Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, May 7, 1953 Phone 98 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS WE NEED MORE GOOD LISTINGS EIGHT ROOM intKleni house. Gas, electricity, bath* furnace, built-in kitchen, full basement, garage, extra lot. This home is in good condition and nicely lecorated. Good location in Cald well. 169 ACHES. Seven room, two story house. Electricity, cellar, well and cistern. Barn, chicken house, granary, sheep barn and other outbuildings. Located about four miles from Caldwell on good road. s 296 ACRES, Eight room house, cellar, electricity. Three barns and plenty of other outbuildings. Two tenant houses. 150 acres or more tractor land. Located on good road, about four miles from Caldwell. WINE ROO Mmodern home. Gas, electricity, bath, hot water, heat ing system ,with stoker. Full base ment, extra large lot. Nicely located, and one of the best built homes in Caldwell. SEVEN ROOM house, with gas, electricity, part basement, sink in kitchen, utility room. Two acres, lots of fruit. Barn and garage. Can be bought with more acreage if wanted. Nice lo cation in Summerfield. 103 ACRES. Five room house, electricity, cellar. Two barns and other outbuildings. 40 acres tractor land. Underlaid with stripping coal. On good slag road. GOOD FIVE ROOM bungalow type house. Full basement, electricity, furnace, shower, hot and cold water, sink in kitchen. Double garage. Two lots, 50x150 tt. each. Large garden. On good hard surface road. FIVE ROOM house with full basement. Gas, electricity, water in house. Gas floor fur nace. Garage in basement. Large lot. Located in Summerfield. 66 ACRES. Good 'seven room house, with bath, electricity, cellar. Three barns, chicken house, garage and other out buildings. On good road. Close to Seneca Lake. THREE ROOM house. Gas, elec tricity. Water in kitchen, full basement. 1.15 acres. On U. S. Route 21 south. SEVEN ROOM house. Electricity, water in kitchen, basement. Extra lot. On good road close to Route 21. FIVE ROOM HOUSE, electricity, well, cellar. 2Vi acres. Close to Caldwell on State Route. SIX ROOM HOUSE. Gas, elec tricity, bath, built-in-kitchen. Extra lot, Just off Route 21 on hard surface road. ,*123 ACRES. Eight room house, barn, other outbuildings. Elec tricity, free gas. 18 acres timber. About 75 acres tractor land on State Route 145. CHESTER J. HOWILER 616J West St. Phone 250-W Licensed Broker—Caldwell TWO GOOD BUILDING lots on Spruce street for sale. Phone Caldwell, Ohio, 301-J. 42-44 NICE MODERN 8-room home, all hardwood floors. Three rooms down stairs. Carpeted to walls. Basement, double garage, with extra storage room and work shop. Chicken house and extra land. W. L. Clark, 1202 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 43 44 45pd SIX ROOM home, North Main, Belle Valley, garage attched. Drinking and cistern water. Gas and electricity. Leo Mazgay, Belle Valley, Ohio. 42 43 41 SIX ROOM house with bath, ga rage, other buildings, and a large garden in Mt. Ephraim. George Bates, Mt. Ephraim, io. 43 44 45 TWO-ROOM cabin and two lots on Seneca Lake. Near the Owls' Nest. Contact Mrs. Walter Staats, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 170-M. 44 45 46 pd BUILDING LOTS for sale on North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. See Ernest Parry, 1405 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 44-46 pd. FOR SALE Pine Lake Farm TRAILER FOUR LOTS Hight-ot-Way Write or Phone Mrs. Susan Cameron Telephone 714-R 627 South 6th Street Coshocton, Ohio FOR SALE for Sale—-DWELLINGS LOTS A VERY NICE five room dwell ing for sale. Gas and electric ity. Located on U. S. Route 21. Very reasonably priced. Five minute drive from Caldwell. A GOOD frame building with slate roof. Six good rooms up stairs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sepa rate apartments, very cheap. South on U. S. Route 21. IT'S A GOOD 8 room house, full basement and furnace. Excep tionally good lot with garage, priced to sell. Outside town. A NICE SMALL farm, 45 acres 7 room house and all necessary buildings miles from Cald* well. Low priced. WE ARE ready to talk to you about that small or large farm, if its for sale, or town property, any place, regardless of size. It will be to your in terest to come