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Page Eight Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mallett, of Lewisville, are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Mary Kathryn, to Charles Eddy, of Woodsfield. Miss Mallett is a 1952 graduate of Summerfield high school. Mr. Eddy is a graduate of Woodsfield high school and is engaged in farming. He is a vet eran of World War II. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Demonstration Group Of Sharon Holds Meeting The Sharon Home Demonstra tion group met for the August meeting at the Presbyterian church basement. The day was spent making lamp shades and pocket books. Members present were: Rhea McNabb, Dessie Garvin, Edna Wiley, Ruth Walters, Ruby Boyd, Doris Ramsey, Cora Marquis, Mabel Wilson, Ocie Harmon, Ruth Wiley, Pauline Haga and Dorothy Harmon. Guests were Anna Archibald and children, Candice Wilson and Faye Wiley. The next meeting will be September 16. Making aluminum trays will be the project at this meeting. Birthday Party Held For George McGuire A party was given lor George McQuire in honor of his 13th birthday at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Bethel Bates, Mt. Ephraim, Sat urday evening at 7:30. George received a number of mce gifts and after they were opened a delightful luncheon was served by the hostess. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Dalian Bates and children, Mr and Mrs. Bud Rich and son, Mr and Mrs. Irvin Graham, Timothy Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Okey Hague and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Bates, Mrs. Helen Bauer and Jackie Bauer, Luther Stiles, Mrs Edith Williams and son, James, Mrs. Hazel Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Powell, Rex Casey Charles Cowgill, Mr. and Mrs Chelsie McConnel and son Ronnie and Terry, Kathlene Mc Quire, Marjorie Culp, the hon orcd one and the host and host ess. Regular Meeting Held By St. Ann's Guild The August rnoeling of St Ann's Guild of St. Philomena church was held in the K of hall last Wednesday evening Mrs. Clarence Estadt, presi dent, presided during the busi ness session. A social hour was enjoyed •with refreshments served by the following hostesses, Mrs. Ed Thomas, Mrs. Helen Ehlermann Mrs. Gertrude Wehr, Mrs. Leo Gerst, Mrs. Clarence Crum and Mrs. Gerhard Kress. Members attending besides the above mentioned were Mrs George Bosold, Mrs. Florence Bridgeman, Mrs. Albert Crock Mrs. William Dimmerling, Mrs Harley Estadt, Mrs. William Estadt, Mrs. Ignatz Fox, Mrs Joe Giallorrlbardo, Mrs. J. L, Heppner, Mrs. William Heppner Mrs. Beda Hill, Mrs. Albert Hupp, Mrs. Adelle James, Mrs Lewis Lori, Mrs. George Mac enko, Mrs. Albert Miller, Mrs Eunice Miller, Mrs. Urban Nau Mrs. William Nau, Mrs. Robert Paxton, Mrs. Anna Riski, Mi\s Charles Scherr, Mrs. Edwin Snider, Mrs. Simon Warner Mrs. Kathryn Womack, Mrs Fred Yont-'. Ph'lip Hnhman fcr.d Mr.- M.nin *. ~. Donna Pitts And Louise Weekley Become Brides in Double Wedding Two Caldwell girls became brides in a double wedding cere mony performed Friday, July 31, in Richmond, Ind., at 3:30 p. m. Miss Donna Pitts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Athel Pitts, ol Lewis street, exchanged vows with Richard Sesterhenn, son o:l Mrs. William F. Koch, of Canton, formerly of Caldwell, and Lewif Sesterhenn, of Chicago, 111. Miss Mallett Engaged to Wed Miss Louisp Weekley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Week ley, of Cumberland street, be came the bride of James Veloskj son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Vel osky, of Belle Valley. l»wwr»-t» Rev. Donald Lagle officiated a the double ring services in th Presbyterian church. Mrs. Vei non Dodridge, organist, playe I Love You Truly" and "B€ cause." Miss Pitts was dressed in white street-length dress for he wedding. She wore white acces sories and a corsage of red rose buds. A white suit with nav and white accessories was worn by Miss Weekley. Her corsage was pink roses. The Sesterhenn newlyweds are both graduates of Caldwell high school, Mrs. Sesterhenn with the class of 1952 and he with the class of 1951. She was formerly employed with Cleveland Grap hite Bronze, Caldwell plant. He is employed in Canton where they will reside. The new Mrs. Velosky is 1952 graduate of Caldwell high and has been employed in Co lumbus. Mr. Velosky is a 1949 graduate of Belle Valley high school. They will reside in Day ton. Farm Bureau Council Meets At Hayes Home The Lime Rock Farm Bureau Advisory Council held its July meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hayes, recently. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. David Beckett and children Mrs. Martha Cain, Mr. and Mrs Edward Greathouse, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn King and son, Mr and Mrs. Paul McNabb, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parrish and family Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Still and family, Mrs. James Merry and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hayes and family. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs Edward Greathouse on August 21. Shower Given For Mr. And Mrs. Sesterhenn Mr. and Mrs. Athel Pitts en tertained Friday evening at their home on Lewis street with miscellaneous shower honorin their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sester henn, newlyweds. Marilyn Pitts, Evelyn Christo pher and Gary Lyons favored with musical selections and the evening spent socially. The newlyweds received many lovely gifts. The hostess served delicious refreshments to 100 guests pre sent. Dexter Legion Auxilary Holds August Meeting The Dexter City Unit 418 American Legion Auxiliary met at the Legion home on Friday evening, August 14 for the reg ular meeting. Mrs. Bessie Row land, president, presided. Fifteen members and two guests were in attendance. Miss Mary Thomas, representa tive to Buekey Girls' State gave a very interesting talk about her experiences while there. A past president's pin was pre sented to Mrs. Rita McAtee by the president, Mrs. Rowland Mrs. Dorothy Brown resigned as historian and Mrs. Ruth Teeters was appointed to this office. Refreshments were served during the social hour by Miss Helen Jean Baker and Miss Peggy Travis. Mrs. Pat Shaffer, district presi dent, has been sent an invitation to attend the October meeting of the unit. All members are asked to attend. A potluck supper will be held at 7:00 p. m. and the business meeting will be held .if o:()l) p. in. V. F. W. ACTIVITIES WW' NOBLE POST, No. 4721 CALDWELL, OHIO —Calendar of Events— August 26—Regular meeting of Post. I WILLIAM LAHUE Post Commander I September 3-4-5—Concession at the Noble County Fair. September 9—Regular Meeting of VFW Post. September 14—Regular Meeting of VFW Auxiliary. September 23—Regular Meeting of VFW Post. October 24—Fall Conference ol VFW to be Held at Zanesville FRANCES TAYLOR Auxiliary President \v?»» •«-x v "e-s,f^ FOUR GENERATIONS Four generations are represented Luc auuve piclui'e. luty are Mrs. Jane Wilson, Mrs. Forest Sanford (Stella Wilson Sanford), Mrs. Robert Davis (Ethel Jean Sanford Davis) and her daughter, Sue Ellen Davis, all of Caldwell. Mrs. Wilson, who resides at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Grace Parks, is 83. Sue Ellen is six teen months -PERSONAL/ MENTION- Weekend the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lestock of the Ava community were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reed and sons, Jimmie and Darrel of Akron. Miss Barbara Lestock of Buf falo, is enjoying a two weeks vacation with relatives in Cleve land and Lakewood. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine N. Love, Miller street, spent the weekend in Columbus, guests of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Love. Mrs. W. J. Tilton, Mrs. Zona Lorey and daughter, Norma Jean and James Gordon, Cald well route, were in Parkersburg, W. Va., recently on business. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Tipton and granddaughter, Beverly Ann, of Caldwell, are enjoying a vaca tion trip to Massachusetts and other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kimbrel have returned to their home in Caldwell after a two weeks vacation trip to Colorado. Carl Fink has returned to his home on North street after an extended visit in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Koval and sons, David and Dee, spent the past week with the latter's broth er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oliver of Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Wehr Hostess To Missionary Society The August meeting of the Ladies Missionary Society of the First Baptist church was held at the home of Mrs. Edna Wehr, Lewis street, Tuesday evening of last week. The president, Mrs. Roy Wik ander, was absent at this meeting so Mrs. Harold Brown, vice president, presided. Mrs. Wehr opened the meeting with pray er. The program and devotional service leader was Mrs. John Morris. She used the scripture. First Thessalonians, 5:16-17 and gave a talk on missionary work in South America. The members enjoying a social hour at the close of the meeting were Mrs. Henry Simonton, Mrs. Charles Milligan, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. John Morris, Mrs. Raymond Moore and the hostess During the business session, the group voted to send money to aid in the school work at the Navajo Children's home. Wheeler Bible Class Meets At Brown Home The Wheeler Bible Class of the First Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Harold Brown, Spruce street, on Tuesday even ing. The meeting was opened by group singing, group scripture