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Page Four Forly-One Prospects Turn Gut For Local Football Practice Forty-one prospective candidates for the Caldwell high football team turned out for the initial call, Monday evening, with Coach Tom Saunders at the helm. This is the largest number the history of the local school Ail candidates were weighed Look (JO'S Mr. and Mrs.' Malcolm Parks. East street, announce the birth of a son on Wednesday, August 12 at Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Park, Seneca Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gelein, of Eau Claire, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Rossiter, of Caldwell route, are the par ents of a daughter born August 12 at Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. The infant weighed seven pounds, three ounces and has been named Janice Dianne. Grandparents are Mrs. Charles Rayner, of Ava and Mark Ros siter, of Sarahsville. Great grandmother is Mrs. Nancy Ros siter, of Sarahsville route. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, North street, ar6 announcing the birth of a son, Saturday, Aug. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schell of Caldwell route 4, are the parents of an eight pound, three ounce son born Aug. 13 at St. Francis hospital, Cambridge. A/2c and Mrs. David Rich of Spokane, Wash., announce the birth of a daughter on Aug. 3. The new arrival weighed seven pounds and eight ounces. Her name is Marjorie Elaine. Mater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Dettra of Senecaville and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rich, Sarahs ville. ffss Held In Thefi Of Blades Three stolen bicycles were re covered Thursday morning by Sheriff Conaway at Ava, where two juveniles of that community were taken into custody after the bikes were found in then possession. The bicycles had been damag ed somewhat and torn apart. The wheels had been changed and Rome new paint had been applied to disguise them. They had been stolen in Caldwell from Linda Jordan, Tommy Lewis and Ger ald Rex. The two boys, ages 14 and 16, appeared Thursday morning be fore Probate Judge W. Vernon Archer. The case was taken under advisement and is being continued, according to Judg Archer. n Hit Alter llit SI ever to turn Here! 4% Week After Week FRIIJAY-SATI'RI MICKEY HOONFY DICK IIAYMKS PKGGY RYAN «pw Technicolor Comedy Hit! "ALL ASHORE" NoiSti ill AiiCiliiuiiLC 1 0i" IilOS6 #l out for the team in in and they received their equip ment Tuesday and Wednesday. The first practice yras held Thursday morning at 8:30 ion the athletic field. Coach Saunders said that practices would be held every day hereafter, morning and afternoon, except on Saturday. The squad will be cut down in proportion during these prac tices. The first appearance of the Caldwell Redskins will be Friday evening, Sept. 11, when they play in the Olympiad, Zanesville. There are three prospects from the Fulda community and two from Macksburg. Anyone who could assist in the transporta tion of these students should contact Billy Semon of the Cald well Booster club. -Personals- Mr. and Mrs, Joint Keidy have returned to their home in Belle Valley after a week's vacation in Canada and Niagara Falls. Janet and Cheryl Ann Menzie of Cumberland route 4, were visiting a few days the past week with Lydia Ann McElroy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker of Sarahsville route 1, spent the weekend with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Willard^fry and sons, Cum berland route. Sunday afternoon they enjoyed a picnic at Seneca Lake. The Bakers were accom panied home by Walter Fry Mrs, Charles Kirchner, Mrs. S. F. Gray and John Kirchner left Sunday for a motor trip to Arizona, California and other western states. Kirchner will re main in the west during the hay fever .season. Reah Shroyer is spending two weeks in West Lafayette visit ing her daughters, Mrs. Robert McCIure and Rebecca Shroyer. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Young and son, Donnie and twin daughters, Diane and Denise of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Jonh Ring, of Bradington, Florida, were guests the past week of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Yourm, North street. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Toad Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis, Grant Davis and Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Dye, Caldwell, attended the Graham reunion, August 16 at Lake Isabel le. SALES TAX RECEIPTS Sales tax receipts in Noble county for the week ending Aug. 1 amounted to $2,507.05, com pared to $2,961.28 for the saine time in 1952. Total collected to date in this county amounts to $9,457.74, Wed.