in. IT'S A FINE building location, approximately 2b acres close in and on paved street. See this one at once at Caldwell. A. VERY DESIRABLE building lot on North street. HOWARD M. SHAFER-Realtor Office 125 Residence 333 Licensed Broker. Caldwell. Ohio SIX ROOM modern home, small building on lot for income. Special price for quick sale. FIVE ROOM house, gas, water, electricity, basement, good lot and garage. Priced to sell. WELL BUILT six room house, gas, water, electricity, base ment cemented. Large lot of fruit and outbuildings. Good buy. FIVE ROOM nouse, gas, water, electricity, about .75 acie. Spe cial price. SIX ROOM modern home, ex cept furnace. Two lots. Good buy. 23 ACRES, eight room house, barn, garage, gas, water, elec tricity. Priced to sell. All above properties are located in Summerfield. Hallack Real Estate Service A. R. Fogle, District Manager Summerfield, Ohio 43 44 45 MODERN 4 ROOM and bath apartment, close in, will be available June 1. Dr. D. H. Webster, Phone Caldwell, Ohio, 240-J. 44 6 ROOM HQU^E vnd lot, located in Macksburg. Gas, electricity, water in kitchen, washhousc and outbuilding. Contact Wesley R. Hupp, Macksburg, Ohio, or phone Macksburg 35-F-3. 42-44 For Sale—FARMS EVERY Thursday —1: Your check The 80 ACRE FARM in Noble county, for sale or will rent. 60 acres of coal, 20 acres of limestone in cludes residence and buildings For information call Columbus, Ohio, UNiversily 6039. 42-44pd For Sale—PLANTS AFRICAN VIOLETS, all colors and varieties. Ready for Moth er's Day. See them at Mary's Grocery store, Florence Addition, Caldwell, Ohio. 44pd EARLY CABBAGE and tomato plants. George Frye, Fair ground Road, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 1 A NICE SELECTION of pansy plants in bloom. 97 cents per dozen plus sales tax. Mrs. Ira Pryor, 1415 North street, Cald well, Ohio. 42-43-44 pd. For Sale—LUMBER -TIMBER 1 HAVE ABOUT 100 trees, most ly poplar, standing on the Thomas Springer farm on Cub Run, one mile from Cub Ridge. It will make excellent lumber. Leslie Springer, Louisville, Ohio, Route 4, Stark County. 44 45 46 For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS NEW BABY BED, large size and a baby buggy. Sarah Poland, 715 North street, Caldwell, Ohio 42-43-44 W1IITEHOUSE sewing machine. In good condition Mrs. Bill Saling, Olive, Caldwell, Ohio. ['hone 718-F-14. 43 44 45pd E A S O K E O V E —PIIONE 78— CALDWELL FERTILIZER Flecman Pontiac Co.—Agent Div. Dickson Rendering Co., Inc. JAMS A. WAT NOBLE COUNTY AUCTIONEER Licensed and Bonded PHONE 271-R CALDWELL —New Address— 607 CUMBERLAND STREET CALDWELL. OHIO A I E A 19 years of satisfactory service for the Livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A market you can patronise with confidence. ... over-the-counter mall day of sale. If you wish or in the Marietta Live Stock Market, Inc. Pike & Acme Sts. Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N FOR SALE For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS MODERN WALNUT bedroom suite two mahogany lamp ta bles two table lamps, ivory china, and a blond corner table. Maurice Colley, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 KITCHEN SINK in steeel cabinet, 60 inches long lavatory and commode. Mrs. W. H. Carter, 704 West Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 LARGE SIZE Tayher baby car riage. Mrs. R. C. Moore, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 266. 44 OAK BUFFET, in good condi tion. Phone 10-F-2, or see Mrs. W. T. Warren, Dexter City, Ohio. 44 45 46 THREE-PIECE sectional Mohair frieze living room suite cor ner table and coffee table, ma hagony 9 12 wool rug, with pad five-piece dinette set, fawn mahagony Sunray gas range PhHco refrigerator with freezer buffet chest two beds, com plete: table radio, electric elec trolux sweeper three gas heat ers card table and two platform rockers with ottomans. This, furniture is for sale at our home. See Mary Brown postmaster at Berne. She will be in charge of selling and collecting the money. Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Kohut, Jasper, Ohio. 43 44 For Sale—WEARING APPAREL FORMAL, size 9, lilac color Phone Caldwell 161-F-3. 42-44pd. For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1941 STUDEBAKER Club coupe. 