Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, July 30, 1953 Whigviile WHIGVILLE (Delayed) Mr.I nd Mrs. William Gulick andl hildren spent Thursday even-l ng with Mr. and Mrs. Jum Mc-| U'u of Caldwell. Mrs. J. G. Guiler and children I if Summerfield, spent Thursday! vith Mr. and Mrs. Forest Dan-I M* I ord. Myron Guiler and Emma West I vho are employed at Columbus, I i _i A. onies here. Mis. Mat Gulick was calling ,n Mrs. Minnie Danford, Satur lay afternoon. Ruth Gulick is: spending a few lavs with nd Mrs. lim. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Johnson,! 'he Mr. and Mrs. Gould Ward ^pent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis of Batesville. Clarence West of the U. S. Army, is stationed at Camp Pic ket, Virginia. Anyone wishing to write him, his address is: Pvt. Clarence West, U.S. 52345382, Co A, 11th. M.R.T.C. M.T.B., 3rd. Platoon, Camp Picket, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanFos sen and children of East Union, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Donald Berry of Camp Le Jeune, N. C.,s who has been spending a few days leave with his parents, IV^r. and Mrs. George Berry, has returned to his camp. He was in an auto wreck on his at the cake walk Friday evening! ..n,! iho .mi nf 00 reili/edl and the sum ot icanzcui for the polio fund. The grange wishes to thank all who helped in anyway. From Hospital Henry Hague returned home from the O.V.G. hospital, Wheel ing, Saturday. Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. John Robin son and son, David, Mr. arid A. L. Massie and daiu Joyce of Canton and Harold Robinson of Kimbolton route. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Parks and daughter, Merle of Caldwell, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Parks recently. Mrs. Victor Williams enter tained with a Stanley party on Tuesday evening Harmon Moore attended the Moore reunion at Dover, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hart of Akron, spent the weekend at thel McOa try, SIII IUFI Sandra Bates of Caldwell, Mrs.I undSnedio,sheHffdirecled vma Clymer and son of Woods-I TERMS OF SALE: field, Were calling on Mr. undl 'S SALE IN PARTITION The State of Ohio, Noble County. Common Pleas Court Case No. 9328 Etta Rayner, Plaintiff, V8. M. l.uther Rayner, et. al., Defendants. Notice is hereby given, that on Sat- the 22lld t'ay of August, win offer for „i.l •pent til© WG0KCnd 3t their| M., I will offer for sale at public auctioi. at the W est door of tli« Courthouse /*i »i TI ... i Caldwell, Ohio, the following real os- tate. situate in the Count/ oi Now. ohio antl being the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, 1'',?-wns'1'p Said L. C. Young, Attorney. 3 4 5 6 7 NOTICE IN THE PROBATE COURT OP NOBLE COUNTY, OHIO L. C. Younpr, as Administrator of the Estate of Eva Steen, Deceased, Plaintiff, —vs— Lawrence Steen, et al.. Defendants. Case Number 5891 In pursuance of the order of the Pro bate Court of Noble County, Ohio, I will offer for sale at public auction on the 22d day of August, ly53, at ty-One Hu'id i i a n way home and was sei'10usly| injured and had to get a longer leave, was greatly improved and when he returned to camp and expects to be discharged] some time in August. Mrs. Helen Watson spent Wed nesday with Mrs. Irene Warner of Summerfield. Eertitonslmrg KENNUNSBUKU —(Delayed) On account of the homecoming at Quaker City, the next regular] meeting uf grange will be July 31st. There was a good attendance! or a bids W. A. home of the latter's mother. Mrs. E. C. Eaker and sons, George and Dwight, grand daughter. Carolyn of Canton and. .— Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kelauver of|'»j™. were Visiting I Cuyahoga Falls, Mr. and Mrs. U past week. A( nt SHAi'ER IHSUKANCE BEAL ESTATE AGENCY Phone 125 For All Your Insurance Needs Howiler Insurance Service ~AVVi Wef-t Street CALDWELL, THE NEW CfJi^li-5ryi£'D COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC GAS RANGE Come in and see all the l.ltrilling "IHi fWINOLr APPLIANCE UN THE SQUARE OBITUARY A: d.,1 the Town- ut Noble, to-wit: And Fraction Numbered 11, in Range 9, containing Fifty-seven (57) acres, more or less. Said premises located on Noble Township Road No. 12, one-half mile east of Ava, Ohio. Appraised at Eight Thousand Dollars U* iy me parties to tne above action, I Ion an order ol sale in Partition from ay ivlrs. H. D. Carter, Thursday |of evening. Billy Gulick spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pollock of Cambridge. of sale. her grandparents, Mr. I the time was his uncle, Perley of near Caldwell, 32 grundchil J. C. Glasgow of An-1 I lronl Common Pleas Court of Nobiel to me' thel Cash in hand onI Given under my hand this Ju'y- 16th day DONALD CONAWAY Sheriff, Noble County, Ohio 10:00 o'clock A. M. at I he West door of th Court House in Caldwell, Ohio, the fol lowing described real estate: Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Noble and Township of Olive and beinR Fraction Number 15 in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 6 of Range tt„ containing three (3) acres, more or less, arid being the same premises described in a certain deed recorded in Vol ume 63 a*. Paffe 216, Deed Records of Noble County, Ohio. Said premises are appraised at Twen i-d Dollars u s e s o o n o e s s a n two-thirds of said appraised value. The terms of the sale are cash upon confirmation thereof. walls, L. C. YOUNG, Administrator of the Estate of Eva Steen, Deceased. 3 4 5 6 NOTICE TO BIDDERS .- Sealed bids will be opened by ceilings thel exter city Local Board of Education! Dexter on in., .... decoration of the following: Brick Building—24,233 square feet.l hnnpst with (This includes seven class rooms, three| rest rooms, office, auditorium with thel exception of the play in* floor, corridors. reserves the right to accept or reject I ,»vpmnlifi«»H in hie trntfir niay ol)taint, tl from the (-lerk of the| Board of Education of 1) exter City. Sealed bids must be submitted to the| Clerk of the Board of Education. MARJOR1E OCLE. Clerk. Dexter City, Ohio. 2 S 4 5 NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS Notice is herebv given that on docket of said court, asking that Five! Hundied Dollars ($500.00) be trans-1 ferred from the Road and Bridge*I Fund to the General Fund as pro-1 nirth in y sJid''pjutio1?® and 3 that 10:00 u'eloek a. m. FREEMAN FORAKER. D. A. CAl.IJWELL. I«r),bate Judne of t.uid County 3 4 Phone OHIO new Calorie features. 12 beautiful handle col ors! Streamlined efficiency backguard. Automatic: lighting, cooking! See all the new "Caloric models demonstrated now. :E STORE- JiL PMONi 96 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CALDWELL, OHIO _J Funeral services for Ray Ank-| William Benjamin Willey,i Mt. Zion church. Rev. W. A.I days. He spent his entire life inl Snider, Aurora, 111., Bernard| the Keithtown community, near Moss, Akron, and Rev. W. E.I the farm where he was born. Gray, church pastor, officiatedl He leaves to mourn his pass and burial was made at Friends! iiig his wife, Mareda and the fol cemetery, Quaker City. I lowing children: Mrs. Marge Mr. Ankrom was crushed tol Schmidt of Newark, Mrs. Ethe death early Saturday eveningl lyn Ogle, Mrs. Clela Delanceyl when a tractor overturned as he I and Mrs. Hope Mitchell, all ol was driving it up a bank, crush-1 Caldwell route ing him to death. With him at| Clinton and Clyde Willey, to be sold as the prop-1 Ankrom, who extricated him I dren and one sister, Mrs. M.mte I erty of the parties to the above action,I frr,n, rnn tthp U lin «,pt tne Upset i were hauling fence material atl dition to a host o! omer ieia- the time of the tragedy. Mrs.ltives and friends. Four children Ankrom and children were justI preceded him in death. 