Newspaper Page Text
-.Thursday, May 7, 1953 -DEATH NOTICES- Caroline* Holschuh Mrs. Caroline Ullman Hol schuh, 88, Lower Salem, died on Tuesday morning at her home there. A native of Noble county, she was born April 9, 1865, in Elk township. In June, 1883, she was married to Adam Holschuh and he died in 1944. Her survivors include three .sons, John Holschuh of Stafford, Clarence E. of Lower Salem and lienjamin F. of Kankakee, 111. two daughters, Mrs. Rufus Icen ogle of Marietta and Mrs. Anna Sinithberger of the home two brothers, Henry Ullman of Staf ford and John Ullman of Colum bus one sister, Mrs. Louise Unger of Lower Salem 10 grandchil dren 12 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. One son is deceased. She was a lifelong member of the Zion Evangelical and Re formed church near Harrietts ville. Services will be held Friday at 2:00 p. m. at the Warner Evan gelical and Reformed church and burial will be in Salem Twp. cemetery. Henry S. Becker Henry S. Becker, 79, retired fanner of the Harriettsville com munity, died at his home Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, follow ing a short illness. The deceased was born and reared in Elk township, where he spent his entire life. He was a member of St. Henry's Catholic church. Surviving are his wife, Mary L. Bishop Becker and four sons, Clemens, Urban, Ray and Gilbert all of Lower Salem route three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Henry and Mrs. Florentine Frye, both of Cleveland and Mrs. Josephine Weppler of Van Guard, Canada. The body was taken to the Estadt funeral home and will re main there until 8:30 Friday eve ning, when it will be taken to St. Henry's church at Harriettsville. Requiem high mass will be sung by the pastor, Rev. Fr. McNich olas at 9:30 o'clock. Interment will be in Mt. Olivet cemetery, Caldwell. Members 'of St. Henry's Holy Name society will recite the rosary at the Estadt funeral home, Thursday evening, begin ning at 8:00 o'clock. George Everitt George Everitt, 59, of Colum bus, brother-in-law of Mrs. Wade Gillespie, of Fairground street, died Sunday at 4:00 a. m. enroute to the hospital. Death was attri buted to a heart attack. He is survived by his wife, the former Helen Archer, well known in Caldwell, three children, five grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. at thre Cook funeral home in Columbus and interment made there. Mrs. Gillespie left Monday for Columbus and will remain with her sister until Sunday. USED CABS 1950 BUICK Super 4-Dr. Sedan 1951 FORD 2-Door Sedan 1950 CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan 1950 FORD DeLuxe 4-Door 1950 DODGE Coronet 4-Door 1949 PONTIAC 4-Door 1947 BUICK 4-Dr. Sedan 1940 DODGE Coupe 1939 PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan i it? & I 1951 STUDEBAKER Pickup 1948 WILLYS Platform Stake 1949 FORD Cab and Chassis 158-inch Wheelbase New Machinery New 45-1 Balers Now ready for delivery! SUES & SERVICE U. S. Route 21—South one 7^-iVT Caldwell. Ohio barah R. Allen Mrs. Sarah Read Allen, 49, wife of Delbert C. Allen, form erly of Summerfield. died at hei home in Pittsburgh, Pa., Satur day, April 23. Funeral services were held on Monday at 1:00 o'clock m. from the Slater funeral home with Rev. William G. Rouch of ficiating. Interment was made the Jefferson Memorial park. Surviving are her husband Delbert four daughters, Mr Lily Ruth Michler of Pittsburg Pa. Lois, Betty and Faye of tl home three sons, Donald Miami, Fla., Read of Pittsburg and Merle of Camp Gordon, Gj three granddaughters and tw grandsons and two sisters, Mi Agnes Read Jones of Bealsvil and Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher ui Powhattan Point. There is one brother, Charles Read, whose ad dress is unknown. Sherman H. DeVolld Sherman H. DeVolld, 80, native of Noble county, died Saturday morning at Cleveland, following an ^{tended illness. He was the son of David and Lavine Arndt DeVolld and went to Cleveland in 1912. Funeral services were held at the McVay funeral home Tuesday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Rev. L. E. Pritchard of the Caldwell First Presbyterian church and Rev. Lester S. Evans of Cambridge were officiating ministers. Burial was in Olive cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Bess Collinsworth DeVolld one daughter one granddaughter two great grandchildren and one brother, Charles, of Cleveland. One brother and two sisters, in cluding Mrs. Lillian Hune of Caldwell, who died on April 14, are deceased. Mrs. Mary Simmons Mrs. Mary Simmons, 57, wife of Claude Simmons of Reiners ville, died Friday morning at the family home there. The family had moved to Rein ersville from Akron nine years ago. Mrs. Simmons was a native of