212 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 45 46pd 1950 FORD V-8 pickup truck, low mileage, four speed transmis sion. In A-l condition. Will ac cept any kind of livestock on trade. Richard Teeters, Keith town, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 3 44 45 46pd 1.951 KAISER. $600 under ceil ing. Good new and used cars See William C..Orr, Stiers Motor Sales, end of Sixth Street bridge, Zanesville, Ohio. 41 42 43 44 1041 FORD with radio and heat er. Pete Minosky, Ava, Ohio. 42-43-44 1949 CHEVROLET, fleetline, two door sedan. Good rubber, radio and heater. Reason for selling, in the army. Phone Lewisville 2-R-4 or see C. F. Baker, two miles west of Lewisville, Ohio, on State Rcaite 145. 42-43-44 pd. For Sale—MACHINERY -TOOLS 1949 JOHN DEERE 116 automatic pickup baler. In good condi tion. L. D. Schramm, Harrietts ville, Ohio. 44 45 46pd USED CREAM separator, in fail condition. To sell cheap. I. S. Nicholson, Pleasant City, Ohio, Route 2. 44pd For Sale—LIVESTOCK NINE-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow, lresh. C. D. Elliott, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. 43 44 45pd POLLED HEREFORD bull, ready for service. Registered, double standard. See John G. Noll, Cald well route 1, at Fulda. 42-43-44 STOCK DOG—Collie, two years old. Joe Thompson, Summer field, Ohio, Route. 44 EIGHT PIGS, ready to go Here ford bull, 13 months old Mc Deering No. 7 mowing machine, and McDeering three-horse disc harrow. C. R. Snyder, Summer field, Ohio. 44pd PAIR OF matched sorrel mares, eight years old, 1500 pounds two dapple greys, seven years old, 140u pounds spotted road horse, saddle and bridle. G. W. An krom, Quaker City, Ohio, Route 1. 44 45 46pd TEAM OF BLACK mares, full sisters, good workers and quiet. One fine registered Hereford bull, old enough for service. Hereford cows to freshen soon. C. Ray Croy, Senecaville, Ohio 44 45 46pd DURBAN GUERNSEY cow fresh, with second calf at side Clyde Murrey, Macksburg, Ohio J$ct THE JOURNAL, CJA1 FOR SALE For Sale—LIVESTOCK Hampshire cockerels, one week old, and 500 New Hampshire cockerels, two weeks old. Place your chick orders now for May and June. Buckey's Hatchery, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 REGISTERED DOUBLE stan dard polled Hereford bulls. Ready for service. A. U. Hurst nd Sons, Belle Valley, Ohio. 44 45 46pd For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS BOAT, WOODEN, 14 FT. Wolver ine-Wagonmaker. in good con dition. Clarence H. Carter, Sar ahsville, Ohio 42-44 pd PUBLIC SALES WE WILL SELL at public auc tion on Saturday, May 16, at 1:00 p. m., at 902 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio, the following household.furnishings: three com plete beds, bookcase, stands, rock ing chairs, rugs, quilts, odd chairs, table, deluxe Zenith radio, break fast set with six chairs, washing machine, cooking utensils, dishes, lawn furniture, lawn mower, gar den and lawn tools, some an tiques and other articles too nu merous to mention. Mrs. Bertha Boyd and Paul McKee, owners. Joe Seerest—Auctioneer. «,Not responsible for accidents) 44 45 pd. J—L HAVING SOLD my farm, I will offer for public auction at my home, two miles north of Sum merfield on State Route 513, on Thursday, May 21, beginning at 1:00 o'clock p. m., the following: Cattle (16 head): Holstein and 'Jersey cow, five years old, fresh by day of sale Jersey cow, fresh April 20, five years old Jersey cow ,fresh Feb. 8, ten years old Brown Swiss and Guernsey cow, fresh March 19, ten years old: artificial Guernsey heifer, fresh March 19, two years old. v Stock Cattle: black cow, fresh April 15, calf at side, four years old roan cow, fresh six weeks, calf at side, five years old Angus cow, fresh one week, calf at side, three years old Hereford cow, fresh one week, calf at side, sev en years old Hereford cow, calf at side, fresh one week, six years old Hereford cow, fresh three weeks, calf at side, four year* old Hereford bull, registered, 18 months old Hereford heifer, ten months old Hereford heifer, about 18 months old Jersey heif er, three months old and four white-faced spring calves. All the above cattle are bangs tested. Team of good work mares, wt. 1400 pounds 25 pullets, laying. Miscellaneous: set of^ double Work harness and