local F. & A. M. lodge. Personals Arnold Draper and mother, Verdu Draper of Canton, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson of Zanesville, visited Sunday LD v, ^c Admiral Model 7C7. 7.3 cu. ft. Flash Defroit ing alto available in 9 and 11 cu. ft. modeli. NEWS afternoon witn John Hare. Mr. and Mrs. Eberts Wehr and lamily of Woodsfield route, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stephen, Sunday. Ed. Williams is tearing down the old McGurk property on Pike street, now owned by Ross Wat son. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dalrym ple and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver attended the funeral of Percy Copeland held at Hebron on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson were in Zanesville, Wednesday on business. Emma McGurk of ByesVille, visited Monday with Mr. and Mis. C. A. Atkinson. A number from here attended a meeting near New Philadelphia under the leadership of Charles Manker last Saturday night. Lou Philpot is visiting her son, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Philpot. Mrs. Phifpot is recovering from a re jent illness and had just re turned from spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Owen Morgan, Quaker City. Mamie Friday of Newark, spent the past week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wharton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Russell King visited with John Hare last Wed nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson visit ed their son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson, Zanesville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Moore and son of Caldwell were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Herzle Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watson visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bond on Pleasant City route on Sunday. Aroma Guiler visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode and other friends in town, Monday. A. R. Fogle and John Lesco were in Zanesville last Wednes day on business. Wilbur Oliver and family were in Cambridge, Tuesday, visiting with his mother, who has been ill. Rogfcr King who recently pur chased the Kincaid property has sold out to Mr. Edgar of Bates ville and moved Friday to a farm near Belle Valley. McKinley Morris, who is work ing in Cleveland, spent the week end with his family here. A man likes to preach economy —but it may be his wife who has to practice it. !is-k Admiral flash Defrosting ONLY*269 It's Automatic Defrosting at your convenience You choose the time. Defrost faster, easier than ever before with Admiral 7-Minute Flash Defrosting! No clock, dials or timers to set. Just push a button and this Admiral defrosts itself completely ... then turns itself back on again when the job is done. It happens so fast frozen foods never have time to melt. Saves you time, work, and money. Patten's Appliance Center Phone 58 North Street Crooked Tree CHUUMSL) THEE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raub and children, Bobby and Peggy Lynn, of New Castle, Pa., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lila Chan dler and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Mincks and sons, Darrel and Jerry, Mrs. Ida Boney and son, Ervin and Russell Chandler called on Mrs. Lila Chandler and son, Ed, Sat urday evening. Jake Carrel went to Parkers burg, W. Va., to a hospital for observation and treatment last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and son, Joe of Keithtown, were calling on relatives here Sunday. Russel Chandler called at the Morris Krapp's home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chandler and son, Jeffrey were callers at Keithtown, Sunday. Miss Janet Sue Wilson spent Saturday at the George Chandler home. Ed Chandler called on Mr. and Mrs. Millard Mincks and sons, Darrell and Jerry, Sunday. Keithtown KEITHTOWN ivir. and Mrs. Richard Teeters and children visi ted Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ocie Sullivan of East Union. Mrs. Ann Gore of Macksburg, spent a few days recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fult Hugh es. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Groves and children spent a day recent ly at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mitchell visited recently with relatives in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Stack and daughter were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mrs. John Stack of Elba. The W.S.C.S. of the Keithtown church sponsored a soup supper, Friday evening at the grange hall which was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gill of Co lumbus, visited over the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Blanche Woodford. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rogers and family of Kent, visited relatives in this vicinity over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Leicher and Debbie Swiss of Cleveland, are spending a few days at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farson. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Young and sons of Canton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Burkhart. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Waller and daughters spent Saturday even ing a't the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Burkhart. Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and Joe Chandler visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler and Lila Chand ler of Crooked Tree and called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Caplinger and family of Beverly. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Teeters and daughters of Ava, were Sun day evening callers at the home of her parents and at the home of Richard Teeters and family. Elba ELBA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and sons of Derwent, Mr. and Mrs. George Baker ami daughter of Lower Salem, were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker. Rosemary Goodwill, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.'Hughcv. Jr., and chil dren were in Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Edison Hickman at Charleston, W. Va. Mrs. Lester Hesson of Berne, George Addlesberger of Middle burg, Mrs. Dale Garrett and daughter, Sheryl of Summerfield, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Pearl Goodwill and son, Gale, were in Cambridge, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Linici come of Dexter City, were re cent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hesson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Goodwill and children, Charles, Vaughn and Sharon of Whipple, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickle, Kenneth Dennis and Gary Stack of Cumberland, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swain. |Wr. and Mrs. Everett Hesson, Mrs. Don Hesson and Iva Hesson were in Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill, Gale, Rosemary Goodwill, Betty Jo Goodwill, spent Sunday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Goodwill at Whipple. Grace Stack of Bexley, spent the weekend with her father, Henry Stack. Photo Developing—Gillespie's ARE YOU HOUSECLEANING? THEN YOU NEED WATA PRODUCTS WATA WAX WATA FOM WATA GLO LOUISE LEWIS 517 Spruce Street Caldwell, Ohio —Phone 193-J— THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHTO SHARON Mr. and COUNT!ANS MEET IN GERMANY -4 ANDY ARCHER AND DAVE MERRY Dave Merry and Andy Archer were close friends before they joined the army and last week they renewed this friendship at Frankfurt, Germany. Both are stationed in Germany but in dif erent camps. Dave Merry is the son of Mr. and, Mrs. Rufus E. Merry, east of Caldwell, and Andy Archer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Archer. SHARON NEWS s Clay Shields and Larry of W-oos ter, spent the weekend with Mrs. Shields' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Courtney. Mrs. Lucille Marquis and son. David, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cain at Canton. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parrish were calling on Miss Frances Smith, Friday at Bethesda hos pital, Zanesville. Several from here attended "Achievement Day" at Caldwell Mrs. Bernice Reed of McCon- Olive OLIVE Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crum and daughter, Bonnie spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Pitts. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Pitts and son spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah B. Pitts. Mrs. Andy Sholtis spent Sun day afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Nancy Foreman. Ruth and Gladys Foreman of South Olive, spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Foreman. Charles of Soakum, spent Friday with his grand mother. Mrs. Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Fore man and family spent Friday eve ning with Mrs. Nancy Foreman and Riley Foreman. Mrs. Bernard Freeman oi Zanesville, visited one day at thi Foreman home last week. Mrs. Nancy Foreman spent Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don West and John Bill Blister. Tandis nelsville. visited with relatives here recently. Mrs. Alta Dovenbarger of Conesville, visited one jday last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dovenbarger. Miss Lillie Boyd speont the weekend with Mrs. Lillian Boyd and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bivens spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. Mrs. Doris Smitliley and daugh ter of Zanesville, are visiting her mother, Mrs. J. B. Parrish and sister, Mrs. Beryl Pickenpaugh and families. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Boyd and children, Joan and Billy were visiting with Mr. and Mrs Robert Boyd and son at Zanes ville, Sunday. Several children are confined to their homes with mumps. Mr. and Mrs. John Cisler aiid sons, Randall and Brent of Can ton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Par rish. Mrs. Mamie Parks, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Marquis were callinj on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nes selroad and children of near Ren rock, Sunday. Bible study class will meet at the..£r^bvteriaji churchy Thurs day evening at 8:00 o'clock EVITYOMC wf•!('iMiIi•. HIS an invitation to you who need like room when you travel and are wondering where to get it. This is an invitation to take your ease in a sampling of the 1953 Btiick Si IPER Riviera Sedan. Talk about room (and you will!)