Indiana. In addition to her husband, she leaves 11 children: Sister Bene diet, Mrs. Gertrude Rollyson, Mrs. Patricia DeMarco, Mrs. Francis Walters, Mrs. Agnes Lemon, Claude and Joseph of Akron, Miss Anne Simmons of the family home, James of the U. S. Army in Washington, Robert of the U. S. Army in Korea and David of the U. S. Army in Ken tucky. Her lather survives, also lour grandchildren and four sis ters. The body was taken to the Mc Curdy funeral home in Beverly Funeral arrangements are in complete. Sanford Infant The infant son of Loren G. and Mary Eleanor Everly Sanford died shortly after birth at Uni versity hospital, Columbus, Tues day. Graveside services were held Thursday afternoon at Olive cemetery. Arrangements were in charge of the Murphy funeral home. The parents live near Sarahs ville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Warden Everly and George Sanford, Caldwell route. U A I Y 1951 Willys Station Wagon New type 4-cylinder "F" head engine Heater Overdrive Clean One 1947 Studebaker Champion 2~Door Heater Overdrive Clean 1947 Dodge 4-Door Heater A nice running car at the right price. 1946 Packard 4-Door Radio Heater 1937 Dodge Sedan Has new rebuilt engine with around 8000 miles since in stalled Good work car. 1947 Indian Chief Motorcycle With extras New rubber. Trucks 1951 Studebaker l/2~Ton Pickup Heater Extra good tires. 2 1949 Studebaker l/2-Ton Pickups One owner Trade-in on new cars. BUGKEY MOTiiH SALES Plione G5 Caldwell v% W% WW* Nonagenarian Dies in EUPHRASIA MALLETT Mrs. Euphrasia Horton Mallett, 96, a lifelong resident of Noble county, died Tuesday morning. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Mason, Caldwell route 1, following a lingering illness. Mrs. Mallett was a lifelong member of the Wesleyan Meth odist church. Her husband, William Mallett, died in 1940. In addition to the daughter, at whose home she died, she is sur vived by two sons, W. W. Mallett of Harriettsville route 1 and C. W. Mallett of Springfield three brothers, Welcome Horton of Summerfield route 1, Gale Hor ton of Summerfield and John Horton of Berne two grandchil dren and 31 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be con ducted Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Mallett funeral home, Stafford. Rev. J. V. A Taylor will officiate at the ser vices and burial will be in the Summerfield cemetery. Everett E. Dyer Everett E. Dyer, 74, lifelong resident of the Belle Valley com munity, was found dead in bed, Thursday morning at 6:00 o'clock by his wife. Death was apparent ly due to a heart attack. The son of George and Louisa Dyer, the deceased was born near Belle Valley, Jan. 27, 1879 and lived in that vicinity all of his life. He was a retired coal miner. His wife, Bertha Ralph Dyer survives, in addition to the fol lowing brothers: Charles, Ken neth and Guy Dyer, all of Akron The body was taken to the Mc Vay funeral home. Funeral ser vices were held Saturday at the Belle Valley Methodist church with Rev. William Foster officiating. Burial was made in Halley's Ridge cemetery. Charles M. McBride Funeral services l'or Charles McBride, 72, Car! Saksr International of Dresden, were held Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock at St. Michael's Catholic church, Berne. Rev. Fr. Joseph Gardner officiated at the requien high mass. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. McBride died Thursdav. LEAVE FOR WEST Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Harper, West street, are leaving Sunday lor a trip to the Western states They plan to attend the Petrol eum Exposition at Tulsa, Okla. which begins May 14. Dr. Harp er's office on Cumberland street will be closed until further notice They will also visit with their son, Earl Harper and family of Tulsa. AT CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Otis G. King of Summerfield were in Cincinnati Friday and Saturday attending the 24th annual meeting for Motorists Mutual agents. The convention was held at the Neth erland Plaza hotel. truck. Sshso! THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL. OHIO Al Carl Baker of the Baker Sales and Service, local International motor truck dealer has just re turned from a meeting at the rnternational Harvester Com pany's Paikersburg, W. Va., dis trict offices at which the com pany announced a substantial reduction in the retail prices of its new R-Lino light, medium and light-heavy duty truck models. The price reductions, accord ing to Baker, cover*the Com pany's R-110, 120, 130, 150, 160, 170, and 180-model series, rang ing from its smallest pickup trucks through those of the 19,500 pound rated capacity. The downward price adjust ments range from 3.5% on the R-180 series to 10.6% on the R 120 