Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, July 30. 1953 SHARON Sharon Loyal Temperance Legion met at the Marquis park, Tuesday after noon, July 21st for their annual picnic. Janet Ramsey. presided and called the meeting to order. Opening song "America." Lead er of the group, Vera Harmon, had charge of devotionals and lessen period, using a quiz about the flag and "Thing We Do in L.T.L." for lesson. Games were played and a pic nic supper enjoyed by the fol lowing: Rose and Daryl Wheeler, Joyce Haga, Patty Hayes, Tom, Deanna and David Marquis, Kaye, Victor and Karen Boyd, Janet Ramsey, Clair Picken paugh, Linda Wiley, Joan Boyd, Cheryl Hysell, Jeanette "Price and Vera Harmon. Home on Furlough Pat Archibald of the U. S. Army, stationed at Fort Belvoir, Va., is spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Archibald. Personals Willis McDonald of Caldwell, was calling on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. McDonald, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Stone king and son, Elmer of Canton, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Dora Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Shields and Larry of Wooster, Mr. and Mrs. John Collins of Zanesville, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Courtney. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Han nahs and Jacqueline of Mt. Ephraim, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs/ Clifford Marquis on Sunday. Josephine Boyd of Plainfield, is visiting her parents, Mr. and ^Advertlsc-nunO Vfr V *W* i&l '4MNUMI I ... Picks corn earlier has less spoilage R. J. Miller finds time :J2£2^ for t? NE a Mrs. Bernard Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. John McCutch eon of Zanesville, were calling on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Marquis, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hanna walt of Columbus, were visiting with her mother, Mrs:. Maud Jennings and other relatives here last week. William Harmon is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Cyrus Trott and other relatives in Muskin gum county. Mrs. Mary Griffith spent last week with her brother, Mr. B. B. Wheeler at Caldwell. Boston Cain of Sycamore, 111., is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Ernest Nichols and other rela tives. Jeanette Price of Zanesville, who visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Marquis the past two weeks returned home Saturday accompanied by Deanna Mar quis, who is spending a few days with Miss Price and Mi\ and Mrs. J. W. McCutcheon. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Boyd and Sonja, Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz and Cheryl were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Foraker, Saturday evening. Barbara Dennis of Belle Val ley, was visiting with relatives here last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Vinton Springer and Lynne and Joyce of Colum bus, are visiting with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Par rish of this place and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Springer of near Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cisler and children of Canton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Cisler's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Law rence. Jr ^v -Vi "V 4 t- I other New Model R-1JU Stake. Three light-duty stake models, 7V-i and 8'/i- foot bodies. GVW ratings, 4,200 to 8,600 lb*. Famew ComfoVision cab. Fall field his corn picked early and drying it electrically in this 3000 bushel crib. He has high-quality ear corn all winter because the lower moisture content of electrically dried corn reduces spoilage from souring, molding, infestation. For free and ex pert help with your own grain storage problems, consult any rural representative of The Ohio Power Company. You don't have to guess when you buy an International because they are proved all 3 ways: 1. Proved BEFORE they're built-at the world's most advanced all-truck engineering laboratory. The results -longer truck life, reduced operat ing and maintenance costs—give you more truck for your dollar. woik by getting I Elk ...with International Trucks Nine pickup modeli available. Vi, %, and 1-ton sizes, 6'/j, 8, and 9-foot bodies. Powered by famous Silver Diamond valve-in-hand engine. BAKER SALES & SERVICE, U. S. ROtfft 21 SOUTH, CALDWELL, 0. ELBA Pearl Goodwill, Gale and Rosemary Goodwill were in Zanesville, Thursday evening. Carrie Stack spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King at Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and sons of Byesville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker and children, Linda and David, were at the Ohio Caverns and the Olentangy caverns on Saturday. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Linton were Mr. and Mrs. George Baker and daughter of Lower Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker and children of Elba, Walter Linton and children, Mary Louise Lin ton and son of Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schott and children of Byesville. Michael Linton spent the past week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Linton. B. C. Schilling of Cambridge, was a Saturday caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hes son. Doris Goodwill of Zanesville, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickle and sons, Kenneth, Dennis and Gary of Cumberland, were Sun day callers of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swain. Clara Reed is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickle at Cum berland. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson Good will and sons were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Carrie Stack was at Marietta on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hesson, Wilda and Wilma Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. James Hesson and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Max Hesson and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hesson, Mrs. Don Hesson and daughter, Gladys Hesson were in Marietta, Saturday, Paul Goodwill pf Marietta, spent Sunday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Agnes Stack is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Addles berger at Middleburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Linci come of Dexter City, were Fri day callers at Mr. and Mrs. John Hesson. Thursday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Linton were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Best of Cambridge, Mrs. Dan Booth of Crooksville, Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Addlesberger and Agnes Stack spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harley Stalanaker at Pomeroy. Sara Travis was at Marietta on Saturday., Mrs. Craig Cleary and chil dren of Summerlield were Sun day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. John Hesson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John son and children of Dexter City visited Sunday with Jftr. and Mrs. Max Hesson. Classifieds Pay Dividend^ fcSSEW i 2. Proved AFTER they're built—at the "Desert Whipping Post," 4,000 acre Proving Ground in Arizonia. 3. Proved IN SERVICE by cost conscious truck operators all over America. Let us show you the new Internationals. Drive them. See for yourself! Conven ient terms available. Statf&ard of-the Micjbwaf- THfi JOVRNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO E A S A N PLEASANT CITY Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark of Ava, visited with their daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ellison on Monday evening. Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Riggle and family are enjoying a three week's vacation in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Secrest and son, John, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Murphy and family of Chaseville, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Buckey and son and Mr. and Mrs. James Hively and daughter visited Sun day with their brother, who is a patient at White Cross hospital in Columbus. Mr. and Mr?. Warren Miley and daughter, 'Betty, called on Mr. and Mrs. Noah Shriver on Thursday evening. Mrs. Frances Secrest was a Wednesday evening caller at the Darrell Hannum home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nichol son and children, Judy and Bruce of Zanesville, were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicholson and daughter, Helen. A large delegation from the M. E. church attended Methodist day at Epworth park, Bethesda, Sunday. Mrs. Helen Miley called on Mrs. Ruby Secrest, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Beulah' Long and chil dren were Sunday gueots of her Cumberland CUMBi i i wii 'flu- church es of Meigs township will com bine for a one week, Daily Vaca tion Bible school from Aug. 3 to Aug. 7 in the Meigs school build ing. This will be for all children of the community over four years of age from 9:00 a. m. until noon each day. This school will be directed by a young woman representing the Presbyterian Synod of Ohio, sponsor of Christian community service and Vacation Bible school in south eastern Ohio. Assisting will be Mrs. Dean Flowers and Mrs. Fred Bailey, kindergarten de partment Mrs. Howard Johnson, primary department Miss Flor ence Dickson, intermediate de partment Maxine Lyons and Rev. John Sutton, Junior high department. An achievement day program will be presented on Friday evening, Aug. 7. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mis. rover Hill en tertained with a dinner on Sun day in honor of the fourth wed ding anniversary of their grand children, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Thomas of Columbus. Other pre sent Were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appis and son, Dale Allen of West Lafayette, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ethel of Zanesville, Judy Darlene Thomas of Columbus and Charlotte Huff. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Bernice Drie belleiss and children. Butch, Jimmie, Susie, Linda and Charles Wayne of Zanesville. Personals Mrs. Erma Ellis and Mrs. Julia Hall were at Cambridge Guern sey Memorial hospital on Sun day afternoon, having charge of the Hospitality Bar for the after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Juhnny Rush and family of Akron accompanied by Mrs. Josie Rush Moore of Zanesville, were recent callers at the Roy Dudley home, en route to the Smoky Mts. for a vacation trip. Walter Waller is employed as a bookkeeper in the office of the New Spark Plug Co., that is being built in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Blackburn of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Secrest and granddaugh ter, Bobby Bay visrted last Friday with the Secrest's' son, Richard Secrest and wife in Co lumbus. While there Mrs. Clyde Secrest visited Rev. Hively at White Cross hospital and re ports his getting along very well after having had surgery on Wednesday, in good spirits and looking forward to coming home soon. Shirley Secrest came home with her parents and returned to Columbus on Sunday where she has secured