—here is the roomiest six-passenger sedan made in America. Here you will find headroom, hiproom, legroom and kneeroom so generous big people beam. The tall, the portly—and the in-between —they can all spread out and stretch out, and really, feel unfettered. But the marvel of this Buick roominess is the wondrous ease of handling that goes with it. O/riee: West Street CAL1MVKLL, Bip fialVClSFS, lis seated WHIN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARM BUILT 3UICK WILL BUILD THEM NOBLE T8WNSH5P BRIEFS NOBLE TOWNSHIP- First on my list is the new baby girl born April 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milligan. Since the writer is the proud maternal grandma I will say she is a very nice 6 pounds and 12 ounces baby nam ed Cheryl Arlene. Mother and daughter are doint? fine in Mari etta Memorial hospital. Family Nite Family nite at Mother's club, Belle Valley on Tuesday was quite a success socially and fin ancially. Proceeds go toward play ground equipment for the new grade school. Attend Wedding Mrs. Dean Milligan and Terry pent last week in Akron as [uests of Miss Arlene Milligan. Saturday, April 18, Arlene be came the bride of Rennard Lee Akron and the happy couple ire now on a southern honey noon. They will make their lome in Youngstown for the pre ent. Best wishes and congratula ions to the bride and groom, tfrs. Olive Milligan, mother of he bride, Dean and Dale, broth ers of the bride, motored up to Akron for the wedding and re ception. Attend Meeting Achievement Day in Caldwell was well attended. Twelve mem bers of the Belle Valley Home makers were present. Mrs. Irene Devoll was program leader. Club Meets The Homemakers (Belle Val ley) met at Iva Carnes, Thurs day, April 16 with thirteen mem bers in attendance. Pot luck lunch was enjoyed as usual and desserts were their project. Miss Mabel Sarbaugh was a welcome puest in the afternoon and de monstrated dessert making. Con tests were won by Gladys Boley and Cora Barnhouse. To Freeport We are sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoopingarner and Roberta Love moved to Freeport but wish them every success in their new home. Moving Around It seems a lot of folks are on the move hereabouts: Tommy Edwards and family into the esson property, Mrs. Florence Yonker and family into the Benny Bober house, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson into the Bertha Davis home vacated by the Hoooingai ners. I believe some one said Harry Morrison had moved into his house vacated hy Mrs. Yonker. Teacher 111 Mrs. Mildred Guiler was absent from school ("Belle Valley grade teacher) most of last week with an attack of bronchitis. Mildred's mother, Mrs. Sade Bond is re ported as feeling real well in deed, although still bedfast. I know her host of friends will be i'.lail to know :hr is coming aloii: For All Your Insurance Needs Howiler Insurance Service I'll one ^:.0-Wr OHIO The world's newest V8 Engine is one reason—an engine so compact it permits a chassis with short turning radius, wider front tread, easier steering, better balance. Twin-Turbine Dynaflow* with its daz zling new getaway and silky smoothness is another. Power Steering* is still another. And there's an AiRCONDiTiONER,f too! Th e thing to do, of course, is to visit us and try one of these great Buicks for room, for ride, for power —and for sheer comfort and pleasure. Why not make it soon? Standard on Roadmaster, optional at extra cost on other Series. -\Optional at extra cost in SuperatiU Roadmaiter Sedan and Rit-iera models. BMEB U. S. Route 21 South so nicely. Visit Parents Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Btown, Dixie and Diana were visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis, Thursday evening. Personals 'vViiiiam (Bill) Matheney is quite ill after suffering II some severe strokes. Mr. Lewis Bond was pleasantly surprised with a birthday dinner, April 17, given by his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bond at Bernard's home. Mr. Harvey Gorby and Mr. Austin Thomas will begin on the i edecoration of the interior of the Belle Valley Methodist church this week. As I was out "foraging" for news I found Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reed enjoying a very pleasant Sunday evening with Cora and Leone Barnhouse. You guessed it. 1 stayed and enjoyed the even ing with them. Mrs. Irene Uhl and Patty re cently accompanied Joan to Toledo where she is being given a special nurses training course. Irene and Patty then journeyed on to Detroit for a few days visit with relatives SPECIAL SUPER 4-Door A THE SFBING PICTURE! "CALDWELL MAID" MILK is strictly in the spirit of pep-up and-go that comes with Spring! Rich in vitamins, it gives every member of the family the stamina to ward off change of-season ailments builds vim and vigor for outdoor activities. Serve your family plenty of "Caldwell Maid" whole some, farm-fresh milk now! CALDWELL PK3EUCE CO. Phone 75 Caldwell World* newast \\V «. i Epical ON Sedon R,Wer0 Sed°n, \oD°fSf A&aStfo, & SEfl¥ICE Phone 72-M Caldwell, Ohio Pag* Hiree—B Cumberland CUMtffcKL.ANJJ Kev. and Mrs. David Hively, Mr. and Mrs. James Rennell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Mrs. Lillian Yerian and Miss Lois Klimeneckt attended a religious educational school for adults and superinten dents held at the First Methodist church in Cambridge on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stoneking of Zanesville, visited in the home of her parents, Anthony Tren ner's on Sunday. Mrs. Jewell Bond, who is re cuperating from a broken leg suffered on Christmas day, is spending sometime at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Manson in Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis, Mes dames Eleanor Harris and Lena Savgeot attended O.E.S. inspec tion at Bvesville on Friday even- Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Brown and children of Crooksville, spent Sunday in the Calvin Mellinger home. Mesdames Mildred Hcrron, Louella Martin, LInnie Dudley, Erma EllLs, Betty Frisbee, Eliza beth Barnett and Miss Alta Gregg attended Achievement Day meeting in Cambridge on TV'ev/s.'on treat— thf- BUICK CIRCUS HOUR ev»ry fourth Tuf,day Mas BU1CKX 2-0 o o mod I 4 Sedan --1 $2,755'J 7 "per r,cei svbi'rt l0 cwcy°"?'un"'«dut ""thout notice. BUICK Ut *6 CROII tliUlS 1