pickup models. They range from a minimum of $87 to a maximum of $152 on former list prices. The overall price reduc tion in these weight categories amounts to about 6.7 per cent. In a statement accompanying the price reduction announcement John L. McCaffrey, the company's president, said: "Since the end of World Wa^ II we have centered an increas ing share of our engineering and production efforts on the job of building the kind of high per formance, high-efficiency vehi cle which this market demands, We have been increasing our share of participation in the light through light-heavy duty truck markets in 1953, but we still want more. "In appraising our truck manu facturing operations for the re mainder of this year and even farther into the future, our con siderations led us to the natural economic advantages for our cus tomers and our truck plant em ployes to be gained from possible price reductions in those categor ies of trucks. We decided to take the bold step of planning increas ed production at our. Springfield, Ohio, plant and other Harvester plants, whei'e these lighter trucks and components are built. "This will have the beneficial effect of helping our customers with a better price on a better quality tri^ck and our employes with better employment opport unities." McCaffrey pointed out that Harvester had long been the na tion's number one producer of heavy duty motor trucks. Harves ter presently ranks third in the sale of all categories of motor trucks in the United States. LEGAL NOTICE IN Til K COMMON Pl.KAS COUHfr OP Nllltl.K COUNTY. OlUOi KENNETH KIMBLE, l'luin'iff, WILMA KIMBLE, Defendant. No. 9326 WiJma Kimble who resides at Camer on, West Virginia, is hereby notified thiit Kenneth Kimble has filed his peti tion dKuinst her fur divorce in Case No. 9in the Common Hean Court of Noble County, Ohio, and that said cause will be for hearing on or after the 19th day of June, 1953. Light, Medium, and Light-Heavy Duty Come in today see, drive and compare before you buy. Your old truck may equal the down payment. Convenient terms, of course. L. C. VOUNG, Attorney for Plaintiff. 44 45 46 47 4H 49 jtup 01 Ohio, Superintendent ot Insurance, Cer 'if..:ate ot Compliance-lhe undetsigneo, Supt. 01 ns ot the Stale u! Ohio, he'eby certifies that GIHAROlAN INSURANCE COMPANY, whose principal )Hice is locaiea at Dallas. State ot exas, naj :nrnplieo with trie laws or this State applicable to and is authorized during the current year lo transact in this Slate its appropriate Business of nsuranre its financial condition Is shown oy its annual statement to have Deen as follows on December 31, J952: Aggregate amount ot available assets. $i,bU2.492.95 agprega'e amount ot liabil ties (except capital) including reinsurance reserve. 53,661 83 net assets. $1,498,831 12: amount or irtuai paid up canitai, $500,000 00 surplus, $998, •531.12 tficome tor the year, $1,488,734.45 expen -litures for the year, $5,365.28. IN WITNtSS WHEREOF. I have hereunto sub scribed my nams and caused my seal to be affixed it Columbus. Ohio, this day and date, April 3. .953. Walter A. Robinson, Supt. of Insurance of ihif) (SeaH ADDING MACHINE PAPER, roll 20c, 3 for 50c. The Jour nal, Caldwell, Ohio. NOTICE—Desk calendars, com plete, and refills. All sizes. The Journal-Leader office, Cald well, Ohio. tf International Trucks—"Standard of the Highway" Baker Sales & Service Phone 72 U. S. Route 21 South AT TOTAL ASSETS Capital* TOTAL TOTAI Bank No. 543 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK CALDWELL, COUNTY OF NOBLE, IN THE STATE OF AT THE CXUii. OF BUSINESS ON A PHIL 20, 19S3. ASSETS Caan, balances with other banka, including reserve balance, and cash items in pruceH* of collection United State? Goverrirm-nt obliuationH diropt and guaranteed .jMigatioiiH of State* and political nubdiviHiong Olhfr ixukIh, notes, and debeiituu-H Corporate itooks (including none ?tock of Federal Reserve bank) Loanh and discounts (including i3,702.99 overdrafts) Bank premise* owned $10..'00.00, furniture and fixtures $11,208.62 (Bank premises owned are subject to no liens not assumed bunk) Real estate ownfd other than bank premiites Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank prenn.-r* or other real ectate Customers' liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding Other assets LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .... lime deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Depos. s of United States Government (incluiiim postal sovintrs) Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of hanks Other deposits (certified and officer's checks, etc.* TOTAL DKFOSITS *3.S»2,SlU5 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other Hens: none on bank premises and none on other real e«tate Accepts-!!