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Page Six Ct-L i' V 3ffc u a'r v k f- v In speaking to "Russ," the Keith herd consists of some mighty fine Canadian holsteins, perhaps the finest in the county. According to Keith they're registered to the gilt and that is the trade-mark on hovy you grade cattle. "Wc had a lot of luck with our registered herd," Russ stated. "The first year we gained four females and this year we got two more thru breeding. "In a couple of years we will have a herd second to none, and that is what we're gunning for. Wc milk ten cows, and they all come under the requirements for u o i i i i i 2 450 C00&INS APPLES 2 Lbs.—19c CRAB APPLES 2 Lbs.—2Sc FRESH PEACHES 3 Lbs.—25c 100 County Farmer Shows How Grade "A"' Milk Is Processed KEITH DISPLAYS FINE REGISTERED HERD v Mt i i i S? One Year Of Preparation find Hard Work Conclusively Proves Coiry Venture Successful Kni-ell Kcit'n, a youthful looking farmer, who owns and operates a fifty-five acre farm north of Caldwell, looks to the future with the idea that gold is where you find it. Some pros pectors have to dig for it, others find it on the top of the ground. In the case of Russell Keith and his cooperative wife, they set their sights on a future dairy business that after one year, every indication points that a bull's eye was scored. "Setting up for grade "A" was no picnic," commented Mrs. Keith, who before her marriage was Mnrie Ginn, of Ava. "A lot of work was involved, but after it was done, we're Rlad it's all over with for there is a lot of satisfaction in getting out quality milk. "The Caldwell Produce Com any takes all our milk produc tion, which amounts to about 40 gallons a day, or about 320 pounds. This is a yearly aver age." ^W-.yJo«y. »w.- "*%, Like all other dairymen, the Keiths were compelled to mee* certain requirements befor qualifing as sellers for grade "A milk. Sanitation regulations a noted by the county board health follows: Grade "A" milk requires a average bacteria count of les than 200,000, on average tem perature of 60« or less whe delivered, and all of the follow ing sanitary regulations complies with: ('ow A!: •1 'ii Michigan Honey Rock oupes Eacfc-250 CUCUMBERS Each—5c Fresh LEMONS 6 for 25c SUN VALLEY 0LE0 Lb.—23c U S No. l's Irish Cobbler Potatoes Lb. Bag 10 Lbs. 15 Lbs. 52.99 350 49^ CANNING PEACHES BRIN(i OWN CONTAINER! BULK LARD 2 Lbs.—29c OEIiG R3VER SALT 25 Lb. Bag—45c 100 Lb. Bag—$1.45 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 25 Lb. Bag—$2.14 5c CANDY BARS 6 for 25c sMr"r" Jowl IN THE III K BALL'S MARKETS Cumberland Street (Caldwell) West J- -m* i, ,.„„mil ••«••. h.i iii' grade "A" milk,-' Keith conclud ed. Mrs. Keith, as one can observe, is quite a hustler on the farm. She, seemed to take quite a delight in showing us the im provements they were asked to make modern to get under the grade "A" classification. It re quired setting up a milkhouse which on our tour ajtpeared spotless. The arrangement was super-colossal. It had everything quite handy for the processing of the milk before getting it ready to delivery to the local creamery. In the top left picture, Russ proudly displays his four Cana dian holsteins and other herd members. Top right, Mrs. Keith took to her milking chore jus like a duck takes to water. Sh hurriedly arranged the auto matic milker to the cow and -n 1*7 *v -1 x* v i n nothing flat the "white gold flowed freely in one of the many processes before it reaches th Caldwell Produce Company Pictured below is the spotles milk house. The racks, the milkers, and other allied equip ment was very much in order. ed A V I A V I S BOLOGNA Lb.—39c n 39c Side K 4 u w V-—- V—, 5 !•'. i mi: i i line sted, Tuberculin required. Barn: Milking barns suffici ently lighted with windows and artificial light. Approximately 4 suare feet per stanchion Milk ing barns shall be well ventilat with sufficient air space 400 cu. ft. per stanchion.) Milking barn floors and gutters shall be of concrete or other im pervious material easily cleaned, md shall be graded to drain nroperly, in good repair, and kept clean. Unnecessary articles should be stored elsewhere No horses, hogs, sheep, calves, or iowl are allowed in milking ltarn The walls of the milking barn shall be clean, in good re pair, and with tight ceiling, and separated from other parts of the barn by a tight partition and self-closing I K O E S E O O t- "X doors. Paint or whitewash annually All cow yards- shall be graded, drained, ond kept clean. No swine will be permitted in the barnyard Man ure shall be removed, stored, or disposed of to keep down flies, and it shall not be accessible to Hie cows. Milk House: The Milk house shall be of sufficient size for the handling and storage of milk sold floors shall be concrete or other impervious material, in t:ood repair, and graded to drain walls and ceiling shall be ef such construction as to easily (lean and well painted the building shall be well lighted with the equivalent of at least 10c,o of the floor area in windows and adequately ventilated all openings shall be effectively THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO i MODERN MILKING METHODS A & MILKHOUSE GETS TOP RATING A1 a .il Toilet: Toilets shall be conven ient, properly constructed, clean, and shall comply with the sani tary regulations of the board of health. Water Supply: The water sup ply of the milk house and dairy barn shall be easily acccssible, adequate, and of a safe sanitary quality. (Piped into the milk house.) Utensils: All utensils and con tainers used in handling milk shall be constructed to permit