'entering a car to drive to Bates-1 He was a member of Laurel ville when the accident occur-1 grange No. 1678. He was a kind red. She immediately summoned I father and a good lusband and an ambulance and Dr. Reeder of I neighbor and will be sadly miss-| Barnesville, but Mr. Ankrom| ed died before removal. Surviving in addition to thel widow, Catherine Finley Ank rom and the children, Marie Evelyn, 9, and Myrna Kay, 3, are the parents, Charles and Mary House Ankrom and the grand-1 mother, Mrs. Hiley Ankrom. He was a member of the Mt.l Zion Advent Christian Church and a well-known and respected Noble county farmer. His tragic death was a shock to the com munity as well as to the family. The obituary is as follows: As the evening sun descended! over the western hills Saturday, July 18, so descended the life of I Herbert Ray Ankrom, who was born May 22, 1911, aged 42 years, 1 month, 27 days, the only son ($2,100.00.) of Charles and Mary House Ank rom, who with an aged grand-1 mother survive him. On June 9, 1940, he was united] in marriage to Catharine Finley, I who with two children, MarieI Evelyn, 9, and Myrna Kay, 3,1 mourn his passing. Ray, as he| 'corution uf tho following. I wns a fripnrl to nil who knewl after returning hoiuc. Woict. I was a friend to all who knew mm and floors, and stair-1 ways.) Frame Building—6148 square feet. (This includes walls and ceilinirs of thel Commerical Kooni, Home Economics Room and Hallway, floors only in the| Cafeteria Room and Science Room. The Dexter City Board of Education I midst of life we are in death, as death, one in life's prime would have to be taken but we know we can not understand God's wisdom who saw fit to bring about our crea tion and being, but we do not detailed specifications I txempiUlLd in niS tragic it seems so hard that doubt His justice nor the| doeth all things well. So, we are safd| petition will be lor hearing on the 1st day of August, 1953. at change his destiny but the life that he has lived and the peacc he has made with his God tells I the whole story. We say with the nnP MCELROY, Trie Ices By Fred F. Fox. Prosecuting Attorney 4 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 5i)33 Estate of John Stingel. deceased. Notice 's hereby given that Ernnin has been duly appointed adnuiustr trix with will annexed of the estate of John Stingel, deceased, late ot Jackson Township, Noble County. Ohio. ... I Creditors are required to file tneir| ^.jims with sui o u s o e o e v e a e with 8uid fiw,ary with,n four Dated this 20th day ot July. -r *jr 4.1 I W. V. AKCHhK, J. Massie tllt| We know not where His Islands I 137 lift their fronded palms in aii We only know we cannot dntt| beyond His love and care. Good-bye 0 Ray Let not your heart be troubled, We hear our Master say, I The Lord to aS.u°hra'•I 1»53. US by hath given but now He's taken away, It seems so hard to understand Just why these things should be, Bui if we put our trust in Him Then some day we shall see. In the stillness of the morning, At the dawning of the day, If you heard someone whistling, Then you'd know that was Ray. When evening chores were over Joyous laughter filled the air He was playing with his daugh ters Oh! How he loved that pair. He always loved big Minnie, Though it took his life today, Yet we can't blame the tractor It was simply just God's way. llis memories will linger To the world's longest day, The hardest thing we'll have to do Is say Good-bye to Ray. It seems these things must hap pen Some loved one goes away, This time it came to our house. This time He called on Ray. He'd never want us to be sad And pine the years away. The thing he'd want the most from us Would be just Good-bye Ttay. When something funny happened, "Who laughed so loud", they'd say, But no one had to answer, Most folks knew 'twas Ray. He always had a smile on And it's still there today. It's just a little easier now, To say "Good-bye Ray". —Written by Ray's cousin, Harry Ankrom Card of Thanks We as a family cannot word enough to express our thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors foi THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO DS'iUnA* rom, 42, farmer of Route 147,1 youngest son of William MeKeel^ Wikander Pastor west of Batesville, were heldl and all who knew him. all Deing nonest Wltn ail, industrious, friendly, kind, obed-l iem tQ fathef an{ mothe ,. and to the God who gave us life and holdeth the power in His hand| to claim his own. Crossing The Bar