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Pace ar PI ds at cl« in w h* cr gi at 1 i ir ti h. o: ci U e ic tl a it e n 0 v s s 1 SUMMEEFIELD NEWS SUM7"I M'iT.Ln The Amer ican Legion Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting on Monday night, Aug. 24, to make final plans for the food stand being planned at the Noble county fair. The hostesses for the coming meeting are Flo Smith and Ila Wilson. i Class Picnic The Alpha Omega Sunday school class of the Methodist church and their families enjoy ed a picnic at the club house at Seneca lake, Sunday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Creamer of Columbus. Weekend Callers Those calling on Mrs. Ina Bates, who recently fractured her ankle in a fall, were Stella Farley of Cleveland, Blanche Foster of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. John Howell of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and family of Caldwell and Mr. Mrs. Chester Sullivan of Worth ington. At Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed and children, Linda and Timmie and Grace Taylor were in Columbus on business Friday. Returns Home Miss Carmen Creamer return ed to her home Monday in Co lumbus after visiting with her grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode for the past two weeks. Miss Creamer will enter Ohio Wesleyan university at Dela ware on Sept. 13. Slje is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Creamer, Columbus. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hannahs entertained the following guests over the past weekend: Grace Gates of Cleveland, Mary Lou Sorg, Carol Miller and Jennie Goldie of Lancaster, Pearl Han nahs and grandson, Charles left Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Groves in Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Fryman and family of Ashland, visited the latter's father, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Martin. Mrs. Martin is ill from a fall. Lizzie Martin visited Ezra VanDyne in the St. Francis hos pital, Saturday. Mary Weaver and father, F. M. Calland wore in Caldwell on business. Saturday. Mrs. Blanche Foster of Zanes ville, Mrs. Stella Farley and Harry Brooks of Cleveland, Mr and Mrs. Don Moore and son, Dannie of Caldwell,, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrett and daughter, Sheryl, were Saturday evening dinner Now—acompletely new Ford Economy Truck model exactly right for almost any job you can nam^J Hanging from Pickups to 55,000-lb. G.C.W. BIG JOBS! New transmissions, power, frames, springs! New Driverized Cabs cut driver fatigue—most comfortable on any trucks! Driverized Deluxe Cab (on models shown) has 16 custom extras at only slight added cost. Step into a Driverized Cab today at your Ford Dealer's—you'll know it's the Cab for you! r.D.A.r. 1 ""awrrti *1 ii 'rti it' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Garrett. The Zanesville and Cleveland folks were over night guests. Sunday Dinner Guests Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bach and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bach and family of Lewisville route 1 were Mrs. Blanche Foster ol Zanesviile, Mrs. Stella Farjey and Harry Brooks of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garrett ol Summerfield and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bach and daughter, Cheryl. Homemakers Picnic Those attending the homemak ers picnic held at Fishers Grove Thursday were: Grace Taylor, Latha Dodds, Geraldine Han nahs, Bernice Batton, Josia Gib son, Dama Reed, Beulah Jerles, Emily Havener, Margion Lesco, Mildred Hannum, Nora Step hens, Edith Craig, Ruth Day, Thelma Wharton, Mary Weav er, Catherine Dysert, Hattie Oliver, Thelma Atkinson, Roma Jean Wharton and children. They enjoyed games and a pic nic dinner. On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Otis King and daughter, Mary Kathleen, are enjoying a vacation thru the Southern states. There, they will visit Mrs. King's brother, Roger Danford in Texas, before re turning home. Returned Home Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bishop and family have returned home after a trip thru the East and also visited the former's brother, D. C. Bishop and family in Penn sylvania. Visit In Cleveland The Noble County Midget Baseball League members visit ed the Cleveland Indians Thurs day at Cleveland. The league in cludes Summerfield. They were accompanied by their manager, William Warner and Delbert Spence and Donnie Watson. Brush Party Mrs. Ilene Warner entertain ed Thursday night with a brush party. Alberta Maliett of Hir amsburg, demonstrated the pro ducts and during the social hour a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Ball Game The Midget ball team will play a game against the Fathers Thursday evening. A real game is expected. On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Havener and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence & oose FRIDAY'S ATTRACTION AT FAIR T. Team contestants from America's greatest thrill shows, in cluding the world famous Joie Chitwood auto daredevils will at tempt to establish a new world's record car leap, ramp to ramp, when they appear Friday evening, Sept. 4 at the Noble county fair. There will be one show only, beginning at 8:00 o'clock. Brewster left Sunday afternoon for a vacation trip down thru the Smoky mountains and oth er places of interest. Personals Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle McElfresh were Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Grove and son, Mich ael, Mrs. Fannie Horton of New Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElfresh and daughter, Ann, all of Newark. