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Page Four—B SENECAVILIE NEWS SENECAVILLE The senior class of the high school left on Thursday evening for Cleveland where they visited most of the places of interest during the next two days. The journey was made by school bus. The class was ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Guiler. Society Meets The Helping Hand Society of the Presbyterian church was en tertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs. H. O. Harris at her home on Mill street. Mrs. Jessie Peach and Mrs. Harrison Singleton had charge of the devotionals and contests. Among the 111 Michael Secrest has been dis missed from the Guernsey Me morial hospital, after receiving treatment. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Secrest. Mrs. Elva Triplett was dismis sed Saturday from the G. M. hospital after receiving treat ment. Several children have been ab sent the past week from school, due to chicken pox which is quite prevalent. Dinner Guests Mrs. Virginia Hall recently en tertained with a family dinner lor her sister, Mrs. Mary LeLan sky of Calif. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joel McGuire and son of Cambridge, Mrs. Gertrude Galloway and Mrs. Dick Gallo way and daughters of Lore City. Mrs. LeLansky has returned to California. She was called here by the serious illness of her brother, W. B. Moorhead in Flint, Mich. Personals Mrs. Hattie Lowry and daugh ter, Mrs. Virginia Buckingham of Cleveland, spent Tuesday at the former's home here. Frank LePage of West Rich field, visited Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. C. C. Bird. He was ac companied here by Mr. C. A. Le Page who had been visiting there the past two weeks. Mrs. Millie Shriver has return ed after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Lois Willis in Columbus. Mrs. Mayme McKnight of Baltimore, Md.f has been visit ing her cousin, James R. David son and family. Miss Irene Cox visited at her home here, Thursday. Corporal Martin Duris, who has spent the past thirteen months in Korea, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Anna Duris. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Callahan and children of Newark, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Callahan. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Aplin of Canton, visited his grandmother and other relatives here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lerner of Troy, visited her father, S. C. Frame several days the past week. Rev. and Mrs. Floyd Gaugler and daughter, Viola, of Caldwell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mil ler of Senecaville route, Satur- Mrs. H. H. Morrison visited her sister, Mrs. Estella Berkfield on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Searle Hamilton of St. Louisville, are spending a few days at their cottage on Seneca Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cater and daughter of Columbus, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Saltsgaver, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ,James Lake of Columbus, spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Secrest. Mrs. Mferie Hopps of Pleasant City, recently visited her broth er, Frank Peach and wife. Mrs. Virginia Hall and daugh ter, Dorothy and son, Bob, and guest, Mrs. Mary LeLansky re cently visited Miss Ethel Peter son in East Liverpool and Mrs. Dorothy Carter and family, New Brighton, Pa. Zanesville Will Be Ready Soon! Yon Can Be Ready With 37ie SRoyatftf j*g S£t'ne Here's the greatest TV value we've ever offered!.. ri/Ytr 21" (246 sq. in.) PICTURE POWERFUL "K-53" CHASSIS AND AUTOMATIC STATION SELECTOR, PROVIDE PERFORMANCE BEYOND COMPARil It's a wonderful and an entirely new experience to watch television on this 1953 Zenith! Super-powered with the Hew "K-53" chassis with built-in provision for new UHF, pictures are •h arper, clearer and actually 20% brighter—unmarred by annoying glare or reflection—with far greate/ long distance reception. And with Zenith'sSuper Automatic Station Selector you get single-knob instant tuning. See it today and you'll be convinced Zenith Quality |TV is America's greatest television value? Brady's Radie & Appliance 515 West Street Phone 11 Caldwell Radio TV Headquarters SI* *279.95 (Intludtt fed. t*c. to*, OA* year tub« ond 90-day porli wcrrotty} Magnificent cabinet ot mahogany veneer and lelected hardwood*, hand-rubbed to a gleam* ing luster. Available with bat* a* 1 Indicated a* alight extra cost. Monthly Sarahsvilie QUAKER CITY Mrs. Ida B. Foraker, 80, died Wednesday morning at her home west of Salesville. She was born April 1, 1873 near Quaker City, the daugh ter of Wm. and Matilda Long Dillon. She was the last of a fam ily of six children. She was mar ried to Albert J. Foraker in Dec. 1893, who survives. Also three children, Basil Foraker of Quaker City, Mrs. Gail Mackley of Byesville, Mrs. Thelma Hixon of Salesville. There are five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. She was a mem ber of the Salesville Ev. U. B. church. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon at the Eberle funeral home with Rev. Leon VanDyke, pastor, of the Ev. U.B. church in charge and burial was in the church cemetery. Church Conference Dr. H. W. Peterson, district superintendent of Cambridge onducted quaterly conference at the local Methodist church, on Wednesday evening. Reports were given from Salesville, Bat esville and Wesley Chapel harges and other business tran sacted. Rev. Erdis Kollar, pastor of the church here for the past five years, has announced that he will request to be transferred to another charge when the north-east Ohio conference con venes in June. Rev. Kollar has many friends in both church and community who are sorry to lose him and family. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Robert Max and son, Robert, returned home on Friday evening. Mrs. Max and son spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Baird at New Knoxville. The Bairds are form er residents here. Mr. and Mrs. Willis1 Nichols and daughter of Barnesville, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lurid Cline, East Broadway. Omar Long, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long, south of town, left Thursday for Ft. Hayes. Those attending the district neeting of the W.S.C.S. held in Cambridge, Wednesday from here included Mrs. Erdis Kollar, Mrs. Edith Dollison, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Mrs. Hazel Smith, Mrs. irtha Johnson, Mrs. Cora Betts and Mrs. Mabel Coultas. Carol Sue Ball, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball was unong the group of piano pupils of Miss Mae Eberle, when they presented their recital at First Baptist church, Cambridge, Sat* urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown field and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Starr and family of Calais, were guests Sunday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Starr, Fair St. Mr. and Mrs. William Lucas spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. W. W. Brownfield of Bethesda. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carpen ter and son, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lucas. Mrs. Wallace Brunton of Cam bridge, spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hart ley. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens and Frank Bales on Sat urday included Mrs. Stevens' mother, Mrs. Thomas Woodward, Mrs. Earl Newman of Old Wash ington, Mrs. Walter Howell, Mrs. R. J. Boyd and Mrs. John Good win of Cambridge. The occasion honored the eighty-fifth birthday of the mother, Mrs. Woodward. Mrs. Robert Max and son spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Baird of New Knox ville. A Journal Classified Will Pay Dividends! Lightning Rods ARE A NECESSITY FOR CERTAIN CLASSES AND TYPES OF PROPERTY. IT IS A GOOD THING TO PROVIDE FOR ALL BUILDINGS. Lightning is no respecter of person* or property. It is most consistently dam* aging of all of Nature's elements, still it is the ONE DESTRUCTIVE FORCE THAT CAN BE CONTROLLED AND RENDERED HARMLESS. The application to any building of o "NATIONAL" approved and guaran teed LIGHTNING PROTECTION ran-* DN/ SYSTEM injures for that building -its contents, and those within the structure COMPLETE in* munity from the lightning hazard. LIGHTNING IS A "HEAVY HITTER AND ITS BATTING AVERAGE" IS HIGH. Lightning Kills-ItInjures—It Destroys. Many people are killed each year by lightning many more are crippled, injured, or shocked with disastrous effects. The average annual lightning Ion it in excess of $52,000,000.00 and every dollar of this loss represents preventable waste. O E A I E I N O A I O N O N S U O W I E O A Y National Lightning Protection Do, P. O. Box 384 Marietta, Ohio THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL. OHICl HONOR STUDENTS AT SARAHSVILLE \'-y ROSE M. WILLIAMS EVELYN L. GOODWILL Miss Rose Marie Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney R. Williams of Mt. Ephraim is the valedictorian of the graduating class of Sarahsvilie high school. Miss Evelyn Lou Goodwill, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Goodwill of Sarahsvilie is the saluto torian. Baccalaureate services for the class will be held May 10. Commencement exercises will be held May 13. The senior class will take a trip to Washington, D. C., May 8 to 10. SARAHSVI SARAHSVILLE Mrs. Mar gret Forshey visited last week with Mrs. Brettie Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. James Young of Alliance, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farley of Canton, visited recently with Mrs. Maime Smith. Carol and Ruth Elliott and Joy Kirk spent Sunday in Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore and children, Diana and Donnie spent the weekend in Columbus with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vorhies and daughters, Sandra Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gabb and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Poulton of Marietta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Depew sizfa Mrs. Maggie Philips. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Collins of Caldwell, visited Sunday with Mrs. Willard Stottsberry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rochus were in Wheeling on business on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ott Shafer and family, Mrs. Madge Nichols spent Sunday at McConnelsville, visit ing with Mr. Myron Larrick and family. Mrs. Mary Sullivan returned home after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sul livan, Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens have moved into the Archer pro perty recently occupied by Chet Feldner. Mrs. Luna Butler and Mrs. Pluma Smith visited with Mrs. Nettie Clark, recently, at her home in Green Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mellon and son, Jimmy, of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mellon and family of Ava, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mo I & W .'"S- LLE NEWS ion of Weirton, W. Va., visited Miss Delia Mellon over the week end. Mrs. Mark Rossiter spent Fri day in Zanesville visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore. Mrs. Lucy Moore, who has been spending the past few months with her daughter in Ironton, was visiting here Mon day with friends and relatives*, Walnui Ridge VVALi* u Mi', and Mrs. Hobert Feldner and chil dren and Earl Horton were Sun day visitors at M. I. Horton's. Mr. and Mrs. William Horton and Mr. and Mrs. George Horton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Horton and children of Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dick and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smithberger. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Horton were callers at Lewisville, Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family spent Thursday evening at O. O. Horton's. Mrs. Lala Smithberger has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Horton were visitors at O. O. Horton's the weekend. Rev. Brown and I. H. King of Sum morfiold, w^re callers in this vicinity, Monday. ALWAYS DRIVE CAREFULLY Its your move Mister and you sure can make it! Sarahsvilie it. 1 SAKAHS VlLLE ROUTE —Mrs. Rebecca Pettay is reported seri ously ill at the home of her son, Fred Pettay and wife at Troy. Her daughter, Mildred Carter of this place was called to her bed side. Mr. and Mrs. George Young purchased the general store and service station from Mr. and Mrs. Steve Clark ofc this place and will be known as Young's service and have a full line of groceries and ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Reed of Zanesville, called on relatives and friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Knox were business callers in Cam bridge recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mellon have removed their dwelling home here and are erecting a new bungalow on the same site. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shafer were shopping in Caldwell, Saturday. Rev. John Grimes will be on his regular appointments Sunday as he is very much improved. Mrs. Cora Lamps was greeting old friends in Caldwell, Satur day after spending the winter in Detroit, Mich., with her daugh ter. Nt. Ephraim MT. LPIiliAIAl Several members of the W.S.C.S. attend ed the district meeting in Cam bridge last week. Mrs. Rosa Shackle of Cam bridge, visited Louella Pringle recently. Harrison Warner and family and James Mendenhall and fam ily visited Hazel Powell, Sun day. Warren Miley, wife and daugh ter 6f Pleasant City, was calling on friends, Sunday. Clyde Finley and family of Canton, visited T. R. Bates re cently. George Mason and wife of Marietta, were visiting Wallace Rich and wife over the weekend Arthur Rich and wife were Cambridge shoppers last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Mathews and daughter of Zanesville, visit ed F. R. Miley and family on Sunday. Joseph Beattey and family of Zanesville, were dinner guests of Roy C. Archer, Sunday. Halleck Secrest, wife and son of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs Clark Williams of Zanesville, were visiting A^N. Secrest and wife, Sunday. Hiley Shafer visited her sistcfr, Anna