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lVfay 7 Quaker City Man Takes Own Life Willis Harris, 55, Found Dead In Barn Willis Harris, 55, died of a self inflicted .22 rifle wound early Sunday morning. The Quaker City farmer took his own life in the barn near his home. The bullet had entered his right temple. Death was ruled a suicide by Guernsey county authorities. He had been in ill health Rev. Erdis Kollar officiated at funeral services Tuesday after noon at the Eberle funeral home in Quaker City. Burial was in Friends cemetery. Deceased was a native of Noble county, where he was born June 13, 1897, the son of Frank and Anna Flood Harris. He had lived near Quaker City for 33 years. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of Earl Conner Post, American Legion at Quaker City. He was a member of the Quaker City Methodist church. His* wife, Almeda Hall Harris, survives also a daughter, Mrs. Martha Ann Johnson, Cambridge his mother, Mrs. Anna Harris of the home and the following brothers and sisters, George Harris of Weirton, W. Va., Ralph of near Quaker City, Richard of Quaker City, Mrs. Dorotha Fin ley of Lewisburg, W. Va., Mrs. Mary Ault of Cleveland and Mrs. Richard Eberle of Quaker City. RHit ROCK HUDSON JULIA ADA/%' with MARY CASTLE JOHN St oxY SC.- MBHtr JtMKF Attrr Hit an mm Week After Week Wednesday-Thursday, May 6-7 LINDA DARNELL GARY MERRILL HILDEGAK!F NFFF "NIGHT WITHOUT SLEEP" Friday-Saturday, May 8-9 STANLEY CLEMENTS KAKHARA BESTAR "WHITE LIGHTNING" WrLI BILL ELLIOTT "THE MAVERICK" Sunday-Monday-Tuesday May 10-11-12 THE GREATEST GUNFIGHTER OF THEM ALL! w tjhljes JLtA^ ny w McINTIRE Wednesday-Thursday, May 13-14 JEAN SIMMONS TREVOR HOWARD "THE CLOUDED YELLOW" —Co-Feature— "WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS" In Trhnk'(l'[" HEX HARRISON Miracle of ff yw Lm- mm V4 X&l WHIZ-TV, Zanesville, To Telecast Games With summer just around the corner, dyed-in-the-wool base ball fans of the Zanesville area ire getting set for a big feast of baseball action this year, by way of WHIZ-TV telecasts of the Cleveland Indians games under sponsorship of the Pfeiffer Brew ing Company. Officials of the station are making plans to give audiences top service on these games during the coming season. Arrangements of the WHIZ-TV baseball schedule call for tele casting many of the Indians' home games. Also, due to the tremendous response from fans on the TV coverage of outstand ing road games last year, many of the Cleveland's most important games away from home this year will be telecast over WHIZ-TV. Pfeiffer's great team of an nouncers again will cover the reporting with Bob Neal calling the plays and "Red" Jones pro viding the color. Classifieds Pay Dividends DRiVEiN AND THEATRE On U. S. Route 21 North of Byesville Thursday-Friday, May THE FOUR POSTER Saturday, May 9—Double Feature FEDERAL MAN" WILLIAM HENRY PAMELA BLAKE. Second Feature SON OF RENEGA! A WESTERN FEAT U His ALSO CARTOON Sundav-!\lnday, May 10-11 ONE MINUTE TO ZERO ROBERT MlfT( ANN B« V I II Tuesday-Wednesday, May 12-13 ft LiLLi I'ALJILK Lady Our Faiima of Stunning Staggering Breath-taking! A STORY THAT YOU'LL NEVER FORGET! y ff tfS-t 1 N A E St.»e 'Unite 40 West Three Minutes from City Limits of Cambridge Thursday-Friday, May 7-8 "BRONCO BUSTER" Is Tci-hniv JOHN LUND SCOTT BRADY "PEKING EXPRESS" JOSEPH COTTEN COR1NNE CALVERT CARTOON NEWS Saturday, May 9 "Great Missouri Raid" In T'.vbnin i]h" WENDELL COREY ELLEN DREW "THE FIRST TIKE" ROBERT CI MMINGS BARBARA HALE CARTOON NEWS Sunday-Monday, May 10-11 "BECAUSE OF YOU" »F FF CHANDLER LORETTA YOUNG "Alice