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fogle were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finney, Mr. and Mrs. Chester King, Wanda King, John Boober, all of Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Van Dyne of Cambridge, were Sun day dinner guests of Mrs. Offa Bishop. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stephens were Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Stephens and son, Timmie of Barnesville, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Christman and children. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Clark, Mrs. Parry Philpot visited the latter's husband at Wheelers burg, Sunday where he is now employed. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Watson and children and Linda Reed were at Buckeye Lake, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson and son, Gregory, Zanesville Earl Gibson and son, Eddie, of Coshocton, were Sunday guests Trucks! models! B-500 Series 154-in. wheelbase for up to 36-passenger bodies. With V-8 or Six. i 0. H. P1CKENPAUGH 315 West Street Phone 84 Caldwell, Ohio F-100 Series 6'/i-ft. Pickup. Also 8-ft. Panel. 6Vi-ft. Come in and see the new Ford Economy Trucks today! of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meek and daughter, Helen, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Clauss, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Taylor visit ed Sunday with his mother, Mrs Juanita Taylor at Macksburg. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO A. R. Fogle, Sam King and I Chester King were in Woods-1 field, Monday on business. Mrs. Harold Edgerly and I daughters of Johnstown, return ed to their home Sunday after visiting Mrs. Mamie Friday for| the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bond andl children of Pleasant City route were dinner guests of Mr. and| Mrs. Ross Watson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Warner I and family were Sunday dinner I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert| Eschbaugh, Quaker City. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Creamer I and daughter, Sue Ellen of Co lumbus, visited the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode.| Mrs. Creamer and daughter re mained for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stephens,! Herbert Snyder, Mildred Han num and son, Ronnie, enjoyed a social evening Friday at the home of Nedra Snyder in Barn-| esville. If it's advertised In The Journal I Say so when you are buying. Stake. 4800 lbs. G.V.W. 110-in. wheelbase. i '/, '&• %.)• ght true job from th vastly expanded line of P-350 Series Parcel Delivery Chassis Windshield front end for 7- to ll'/a-ft. bodies G.V.W. 7,800 lbs. M00 Series Tractor" with Van Trailer 16,000 lbs. G.V.W., 28,000 lbs. G.C.W. C400 Series BIG JOB G.V.W. 23,000 lbs. G.C.W. 48,000 lbs. Mi orld's first-choice 111"ij Proportionate savings when you buy LESS than FOUR tiresl CACV tcdjuci EASY TEKAttf PAY AS l,TTlE AS $12S a WEEK FOR FOUR TIRES inn GE ELECTRIC |—IIMHIiHWB GOODYEAR MSMHMH GOODYEAR tmmmmsm GOODYEAR A jr '-5 u tire! i 11 u i OV/ANCE THE MARATHON by GOODYEAR List Price $14.60 plus tax SALE PRICE Tire Sale of the Year! plus tax oed your rtccp* pobl« tire *.00z U uttRWti 17K14M 17-Inch MOTOROLA TV CONSOLE Was your tires* SALE ill nothing FAMOUS FIRST-QUALITY DELUXE $189.50 Model 95 ODEN GAS RANGE w.. *.»» 512963 Model (02 ODER GAS RANGE w» .1.950 »99» 20-Inch Rerfomasler Bolarv POWER MOWER '109 NB8J GE REFRIGERATOR w.. wm D21H3 GE ELECTRIC RANGE w«.$4«* 5337 E10 RANGE w„ $359.95 »r« *~w n—mwm HERE'S OUR OFFER... trade in the 4 old tires from your car pay us list price for 3 new tires* you get 4 new GOODYEAR DELUXE TIRES —you pay more. V#. Goodyear DeLuxe Tires are on more new cars than any other kind! More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind! MARATHON SUPER-CUSHION by GOOD/TEAR Dst Price $16.55 plus tax JALC SALE *13 95 PRICE CLEARANCE SA BIG SAVINGS 25% OFF! 'EZE »$*m w 17C12517-Inch MOTOROLA TV CONSOLE 299 95 S259* Z 17TIQ 17-Inch SE TAB! 3 MODEL w„ $209.95 S 5176CM 17-Inch ARV1I TV CONSOLE w., $29995 ALL GARDEN HOSE 25% OFF SERVICE STORE Corner North and Cumberland Streets Phone 30 Caldwell, Ohio GOODYEAR SHSBB3H GOODYEAR GOODYEAR A jniursday^_^i^st^^j£^ ffllUBHIMWIWjg mt o o O o o o o c- s BIG SAVINGS ALSO ON WHITE SIDEWALL pin tax ani your recappabl* lira 4-70 IS Was $345.00 5256*23 O TIRES o o o W 'g 50 1 *209» o o o 95 s