reading and prayer by Mrs. Roy Wikander. Mrs. Edna Wehr conducted the devotional service and the pro gram. Her theme was "Soul Win ners'' from the first chapter of Acts. Mrs. Harry Colley presided during a short business session The group voted to send money for school work at the Navajo Children's home. Mrs. Brown, assisted by her daughter, Delores, served re freshments during the social hour to Mrs. Roy Wikander, Mrs Charles Milligan, Mrs. Henry Simonton, Mrs. Harry Colley Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. Ray mond Moore and Mrs. Edna Wehr. BlUSOOfrtK Potulv VES SIB-THE GIRL WHO MARP1ES OUS WILL CJ£X A PRIZE REAU-V? WHAT'S IT GO»N6 Mr. and Mrs. John Parks, daughter, Janet and Sally Evil sizer, have returned 'to their home after enjoying a vacation in Florida and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitehead of Toledo, are spending this week at the homes of her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wheeler, Belford street, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wheeler, Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. Warne Oliver and son, Steven of Cleveland, spent the past ten days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver, Fairground street. i Miss Norma Geary has return ed to Spring Arbor, Mich., to attend college there after speed ing the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary of near Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bates and daughters, Linda and Marilyn, have returned from a week's vacation in Michigan, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brugger and family of Jackson Recent guests of Belle Mal lett, Caldwell route, were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morrison and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. W King and Bertha Mallett of Can ton, Bryan Mallett. son, Carl and daughter, Wanda Lee, of Lewisville route. Misses Donna Rothermel and Evelyn Miley of Canton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oather Morrison, Mr. and Mrs Walter Miley of Senecaville route 1. Miss Miley is the grand daughter of Mrs. Clara Miley route 1, Pleasant City. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spade and son, Lynn and Mrs. Alma Swendal, of Butler and Mrs Hallie Bryant of Cambridge were Sunday guests of Mrs Billa Patterson, Belford street Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Boney and son, Robert, accompanied by Mi and Mrs. Leonard VanFossen, all of Caldwell, enjoyed a motor tour through West Virginia Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylv ania and Washington, C. and visited many points of interest Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Charles Orr, Belford street, were Charles Irvin, Sr., of Zanesville Charles Irvin, Jr., of Lansing Michigan, Mrs. Josephine Dun of Zanesville, and Mr. and Mrs Earl Parry and son, David of Co lumbus. Cora Rucker Honored On Birthday Anniversary The family of Mrs. Cora Ruck er gathered at her home on Sun day to celebrate her birthday anniversary. At noon a picnic dinner was served on the lawn with a birth day cake forming the center piece for the table. Mrs. Rucker received a number of lovely gifts and cards. The following were present Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Parkersburg, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Rucker, of Belpre Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chapman and daughters, Kathryn, Eliza beth and Wilma, of Newark Mr and Mrs. Dale Ackley, of Cald well, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davi Mr. and Mrs. Herman McE fresh and daughter, Terri An Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, Dexter City. William Davis left immediate after dinner for his base at No folk, Va., having spent the pa two weeks at his home in Dext City. ft TO ft NiCHOLt YOO'tU GET A SURPRISE POWUS AT BE? PONALPR NICHOLS IN UNSURPASSED \iM.UE AND SERVICE- k w^je*wip»*sww» ^'*«a THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Journal FLORENCE ORR, Editor Engagement Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Single ton, Senecaville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margarette, to Lt. Paul Dahle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer P. Dahle, of Emmons, Minn. Miss Singleton is now living in Houston, Texas, where she is employed by Trans-Texas Air ways. Lt. Dahle is stationed at Ellington Field, Texas. "Hie wedding is being planned for sometime in November. Luella Pringle Honored On Birthday Anniversary Mrs. Luella Pringle was hon ored Saturday afternoon at her home in Mt. Ephraim when members of the Mt. Ephraim W.S.C.S. met at her home in cele bration of her 85th birthday. The regular business meeting of the group was held in charge of Mrs. Jane Bates. Mrs. Jewel Powell led the devotionals and Dora Miller was