collars 'rubber tired wagon iron wheel wagon mowing machine hay rake drag harrow spring tooth harrow corn drill lot of lumber lot of locust posts lawn mower exten sion ladder six tons of baled hay wheelbarrow coal cook stove, and Electrolux refrigerator. E. L. STEPHEN, Owner Summerfield, Ohio, Route 1 James Watson— Auctioneer. (Not responsible for accidents) 44 45 Business Opportunity $350 MONTHLY SPARE TIME. National company seeks relia ble party to own and operate route of vending machines. This is not nuts. No selling required. $350 monthly per month possible part-time, full time more. Car and $800 cash required, which is secured by inventory. This will stand strict investigation. For in terview in your town with fac tory representative, include your phone and address in application. Empire Mfg. Agency, 946 Good fellow, St. Louis 12, Mo. 44 49pd FOR LEASE NEWLY COMPLETED service station and one nearing com pletion in Marietta. These will be leased to responsible parties having cash to invest in stock and lubricating equipment. Interested persons, write for particulars to: Sinclair Refining Company, Mar ietta, Ohio. 44 45 46pd If it's advertised In The Journal Say so when you are buvin£. e $7.65 4-Point and 80 Rod Roll ifle Fence $13.00 20 Rod Roll DEKALB iMft Gil & i BOOK'S FERTILIZER We have Started Pullets for sale! —YOUR DeKALB DEALER— IM! 9 m. co. AMI liaby Chicks-Field Seeds-Fertilizer & Lime Phone 64 Cumberland, Ohin DWELL. OHIO E Submitted thru the courtesy ok the Caldwell Produce Co» Wednesday, May 6 Heavy hens lb. 28c Light hens lb. 20c Heavy springers lb. 26c Old cocks lb. 12« Rabbits lb. 20t Large gr^ A white eggs doz. 44c Large gr" A brown eggs doz. 42c Lare gr. white eggs doz. 42c Large gr. brown eggs doz. 41c Medium A white eggs doz. 40c Medium A brown eggs doz. 39c Pullet eggs doz. 30c Current receipts doz. 39c Butterfat lb. 57c WANTED MAN WANTED with car to han dle the greatest one-man busi ness in America in Noble Coun ty. $15.00 a day and up possi ble. Write J. E. Weakley, The J. R. Watkins Company, 21 East Fifth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. 38 39 40 41 42 WANTED LOTS TO PLOW. Glen Slay, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 310-F-15. 34tf WANTED contractor to drill Berea oil wells. Available gas for drilling. Describe equip ment. Write Box 90-0, Caldwell, Ohio. 43 44 45p(j LAWNS TO MOW, have my own power mower. Phone 274-R. Fritz Watson. 607 Cumber land Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 42-43-44 pd. GIRL OR WOMAN for house work. Live in or go home nights. Mrs. William Semple, Caldwell, Ohio, RFD 6. Phone Sarahsville 13-R-4. 42tf RELIABLE MAN with car want ed, part or full time, to call on farmers in Noble county. Wonderful opportunity. $10 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent. Write today. McNess Company, Dept. A, Freeport, 111. 43-44pd WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY all kinds of antiques. Also old automobiles, before 1915 model. Write full description to George Helbling, 142 N. Main Street, Woodsfield, Ohio. 41 If WANTED TO RENT WANTED THREE or four room apartment or home, unfurnish ed. Phone 143, Caldwell, Ohio 43 44 45 FOR RENT FOR RENT a farm home about three miles from Caldwell on improved road. Mrs. D. H. Web ster, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 240-M. 44 45 46 FARM THREE miles south of Batesville and seven miles north of Summerfield on State Route 513. Eight room house with bath, running water, elec tricity. 7p acres of land. Will rent house, pasture or hay or all. Write or contact Beulah Carpen ter, 1012 Steubenville Avenue, Cambridge, Ohio. 43 44 45 SLEEPING ROOMS for rent. By night or week. Mrs. Capitola Love, 712 North Street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 181 -W. 43 44 45 NOTICES EXPERT LAWN mower sharp ening and repair, Joe Estadt, Caldwell Implement & Supply Company. NOTICE—Join the Noble County Bee Association. Membership $1.00 per year. If interested con tact Floyd Henderson or Dick Ball in Caldwell. 