-.' executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding Other liabilities (including $129,606.1*4 deposits hypothecated under S e i o n 7 1 0 1 0 .TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated '.iblii'ation* shown below) CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Surplus Undivided profits Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS S3.952 159 •This bank's capital consists of no capital notes and deben tures first preferred s.toi'k with total par value of none, total retirable value none second pti-feried stock with total pat value of none, total retirable value none, and common .stock with total par value of $75,000.00. MEMORANDA Pledged assets (and securities loaned) ('.ook value) (a) U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities (b) Other assets pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold under repurchase agreement) (c) Assets pledged to tiualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure liabilities (d) Securities loaned Secured and preferred liabilities— (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law (b) Borrowings secured by pledged assets (Including rediscounts and repurchase agreements) Other liabilities secured by pledged assets (d) Deposits preferred under provisions of law but not se.-ujvti by pledged assets Subordinated obligations: (a) Unpaid dividends on preferred stock and unpaid interest on capital notes and debentures, accrued to end of !a*t divideuU or interest period, not included in liabilities or reserves above (b) Other obligations, not included in liabilities, which are subor* dinated to claims of depositors and other creditors The following items are published pursuant to state law (a) 1* tinds on deposit by Trust Department which are preferred under Section 710-10" (i. STATE OF OHIO. COUNTY OF NOBLE, ss: I, Paul G. McGlashan, assistant cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. PAUL G. McGLASHAN. We can only have one Mother, Patient, kind and true, No other friends in all this world, Will be so kind and true. For all her loving kindness She ask nothing in return, If all the world deserts you, Tq Mother you can turn. Many tears you have caused her When you weer sad or ill. Maybe many sleepless nights, Tho' grown you caused her still, So every time you leave her, Or when you come and go, Give her a kind word and a kiss, It is what she craves I know We can only have one Mother, None else can take her place, You can't tell how soon you'll need her Till you miss her loving face. Be careful how you answer her, Choose every word you say, Remember she is your mother, Tho now she is old and gray We can only have one Mother, Oh, take her to your heart, You can not tell how soon the time, That you and she must part, Let her know you love her dearly Cheer and comfort her each day, You can never get another When she has passed away. Sadly missed by her daughter, Virginia Watson and Children. OFFICE SUPPLIES Card Holder Pins Paper fasteners (100 in box) Typing paper Adding machine paper THE JOURNAL Does your tractor start hard? "ping" on hard pulls? waste oil? rt OHIO, S 4tM.273.7# i »1»,G42.05 fi3.33%.00 None $1,796,083.56 $ 21.70S.C2 None LOO None None i 1.355.35 «3.952,1.19.36 $1.221,025. HO $1,976,772.36 2,025.00 $ 169,977.27 &.000,00 i 175,000.00 116,951.77 12,000.00 37K.931.77 "1.145.00 I lOO.OOO.OO 124,146.00 None None S 224,145.00 $ 211,7 l-i 11 None None 2.025.00 Assistant Cashier (Seal) Correct—Attest HOMER JOHNSON, EDWARD G. DITCH, W. J. SCHOTT- Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me (his 1st day of May 1953 IN MEMORY A Mother's Day remembrance of Mom, Mrs. Bernice Crum, who left us so suddenly Feb. 4,1953. MARY M. HANES. Notarv Public My con,mission e\pii-:' Nov. 8. 1953 LEGAL NOTICE In the I'robate Court of Moble Comity. Ohio. Case No. f871 MIKE SAR1SKY. •ten. As Executor of Mary Km —vs.-— MARY SIIUBERT, et. al. The nnkn iwn heirs, of Mary Keres tes, deceased, will take notice that Mike Sarisky, executor of the e: tate of M.iry Heresies, deceased, on March 31. l'.'.'i.'J, filed bis petition in llie I'robate Court, in and for Noble County, Ohio aileiririK that the personal estate of thy decedent is insufficient to puy her debt and the charges of administering her estate: that she died siezed in fee sim pie of the following described reul es tate: Situate in the County of Noble, Township of Noble, and beinK Frac tion No. 3 of the NE'i of the NE',4 of Section 33, Township 7. of Range 9. containing one (1) acre, more or less. Also Lot No. 270 in the proposed Florence Addition to the Town of Caldwell, Ohio. The prayer of the petition Is for sale of said real estate to pay the debts and charges aforesaid. The persons first above mentione will lake notice that they have been made parties defendant to said petition and that they are required to hiihwri the same on or before Mav :*0, 1953. MIKE SARISKY, Executor of the ltate of Mary Kerestes. 