-Tlmrs., Ant*.. 19-20 'Targe! Hong Kong' "The Trail Blazers" AY, AIJGCST 21-22 MAUREEN O'HARA MacDONALI) CAREY "G9MMGHE TERRITORY" Note: Saturday Evening Shows 6:15 9:00 SI NDAY-MONDAY-TITESDAY, AUGUST 23-24-25 MIDNIGHT SHOW—SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 rptfmf SEATED DURING Who It Happens Every Thursday [qkc Coil I WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, AUGUST 26-27 LORETTA YOUNG JOHN FORSYTHE FRANK McHUGH GLADYS GEORGE it Mttftqasat ngj».-»Bhyhi aswifcayauj w^iffliwwutwwiii w URCRAFTSCHOOL 5 *9 & fvU* v-rr"" j? w JOHN W. BONAR A/3c John W. Bonar, 19, grandson of Mrs. Bell Bonar of Harriettsville, has entered the Aircraft Mechanics School at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, the home of *he largest technical school of this type in the world. Airman Bonar attended Elk Local high- school prior to his enlistment in the air force on April 29, 1953. IIIIHIIIIIlMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIililHHIMHIIilllMtHIIIIMtllll Happy Birthday! Monday, Aug. 17 Charley Ray Clark, one year old. Tuesday, Aug. 17 Cintha Gay Rayner, one year old. Wednesday, Aug. 19 Eileen Curtis, Beecher Gill (88). Franklin King, Junior Snyder. Thursday, Aug. 20 Verna Warner. Friday, Aug. 21 Andrew Horniek, Edward Hor nick, Frank Burlingame.* Saturday, Aug. 22 Herbert Travis, Bessie String er, Mabel El}', Walter Quick, Emma Kemp. Sunday, Aug. 23 Robert Tucker, Luella Moore, Dean Oliver. Monday, Aug. 24 Janice Loop, Lizzie Hale, Wildey, A. Combs, Nancy Reed (I year old), Rose Gulick. Tuesday, Aug. 25 Amanda Osborne, David Bates, Junior Wiekham, Marjorie Kap pel, Mavis Marshall, Charles Morrison, Tommy Clark, Galen E. Ellison, Phil Fleeman, Evelyn Christopher. Wednesday, Aug. 26 Gregory Phil Carpenter, Mary Wentworth, James M. Guiier, Mac McDonald, Gertrude Mc Gregor, Judy Ball, S. A. West. Thursday, Aug. 27 Carolyn Sue Anderson, Judy Hutcheson. Friday, Aug. 28 Mabel Weedon, Nellie Chand ler, Herbert Clark, Mrs. Lester Herron. Saturday, Aug. 29 Bonnie Thompson, El til Mae Staats. Sunday, Aug. 30* James Groves, Anna Hutches on, Lizzie Swartz, Mildred Her i^on, Shirley Wiekham. Photo Developing—Gillespie's LEATHERWQQD DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1' Miles Southwest of Barnesville On Stale Route 147 Thursday, August 20 Qn the Stage! IN PERSON W Y N N And His Covered Wagon Caravan iih sii.i.v os( vi! md BETTY, the Hoola Dancer Plus On thp Screen "BLACK3EAS0 THE PIRATE" SELECTED NHOA.l SUBJECTS Friday-Saturday, Aug. 21-22 —Doubl- F. v Pru-iram— "GUNSMQKE" —and "MY WIFE'S BEST fhieno" Sunday-Monday -Tuesday August 23-24-25 —Double Feature Program— 'BEST of the UmiW 1 n I it COUNT the HOURS" TERESA WRIGHT MacDONALD CAREY Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 26-27 TYRONE POWER "THE MISSISSIPPI GAMBLER' it* In Technicolor Plus Selected Short Subjects Peaihs— Christine Pakes Mr. and Mrs. Andy Pakes, of Belle Valley, received word last week of the death of their granddaughter, which occurred on Aug. 6. She was Christine Pakes, 15 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pakes, Culner City, Calif. The child had been ill for only one day. She was an only child. Services and burial were held in California. Mrs. Walter Springer Mrs. Maud M. Springer, 71, wife of Walter Springer, of Maple Heights, Caldwell, passed away Wednesday at 3:30 a. m. at St. Francis hospital, Cam bridge, where she has been a patient for the past ten days, following a heart attack. She was the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Cranston McLain. She was born in Musk ingum county but spent most of her life in this county and was member of the Middlebourne Methodist church, east of Cam bridge. Surviving besides her husband are the following children, Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mahlon Spring er and Dale Springer, of Cald well Mrs. Ray Lehman of New comerstown, Vinton Springer, of Columbus and Mrs. Ford Parks, of Canton. One sister, Mrs. Minnie Tom, of Mansfield,. 