Sunset and evening star And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar When I put out to *ea. For though from out our Bourne of Time and Place The flood may bear me far I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar. Card Of Thanks We wish to express our thanks to everyone who sent #flowers, I to the minister, Rev. Walter Brown, for his comforting words, to the singers, to Wheeler and MeVay for the services rendered and t6 all the neighbors and friends for their expressions of sympathy in our time ot sorrow. Mrs. W. B. Willey and Children Mrs. Wayne Yerian Coal ltidge, Ohio NOTICE ON FILING INVENTORY of find e i k i n n e s s e s a e i e o i the death and funeral of our I KM loved one, Herbert Ray Ankrom. |™e(£ Especially do we thank Rev. W.|iine A. Snyder, Rev. W. E. priiy ^n.^l were (..lldwe|i Ann Radcliff Willey, wasl gunrjay school, 9:30 a. m. Tuesday, with short services at I born May 31, 1879 and departed I Worship service, 10:30 a. m. 1:00 o'clock at the home and ad-l this life July 19, 1953, at the agel observance of the Lord's Sup ditional services following at| of 74 years, one'month and 19| per 3, nncot machine. They! Schafer of near Beverly, in ad- A 1 ..qIq I CARD OF THANKS I wish tt) thank all my friends! evening, 8:00. oK-.o, County. Court Hrobut Ohio James Harper. River Dnv JlT i I Zanesville, Ohio Florence Fnrestos. Claremont, N. w., Canton. Ohio olive, Ohio W'inUicd A. Biir.kley 741 McKinlev Avenue, S. W., Can ton. Ohio Wilev M. Harper. South Olive, Ohio Wava M. Whetstom Dexter City, Ohio Wayne S. Harper South Olive, Ohio Willaid R. Harper South Olive, Ohio Willa R. Harper South Olive, Ohio Carlin Miller, 4423 Berhvvnld Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio: Murvbeiie Thomas White, i5 Elliott Circle. Berea, Ohio Vere Miller, 746 East Tulane Road, Columbus. Ohio Bruce Miller, 772 Ardeii Avenue. Berea, Ohio Adella Miller, Spraguc Road, Columbia Station. Ohio Law rence Harper, RED.. Lowell. Ohio Zella Addis, 1044 Yale Street. Akron 11, Ohio Hilda Addis. West Salem. Ohio Auclrev Dutton. RED., Doyley town, Ohio Dayton Harper, Marietta, Ohio Gerald Harper, South Olive. Ohio William Harper. Broad\va Acres, Route South Zanesville, Ohio Kenneth Harper. 147 East lloine Avenue, Akron 12, Ohio Myrtle First Baptist Charcb Young people meetinf, fi:30 p. rn. Evening service, 8:00 o'clock. Subject, "The Seven Things Got} Hates." Wednesday even in/ meeting, 7:30 o'clock. Lawrence,! Beaver Baptist Church Huy Wikander, Pastor Sunday school, 1:30 p. m. alsoj Worship service, 2:30 p. m. Subject, "The Burial of Jesus." Mdcksburg Dexter City Chargi Walter 11. Brown. Minister Mar Reed Memorial -Church ichooC 10:30 a. m. Emmett Way, superintendent. Worship service, 9:30 a. m. Dexter City Church school, 10:00 a m. Mrs. Mary Smith, superintendent. Wor. hip service, 11:00 a. m. W ilhamson Worship service, 2:30 p. in. Macksbure Church school, 9:30 a. m„ Mrs,. Ina Bates, super intendent. Worship service, ,inAw was familiarly known, spent hisI for the beautiful flowers an I i,Urch entire life in this community,! cards and hankies 1 lcceivtdl Sharon Presbyterian I urc therefore was widely known. He while I was in the hospiilal and I Leslie after returning can never express mv thank.-. Virginia Moore CARD OF THANKS "T" take this all means to thank who sent me flowers, gilts, We can truly say that in the| cards and letters and also the prayers during my recent stayl in Bethesda hospital and since my return home. 7:30 p. You are cordially invited tol attend these services. Caldwell First Presbyterian L. K. Pritchard, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Westminster fellowship, 0:30 p. m. No evening\ i Prayer meeting,, at 8:00 p. m. Caldwell First Methodist Church| Rev. Floyd Gaudier. Minister. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. No evening service. Choir practice, Wednesday evening, 7:00. Midweek service, Wednesday a. m. Sunday school, 10:30 a. m. Thursday evening, 8:00 o'clo Prayer meeting. Mt. Tabor Methodist Sunday school convention AM day nu't'iiii!',, lit*!'