easy cleaning and shall be in good repair with seams soldered flush. All milk pails shall be of hood (without strainer), or small mouth design All utensils MUST be cleaned after each usage and sterilized just before using. using Utensils or containers shall be stored on racks in the milk-house between usage and handled so as to prevent con tamination. Milking: The udder and teats shall be cleaned and rinsed with CLEANING with the sanitation regulations, The Caldwell Produce pany has installed i modern milk bottle washer. Here is shown W. E. Gregg, of Caldwell, checking the machine's •peration and observing the manner which the machines thoroughly cleans the milk bottles before hey are carried on a continuous belt to the bottling machine located in an adjoining rqom. screoned, including outward opening and self closing doors to prevent entrance of flies used for no other purpose than the handling of milk and milk utensils shall not open directly into a stable or into any room used for domestic purposes shall be provided with adequate facilities for heating water for washing utensils shall have water piped into it shall be equipped with a 2 compartment wash and rinse vat shall have storage racks inside of building for cans, pails, etc. nma A v a standard chlorine solution at the time of milking. All abnor mal milk shall be excluded Flank, bellies and tails shall be free from visabe dirt at the time of miking Milker's hands shall be clean, rinsed with bacteriolo gical solution, and dried with a clean towel before milking and following any interruption. Wet hand milking is prohibited. Con venient facilities shall be pro vided for hand washing. (A wash basin, soap, and paper towels.) Milkers and handlers shall wear clean -outer garments while milking or handling utensils, or equipment Milk stools shall be kept clean and stored above the barn floor Milk shall NOT be strained, or poured in the dairy barn. Milk must be cooled with in one hour after completion of milking to 60»» or less and main tained at that temperature until delivery. ENJOYING TRIP Irene and Edna Marquis daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Marquis, left Sunday for a two months tour of the western states. They will visit in Los Angeles, Calif., and many other places of interest before their return. INJURED AT HOME Mrs. Andrew Hill slipped and fell on the lawn of her home on North street last Wednesday evening. As a result, she- suffer ed a fractured hip and was tak en to Good Samaritan hospital Zanesville. Ice Cream Social Coming Events On Social Register There will be an ice cream ocial on Thursday evening, Aug. :1, sponsored by the W. S. C. S. Mt. Ephraim. It will be held the Mt. Ephraim school build ig and the public is invited. In ddition to ice cream and cake 1 aere will be sandwiches and offee for sale. Noble Rebekah Lodge Noble Rebekah Lodge No. 376 'ill meet Friday evening, Aug. I at eight o'clock. Refreshments 'ill be served by the committee with Mrs. George Samuel as hairman. A good attendance is desired as plans will be made for ttending the School of Instruc tion which will be held Septem er 14 at Cambridge. Inez Clark i the Noble Grand. s "inch-Wilson Reunion The annual Finch-Wilson re union will be held at the Mas nic park, five miles north of Marietta, on Sunday, Sept. 6. All relatives and friends are in vited. A basket dinner will be served at noon. 'I'o Hold Picnic The Dexter City Home De monstration- club members and their families will have a picnic at Seneca Lake, Sunday, Aug. 23. All members are urged to comc, bring well filled baskets and iheir own table service. Sharon Grange Current events will be the Teature of the lecture hour at 'he next meeting of Sharon range, No. 1561, Aug. 28. Each member present will report on n interesting article or event •s seen in a recent magazine or paper. Saturday, Aug. 29 will be "work day" for all male members of the grange, who will assist in preparing the outside of the hall for painting. Tools will be supplied by the volun teer workers. I'ulda Grange Fulda grange will have thcii annual picnic Sunday, Aug. 23 the home of Herman Yeagle basket dinner will be enjoyed nd all members will bring their own table service. Ice Cream Social The W. S. C. S. of the Hoskins ville Methodist church is spon soring an ice cream social to be held in the church basement on Friday evening, Aug. 21. Home made ice cream, cake and coffee will be served. The public is invited to attend. 'MMMriMM A "T Ava W.C.T.U The Ava W.C.T.U. will meet at the church on Friday evening, August 21 at 8:00 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. An election of officers wilj be held and all dues must be paid at this time. Ila Dunlap will lead the devotional service and Lela Stiers will be in charge of the program. Potluck lunch will be enjoyed during the social hour. Flower Show The flower show, sponsored by the Beaver Hills Garden Club, will be held at Quaker City on Saturday, August 22. The show is opened to the public for entry and all are invited to take part. Entries must be at the school auditorium, where the show will be held, by 10:00 a. m. that morn ing. The show will be open to the public for viewing and in spection from 2:00 to 9:00 p. m. Everyone invited. Mrs. Frederick Wassman, of Bellaire, will be the judge. For further informa tion contact Mrs. Hazel McBur ney, chairman. Caldwell W.C.T.U. The Caldwell W. C. T. U. will meet Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the home of Miss Effie Warren, Walnut street, for the August meeting. Mrs. Columbia Davis will be the