43 44 45 WE CARRY a complete line of bee supplies. Ball's Cash Mar ket, Caldwell, Ohio. 37tf WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIR ING: For 37 years I have been doing Watch and Clock repair ing. Thirty years of that time, I have been in Caldwell, giving the best there is in me to my customers., I have repaired sev eral thousand watches since I have been here. I do the work myself. So I can guarantee it to be O.K. because I put all of these years of experience into it. ELECTRIC CLOCKS, SPRING wound CLOCKS AND WEIGHT CLOCKS are given the same at tention as the finest watches. I do my best to treat you right. E. E. Walters, Jeweler, 1005 Mill .street, Caldwell, Ohio. 42-44-J NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Noble Farm Bureau Coopera tive Association Board of Direc tors will receive sealed bids for the construction of a new build ing, 120 ft. by 46 ft. Specifications ran be received at the Farm Bureau Co-Op. office, Caldwell, Ohio, after May 8. All bids must be in by 6:00 p. m., May 18, 1953. The Board reserves the I i jht to reject any or all bids. David Beckett, Secretary-Treas urer, Noble Farm Bureau Co-Op. Association. 4'1 44 45 You Save Every Week T* r^ith a QUU A Y S RADIO and APPLIANCE CALDWELL OHIO NOTICES TAKES ONLY ONE bag Wayne Chick Starter to grow 50 chicks to six weeks. It pays off in "profit-pullets" sooner. Wayne has B-12 and Antibiotic Feed Supplement. Sunshine Feed Store Caldwell, Ohio. 42-43 44 G. T. JENNINGS TRANSFER P. U. C. O. No. 3586-1 Call Us For Licensed Moving and Hauling. STCvcnsVAn COAW —Also Dump Truck Service— Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio OTHERS HAVE been amazed. See for yourself how fast chicks grow on Wayne Chick Styrter. It is a Rocket-fast, strong start that counts. You can depend on Wayne. Sunshine Feed Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 42-43-44 "We Buy and Sell Anything For the Hume"' G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell. Ohio NOTICE—I will not be responsi ble for any debts contracted other than by myself. W. M. Ritterbeck, Caldwell, Ohio, Rt. 42 43 44pd NOTICE—The annual donations for the upkeep of the Crooked Tree cemetery are now due. Lila Chandler, secretary. 43 44 45pd NOTICE TO BIDDERS —Belle Valley Local Board of Educa tion will receive bids on all school bus routes. Information concerning routes may be had from the clerk. All bids to be in the hands of the clerk on or before May 4, at 7:30 o'clock Donald Iiarbaugh, Clerk. 41 42 43 WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O. Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 22pa NOTICE—When purchasing seed corn lor spring planting, check the germination, especially this year. We have a good test on all that we sell. Our Dekalb germination is running 9."»c", and better. The Ohio Certified is running 90' (. and better. Check your needs and requirements. It is important to you that you get what you want. The Caldwell Implenu'iit & Supply Company, Caldwell, Ohio. 42 43 44 INSURB YOUR car or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. PROBATE NOTICE Approval and Settlement of Accounts Accounts ami vouchors of the follow intr Hamuli portions an«l estates have been filed in the Probate Court ol" Noble County, Ohio, for approval and settlement. Seventh account of Ben Boley, gUSCJ' dian of Krnest S. Schott. Schedule of claims of Glen Burbach IT, administrator of the estate of Ralph K. Unrbacher, deceased. First and final account of Glen Bur pitcher, administrator of tin* estate of Ralph K. Hurbaoher. deceased. Schedule of claims of Mabel Wells executrix of the estate of C. W. Boone deceased. Schedule of claims of Clyde W. Shu man, executor ot the estate of O. W. Shuman deceased. First and final account of Paul Mc V:iy, administrator of the estate of Kd krar A. Johnson deceased. Seventh and final account of Vivian I.. LonitlVllo.v, guardian of Jewell C. Longfellow. First and final account of Myrle Brown, executrix of the estate of C. O. Brown, deceased. Schedule of claims of Lawrence E. Guffey, executor of the estate of John H. Say re, deceased. First and final account of Lawrence E. (iuffey, executor of the estate of John H. Sayre, deceased. Unless exceptions are filed thereto, said accounts will be for hearing before said court, on the S*th day of 1953, at which time said accounts will be considered and continued from day to day until finally disposed of. Any person interested- may file writ ten exceptions to said accounts or to matters pertaining to the execution THE (JTUHL, not less than five days prior to the' date set for hearing. 