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Page Four—B PLEASANT PLEASANT CITY *.Miss Barbara Oliver of ColumJbus, Spent the weekend with her i^ar eftts, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Henry LeiW hardt and family of Cleveland, were weekend guests of his bro ther, Carl and family. y Mr. Frank LePage occupied") the pulpit at the M. E. church, on Sunday morning in the| absence of the regular pastor, Rev. Emerson, who is away at school Miss Bonnie Easterday called on Miss Betty Miley, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Seerest and son, John were last weekend guests of her brother, Edison Murphy and family of Carroll ton. The Builders class of M. E. Sunday school held their annual picnic at the Cambridge City park, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter, Betty, have re turned home after enjoying a vacation with his aunts and uncle, Miss Mary Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge Stevens at Detroit, Michigan and a sight seeing trip in Canada. Enroute home they attended the Cleve land and Chicago baseball game at Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nichol son and daughter, Helen called on Mr. and Mrs. Irvil Nicholson on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hague of Cleveland, spent the weeeknd with her mother, Mrs. Rose Drake and local friends. Ronnie McKee is visiting his cousin, Mr. Harry O'Morrow, Jr. and family of Canal Winchester. Robert Seerest and David Pen nell of Columbus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dal ton Seerest. Dwight Davis, who is station ed at Camp Atterberry, spent the weekend with his parents A NEW SERVICE SKK US! G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Bridge St. Caldwell, Ohio Phone 113 *1 •5? 8 i- Many- new building CITY HEWS and other relatives. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miley, who was born July 30, has been named Carol May. Ruth and Lydia German and Joan Lori have arrived home after spending the past week sight-seeing in Canada. They also visited the former's aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. John German Vof Lorain, who accompanied the ifcirls on their trip. Mrs. Audrey Bayly and daugh ter, Mrs. Frances Seerest and M'r.s. Ruby Seerest called on Mrs. Ha'ael Bayly, Friday evening and helped her to celebrate her fclrtbday. Savrahsville Rt. I SAlYAHSVILLE ROUTE Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mellon are building a new home here where thty etpect to make their future home a^.ter this year. Mr. Mellon will retire from work with the railroad Weirton, W. Va. Mr. air-d Mrs. Kenneth For grave of Atlantic, Ga., spent the past week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mellon and childran are vacationing in Kansas. Weekend .guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Cain were Claude Cain of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Jennie Barber of Lakewood, Dr Glenn Barber, of Cleveland and Dr. K. E. Barber of Chicago, 111. Mrs. Woodie Rutherford en tertained recently with a birth day dinner in honor of her hus band, Hiram Rutherford. Mem bers of the family being present. Mr. Rutherford is active and operates a large farm on Route 78. Mr. and Mrs'. Otto Shafer and family were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Robinson. Rev. John Grimes called on friends in South Olive recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller have moved to the farm of Hugh Smith which they recently pur chased. Myrtle Grimes of Belle Valley, was a recent guest of her broth er, John Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. Argyll Vorhies were business callers in Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Clark McCand less were Saturday shoppers in Caldwell. Harry Williams of Summer field, was a business caller here on Friday. Oscar Robinson is busy these days shining up the John Kirk place here. fELSWICK I N S U A N E Crooked Tree CROOKED TREE Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler had a chick en dinner, Sunday, Aug. 16th in honor of their son's and grand sons' birthdays, Russell Chand ler, James Harriman and Charles Harriman. The table was center ed with a lovely birthday cake, baked by Mrs. Robert Chandler. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lamp and chil-' dren, Ervin, Alice and Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Har riman and sons, Eddie, Charles and Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chandler and son, Jeffrey, James Harriman, Russell Chandler and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Chandleij. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carrel and Janet Sue spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carrel and family of McConnelsville. Mrs. Rosa Smith of Zanesville, spent the past week visiting with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and family. Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Smith of Dover, who 27 years ago was the minister at Haines' U. B. church, visited Monday with Mrs. Elmer Haines and called on Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Theiss and children, Lincoln, Emmagene and Marie, spent the weekend with relatives in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Rosa Smith visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler on Wednesday. Eddie Harriman returned to his home near Middleburg, Sun day after spending four weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler. Elba ELBA Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hughey, Jr., and children, Clara Reed were at Caldwell, Tuesday. J. S. Boyd and Rxse Haggard were in Marietta on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Baker of Lower Salem. Other guests were Pvt. and Mrs. George Baker of Fort Scott, California, Wiima Lee of Lower Salem, Mr. and Mis. Raymond Ball of Derwent and Henry Smith of Whipple. Edith Schillings was a business caller at Marietta, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hesson and children, Gladys Hesson, Peg Travis, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hesson, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hes son, Iva Hesson, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Haas and family were in Caldwell, Saturday. Robert Wharton of Burgetts town, Pa., spent the weekend with his father, C. C. Wharton, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Linci come and daughter of Dexter City, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Hesson. Still growing to serve you better Our telephone expansion is continuing at a rapid pace. Our system of lines and central offices is bigger and better. The number of people on the waiting list for telephones is the smallest in the last six years. Much of our work is not rioticaable to the eye in telephone buildings, on back streets, overhead, underground, out in the country bflB it is going on steadily everywhere. In magneto exchanges Good service on magneto lines is being made better by stringing more wire, placing more poles, im proving switchboards, and intensive clearance of trees which might harm your line. In common battery exchanges Where telephone "traffic" has increased, more switchboard positions are being installed. More cable, pole line, wire and toll circuits, too, in this type of office and of course, tree trimming. fn dial exchanges Dial exchanges have to grow, too. More telephone# take more dial switches, more cable, wires, poles, toll lines, toll switchboards at larger points and again, tree trimming. Nine new dial central offices io far this year Since January, nine new dial central offices have been placed in operation one more will be com pleted in August two in September and nine more are under way. In this state-wide program, 1,380 employee* are at work for you 244 more than in January, 1952. Our expansion and improvement of telephone service, which will reach a four-year figure of $16,000,000 by the end of the year, is primarily financed through sale oi stock and bond«. GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF OHIO THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Jimmy Leach has bought a new automobile. Two of our old friends, Friend and Victor Tuttle were here last week. Friend is a retired assis tant postmaster of Woodsfield and Victor is a retired railroad man. We were surely glad to meet them. We hear that Dr. Romans is in a serious condition. The potato crop in our neighborhood is nearly a failure. So is the fruit crop. No apples and no peaches. Junior Smith and G. P. Moore made a business trip to Caldwell last Friday. Carroll Roe, son of Raymond Roe, is home on a 30 day fur lough. He goes back to Fort Meade, Maryland. Virgil Watson is drilling an oil well on Otto Carpenter and Milo Burns is drilling on the Oscar Carpenter farm. The wells drilled on Ray Keyser are producing 11000 and 10400. Pretty lucky for Ray. Bill McVicker lost a valuable calf last week. Elvin Carpenter and Austin Carpenter of West Lafayette, were home last week. Austin's mother is very poorly. Charles Eschbaugh was a social caller here last Friday. Frank Wyscarver and Junior Moore made a |lying trip to Surnrnerfield last Sunday. Two more of our old friends, Jo and Bill Derwent, were social callers here last Sunday. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Paul McKee was removed in the Murphy ambulance from Good Samaritan hospital to his home on North street. He was dismissed last Wednesday. E A E I A N W A Y economically tot IN TOf «n niimtxriTj* SlRVlCf UUD hit LPS THEM THAT HELP THEMSELVES* v jSenjamin.jhani/iri /ram fbor ftckatiDjQ/manae True In 1757- True Today Wiiiscreek WILLSCREEK Still dry and hot. Pasture getting short and springs are getting very weak. Farmers are hauling water for the cattle. Junior Moore took a load of cattle and hogs to the Barnes ville sales last Saturday. Cattle are low. Mrs. Oscar Carpenter is very poorly at this writing. Vernon Hannahs says he is going into the sheep business. More money in them than cat tle. Green Valley GREEN VALLEY A Sun day school picnic was held at the fairground, Sunday for the East Union Sunday school. A delicious dinner was enjoyed by all attending. After dinner, games were led by Evelyn Weav er. Those enjoying the picnic were Evelyn Weaver, Mabel Sarbaugh, Timmy Archer, Donny James, Louella Sorg, Jane Gordon, Lucinda, Susan and Marjorie Clark, Clarence Carlos and Delbert Lee Tucker, Betty, Barbara and Judy Ros siter, Johnny Green, Carl Miller, Roy Lee Miller, Lydia' and Sarah Gant, Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Archer, Mr. and Mrs. William Rossiter, Aaron Everly, Shirley Tucker, Ruth Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Green, Charles Feldner, Amy Stevens, Irene Bates and Danny and Wayne Bates. Personals Sunday visitors of Mrs. Hazel Murrey were Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanFossen and daughter, Mar tha of Harriettsville and Mrs. Harold Horton and children, Sandra and Larry of Lore City. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rossiter, Mrs. Mary Sullivan, Nancy Ros siter and granddaughters were business callers in Caldwell on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jennings and granddaughter, Judy Laugh lin visited Mr. and Mrs. Branson VanFleet and sons, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Athel Pitts and daughter, Nancy and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Nancy Ros siter. Mr. and Mrs. Jarties VanFleet and daughters, Carlan Sue and Lestie Denise visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanFleet and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McElfresh over the weekend. RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIC VICTIMS Offered Faster Relief Fran Pains A Bikini Eut«ric Coated Tablet, Quicfc blood from Intestinal Will not nauseate. Keduc«* uiic *eiL •Iviu* oruick. Ulager W#tiu« relief to de*o njrtod p«las. G«t amain* A.R. £«U«f 1*11-1,ESPIE'S DRUG STOKE Caldwell, Ohio fut jreur steering mechormm on the txom! You con dfi?c securc in the knowledge that your steering equip ment is in top-notch shope after a Visualiner beam-of light check-up. It shows you an extfet graphic picture of your alignment condition. When corrections art Oiade you KNOW they are right. Drive in today and rou'lf drive more safely, more comfortably and more LEEMAN PQNTIAC CO. Phone 78 Caldwell, Ohio Kennansburg KENNONSBURG The Lash ley reunion was held here Sun day with a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lashley and sons, Gary, Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lashley, Jr. and son, Danny, spent last week in Dearborn, Mich. Henry Hague was dismissed from O.V.G. hospital Wheeling, Thursday. Weekend visitors at the Ures Massie home were Mrs. E. C. Baker, children, Mary Lou, Dwight, George of Canton and Alvin of the U. S. air force, New Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Car penter, Cambridge, W. T. Hague of Summerfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis of Sarahsville. Mr. and Mrs. Don McMillen of Newcomerstown, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flood, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sell and chil dren of Canton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lashley. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Parks spent their vacation the past week touring the southern part of the state. Mrs. R. W. Parks and Mrs. Ellis Long- were visiting Mrs. Malcolm Parks and son in Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. Renrock RENROCK The W. S. C. S. met Thursday observing family night with a pot luck supper. There were twenty two pres ent. A very interesting program was enjoyed. Floy Tilden was leader. She was assisted by her daughter. Music consisting of a trio number by Ray Tilden, Ernest Thorla and Lynn Reed. Vocal solos by Itol Reed and Ray Tilden and a piano solo by Betty Tilden. Bible quiz by Louie Hall. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynn Reed, Barbara Reed, Queenie Dickinson, Paul Dickinson, Ann Harlow, Mary Buchanan, Barbara and Bonnie Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Trudy Mayer, Leura Dick ison, Lora McNutt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thola of Chandlersville, Mrs. Lizzie Swarts, Alamette. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tilden, Betty Tilden, H. R. Blackburn and Itol Reed. Home Council The Home Council will meet at the school house, Thursday. Aug. 27, to make more trays. Grange Meeting* The grange will meet Aug. 2ii instead of Sept. 4 because of Noble county fair. This is elec tion of officers. The program is as follows: roll call, An Interest ing Event in My School Days Reading, Lora McNutt current events, Ray Tilden hints and helps, Louie Hall contest, A Rex. New AS LOW AS GET THIS SARAHSVILLE Mrs. Lucy Moore received word recently of the death of her brother-in-law, Mart Moore of Akron, due to a heart attack. PHILCO Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis, who were vacationing at Niagara Falls, returned home Friday. Mi\ and Mrs. Don Moore and Mrs. Ruth Kirk returned home Sunday after a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vorhies in Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tingle in Toledo. Billy Bettinger visited last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bettinger of Mid dleburg. East Union EAST N md Mrs. Raymond Tucker and daughter, Diane of Zanesville, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Misjan and son, Gary of Canton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Glen Huffman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Miller called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert VanFossen and family, Sunday evening. Mrs. Doris Miller and son, Ray Lee and Delbert Tucker called on Mrs. Blanche Butlei and Florence and Kate Mallett on Sunday evening. Miss Elsie Tucker was a call er in Zanesville, Thursday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tucker and daughter, Shirley Ann of Morristown, called on Mrs. Cora Tucker and son, Hubert, Wed nesday evening. 'EASY OUT' Mr. and Mrs. Glen Huffman and family has spent the past week with relatives in Canton and New Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butler called on Mrs. Blanche Butler on Mrs. Blanche Butler and Flor ence and aKte Mallett, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker attended the funeral of Orvill Lahue last Monday at St. Clairs ville. Mrs. Rosa Tucker and children and Carl Miller were callers in Zanesville last Tuesday. ICE CUBE TRAY & \falue-for only iiuini 1953 PHILCO Dairy Bar Refrigerator Cited for its contribution to Dairy Foods storage by the American Dairy Association only Philco Refrigerators give you the Award-winning Dairy Bar, with famous Cheese Keeper, Butter Keeper and shelves for quart milk bottles! 199 .* "J* V\\\W I I I I C. E. KICHNER CO. Phone 20 516 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio Thursday, August 20, 1953 SARAHSVILLE MEWS Mrs. Nellie Snode visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Carr Davis of near Sarahsville. Mrs. Ethel Mercer and son, Stevie spent last week with Miss Joy Jean Kirk. Mr. Harry Luke of Orville, ,s visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Depew. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibson visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Heddleson. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stottsberry are vacationing in Niagara Falls and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibson were in Cambridge, Saturday evening. Cumberland CU!V.: Mi-, and Mrs. Edwin Stoneking of Zanes ville, announce the arrival of a daughter on Aug. 13 at Bethesda hospital. The maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Antli ony Trenner. The paternal is Mrs. Flora Stoneking. Mrs. Burness Hall, daughter. Norma Jean returned home after a week's visit in the home of her brother, Olan McMillen at Lan sing, Michigan. Mrs. Mary Mc Millen, who has been visiting in her son's home since July 4tii returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis visit ed in the home of his father, J. H. Ellis and daughter, Pearl on Sunday. Additional afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Alexander. Mr .and Mrs. Frances Barnett motored to Camp Sychar or near Mt. Vernon on Sunday. Mrs. Barnett's mother, Mrs. Kate Ward had spent the past week attending the camp and returned home with them. The folks visited with Mr. and Mrs. Giade Manifold and Sandra of near Utica. Miss Agnes Craft and friend of Columbus, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craft. As you leave Cumberland on route 146 going towards Zanes ville, do not fail to notice the Harry Covert's home. It is re ceiving a new coat of white paint which is a great improve ment. SHAFER IS.ia'ANiX And REAL ESTATE AGENCY Phone 125 th coupon below) Just lift the Easy Out lever and out coine big, full-size cubes! Fits ANY electric refrigerator, even old models! Limited offer just We with coupon! OF EXTRA COST WITH THE FUKCHASE C)l ANY PH1LC0 Refrigerator'" with Dairy Bar This557°°Value43-pc NATIONAL SILVER CO. SILVERPLATE SERVICE... ind up MajJ'iificent silverplate service for eight by National Silver Company in famous "Rose and Leaf" pattern ... FREE OF EXTRA COST with the purchase of a new Philco Dairy Bar Refrigerator! PHILCO "EASY OUT" ICE CUBE TRAY COUPON NAME. 95 mst urns ADDRESS. Spatial limited off#rf No mail or phoM onbrt* None sold to children,