39 4 0 il A 4 3 4 1 4 r. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. S920 Estate of Henry Estadt, deceased. Notice is hereby ftiven that Amelia Schott, of Caldwell. Ohio. U.IU). 4. has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Henry Estadt. deceased, late of Enoch Town.sbip, Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with stud fiduciary within four months. Dated this 2nd day of May. 1953. W. V. ARCHER. Actintr Probate Judge of said County 44 1T, 4C NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 5SI13 Estate of John Stack, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Emma Ann Stack, of Elba, Ohio. Route 1 has been duly appointed executrix of the esiate of Julia Stack, deceased late ol Jefferson Township, Nobh County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four mon hs. Dated 111 is 17tli dav of April, 1953 W. V. ARCHER. Actintf Probate Judge of said County 42 43 44 Classifieds Pav Dividend* stop po WITH OUR IH 5-STAR s? n & i IAKE3 SALES & U. S. Rt. 21 South Phone 72-M Caldwell IN MEMORY In ir.cihory Of OUT &&T on and brother, Carl Baker, who was so suddenly called away three years ago, May 9, 1950. In our hearts we cherish a picture, More precious than silver or gold 'Tis the one ot our dear loved one, Whose memory will never grow t/ld. They say 'lime heals sorrow, proved None 23,009 62 None None None $ 180,397.54 r,7 '07 59 all And helps one to forget, But time so far, has only How much we miss you yet. God gave us strength to face it, And courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. You're not forgotten Carl, diai, Nor never shall you be, long as life and memory last, We shall remember thee. Sadly Missed By: His Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker Brothers, Clifton, Vernon, till ..5:i |i!(l Ti sypERVisoR -Ma §1 -n 1 THE MOST POWERFUL GASOLINE YOUR CAR CAN USE. Let Cs Prepare Your Car for Spring and Summer Driving With SIIELLI'BRICATION and X-100 MOTOR OIL Car Washing Complete Tire Service All Work Done by Trained Attendants We Have Always Had Call-For and Delivery Service. HAVE YOUR CAR S Page Hvi IN MEMORY In ineti'.ury of Clyde T. Wil liams who passed away one year ago today, May 7, 1952. Somewhere back of the siinsfct Away from this world of strife Our loved one is sweetly rest ing In a land where there is no night. And we who knew and loved hirn Whose passing brought sad tear^ Will cherish his memory always To brighten the coming years. His life is a beautiful memory His death is a silent grief But he is resting God's beauti ful garden Of sunshine and perfect peace. Sadly missed by his wife, Mrs. Florence Williams, Ilis children and grandchildren. CARD OF THANKS To my friends, neighbors and relatives for the cards andf for their assistance during my ill ness at Gtood Samaritan hospi tal, Zanesville, I wish to extend my thanks and appreciation. TV Tnvf= n w $300.00 PER MONTH POSbiBLfc, A National Concern v\ H!i rel'eienees from'Banks, Chamber of Commerce, etc., needs hi^h type persons to supervise distri bution of Nationally advertised Merchandise to established retail outlets. HONESTY AM) RELIABILITY MORE IMPOR TANT THAN PAST EXPERIENCE. No selling or soliciting. All equipment owned bv Company and not for sale, but must he serviced by person selected. Serviceable car and S51U.0U to S 1,080.00 cash required, secured by merchandise. Four to six hours weekly required for bookkeeping and to deliver mer chandise to our legal vending machines. SPARE TIME TO SWMUIO POSSIBLE PER MONTH. WITH VERY GOOD POSSI BILITIES OF TAKING OVER I ILL T1ML, CREASING ACCORDINGLY. For interview, write fully about oiirself, include phone number too. Continental Merchandising Corporation Dept. A 7ih and Main Street Dubuque, Iowa mUBBBi n INCOME IN m®aE£mg%£2*mszimm OOIJNCr SYSTEM DRAINED and FLUSHED FREE Willi Anti-Rust and Water Pump. Lubricant Added at S E I A I E TAXI SESYICE 6:00 a. m. to 12:00 p. m. Local and Long Distance Trips O N E 3 5 7 K. Pi R. TAXI and S^ELL SERVICE Corner of Routes 21 and 78 CALDWELL. OHIO you'll say *. when you J'l see r-- IS52 Foid Custom Eig-! Fordor 1351 Ford Six Tudor 1951 Phevrolel 2-Door 1551 Sfodebsker Ghampion 2-Door I £49 Ford Six Fordor 1B31 P!picu?h 4-Dow 1939 Ford Fordor Ford S35S 0. H. our Pickap 1943 Ford with 12-ft. Platform 1349 Ford 2-Ton—2-Speed 1947 Bodge Pickup 1947 Studebaker Nckiip 1S47 International Pickup SALES FORD SERVICE Phones: Caldwell 84 Cumberland 1S7 w u s K nmwrm mini mmii* rrV'n