.inning at 9:301 a. in. First Church of Christ [ra J. Brandon, Dexter 2, Dexter City, Ohio Lillie Wilkens. 1453 Euelid, Zanesville. Ohio Maltha] II. Varner, Route 2, Zanesville, Ohio Bernard Harper, Menlur, Ohio Iva Blake. Dexter City. Ohio Chalks Harper. ,Chrikensen Reed, BOO South Genoa Road, Massillon, Ohio Zena Reed, Dexter City. Ohio George Harper, Route 2. Caldwell, Ohio William Ayers, McDonaldsville, Ohi.r, Charles Avers, McDonaldsville Ohio James f)!i2, Akron wttin. Stone Ohio Josephine Danford. Route (, North Canton. Gladys Mi'F:e, Springfield Akron 12. Ohio Eleanor Smith. Drvden Road. Zanesville. Ohio Mal tha Ann harper, 82:j Dryden Road. Zanesville, Ohio Virginia Ruth Har per. 823 Drvden Road, Znnesvil!.'. Ohio Phillip Denver Harper. 823 Dry-| den Road, Zanesville. Ohio. You are hereby notified that 011 10:00 o'clock A. M. Any person desiring to file excep tions to said inventory must lil'1 them at least five days prior to the day set for hearing. Given under my hand and seal »aid court, this 17th day of July. 1' W. V. ARCHER. 4 5 Acting Probate Judg HELEN JOHNSON, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Trustees of the First Church Christ. Caldwell, Ohio, have filed petition in Case Number !)340 in U: Common Pleas Court of Noble Co ty, Ohio, praying for authority mortgage the real estate described follows: Situate in the Village of Caldw 1 Ohio, to-wit: Being a tract off of th North end of Lot Numbered ICG said Village described as follows. ginning at the Northeast corner ol said Lot Numbered lC'G thence 1 ntng Suth along the East line of lot to a point on said East line wl is* five feet South of the line ol foundation of the dwelling house 1 on said tract herein conveyed, the run West across said lot ei Rev. Bernard Moss for their|bey, comforting words and any others| Ip^maintjiin^and^ repair the SO kind during our I who great bereavement. Wife, Catherine Ankrom and Daughters, Dad and Mother, Charles and Mary Ankrom IJ pd. 13 011 parallel with Ihe foundation of thence run West along the W of said lot to the place of Minister Bibie school, 9:30 a. m. Communion and preaching, 10:30 a. m. Christian endeavor, 7:00 SCHEMES OF CHURCH 5EIKXES East Union p. Evening service, 8:00 Wednesday evening, 8:00. Prayer meeting and'choir prac tice. Road Fork Baptist G. II. Hein. Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Akron, Morning worship, 10 .'!0 :i. Evening service, 8:00 p. in. New Harmony Baptist G. II. Hein, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. in. Prayer service, 10:30 a. in. Young peoples service, 7 p. m. Evening service, 8:00 o'clock. The Flower Brothers will have charge of the young people's and evening service. Prayer meeting and Bible| study, Thursday evening, 8:00. Sharon Methodist Linley Addis, Pastor Worship service. 7 .'0 p. m. Dudley Church Sunday school, 2:00 Prayer p. m. Meeting Tuesday eve-| 8.00 p. m. Bible study, Wednesday, p. m. 1 Reserving, however, to Norval Ri his heirs and assigns, the rii'iit to maintain and repair the -lines and sewert? belonging to the Wl dwelling house on the South end 01 said Lot, which cross the tract herein conveyed with ingress and egress unci ifoin te same. Said petition wiP be heard on after iour weeks from the date of !he| first publication of this notice. JOHN W. HAZARD, Attorney lor Trustew- 4 5 6 Manchester Church Sunday school, 10:00 &. m. Evangelistic services, 7:30 p. m. St. Michael's Catholic Church J. I. Gardner, Pastor Sunday mass at 8:00 a. m. ex cept on the first Sunday of the month when it will be at 10.30 Confessions every Saturday at 7:00 p. m. prayer| Mt. Ephraim Methodist Doran Garey, Pastor Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Worship service, 11:00 a. in. Buffalo Free Methodist Robert Buvven, Pastor Sunday school, 2'lW p. m. Worship service. 3:00 p. m. Caldwell Free Miethodist Church! Tucker and family. A. J. Staats, Minister Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. Evening worship, 7:30. Prayer meeting every Thurs day at 7:30 p. m. Sarahsville Free Methodist Albert F. Randolph, Pastor Preaching, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. 