employment. James Waller of Ohio Univer sity, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waller. Donna Angione, who is em ployed at Stevens' restaurant, is visiting friends at Mansfield this week. NECCHI The Best Sewing a i n e u YOUR SEWING MACHINE CENTER PATTEN'S Appliance Center Phone 58 Caldwell i y K E S S parents, Mr. and Mrs. Houston of McConnelsville. Friends have received word of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wheeler, Jr., of Cadiz on Saturday, July 25 at Ohio Valley hospital, Wheel ing, named Joann Kay. Mrs. Wheeler was the former Maxine Thompson. Robert Secrest of Columbus, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Sec rest. On Sunday they enjoyed a picnic dinner at Seneca Lake. Galen Teel of U. S. Army, is enjoying a furlough with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Teel and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Iril Nicholson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Gromber on Clark street, Cambridge. Mrs. Anna Shimp of Dement, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Hazel Bayly and family. Miss Marlene Johnson of Cambridge, has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Johnson and uncle, ROy John son and family. Mrs. Betty Mufphy ahd daugh ter, Barbara of Carrollton, are visitirtg her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clifford Secrest and family. School Day Libby's fk Ilk SS mmmww rasas i KRAFTS \r(*nr Pint BenncH's FrwiS Flavors—"'Maos a?. »~i KS& Rout*a lit Crsoked Trse CROOKED TREE Those who .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrg. Emrhett Gessel were Mr. and Mrs. Elton Dugan, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pierson and daughter of Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and Wm, Augen stein of Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dutton of Lowell route. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wensil and son, Jimmy and Mrs. Gladys Wilson of Marietta and Mr. Clar ence Wensil of Akron, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Carrel and Janet Sue. J. P. Merkl^ of Sharon, Pa., and J. B. Chandler of Kent, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler and Russell and other relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. James Harriman of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harriman and sons of Middle burg, called at the G. E. Chand ler home, Sunday evening. Miss Virginia Wickens of Wooster, spent her vacation visiting her aunt in Virginia and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Way Wickens here. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler and J. B. Chartdler were calling on relatives at Lowell, Sunday. If it's advertised to The Journal Say so wnru you are buying. //fa* f- 4 A i v i E th1 4 i x-i HB Sunshine Crackers BOUNCE i nr,* ijj Cans d* Canning Supplies JELLY GLASSES slu Jars u a a n Q^art Zu£ Jars Gal. am' Jars ATLAS JAR RliviOS 2 pkgs. 15c sau CAPS NMWU K 17c i i Kali fcii: KfTfl fod ^3 ium liMft t&ifr 3 Quorts vu & i 61c doz. doz. 83c doz. Sic $• ?1. NOBLE TOWNSHIP Re cent visitors at the home of Mrs. Bertha Dyer were her cousins, Mrs. Stella Danford, Mrs. Rosa Drake and Mrs. Ira Danford of Pie asant City, friends from New comerstown, Mr. Raymond Mc Pherson and Mrs. Ruth Carruth ers and Mrs. Martha Cain of Caldwell. Mrs. Olive Milligan was host ess at a family gathering at her home, Saturday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Rennard Lee and "Skippy" of Youngstown, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Milligan and Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milligan, Gary and Cheryl. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bates and Jim were: Mr. and Mrs. Pete Redovian of North Canton, Mrs. Steve Red ovian and Elizabeth of Akron, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milligan and children, Mrs. Olive Milligan, Mr. "Toad" Davis of Caldwell and Miss Virginia Collier, Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reed have returned home after an extended visit with her brother, R. Par rish and family of Belington, W. Va. Vernon Barnhouse is erijoying a few days with his family be fore returning to the hospital. Mrs. Betty Charleton and chil usA no. n Cans Year 'P. ftmnd Mitii i^tBb £r 4r c* Golden Ripe Ce!!o dor. 0 doz. $1.39 Pkg. JEL r. 2 pkgs. 23c Tkw" Sweet 27c I & Chunk Style Pace five—& dren, Mrs. Leona Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis wfere" guests of Veltfia Reed of the Sharon community ori Sunday. Summer school is over and Leone Barnhouse is back home with her mother, Mi's. Cora Barnhouse, who hasn't been very well this past week. Guests of Mrs, Leona' Davis, Betty Charleton and children last week were: Mrs. Florence McCune, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hannum, daughter and grand daughter of Pleasant City. Edgar Bates is recuperating at home after a week in St. Fran cis hospital, Cambridge. Hie wishes to extend his grateful thanks for all the kindness shown him and a special thanks to Dean and Dale Milligan for harvesting his hay, also a deep appreciation of the cards and visits from neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ward of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and family of Caldwell, spent Sunday in the Wm. Yerian home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Marquis and two children of Cambridge, were calling on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marquis Sat urday evening. ifSllll' mis ,.,af TOP QUALITY SAVES YQ(j MQRF mp 2 2 (.« Lbs. lbs, j? np i w i a 4* n