In Wonderland" WALT Dili-SLY C-UilOON In Technicolor CARTOON NEWS Tuesday-Wednesday, Mav 12-13 "PASSAGE WEST" In Technicolor JOHN PAYNE DENNIS O'KEEFE "DARK CITY" CilAiiLTO": iiLiTON CARTOON fmmmm— V if n( i vk ©mors |Q") If it's advertised Tn The Journal S iv so vnrn you are linying. IE fHE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Mrs. R. G. DeArment, state ad viser on women's activities for the foundation and Miss Gaie Denn, state representative for the foundation, were present to outline for the group the forth coming education and patient care activities to be conducted by women's groups District meeting such as this are preliminary to a state-wide women's polio preparedness meeting to be held in Columbus on May 11. It is expected that Mrs. Flem ing will also attend this meeting. Burt LANCASTER Shirley BOOTH, with TERRY MOORE 4 ff Gountian Attends Polio Meeting IN A district women's polio meet ing was held Saturday at the Hotel Lafayette in Marietta and Noble county was represented by Mrs. Charlotte Fleming. M, f. At,'/#'"1#*!*.A r?w ftMi s & i\ y%m Glou &4»kQKf0 Diversion Terrace Nears Completion A new farm pond has been completed on the farm of John Carter, near Sarahsville, accord ing to a report from the local of fice of the Noble Soil Conserva tion district. This pond is expected t? water in the neighborhood of 20,000 head of poultry, in addition to providing water for the barn. Alva Watson is nearing com pletion of the development of an 800 ft. diversion terrace for con servation measures on his farm on Sarahsville R.F.D. Spring development, ponds and drainage projects are the "order of the day" for the Noble Soil Conservation district officials. Strip cropping is about completed for this year. Wed.-Thurs., Mav 6-7 I' THE WILD HEART" JENNIFER JONES FRIDAY-SATURDAY, MAY 8-9 BUFFDliO BILL in Tomahawk Territory •nar" SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY, MAY 10-11-12 THAT GIRL IN HIS HOUSIJ. i. She Spelled Trouble! XT? i WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, MAY 13-14 BORIS KARLOFF BEL GOSI Kfsr*riY y wtJ I FRANCES DEE TOM »Y\\ w til urn with I Hawftffeia* Will* SNATGHBS" A ZOMBIE" ialdwell Seniors To Present Comedy "January Thaw" by William loos is the sprightly comedy to be presented by the senior class of Caldwell high school, Friday evening, May 15, at 8:15. The cast includes Rose Lich warcik, Wesley Marshall, Peggy McGregor, Judy Ball, Joyce Frederickson, Patsy Caldwell, Harley Fowler, Sam Ditch, Mary belle Pilcher, Rodney Jennings, Gene Briggs, Bob Evilsizer and Tim Tarleton. Those serving on various com rr.itteees are A1 Christopher, Russell Keith, Harold Nau, Johnnie Neely, Thad Picken paugh, Andy Safigan, Rose Lich warcik, Hilda Merritt, Lillian Miller, Alice Stritz, Bernice Schafer, Joan Crock, Betty Schockling, Erma Johnson, Clara Smith, Katy Snodgrass and Patsy Caldwell. Tickets, being sold by the eniors, may be reserved at [enry's Restaurant at no extra harge. Tickets may also be pur chased there. The play is under the direction Byron Steen. Officials To Clamp Down On Motorists -iwcll i.-ha! .lack Oliver has been given orders to "clamp down" on local motorists who consistently ignore the Stop signs at numerous intersections in the village of Caldwell. Mayor Homer Johnson wished to issue a warning before actual arrests are made. He said, "Those signs were put there for a good purpose. Last year, 2530 persons were killed, and 375,360 were injured, because operators fail ed to obey Stop signs." It will be remembered that last summer, a state highway patrolman made eight arrests within one hour, where Mill street meets state route 285 and the Pennsylvania railroad. Most of those drivers arrested for failing to stop there, had forgot ten, by constantly driving on that there was a Stop sign on the corner. McConnelsville Plant To Hold Open House "Open, llc.