10:30 a. Midweek 7:30 p. m. m. rvu-e, '1 hursday at| Summerfield Free Methodist Albert F. Randolph, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. Oleta Triplett, Supt. Ava Free Methodist Church K. L. Bowen, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service. 10:30 a. m. Evangelistic service every .Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7:30. Caldwell St. Fhhomena Church Kev. S. J. l'ekalla, Pastor Sunday masses at 7:00 a. in. and 8:45 a. m. Confessions every Saturday at| 1:30 and 7:30 p. m. Belle Valley Corpus Chrisli Kev. S. J. Pekalla, Pastor Sunday mass at 10:00 a. m. Fulda St. Mary Catholic Church B. J. Mattes, Pastor Sunday masses at 7:00 ami 10:00 a. m. Confessions every Saturday evening at 7:30 p. m. Pleasant PLEASANT HILL (delayed Mr. and i\lii. Win Musser oil Zanesville, spent the weekend with Owen Larrick and wife and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manspergei Ella Belli at Wheel ,f Cambridge and ning at 8:0u. Evangelistic .services! Cater spent Simii at 8:30. ing, W. Va. Mrs. Carl Mosser and daugh Church of Christ on Main Slreetl Bible study, 9:45 a. m. I Ogle's Ridge Church Sunday school, 2:00 p. m. Worship services, 3:U0 p. m. th 17th day of July, A. D., 11)53, an in ventory and appraisement of the es_ tate of Samuel J. Harper, deceased lat of South Olive, in said county, was filed in this court You are invited. Said inventory and appraisem»*n1 will be for hearing before this courtl Albert *. Randolph, 1 astor on the 17th day of August. 1053, atl Perryopolis Free Methodist Sunday ler oj* Evangelist J. Bernard Mason.l jjavjs "*s G. Harper^ Komy 12^^lof Kingsport, Tenn., will be thel joj,n Gibson, linhard Gibson le1 "creek.' guest speaker rtt services on Sun -1 W'"''| day, Aug. 2, at 1 lku 1 BK .^..l o./jn n school, 10:00 a. 111. Preaching, 11:00 a. in. INSURANCE & PHONE 43 CALDWELL, UF warren, are spending th weefc wjth her parents, Car, an(] wife LoWeU Highmau and a Davi attended the ball game at Cleve land, Sunday. Lucy Moore called on Blanch Larrick last Sunday evening. Thelma Davis called tin hei sister, No: ma Archer tine day last week Mrs. Verna Joseph and chil dren visited her parents, Laf-. llobins and family last week. Walter Davis and family call ed on Leslie Cater and family I'll Thursd SURETY BONDS I KM O. P. BLDCi OHIO Guernsey Memorials, Inc. W\ l.H.KAJ N. M.u.a er North Street- Caldwell PLEASE WRITE NOW FOR YOUR ROCK OF AGES BOOK LET ON HOW TO CHOOSE A FAMILY MONUMENT! For Sunday Appointments Phone 207-R Or ie Fred W. Legraen, 409 Eart Street. EASE UNION (Delayed) Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kirkbride and son and Fannie Kirkbride called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tucker and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Tucker and family Sunday evening. m. Eula Archer of Sarahsville and Laura Archer of Caldwell spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Feldner and Mr. and Mrs. John Wiekham and daughter and Woodrow Feldner of Columbus called on Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feldner and children of Zanesville re cently. Clarence Tucker of Zanesville spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feldner and children of Zanesville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ever ett Feldner. m. a. Class meeting, 10:30 Leader, Frank Greer. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. ervii-e, Wednesday, midweek 7:30 p. m. Archer's Ridge Church John Grimes. Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday 8:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Bert VanFossen and Irene Miller called an(j son at Suminerl'iehl Methodist Church Charles Brown, Pastor Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Classes with competent teachers Morning worship 11:00 a. Special music. MYK at 6:30 m. Evening worship. 