14 grandchildren, i great grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews also survive. Final rites will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the Murphy funeral home with Rev. Ola Teeters, of Hoskinsville, of ficiating. Burial will be made in Olive cemetery. The body will remain at the funeral home until the hour of services. John F. Swain John F. Swain, 88, a native of Sarahsville, passed away Satur day afternoon at St. Francis hos pital, Columbus. He had resided in Columbus for a number of years and had been in ill health for some time. He was born in Noble county, a son of Henry and Cora Bur lingame Swain and spent the early part of his life here. His wife, Catherine, survives also, three sons, John of Colum bus, Theodore of Charles, W Va., and Clarence of Dearborn, Mich. The body was brought to the McVay funeral home, where services were held Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Ira J. Brandon was officiating minister and burial was in Village ^View cemetery, Sarahsville. Ray Rienshield Mont lord Allen of Caldwell route 3, received word Thursday of the death of his brother-in law, Ray Rienshield, 58, of Fair field Beach, near Columbus. Mr. Rienshield, husband of the former Lela Allen of Rein ersville, died suddenly at 'his home, according to the report. In addition to his wife, he leaves two sons, his mother, one sister and two grandsons. Funeral rites were held Sat urday afternoon at Pleasantville and burial was also in that vic inity. Mr. and Mrs. Allen attend ed the funeral services. John Morgenstern John Morgenstern, (Morning star), of Ava route 1, passed away Tuesday morning at 1:15 o'clock in Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, .following a lingering illness. He was born in Germany, February 6, 1877 but came*, to United States while very young. He was a retired miner and farmer and a member of St.. John Baptist Evangelical Slovak mm THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL, OHIO CRUISE-IN JENNIFER JONES CHAKUON HESTQN MALDEH II ATT A SOX CONGKfc*/ ••'•.xftmmm .... 'gfwfuagas»]W)!i»^jw»wwiitwirtBa^g»!^B«iwBWSig^w^^ James C. Stewart James Clark Stewart, seven year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Albert Stewart, who live on Route 21 south of Belle Valley, died at 11:40 a. m. Tuesday in St. Francis hospital, Cambridge. Death was attributed by hospital attaches to virus pneumonia. The lad was a student in the second grade of the Belle Valley school. Surviving are his parents, Albert and Nora Starr Stewart a sister, Joyce Marie of the home and the following grandparents: Mrs. Hazel Starr of Belle Val ley, Mrs. Ocolo Stewart .of Co lumbus and William Stewart of Cambridge. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 OUTDOOR THEATRE State Route 40 West—Three Minutes from Cambridge THCR SO AY-FRIDAY, ACGCST ''O.'l "DOWN TO SEA IN SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 CAMBLER AND THE LADY DAM: Cl.ARK NAOMI CHANCE "YELLOW SKY" GREGORY I'l K CARTOON E A E I A N W A Y AVAIL r°* iKWfcTM^ At Long Last Lutheran church at Coal Ridge. He is survived by a number of step-children, including Mrs. Susan Heiden, of Coal Ridge. His wife, Sophia preceded him in death a year ago. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the McVay funeral, home where the body will remain until the services. Rev. Rudolph Wilier, pastor of the United Brethren church, Cambridge, will officiate and burial will be made in the Pleasant City ceme tery. Friends may call between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 and 7:00 and 9:00 p. m. Clarence Lane Clarence "Pete" Lane, 62, re tired mechanic, died at his home in Senecaville route 1, on Saturday evening, following a heart attack. Surviving are his widow, Ger aldine of the home two daugh ters and two sons, in addition to his father and step-mother one brother two step-daughters 12 grandchildren seven great grandchildren and six step grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Senecaville Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Floyd Gaugler of Caldwell and Rev. Doran Garey of Senecaville officiating. Interment was made in the Sen ecaville cemetery with military rites at the grave. The Meek fu neral home was in charge. SHIPS" RICHARD W1DMARK LIONEL BARRYMORE CARTOON NEWS SUNDAY MONDAY, AUGUST 23-24 MARILYN MONROE-JOSEPH C0TT1N JEAN PETERS It A vJiv ifi IDA LUPINO CARTOON "SHADOW St A I BAXTER NLWKS IN THE SKY" RALl'll MEEKER NANCY GATES Cartoon News U ESDAY-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25-26 AHIIROCIES AND THE 001 II AN SIMMONS "MADHOUSE" RICHARD VV ID MARK NEWS TUESDAY o'clock from the McVay fujieral home with Rev. Clair Gray of Byesville officiating. Interment will be made in the Halley's Ridge cemetery. Mrs. Flora Cooke Mrs. Flo McKee Cooke, of Caldwell, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mollie Patton here at noon Wednesday. Death came after a eight years' illness. The daughter of Isaac and Alicinda Kirk McKee, she was a member of the First Presbyter ian church. Mrs. Cooke's husband, Donald Cooke, died in 1932. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Patton at whose home she died, one broth er, Robert McKee and a nephew, Donald McKee, both of Canton. Funeral services were held at 2:00 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Murphy funeral home here. Rev. I. J. Brandon will officiated and burial was made in Olive cemetery, Caldwell. The body is at the funeral home. "WMuinnmk II SUNDAY-MONDAY-'IT!•.! Plans Coiuplsled For Mid- Easi Regatta At Marietta, Antj. 22- 23 fieicAif ss? »of Two of the three "jitterbug jockeys" who hold one leg on the Louis Johnson Cup, the regatta's big prize, are among the early entrants. They are Dennis Martin of Jackson, Mich., the winner of the first Johnson Cup race in 1950, and Milford Harrison of Vermilion, the vic tor in 1951. Another Johnson Cup victor, Bill Tenney of Dayton, will pro bably enter, according to Race Chairman John Dow. Tenney, the national Class Champion, was the winner in 1952. Also among the early entrants is Harry Vogts of Madison, Wise., Jhe driver who retired the Daw es Trophy in 1949. Other drivers already entered are John Mokranin of Ellwood City, Pa. Jim Wallace of Lima Jack and John Maypole of Oak Park, 111. Melvin Kirts of Elk hart, Ind. Gebrge Byers, Jr., of Columbus, O. Alex Gombach, of Lakewood, O. Tommy Cavell of Euclid, O. Everet Stephens of Parkersburg, W. Va. Joe Scapes of Pittsburgh, Pa. Chet Webb of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Clyde Chaffee of Ligonier, Ind. Walter Tereszkiewicz of Pitts burgh and John Dolce of Pitts burg. Pa. Two anniversaries will be ob served at this year's Mid-East. One will be the 25th anniversary of the first regatta in 1928 (six were missed during the war) The other will be Ohio's 150th birthday, and in respect to this occasion, the sponsoring Mari etta Legion Post No. 64 will call this year's races the "Sesquicen tennial Regatta." The first race will be at 1:30 p. m. each day. \Four races of three heats each will be run off daily, climaxed by the scramble for the Johnson Cup on Sunday. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 598fi Estate of Louis Hill, deceased. Notice is hereby «iven that Dena Hill, of Route 1, Summerfield, Ohio has been duly appointed executrix of the estate of Louis Hill, deceased, lat of Stock township. Noble county, Ohio Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months or be forever barred. Dated thin lx day of August.. 1953. W. V. ARCHER. Acting Probate Judge of said County 7-M-9 yi v fil 'Ilvj fi'"W S Hi i 'Hil Fm SPARKLING FLOORS tASY TO CI I A N Caldwell Implement St Supply Co. Phone 225 East Street W'ed.-Thurs., Auk. 19-20 FRIDAY-SATURDAY. AUGUST 21-22 WW ¥i£S BB€» FRAME VV1DM SDAY-THURSDAY, AUGUST 26-27 ^HOOT GIBSON KEN MURRAY Thursday, August 20, 1»5 the 19th annual Mid-East Regatta at Marietta, Saturday and Sun day, August 22 and 23, on the Muskingum liver. Reflecting the widespread interest in the event, t!he 17 already entered represent eight states—Ohio, New York, Michigan, Penn^ sylvania, Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Heal Esiafe Transfers E. E. i 1' 1953 Robert CLARKE Catherine WrtfOD tHuiie HUSSELL DOUGLAS WILSON iyyj V 'MeverWsve *, ATAW4C't i ...The Underworld's Deadliest Method of Operation I jCAN LOVEJOY-WELDOM i es and Hilda Triplett, Buffalo township, 41 acres. Geneva Morris to F. O. and Jennie B. Stille, Caldwell lot 326. John and Mona Palmer to Harry C. and Betty Morrison, Belle Valley lots 62, 67, 68, 69. 70, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, and 86. Flora Cooke to Mollie Patton, Caldwell lot 21. Ora Fulton, et. al., to the Franklin Real Estate Co., Olive township, 106 acres. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 6^40 Kstflte of Beulah Cooker, deceased. Notice is hereby jjiven that Bonnie J. Hughes, of li!9S Wyandotte Rd.. Co lumbus, Ohio, has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Reiiluh Cooker, deceased, lute of Belle Valley, Noble County. Ohio. Creditor* are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within fouc inoiiths. Dated HUB 17 day of August, 1958. W. V. ARCHER. Acting Probate Judge of said County 7-8-9 FOR ALL! AT THE GREATER 1803 v.: -mm BRING FAMILY A K E VACATION INDUSTf? U I AGRICU U AMUSEMENT THE 17ft STAR* A SYMPHONIC DRAMA OF OHIO HISTORY FRANK J. LAUSCHE emor of Ohio F0UST Agricullu rector Manager ROBERT