program lead er and Mrs. Ollie Darrah will have charge of the devotional scrvice. Mothers arc to bring White Ribbon recruits at this meeting. Members of the Caldwell mid get team were guests of James Watson, president of the league, at the Cleveland baseball game Thursday in that city. Prove to yourself TCP*, a Shell discovered additive, now blended into Shell Premium Gasolinet stops short-circuiting of spark plugs, controls pre-ignition. Actually increases engine power up to 15% spark plug life up to 150%. Gives extra mileage, too. HOW would you like to get up to 15% more power from your engine? Up to 150% more life from your spark plugs plus an increase in gasoline mileage? This is now possible by using Shell Premium Gasoline with TCP additive. The reason is that Shell Premium with TCP additive over comes the biggest cause of power loss affecting the majority of cars on the road today. Formerly the natural by-products of com bustion accumulating on spark plugs and in combustion chambers caused two kinds of h*rm. First, they short-circuited spark plugs —causing misfiring. Second, because they got red hot in the combustion chambers, they often caused the fuel-air mixture to ignite prema turely—this is called pre-ignition or "wild ping." The combined effect of short-circuited spark plugs plus pre-ignition was lost power and wasted gasoline. This loss of power was especially noticeable when accelerating, hill climbing, or cruising on the open highway. But Shell Premium with TCP additive ac tually changes the character of these combus tion by-products so that spark plug misfiring, and pre-ignition "wild ping" are controlled. 'Patent Applied for SHELL PREMIUM GASOLINE The Most Powerful Gasoline Your Car Can Use Distributed By THE HABILEY COMPANY Thursday, August 20, PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED BIDS will bo received contract Dainty Party tyapkins Stationery and Note Paper Everyday Cards and Gift Wrappings. Your Cardinal Card Dealer JANE RADCLIFF -Phone 221-M Is The Greatest Gasoline Y)evehpment in 31 Years! Indeed, Shell Premium with TCP additive is the most important gasoline development since the introduction of tetraethyl lead in 1922. All engines are helped! Because these engine deposits accumulate on all engines—both old and new—Shell Premium Gasoline with TCP additive is essential to keep your engine delivering the full power built into it by the manufacturer. Even if your car has gone 30,(XX) miles or more, your engine can get back much of its original power by the continued use of Shell Premium with TCP. Shell Premium with TCP Quick to Act So rapidly does Shell Premium increase your power, you'll feel your engine's had a tune-up before you've finished the second tankful. Of course, these engine deposits are constantly accumulating, and continued use of Shell Premium with TCP additive is essential to retain its benefits. Available only at your Shell Dealer's TCP is Shell's trademark for the remarkable additive now available in Shell Premium Gaso line. Originally developed by Shell Research for aviation fuels, until now it has been largely restricted to military aircraft. Now at all Shell Dealer Stations. by the Board of Education of the Center Local School District. Noble County, Ohio, at the Office of the Clerk, Mr. John Carter, Center School Building. Sarahsville, Ohio, until 1:00 o'clock P. M. Eastern Standard Time, August 22nd, 1953, and will be publicly opened and rf*ad aloud, at a meeting of the Board of Education, at sucl» time and place, for furnishing ail ma* terials, and performing all labor nec rssarv to install complete, the Steam Hating and Ventilating required at said Building, according to the Plana and Specifications prepared by the Office of Charles J. Marr. Registered Architects, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents are on file at the Noble Counfv School Office, Court House Building. Caldwell, Ohio, and at the Office of the Architect. The Plana Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Forms, etc., are obtainable from the Otl'ict: of the Architect. AH proposals shall be made in conformity with the General Code of Ohio on blank forms furnished by the Arch itect, and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope and addressed to the BoarO of Education of the Center Local School District, endorsed "Proposal for Steam Heating and Ventilating toi the Center Local School Building, fol the Board of Education of the Center Local School District. Noble County. Ohio", on the outside of the envelope. Each bid thall be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of five percent (5%) or an approved suret company's bond made uncon ditionally payable to the Clerk-Treas urer of the Board, as a guaranty of it being properly secured by an ap proved Surety Bond to 50% of the sum. The amount of such guaranty shall be retained by the ijoaru of Education and for liquidated damages sustained by reason of his failure to do so. Attention is called to the special requirements relative to Wage Rates, and hours ol employment. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 30 days after the date of opening bids. Bids will be taken and contracts awarded for the following branch of the work: 1. Steam Heating and Ventilating The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. JOHN CARTER. Clerk, Board of Education of the Center Local School District. Noble County, Ohio. Address: Sarahsville. Ohio. 4 5 6 7 If it's advertised In The Journal Say so when you are buying. -FOR SALE- Christmas Cards and Wrappings Gifts and Novelties V«