Miley the weekend. George Kent and mother of Sarahsvilie, were calling on J. W. Caldwell and wife and Arthur Moore and family recently. ELSWICK Y™ Ve probably heard the news by now. A bout the dazzling getaway and performance of this 1953 Buick SPECIAL. A bout its new record-high horsepower and com pression its more velvety Million Dollar Ride its bettered handling—its luxurious new comfort, trim, appointments. But have you heard the happiest part of the story? You can step into this rich, roomy, robust-powered Buick for just a few dollars more than you pay for the "low-priced" cars. That's fact and we show our delivered price to prove if But look beyond the extra room and comfort and power and thrill you get for the money in this Buick, and you discover something else: You find a whale of a lot of important little things are provided here as standard equipment that most -WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM- BAKER SALES ft SERVICE, U. S. ROUT! 21 SOUTH, CALDWELL, 0. DEXTER Ci'i'V Maniord Young of Canton, took his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young up for a few weeks.' His wife and children are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Burkhart of Keithtown. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Carroll and grandchildren of the route, and Nelda Griggs were at Marietta on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Jim McCowan of Marietta, were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sullivan. Mrs. Cora Gardner returned to her home after spending the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hutcheson and family of Alliance. Richard Hutcheson of Kent University, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hutcheson. Several from here were Cald well shoppers, Saturday. Baccalaureate service will be this Sunday evening at 7:30 in the Dexter City church. There are thirty seniors to graduate and Tuesday evening, May 12th is our commencement in the school auditorium. Mrs. George Ackley (Zelda Talber) is a patient in a hospi tal in Mass. Several attended the fourth quarterly conference held at the Macksburg church, Sunday even ing, May 3rd. Dr. Peterson, our district superintendent, preach ed. A reception was held in the basement after the service. W.S.C.S. will meet at the home Si' ^4 mi CITY The only perfect answer to spare problems .. authentic cally-styled Tell City Chairs that fold away for storage. Tell City Folding Chairs are exactly identical to regular T'nur n* 7, 195* DEXTER CITY HEWS- of Clara M-so ley with Bill Sanford of Canton, spent the weekend at his home here. Pauline ELBA Carrie Stack was to your dining set or living room without spoiling your decorator effects, Come in today and torn this neu folding rhair the only pcriod-gtyled cludr thrt McVAY FURNITURE STORE Phone 155 North Street other cars of similar price charge as extras—things like direction signals, oil-bath air cleaner, full flow oil filter, dual map lights, trip-mileage indicator, automatic glove-box light. So—it's up to you, good sir. It's up to you to look into this terrific, thrill-packed 1953 Buick SPECIAL. It's up to you to try it compare it and see for yourself it's a buy you can't deny. Why not drop in this week? Television treat-the BUICK CIRCUS HOUR—every fourth Tuesday ri *2252.88 buys a Buick —the new 1953 Buick SriCIAI 2-Door, 6-Passenger Sedan Model 48D, illustrated. DELIVERED LOCALLY. Opiiufiol equipment, oci.cssoiies, stole and local taxes, if any, additional. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities due to shipping charges. All prices subject to change without notice. THE GREATEST BUICK BO 6REAT YEARS I4A 'A w Mrs. Edna Vaughn and Mrs. Melba Batten as co-hostesses, Thursday evening. Mrs. Jerry Bird( Mary Jean Sanford) is a patient in St. Fran cis hospital. Table Boord received word from her sister, Zelda Ack ley where she flew to her daugh ter, Ruby Ackley Jenson home in Pasadena, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison and daughter of Caldwell, were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchel and family of the route. Elroy Boord of Marietta, spent the weekend at his home. Elba in Caldwell, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Addles berger and children were Sun day callers at Middleburg. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hesson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hesson, Iva Hesson, Wilda and Wilma Jackson and Gene and Homer Hesson were in Caldwell on Saturday. B. C. Schillings of Cambridge, spent Thursday with his sister, Mrs. John Hesson. C. C. Wharton, Jr. and daugh ter of Burgesstown, Pa., spent the weekend with his father, C. C. Wharton, Sr. Carrie Stack spent Sunday with Minnie Moose at Macksburg. I •A