program leader. Mrs. Pringle was presented a lovely flower and a birthday cake with candles. She also re ceived many beautiful cards and handkerchiefs. v Those attending lyere: Mrs Ilo Beattey, Mrs. Sally Moore, Mrs. Nora Shafer, Mrs. Margaret Meighen, Bertha Shafer, Mrs. Mary F. Rich, Mrs. Nancy Mc Auley, Mrs. Martha Reed, Mrs. Dora Miller, Mrs. Grace Miley, Mrs. Ardith Miley, Mrs. Ellen Watson, Mrs. Maggie Oliver, Mrs. Mildred Law, Mrs. Blanche Wat son, Mrs. Lois Ruth Snyder, Mrs. Mary Miley, Mrs. Anna Miley, Mrs. Dorotha Miley, Mrs. Hi ley Shafer, Mrs. Hazel Powell, Mrs. Jane Bates, Mrs. Joann Powell, Mrs. Jewel Powell, Mrs. Lura Morrison, Ikie and Eva Miley, Evelyn and Janet Powell, Susan, Tim and John Bates, Patty Snyder, Billy Andrews, John Williams and Wayne Miley and the honored one. Wonder-What Club Meets At Brown Home The Wonder What Club of tHe Three Forks community met for the August meeting at the home of Mrs. Edna Brown with Mrs. Grace Radcliff as companion hostess. The day was s^nt in quilting and at noon a delicious chicken dinner was served to four guests and eighteen members. Members present were Allie Garvin, Edith Garvin, Hallie Hughes, Sophia Miller, Vesta McFarland, Carrie Reed, Mar tha Reed, Alta Spears, Edna Smith, Bessie Stringer, Fern Woodford, Greeten Woodford Nyla Woodford, Chloe Pierce, Nellie Chandler, Esther Moore and the hostesses. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Clem Garvin with Mrs. Ina Boney as companion hostess. Mrs. Harper Celebrates Birthday On Sunday Mrs. M. L. Harper celebrated her birthday anniversary Sun day at her home near Dudley. Guests in the afternoon were Charles Irvin, Sr., Mrs. Joseph ine Dun of Zanesville, Charles Irvin, Jr., of Lansing, Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parry and son, David, of Columbus, Mrs Charles Orr of Caldwell and Mr and Mrs. Edgel Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Parry and son Mr. and Mrs. Harper and Mrs Orr were guests for supper that evening. CARD OF*THANKS 1 wish in this way to thank all my friends and relatives for all the cards and gifts I received while a patient in St. Francis hospital. Your kindness will al ways be remembered. Charles Hardesty Dexter City, Ohio Moments of Deep Sorrow! ..mill Let us help you bear the burden of the loss of someone close! Estadt Funeral Home Phone 159 Ambulance Service Society PHONE 98 £dith Dollison Hostess To Garden Club Members Twenty members and nine guests were present at the August meeting of the Beaver Hills Garden Club held recently at the home of Mrs. Edith Dol lison who led the devotional service. Roll call was answered by "Have You Heard?" A paper New Ideas on Vines" was given by Mrs. Beatrice Bates and one entitled "Review of Garden Paths" by Ellen Denius. The remainder of the evening was given to Mrs. Jessie Eagon of Akron, who spoke on 'Flower Arranging and Workshop." The group was then served re freshments by the hostess. Guests present were Mrs Eagon, of Akron, Mrs. Pauline Johnson and daughter, of Bar berton Mrs. Martha Watson, of Caldwell, Mrs. Betty Warner and son, of near Batesville Phyllis Basford, Marie Evelyn and Myrna Kay Ankrom. The September meeting will be held at the home of Beatrice and Winifred Lewis. Good Neighbors Club Meets Last Wednesday The Jolly Good Neighbors Club met at Halley's Ridge school house on Wednesday of last week. The baskets were finished the club members had previously worked on. At noon a potluck lunch was served. Eight members and one guest attended. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gladys Dud ley on September 9. A good at tendance is desired. The project will be mat making. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends who visited me, sent flowers, cards and gifts and helped in any way while I was a patient in Marietta Memorial hospital, wish to thank the Road Fork Baptist church for the beautiful flowers, Rev. and Mrs. Howard Hein, Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Yar nell and Rev. and Mrs. David Doan for their prayers and com fort, Dr. E. G. Ditch and nurses for their kindness, Dr. C. A. S. Williams, nurses and nurse's aids of Memorial hospital for their kindness and wonderful care. Such kindness was greatly ap preciated and shall never be forgotten. I received over 150 cards. Mrs. Fred Frih&uf & SPECIAL FOR Gufirantewl by feed Hn»i«k«-rping i PROPORTIONED FOR THE SLENDER BOY! Billy the Kid takes notice of the slim boy designs jeans perfectly proportioned tor his type. Made in Texas, these jeans have the exclu sive Saf Nee's, guaran teed for the life of the gar ment. Of Sanforized, wash able 8 oi. blue denim. Zip per fly copper riveted ny lon stitched back pockets. $2.95 SLIM sizes 4 to 12 Everything for Children for School! Madge's Specialty Shop CaldweUf Ohio A seed pearl trimmed calotte secured her fingertip length veil. She carried out the tradi tion of something old, new, bor rowed and blue. Her flow'ers were a bouquet of white roses with streamers of satin. Miss Ann Zwick, sister of the bride, of Canton, was maid of honor, in a strapless gown of yellow nylon net tulle and lace over taffeta. A tiny short lace jacket styled with a Peter Pan collar was worn over the bodice. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Arthur Hupp, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Immediately following the ceremony, 14 guests wer£ en tertained in the parish hall at a reception. A four tiered wed ding cake topped with a minia ture bride and bridegroom cen tered the bride's table. Vases of flowers in pastel colors were arranged throughout the room. The new Mrs. Hupp is a grad uate of Lewisville high school and has been employed in the office of Timken Roller Bearing Co., Canton. Mr. Hupp is a graduate of Caldwell high school and is manager of the Caldwell Lumber and Building Supply. They are residing in Olive. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for the cards and remembrances which I received the past week while a patient in Good Samari tan hospital, Zanesville. Also those who visited me since my return home. I will always re member those who helped in any way. Viola Cram Caldwell, Ohio NEW IDEAS of convenience with all-aluminum Roll-to-You Shelves. Put all food right at your finger tips. Another Frigidaire first. NEW IDEAS in service. Ex-^ :lu$ive Butter Pre-Server keeps »utter at safe temperature, •lices and serves it in spread ible pats. s 9 4 .nTtmi-iMH* Thursday, August 20 MS, ZwickHupp Wedding Ceremony Read August 1 At Burkhart Vases of gladioli arranged on the altar formed the background for the nuptial ceremony of Miss Alice Zwick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Zwick, of Lewisville, and Edward Hupp, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hupp, of Caldwell, Saturday morning, August 1, in St. Joseph's church, Burkhart. Rev. Fr. Joseph Finan, pastor, read the double ring ceremony. The bride wore u gown of Chantilly lace over bridal slipper satin. It was styled with a fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline out lined with scalloping and long lace sleeves which ended in points over the hands. The full skirt was fashioned with an ac cordian pleated front panel of white nylon tulle. I Picnic Enjoyed Sunday Held At Highland Park A picnic Sunday at Highland Park honored Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen and daughter, Karen, of Waco, Texas, who were visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Doebereiner, of Marietta. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Doebereiner, Ruth and Dean, of Watertown Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Doebereiner and Michael, of Columbus Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smith and Bruce, Mr and Mrs. Clifford Misel, Erma, Marlene and David, Mrs. Ann Gore, Brade Hale, all of Dexter City Mr. and Mrs. Robert Augenstein of Macks burg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Augen stein and Ronnie of Newcomers town and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Doebereiner, Venetia and Sherry of Canton. The Aliens are returning to their home in Texas this week. Family Dinner Honors H. M. Moore Family A family farewell dinner was held Sunday, Aug. 9, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Moore in honor of their son, H. M. Moore and family who have re turned to their home in Arizona, after visiting with relatives and friends here. A basket dinner was enjoyed at noon by the following: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moore of Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Moore and Roger of Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. Audley McElroy and Lydia Ann, Wayne Betting er, of Ava, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Menzie, Janet, Larry and Cheryl of Cumberland, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo McElroy, Jimmie, Edwin and Stanford of Ava, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton McElroy of Lorain, the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Moore, and the hon ored ones, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Moore and Joyce and Earl Lee of Tucson, Arizona. FOR TODAY'S M&W I9EAS IN FOOD Cyclcs-mcms FRIO! DA 1 _s n NEW IDEAS of economy with big, separate Freezer. Holds up to 47 pounds of food. Buy in quantity. Keep it safe and good for months. NEW IDEAS in space sav ing. Sliding Utility Tray and door shelves provide storage for smaller items. Everything at your finger tips. De Luxe 10.6 cu» ft. Model IS-106 *409.95 prteed as low as ... WEST STREET EASY E S ALSO SEE all the other Frigidaire models *199. ,£ RADIO and APPLIANCE INC. CALDWELL, OHICL^, I