-.isc" at th- McCon nelsville plant, Cleveland Grap hite Bronze company, will be held Wednesday and Thursday June 10 and 11, according to an announcement received here. It is expected that a large num ber of business men and others from Noble county will visit the sister plant to Caldwell on one of these two days. An interesting program will be prepared and high ranking of ficials from the main Cleveland plant will be in attendance. W* j£ Yoafh Meeting At presbyterian LOOK HERE No flues or vents! An electric water heater doesn't need.'em...there just aren't any fumes or soot to be carried away. No heat lost up the chimney. In* stalls anywhere. Trimmer EjSEBI Only an these aovair.,-.p..! Church The Westminster Youth Fel lowship of the First Presbyterian church will be host to the youth fellowship groups of the Seneca ville and Cumberland Presbyter ian churches on Sunday, May 10. The service will begin at 3:30 m. and the groups later enter tained with supper. In the even ing the young people will have charge of the worship service at 7:30. A film "More for Peace" will be shown. The public is cor dially invited to attend. lonor Roll Students :or Forest Grove High Honor r'lil ar.'i i" -T.•( fi ance students for Forest Grove high school has been announced by F. M. Guthrie, superintendent. They are as follows: Perfect attendance James Paxton, Ruth Morris and Edward Ogle, seventh grade Delmar Boyd and Janet Mendenhall, eighth grade. Honor roll Ruth Morris and Kimmie Pickenpaugh, seventh grade Janet Mendenhall, Reb ecca Blake and Gerald Elliott, eighth grade. Perfect attendance Edgel Ogle, Rita Paxton, Mildred Pick enpaugh and Carol Morris, ninth grade Ralph Long, Donna Mae Wiley and Lowene Willey, tenth grade. Honor roll Lowene Willey, tenth grade Janet Ogle and Gene White, eleventh grade Jean Ogle, twelfth grade. Perfect attendance Gene White, Janet Ogle, Carol Boyd, Ruth Paxton, Eileen Johnson, Charlene Hage, eleventh grade Larry Archibald and Jean Ogle, twelfth grade. Two quick looks tell appearance^ water heater offers LOOK HERE No pilot light! That means it's electric, too. It means heat's applied from within. means maximum I safety ness. Only an offers this ad van t, and cleanli wa^,er Yes...look twice before you buy. offers MORE. Set your dealer! pffl 3*« OHIO POWER c* SZ? ft c. DANCING —At— CLUB- 21 U.S.Route21 NearByesvillc e a u i n SENTIMENTAL TRIO Friday Nights RHYTHM MASTERS Sunday Nights Here's your smartest water heater buy1 yes: Pag? Thl»# Revival Speaker •sj .X- '-a* 5 KC iiiV. DAViii WiiLLb Rev. David M. Wells and his wife, Margaret, will be the evan gelist in charge of revival meet ings at the Archer's Ridge church which opens May 12 and con tinues thru May 22. Rev. Wells is pastor of the Free Methodist church at Petersburg, Mich. He is a native of Noble county and a graduate of Spring Arbor semin ary Spring Arbor, Mich. Mrs. Wells will do youth work during the revival. Services will be conducted each evening at 7:30 o'clock and at 9:30 a. m. on Sunday. John Grimes is the pas tor and the public is invited: ATTEND RALLY Jeaneen Ball, Kay Heddleson and Jean Ann Rucker, members of the Westminster Fellowship of the First Presbyterian church, attended a spring youth rally held at Flushing on Sunday, May 3. There were accompanied by Mrs. Richard Bali. a A»y-*