7:80 Whigviile Methodist Church Charles Brown, Pastor Worship service, 9:30 a. K. Sunday school, 10:30 a. tn South Olive Free Methodist John Grimes, Pastor Sunday school, 2:00 m. xon Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Miller Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miller and daughter of Canton called on Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Miller recently. Mrs. Doris Miller attended the funeral of Danny Bates of Zanesville last Tuesday. Barbara Finley has returned to her home in Canton after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs Leroy Miller and son Roy Lee. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Tucker and daughter Diane have return ed to their home in Zanesville after spending a weeks vacation with relatives and friends in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feldner and son spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Van Fossen. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butler called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker and family Sunday nite Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanFos sen and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs George Berry of Whigviile. SIIKINFR'S PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carter, Mi and Mrs. Frank Burlingame at tended the Coshocton Shrine club picnic last Saturday. The Aladdin Temple Shrine band eave a dress parade and con cert for the benefit of the Crip pled Children's hospital associa tion. Carter and Burlingame ar members of the band. If the REVered lady of the house should fhone 225 Page Five SSailord STAFFORD (Delayed) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hughes of Woodsfield, were Saturday call ers here. Mrs. Betty Messer and chil dren of Canton, spent a week with her grandmother, Lizzie Prince. Mr. A. E. Robinson of Zanes ville, visited over the weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miracle and baby of Canton, were week end visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miracle. Miss Shirley Ball and Virginia Robinson of Marietta. were weekend visitors with their par ents here.' Harold Robinson of Canton, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robin son and family. Dessa Miracle and Ida Robbins spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Hartshorn and family and Mrs. Ira Miracle and son of Florida. Mrs. Mary VanFossen of Mari etta, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Blair and attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Ada Van Fossen at Mt. Tabor, Sunday, July 19. Miss Hattie Ha'rdesty spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gessel of Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Jack U'.lman and daughter of Cirtieville, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Leah Ullman. W. W. Marsh visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Poulton of Matamoras a few days last week. EXTENSION COURSE County Agent Floyd Hender son is enrolled at Fort Collins, Colo., where he is taking an ex tension short course with several other county agents from the mid-west and eastern section of the United States. He was ac companied by Mrs. Henderson and daughter, Arlene. Mr. Hend erson will resume his duties the middle of August. INJURED AT PLANT Donald Hesson, 22, Elba, had the end of the' middle finger on his left hand cut off in a piece of machinery, Friday, while em ployed at the Caldwell plant, CGB. He was admitted to St. Francis hospital, Cambridge, for treatment. He was removed in the McVay ambulance to the hospital. The finger was ampu tated at the second joint. iTt-, pfSrsl'l REVolt at her dingy surroundings ami €aue REVerberalions ealliiip for REN ibion of your plans for idle hours, don't REVile your has been a REVolution in the art of Paint Making. A REN elation is in store for you. Just ask for THE LATEX PAIIST Sh late. You can REVive the beauty of your home without REVokiug your plans for pleasure. There '4 Em w*-'. Rolls or brushes on like a dream tough ond com pletely washable because it's made with waterproof latex odorless washes out of brush or roller with just soap and water! Caldwell Implement & Supply Co. L*a Street