44 W. V. AKCHKK. Ac i n ir Probate .1 ml L'I By HELEN JOHNSON. Deputy Clerk -N 0 TI We Have Available Complete line of— Farm Field Seeds Complete line of— flgrico Fertilizers All kinds of— Field Fense Barb Wire Farm Siaias Complete line of— A I N FOR YOT'R SPRING fAIMLNG NEEDS! Good of— Used Farm Tractors Good supply of— Farm Machinery FOR PKACTICALLV ALL KIND OF FARM WORK! A good stock of— Repair Paris CIfr. K Ol LIST! CaWwe!! !?R£l?»!!9nl & Supply Company |»hone 225—East Street NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Education of Caldwell School District, Caldwell, Ohio, Noble County at the office of the clerk of said school district at the Caldwell HJch •School at 12:00 noon. Eastern Standard time on Friday, May 15, li*53, for the urnishinic of materials and labor nec essary for the remodeling of interior toilets in the High School building, also, the repairing arid painting of the Hinti School Gymnasium. will be opened at 7 :00 p. m. The proposed work shall be in accord ance with plans and specifications pre pared by- A. H. Moellenk&mp & As sociates, Engineers, Lancaster, Ohio. Plans and specifications are on file as follows: The office of the Clerk of the Board of Education at Caldwell, Ohio, Noble county or The office ot A. H. Moellenkamp Associates, Engineers, 868 Lanreco Blvd., Lancaster. Ohio. Proposals will be received for the general construction work, and plumbing work, and ceramic tile and marble work. All proposals shall be made and con sidered by the Board of Education in accordance with the General Code of the State of Ohio and be on blank forms furnished by the Clerk of the Board or by the Engineer. Ail proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Clerk of the Board of Education of Caldwell School District, Caldwell, Ohio. The out side of the envelope shall contain the name of the bidder and the branch of work bid upon. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of 40 days after the opening of bids. Proposals shall be signed by the bMder, giving business addreBR. In the case of firms or corporations the pro posal must be signed by the legal authorized officers. Each bid must contain the name of every person interested therein, and must be accompanied by a certified check 01* 1949 this one. 1949 fine car. 1949 1949 1949 1949 1948 1951 1947 1950 1947 1947 1947 1947 this one. 1947 nice. 1946 1946 1946 43 44 45 cashier's check on a solvent bank in the sum of not less than teri percent of the total amount of the bi.l or by a bond in a like sum executed by an approved security, trust or guaranty company. Said check-or bond shall be satiH* factory to the Board. If the bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Securities submitted by tlie ursucces'* ful bidders will be returned after the award of the contract is made and a performance bond in the amount of 100c"c of the contract has been executed by the successful bidder. Copies of the plans and specifications may be obtained from the engineer's office. The Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids and to waive defects in the proposals. By order of the Board of Education of Caldwell School District, Caldwell, Ohio. MARGARET R. ARCHER, Clerk. WKS1.EV B. MARSHALL, President 41 42 13 U Classifieds Fav Dividends Ford coupe. Radio, heater. You'll like the price on Buick 4-door. Beautiful blue. Low mileage. This is a Ford 2-door. In excellent condition. Priced low. Chevrolet 4-door. A local car. Mercury 4-door. A sharp car with white sidewall tiro? Dodge 5-passenger coupe. Like new. White sidewall:. Nash 4-door. Economical and priced right. Chevrolet ^-Ton Truck. Radio, heater. Clean as a pin. Oldsmobile 78, Red. A very nice car. Studebaker 4-door. In good condition, maroon. Mercury coupe. Cream color, with plenty of zip. Oldsmobils 76 4-door. Radio, heater. In good condition. Oldsmobile 78 4-door. Very clean. A good buy. Pontiac convertible. Loaded with extras. Hurry en Oldsmobile 5-passenger coupe. Fully equipped. Runs Oldsmobile, Red. Clean. A real buy. Oldsmobile, Black. In a good condition throughout Plymouth 2-door. Ready to go. THESE CARS ARE ALL SERVICED AND REASY TO GIVE YOU THE BEST IN DRIVING COMFORT! SEE US BEFORE YOU DEAL! You C&n Save Many $$$$$. Low rate interest financing to suit your needs. REGULAR FINANCE RATES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! BILL'S KOTGifSALES 93 Fourth St. Phone 358 McConnelsvitte Located Below the Sunoco Station, Across from County Gang. McCONNELSVILLE, OHIO Pag# Sevfl* NOTICE OF APPLICATION1 Public notice is hereby given that a joint application has been filed With the Public Utilities Commission o£ Ohio to tianafer Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 2621 frum Capitol Stages, Inc., the present holder thereof, to Howard Taylor d/b/a Taylor Bus Lines. The trans ieree agrees to adopt iill tariffs and schedules now on 1'ile with the said Commission. Interested parties njay obtain further information as to said application by addressing the Putlic Utilities Commission of Ohio, ColuQn bus, Ohio. CAPITOL, STAGES, Inc. jNaine of Transferor SMumhus,Bioad 4 East Street Ohio. HOWARD TAYLOR d/b/a TAYLOR BUS LINES Name of Transferee Caldwell, Ohio Legal Notice In the Probate Court! of Noble County. Ohio In Re: Guardianship of THOMAS MCCARTHY The unknown heirs of Thomas Mc Carthy will take notice that on the lith day of April, 19.13, Lulu Miars, guar dian of Thomas McCarthy, filed her ap plication ir. Case No. 1771, 1'robate Court of Noble County, Ohio, request' inn authority of said Court to impress a lien on any property' the said Thomas McCarthy mit?ht or doe s own in favor of the Division of Aid for the Aged, State of Ohio. Said heirs are required to answer on or before the 13th day of June 1953. LULU MIARS. Guardian of Thomas McCarthy. L. C. YouriK. Attorney. 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 5915 Estate of Mary Smith, deceased*. Notice is hereby given that France® Smith, of Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5, has been duly appointed executrix of the estate ot Mary Smith, deceased, l£te of Sharon Tutvnship, Noble County. Ohio. Creditors are required to file tbeir claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this l?th day of April, l£qS.j. W. V. ARCHER. Acting Probate. Judge of said- County 42 '43 41 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Ca&d No. Estate of Thomas E. Martin, de ceased. Notice is hereby given that A. L. Schafer. of Caldwell, Ohio, has beeti duly appointed executor of the estate of Thomas E. Martin, deceased, lato of Elk Township. Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 18th dav of April, 1953. W. V. ARCHER, Acting Probate Judge of said County 42 43 44 Photo Developini: —CillesTit 's LOWER PRICES- BETTER BUYS' McCONNELSVIl-LE, OHIO S E I A I I E S 1952 Plymouth 4-door. Radio, heater. A one owner car with only 13,000 miles. This is the one you've waited for. 1952 Ford 4-door. Spotless, with a gray fihish. See this one 1951 Chevrolet 4-door. Gray. In perfect condition. 1951 Oldsmobile 98. Nice green finish. A roally fine car. 11)52 Ford.4-door. Beautiful jet-black. 1951 Ford 2-door. Low mileage. Looks like new. Fordmatic. 1951 Ford Deluxe coupe. Loaded with extras. At a price you can't afford to miss. 1951 Oldsmobile 98. Beautiful blue finish. An outstanding ar value. 1951 Plymouth 4-door. Black. Radio, heater. Would npake a nice family car. 4950 Mercury 2-door. With everything on it. Cream finish. 1950 Ford 2-door. 6 cyl. Radio and heater. Priced low. 1951 Oldsmobile 98. One owner car with a beautiful blue finish. In excellent condition. Price to sell. 1951 Plymouth 2-door. A car you'd be proud to own at a price you can afford. 1950 Ford 2-door. One owner. You can't go wrong ©a this. 1950 Ford coupe. Black. Loaded with extras. A sharp car 1950 Oldsmobile 2-door. With an attractive green finish. In excellent condition. Fully equipped 1950 Ford 2-door. Sparkling red finish. Low mileage and low price. 1950 Ford coupe. Excellent condition. See this one. 1950 Ford 2-doori Black, cyl. Exceptionally clean. An economical car. 1950 Ford 2-door. A one owner car in perfect condition. 1950 Chevrolet 4-door. Beautiful blue finish. An outstanding ear value. Power-Glide. 1949 Pontiac 2-door. Tan. Clean as a pin inside and out. A rood buy. Hydra-matic. 1950 Ford'2-door. Looks and runs like new.